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a guest
Oct 16th, 2012
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  1. Dish::Player
  2. 0001 must work 0:00:00.000 PASS
  3. Dish::Player::GET profile
  4. 0004 must perform the request and get the data 0:00:00.042 PASS
  5. 0003 must parse the api response from json to hash 0:00:00.052 PASS
  6. 0002 must have a profile method 0:00:00.052 PASS
  7. 0001 records the fixture 0:00:00.062 PASS
  8. Dish::Player::default attributes
  9. 0001 must include httparty methods 0:00:00.063 PASS
  10. 0002 must have dribble api base url 0:00:00.063 PASS
  11. Dish::Player::default instance attributes
  12. 0001 must have an id attribute 0:00:00.063 PASS
  13. 0002 must have the right id 0:00:00.064 PASS
  14. Dish::Player::dynamic attributes
  15. 0001 must return the attribute value if present in profile 0:00:00.065 ERROR
  16. rake aborted!
  17. Command failed with status (1): [/Users/frankg/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p286/...]
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