
Lyra and Maskwraith

Jul 18th, 2015
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  1. [19:03] <Lyra_Bel> "I'll take a break when I'm done. Just gotta get the Abyss outta the way so I can beat the Queen. Then I'll rest."
  2. [19:04] <doomed_nick> rest AFTER THE QUEEN?! oh dear you have no idea do you?!
  3. [19:05] <doomed_nick> we basically all died during the KING
  4. [19:05] <doomed_nick> we couldn't handle the queen!
  5. [19:05] <doomed_nick> we didn't win
  6. [19:05] <Lyra_Bel> That's because you've still got the Abyss.
  7. [19:05] <doomed_nick> well... there's also the personal relationships conflicts... inner problems... this faerzen not helping me out... and you
  8. [19:06] <doomed_nick> you.
  9. [19:06] <Lyra_Bel> Me.
  10. [19:06] <doomed_nick> really... could we sit down? my legs are killing me
  11. [19:06] <doomed_nick> ughhh... having electricity run trough you most of the day doesn't do good for your body
  12. [19:07] <Lyra_Bel> Go for it.
  13. [19:07] <doomed_nick> well... as i was saying... YOU
  14. [19:07] * Lyra_Bel scribbles a chair behind her to sit upon
  15. [19:07] * doomed_nick sits on the ground crosslegged
  16. [19:07] <doomed_nick> youyouyouyouyou.
  17. [19:07] <doomed_nick> its just... incredible
  18. [19:07] <Lyra_Bel> S'not my fault what happened to you
  19. [19:08] <doomed_nick> you arent much of the... sociable kind... are you?
  20. [19:08] <doomed_nick> well... yeah... its juan's fault
  21. [19:08] <doomed_nick> somehow
  22. [19:08] <Lyra_Bel> Look
  23. [19:09] <doomed_nick> really lyra, you fucked up a lot of stuff back then in our timeline
  24. [19:09] * doomed_nick decaptchalogues a broken and dented shield
  25. [19:09] <doomed_nick> looks familiar?
  26. [19:09] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  27. [19:09] <Lyra_Bel> Not. My. Fault.
  28. [19:10] <doomed_nick> yes it was my dear. not entirely, but you drove him into it
  29. [19:10] <doomed_nick> you completely drove him into his death... alex is going to do whatever you tell him to...
  30. [19:10] <doomed_nick> tell him to jump a bridge because it'll help the "mission"
  31. [19:10] <doomed_nick> he'll do it
  32. [19:10] * doomed_nick decaptchalogues another different broken shield
  33. [19:11] <doomed_nick> i saw it happen many times...
  34. [19:11] <Lyra_Bel> How?
  35. [19:11] <Lyra_Bel> What ARE you?
  36. [19:11] <doomed_nick> a little gift i got from... juan
  37. [19:11] <doomed_nick> im NICKOLAI
  38. [19:11] <doomed_nick> NICK
  39. [19:12] * doomed_nick laughts
  40. [19:12] <doomed_nick> well... A nick. not the one that should be here... make sure to not to mention this to him... he would totally freak out
  41. [19:14] <doomed_nick> there's like.... what. a bunch of discarded realities where everything went to shit? this one is pretty nice... the right one to be exact. nick is somewhere on prospit kissing the fuck out of faerzen and alex may or may not get a dragon.
  42. [19:14] <doomed_nick> but you are here.
  43. [19:15] <doomed_nick> you need to have quite the talk with the rest of us.... even though we are in the middle of this mess, it still means we can relax
  44. [19:15] <Lyra_Bel> Getting us out is what I'm doing.
  45. [19:15] <doomed_nick> otherwise... you would end up like a ball of stress.
  46. [19:15] <Lyra_Bel> And that starts with the queen.
  47. [19:15] <doomed_nick> or you would go insane.
  48. [19:15] <doomed_nick> no it doesn't
  49. [19:16] <doomed_nick> the queen is too big of an asset to handle now
  50. [19:16] <Lyra_Bel> "asset"?
  51. [19:16] <doomed_nick> this is a game of chess...
  52. [19:17] <doomed_nick> yeah... the queen is a powerful piece... but you cant attempt to take it in the first turn
  53. [19:17] <Lyra_Bel> That's not what I'm doing
  54. [19:17] * doomed_nick licks his bloodstained arm
  55. [19:17] <Lyra_Bel> If this is chess, and she's a queen
  56. [19:18] <Lyra_Bel> Then I'm not playing to get rid of her
  57. [19:18] <doomed_nick> hah. what is that... the "every move would fuck you up, so you dont move" method?
  58. [19:18] <Lyra_Bel> Zugzwang
  59. [19:18] * doomed_nick stands up
  60. [19:18] <Lyra_Bel> Which is where the queen is.
  61. [19:19] <doomed_nick> that's a good point... yes
  62. [19:19] * doomed_nick aproaches lyra
  63. [19:19] * Lyra_Bel dismisses the chair and starts backing up again
  64. [19:20] <doomed_nick> i must admit i had forgotten how much of a cold strategist you were
  65. [19:20] * doomed_nick keeps aproaching
  66. [19:20] <Lyra_Bel> I'm not strategic. I'm an idiot.
  67. [19:21] <Lyra_Bel> Remember?
  68. [19:21] <Lyra_Bel> The Fool?
  69. [19:21] <doomed_nick> the fool?
  70. [19:21] * doomed_nick starts laughting again
  71. [19:21] <Lyra_Bel> Reversed
  72. [19:21] <Lyra_Bel> Blake.
  73. [19:21] <doomed_nick> ...perhaps... perhaps not
  74. [19:22] * doomed_nick decaptchalogues a shortsword and pins lyra's dress into the ground
  75. [19:22] <doomed_nick> 1
  76. [19:22] * doomed_nick proceeds to mockingly stab the ground with a bunch of other swords
  77. [19:22] <doomed_nick> 2
  78. [19:23] <doomed_nick> 4
  79. [19:23] <doomed_nick> 5
  80. [19:23] <doomed_nick> 3
  81. [19:23] <doomed_nick> do you know where this is going?
  82. [19:23] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  83. [19:23] <doomed_nick> im still missing a few
  84. [19:23] <Lyra_Bel> Ten.
  85. [19:23] * doomed_nick stabs closer to lyra
  86. [19:23] <Lyra_Bel> The ten of swords.
  87. [19:23] <doomed_nick> 6
  88. [19:23] <doomed_nick> exactly
  89. [19:23] <Lyra_Bel> You're gonna erase me.
  90. [19:24] <Lyra_Bel> Gonna break me so hard there's no coming back.
  91. [19:24] * doomed_nick does a fucking pyrouette and stabs the ground with the remaining swords
  92. [19:24] <doomed_nick> break you?
  93. [19:24] <doomed_nick> nah... i did that to the lyra that refused to be helpful
  94. [19:24] <doomed_nick> its your blood anyways
  95. [19:24] * doomed_nick licks the bloodstained arm anyways
  96. [19:24] <doomed_nick> *again
  97. [19:25] <Lyra_Bel> Right
  98. [19:25] <doomed_nick> anyways... im not here to erase you, you bitch
  99. [19:25] <Lyra_Bel> Ripped out my heart and made me eat it.
  100. [19:25] <Lyra_Bel> Screw you for that, by the way
  101. [19:25] <doomed_nick> yep.
  102. [19:26] <Lyra_Bel> Other-me deserved a better way to go
  103. [19:26] <doomed_nick> thanks :)
  104. [19:26] <doomed_nick> that's the only thing you deserved at that point
  105. [19:26] <Lyra_Bel> Ouch
  106. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> See, that's where things start to hurt me
  107. [19:27] <doomed_nick> you have to let go sometimes
  108. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> The idea that I would ever have made it to the point where something like that is what I deserved
  109. [19:27] <doomed_nick> things happen. so what?!
  110. [19:27] <doomed_nick> hahahahahahhaha!
  111. [19:27] <Lyra_Bel> I'm mostly ticked off at you, though
  112. [19:28] <Lyra_Bel> You had to go and give me the stupidest death ever
  113. [19:28] <Lyra_Bel> Come on!
  114. [19:28] <Lyra_Bel> It's LAME!
  115. [19:28] <doomed_nick> ...the term is most frequently used to describe a strategy in chess whereby one player is forced to make a move they do not wish to make
  116. [19:28] <doomed_nick> stupidest death?
  117. [19:29] <doomed_nick> c'mon. i reserved those for the others
  118. [19:29] <doomed_nick> i gave you the "flashiest" demise, girl
  119. [19:29] <Lyra_Bel> If that's the best one there was
  120. [19:29] <Lyra_Bel> Then I think that says more about you than it does about me
  121. [19:30] <doomed_nick> you sort of grew into me after a while. we were good friends for a while
  122. [19:30] <Lyra_Bel> And then you ruined it all with the lamest murder ever
  123. [19:30] <doomed_nick> if i werent like 8 years older than you i would hug you right now
  124. [19:31] <Lyra_Bel> I appreciate it
  125. [19:31] <doomed_nick> because you really need it
  126. [19:31] <Lyra_Bel> I do not need a hug.
  127. [19:31] <doomed_nick> it wasn't the lamest murder
  128. [19:31] <doomed_nick> petrus just had his throat slit
  129. [19:31] <Lyra_Bel> I stand corrected
  130. [19:31] <doomed_nick> yes you do. and not from me
  131. [19:31] <Lyra_Bel> You have managed to surpass even your own failure
  132. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> You aren't all that good at the Darkest Timeline stuff, are you?
  133. [19:32] <doomed_nick> thanks. i exist for the sole purpose of not existing
  134. [19:32] <doomed_nick> not really... not that much, actually, im tired...
  135. [19:32] <doomed_nick> i havent slept in weeks
  136. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> Aww, you poor thing
  137. [19:32] <Lyra_Bel> Nothing goes right for you, eh?
  138. [19:32] * doomed_nick makes a mock frown
  139. [19:33] <doomed_nick> yeah... nothing did
  140. [19:33] <doomed_nick> anyways... do you still want to kick the dragon girl?
  141. [19:33] <Lyra_Bel> Who?
  142. [19:33] <doomed_nick> your server player
  143. [19:33] <Lyra_Bel> Oh, her
  144. [19:33] <Lyra_Bel> Meh
  145. [19:33] <Lyra_Bel> I don't even really care anymore
  146. [19:33] * doomed_nick grips the handle of one of the swords and removes it from the ground
  147. [19:34] <doomed_nick> but do you?
  148. [19:34] * doomed_nick throws the sword away
  149. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> No. I very emphatically do not.
  150. [19:34] <Lyra_Bel> She's probably dead anyway
  151. [19:34] <doomed_nick> and why is that?
  152. [19:34] <doomed_nick> she indeed is
  153. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> Totally called it
  154. [19:35] <doomed_nick> yep, you quite did
  155. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> Can't even let me have that much
  156. [19:35] * doomed_nick grips and releases another sword
  157. [19:35] <doomed_nick> what do you fear lyra?
  158. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> Hmm
  159. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> Lemme think
  160. [19:36] <Lyra_Bel> Dying in as stupid a way as poor other-me did, for one thing
  161. [19:36] <doomed_nick> you are not getting it.
  162. [19:36] <Lyra_Bel> If you're gonna kill someone, at least be creative about it
  163. [19:36] <doomed_nick> she is not relevant
  164. [19:36] <Lyra_Bel> No, YOU'RE not getting it
  165. [19:36] <doomed_nick> let her go
  166. [19:36] <Lyra_Bel> Listen to me!
  167. [19:36] <doomed_nick> i am listening
  168. [19:37] <doomed_nick> go ahead.
  169. [19:37] <doomed_nick> i want to see what else you have to say
  170. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> You're the darkest Nickolai. The ultimate evil version. The one everything happened to, the one where nothing went right, the wretch, the sufferer
  171. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> Since this game just loves letting me pick names for my enemies, let's call you Maskwraith
  172. [19:37] <doomed_nick> well... yeah, im keeping it cool in here.
  173. [19:37] <doomed_nick> good name
  174. [19:37] <doomed_nick> i like it
  175. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> Of course you do, I'm obviously fantastic at picking names for stuff
  176. [19:38] <doomed_nick> you indeed were back then too
  177. [19:38] <Lyra_Bel> My point is, if there's an ubersatan Nick, then there's another world or alternate dimension or whatever, where the same thing happened to me.
  178. [19:38] * doomed_nick removes another sword from the ground
  179. [19:38] <doomed_nick> yep. same timeline
  180. [19:38] <doomed_nick> somehow
  181. [19:38] <Lyra_Bel> A me who's a lot stronger than you are.
  182. [19:38] <doomed_nick> HA!
  183. [19:38] <doomed_nick> ...sorry...
  184. [19:39] <doomed_nick> go ahead
  185. [19:39] <Lyra_Bel> Don't apologize, just THINK!
  186. [19:39] <Lyra_Bel> I've got as much access to the Abyss as Nick does. I have the pen, and Regent, and I'm a whole lot more *creative* than you are, too
  187. [19:39] <Lyra_Bel> I mean come on, you made me eat my own heart?
  188. [19:39] <doomed_nick> abyss abyss abyssabbyss abyss
  189. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> I can add functioning BODY PARTS!
  190. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> Give you whole new senses, just for me to assault them using whatever medium I choose
  191. [19:40] <doomed_nick> great. seems like quite a dealbreaker
  192. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> Carve out your eyes and replace them with my own versions
  193. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> Bombard you with the regents so even your mind isn't a safe haven
  194. [19:40] * doomed_nick decaptchalogues a brown pen and draws some demon horns on himself
  195. [19:41] <doomed_nick> i have killed a bunch of them
  196. [19:41] <doomed_nick> anyways....
  197. [19:41] <Lyra_Bel> I'm not done.
  198. [19:41] <Lyra_Bel> I could fill in any scars I leave, permanently brand you as my *canvas*, my sounding board for every sick little concept that pops into my head.
  199. [19:42] <doomed_nick> then go fucking ahead
  200. [19:42] <doomed_nick> make me proud. its not like i wasnt going to offer art lessons to you
  201. [19:42] * Lyra_Bel blinks
  202. [19:42] <Lyra_Bel> Wh-what?
  203. [19:42] <doomed_nick> well... he is
  204. [19:43] <doomed_nick> nick is still sleeping in the gas station
  205. [19:43] <doomed_nick> refine your art or something
  206. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> No
  207. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> No, you don't get to do that
  208. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> You can't just show up, threaten a bunch of vague garbage, then say "oh by the way this other dude will help you"
  209. [19:43] <doomed_nick> we arent getting nowhere in here are we?
  210. [19:44] <doomed_nick> its because the other dude its not... "me"
  211. [19:44] <doomed_nick> you get that? this is the good timeline
  212. [19:44] <Lyra_Bel> Not from my point of view
  213. [19:44] <doomed_nick> right now
  214. [19:44] <doomed_nick> things get better
  215. [19:44] <doomed_nick> eventually
  216. [19:44] <Lyra_Bel> I don't believe you
  217. [19:45] <doomed_nick> why not?
  218. [19:45] <Lyra_Bel> Because that's not how it works
  219. [19:45] <doomed_nick> i could show you
  220. [19:45] <Lyra_Bel> You could try.
  221. [19:45] <doomed_nick> do you want to see some happy stuff or not?
  222. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  223. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> Fine
  224. [19:46] <doomed_nick> really, there's even a reality were we win the game and you marry-- nope. spoilers
  225. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> Come on. We both know that's not going to happen.
  226. [19:46] <doomed_nick> hah.
  227. [19:47] <doomed_nick> dont bet on it. i have a daughter anyways.
  228. [19:47] * Lyra_Bel frowns in confusion
  229. [19:47] <doomed_nick> well... there are many versions of her
  230. [19:48] <doomed_nick> you know how time works
  231. [19:48] <Lyra_Bel> What does that-? Never mind
  232. [19:48] <Lyra_Bel> I think I do.
  233. [19:48] * doomed_nick grips and de-sticks more swords from the ground
  234. [19:48] <Lyra_Bel> Doubt I got the specifics down, based on how Sabath works
  235. [19:48] <Lyra_Bel> But I think I do
  236. [19:48] <doomed_nick> imagine evergrowing roots of a tree
  237. [19:49] <doomed_nick> and make it twice as complicated
  238. [19:49] <doomed_nick> that's time
  239. [19:49] <Lyra_Bel> 'Kay
  240. [19:49] <doomed_nick> alright... do you want to see nice stuff?
  241. [19:49] * doomed_nick extends hand
  242. [19:49] <Lyra_Bel> If it exists, sure
  243. [19:49] * Lyra_Bel takes hand
  244. [19:50] * doomed_nick pulls lyra close and fiddles around with a... watch thing, you arent sure what it is
  245. [19:51] <Lyra_Bel> Seriously? Your time machine is a vortex manipulator?
  246. [19:51] <doomed_nick> <you find yourself on a house... everyone seems to be sitting around a bunch of couches and there's snacks and everything, are they... watching a movie? why the fuck would they do that?! they have a queen to kill!>
  247. [19:51] <doomed_nick> it's juans
  248. [19:51] * doomed_nick fiddles around with the thing some more
  249. [19:52] <doomed_nick> <there's an scene where an... older lyra is just sitting around reading something, people walk around a house and one rather tall guy that looks like alex aproaches to quickly kiss her cheek>
  250. [19:53] <doomed_nick> so romantic
  251. [19:53] <Lyra_Bel> You can't be serious
  252. [19:53] * doomed_nick fiddles around with the thing some more
  253. [19:53] <doomed_nick> <you return to the crystal room thing>
  254. [19:54] <doomed_nick> yep. that was a thing. somewhere, in a reality
  255. [19:54] <doomed_nick> as possible as you matching with the troll girl, or the fat one
  256. [19:54] <doomed_nick> or the mafia dude
  257. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> Who?
  258. [19:54] <doomed_nick> or even faerzen
  259. [19:54] <doomed_nick> sigh...
  260. [19:54] <doomed_nick> tarane, byron, juan, faerzen
  261. [19:54] <doomed_nick> the other players. you'll get to know them eventually
  262. [19:55] <doomed_nick> well... im sure you already know them by this point
  263. [19:55] <doomed_nick> some of them?
  264. [19:55] <Lyra_Bel> Eh
  265. [19:55] <Lyra_Bel> A handful
  266. [19:55] <doomed_nick> that's good
  267. [19:55] <doomed_nick> so... tell me. what was ridiculous about that scene where the tall guy kissed you?
  268. [19:56] <Lyra_Bel> There's no way I'd stand for that
  269. [19:56] <doomed_nick> its obvious you wont
  270. [19:56] <doomed_nick> no one forced you into anything! that's just a... possibility
  271. [19:56] <doomed_nick> i could show you the same scene with EVERYONE
  272. [19:57] <doomed_nick> well... some things change, that's for sure. but... you know where im going from
  273. [19:57] <Lyra_Bel> You can make up something at random, basically
  274. [19:57] <doomed_nick> not really
  275. [19:57] <doomed_nick> it somehow has to make sense
  276. [19:57] <Lyra_Bel> Well that one didn't
  277. [19:57] * doomed_nick shrugs
  278. [19:58] <doomed_nick> neither does the one where i kiss you
  279. [19:58] <Lyra_Bel> Yes. That's also not a thing that could happen.
  280. [19:58] <doomed_nick> but... that's besides the point
  281. [19:58] <Lyra_Bel> No, I think it sums up the point pretty cleanly
  282. [19:58] <doomed_nick> the point is... stuff happens, stuff comes to an end, and you have to accept it or some bullshit like that
  283. [19:58] <Lyra_Bel> You could be showing me anything at all
  284. [19:59] <doomed_nick> not really.
  285. [19:59] <Lyra_Bel> In that infinity, there's gotta be something that convinces me to listen to you
  286. [19:59] <doomed_nick> no there isn't
  287. [19:59] <Lyra_Bel> And why not?
  288. [19:59] <doomed_nick> the only thing that does convince you is yourself
  289. [19:59] * doomed_nick takes lyra and fidgets with the time thing some more
  290. [20:00] * Lyra_Bel is quiet
  291. [20:00] <doomed_nick> <you see this older nick brutaly ripping apart your chest and taking the heart out from it. and after a few moments he begins jamming it down your... well... her mouth>
  292. [20:01] <doomed_nick> <you find yourself back in the crystal place>
  293. [20:01] <doomed_nick> no one wants that to happen
  294. [20:01] <doomed_nick> and im probably not the right person to... talk about it
  295. [20:01] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  296. [20:01] <doomed_nick> in fact, im the worst person to talk about this sorts of things
  297. [20:02] <Lyra_Bel> That poor kid...
  298. [20:02] <doomed_nick> kid?
  299. [20:02] <doomed_nick> you still off talking about me?
  300. [20:02] <Lyra_Bel> Or adult. Or whatever
  301. [20:02] <Lyra_Bel> I think it was s'posed to be Alex
  302. [20:03] <doomed_nick> value. fucking. yourself.
  303. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> Did he know?
  304. [20:03] <doomed_nick> yes.
  305. [20:03] <doomed_nick> he tried to kill me for it
  306. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> What? No, not the heart thing
  307. [20:04] <Lyra_Bel> Though I'm sure he figured I'd do the same for him
  308. [20:04] <doomed_nick> ...
  309. [20:04] <Lyra_Bel> Which I would have, of course
  310. [20:04] <Lyra_Bel> The other scene. With the... book
  311. [20:04] <doomed_nick> oh?
  312. [20:04] <Lyra_Bel> Did he know?
  313. [20:04] <doomed_nick> ...did he know what?
  314. [20:05] <doomed_nick> that you wouldn't kiss back?
  315. [20:05] <Lyra_Bel> ... Sure. Let's go with that.
  316. [20:05] <doomed_nick> well...
  317. [20:05] <doomed_nick> its... hard to explain how that timeline went
  318. [20:06] <doomed_nick> specially since its basically doomed in first place
  319. [20:06] <Lyra_Bel> Try anyway
  320. [20:06] <doomed_nick> i cant. i wasnt there to see it happen
  321. [20:06] <Lyra_Bel> Go back and find out
  322. [20:07] <doomed_nick> im not saying that you should go and kiss alex or something and everything will be fixed.
  323. [20:07] <doomed_nick> i cant
  324. [20:07] <doomed_nick> that's not how this thing works
  325. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> You said you wanted me to see something happy
  326. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> Tell me if he knew
  327. [20:07] <doomed_nick> atleast not this one
  328. [20:07] <doomed_nick> well... what do you want to see?
  329. [20:08] <Lyra_Bel> I want to see if he- forget it. Not important
  330. [20:08] <doomed_nick> im just visiting anyways
  331. [20:08] <doomed_nick> is it not important?
  332. [20:08] <Lyra_Bel> Not important enough to waste time on.
  333. [20:09] <doomed_nick> take time on little details
  334. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> Just show me something else
  335. [20:10] <doomed_nick> you are either removing swords... or gaining some right now
  336. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> Does it matter?
  337. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> We both know I'm heading towards ten either way
  338. [20:10] <doomed_nick> not really...
  339. [20:10] <doomed_nick> right now
  340. [20:10] <doomed_nick> you are at 8
  341. [20:11] <Lyra_Bel> Okay
  342. [20:11] <Lyra_Bel> So?
  343. [20:11] <doomed_nick> you... know what that means?
  344. [20:11] <Lyra_Bel> Oblivion
  345. [20:11] <Lyra_Bel> A loss so completely utter than it makes nothing else matter at all
  346. [20:11] <doomed_nick> not really
  347. [20:12] <Lyra_Bel> Well then Pact lied to me
  348. [20:12] <doomed_nick> its not really oblivion if you imposed it upon yourself
  349. [20:12] <doomed_nick> it may seem like there's no way out
  350. [20:13] <doomed_nick> perhaps its not a... "move and you lose" situation
  351. [20:13] <Lyra_Bel> What, no
  352. [20:13] <Lyra_Bel> Dude, pay attention
  353. [20:13] <Lyra_Bel> The queen's in Zugzwang
  354. [20:13] <Lyra_Bel> I'm winning
  355. [20:13] <doomed_nick> but is she?
  356. [20:14] <Lyra_Bel> Yes
  357. [20:14] <Lyra_Bel> Yes she is
  358. [20:14] <doomed_nick> :)
  359. [20:14] <doomed_nick> that's determination. right there
  360. [20:15] <doomed_nick> that's something good
  361. [20:15] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  362. [20:15] <Lyra_Bel> Seriously?
  363. [20:15] <doomed_nick> yep. just get some chill time. soon
  364. [20:15] <doomed_nick> and everything will be fine
  365. [20:15] <Lyra_Bel> We've been over this
  366. [20:15] <Lyra_Bel> I'll do that after I deal with Abyss
  367. [20:15] <doomed_nick> everyone deserves to rest once in a while... you have had quite the... QUITE the journey
  368. [20:16] <doomed_nick> you can do it before dealing with it
  369. [20:16] <doomed_nick> abyss is going nowhere
  370. [20:16] <Lyra_Bel> The issue isn't really Abyss so much as getting to it before I next get to Derse
  371. [20:16] <doomed_nick> then dont go to sleep yet
  372. [20:17] <doomed_nick> nick will wake up in a few hours... you could discuss it with him and you would talk to the maks right there
  373. [20:17] <Lyra_Bel> I don't want to talk to Nick
  374. [20:17] <doomed_nick> why not?
  375. [20:18] <Lyra_Bel> Because then I'll end up taking Abyss and making another stupid deal with it
  376. [20:18] <doomed_nick> ...then dont make a deal
  377. [20:19] <Lyra_Bel> We both know I don't have the kind of self-control needed to do that
  378. [20:19] <doomed_nick> anyways... you should just need to realize you have CHOICES
  379. [20:19] <doomed_nick> you do have it
  380. [20:19] <doomed_nick> you simply dont see it yet
  381. [20:20] <doomed_nick> im just going to go... we are not going to get anywhere this way
  382. [20:20] <Lyra_Bel> Please don't
  383. [20:20] <doomed_nick> my words will be of no use anyways
  384. [20:20] <doomed_nick> ...
  385. [20:20] <doomed_nick> excuse me?
  386. [20:20] <Lyra_Bel> I said... please don't go
  387. [20:21] <doomed_nick> well then. im not going
  388. [20:21] <Lyra_Bel> Just... just once. Show me something happy that could really happen
  389. [20:21] <doomed_nick> what do you want lyra?
  390. [20:21] <doomed_nick> ...
  391. [20:21] <Lyra_Bel> I want to see us win
  392. [20:21] <doomed_nick> come. take my hand again
  393. [20:22] * doomed_nick extends hand
  394. [20:22] <Lyra_Bel> I want to see it's possible
  395. [20:22] * Lyra_Bel takes hand
  396. [20:22] <Lyra_Bel> Please.
  397. [20:22] * doomed_nick sighs
  398. [20:22] * doomed_nick fiddles with the thing
  399. [20:23] <doomed_nick> <you see yourself and other people standing on... floating lilypads... there seemed to be a war in here... but everything is calm now>
  400. [20:23] <doomed_nick> there we go. we won
  401. [20:23] <Lyra_Bel> This is it?
  402. [20:23] <doomed_nick> boring stuff happens after this
  403. [20:24] <Lyra_Bel> Fine, forget the boring stuff
  404. [20:24] <Lyra_Bel> But at least tell me they're happy
  405. [20:24] <Lyra_Bel> Nobody died to make this possible
  406. [20:24] <Lyra_Bel> Nobody broke
  407. [20:24] <doomed_nick> exactly.
  408. [20:24] <doomed_nick> want to know why lyra?
  409. [20:24] <Lyra_Bel> Why?
  410. [20:25] <doomed_nick> because we did it as a team... we eventually sat down as a big weird family and planned against the king
  411. [20:25] <doomed_nick> <you find yourself back in the crystalized room>
  412. [20:26] <Lyra_Bel> The king.
  413. [20:26] <doomed_nick> well... I didn't... but... they did.
  414. [20:26] <Lyra_Bel> Hey
  415. [20:26] <Lyra_Bel> Dude
  416. [20:26] <Lyra_Bel> Don't be like that
  417. [20:26] <doomed_nick> oh... you wanted to see the queen?
  418. [20:26] <Lyra_Bel> Don't care about her
  419. [20:26] <Lyra_Bel> Look
  420. [20:27] <Lyra_Bel> Show me your world
  421. [20:27] <doomed_nick> ...
  422. [20:27] * doomed_nick fiddles with the thing
  423. [20:27] <doomed_nick> ill show you my room...
  424. [20:27] <doomed_nick> its the first point i had... saved in there
  425. [20:28] <doomed_nick> <you find yourself in a dark room, stacks of papers sit around desks and in the middle of the room there's a young man strapped to a chair with cables all over him, there's a woman taking notes>
  426. [20:29] <doomed_nick> there we go... my room, isn't it cozy?
  427. [20:29] <Lyra_Bel> Let me guess
  428. [20:29] <doomed_nick> <you see the cables light up as the man is shocked, a guttural scream comes from his throat>
  429. [20:29] <Lyra_Bel> That's Faerzen, trying to understand what's wrong with you
  430. [20:30] <doomed_nick> <you find yourself back on the crystal room>
  431. [20:30] <doomed_nick> she gave up long ago...
  432. [20:30] <doomed_nick> she still does it for some reason
  433. [20:31] <doomed_nick> the nick in this line is basically fixed already
  434. [20:31] <doomed_nick> alright.
  435. [20:31] <doomed_nick> can i go now?
  436. [20:31] <doomed_nick> i got places to be
  437. [20:32] <Lyra_Bel> One more question
  438. [20:32] <doomed_nick> a maskman to scare
  439. [20:32] <doomed_nick> shoot
  440. [20:32] <doomed_nick> quick
  441. [20:32] <Lyra_Bel> Why?
  442. [20:32] <doomed_nick> why what?
  443. [20:32] <Lyra_Bel> Why this whole thing?
  444. [20:32] <Lyra_Bel> Why Sabath?
  445. [20:32] <doomed_nick> im afraid i cant quite answer that
  446. [20:32] <doomed_nick> no one can
  447. [20:33] * doomed_nick basically lifts lyra and hugs her
  448. [20:33] <doomed_nick> take care you crazy bitch, you have choices
  449. [20:33] * Lyra_Bel squirms in discomfort
  450. [20:33] * doomed_nick lets go of lyra
  451. [20:33] <Lyra_Bel> I'll figure it out myself, then
  452. [20:33] <Lyra_Bel> Thanks
  453. [20:33] <Lyra_Bel> And sorry
  454. [20:34] <doomed_nick> exactly the point
  455. [20:34] * Lyra_Bel blinks
  456. [20:34] <Lyra_Bel> Wait what?
  457. [20:34] <doomed_nick> well.... here, have a freebie
  458. [20:34] * doomed_nick throws a bottle of bright cyan gel to lyra
  459. [20:34] * doomed_nick leaves the room in the blink of an eye
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