

Nov 9th, 2016
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  2. Archimtiros - Today at 12:21 AM
  3. Because it's the opposite of the "my way or the highway" mentality, which you just said I was clearly condemning
  4. And going back to the point of the statement, I was condemning it in politics, espeically WRT when the people it involves are barely involved in politics to begin with
  5. Macrologia - Today at 12:23 AM
  6. What are you talking about 'barely involved'
  7. Archimtiros - Today at 12:23 AM
  8. If it's something that's an every day part of their life, it might make sense, ie:
  9. If I play wow every day, and you hate wow, it might make sense that we don't get along, since my daily activity doesn't mesh well
  10. Macrologia - Today at 12:24 AM
  11. Just because you're "exercising your right to vote" doesn't mean people should refrain from having an opinion about it. You can "exercise your right" to be a loud jerk all the time, but people would be well within their right to dislike you for it
  12. And
  13. Archimtiros - Today at 12:24 AM
  14. I didn't say people shouldn't have an opinion about it
  15. Macrologia - Today at 12:25 AM
  16. The president of the US and the rest of its government affects everyone in the world
  17. Archimtiros - Today at 12:25 AM
  18. Didn't even come close to that
  19. Macrologia - Today at 12:25 AM
  20. What are you saying, then?
  21. Archimtiros - Today at 12:26 AM
  22. I'm saying that it's shallow and intolerant (the exact opposite of being open minded) to condemn someone for having an opinion that you disagree with, when that opinion is grounded in a reasoned point of view.
  23. Macrologia - Today at 12:26 AM
  24. Condemning someone for having a particular point of view is not the same thing as being 'not open-minded'
  25. Archimtiros - Today at 12:26 AM
  26. Depending on context it's pretty close
  27. Macrologia - Today at 12:27 AM
  28. Being closed-minded is condemning someone for having a point of view different to yours, before you know what it is
  29. Condemning someone for having a particular point of view is fine.
  30. And where has Vel 'condemned you'?
  31. Archimtiros - Today at 12:27 AM
  32. I wasn't talking about her specifically
  33. I've been speaking out the world as a whole over the last two days
  34. well really over the last few months, but you get the idea
  35. Macrologia - Today at 12:28 AM
  36. There's nothing wrong with people having an opinion about your opinion. They can choose to react to that however they want.
  37. Being close-minded is bad, but understanding why someone holds an opinion and not being accepting of it is not the same thing as being close-minded
  38. Archimtiros - Today at 12:29 AM
  39. I think there's something wrong with saying "we can't be friends anymore because we disagree about something that isn't a fundamental part of our daily lives"
  40. Again with the (simple but apt) wow example
  41. Macrologia - Today at 12:29 AM
  42. Firstly, it doesn't matter at all that it's not "a part of our daily lives"
  43. Whether that's true or not
  44. Archimtiros - Today at 12:29 AM
  45. hmmm I don't know that I'd agree with that
  46. I mean, that depends on the circumstance
  47. But it's certainly influencing
  48. Macrologia - Today at 12:30 AM
  49. let's say you never saw homeless people where you lived
  50. and neither did i
  51. (i'm assuming that's not true for either of us)
  52. and you said to me "i don't ever see homeless people where i live. if i saw one, though, i'd beat them up and steal their stuff. i hate homeless people"
  53. that wouldn't affect our daily lives
  54. doesn't mean i wouldn't be appalled
  55. Archimtiros - Today at 12:31 AM
  56. I think that's kind of a poor example because it's still referencing something that would be apalling whether it's every day or not
  57. Again, I go back to the wow example
  58. If you hate wow, and I play it every day, it would have a bigger impact on our friendship than if I only played it one day a year
  59. Macrologia - Today at 12:31 AM
  60. There's a difference between me not liking playing wow myself, and me hating the fact that you play it
  61. Or hating the fact that anyone plays it
  62. Archimtiros - Today at 12:31 AM
  63. Yes, but the point being made was the matter of degrees
  64. it's an easier thing to get over if it only comes up once a year (or whatever longer variance) than if it's an every day part of life
  65. Macrologia - Today at 12:32 AM
  66. Of course it's 'worse', relatively speaking, if you were e.g. a major trump campaigner, rather than someone who preferred him to clinton
  67. Archimtiros - Today at 12:32 AM
  68. Yes, or a polictical operative working in the industry, etc
  69. Macrologia - Today at 12:32 AM
  70. that doesn't mean that it's 'easy to get over'
  71. Archimtiros - Today at 12:33 AM
  72. Maybe, maybe not, but I do think it's a factor
  73. Macrologia - Today at 12:33 AM
  74. I personally would never be okay with having a spouse that did drugs
  75. Archimtiros - Today at 12:33 AM
  76. eg: I don't like smoking, but I can ignore it when the person only does it once a month, rather than 3 times a day
  77. Macrologia - Today at 12:33 AM
  78. Lots of my friends do drugs
  79. (not frequently, but on occasion)
  80. I don't like it when they do them
  81. I'd think better of them if they didn't
  82. Archimtiros - Today at 12:33 AM
  83. Exactly, that's tolerance
  84. Macrologia - Today at 12:33 AM
  85. I'm still good friends with them though
  86. But
  87. Archimtiros - Today at 12:34 AM
  88. you don't like it, but it's not frequent enough to completely ruin your friendship with them
  89. Macrologia - Today at 12:34 AM
  90. I'd never be okay with having a partner that did that, for example
  91. And
  92. Archimtiros - Today at 12:34 AM
  93. and that's a reasonable point of view
  94. Macrologia - Today at 12:34 AM
  95. My tolerance towards my friends doing drugs, is different to my tolerance towards other things
  96. Archimtiros - Today at 12:34 AM
  97. sure, because different things have different weights and impacts
  98. Macrologia - Today at 12:34 AM
  99. Yes
  100. Archimtiros - Today at 12:34 AM
  101. if one of your friends was an occasional murderer
  102. Macrologia - Today at 12:34 AM
  103. Sure.
  104. Archimtiros - Today at 12:34 AM
  105. I think it'd be a different story
  106. Macrologia - Today at 12:35 AM
  107. Well, yeah.
  108. Archimtiros - Today at 12:35 AM
  109. "its ok, he only kills people on tuesdays"
  110. Macrologia - Today at 12:35 AM
  111. And whether being a trump supporter is bad enough to ruin a friendship or not
  112. is something that that person is entitled to decide on their own
  113. Archimtiros - Today at 12:35 AM
  114. Sure, doesn't mean you're not also entitled in turn to decide whether or not you think that's intolerant or not
  115. Macrologia - Today at 12:35 AM
  116. Obviously it's intolerant to a degree
  117. Archimtiros - Today at 12:36 AM
  118. or shallow, or whatever other adjective you want to use
  119. Macrologia - Today at 12:36 AM
  120. Being intolerant in that context isn't necessarily a bad thing, but yes, of course it is to a degree somewhat intolerant
  121. Archimtiros - Today at 12:36 AM
  122. But going back to degrees
  124. Archimtiros - Today at 12:36 AM
  125. it's one thing if you're a trump supporter in every faucet, obviously I am not, because I disagree with a great many things about him
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