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#OpFerguson Press Release 11/25/2014

a guest
Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. Greetings citizens of Ferguson, and the World. We are Anonymous, and we are not pleased.
  3. There has been a growing discomfort festering for years all around the United States of America, a discontent in the streets. It’s an infectious wound that has been allowed to bleed and infect all those in the United States and a poisonous message to the entire world that corrupt systems of injustice are allowed to prevail.
  4. The discomfort and discontent has grown into a boiling, festering rage, one born out of the injustice and civil unrest that comes from an inherent system of police brutality with no controls. Systems which are perpetuated with inherent protections from the inside alongside worldwide systems that are also expected to police themselves and do this despite their massive far reaching powers and corruption.
  5. The boiling point of this disastrous methodology has been coming for a long time, and despite the decades of work that have come before us to ending the indignities that those deemed "the lesser" have suffered, the tipping point is here and the tensions are exploding in mass, and the effects are resounding throughout the world.
  6. This inevitable moment is happening as we speak, lit by the events in Ferguson, Missouri. The powder keg of this wretched system was finally sparked by the death of Michael Brown at the hands of Darren Wilson. A moment that is not just about the man, the young eighteen year old black man shot dead on the streets by a trigger-happy white cop because of the color of his skin, but also the symbol he has now became, the cause his name now represents.
  7. It is the brutal killing of a man but now this man is a symbol. He is a symbol of truth about a corrupt system of politicians, lawyers, judges and in this closed grand jury proceeding. This tragic event is a symbol of something long haunting our legal system, something poisoning our justice system, and affecting our day to day lives.
  8. It is something that has been institutionalized in the very core of the United States of America, and something that even you, my dear reader, play a role in whether you are consciously aware of it or not.
  9. As we allow ourselves to be consumed in anger and sadness, as we express our grief and rage at the outcome of this incident, we must wonder how this incident, and all others very much like it, not only came into being, but were allowed to happen in the first place.
  10. We must realize the true cause of the decision the grand jury and the process of our judicial system came to be. We must review the events leading up to this boiling point, lest we forget all the deaths that have happened or worse, permit even more incidents to occur. It is not just the trigger happy cops who refuse to be held accountable for their actions. It is not just the lawyers and jurors who sit back despite their civic duties to bring justice in an unjust world. It is not just the supporters who would reward a murderer with a badge.
  11. No, there is no honor here, and these are all merely symptoms of a deep rooted problem. It is the cycle of inherent police protection and institutionalized racism that fuels it. It is the refusal for the police to be held accountable for their own actions and the silencing of those who would bring those who would abuse their authority to true justice. It is the perpetuation of media to criminalize the victims and victimize the criminals. And yet, despite all these deep rooted issues, many of us will sleep comfortably in our beds with their families with the thought that "justice" has been served.
  12. However, there is hope in these troubled times. People are taking their words to the streets, protesting the decision, standing up with Michael Brown and his family. The civil unrest continues to gain momentum from New York to California, across our borders and oceans. It is voiced in 115 cities and throughout the world and that number is quickly growing.
  13. People are taking their words to the media, on Facebook and Twitter, demanding justice for a victim whose murderer was set free. #FergusonDecision is one of the most tweeted hashtags on Twitter, with many supporting Michael Brown.
  14. The people are making it clear that, in their minds, a teenager with his whole life ahead of him was murdered and his killer was not only let free, but was not to even stand in court for his actions.
  15. Anonymous will continue working to help the protesters spread their word by protecting them and standing with them. Especially now, as more police brutality is used against peaceful protesters using their constitutional rights to speak their minds, to assemble and lawfully hold peaceful protests.
  16. However, we cannot stoop down to the level of those who would oppress us. We cannot enact change if violence is used to make our message. We must never forget what we are truly fighting for. If you are protesting, we urge calm and non-violent protesting, for it is only through peaceful protests that change will come. Burning down your city, acts of violence and losing your life in an act of senseless protest only perpetuates a senseless cycle of hate. The violence used against us is a continued sign of their deviance and force against us, and when we use violence, we justify theirs.
  17. If you see looters, then do your best to inform the police of their actions. Let the police bring justice to those who truly deserve it. Do not engage in looting, for it cheapens our message. It allows the police to ignore us, to lump our words of justice with the violent acts of thievery and destruction.
  18. We thank and commend those who stood in Clayton and protected Cathy's Kitchen from a looting attempt. Allow us to continue aiding you in Ferguson and beyond. We wish you all well and pray for your safety in Ferguson and beyond.
  19. There’s a war in the heart and mind of American consciousness. It’s spread far from Ferguson and from coast to coast and around the world. There’s a greater statement to be made then just Michael Brown or Darren Wilson.
  20. It’s the constant use of excessive force by police officers. It’s the need for the right to peaceful protest without fear. It’s the need to show that police brutality must end. How we move forward from here is something that is beyond Ferguson. This stand is not only for the injustice in this case, but the injustice rooted in the United States of America.
  21. We will not forget the dangers that this non indictment brings and our continued actions as a nation, a world and communities to not let it stand. The lack of an indictment doesn't bring about a fundamental danger of more riots; it brings about the fundamental dangers of groups and instilled systems that have run rampant for centuries and still continue to instill the fundamentals and actions of protecting white supremacy. We get more police brutality, more Darren Wilson's and humanity loses. Finally, it is extremely important that we never give up. Keep protesting in Ferguson and around the world. Do not leave or let your strength falter until our opponents answer for what they have done. One of the largest enemies of protesting is the loss of momentum. We must make sure that this does not happen quickly. Protest peacefully and be a catalyst for change.
  23. To the family of Michael Brown, we share your grief and rage. We are with you in your time of need, and we will not allow anyone to worsen the pain you are feeling.
  24. To Darren Wilson and the Ferguson Police, you have the attention of the world, and you will come to regret it.
  26. We Are Peace
  27. We Are Aid
  28. We Are Legion
  29. We Do Not Forgive
  30. We Do Not Forget
  31. We Are Michael Brown
  32. We Are Anonymous
  34. Post your reactions on Twitter with #FergusonPress!
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