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Feb 22nd, 2017
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  2. <Joreth> I have met milo
  3. <awesomeguy002> I think i'll avoid using it, for now.
  4. <DrYucatan> if you can find out, do whatever you feel you need to, but you MUST have explicit proof that it's CC or PD or something of the like
  5. <Westydude> Hi conny
  6. <Iodacted> Alo
  7. * ARD has quit (Quit: (If you got problems why don't you just solve)
  8. <DrYucatan> Joreth that osunds like a horrible experience
  9. <ghostpage> Unless it's like, 80+ years old or the creator says "sure it can be CC" it's not cc
  10. <DrBob> I was thinking of Deutsche Wochenschau footage from the 30's. I met Charly Manson - wouldn't want him over for dinner either.
  11. <ghostpage> Joreth, did you punch him
  12. <DrYucatan> he held a conference to teach republican students how to find, out, and report undocumented students
  13. <awesomeguy002> I'll have to wait for the email from the OP
  14. <awesomeguy002> I might go play some Runescape.
  15. <awesomeguy002> So, bye guys.
  16. <awesomeguy002> Good luck writing!
  17. <Joreth> that was in late 2014/early 2015 when he was like 50% punchable as he is now
  18. * awesomeguy002 has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  19. <Joreth> wait no it might actually be late 2015
  20. <ghostpage> Joreth, awww, you should have preemptively smacked the shitlorditude out of him
  21. <DrYucatan> go back in time and punch yourself for not punching him
  22. <DrYucatan> and then punch him
  23. * Westydude has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  24. <Joreth> I should but that would actually prove his point - it's a complicated story
  25. <Iodacted> go punch time in for not punching and him
  26. <Joreth> I can tell he wants someone to shut him down
  27. <Iodacted> time punch in for not him go punch.
  28. <Iodacted> I am having a punch. stroke.
  29. <Joreth> he's not stupid, he knows what he's doing
  30. * DolphinSlugchugger has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  31. <Joreth> and what happened in berkely is exactly playing into his hands
  32. <Joreth> however, seeing him crash like this is very satisfying
  33. <Joreth> he does not deserve any attention
  34. <ghostpage> Joreth, no, but when spencer got hit he admitted he was scared to like, y'know, openly be a nasty fuck in public afterwards, which is at least not being a nazi out loud, which is a step forward
  35. <JackIke> ... man, i'm not sure if i'm overreacting or not
  36. <Avocadonut> hm?
  37. <Avocadonut> what's up my dude?
  38. <Joreth> true
  39. <JackIke> I noticed like, one of our guinea pigs has like, a little yellow stain coming from the corner of his mouth
  40. <JackIke> Could just be some food he ate or something but like, guinea pigs are so delicate you really got to pay attention because it can go south REAL quick
  41. <DrBob> Hmm ... yeah, a more important topic.
  42. <Avocadonut> i am not an expert in guinea pig biology, so i cannot help you there
  43. <DrBob> Have you wiped it away?
  44. * Sax has quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
  45. <ghostpage> JackIke, did I tell you I have a pig now! also a gerbil and a tiny hamster that hates life
  46. <JackIke> ghostpage: what have you doooooone
  47. <Avocadonut> woah you have a pig? :O
  48. <DrBob> What does it feel like?
  49. <JackIke> it starts at one, then goes to two
  50. <JackIke> ghostpage: wait is normal pig or guinea pig
  51. <Joreth> Milo's not the "nazi fascism" alt-right, more like "feminists are cancer" alt-right - know your hate!
  52. <Joreth> #NotAllAltRights
  53. <ghostpage> JackIke, actually they're my stepbrothers' rodents, but, I end up feeding them and whatnot a lot
  54. <ghostpage> and a guin pig
  55. <Joreth> but yes, he deserves to be punched in the face, but knowing how the media works that might actually benefit him
  56. <DrBob> Is he a politician?
  57. <Joreth> he knows how to play victim to make protesters look like irrational beings
  58. <Joreth> DrBob don't worry about it
  59. * Lily (Lily@delelele.whooooop) has joined
  60. <ghostpage> DrBob, alt-right newspaper ex-author
  61. <ghostpage> he called trump president daddy once and that should sum it up
  62. <Avocadonut> ...not ironically?
  63. <DrBob> Ah, someone who used to be famous but now is going towards obscurity?
  64. <Joreth> lol
  65. <Avocadonut> i hope
  66. <Joreth> literally the opposite
  67. <Avocadonut> :(
  68. <Lily> Hello 19
  69. <Lily> .lc
  70. <jarvis> lily: SCP-2895: Stingy (written an hour ago by Roget) -
  71. <jarvis> lily: SCP-3000-J: Kellogg's® Foundation Flakes™! (written 3 hours ago by LordStonefish) -
  72. <jarvis> lily: SCP-2543: Our Harriet (written 9 hours ago by Reject) -
  73. <Avocadonut> hey lily
  74. <ghostpage> DrBob, he's one of the most prominent pro-nazi figures in the US right now and advocates actively against LGBT+ people, disabled folks, etc
  75. <ghostpage> By "advocating against" I mean "thinks are subhuman and should be humiliated and put down"
  76. <Avocadonut> despite the fact that he's gay
  77. <DrBob> Like real pro-Nazi? National socialist nazi and not just flippant use of the word?
  78. <Joreth> Avocadonut: what do you think is going to happen: the liberal media reporting on it en masse because it would embarass brietbart and the alt-right (and in tandem trump) - or the media just not caring about such a juicy story
  79. <Avocadonut> bleh
  80. <tawny> like, "he says that jews are running the banks and deserve to be discriminated against, also authoritarianism is great" nazi
  81. <DrBob> Media will follow profitability and not responsibility. They can make money pumping the story up.
  82. <ghostpage> Avocadonut, lgbt people are incredible lgbt-phobic a lot of the time, see cis gay people kicking out bi and trans folks from the community
  83. <JackIke> ghostpage: ah
  84. <DrYucatan> i don't understand the "you're just playing into their hands!!!" argument
  85. <JackIke> But still, i repeat: What have you doooone
  86. <DrYucatan> if we don't resist them they'll just...steamroll us anyway???
  87. <Avocadonut> i just want people to be decent to each other :(
  88. <ghostpage> JackIke, the gerbil is the only one that likes me
  89. <JackIke> ghostpage: Are they all together in the same cage doodad?
  90. * Iodacted has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  91. <DrBob> Animals often have FAR more sense than people, ghostpage.
  92. <ghostpage> JackIke, nope, they're in adjacent cages though, just don't want the pig harassing the smol rodents
  93. <DrBob> tawny, yeah that does sound like a bit scary.
  94. <Avocadonut> all the grown ups are kicking each other around and yelling about shit that doesn't matter, really. i just don't understand why people can't have a fucking sense of decency
  95. <JackIke> Ah
  96. <JackIke> ghostpage: weeeeeeeeeell if i can give a weeeeensy teeeeeeny tip that will ruin your life
  97. <Joreth> ghostpage: I think that's more of an issue of lumping all lgbt people together like it's a giant community where everyone loves each other - much like how there have been studies that show most hispanics and asian vote closer with regards to their education level, income, location, as opposed to "voting with their race" like what a lot of media pretends
  98. <DrBob> I consider myself a grown ups - and I don't do that kicking and yelling shit. None of the people I know here in town do.
  99. <Joreth> it's one trait
  100. <Joreth> it's not a giant community
  101. <JackIke> ghostpage: guinea pigs are more social animals, an do much better with others, so it miiight be an idea to consider a second one to keep 'em company
  102. <ghostpage> Joreth, I mean, it's more just half the community is a lot of shitlords imo
  103. <DrBob> It's just a couple of far left wing cousins in Illinois - everyone else just goes "Three years and eleven months to go."
  104. <ghostpage> JackIke, he's aggressive :I
  105. <ghostpage> he will eat the smol 'uns
  106. <JackIke> ghostpage: Is a he? Assuredly he?
  107. <ghostpage> Yes
  108. <Joreth> ghostpage: to be fair most of the world are shitlords so
  109. <Avocadonut> blah. just using it in a general term for the big guys. politicians. dictators
  110. <Lily> DrBob: I deduce that trump's presidency doesn't descriminate against you as much as it does some other people
  111. <Lily> DrBob: just sitting back and saying "ah well, 4 years to go" isn't a great attitude imo
  112. <Joreth> we are all shitlords in our own way but the biggest shitlord of them all is lily
  113. <Lily> joreth delete your account
  114. <ghostpage> DrBob, I could die because of some of Trump's legislation so lmao
  115. <DrBob> Lily: Probably not as much against me but it does against my Son in Law who is Paki.
  116. <Joreth> mods lily is bullying me again
  117. <JackIke> ghostpage: Would either of the other two happen to be female, perchance?
  118. <DrBob> So yes, I do see both sides.
  119. <tretter> Does anyone want to look at a draft that is currently just containment procedures?
  120. <ghostpage> JackIke, they're all boys, the issue is the pig is way bigger than the other two and could easily kill them
  121. <Lily> DrBob: isn't that kinda a rude term? But, anyway, trump's presidency is just, Bad, and needs to be actually protested against
  122. <DrBob> I love a good containment procedure.
  123. <Lily> Sitting around and saying "oh what a shame" won't do anything
  124. * Milly has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  125. <DrBob> Lily: He is from that country.
  126. <ghostpage> DrBob, seeing them and experiencing them intimately are very different
  127. <DrYucatan> who is form which country
  128. <tretter> If anyone is interested, first tab:
  129. <DrBob> Experiencing my son in law intimately. Pakhistan, my son in law.
  130. <Lily> DrBob: yes but afaik "paki" is a somewhat unpleasant term for them
  131. <Lily> It is over here, at least
  132. <DrYucatan> oh yeah and "p*ki" is a rude term
  133. <DrBob> Except that I think I spelled it wrong.
  134. <DrYucatan> i mean, just because someone is from Japan doesn't mean you can call them a J*p
  135. <DrBob> He's used it.
  136. <Avocadonut> :l
  137. <Joreth> Lily: if all goes wrong just take the "Gary Johnson on climate change" position: "yes, it's bad, but the sun will swallow us and kill us all in billions of years so it really actually doesn't matter that much in the end"
  138. <ghostpage> DrBob, not an excuse tho
  139. <DrBob> His cousin has.
  140. <DrYucatan> black people use the n-word, doesn't give white people the right to
  141. <DrBob> Actually it is, when you hear someone using the word you assume it is OK.
  142. * Quikngruvn has quit (Quit: Elections have consequences-- get out the vote!)
  143. <Avocadonut> what.
  144. <Avocadonut> just what.
  145. <JackIke> ghostpage: Ah, well I was jus gonna suggest that he might be aggressive because of the other males - All of the males we have will fight at any chance (including one who is totally blind, against his own father and/or son), save for two who get along because they are twin brothers
  146. <DrBob> If you don't want people repeating your behavior, don't do it.
  147. <Lily> DrBob: nope
  148. <DrYucatan> DrBob, if you're 1000% ignorant of literally every bit of context and decency
  149. <Avocadonut> you have a responsibility not to be a dumbass
  150. <DrBob> Well that could be, Dr Yucatan.
  151. <Lily> DrBob: minority groups have the right to reclaim a slur ysed against them, but that does not mean you can go on to use that
  152. <DrYucatan> white people never get to use the n-word, for example
  153. <ghostpage> JackIke, tbh most of the pigs social time comes from me watching streams with him, he really likes watching tv and stuff for some reason
  154. <DrBob> So if my son in law talks about Paki cooking - I am supposed to know and filter that?
  155. <DrBob> I hear the word.
  156. <ghostpage> DrBob, do you use the n word, or do you filter it? :p
  157. <Lily> It's not hard for you to just say "pakistani"
  158. <DrBob> When I grew up I heard the N word and was called it at times.
  159. <Avocadonut> wow
  160. <Avocadonut> ok
  161. <ghostpage> DrBob, not the question, please answer it.
  162. <ghostpage> You now know p*ki is a slur - you can now filter it as much as you like, and are now expected to since you know better now.
  163. <ghostpage> It's that easy.
  164. <DrBob> Now I know the N word isn't publicly acceptable.
  165. <ghostpage> It's the same idea.
  166. <DrBob> So you're from Pakistan?
  167. <Lily> wat
  168. <Avocadonut> what the hell does that have to do with anything?
  169. <DrBob> You are deciding what is a slur for them.
  170. <ghostpage> DrBob, please stop trying to divert the conversation because you don't want to be responsible for using slurs :D
  171. <Lily> DrBob: it's a pretty well known offensive slur
  172. <Lily> DrBob: we didn't just make this up
  173. <ghostpage> DrBob, look
  174. <DrBob> Honestly, I never, ever heard it used as a slur.
  175. <DrYucatan> DrBob, these people have said for white people not to call them that, by and large
  176. <DrYucatan> DrBob, well it has been
  177. <Avocadonut> yeah, that doesn't excuse it
  178. <ghostpage> ""Paki" is a racial slur usually referring to people of Pakistani descent, but often indiscriminately directed towards people perceived to have originated from the Indian Subcontinent."
  179. <Joreth> DrYucatan: the thing about the pakistani slur is interesting - I was about to say that doesn't sound right (since afghan or kazakh is definitely not a slur) but wikipedia taught me that there is no actual group of people named "pak" as opposed to "tajik", "afghan" "turkmen" peoples
  180. <Joreth> thanks wikipedia
  181. <DrYucatan> yeah, Joreth
  182. <DrBob> And that is for the UK.
  183. <DrYucatan> it's literally basically just "brown people, whom we associate with Pakistan"
  184. <DrBob> I don't live in the UK.
  185. <DrBob> Here, it's not a slur.
  186. <Lily> DrBob: chiefly in the UK, but still a slur elsewhere
  187. <ghostpage> Drbob, it's still a slur. I don't think you understand the fundamental principile at hand.
  188. <Joreth> ~learn about etymology through racial slurs~
  189. <Joreth> Thanks Wikipedia!
  190. <Avocadonut> yes, of course, you live in the good ol us of a, where we have completely eliminated racism
  191. <Lily> Avocadonut: lol
  192. <Joreth> Avocadonut: I thought MLK killed racism
  193. <DrBob> MLK didn'
  194. <DrBob> didn't.
  195. <Lily> DrBob: joreth is being sarcastic
  196. <DrBob> Racism will survive as long as it is profitable.
  197. <ghostpage> DrBob, if George W. Bush can have the good grace to apologize for it and not use it, so can you. It's way easier than debating the subject, too :p
  198. <Lily> rule of thumb, 90% of anything joreth says is bullshit, just ignore him
  199. <DrYucatan> whew lads thank goodness I got me git untracked files untrackin'
  200. <Avocadonut> joreth is a scrub
  201. <Joreth> mods lily is bullying me again
  202. <DrBob> OK, if President Bush says it is a bad word I will believe him.
  203. <Lily> DrBob: what has president bush done to make his opinion better than ours
  204. <Avocadonut> ...i can't tell if you're being serious or not
  205. <Joreth> lmao
  206. <DrYucatan> do you think "cracker" is a slur DrBob :P
  207. <DrBob> Wait, wrong Bush. It's BABY BUSH!
  208. <Joreth> I respect george hw
  209. <DrBob> Depends on whether they are on my plate or someone shouting it in my face.
  210. <Lily> both Bushes are awful
  211. <ghostpage> I'm saying if a shitty president can, you can, with far less public embarrassment.
  212. * TheRaven has quit (Quit: Sail away where no ball and chain can keep us from the roarin' waves, together undivided but forever we'll be free!)
  213. * LordStonefish has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  214. * ARD (he@rt.of.dankness) has joined
  215. <Avocadonut> alright. i'm going to bed. mister drbob man dude or whatever, kindly quit your bullshit. i don't want to see an 05 thread about this in the morning
  216. <Avocadonut> night
  217. * AwayEldritch is now known as AidenEldritch
  218. * Avocadonut has quit (Quit: leaving,)
  219. <SpookyBee> helo Aiden r u here to make this place not-shitty
  220. <DrBob> I am not saying anything.
  221. * AidenEldritch looks at upscroll
  222. <SpookyBee> from the looks of things, it's just a bunch of infants mashing keyboards :V
  223. <DrBob> And I had already said "OK, if President Bush says it is a bad word I will believe him."
  224. <DrBob> So I had stopped and let it go.
  225. <Lily> SpookyBee: how is not wanting slurs to be used immature :V
  226. <SpookyBee> I read like the last five things and went "Man I just don't care."
  227. <ghostpage> SpookyBee, please stop talking about everyone as if we're not here, kthnx
  228. <DrYucatan> SpookyBee why are you passive-aggressive or aggressive towards everyone about everything all the time
  229. <DrYucatan> can you just not be an asshole to others for fourteen seconds of your life
  230. <DrBob> Ah, seriously man - I am feeling just like utter hostility from you guys.
  231. <Lily> DrBob: nah there's really not
  232. <SpookyBee> that tends to happen here :o
  233. * Smaugnolia ( has joined
  234. <Lily> DrBob: people just rightfully are not big fans of racial slurs
  235. <DrBob> Some people don't understand when someone who is old enough to be their grandfather uses a word that it may in their circle mean what they think it does.
  236. <Lily> DrBob: the distinction is my grandparents are pleasant people who are not racist, intentionally or otherwise
  237. <Lily> DrBob: and also recgonise that slurs are slurs
  238. <Lily> DrBob: and don't use them
  239. * ARD has quit (Quit: (If you got problems why don't you just solve 'em))
  240. <DrBob> That COMPLETELY misses the point.
  241. <Lily> DrBob: the point is, do not use slurs. Perhaps you did not know it was a slur. That changes nothing, this is now a learning experience
  242. <Lily> DrBob: just bc you're old doesn't mean you have a better or more valid worldview
  243. <DrBob> We moved past that - at least I did. About twenty minutes ago I said "OK, if President Bush says it is a bad word I will believe him."
  244. <DrYucatan> well president bush isn't the authority on all bad words
  245. <DrYucatan> you should rely on more than just one man for these things
  246. <Joreth> .seen drbob -f
  247. <jarvis> joreth: 2 months ago, I saw drbob for the first time. They said: Hi, is anyone willing to give a newbie some help with the wiki formatting stuff?
  248. <AidenEldritch> op-statement: I will kick on-sight for slurs. Repeated usage goes to ban, etc. etc. People will get antsy around slurs, which is not an abnormal thing. If the personal sniping on both sides of this argument doesn't stop (which it seems it has) I'm going to kick people involved.
  249. <SpookyBee> helo joreth
  250. <SpookyBee> delet ur acount
  251. <DrBob> OK, so I should then double check with who, President Trump?
  252. <Lily> what
  253. <Joreth> mods SpookyBee is bullying me again
  254. <DrBob> I am responding to the remark by Dr. Yucatan on Bush.
  255. <SpookyBee> fite me
  256. <AidenEldritch> relatedly, if you want to argue "your beetle is not my beetle" regarding slurs, I'm going to ask you to stop reading Wittgenstein and try to be a decent goddamn person who's willing to take into account the opinions and feelings of others
  257. <Joreth> AidenEldritch: you can shit in my bed but don't shit on my boy ludwig
  258. <DrBob> You pointed to a Bush quote on an apology by him - I said OK.
  259. <ghostpage> DrBob, correction - I did.
  260. <ghostpage> Not Aiden.
  261. <SpookyBee> i generally dont take anything into account because im floating in an endless void of pain and hate and cheesecake and nothing matters because reasons
  262. <DrBob> [00:41] DrYucatan well president bush isn't the authority on all bad words
  263. <DrBob> [00:41] DrYucatan you should rely on more than just one man for these things
  264. <AidenEldritch> Joreth: we can discuss tractatus later but i just wanted to get in the philosophy joke
  265. <DrBob> Three or four minutes back.
  266. <ghostpage> I am the one who originally quoted.
  267. <Pig_catapult> (SpookyBee I know that "delete ur account" thing was probably a joke but can you not?)
  268. <SpookyBee> I don't trust you.
  269. <DrYucatan> DrBob, wasn't me
  271. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] Lily Piffy even to joreth?
  272. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] DrBob That's interesting. Because that was a copy/paste out of Chatzilla.
  273. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] DrBob So did Chatzilla screw up who said it?
  274. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] DrYucatan err, i mean i said those things about bush
  275. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] ghostpage "ghostpage> DrBob, if George W. Bush can have the good grace to apologize for it and not use it, so can you. It's way easier than debating the subject, too :p"
  276. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] |<-- Joreth has left (Broken pipe)
  277. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] DrYucatan >You pointed to a Bush quote on an apology by him - I said OK.
  278. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] ghostpage I said this before Yuc, please actually look harder.
  279. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] DrYucatan i didn't point to any bush quote irignally
  280. <Pig_catapult> [23:45] -->| Joreth (type@with.paws) has joined #site19
  281. <Pig_catapult> [23:46] DrYucatan i only mentioned bush in terms of him not being an authority on bad words
  282. <Pig_catapult> [23:46] Joreth man my client decided to crash at the worst times
  283. <Pig_catapult> (Joreth called ops without censoring it to not ping ops, so I have to go in with the assumption that he was genuinely calling ops)
  284. * SleepLevi has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  285. <SpookyBee> My illogical distrust protocol stands.
  286. <Pig_catapult> DrBob, our slur policy is "if it's making another user uncomfortable, you stop". This is not a point that can be negotiated.
  287. <Joreth> Pig_catapult: It's all good, spookybee and lily are just echoing what ProcyonLotor keep telling me to do
  288. <DrBob> Thanks!
  289. <DrBob> Pig_catapult: thank you - I will remember that.
  290. <Pig_catapult> Joreth oh goddamn it
  291. <DrBob> I am made very uncomfortable by all the bashing of our President.
  292. <DrBob> I find it highly offensive.
  293. <Lily> DrBob: I am made very uncomfortable by the stuff trump has said and does
  294. <SpookyBee> it's hard to bash a smashed pumpkin.
  295. <Lily> DrBob: trump is quite frankly disgusting
  296. <DrBob> See, that is a continuation of bashing and trashing that makes me very uncomfortable.
  297. <DrBob> And I am requesting that you don't do it around me.
  298. <Pig_catapult> DrBob do you understand what a "slur" is?
  299. <Joreth> Pig_catapult: it's alright, you did the right thing to do, and frankly if any other user is piled on like this it does seem harsh
  300. <Joreth> Pig_catapult: I appreciate your concern though <3
  301. <Joreth> pls ban lily for bully
  302. <Pig_catapult> Joreth <3 I can't tell if that request is serious or not
  303. <SpookyBee> ban the heretics
  304. <Lily> DrBob: that's not a slur, it is me defending my basic humanity. Trump supporters, many of them, do not like people like me and would gladly deny my human rights. Many of them already do.
  305. <SpookyBee> ban the nonbelievers
  306. <DrBob> noun
  307. <DrBob> noun: slur; plural noun: slurs
  308. <DrBob> 1.
  309. <DrBob> an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.
  310. <AidenEldritch> DrBob: smart-assing the ops is a fucking stupid thing to do
  311. <AidenEldritch> by the by
  312. <Lily> DrBob: I will speak out against trump until he is no longer relevant or around
  313. <DrBob> Then you are going to be makign me uncomfortable.
  314. <Lily> DrBob: I will also speak out against his supporters and allies and political beliefs
  315. <DrBob> And I request that you stop doing so in my presence.
  316. * anqxyr (~anqxyr@93633429.DA5904B1.83943420.IP) has joined
  317. * ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to anqxyr
  318. <Joreth> Pig_catapult: nah if I wanted to ping with a serious request I definitely would PM someone serious (I might joke a little too much so it's hard to tell)
  319. <Lily> Well I am sorry for that but I can't agree with your request
  320. <Lily> Donald Trump is not a minority group, he is a dangerous person and is president of the usa
  321. <DrBob> So you choose to keep on with something that you have been told upsets someon?
  322. <ghostpage> DrBob, Trump can kill me by removing medicaid, I think you can handle me saying he deserves to be removed from presidency and the political system in general. Human lives being lost is not equal to discomfort.
  323. <Lily> DrBob: are you trolling now?
  324. <Pig_catapult> DrBob: No-one has uttered a slur about Trump
  325. <DrBob> Actually, he can't remove Medicaid.
  326. <Lily> DrBob: using a racial slur is different from saying "I do not like trump as he is an awful person"
  327. <DrBob> I know about Medicaid - it is my business.
  328. <DrBob> Actually, what is the difference?
  329. <ghostpage> DrBob, then how come the ACA has been repealed?
  330. <DrBob> ACA isn't Medicaid.
  331. * Pig_catapult sets mode +m on #site19
  332. <Pig_catapult> 1)We are not arguing about the ACA right now.
  333. <Pig_catapult> 2) A slur is a derogatory word that insults a marginalized group.
  334. <Pig_catapult> 3) DrBob, I am going to kick you if you don't cut out this false equivalency bullshit right now.
  335. * Pig_catapult sets mode -m on #site19
  336. <DrBob> Kick me as in ban me or kick me as in physically assault me?
  337. <ghostpage> Sorry, Piffy. Didn't mean to distract the convo.
  338. * mf99k has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  339. * Pig_catapult has kicked DrBob from #site19 (what do you fucking think?)
  340. * DrBob ( has joined
  341. <DrBob> I see, you can't handle free speech.
  342. <tretter> Mate, that's not what free speech means.
  343. * AidenEldritch sets ban on *!*
  344. <AidenEldritch> for a person who loves free speech, you sure do seem pretty opposed to people disagreeing with your political views
  345. * Pig_catapult has kicked DrBob from #site19 (I am not the US government. In this chatroom, I am your dictator. Deal.)
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