
ontime rewards yml

Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. # OnTime Rewards Configuration YAML
  2. # Author: Edge209
  3. #
  4. # NOTE: (May 27, 2013) In prior versions of the rewards.yml I included a full explanation of the content and format, but
  5. # this was leading to problems for new users. So I have moved this information to a bukkitdev page, so if
  6. # your still want the full details please visit ""
  7. #
  8. #
  9. ##################################################
  10. # DO NOT CHANGE THE VERSION number for this file #
  11. version: 10
  12. ##################################################
  13. #
  14. ##################################################
  15. # DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING rewardIDCounter #
  16. rewardIDCounter: 0
  17. ##################################################
  18. #
  19. # Worlds enabled for Rewards
  20. # List here the worlds in which you would like to have rewards enabled. You can also use
  21. # " - global", for permissions plugins that support a "global" configuration that is applied to all worlds. Alternatively you can use
  22. # " - all", in which case OnTime will detect all defined worlds and apply all group and permission changes to each world individually. This
  23. # should be used if are using world "mirrors".
  24. #
  25. worlds:
  26. - FloatingEmeralds
  27. - blokopolis
  28. - wilderness
  29. - plotworld
  30. #
  31. #
  32. groups:
  33. #
  34. - default
  35. - guest
  36. - stranger
  37. - newkid
  38. - friend
  39. - trusted
  40. - assistant
  41. - mod
  42. - owner
  43. #
  45. commands:
  46. #
  47. #
  48. kits:
  50. #
  51. #
  52. rewards:
  53. - S,A,T,P,null,default,0,0,30,0,0,0,-1,+R,1,guest,S5PROMOTION1guest
  54. - S,A,T,P,null,default,0,8,0,0,0,0,-1,+R,1,stranger,S6PROMOTION1stranger
  55. - S,A,T,P,null,default,1,12,0,0,0,0,-1,+R,1,newkid,S7PROMOTION1newkid
  56. - S,A,T,P,null,default,3,3,0,0,0,0,-1,+R,1,friend,S8PROMOTION1friend
  57. - S,A,T,P,null,default,7,7,0,0,0,0,-1,+R,1,trusted,S9PROMOTION1trusted
  58. #
  59. #
  60. #
  61. # END rewards.yml
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