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Server RPT

a guest
Dec 11th, 2012
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  1. =====================================================================
  2. == C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
  3. == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe" "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2;Expansion;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA;@JayArma2Lib_new;@ACRE;@Arma2Net;@ACE;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX;@ACEX_USNavy;@ACEX_RU;@fallujah;Expansion;beta" -cfg=b.cfg -config=training.cfg -port=2304 -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=1 -maxmem=2047 -noCB -bepath=C:\BEServer3
  4. =====================================================================
  5. Exe timestamp: 2012/09/24 02:40:43
  6. Current time: 2012/12/11 09:50:03
  8. Version 1.62.95251
  9. ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable
  10. "############################# Start #############################"
  11. ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable
  12. "############################# Start #############################"
  13. Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl
  14. [12329,208.523,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v1.0.0.189. MISSINIT: missionName=mso_32_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-5, worldName=takistan, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true"]
  15. [12329,216.653,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"]
  16. "JayArmA2Lib: ACTIVE"
  17. [12329,215.175,0,"x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\XEH_preInit.sqf:8","WARNING: Enhanced Armor difficulty options enabled - this is not recommended in conjunction with ACE Wounds!"]
  18. Error in expression <sActivated = _timesActivated + 1
  19. };
  20. };
  22. if (_mode) then
  23. {
  24. if (_timesActivated <>
  25. Error position: <if (_mode) then
  26. {
  27. if (_timesActivated <>
  28. Error if: Type Number, expected Bool
  29. File ca\modules\functions\misc\fn_initCounter.sqf, line 16
  30. [12359,223.148,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
  31. [12359,223.164,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, cba_a2=, cba_oa=, ace=, acex=, acex_ru=, acex_usnavy=, "]
  32. [12359,223.641,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=false, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=true, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=0, _sessionId=1, _level=0, _timeOut=false, _game=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-D:1, group=L 1-1-D"]
  33. "Creating ACRE Radio Box at [2641.12,5098.06]"
  34. "Creating ACRE Radio Box at [5168.06,6051.87]"
  35. "MSO-0 Version: 4.5"
  36. "MSO-0 Mission Parameters"
  37. "MSO-0 coreHeader = 0"
  38. "MSO-0 debug_serverfps = 0"
  39. "MSO-0 debug_mso_setting = 1"
  40. "MSO-0 AdminActions = 0"
  41. "MSO-0 CFG_AdminCmds = 0"
  42. "MSO-0 CFG_AdminCmdTeleport = 0"
  43. "MSO-0 CFG_AdminCmdGhost = 0"
  44. "MSO-0 CFG_AdminCmdSpectator = 0"
  45. "MSO-0 mprightsDisable = 1"
  46. "MSO-0 nomadHeader = 0"
  47. "MSO-0 nomadTime = 43200"
  48. "MSO-0 nomadClassRestricted = 0"
  49. "MSO-0 persistentDBHeader = 1"
  50. "MSO-0 mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"
  51. "MSO-0 mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"
  52. "MSO-0 mpdb_teleport_player = 2"
  53. "MSO-0 mpdb_date_enabled = 1"
  54. "MSO-0 mpdb_markers_enabled = 1"
  55. "MSO-0 mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"
  56. "MSO-0 mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 1"
  57. "MSO-0 mpdb_objects_enabled = 1"
  58. "MSO-0 mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 1"
  59. "MSO-0 mpdb_locations_enabled = 1"
  60. "MSO-0 mpdb_AAR_enabled = 1"
  61. "MSO-0 mpdb_tasks_enabled = 1"
  62. "MSO-0 mpdb_killStats_enabled = 1"
  63. "MSO-0 mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"
  64. "MSO-0 mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"
  65. "MSO-0 mpdb_log_enabled = 0"
  66. "MSO-0 gtk_cache_header = 0"
  67. "MSO-0 gtk_cache_distance = 1500"
  68. "MSO-0 gtk_cache_interval = 3"
  69. "MSO-0 settings_maxvd = 10000"
  70. "MSO-0 timeSync = 3"
  71. "MSO-0 timeOptions = 0"
  72. "MSO-0 timeSeasons = 3"
  73. "MSO-0 timeHour = 8"
  74. "MSO-0 timeMinute = 0"
  75. "MSO-0 VehicleActions = 0"
  76. "MSO-0 CFG_VehicleIgnitionKeys = 1"
  77. "MSO-0 ambientHeader = 0"
  78. "MSO-0 AmbientEnvironment = 0"
  79. "MSO-0 AmbientCivs = 1"
  80. "MSO-0 AmbientVehs = 1"
  81. "MSO-0 AmbientAnimals = 1"
  82. "MSO-0 ambientDogs = 0"
  83. "MSO-0 ambientShepherds = 0"
  84. "MSO-0 destroyCity = 0"
  85. "MSO-0 destroyCityIntensity = 0"
  86. "MSO-0 destroyCityFire = 1"
  87. "MSO-0 tup_airtraffic_factions = 0"
  88. "MSO-0 tup_airtraffic_intensity = 0"
  89. "MSO-0 tup_airtraffic_ROE = 2"
  90. "MSO-0 AEGheader = 0"
  91. "MSO-0 AEG_smokestack = 1"
  92. "MSO-0 supportHeader = 0"
  93. "MSO-0 RMM_cas_frequency = 3600"
  94. "MSO-0 RMM_cas_available = 3"
  95. "MSO-0 TownManager = 1"
  96. "MSO-0 twnmgr_status = 1"
  97. "MSO-0 twnmgr_civ = 1"
  98. "MSO-0 twnmgr_detected = 1"
  99. "MSO-0 twnmgr_seized = 1"
  100. "MSO-0 twnmgr_broadcastMP = 1"
  101. "MSO-0 mobileHQHeader = 0"
  102. "MSO-0 deployment_Time = 300"
  103. "MSO-0 undeployment_Time = 300"
  104. "MSO-0 jipMarkers_enabled = 1"
  105. "MSO-0 EnableCrewinfo = 1"
  106. "MSO-0 MGO_Active = 0"
  107. "MSO-0 MGO_SrvScript = 0"
  108. "MSO-0 EnablePXSsatcom = 1"
  109. "MSO-0 enemyHeader = 0"
  110. "MSO-0 rmm_dynamic = 2"
  111. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_intensity = 3"
  112. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_spawn_dist = 2000"
  113. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_safe_zone = 2000"
  114. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_inf = 4"
  115. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_mot = 3"
  116. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_mec = 2"
  117. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_arm = 1"
  118. "MSO-0 rmm_ep_aa = 1"
  119. "MSO-0 crb_convoy_intensity = 0"
  120. "MSO-0 tup_ied_header = 1"
  121. "MSO-0 tup_ied_enemy = 0"
  122. "MSO-0 tup_ied_threat = 50"
  123. "MSO-0 tup_suicide_threat = 10"
  124. "MSO-0 tup_vbied_threat = 5"
  125. "MSO-0 tup_ied_eod = 1"
  126. "MSO-0 CQB_spawn = 5"
  127. "MSO-0 CQBaicap = 0"
  128. "MSO-0 CQBmaxgrps = 144"
  129. "MSO-0 ZORAmaxgrps = 3"
  130. "MSO-0 ZORAmindist = 1000"
  131. "MSO-0 faction_header = 0"
  132. "MSO-0 faction_RU = 0"
  133. "MSO-0 faction_ACE_RU = 0"
  134. "MSO-0 faction_INS = 0"
  135. "MSO-0 faction_GUE = 0"
  136. "MSO-0 faction_BIS_TK = 1"
  137. "MSO-0 faction_BIS_TK_INS = 1"
  138. "MSO-0 faction_BIS_TK_GUE = 0"
  139. "MSO-0 faction_CWR2_US = 0"
  140. "MSO-0 faction_CWR2_RU = 0"
  141. "MSO-0 faction_CWR2_FIA = 0"
  142. "MSO-0 faction_tigerianne = 0"
  143. "MSO-0 faction_ibr_arl_faction = 0"
  144. "MSO-0 faction_ibr_drg_faction = 0"
  145. "MSO-0 faction_ibr_unisol_faction = 0"
  146. "MSO-0 faction_ibr_venator_faction = 0"
  147. "MSO-0 faction_ibr_police_unit = 0"
  148. "MSO-0 faction_LIN_army = 0"
  149. "MSO-0 faction_NLA = 0"
  150. "MSO-0 faction_MOL_army = 0"
  151. "MSO-0 faction_ibr_rebel_faction = 0"
  152. "MSO-0 PO2_ON = 1"
  153. "MSO-0 MISSIONTYPE_PO = 7"
  154. "MSO-0 MISSIONTYPE_AIR = 1"
  155. "MSO-0 MISSIONCOUNT = 9999"
  156. "MSO-0 PO2_EFACTION = 0"
  157. "MSO-0 PO2_IFACTION = 0"
  158. "MSO-0 MISSIONDIFF = 2"
  159. "MSO-0 AMBAIRPARTOLS = 0"
  160. "MSO-0 Initialise Locations (420)"
  161. "MSO-0 Adminactions turned off - Exiting."
  162. ["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]
  163. "############################# Starting PDB for mso_32_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-5 #############################"
  164. "MSO-0 Time Sync off: Date [2011,1,27,10,0]"
  165. "MSO-0 Town Manager - Starting"
  166. "MSO-0 Town Manager - Locations: 43"
  167. "MSO-0 MGO Attach turned off! Exiting..."
  168. "town is at [4387.4,688.03,-343.625]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  169. "town is at [6104.51,1110.61,-290.384]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  170. "town is at [8480.1,2351.41,-299.898]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  171. "town is at [10130.5,2290.78,-344.958]. 381.14m in size and type CityCenter"
  172. "town is at [1537.26,5686.92,-231.535]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  173. "town is at [3496.14,4092.66,-242.094]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  174. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (03490409)"
  175. "town is at [5333,4691.31,-243.15]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  176. "town is at [5272.76,6149.96,-144.545]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  177. "town is at [5984.78,5780.72,-290.654]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  178. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (05980578)"
  179. "town is at [5955.14,7264.14,-123.304]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  180. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (05950726)"
  181. "town is at [8868.33,5320.2,-265.244]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  182. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (08860531)"
  183. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (08860531)"
  184. "town is at [10587.8,6310.45,-262.48]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  185. "town is at [8242.71,7733.88,-175.151]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  186. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (08240773)"
  187. "town is at [1956.1,7696.03,-284.184]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  188. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (01950769)"
  189. "town is at [3689.49,8534.48,-154.604]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  190. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (03680853)"
  191. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (03680853)"
  192. "town is at [5585.73,9090.32,-78.1245]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  193. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (05580909)"
  194. "town is at [3059.58,9909.48,-60.44]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  195. "town is at [6292.48,11179.4,-59.6844]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  196. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (06291117)"
  197. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (06291117)"
  198. "town is at [1804.21,11845.4,-151.467]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  199. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (01801184)"
  200. "town is at [9287.45,9990.87,-166.008]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  201. "town is at [9839.21,11482.5,-116.291]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  202. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (09831148)"
  203. "town is at [11511.3,8297.71,-272.691]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  204. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (11510829)"
  205. "town is at [9149.04,6668.42,-209.665]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  206. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (09140666)"
  207. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (09140666)"
  208. "town is at [4159.76,11708.1,-25.1502]. 250m in size and type CityCenter"
  209. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (04161170)"
  210. "town is at [12324.8,11113.6,0]. 250m in size and type VegetationBroadleaf"
  211. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (12311111)"
  212. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (12311111)"
  213. "town is at [10506.3,11068.8,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  214. "town is at [4137.5,10650,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  215. "town is at [5681.25,9975,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  216. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (05690995)"
  217. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (05690995)"
  218. "town is at [5981.25,10543.8,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  219. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (05951051)"
  220. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (05951051)"
  221. "town is at [6806.25,8918.75,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  222. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (06790891)"
  223. "town is at [3213.64,3635.48,0]. 250m in size and type VegetationBroadleaf"
  224. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (03230359)"
  225. "town is Ahmaday at [3572.92,1284.22,-364.082]. 250m in size and type NameLocal"
  226. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at Ahmaday (03550129)"
  227. "town is Hazar Bagh at [11858.2,2656.54,-376.902]. 250m in size and type NameLocal"
  228. "town is at [6787.5,12243.8,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  229. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (06821225)"
  230. "town is Ahmaday at [3572.92,1284.22,-364.082]. 250m in size and type NameLocal"
  231. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at Ahmaday (03550129)"
  232. "town is Landay at [1950.86,349.72,-369.649]. 250m in size and type NameVillage"
  233. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at Landay (01990036)"
  234. "town is at [462.5,2781.25,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  235. "town is at [1002.54,3143.03,0]. 250m in size and type VegetationBroadleaf"
  236. "town is Shukurkalay at [1529.11,3582.72,-214.164]. 250m in size and type NameVillage"
  237. "town is at [2575,5081.25,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  238. "town is Karachinar at [12243.5,10420.3,-156.695]. 250m in size and type NameVillage"
  239. "town is at [6493.75,2050,0]. 250m in size and type Mount"
  240. "MSO-0 Suicide Bomber Trigger: created at (06490210)"
  241. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at (06490210)"
  242. "town is Jaza at [9009.33,1871.97,-337.74]. 250m in size and type NameVillage"
  243. "MSO-0 IED Trigger: created at Jaza (08990187)"
  244. "MSO-0 CQB Population: starting to load functions..."
  245. "MSO-0 CQB Population: loaded functions..."
  246. "MSO-0 PDB EP Population: starting to load functions..."
  247. "MSO-0 PDB EP Population: loaded functions..."
  248. "###### mso_32_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-5 ######"
  249. [13471,250.175,0,"Executing init.sqf"]
  250. [13043,241.405,0,"x\cba\addons\network\fnc_setMarkerPersistent.sqf:48","WARNING: Marker already persistent: """]
  251. [13052,241.584,0,"x\cba\addons\network\fnc_setMarkerPersistent.sqf:48","WARNING: Marker already persistent: """]
  252. [13069,241.925,0,"x\cba\addons\network\fnc_setMarkerPersistent.sqf:48","WARNING: Marker already persistent: """]
  253. [13081,242.184,0,"x\cba\addons\network\fnc_setMarkerPersistent.sqf:48","WARNING: Marker already persistent: """]
  254. [13094,242.441,0,"x\cba\addons\network\fnc_setMarkerPersistent.sqf:48","WARNING: Marker already persistent: """]
  255. "###### mso_32_ace_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-5 MPS.INIT ######"
  256. [13596,252.702,0,"Executing init_mps.sqf"]
  257. "-- mps_tasks_Tasks --"
  258. []
  259. "MSO-0 Initialisation Completed"
  260. 0:05:02.177 (0:00:00.000) cba_versioning - cba - Version Mismatch! (Machine: B 1-1-B:1 ([Pte] Gunny [MS]) ([Pte] Gunny [MS]) version:, serverVersion:, Level: 4)
  261. Strange convex component01 in x\ace\addons\sys_ruck\backpack_data\ace_backpack_small_baf.p3d:geometryView
  262. stakesInfo: 2
  263. stakesInfo: 2
  264. "SERVER MSG: Loading ["0"] Markers from database."
  265. "SERVER MSG: Loading ["0"] tasks from database."
  266. "SERVER MSG: Loading ["0"] Locations from database."
  267. "SERVER MSG: Loading ["0"] Objects from database."
  268. "SERVER MSG: Loading ["0"] Vehicles from database."
  269. "SERVER MSG: Loading ["0"] After Action Reports from database."
  270. Server: Object 3:11 not found (message 99)
  271. Server: Object 3:12 not found (message 89)
  272. Server: Object 3:13 not found (message 70)
  273. Server: Object 3:14 not found (message 98)
  274. Server: Object 3:15 not found (message 89)
  275. Server: Object 3:17 not found (message 89)
  276. Server: Object 3:16 not found (message 99)
  277. "MSO-2.242 PDB EP Population: starting INIT..."
  278. Server: Object 3:25 not found (message 85)
  279. Server: Object 3:24 not found (message 89)
  280. Server: Object 3:23 not found (message 98)
  281. Server: Object 3:26 not found (message 85)
  282. Server: Object 3:28 not found (message 89)
  283. Server: Object 3:27 not found (message 99)
  284. Server: Object 3:30 not found (message 89)
  285. Server: Object 3:29 not found (message 99)
  286. Server: Object 3:31 not found (message 85)
  287. Server: Object 3:32 not found (message 85)
  288. Server: Object 3:33 not found (message 85)
  289. Server: Object 3:35 not found (message 85)
  290. Server: Object 3:34 not found (message 85)
  291. "MSO-3.303 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  292. "MSO-3.769 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 435 - found pos: [9610.16,11525.8,0]"
  293. "MSO-3.819 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  294. "MSO-3.879 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 13 - found pos: [9233.59,9042.97,0]"
  295. "MSO-3.899 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  296. "MSO-3.939 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  297. "MSO-3.939 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  298. "MSO-4.059 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  299. Server: Object 3:36 not found (message 85)
  300. "[2011,1,27,10,0] - Unit Killed: Rifleman, Killed side = WEST, Killer side = CIV, Weapon: , Killer: Rifleman, Distance: 0"
  301. ["PASS: _player: ",B 1-1-B:1 ([Pte] Gunny [MS]) REMOTE]
  302. ["PASS: _puid: ","24490054"]
  303. ["PASS: _pname: ","[Pte] Gunny [MS]"]
  304. ["PASS: _playerSide: ",WEST]
  305. "MSO-6.894 RMM GETFLATAREA defaulting to original pos after 10000 trys: [2452.82,1939.11,0]"
  306. "MSO-7.034 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  307. "MSO-7.034 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  308. "MSO-7.034 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  309. "MSO-7.074 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  310. "MSO-7.119 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  311. "MSO-7.119 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  312. ["PersistentDB: SERVER PV - PDB_ACTIVATEPLAYER: ",[B 1-1-B:1 ([Pte] Gunny [MS]) REMOTE,"[Pte] Gunny [MS]",false]]
  313. "MSO-7.379 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 211 - found pos: [10457,6358.59,0]"
  314. "MSO-7.419 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  315. "MSO-7.679 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 79 - found pos: [2010.16,7653.91,0]"
  316. "MSO-7.739 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  317. "MSO-7.939 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 67 - found pos: [6207.03,1097.66,0]"
  318. "MSO-8.079 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 38 - found pos: [7778.91,2300.78,0]"
  319. "MSO-8.299 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 46 - found pos: [5786.72,8730.47,0]"
  320. "[2011,1,27,10,0] - Unit Killed: Rifleman, Killed side = WEST, Killer side = CIV, Weapon: , Killer: Rifleman, Distance: 0"
  321. "[2011,1,27,10,0] - Unit Killed: Rifleman, Killed side = WEST, Killer side = CIV, Weapon: , Killer: Rifleman, Distance: 0"
  322. "MSO-8.468 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  323. "[2011,1,27,10,0] - Unit Killed: Rifleman, Killed side = WEST, Killer side = CIV, Weapon: , Killer: Rifleman, Distance: 0"
  324. "MSO-8.588 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 2 - found pos: [10108.6,10191.4,0]"
  325. "MSO-8.828 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 17 - found pos: [8233.59,1988.28,0]"
  326. "MSO-8.848 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  327. "MSO-8.948 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 40 - found pos: [7996.09,7894.53,0]"
  328. "MSO-9.028 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  329. "MSO-9.328 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 227 - found pos: [10789.8,6380.47,0]"
  330. "MSO-9.348 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  331. "MSO-9.348 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  332. "MSO-9.348 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  333. "MSO-9.428 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 41 - found pos: [10803.9,2488.28,0]"
  334. "MSO-9.448 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  335. "MSO-9.608 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 41 - found pos: [5630.47,796.094,0]"
  336. "MSO-10.107 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 1267 - found pos: [12175.8,6010.16,0]"
  337. "MSO-10.187 PDB EP Population: Skipping unfitting location..."
  338. "MSO-10.347 RMM GETFLATAREA attempts: 9 - found pos: [6332.03,10718,0]"
  339. "MSO-10.567 PDB EP Population: ended INIT..."
  340. "MSO-10.567 PDB EP Population: DEP Locations - 57"
  341. "MSO-12.306 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [9576.09,11564.5] (0x8a5290)"
  342. "MSO-12.546 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [9563.67,11582.3,0.206116]"
  343. "MSO-12.671 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [9557.15,11552.1,0.12001]"
  344. "MSO-14.035 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [10446.2,6327.8] (0x8a5290)"
  345. "MSO-14.229 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_INS_EP1 at [10465.1,6316.05,0.0124512]"
  346. "MSO-17.014 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [7733.64,2293.07] (0x8a5290)"
  347. "MSO-17.115 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [6163.62,1048.85] (0x8a5290)"
  348. "MSO-17.176 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_INS_EP1 at [7744.83,2282.44,0.0839539]"
  349. "MSO-17.32 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [6183.21,1031.71,0.148804]"
  350. "MSO-17.4 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_INS_EP1 at [7731.46,2291.41,0.0629272]"
  351. "MSO-17.581 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [6164.31,1053.33,0.0395813]"
  352. "MSO-18.006 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [2002.84,7607.5] (0x8a5290)"
  353. "MSO-18.219 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_INS_EP1 at [1998.66,7594.34,0.148621]"
  354. "MSO-18.394 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_INS_EP1 at [1999.68,7601.75,0.140594]"
  355. "MSO-18.394 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [5745.26,8693.81] (0x8a5290)"
  356. "MSO-18.5 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [5728.82,8696.85,0.000343323]"
  357. "MSO-18.646 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [5747.04,8675.23,-0.00383759]"
  358. "MSO-19.007 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [10806.8,2441.18] (0x8a5290)"
  359. "MSO-19.151 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [10826.2,2456.17,0.0415039]"
  360. "MSO-19.313 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [10788.5,2449.6,0.0155334]"
  361. "MSO-20.432 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [12225.1,6058.75] (0x8a5290)"
  362. "MSO-20.858 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_EP1 at [12217,6079.31,0.712158]"
  363. "MSO-22.087 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [10787.8,6402.32] (0x8a5290)"
  364. "MSO-22.196 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset ZU23_TK_INS_EP1 at [10805.6,6419.24,0.071106]"
  365. "MSO-23.43 Enemy Population - Anti Air Camp created at [6320.65,10754.4] (0x8a5290)"
  366. "MSO-24.071 Enemy Population - deploying AA asset Igla_AA_pod_TK_EP1 at [7999.89,1900.29,300]"
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