

Jan 26th, 2013
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  1. >Day crappy forecast in Equestria
  2. >You wake up and ya know all this...
  3. >Knockity knock on the door
  4. >You answer it and Fluttershy sits there
  5. What is it today Fluttershy?
  6. >"Is massive controversy about something little and unimportant your fetish?"
  7. What?
  8. >There is a massive crack and boom of thunder
  9. >It makes you jump
  10. >Then it starts to smell awful
  11. >Like...shit
  12. >Suddenly the sky turns brown and clumps of poop rain from the sky
  13. >You cover your head and run back inside
  14. >But its useless because the globs of shit are breaking through the ceiling
  15. >You run back out and look for shelter
  16. >Almost every house is being destroyed by the not so chocolate rain
  17. >The one building in tact is Carousel Boutique
  18. >Fluttershy pokes your side
  19. >"Anon wait!"
  20. >You pick her up and put her above you as a shield from the hailing crap as you run there
  21. >The door had already been kicked down so you run in
  22. >Everyone is here and covered in shit
  23. >Rarity comes downstairs and begins screaming about all the shit everywhere
  24. >She passes out
  25. >You put Fluttershy down and she trembles on the ground
  26. >Suddenly the wind picks up
  27. >It gets stronger and Fluttershy along with some other p0nies get sucked out
  28. >You look outside
  29. >You see a cone of brown clouds touch the ground and begins flattening houses
  30. You've got to be fucking kidding me!
  31. >It dies off after a few seconds and the sky clears
  32. >You step outside and look around
  33. >Shit covers the land and fills the wells
  34. >Fluttershy emerges from a mountain of shit
  35. >She walks over to you
  36. >"Is it?"
  37. No Fluttershy...
  38. >She hangs her head and flies to her destroyed home
  39. >Today was a shitty day
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