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Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. [21:22] <TeruFSX_> why do pirates keep coming here anyway
  2. [21:25] <@MrWatson> argh, they think they be gold to find here
  3. [21:30] <Shano56> why do you think everyone who uses a <you know what> is a pirate?
  4. [22:35] <@Athenon> because they are.
  5. [22:36] <@Athenon> usb loader = piracy. no if ands or buts about it
  6. [22:36] <Shano56> there are many ifs, ands, and butts actually. untless you choose to be ignorant about it
  7. [22:36] <Shano56> unless*
  8. [22:37] <@Athenon> actually, it's illegal to have a usb loader period. if you dont like it, you may go elsewhere. the rules are the rules.
  9. [22:37] <Shano56> are we talking about irc channel rules or the law? there is a difference lol
  10. [22:37] <@Athenon> both.
  11. [22:37] <@Athenon> it is against both, hence why i should not have to explain it
  12. [22:38] <@Athenon> MrWatson: you there?
  13. [22:38] <Shano56> show me what law, in what jurisdiction says loading a game from USB is illegal
  14. [22:38] <Shano56> IIRC, there's actually a retail wii game that only runs off of USB LOL
  15. [22:38] <@Athenon> this may come as a shock, but i dont have to answer to you
  16. [22:38] <Shano56> so you just assume you are right
  17. [22:38] <Shano56> ?
  18. [22:38] <Shano56> i realize they are against the channel rules, so that is why I'm not discussing them
  19. [22:39] <@Athenon> the act of installing a usb loader is, of itself, illegal
  20. [22:39] <Shano56> how
  21. [22:39] <Shano56> what law?
  22. [22:39] <@Athenon> i dont know, it just is.
  23. [22:39] <@Athenon> im tired of having this fucking argument OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. so you may either accept it, stfu, or leave. and that's that.
  24. [22:39] <Shano56> you can't just say something, and have it be
  25. [22:39] <Shano56> I dont need to leave, I am not breaking the channel rules
  26. [22:40] <Shano56> ! rules
  27. [22:40] <Shano56> ? rules
  28. [22:41] <@Athenon> you may either accept it, stfu, or leave. this argument has come up more times than i can count and i am not going to bother explaining it AGAIN.
  29. [22:41] <Shano56> you aren't explaining anything to me!
  30. [22:41] <Shano56> you are saying something is illegal but you dont even know why or what law makes it illegal!
  31. [22:42] <@Athenon> it doesnt matter. it's completely irrelelvant
  32. [22:42] <@Athenon> you have no laws saying its legal, youre doing the exact same thing
  33. [22:42] <@Athenon> i will repeat for the FINAL time. you may either accept it, stfu, or leave. this argument has come up more times than i can count and i am not going to bother explaining it AGAIN.
  34. [22:42] <Shano56> it's completly relevant!
  35. [22:43] <Shano56> you do not need a law saying something is legal -_-
  36. [22:43] <Shano56> the law does not work like that
  37. [22:43] <@Athenon> so your choice is to leave, is that correct?
  38. [22:43] <Shano56> no
  39. [22:43] <@Athenon> then either stfu or accept it.
  40. [22:43] <@MrWatson> Athenon, yes?
  41. [22:43] <@Athenon> MrWatson: fix this guy before i ban his ass.
  42. [22:44] <@Athenon> (please xP)
  43. [22:44] <Shano56> heh, reading the rules, it seems to only think loading wii game from USB is illegal, but says loading ROMS/emulators are perfectly fine
  44. [22:45] * @Athenon rolls his eyes.
  45. [22:45] <@Athenon> are you retarded or something? were talking about A USB LOADER
  46. [22:45] <Shano56> so? you can load n64 games from usb and thats ok?
  47. [22:45] <Shano56> i'll stfu now, but just bcuz u say something is right does not make it right
  48. [22:46] <@Athenon> we help with emulators, not roms. (i personally still think that rule is stupid, but what i think doesnt matter any more than what you think)
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