

May 13th, 2014
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  1. [INFO] 14:33:00 WARNING [TemplateUtil] WARNING: Replacing Element type [A] with type [BUTTON]
  2. [INFO] INFO [OpenTradesConsumer] Received Trades from TA with id 8620
  3. [INFO] 14:33:01 WARNING [TemplateUtil] WARNING: Replacing Element type [UL] with type [DIV]
  4. [INFO] INFO [OpenTradesConsumer] Received Trades from TA with id 8620
  5. [INFO] 14:33:02 INFO [Container] 98 beans successfully deployed.
  6. [INFO] 14:33:02 INFO [Container] bean manager now in service.
  7. [INFO] 14:33:03 INFO [CDIClientBootstrap] declare CDI dispatch service
  8. [INFO] 14:33:03 INFO [InitVotes] wait for: org.jboss.errai.enterprise.client.cdi.api.CDI
  9. [INFO] 14:33:03 INFO [ClientMessageBusImpl] sending handshake message to remote bus
  10. [INFO] 14:33:04 INFO [ClientMessageBusImpl$ProtocolCommandProcessor] my queue session id: 4b29c6caf293bce95447ff6781e9c18cfc12397c9e323811ae86c3cd9c38322b
  11. [INFO] 14:33:04 INFO [ClientMessageBusImpl] transitioning to new handler: SSE[358433987]
  12. [INFO] 14:33:04 INFO [InitVotes] vote for: org.jboss.errai.bus.client.api.ClientMessageBus
  13. [INFO] 14:33:04 INFO [CDIClientBootstrap] CDI subsystem syncing with server ...
  14. [INFO] 14:33:05 INFO [CDI] requested server to forward CDI events for 51 existing observers
  15. [INFO] 14:33:05 INFO [InitVotes] still waiting for -> [org.jboss.errai.enterprise.client.cdi.api.CDI]
  16. [INFO] 14:33:05 INFO [ClientMessageBusImpl$ProtocolCommandProcessor] bus federated and running.
  17. [INFO] 14:33:05 INFO [CDI] activated CDI eventing subsystem.
  18. [INFO] 14:33:05 INFO [InitVotes] vote for: org.jboss.errai.enterprise.client.cdi.api.CDI
  19. [INFO] INFO [OpenTradesConsumer] Received Trades from TA with id 8620
  20. [INFO] 14:33:07 WARNING [TemplateUtil] WARNING: Replacing Element type [INPUT] with type [SPAN]
  21. [INFO] INFO [OpenTradesConsumer] Received Trades from TA with id 8620
  22. [INFO] 14:33:07 WARNING [TemplateUtil] WARNING: Replacing Element type [LABEL] with type [DIV]
  23. [INFO] INFO [StrategyServiceImpl] Getting strategies for user vwjugow
  24. [INFO] INFO [OpenTradesConsumer] Received Trades from TA with id 8620
  25. [INFO] 14:33:11 WARNING [SSEHandler] org.jboss.errai.bus.client.framework.transports.SSEHandler$1@3348af32: initial timeout expired
  26. [INFO] 14:33:12 INFO [SSEHandler] SSE[358433987] channel disconnected.
  27. [INFO] 14:33:12 WARNING [ClientMessageBusImpl] the connection to the server has been interrupted ...
  28. [INFO] 14:33:12 INFO [ClientMessageBusImpl] the connection has resumed.
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