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Mar 6th, 2013
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  1. First of all, to understand what is happening in all but one of these dreams, there's someone messing around inside the MC's head - planting down these images inside his dreams.
  2. At first you're given no real indication as to why this may be, though you learn later in the story why it's happening.
  3. Anyway, with that out of the way, here's the dreams in order of when they come up.
  5. ***
  6. The skies were clear from clouds, just like those above the ocean, it truly was the most wonderful of sights.
  8. The turquoise skies blended with not even a hint of harshness with the lilac and mango clouds ahead, the subtle mauve gently contrasting against the burgundy that hung upon the sky.
  10. I watched as the sun slowly drifted across the sky, everything was warm and peaceful, happy beyond words.
  12. I was flying, normally that didn't seem special at all, but right now with the wind rustling my feathers and the sun gazing overhead, it felt wonderful. I was carefree and there was nothing to do.
  14. The hills were covered in lush, green grass, the trees all had leaves and the mountains felt homely.
  16. There wasn't anything more wonderful in the entire world.
  18. I could live like this forever.
  20. Then a rumbling noise came from below, as I looked down I saw the earth shatter and crack open.
  22. A purple mist came pouring out of the earth, a rainbow coloured gunk protruding behind, slowly but surely making its way up.
  24. Large circular bays opened from the corner of my eye, and as I turned to them, I saw missiles begin to launch, their streaking trails going off into the distance as they flew away.
  26. A large explosion followed, and I looked behind me to see the cause.
  28. Manehattan fell into a blast of destructive force, the sky turning green and yellow as the missile fell on the outskirts.
  30. I recoiled in horror as the flames expanded in all directions.
  32. I began screaming in terror, my voice not my own. Looking down I could see the rampant wasteland as it turned to grey, dark, dismal destruction. Nothing lived, but somehow, we survived.
  34. The sky grew dark as clouds come pouring over the skies as if the sun itself wished to see no more.
  36. The world would now learn the true horrors of war.
  38. Forgive us, for we have sinned. The world now prepares to be rid of us,
  39. ***
  40. (The above dream was planted externally.) (Same with the one below.)
  42. ***
  43. A destroyed city lay beneath me. Manehattan, I presumed from the layout.
  45. From the darkest depths of the world now shun an ambience in the world, where life still clung to the scraps of harmony and friendship.
  47. At first the embers of life were weak and sparse, but as time passed and the buildings continued to crumble, flights flickered one by one in and out just like embers of a fire that refused to die.
  49. Until there came a time where one door opened, and a bright light filled the entire area.
  51. Slowly the light grew from this area, dots and sparkles turning into a flowing river of melodic beats as the lights jaggedly flowed through the fields and dispersed into all directions, until the city was found..
  53. Once more, Manehattan lived.
  55. As the lights grew however, a dark red tint grew upon them and a coldness broke from the city itself, filling the air with the stench of death that filled even to the skies from which I sit high above..
  57. One by one, the first of the lights either exhausted or turned to match the hue of darkness that surrounded it.
  59. Quickly however, the plague of red broke the bright white and turned everything red or dead.
  61. I couldn't bear to look any longer, I turned my head in the opposite direction,
  63. I had no idea as to what was happening in the once glorious and thriving city below, but it felt wrong and disgusting.
  65. Slowly growing, the red lights crept out of the city and spread further yet, changing the dark brown floor to a disgusting Sienna.
  67. The ground itself bore the mark of decay, my heart growing ever weaker as it did. Where ever this dark power went, the land bore its scar and tainted the hearts of any whom may tread upon it.
  69. Yet something happened... as I looked to the south a new beacon of light emerged!
  71. A slow erection of grey spires absorbed my attention. I flew towards it with all my heart and hopes.
  73. Perhaps this would bring back the comfortable warmth of light upon my skin in which I had desired since the fall of the sun and the crowning of the clouds?
  75. I had to know, I had to be sure.
  77. No luck amongst the newly christened wasteland of decay destruction and deceit.
  79. The land did indeed harbour the gentle ambience of pure and honest hearts, but once more a slow emergence began of a new set of lights.
  81. A putrid brown ate away at the gentle white glow, threatening the warmth below as the red had once before.
  83. Immediately I knew what I had to do... I could not let another city drown in blood.
  85. Given the options available to me, here was no decision to make.
  87. As I landed down to the ground, I noticed two others behind me to my left, and right... there we stood as we had once before.
  89. Helios, Selene, and myself, Eos
  91. Not again would we fail to see the error of our way.
  92. ***
  94. The next dream is his one organic one. It happens the day after he's seen a whole group of fillies, colts and a mare be torn apart by feral ghouls after he couldn't manage to save them in tine. He's highly traumatised by this fact and is showing signs of PTSD from the incident. One of the fillies was actually violated and when he managed to save her, she asked for a bullet to the brain to rid her of the pain of having been torn apart and... yeah. He didn't give her that bullet, but this dream follows.
  96. ***
  97. There was only one face I could see, and it was hers.
  99. I couldn't see anything else but her silver lined eyes. She was laying there as she was attacked, unable to resist or move under the weight of the shadow that surrounded her.
  101. Her eyes wept as her mouth gasped for air and silently screamed out in pain, only to find that no sound came out.
  103. Figures of other ponies blacked her out completely as they just walked out between the two of us, though they took no effort to even look in her direction.
  105. As I went to flap my wings I found myself restrained, an invisible weight in the form of yet more shadows held them tightly to my side and rendered them useless... I was useless.
  107. I tried with the best of my might to run to Platinum, I had to save her! I had to help somehow! Instead, the shadows blocked my way and formed a wall that simply stopped me from moving past it. I couldn't do anything apart from watch until she stopped moving as the dark figure continued to violate her body from behind, still holding her in place.
  109. Without any warning I was at her body as she cried and begged meekly for it to all end, a barely audible whimpering, a twisted chorus begging for mercy as a shadowy gun formed in my mouth.
  111. I tried to spit the gun out to no avail. I also tried to shake my head and let it go, I fared no better.
  113. Finally I had felt myself bite down on the pistol and pull the trigger against my own wishes. She fell limp in a pool of blood.
  115. I had just killed Platinum, I had just become a true monster.
  116. ***
  118. This time, I've added a dream purely for characterisation in a different way. The person who is putting dreams into the MC's head wants him to have a nice and relaxing experience so she decides to go and mess around with his dreams to give him something pleasant. It doesn't make a lot of sense on its own and if you want, I'll give spoilers to explain why it has been done at all, but yeah. One last dream.
  120. ***
  121. Fresh, crisp grass crunched under my hooves as I casually strolled along the riverbank, the running water sloshing against the sides as it rushed past me and out towards the lake.
  123. Looking up to the skies, the most gentle blue filled my eyes as happy looking clouds gazed down upon us all without any risk of rain to ruin the beautiful day.
  125. The world around me was just so fresh and wonderful, the sights and smells were soothing.
  127. In the horizon, large emerald green hills rolled across the landscape, sloping into one another to create a beautiful see-saw effect as they went on and on, only Celestia knew how far they went for, though they looked utterly gorgeous from here. Standing under the shade, I couldn't think of anything more suited right now then to simply lay beneath the tree and enjoy the fresh air. I was in utter bliss, a truly care free happiness I'd not felt for some time now. It was all wonderful, too wonderful.
  129. From above me, an apple fell from the tree, landing next to my hooves.
  131. Scooping it up, I took a bite and tasted the juicy wonders of a clean apple.
  133. Nothing but happiness and wonder filled my heart as I lazily lifted myself into the air and sat upon a low lying cloud, listening to the birds sing for all to hear.
  135. Looking around me, I saw no cities, only a small village where ponies built modest homes, one even resembling a tree!
  137. Down below me the grass was growing and up above the skies were unending, everything felt peaceful.
  139. This life was sensationally magnificent, peaceful, absolute... but it wasn't real.
  141. Sighing upon the realisation that this could only be a dream, I lowered my head in disappointment that it couldn't be reality.
  143. With an expectant, sorrowful tone of voice, I asked the only question I could think of. "Eos, is that you poking in my head again?"
  145. The fact I'd realised it was a dream meant it could have only been her, my dreams always seemed to end so abruptly if I had noticed i was dreaming. There was no audible response however, though the world slowly began to melt into a dark mess as it all faded away into nothing.
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