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a guest
Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. Treecko, Unburden, endeavor, razor wind, leech seed, synthesis, modest nature
  2. Hoothoot (Special moon ball caught), normal abilities, featherdance and night shade, bold nature
  3. vulpix, drought, timid nature
  4. rotom, levitate, modest, calm or timid nature
  5. bulbasaur, chlorophyll, modest nature
  6. charmander, solar power, modest nature
  7. timburr, iron fist or guts, adamant nature
  8. piplup, torrent, calm nature
  9. remoraid, moody, modest nature
  10. totodile, torrent, crunch, aqua jet, ice punch, dragon dance, adamant nature
  11. abra, magic guard, timid nature
  12. mincinno, skill link, adamant nature
  13. carvanha, speed boost, rash nature
  14. solosis, magic guard, bold or quiet nature
  15. drilbur, sand rush, adamant nature
  16. roggenrola, sturdy, adamant nature
  17. clauncher, mega launcher, modest nature
  18. jellicent, cursed body, bold nature
  19. slowpoke, regenerator, bold or calm nature
  20. phanpy, sturdy, impish nature
  21. chatot, big pecks, modest nature
  22. klefki, prankster, bold nature
  23. torchic, speed boost, jolly nature
  24. kangaskhan, scrappy, adamant nature
  25. skarmory, sturdy, brave bird, stealth rock, impish nature
  26. fennekin, blaze, modest nature
  27. corphish, adaptability, adamant nature
  28. ferroseed, iron barbs, stealth rock, leech seed, relaxed nature
  29. chimchar, iron fist, fire punch, thunder punch, jolly nature
  30. kecleon, protean, recover, adamant nature
  31. chespin, bulletproof
  32. froakie, protean, toxic spikes, timid nature
  33. marill, huge power, belly drum, aqua jet
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