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- Edited chat log - #dfadventure - Ron Gilbert 5/4/2013
- (06:55:32 AM) GrumpyGamer [[email protected]] entered the room.
- (06:55:37 AM) Syd: Hey GrumpyGamer!
- (06:55:43 AM) Zonr_0: And there's the man of the hour.
- (06:55:49 AM) Scummbuddy: Welcome! Thanks for joining us
- (06:55:59 AM) Cheeseness: Hi Ron!
- [x100]
- (06:55:51 AM) GrumpyGamer: Hello Mighty Pirates!
- (06:56:01 AM) Syd: I'll be starting the stream in about 3 minutes
- (06:57:09 AM) GrumpyGamer: Actually, Ron couldn't make it, I'm just a Python bot he wrote.
- (07:01:37 AM) johnny32: yes!
- (07:01:38 AM) Cheeseness: video^
- (07:01:38 AM) johnny32: agree!
- (07:01:40 AM) happygamer: brings up emotions
- (07:01:41 AM) NiggloNash: ronald gilbert
- (07:01:44 AM) GrumpyGamer: TURN THE MUSIC UP
- (07:01:46 AM) jojo_: Ron Gilbert designer this game!
- (07:01:51 AM) johnny32: this music is one of the best of the series!
- (07:01:52 AM) OneHundredAndThirtySevenButts: Wheres the grump?
- (07:02:24 AM) melonface: what has michael land done recently?
- (07:02:50 AM) GrumpyGamer: "Crying Rainbows"
- (07:03:17 AM) GrumpyGamer: I'm typing… not playing.
- (07:04:02 AM) OzzieMonkey: The idea of a voiced narrator is still odd to me, even if it was Murray's voice
- (07:04:30 AM) GrumpyGamer: Agree about the narrator voice.
- (07:04:31 AM) Lattsam: No treasure on Scabb Island? shyeah right
- (07:04:40 AM) GrumpyGamer: HA
- (07:05:14 AM) GrumpyGamer: Weenies always have deeper meaning.
- (07:06:12 AM) jojo_: Largo sounds off
- (07:06:24 AM) OzzieMonkey: Largo's awesome
- (07:06:24 AM) johnny32: the music of this awesome
- (07:06:26 AM) GrumpyGamer: He pronounced it wrong
- (07:06:43 AM) GrumpyGamer: I grew up in a town called La Grande.
- (07:07:34 AM) Cheeseness: I love this piece of music
- (07:08:53 AM) Fireflower: one of the best adventure games ever made :)
- (07:10:56 AM) Cheeseness: I imagine that there's a basic voodoo group pyramid
- (07:11:12 AM) GrumpyGamer:
- (07:11:51 AM) TimeGentleman: grumpygamer why make the player click along to get through the swamp? sense of hidden lair?
- (07:12:03 AM) GrumpyGamer: It was a sign of the times.
- (07:12:47 AM) Lattsam: King's Quest IV has some great tombstone readin'
- (07:12:55 AM) GrumpyGamer: They were just filler. So much to write.
- (07:13:10 AM) GameClubFan_499050: GG, was The Princess Bride an inspiration for the character of Guybrush?
- (07:13:44 AM) GrumpyGamer: Princess Bride was not a direct inspiration.
- (07:14:05 AM) Lattsam: Only in adventure games can you get away with robbing graves without repercussions
- (07:14:25 AM) GrumpyGamer: "Only in adventure games can you get away with robbing graves without repercussions" <— NOT TRUE!
- (07:14:43 AM) Lattsam: GrumpyGamer yeah, but still, it's funny
- (07:14:57 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, I didn't have any say in the voice casting. I was long gone.
- (07:15:36 AM) GrumpyGamer: The main inspiration was the Pirates of the Caribbean ride + On Stranger Tides.
- (07:16:07 AM) TimeGentleman: grumpygamer this is one of few screens with no useful items - were you tempted to put any in?
- (07:16:54 AM) GrumpyGamer: What screen? I was looking away.
- (07:17:24 AM) GrumpyGamer: I have an iMac
- (07:17:31 AM) Scummbuddy: @GrumpyGamer. Dredd's boat and this dock scene. Neither room had stuff to loot.
- (07:17:56 AM) GrumpyGamer: I don't remember thinking much about not having any objects in that room.
- (07:17:58 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer how many lines of code does mi2 have?
- (07:18:19 AM) GrumpyGamer: I have no idea how many lines of code. A shit-ton.
- (07:19:01 AM) japro: what really "suffered" under the translation was the monkey wrench puzzle though :) that was just absurdist.
- (07:19:17 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yeah, I regret that puzzle.
- (07:20:16 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer do you live alone?
- (07:20:30 AM) GrumpyGamer: Why, looking for a roomate?
- (07:20:48 AM) OzzieMonkey: Guybrush can get away with being an asshole, he has an inventory to fill :p
- (07:21:14 AM) GrumpyGamer: GB isn't an asshole as much as he is snarky.
- (07:21:38 AM) GrumpyGamer: I'm not married and don't have kids and I want to get another dog.
- (07:22:43 AM) Cheeseness: GrumpyGamer: This comes back to the question that I asked during our interview last time about bad things happening to
- people as a result of player actions. Guybrush does some awful stuff to people throughout the course of the game that players can't avoid. It seems
- to be a bit of a recurring thing in your games, and I thought that The Cave was this really fascinating embodiment of the same thing, and at the
- same time on a more subtle level, the polar opposite
- (07:24:32 AM) GrumpyGamer: Not much of the story was written out before. I had huge puzzle charts for the puzzles and the story just followed those
- and we made it up as we went.
- (07:24:40 AM) GameClubFan_496745: @grumpygamer What are your fondest memories developing this project?
- (07:25:07 AM) GrumpyGamer: I loved working with iMuse.
- (07:25:09 AM) lfcorreia: GrumpyGamer, do you still have some of the actual game scripts from MI2?
- (07:25:19 AM) GrumpyGamer: I do have them.
- (07:25:26 AM) melonface: grumpygamer What famous people you know of have played Monkey Island? Steven Spielberg?
- (07:25:43 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yes, Steven Spielberg used to call me up for hints.
- (07:25:45 AM) Zonr_0: iMuse is great in other old lucasart games too.
- (07:25:48 AM) fibrousmen: this is the best looking adventure game ever. the colors of scabb kill me.
- (07:25:52 AM) GrumpyGamer: True story.
- (07:26:00 AM) ZombieAtPlay: grumpygamer Did you have to give the go ahead for the MI movie to be developed when you were at Lucas (even though it
- only made it to storyboards) or is everything MI owned completely by lucasarts?
- (07:26:24 AM) GrumpyGamer: I was gone by the time they started thinking about the movie.
- (07:26:26 AM) Permafry_42: @Grumpygamer What is one thing you wish all modern game developers knew that they usually don't?
- (07:27:34 AM) GrumpyGamer: How to pace an interactive story and use puzzles to drive the plot.
- (07:27:51 AM) Tea: Hey, GrumpyGamer, be a pal and tell us the Secret of Monkey Island
- (07:28:07 AM) GrumpyGamer: Guybrush is really a Banana.
- (07:28:28 AM) GrumpyGamer: I makes perfect sense if you think about it.
- (07:28:53 AM) GrumpyGamer: Don't slip on the secret
- (07:30:10 AM) GrumpyGamer: Man did we love having 256 colors for this game.
- (07:30:43 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer can you believe we are playing this 22 years later?
- (07:31:17 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, I can't believe that people still talk about this game. I would never have believed it back then.
- (07:31:42 AM) GrumpyGamer: Spoken dialog and dialog "puzzles" are sometimes at odds with each other.
- (07:33:40 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer have you ever driunk grog?
- (07:33:55 AM) GrumpyGamer: Not "real" grog.
- (07:36:06 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer did you cut a lot of gameplay during development?
- (07:36:14 AM) GrumpyGamer: Not very much
- (07:36:35 AM) GrumpyGamer: Some stuff at the end, but only a room or two.
- (07:36:52 AM) GrumpyGamer: I design puzzles backwards.
- (07:36:58 AM) GrumpyGamer: It's the best way to do them.
- (07:37:07 AM) GameClubFan_978391: Ron who is your favorite character in the series?
- (07:37:25 AM) GrumpyGamer: I'd have to go with Stan.
- (07:37:41 AM) GrumpyGamer: If you don't include Guybrush or Elaine.
- (07:38:04 AM) Danaroth: GrumpyGamer, I have heard a lot of people complaining about the slowness of general movement of the characters. Wasn't that
- one thing you were trying to avoid when designing the game (slow movements being a big issue of standard adventure)?
- (07:38:53 AM) GrumpyGamer: Back then, people didn't really complain about the slowness of movement.
- (07:39:21 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yeah, I was stuck on the ending for quite a while.
- (07:39:32 AM) GrumpyGamer: It came to me one morning while in bed.
- (07:40:25 AM) GameClubFan_978391: simon the sorcerer was great. Did you play all the non-LA adventure games grumpygamer?
- (07:40:45 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, sadly I did not play very many of them.
- (07:41:13 AM) GrumpyGamer: It was not meant to be a cliff hanger.
- (07:41:46 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer when did you realize monkey island became more than just a computer game?
- (07:42:01 AM) GrumpyGamer: Not until around 2002
- (07:42:28 AM) GrumpyGamer: I didn't realize how many fans of the game their were until I started my blog.
- (07:42:44 AM) geecko: It's amazing how quiet this place is, I would have imagined chaos and Ron being asked 300 questions per minute.
- (07:43:06 AM) GrumpyGamer: I can hardly keep up with 3 questions a minute!
- (07:43:23 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer was there a joke you had to cut bc it was not allowed by la?
- (07:43:38 AM) GrumpyGamer: Jokes? No.
- (07:44:16 AM) GrumpyGamer: Last Lucas game I worked on was MI2
- (07:44:50 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer tell us more about where the voodoo lady came from
- (07:45:39 AM) GrumpyGamer: I don't remember exactly where she came from, other than we needed some for the voodoo aspects of the game.
- On bringing back characters...
- (07:46:06 AM) GrumpyGamer: We had out favorites and tended to being them back.
- (07:46:09 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer in which order did you create the characters guybrush, elaine, lechuk, voodoo lady
- (07:46:28 AM) GrumpyGamer: Guybrush first. Eline came quite late.
- (07:46:40 AM) Tea: OzzieMonkey: Your message cut off at "involved with voodoo". I thought you were implying GrumpyGamer was a shaman or something
- (07:46:54 AM) GrumpyGamer: I do dabble in the dark arts.
- (07:47:58 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, George didn't have any input.
- (07:49:03 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, George didn't have much involvement in the adventure games.
- (07:49:35 AM) GrumpyGamer: I honestly have no idea why MI is so popular 20 years later.
- (07:50:33 AM) GrumpyGamer: iMuse was just an amazing idea Michael Land had.
- (07:52:47 AM) GameClubFan_499050: grumpygamer, do you consider adventure games like MI to be more akin to interactive fiction? To me they these
- games were always different to the other games I played.
- (07:53:07 AM) GrumpyGamer: Interactive Fiction is a loaded word.
- (07:54:23 AM) Stanismyhero: I love the voodoo guy's voice
- (07:54:33 AM) GrumpyGamer: I don't know who he is. I forget he was in the game until just now.
- (07:54:55 AM) lfcorreia: GrumpyGamer, what was the total time it took to make MI2, from idea to game on shelves
- (07:55:16 AM) GrumpyGamer: MI2 was made in just less than a year.
- (07:55:19 AM) mancombseepgood: GrumpyGamer: Steve Purcell is now a part of Pixar, did you ever have any interest in going into animation?
- (07:55:36 AM) GrumpyGamer: I can't draw for crap!
- (07:56:32 AM) GrumpyGamer: I see Steve every so often. Mostly when I'm trying to scam a Pixar tour.
- (07:56:49 AM) TimeGentleman: grumpygamer was it tough keeping the balance between the funny anachronisms and keeping the world feeling "real"?
- (07:57:16 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, humor made keeping that balance pretty easy.
- (07:58:03 AM) johnny32: GrumpyGamer who took the time to write all the titles of the books in the library?
- (07:58:28 AM) GrumpyGamer: That was a group job. Dave Grossman might have done the bulk of the work.
- (07:58:53 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, I can't do art.
- (07:59:05 AM) GrumpyGamer: I can't draw stick figures.
- (07:59:43 AM) GrumpyGamer: My friend Clayton did my twitter icon and all the art on my site.
- (07:59:43 AM) ZombieAtPlay: Grumpygamer how many times did you ride Pirates of the Carribean for the monkey games? Did you get any backstage tours?
- (08:00:05 AM) GrumpyGamer: I rode it a lot. No back stage tours. :-(
- [Note: Someone make this happen.]
- (08:01:31 AM) GrumpyGamer: I can't vouch for anything they did in MI3
- (08:01:37 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer did you use booty island structure for dinky island because it was easier, or has it a meaning?
- (08:01:54 AM) GrumpyGamer: "booty island structure"?
- (08:02:12 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer booty island looks like dinky island in the last scene
- (08:02:13 AM) interceptor: GrumpyGamer was the joke with the fisherman's second pipe really a bug that just was left in or was the bug faked?
- (08:02:30 AM) GrumpyGamer: It was a bug.
- (08:03:11 AM) GrumpyGamer: I always hate that he was larger in that room.
- (08:03:14 AM) GrumpyGamer: *hated
- (08:04:40 AM) GrumpyGamer: We developed all the games on PCs running DOS
- (08:05:02 AM) GrumpyGamer: They used a lot of disk space.
- (08:05:11 AM) GrumpyGamer: I'd rather use that on rooms.
- (08:05:26 AM) Smith: grumpygamer, wacom c or borland c? or something else entirely?
- (08:05:40 AM) GrumpyGamer: Microsoft C
- (08:05:48 AM) geecko: GrumpyGamer : From what you've been tweeting, it sounds like you're really eager to get the rights of Monkey Island back. Is
- it going to happen ?
- (08:05:59 AM) GrumpyGamer: I have no idea.
- (08:06:05 AM) GrumpyGamer: It's a long long road.
- (08:07:26 AM) GrumpyGamer: I don't remember anything special about those to islands looking the same.
- (08:07:36 AM) TimeGentleman: So, how many people get the "Joy Of Hex" reference these days?
- (08:07:59 AM) GrumpyGamer: Hex isn't fun anymore?
- (08:08:07 AM) mancombseepgood: GrumpyGamer: Who currently has MI rights? Disney?
- (08:08:14 AM) GrumpyGamer: Disney
- (08:08:45 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yes, Disney owns the rights to MI
- (08:09:22 AM) GrumpyGamer: Disney doesn't own S&M… Steve Purcell does.
- (08:09:42 AM) GrumpyGamer: Steve created those characters before coming to work at Lucas.
- (08:10:34 AM) GrumpyGamer: Steve created S&M before he came to Lucas.
- (08:10:51 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, I would not make another MI unless I own the IP.
- (08:11:52 AM) geecko: GrumpyGamer : Alright. Would you consider using KickStarters to collect the money to buy the IP ?
- (08:12:49 AM) GrumpyGamer: I don't think KS allows for that.
- (08:13:52 AM) Smith: Grumpygamer, do you still enjoy coding and if so which languages are you partial to?
- (08:14:13 AM) GrumpyGamer: I love to program. I do mainly objective-c and c/c++
- (08:14:42 AM) GameClubFan_651079: GrumpyGamer Some aspects of iMUSE are being emulated on modern games using canned audio, such as mixing between
- different arrangements. But because it still is canned audio, it can be awkward and limited to work with. Do you think real time music synthesis in
- games is part of a bygone era?
- (08:14:59 AM) GrumpyGamer: I think it is.
- (08:15:27 AM) lfcorreia: GrumpyGamer, that red travelling line is a clear joke on the Indiana Jones games and movie, right?
- (08:15:56 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yes, that was from the Indy moves nd game.
- (08:17:08 AM) GrumpyGamer: Doesn't MI2 feel like a bigger game than MI1?
- (08:17:58 AM) GrumpyGamer: First time you every played MI2, how long did it take to finish?
- (08:18:03 AM) japro: after spending like one week on melee island the concept of there being multiple island completely blew my mind back in the
- time
- (08:18:06 AM) Gins: years
- (08:18:09 AM) happygamer: I don't remember
- (08:18:13 AM) fibrousmen: a month? thanks hotline!
- (08:18:14 AM) happygamer: weeks
- (08:18:14 AM) GameClubFan_978391: a month or two?
- (08:18:15 AM) TimeGentleman: Especially rooms/puzzles like the library with its filing system and the shop here with all its stuff make the game
- feel bigger/deeper
- (08:18:16 AM) Tea: GrumpyGamer: A few weeks. I was 7.
- (08:18:18 AM) Gins: i was too young to legitimately solve it :(
- (08:18:20 AM) GameClubFan_165067: months
- (08:18:21 AM) Stanismyhero: Can't remember, probably a year or two
- (08:18:23 AM) Gins: so i used a walkthrough
- (08:18:26 AM) TimeGentleman: Plus it's a little less linear, I think
- (08:18:29 AM) johnny32: GrumpyGamer I was 6, it took me 7 or 8 months...
- (08:18:30 AM) Stanismyhero: I was too young to solve it for a while
- (08:18:44 AM) OzzieMonkey: Probably took me a few days
- (08:18:45 AM) SirLemonhead: i remember myself and a friend playing it at the time..getting stuck and phoning each other to ask if the other person
- had got further than the other
- (08:18:48 AM) AnarkiJ: Played with my Dad when I was younger, took us some months, until I played through it on my own, I think it took 3 or 4 days
- first time through.
- (08:18:53 AM) Cheeseness: GrumpyGamer: Kate here is a refrence to Capshaw, right?
- (08:19:04 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yes, she was. :-)
- (08:19:57 AM) Lattsam: Stan!
- (08:19:58 AM) Rojasono: Stan!
- (08:20:01 AM) happygamer: stan!
- (08:20:02 AM) Gins: stan!
- (08:20:02 AM) johnny32: Stan!!
- (08:20:03 AM) deadmau3: a year
- (08:20:04 AM) Stanismyhero: Stan!
- (08:20:07 AM) Anon: Stan!!!
- (08:20:08 AM) Kalavinka: STANNN
- (08:20:09 AM) GrumpyGamer: I love Stan
- (08:20:13 AM) Stanismyhero: Stannnn
- (08:20:39 AM) Tea: dat music
- (08:20:43 AM) Tea: dat mt-32
- (08:21:00 AM) GrumpyGamer: The squares don't move because Steve Purcell was lazy! :-)
- (08:22:05 AM) GrumpyGamer: I've played Curse.
- (08:22:20 AM) GrumpyGamer: I've only played a few hours of Escape.
- (08:23:21 AM) GrumpyGamer: I just couldn't take the 3D
- (08:22:41 AM) GameClubFan_978391: ron are you a fan of murry?
- (08:22:50 AM) GrumpyGamer: I like Murry
- (08:24:24 AM) GrumpyGamer: Guybrush and Elaine would NEVER have gotten married.
- (08:25:31 AM) AnarkiJ: Big respect to Dave Grossman, I think he still did a great job with Curse. Ever think you'll get the chance to work with him
- again?
- (08:25:53 AM) GrumpyGamer: Dave didn't work on Curse.
- (08:26:30 AM) GrumpyGamer: Dave wrote Pajama Sam for me at Humongous Entertainment.
- (08:27:55 AM) geecko: GrumpyGamer : Do you plan on including some MI easter eggs in Scurvy Scallywags (your next game), which is also about pirates
- ?
- (08:28:11 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yes, there is one big easter egg.
- (08:28:29 AM) GrumpyGamer: I love rapid prototyping.
- (08:29:27 AM) GrumpyGamer: I never know what I'm doing tomorrow.
- (08:29:46 AM) OzzieMonkey: I never quite understood why the ending to MI2 is theorised to be connected to the secret
- (08:30:29 AM) GrumpyGamer: The ending of MI2 does connect to the secret, but not in the way most people assume.
- (08:31:16 AM) GrumpyGamer: BANANA! Think about it.
- (08:31:25 AM) happygamer: grumpygamer what other worlds than pirates did you consider before starting?
- (08:31:46 AM) GrumpyGamer: None other than Pirates.
- (08:32:01 AM) GrumpyGamer: There were a couple of other games I was playing around with at the time.
- (08:32:40 AM) GrumpyGamer: I spend 99% of my time playing iOS games. Make what you play… as they say.
- (08:33:12 AM) GrumpyGamer: Plus there were all the Humongous Entertainment games. All point and click games.
- (08:33:33 AM) GrumpyGamer: Leflay is the name of my warlock in WoW.
- (08:34:23 AM) GrumpyGamer: I like Nimble Quest.
- (08:34:49 AM) Cheeseness: GrumpyGamer: Have you interacted with Dom much at all? He seems like such a fan of the series
- (08:34:58 AM) GrumpyGamer: Because LucasArts would never release anything to open source.
- (08:35:21 AM) GrumpyGamer: I met him a PAX a few years ago. Very cool guy(brush)
- (08:36:04 AM) Smith: grumpygamer, what do you think of all this free-to-play malarky on mobile platforms - are there any FTP models which you think
- work?
- (08:36:13 AM) GrumpyGamer: I hate FTP
- (08:36:24 AM) GrumpyGamer: It destroys game design.
- (08:36:28 AM) happygamer: I also hate ftp
- (08:36:35 AM) interceptor: But NimbleQuest is FTP?
- (08:36:46 AM) GrumpyGamer: I've never spent money in it?
- (08:37:18 AM) GrumpyGamer: It's OK to charge players for extra stuff, but not to sell them a half finished game and make them pay for the rest.
- (08:38:30 AM) GameClubFan_978391: was MI2 a huge success on release? like a good first week?
- (08:38:50 AM) GrumpyGamer: No, neither MI games did super well.
- (08:39:49 AM) GrumpyGamer: It took a while for the games to catch on.
- (08:40:04 AM) GrumpyGamer: They did very well in Germany, but not in the states.
- (08:40:05 AM) GameClubFan_978391: were Lucas unhappy with MI2 sales in the short term?
- (08:40:20 AM) GrumpyGamer: I don't know. I left before then.
- (08:40:48 AM) GrumpyGamer: I love Kindgom Rush
- (08:40:53 AM) GrumpyGamer: *Kingdom
- (08:41:54 AM) OzzieMonkey: GrumpyGamer: was it intentional to make the ending screen look like Booty Island?
- (08:42:13 AM) GrumpyGamer: Yes, that was intentional.
- (08:42:48 AM) GrumpyGamer: Oh, I see what you were asking
- (08:42:53 AM) GrumpyGamer: Sorry, I misunderstood.
- (08:46:26 AM) GrumpyGamer: I have another iOS game that I'll probably make… or at least prototype up until I realize it sucks.
- (08:47:12 AM) GrumpyGamer: I do 10 or 20 prototypes a year and most of them suck.
- (08:47:23 AM) GrumpyGamer: That's why I prototype.
- (08:47:48 AM) GrumpyGamer: W00t
- (08:48:15 AM) GrumpyGamer: I might be here next week. If I'm in town.
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