
starbound 2 good

Dec 5th, 2013
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  1. >music is fantastic but it lacks the oomph that terraria's soundtrack had and seems more generic than anything
  2. >graphics are simple and colorful, getting the job done though there are some QUALITY moments like tops of trees clipping with the base when they sway
  3. >the difficulty curve puts system shock 2 to shame, beats the difficulty wall of when hardmode in terraria was first introduced
  4. >the sand physics are a mix of terraria and minecraft on crack, doesn't help that there's entire caverns made of the shit
  5. >a lot of core elements ripped from terraria half-assed and half-implemented
  6. >the ui is initially a gigantic pain in the ass to navigate
  7. >the higher tier ores you absolutely need to defeat the bosses are rare as fuck and typically a pain in the ass to get until you get to tier 3 and the good shit is everywhere
  8. >the bosses are the epitome of bad balancing
  9. >hitting through walls lets you cheese a good portion of the game because out of all the things they took from terraria, preventing that wasn't one of them
  10. >you can cheese through dungeons but even then the rewards aren't very good and still don't aid in killing the bosses very much
  11. >multiplayer is still a buggy mess with crashes everywhere
  12. >the mining takes a fucking eternity because the only pick better than copper is silver which is rare as fuck, skipping over iron for literally no reason
  13. >progression doesn't make sense at times, going from copper to iron but still needing copper for silver armor instead of upgrading from iron
  14. >mild graphic inconsistencies like cobblestone having different colors while a world might have a different stone with a color similar to the base cobblestone color
  15. >due to bad coding and lack of optimization the game takes up 3GB and takes fairly modern hardware to run for no reason
  16. >chucklefuck is an awful company and tiy couldn't manage it right even if the planets aligned for him
  17. >tiy
  18. >three years of work
  19. >three years of work and this is all to show for it
  21. t-thanks chucklefish
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