
ReLive: The Unreasonable Routes To Redeeming The Villainess (ch12) - end

Oct 18th, 2020
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  3. And now, the longest installment of the story.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ----------
  9. Chapter 12. The Greatest Magic
  11. Maya isn't certain how long she sleeps for, but after the dream she'd had, it feels like she'll need to sleep for an entire year just to have fit in such an elaborate realm. But as she comes to, she doesn't feel the softness of her mattress or her pillow beneath her, but rather she feels the cold hardwood of a stage.
  13. All too quickly, she realizes it must not have been a dream at all. It was a proper ReLive, a conundrum neither she nor any of the other Stage Girls can yet fully comprehend, but she knows for certain that ReLives and their contents are real, and do truly occur for every girl involved.
  15. Maya feels a stirring in her chest, like a bird in a cage - restless - something so desperate for answers it forces her eyes open and her body to push itself up long before she's ready. The dizzying movement has her head aching, and her vision is clouded and hazy for a long moment, heart throbbing in her chest.
  17. Maya catches her breath, trembling and scared of where she might find herself now.
  19. But it isn't that other world any longer. Instead of the Magic Academy, there is only Seishou Academy here.
  21. She is back on the very underground stage where she and her friends had fought countless revues and performed even more ReLives with one another, to save their beloved plays and fulfill them to completion. And, in their most recent case, to re-write them into more fitting versions.
  23. Her greatest fear initially is that of the Korosu, that the girls had left the world of 'Ashes of the Phoenix' only to return here with the monsters and fight.
  25. But as Maya's hearing and vision finally settle properly, she realizes there are no other sounds around her. As she looks up, she finds the familiar red velvet curtains dangling on either side of her, and a single spotlight illuminating the stage.
  27. And, to her utmost relief, she isn't alone.
  29. Her friends are all around her, dressed in their school uniforms, unconscious, but slowly waking now.
  31. Junna is the first of them to push herself up.
  33. "Ugh, my head…"
  35. Nana moans beside her, and Junna helps her up.
  37. "Junna-chan…? We made it back?"
  39. "Looks like it."
  41. Next, it's Futaba who pushes herself to sit up with a grunt. And instantly, her concerns are for her partner.
  43. "Kaoruko!" She puts a hand on the girl's shoulder in a panic. "Oy, Kaoruko! Are you okay?"
  45. "Aaahhh…" There's a small whine in response, but not one of pain. "Futaba-han, I was having a nice nap…"
  47. Futaba sits back with a huge sigh.
  49. "Thank goodness…"
  51. Then, Mahiru wakes with a gasp, sitting upright with her eyes wide.
  53. "K-Karen-chan! Hikari-chan!" She looks to either side of herself where her roommates lie, shaking them each gently. Hikari moans first and blinks up at her slowly.
  55. "Mahiru…"
  57. "Oh, thank goodness! Are you okay?" She helps Hikari up, and the girl nods.
  59. "Yeah. I'm fine."
  61. And then, before either of them can fret any more, Karen makes a big, loud yawn.
  63. "Uwaaaahh man… is it time to get up already…?"
  65. "Karen-chan!"
  67. "We're not in our room."
  69. "Huh?" Karen opens her eyes and sits up, taking in her surroundings. "Oh my gosh! So it wasn't a dream, after all?!"
  71. "Guess not," Futaba sighs. By now she's managed to sit Kaoruko up too, and as they recall the harrowing events of their ReLive, they come together in an embrace.
  73. Likewise, Mahiru pulls both Karen and Hikari into her and sobs with relief.
  75. "Karen," Hikari murmurs. "You married her."
  77. "Eh?"
  79. "Tendo-san."
  81. "Oh, yeah! Well, I mean, my character married hers, anyway. Tendo-san and I aren't in love, after all."
  83. "That's right!" Junna says suddenly. "The new ending of the play!"
  85. "It must have worked if we all came back here," Nana says. "I wonder how much time has passed."
  87. "Who knows…"
  89. Maya watches quietly as all seven of them wake and try to make sense of things as best they can. And she smiles, relieved beyond words to know they are all safe and have retained every memory.
  91. But it is only now when all of her memories finally return. And she realizes there is one person missing.
  93. Maya whirls away from the others in a gripping panic, heart slamming in the base of her throat.
  95. "Clau-"
  97. She isn't lying out in the open of the stage like the rest of them are. But as Maya looks frantically across the theater, she finds her at the end of the stage. Like the rest of them had been, Claudine is unconscious, but her body is partially-covered by the heavy red curtains. With the lighting, they almost look like pools of blood surrounding her.
  99. Maya is on her feet before she even knows it, moving so quickly she trips on herself and slams back down to her knees. But without even taking a breath she's up once again, rushing forward to her partner, her voice rising in panic.
  101. "Claudine- Claudine-!"
  103. The others gasp softly as they finally witness Claudine's condition and her odd positioning as compared to the rest of them. Soft, worried gasps rise up from them.
  105. "Oh, no-"
  107. "Kuro-chan-"
  109. "Why hasn't she woken up-?"
  111. Maya hears their comments, and each one is like another knife in her chest, driving home the fact that this truly is reality now, that the scene before her eyes isn't just part of a play anymore. For a long moment, the only sounds in the theater are the thudding of Maya's shoes over the wood, and then the crash of her knees as she collapses at her side.
  113. "Claudine-!"
  115. She lies there unmoving, like a wilted flower, half-swallowed by the crimson curtain. Maya is afraid to touch her, but even more afraid not to.
  117. In spite of her panicked desperation, she makes contact with Claudine as gently as possible and pulls her out from the curtains, almost expecting to see real blood seeping through her clothes. But there's nothing. Her uniform is as pristine as ever, save for a few ragged ruffles due to her position.
  119. As Maya pulls Claudine across her lap, breath heaving in terror, she reaches out with shaking fingers to clear the hair from her face.
  121. "Claudine…?"
  123. Her voice carries out softly, almost inaudibly, on a whisper. But Claudine doesn't stir. Maya chokes on her own breath, heart pounding so violently in her terror she feels she might be sick.
  125. "Claudine…?"
  127. She calls for her again, a little louder this time, so that a small echo carries around the theater.
  129. But the response is the same. She's so still…
  131. Maya blinks and watches her tears start to fall down, landing on Claudine's cheeks and shoulders.
  133. "No…" Her voice cracks, and she shakes her head. "No, please…"
  135. But the unwanted thoughts creep into the corners of her mind, regardless.
  137. Since Claudine had truly become her role and been overtaken by the Viscountess, they had become one being for a time, sharing the same vessel of a body.
  139. So what if that meant they had somehow shared the same fate? Or rather, since the Viscountess had survived in their newer version of the play, when she was supposed to have perished…
  141. What if Claudine had been made to take her place…? What if she had become the sacrifice, after all? What if she has died in this world in order to create a new ending and grant life to the Viscountess in the world of the play…?
  143. "No-"
  145. Maya rasps, trembling so terribly she has to struggle just to keep Claudine in her arms. She rests her hand over Claudine's chest, brushing the ribbon aside, breathing hard as she tries to feel for a pulse. But she can't decipher one, not with how badly her hands are shaking.
  147. "No… please-"
  149. She chokes again, lowering herself down to press her ear to Claudine's collar, praying. Maya bites her lip, forcing herself to keep quiet as she tries to listen for a heartbeat, no matter how small.
  151. She can't hear much besides the rush of blood in her own ears and the pounding in her own veins. But when she finally manages to focus past all of that, she believes she hears a small, fluttering rhythm.
  153. "Oh, please-" Maya lifts herself up once again, cradling Claudine in her arms, resting a hand over her heart. "Claudine, please-! You must-!"
  155. Behind her, the others have fallen into a shocked, terrified silence, clinging onto one another as they suffer tears of their own. Maya sobs more loudly now, and her tears fall more heavily.
  157. "Claudine… please wake up- please-"
  159. Maya crumbles over her, unable to speak another word. And as she finally breaks down, so too do her friends, their miserable cries filling the quiet theater and echoing all around the room. Maya clutches Claudine to her chest, unable to form any words other than fragments of her name.
  161. "Claudine… Clau…"
  163. The scared sobs of her friends reach her, and for a moment, Maya feels her senses going blank-
  165. But then, she cuts off her pleas with a gasp when she hears just that; a gasp. A sudden rush of air.
  167. Instantly, Maya eases back, looking her partner over. Another breath manages to make its way through Claudine's chest and out from her lips. Maya yelps.
  169. "Claudine-!"
  171. Claudine makes a tiny sound, halfway between a moan and a whimper. Maya's heart soars with joy.
  173. She's alive.
  175. "Oh-"
  177. Maya can't even find words to express her relief. She's about to hug Claudine once more when the girl's eyelids flutter open, and though the eyes beneath them are glazed-over, they are still the most beautiful pink Maya's ever seen.
  179. "Clau-"
  181. She reaches out to touch her cheek, gliding her quivering fingertips across pale skin. Claudine blinks up at her, and another scratchy moan rumbles in her throat. Maya can't stop the tears from falling, but she desperately looks past them to try and keep her gaze focused on hers. She waits for the spark of recognition to light up in Claudine's gaze.
  183. Claudine draws in a thin little breath and readies herself to speak.
  185. But…
  187. The first raspy word out of her mouth isn't the one Maya wants to hear.
  189. "Duchess…"
  191. Maya's heart seizes in her chest.
  193. Could it be… she doesn't remember…? That her memories of the real world have been erased, after all? That she'd still made some kind of sacrifice - if not her physical life, than her emotional one? If not her beating heart, then the memories inside of it? Is the person inside of her now no longer the person Maya once knew...?
  195. Maya feels another sob tear through her. She shakes her head in dismay.
  197. "No… Claudine… I-"
  199. She doesn't know what she can say, what she can do…
  201. But then, a beautiful glimmer returns to Claudine's eyes - a spark of clarity. Her chest moves with a breath that's more akin to a huff - just how she'd often say her name.
  203. "Tendo Maya…"
  205. And all at once, Maya's racing emotions culminate in the center of her heart, and all transform into that poignant, all-encompassing surge of relief. She sobs at the top of her voice, pulling Claudine back up to herself as she slumps forward onto her at the same time.
  207. Claudine somehow manages to find the strength to lift her arms and wrap them around Maya's shoulders, and immediately starts crying, too.
  209. They all cry now - all nine Stage Girls who had thrown themselves onto the stage in order to create the ReLive of 'Ashes of the Phoenix.' Not only had they saved the play, but they had written a new version, with a happy ending.
  211. And as such, they are granted a happy ending of their own.
  213. Maya isn't certain how long she cries for, but as soon as she's able to regain some semblance of her composure, she gently coaxes Claudine to release her. Of course, the last thing Maya wants right now is to let her go or make Claudine let go of her, but she just has to be certain.
  215. "Clau… Claudine-" She sputters as she sits back, keeping a firm hold on her partner in her arms as she finally meets her eyes again. "Claudine… y-you… you remember me… don't you…?"
  217. She almost fears it's just a reflex, that her body might remember Maya, but her heart and mind might not.
  219. But her fretful soul is soothed by the tenderness in Claudine's eyes now, a deep and heartfelt emotion nothing and no one could ever fabricate.
  221. "What kind of a question is that?" she scoffs, though her lips are smiling. "Of course I… I remember you. You of all people… the most obnoxious, arrogant, infuriating-"
  223. But Maya doesn't need to hear anymore than that. Just that is more than enough to fill her heart with the purest and most beautiful joy.
  225. She kisses Claudine then and there, knowing it's something she should've done a long, long time ago. But she'd always refrained in the past, because she hadn't been entirely certain of Claudine's feelings for her.
  227. Until now.
  229. Because now, she can see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice, and feel it in her heart.
  231. And though Claudine whines a tiny bit against her lips at being so rudely interrupted, it seems she's willing to forgive her just this once. She kisses Maya back with everything she has, with as much fervor as she can possibly muster.
  233. As their kiss extends, their tears lull to a stop, and their hearts begin to dance.
  235. By now, all of their friends are sobbing uncontrollably and hugging one another in their relief. The stage soaks in their tears, but they are no longer tears of regret or loss or fear. Only joy. And hope. And love.
  237. Maya kisses Claudine until she physically can't continue, at which point she eases back to gaze into her eyes once more. Both girls are left breathless and blushing; although, since Maya had initiated the kiss, she feels she needs to speak first.
  239. "Claudine… I-"
  241. "I love you, too."
  243. "…Eh?" Maya blinks and sniffles. "But I haven't-"
  245. "Idiote." Claudine huffs tiredly, reaching up to hug her around her shoulders once again. "You've already told me... plenty of times. Maybe not with words, but with just about everything else."
  247. Maya whimpers happily, nuzzling herself into the crook of Claudine's neck, pressing close.
  249. "Yes. I… I have felt this way about you… for quite some time, actually… But the events of that ReLive made me realize I could no longer hide or try to run from my feelings…"
  251. "Wait…" Claudine gives her shoulders a soft squeeze. "You… You remember the ReLive? But I thought everyone's memories were taken but mine…?"
  253. "It would seem that was the case for the majority of the story." Maya eases herself back once again, just so she can cradle Claudine in her arms and press a kiss to her forehead. "But toward the ending, I recalled everything. All of the events of the play that had transpired when my mind had been locked away, and the Duchess had been at the forefront. I knew about how you tried desperately to fulfill your role as the villainess, how you tried so hard to do cruel things to us in accordance with the original script…"
  255. Maya's lips wobble again, and though she's smiling, recalling the events of the ReLive cause a sting of pain to spike through her chest.
  257. "I remembered… I knew how terribly you were made to suffer in having no choice but to hurt us… You love us all so dearly that just the mere thought of hurting us is what broke your iron-clad resolve in the end."
  259. Maya moves down to kiss the bridge of Claudine's nose.
  261. "But it was your love, Claudine, that allowed us all to break free from the grasp of the ReLive. It was your love that allowed me to regain my senses and cause the events that would re-write the ending of the play. It was your love that saved us all in the end, Ma Claudine."
  263. And again, Maya kisses her lips - sweetly and tenderly and warmly. She pours all of her affections into that kiss, all of her gratitude - everything. All of it is for Claudine.
  265. And Claudine gives it all back to her, and then some.
  267. Time is something they've lost track of by now, something that is no longer of importance with the ReLive over and their time limit abolished. But eventually, there is a mutual sense that they all must head back to Seishou - to the place where they all belong. Together.
  269. So with weary, happy tears and even wearier, happier sighs, the Stage Girls help one another to their feet. Maya and Claudine are a ways apart from the rest, but once Claudine is on her feet, she gives Maya an imploring look, asking for her help in reaching them. Maya readily supports her and guides her a few steps toward the others. But their friends have already started running to them with Karen at the lead.
  271. "Kuro-chaaaaan-!"
  273. Blubbering, she jumps forward and throws her arms around Claudine, and thanks to Maya keeping hold of her partner, no one goes crashing to the floor. Claudine hugs Karen in return and immediately starts to cry again.
  275. "Karen… I… I'm sorry-"
  277. "N-Non-non!" Karen cries. "K-Kuro-chan, don't be sorry! You were doing what you had to do! You were only pretending to try and hurt us so that you could save us!"
  279. "But…" Claudine sniffles, shuddering as she slumps against her friend. "But I-"
  281. "Kuro-chan!" This time, it's Nana's voice, and she rushes in to hug Claudine as well, not even waiting for Karen to move back. She just hugs them all. "Thank goodness- thank goodness you're okay!"
  283. "Saijou-san!"
  285. "Kuroko!"
  287. "Kuro-haaan!"
  289. "Kuro-chan-!"
  291. "Saijou-san…"
  293. All the rest of them come in-turn; Junna, Futaba, Kaoruko, Mahiru, and Hikari. They all slump together in a massive, tearful group hug with Claudine at the center. But each of them shimmies her way through to share their own proper individual hug with Claudine as well.
  295. Claudine sobs into each of their shoulders as they come to her. But she doesn't feel like she needs to apologize anymore. She can feel all of her friends' warmth, all of their love. There is no forgiveness from them, simply because they never believed there was anything to be forgiven in the first place. To them, Claudine had committed no crimes, done no harm to them. Only to herself.
  297. Therefore, they share all of their kindest words and most healing touches with her, giving her the strength she needs to forgive herself. And eventually, all nine Stage Girls are crying for joy there at the center of the stage, beneath the single spotlight.
  299. And then, the rustle of the curtains as they draw to a close.
  301. "Bravo…"
  303. They all gasp softly, easing apart to search for the source of the voice, but he's nowhere to be seen. Even so, his words reach them.
  305. "I must admit, I am quite impressed. You Stage Girls handled the situation in a way I never anticipated. Where every feasible route led to some form of tragedy… somehow you found a way to blaze a new trail, to forge a new path. This was an ending even I never expected - an unpredictable stage. Truly a radiant performance. I understand."
  307. And then the last echo of that voice fades away, and the theater is silent.
  309. Now it all finally catches up to them in a rush. The girls stagger off the stage one by one, helping each other so no one stumbles. As they finally leave the theater and the stage that had kept them prisoners for nearly two months, they find themselves back in Seishou's basement. It's late at night, and they are the only ones present.
  311. It's a weary and arduous walk through the empty hallways and out into the cool night air, then all the way back to Starlight Hall, but they make the trek together.
  313. And as they finally arrive and begin walking down the quiet halls, Claudine feels a surge of dread twisting in her stomach. She can't help but recall the last time she'd been here, how the rooms had all had different peoples' names on them, how other girls had taken residence in the places where her friends should have been. Even though they are all here with her now, she is still fearful that somehow this might not be genuine.
  315. Maya, who has had an arm around her partner all this time, feels the change in Claudine's pace, her sudden hesitancy. She turns to catch her gaze, blinking at her with concern.
  317. "Claudine…?"
  319. Everyone else pauses as well, looking to her with worried eyes.
  321. Claudine jolts a little and shakes herself off.
  323. "No," she rasps, looking to each of them. "I'm fine… It's just that… last time… y-you all weren't here-" She cuts off with a gasp, and Maya quickly gathers her back into her arms as Claudine starts crying all over again. The rest of them come close into another group hug to offer their love and support.
  325. "It's okay, Kuro-chan."
  327. "We're all here now."
  329. "And we ain't goin' anywhere."
  331. "You're not alone anymore, Kuro-chan!"
  333. Their words of reassurance only make her cry harder, until her legs give out and Maya has to crouch down to cradle her in her arms. She carries Claudine the rest of the way to their lounge, and all nine girls enter slowly, almost tentatively.
  335. Junna's first course of action is to check the calendar. She lets out a yelp of surprise.
  337. "It's still March!" she cries. "I-In fact… the only time that's passed in this world… are the few days since Saijou-san left for France…"
  339. "Eh?" Nana hurries over to stand beside her and peer over her shoulder. "You're right! Kuro-chan left a week ago today! Which means, in this world's time, she only just came back tonight!"
  341. There's a collective shocked, yet relieved murmur as everyone slumps down into their respective couches or chairs with their roommates. Maya keeps Claudine in her lap, as she is barely conscious at this point.
  343. "My…" she murmurs. "So Saijou-san only just returned here and jumped onstage to save us tonight…? Meaning, although we all spent two months in our ReLive… it's all occurred in just one single night here…?"
  345. "That's insane," Futaba mutters.
  347. "No wonder the poor thing is so tired." Kaoruko frowns, reaching out to touch the top of Claudine's head. "In all rights, she just got off her flight a few hours ago, and yet she also spent two months in another world since then."
  349. By now, Maya can see Claudine has fallen completely asleep, and she can't blame her. Mahiru watches nervously from the couch across from them.
  351. "Tendo-san… is she all right…?"
  353. Maya gives Mahiru a reassuring smile.
  355. "I believe so. Her body and mind alike have just been completely overwhelmed by all of this."
  357. "Makes sense," Futaba sighs. "It was one hell of a night."
  359. "I'll say," Nana agrees. "You all must be starving."
  361. "Wha-?!" Karen jumps up from the couch in shock. "Banana, you aren't gonna start cooking right now, are you? It's almost 1AM!"
  363. "I think we all need to go to bed," Hikari murmurs.
  365. But Nana turns around as she heads to the kitchen and gives them all a smile.
  367. "Don't worry! If it's the same night as when Kuro-chan came home, then everything should still be good!"
  369. "'Everything'…?" Mahiru repeats.
  371. Nana opens the refrigerator and makes a happy sound as she pulls out a tray of little home-made candied treats.
  373. "Yes! I made them the night before the rest of us were called to the ReLive, so they've only been in here for a few days!" She closes the door behind herself and unwraps the tray before making her way back over to the rest of them. "Class Rep, since we're already out here past curfew, do you think it's all right to have a little midnight snack?"
  375. Even Junna can't keep the eager look off her face and the growl out of her stomach.
  377. "F-Fine… Just this once…"
  379. "Yay!"
  381. And so Nana lays out her treats for everyone to enjoy, and it really does almost feel like they haven't eaten in two months. Maya lets Claudine sleep for as long as possible in her lap, but eventually rouses her.
  383. "Saijou-san…?" she murmurs, carding through her hair. Not only had Nana made these sweets specifically for the purpose of welcoming Claudine back home, but Maya also just wants Claudine to eat and get a bit of something into her system.
  385. As her partner wakes tiredly - too tiredly to even care she's in Maya's lap - Nana offers her a chocolate strawberry drizzled with caramel. When Claudine finally makes sense of where she is and what's going on, she begins to cry all over again as she bites into her snack. Maya helps her sit up and rubs her back softly for her all the while.
  387. The nine of them eat together, talking softly as they begin to cuddle up.
  389. "It's all so strange," Junna murmurs. "I just have to wonder how it is Saijou-san still remembered us in the first place when she came back home."
  391. "That's right," Nana says. "Everyone else had forgotten about us..."
  393. "It was probably the domain." Everyone looks up in surprise as Hikari speaks. She blushes a little when she realizes they're all looking at her. "That is, the domain that the giraffe's stage takes up only reaches so far. So since she wasn't in Japan, it probably didn't affect her."
  395. "That could be it," Karen nods. "Or it could just be because Kuro-chan loves us so much!"
  397. Hikari smiles.
  399. "Yeah. Or it could be that."
  401. Maya notices Claudine shrug her shoulders a bit in embarrassment, but all of their friends share kind smiles. Clearly, they're all more than willing to accept that explanation, especially after all Claudine had done for them. She'd never forgotten about them because she'd never once stopped thinking about them in the first place, even when she'd been away.
  403. In short, it's because she really loves them. So, so much.
  405. Before much longer, everyone's eyelids begin to droop. Nana cleans up the empty tray before returning to Junna, who opens her arms wide to invite her in for a hug.
  407. Kaoruko is also draped against Futaba's side with a smile on her face. Futaba pulls her in close and kisses her forehead.
  409. Mahiru and Hikari have cuddled up against Karen from either side, and she happily pulls them each to her in a tight hug.
  411. And Maya feels Claudine slump into her shoulder again, so she gently takes her into her arms.
  413. And somehow, some way, the nine of them manage to get up to begin the short walk back to their rooms. But not before those still awake share a few parting words.
  415. "Goodnight," Junna murmurs. "Luckily it's Friday here, so we can sleep all we need tomorrow."
  417. "That might be the whole day," Nana yawns.
  419. "Fine by me," Futaba mumbles; Kaoruko is already fast asleep riding on her back.
  421. Mahiru is struggling to keep Karen and Hikari on their feet as well.
  423. "I think we all deserve it. Right, you two?"
  425. "Ahhh… Mahiru-chan, you're so soft…"
  427. "Mr. White is waiting for me…"
  429. Finally, Maya who has Claudine in her arms, dips her head to the rest of them.
  431. "Yes. Everyone please take time to recover."
  433. "You too, Maya-chan," Nana smiles. "Please take care of Kuro-chan, okay?"
  435. "Of course." Maya cradles Claudine a little closer against her chest.
  437. At last, the girls part ways and start making their walks back to their respective rooms. Maya retires to her own, and it both feels like she'd only been here a few nights ago, but also that she hasn't been here in months.
  439. She brings Claudine to the bed and lies her down, not even thinking to bother with changing out of their uniforms. Maya simply pulls a blue robe over her own clothes, and then carefully slips Claudine into a pink one. She removes her partner's shoes and socks, then her own as well before ultimately crawling into bed beside her.
  441. As Maya is shifting and adjusting the blankets to pull them up over her, Claudine stirs. She turns onto her side, as if seeking Maya's presence, and Maya readily opens her arms to her. Claudine moans softly, and her eyes barely manage to open at all with how exhausted she is.
  443. "Maya…"
  445. Maya smiles at the sound of her name on Claudine's lips. She curls her arms around her and kisses her cheek sweetly.
  447. "I'm honored you've decided to wake one more time tonight so that I may hear your beautiful voice, Ma Claudine." She feels Claudine's arms weakly returning the embrace, but as she makes purchase on Maya's robe, she squeezes a little harder.
  449. "Where…?"
  451. "Please…" Maya kisses her brow, running both hands soothingly through her hair and down her back. "Do not fret, Claudine. We are exactly where we should be now. Everyone is safely back here at Seishou together, as we are meant to be. And it is all thanks to you."
  453. Claudine makes a sound as though she's trying to speak again, but it doesn't bear fruit. Maya can sense she's still anxious and a little tense, no doubt flustered that there might still somehow be something else, some final trick or catch to all of this. So Maya eases back just a little, until she can gaze lovingly into those tired, beautiful eyes of hers.
  455. "Ma Claudine," she whispers, voice full of adoration. "It is over. It is all over. I promise you." Maya shifts a little lower now, nuzzling against her collar to hold a firm kiss against her clothing, pressing just enough so that Claudine may feel it against her chest.
  457. "Please," Maya murmurs to her. "You have suffered enough, Claudine. You have gone through far more pain than anyone ever deserved - and all within the course of a single night." She turns her head, resting against Claudine's pulse for a long moment. The familiar rhythm of her heartbeat brings tears to Maya's eyes once more.
  459. "Please…" she sighs. "You needn't worry anymore, Ma Claudine. Allow us - allow me - to begin helping to heal your heart." She hugs her closer, glad to feel Claudine returning the embrace, tired as it is. She makes a small hum, and Maya hears it in her chest.
  461. "Maya…" But she can't seem to finish just yet, as her voice tapers off into a long, slow exhale. Maya eases away from her chest and moves back up to kiss her cheek, then her temple and her forehead.
  463. "Rest," she urges her again. "Rest your troubled mind. You needn't think about any of it anymore. You succeeded. We all succeeded. And we wrote a wonderful play together. But make no mistake; none of it ever would have been possible without your sacrifice, how you so selflessly thrust yourself upon that stage to save us… You saved us all, Claudine."
  465. Now, she trails her lips down to kiss each of Claudine's eyelids, encouraging her to close them.
  467. But even so, Claudine blinks them back open and still seeks her.
  469. "Maya…" A tiny hiccup jumps in her chest, and Maya is dismayed at the sight of more tears. She traces her palm over Claudine's cheek, caressing her hair.
  471. "Yes…?"
  473. Claudine's tears begin to fall faster, causing her smile to wobble and fade.
  475. "I-I… I'm so sorry-" Her breath hitches before she can say any more than that, and her voice crumples into a whimper.
  477. Maya's heart aches as though it's been burned. She shakes her head.
  479. "No... Claudine-"
  481. As Claudine breaks down all over again, Maya gathers her close, folding both arms around her shaking shoulders and back.
  483. "No… you've done nothing wrong… Nothing, Claudine. Please…"
  485. Maya grits her teeth, fighting back her own sobs once again, not wanting to let Claudine think she is crying because she's in some kind of pain Claudine caused her in the ReLive.
  487. It's all Maya can do not to let the sight and sound of her partner's anguish break her, too. She rubs her hands up and down her back in slow, soothing strokes, planting kisses on her cheek, or on the side of her head, or on her neck - wherever she can manage.
  489. "You needn't apologize," Maya whispers. "We are all right. All of us. You caused us no harm and no pain, Claudine. Not once. Not ever. Without you, we'd all still be trapped there, this world would have forgotten us, and we'd be none the wiser." She hugs her as tightly as she can, spilling her earnest feelings for her in hopes to stop her tears. "You saved us all, Ma Claudine. Thank you…"
  491. Maya closes her eyes and holds her for a long time. Claudine lets everything out - all the pain and conflicting feelings she must have felt over those last two months of the play, for all the horrible things she'd tried to do to them.
  493. Maya can feel her tears seeping into her shoulder, and though it pains her to no end, she wants those feelings gone; she wants them to be expressed and cleansed so Claudine never has to suffer from them ever again.
  495. So Maya lets her cry. As much as listening to her broken sobs hurts her, she knows the pain Claudine had been made to bear during their play must have been unfathomably worse. All Maya can do for her right now is hold her and wait, offering whatever tiny comforts she can.
  497. She squeezes her close, feeling the heavy pulse of Claudine's heart in her chest. Maya locks her arms around her in a different fashion and cradles her closer, kissing her wherever she can in between whispers of her name.
  499. If she didn't know better, Maya might've thought two more months passed by in this single night before Claudine finally stops trembling. Her embrace on Maya loosens, and the fragmented sobs taper off.
  501. Maya waits just a moment longer, feeling her heartbeat as it slows now, feeling her exhausted breaths sprinkled with hiccups. Maya presses as many kisses as she can into Claudine's hair or against the side of her head, hushing her gently.
  503. "Shh… it is all right, Ma Claudine. Everything is all right now…"
  505. And now, she feels the tiniest nod against her shoulder, and hears another small gasp.
  507. "Maya-"
  509. She still sounds panicked, enough to send another pang through Maya's chest. Maya eases away from the firm embrace they'd established, once again slipping her hand up to rest her palm against Claudine's tearstained cheek. Her eyes are so unspeakably tired, but they still hold a slight anxiousness she clearly needs to address.
  511. "Maya-"
  513. "Breathe…" Maya kisses her forehead. "Breathe first. Take your time. I will be here, Claudine. I am not going anywhere."
  515. Her words seem to have lifted whatever illusion of composure Claudine had been trying to cast, because almost immediately her breath hitches again and she's left gasping.
  517. Maya runs her hand up and down her back and trails it along her side, all while gently thumbing her tears with the other. She kisses her forehead once again, then eventually ventures down to leave a light press on her lips.
  519. She waits until Claudine has steadied herself, until her chest is no longer shaking against hers. Maya, too, relaxes a little when she feels her calming down. She kisses the bridge of her nose, and when she eases back again, Claudine is giving her a determined look. Maya dips her head a little, inviting her to continue speaking when she's ready. Claudine draws in another deep breath, then lets it out.
  521. "Are we-?" Her voice is hoarse, and yet it's still the most beautiful sound Maya's ever heard. She gives Claudine a little squeeze around her waist, encouraging her to continue. "Maya… are we…? Are we really-?"
  523. "Yes." Maya doesn't mean to cut her off, but she already knows what she's asking, and she doesn't want to let Claudine live one more second in uncertainty. "Yes. We really are free of it now. We really are back home at Seishou now." She cups her cheek for a second longer before wrapping both arms around her yet again. "We are home, and we are safe. All of us."
  525. And though Maya has been telling her similar things all night, only now does Claudine seem like she's able to believe them. She exhales, and the last of her fears go with it at last.
  527. "Thank goodness…"
  529. A few more tears slip down her cheeks, and Maya kisses them away.
  531. "It is over," she murmurs again. "I promise. You can rest now, Claudine."
  533. Claudine whimpers, as if she'd been waiting for the right moment to finally be able to accept that permission. Maya hears one last tiny sob tumble from her partner's lips, but it almost sounds like laughter. Maya's heart thrums.
  535. Slowly, she eases back until she sees Claudine's smile. It's tired - so, so tired - but just as heartfelt and joyful. As is her voice.
  537. "I only just got back from France..." she muses in disbelief. "I sang at my cousin's wedding... I took so many pictures to show all of you. And I brought back snacks... I hope they're still good..."
  539. "I am certain they are," Maya soothes her. "And I am certain everyone will be delighted to hear all about your trip and try your sweets, come morning. I, for one, look forward to it all very much."
  541. And she really does mean it, and she's very frustrated all of this mess had occurred to interfere with Claudine's trip and return. But all that matters is that she'd returned safely - they all have.
  543. "However," Maya continues. "First, we must get some sleep. Especially you, Ma Claudine. You've endured more in one night than most people do in a lifetime."
  545. Maya kisses her again, a bit longer than before, and a bit deeper. Claudine can only manage a small one in return, so Maya softens the contact, easing back to let her breathe.
  547. Claudine blinks hazy eyes up at her in the moonlight. And in spite of everything, her voice is a bit stronger now.
  549. "Maya…"
  551. Maya is overcome by a feeling of glee to hear her sounding like her old self again. Her voice has become sure and unhindered, her smile beautiful and warm. Maya heeds her call by brushing their cheeks together, nuzzling into her hair.
  553. "Yes…?"
  555. Claudine hugs her back with all her remaining strength, and her heartbeat drums steadily against Maya's chest, as if telling the very words that next come from her lips.
  557. "Je t'aime."
  559. And those words. They truly are like magic. Like a warm and beautiful spell. Like sunshine.
  561. It's a miracle Maya doesn't burst into tears of joy. All that comes from her is a quiet, giddy chuckle.
  563. "Thank you, Saijou Claudine. I love you, too. With all my heart."
  565. Maya kisses her, and in spite of all she's been through, Claudine still gathers up the last threads of her energy to kiss her back. She wants Maya to know she means it.
  567. And Maya receives her message, the words Claudine seems to convey to her through her tears, her embrace, and her kiss.
  569. Me, too. With all my heart.
  571. They both understand each other's feelings, for it's a mutual passion of equal parts. Just as they dance and sing and act, they love the same way. Only when they are together are they truly whole.
  573. That love resonates within their very souls, and sings within every shared beat of their hearts.
  575. The kiss lasts for eons, or so it seems, but when Maya finally parts from it, she finds herself in the same room, on the same night. She'd felt Claudine's final conscious breath before she'd fallen asleep in the middle of their kiss, and now she is curled up in a deep and much-deserved slumber.
  577. Maya spares a moment to wipe her own tears before brushing off the last of Claudine's as well. Now, through the slivers of moonlight, she is happy to find a smile on her lips.
  579. And though Maya's body is also begging for sleep now that she knows Claudine is all right, she refrains just a while longer. Claudine had spent two months watching over the rest of them, doing whatever she could within her power to try and find a way to save them. And all the while, Maya and her friends had never even known, never been able to appreciate how badly Claudine had suffered for their sakes. She feels it's the least she can do to watch over her now and ensure her first real night's sleep in two months' time is as restful as possible.
  581. So Maya keeps herself up just a little while longer, fully prepared to spend most of tomorrow here sleeping with her too. She inches herself a little lower for the time being, pulling Claudine in by her waist as Maya nestles against her collar.
  583. To her utmost relief, Claudine's breathing is now clear and even, unobstructed by even a single sob or sniffle. And her heart has lulled into a slow but steady rhythm, a beat very different from the painful pounding of earlier.
  585. Maya savors it now, listening for a long time, just to make sure. She hugs herself very close, listening to that lovely sound. Perhaps she's being greedy, but it almost feels as though she can hear Claudine saying those words to her over and over again every time her heart beats.
  587. When Maya is finally able to pull herself away, she leaves a kiss behind on her partner's collar.
  589. "I love you, too, Ma Claudine."
  591. Now, she repositions herself, moving up until she is nose to nose with her. She leaves another light, soft kiss behind on her lips before shifting up to fold her arms around her shoulders. She knows better than anyone that Claudine doesn't need to be protected. But after all she's been through - after all the sleepless nights she'd spent crying - Maya wants to indulge herself, just this once.
  593. She kisses the top of Claudine's head, sealing a silent vow to fend off any and all nightmares that may try to haunt her. She hugs her close, and at last a yawn escapes her.
  595. Maya closes her eyes at long last and curls up with Claudine safely and warmly in her arms. In only seconds, she slips into slumber with her.
  597. I love you… so very much...
  599. And though neither of them have said it again with words, they know they've said it in another way. Or perhaps, many other ways.
  601. For now, the two girls sleep, caressed by a warm and gentle spell that wreathes all around them - a spell they've created and cast together.
  603. And it truly is the greatest magic of all.
  605. -----------
  607. A/N: And there we have it! I felt I had to give them a long and super soft and cuddly scene at the end here after all they went through ;w; By the time I'd finished writing and went to edit, I felt so bad I'd had Claudine be so happy to come home in the beginning and then ended with her so tearful and tired. So they will celebrate her return properly and see all her pics and hear her recording of her singing at the wedding and enjoy her treats! Everyone just needs to sleep for a few days first ;v;
  609. All in all, I really hope you all enjoyed if you stuck with me till the end. I'll confess, I was scared to tackle something so huge and elaborate (0mn's mind is another universe lol) but I'm glad they had me do it! Once I'd figured out an ending and a plan that worked with the stage 'logic', it was super fun to write!
  611. Thank you so much for reading! And a huge thanks once again to 0mn for birthing this ReLive!
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