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a guest
Dec 30th, 2012
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  1. Zorua: sup
  2. Waassil: hi
  3. Zorua: hello
  4. Waassil: interessed u walking dead or crysis collection ?
  5. Zorua: ..for?
  6. Waassil: border 2 key
  7. Zorua: gimme a moment
  8. Zorua: is walking dead tradeable
  9. Zorua: ?
  10. Zorua: hello?
  11. Waassil: yes
  12. Waassil: sry
  13. Waassil: im go in secound room
  14. Zorua: Will you go first? Since I have more rep
  15. Waassil: idk
  16. Waassil: my game gift
  17. Waassil:
  18. Zorua: you'll have to send it first then.
  19. Zorua: Look at my profile, I have a lot of rep
  20. Zorua: you only have 2.
  21. Zorua: You send the gift, I check if I got it, I paste the key here
  22. Waassil: and look my rep
  23. Waassil: i know , 3 +reps
  24. Waassil: but im new in trading
  25. Zorua: Yes, but I'm a seasoned trader and you should trust em
  26. Zorua: I have the key right here.
  27. Waassil: im buying walking dead
  28. Waassil: yes, i know
  29. Waassil: my game is gift
  30. Waassil: i give u my gift
  31. Waassil: look, i show you
  32. You have accepted the trade request from Waassil.
  33. Zorua: yep, you have to go first
  34. Zorua: press make trade and I'll paste the key.
  35. Waassil: sorry
  36. Zorua: hm?
  37. Waassil: gift << key
  38. Zorua: Wait, let me get a middleman first
  39. Waassil: what ?
  40. Waassil: what is middleman ?
  41. Waassil: no no
  42. Waassil: only trade if u first send key
  43. Waassil: one man me scammed
  44. Waassil: and im afraid :/
  45. Waassil: really, im fair trader
  46. Zorua: wait
  47. Zorua: a middleman is someone who's a very trusted trader
  48. Zorua: and he'll mediate the process for us
  49. Zorua: I'll give him the borderlands 2 key
  50. Zorua: You'll give him the walking dead
  51. Zorua: He'll then give my key to you
  52. Zorua: and give me your walking dead
  53. Zorua: so no one gets scammed
  54. Zorua: ?
  55. Waassil: nope
  56. Waassil: i give gift and he scammed me ?
  57. Zorua: I'll link you to the profile of the middleman before the trade.
  58. Waassil: no way
  59. Waassil: im new trader
  60. Waassil: and have 2 gifts
  61. Zorua: he's the owner of 'Trades Guild' which is a very popular group
  62. Waassil: don't want scamming ;/
  63. Zorua: listen
  64. Zorua: I've been scammed for $60
  65. Zorua: so I need to take precautions
  66. Zorua:
  67. Zorua: join that group
  68. Zorua: and come to that caht
  69. Zorua: chat*
  70. Waassil: nope , sry, im afraid :/
  71. Waassil: sry bro
  72. Zorua: wait one moment please
  73. Zorua: accept airscottie's invite
  74. Zorua: hello?
  75. Zorua: um are you there Waassil?
  76. Waassil: no, ty.
  77. Zorua: Add airscottie please
  78. Zorua: he's the moderator of the biggest trading group
  79. Zorua: if it's a trust issue, he'll completely solve it
  80. Zorua: please talk to him
  81. Zorua: hello?
  82. Zorua: if you want to trade please respond
  83. Zorua: talk to me
  84. Waassil: not interessed
  85. Waassil: sorryt
  86. Zorua: why not?
  87. Zorua: is it because you were trying to scam me and you can't anymore?
  88. Waassil: lol. no, you me scamm.
  89. Waassil: your friend me added
  90. Zorua: he is not my friend
  91. Zorua: look at his profile
  92. Waassil: and you and your friend scamm me
  93. Zorua: he's the admin of the world's biggest trade group
  94. Zorua: er
  95. Zorua: steam's biggest
  96. Zorua: are you adding him or not?
  97. Zorua: talk to him at least
  98. Zorua: alright
  99. Zorua: this is the last time I'm asking you
  100. Zorua: if you don't add him to at least talk
  101. Zorua: I'm going to report you to steam for attempting to scam.
  102. Waassil: LOL ?
  103. Zorua: Your behavior is extremely shady.
  104. Waassil: because im not interessed ?
  105. Zorua: If you don't talk, I'm just going to report you to steamrep.
  106. Zorua: add airscottie, you don't need to give him the key just talk
  107. Waassil: ..
  108. Zorua: can you please add him?
  109. Zorua: I'm only asking you to press the add friend button
  110. Zorua: you don't need to give him the key
  111. Zorua: just talk to him
  112. Zorua: Alright, looks like you just won't talk.
  113. Zorua: Have fun!
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