
All about Lilith

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. NOTE : This is not final, and could change at any time.
  3. 1. Lilith, the Introduction
  4. Lilith is a being that nobody wants. Hell and Heaven refuses her [Hell may have a sign written "NO LILITH ALLOWED"], Nobody knows how the fuck she was made. the only things that they know is : a) She is sentient ; b) She is evil ; c) She plays with various lifeforms on multiple universes just to amuse herself, usually by tricking them into believing she is their god and then proceeds to fuck them royally. She is said to be able to destroy entire universe ALL BY HERSELF, but this is a very, very rare occurence that you can count on one hand and still have fingers left. Usually she manipulates the lifeforms residing inside an universe to wage wars with each other and watch it go dead. Think of, evil Jesus. She performs miracles and shit and told you to go to war with everyone else in the galaxy because you're the supreme race. Also, here's a trivia : When she thinks she had failed to manipulate a species, she would just hit the rage quit button and destroy whatever civilization she was previously toying with. [Of course there's a crazy old man screaming "THE END IS NIGH" a few moments before Lilith destroys the poor world.]
  6. Unfortunately, Earth had been visited by Lilith a few thousand years ago. And unfortunately, we humans are too dumb to be manipulated by Lilith.
  8. Now, I know you're thinking "OH LEMME FIGHT THAT BITCH IMMA WHOOP HER PUNK ASS". Well, it's... not as easy as coming to Lilith herself and screams "YOU SUCK" at her. You can't actually /fight/ the oh-so-mighty Lilith herself, because she only leave pieces of her in every world she has visited. Those pieces needs a vessel to fully activates, like a shitty game that needs DLCs to actually work. For Earth, the current vessel is Ivory, one of her drones [we'll discuss this below]. When a Piece of Lilith merges with a Vessel, the event is called Instrumentality, and the countdown to the apocalypse begins. The sky turns dark, the moon goes blood red, eclipses everywhere, yadda yadda. Earth is a very unique case, as the species there [humans] managed to FUCKING POSTPONE THE APOCALYPSE FROM HAPPENING [Yes, we will discuss this below].
  11. 2. The Pieces of Lilith and Ivory
  12. The Pieces of Lilith is a mini-duplicate of Lilith herself made with her own body, and looks nowhere near a human being. It's a throbbing, rotating, levitating... thing... that have funky shape that changes every once in a while. It glows blue, sometimes green, and sometimes white. The Pieces of Lilith can 'speak' to a person via telepathy, and it can performs 'miracles' via a chosen person or a Vessel. The Pieces are linked to Lilith mind hive style. It is defenseless, so it needs a Vessel and Drones to protect her.
  14. Ivory and her sisters are one of the Drones, bound to Lilith's words and [usually] will never disobey Lilith. There's all sorts of kinds of drones that protect each Pieces of Lilith, blobs of slime, golems, dolls, androids, swarms of bugs, plants, etc. They are almost all artificial or low intelligence but strong life forms, to minimize the resistance Lilith may have. Ivory is also a Vessel, which is uncommon.
  17. 3. Instrumentality Plus Why Ivory Is Not Destroying the Earth.. Yet.
  18. Instrumentality is a slow, yet destructive process, which raises all kinds of disasters on the world it's going on until the final act in which the world is destroyed. It's progressively worse, and the order will be written when I got the inspiration. Once a Vessel and a Piece fully merges, the only way to stop Instrumentality from fully happening is to kill the Vessel. Earth is a very special case, because we managed to stop the Piece from merging with the Vessel [which at that time is the ruler of an ancient kingdom of magic and obscurity]. We lucked out and Lilith only removes the entire kingdom from the known history of man.
  20. But the Piece of Lilith is still here, and Lilith picked a new Vessel to do the job, Ivory.
  22. Here's the problem though : Ivory doesn't want to be the Vessel. Why? She's basically possessed. She now have the power to feel emotions, and that includes love. The body of Ivory is ruled by two different personas, a peaceful, curious, loving "Child" Ivory, and a bloodlust, harbringer of the apocalypse "Vessel" Ivory. Both are always fighting for control, and for the time being "Child" Ivory is the driver. "Child" Ivory is the one who falls in love with Destinox. The Vessel hates him, thinking he's just a distraction from the true goal. But hey, love is blind, people say.
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