
Pretend Daddy for A Day

Mar 12th, 2015
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  1. > You are Anon the Applebloom Temp-Dad
  2. > Really can't say no to any of the Crusaders.
  3. > Sometimes you regret this.
  4. > But not tonight.
  5. > While Applebloom has many good poneis that love and care for her, none of them are parents.
  6. > And for her to ask you to fill that role, even for just a night...
  7. > It stirs something in your heart.
  8. > Something painful. Something joyous.
  9. > You don't know what this feel is, but you do know that there isn't anywhere in all of existence that you'd rather be.
  10. > You are exactly where you want to be.
  11. > In Ponyville Town Hall, ears full of child friendly music, dancing with the Apple filly.
  12. > You're mostly flailing, badly imitating things you saw in music videos what feels like a lifetime ago.
  13. > Applebloom is keeping up with you, bouncing and stamping with the endless energy of the young.
  14. > And she's smiling.
  15. > Partly at how bad you are. Partly at how bad she is. Partly from being able to share bad dancing with someone.
  16. > It makes your heart melt.
  17. > Her smile is so honest and innocent.
  18. > It lights up her face in a show of joy that makes you forget the hardships of your life and be happy in this moment.
  19. > But the night has gotten late and there is only one more song.
  20. > A slow dance song to give everyone a chance to cool down before they head out into the night chill.
  21. > All the other fathers begin to lead their girls through the slow steps, supporting and guiding them through the song.
  22. > And you can't.
  23. > All the other songs you two could just flail and stomp in time with each other.
  24. > But you can't do that here.
  25. > You're close to four times Appleblooms height.
  26. > It is physically impossible for the two of you to do this dance as ponies do.
  27. > And she knows it too.
  28. > These are the last moments of your time acting as her father and you can't perform the final dance together.
  29. > Her smile dies as she watches the other fillies dancing with their fathers.
  30. > There are no tears but the unspoken sadness in her eyes is like a knife twisting in your heart.
  31. > You can't let it end like this.
  32. > Bending down, you reach your arms around Applebloom.
  33. > Deftly you pick her up, keeping her simple dress from getting in the way.
  34. > She gives a start as you lift her but relaxes after a moment.
  35. > You hold her to your chest and begin to move in time with the music.
  36. > Slow and gentle, you rock from side to side with the music.
  37. > Applebloom snuggles into your torso and rests her chin on your shoulder.
  38. > She closes her eyes and the corners of her mouth pull up.
  39. > The filly is warm in your arms
  40. > A pleasant, comforting weight.
  41. > All too soon the song ends and it's time to go.
  42. > Applebloom is half asleep in your arms.
  43. > Rather than disturb her you just head for the farm.
  44. > A wall of chill air hits as you exit the town hall.
  45. > Bloom wriggles closer into your chest.
  46. > The night is cold but you keep each other warm through the walk.
  47. > Big Mac is reading on the couch when you get to the farmstead.
  48. > When he looks up you just raise your index finger over your lips.
  49. > He gives you a nod and a smile.
  50. > Applebloom gives a small whine as you let go of her to slip off her dress and tuck her into bed.
  51. > You gently stroke her mane and give her a peck on the forehead.
  52. "Goodnight, Applebloom. Sleep well."
  53. > She shifts the blanket tighter around herself.
  54. > "G'night, dad."
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