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Jan 17th, 2017
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  1. locale = {}
  2. locale.man_postfix = "Man"
  3. locale.woman_postfix = "Woman"
  4. locale.confirm = "Confirm"
  5. locale.reward = "Reward"
  6. locale.exp = "Experience"
  7. locale.count_prefix = ""
  8. locale.count_postfix = "Units"
  9. locale.level = "Level"
  10. locale.quest_word = "Quest"
  11. locale.complete = "Complete"
  12. locale.start = "Start"
  13. = "Chat"
  14. locale.eliminate_on_begin = "Start: "
  15. locale.eliminate_on_end = "End"
  16. locale.yes = "Yes"
  17. = "No"
  18. locale.close = "Close"
  19. locale.cancel = "Cancel"
  20. = "Yang"
  21. locale.from_postfix = "something"
  27. locale.need_item_prefix = "Information:[ENTER]To feed the horse you need:[ENTER]<"
  28. locale.need_item_postfix = ">"
  30. locale.NOTICE_COLOR = color256(255, 230, 186)
  31. locale.NORMAL_COLOR = color256(196, 196, 196)
  33. locale.empire_names = {
  34. [0] = "Junjeh",
  35. [1] = "Shinsoo",
  36. [2] = "Chunjo",
  37. [3] = "Jinno",
  38. }
  40. locale.GM_SKILL_NAME_DICT = {
  41. [1] = "Three-Way Cut",
  42. [2] = "Sword Spin",
  43. [3] = "Berserk Fury",
  44. [4] = "Aura of the Sword",
  45. [5] = "Dash",
  46. [16] = "Spirit Strike (W)",
  47. [17] = "Bash",
  48. [18] = "Stump",
  49. [19] = "Strong Body",
  50. [20] = "Sword Strike",
  51. [31] = "Ambush",
  52. [32] = "Fast Attack",
  53. [33] = "Rolling Dagger",
  54. [34] = "Stealth Silent",
  55. [35] = "Poisonous Cloud",
  56. [46] = "Repetitive Shot",
  57. [47] = "Arrow Shower",
  58. [48] = "Fire Arrow",
  59. [49] = "Feather Walk",
  60. [50] = "Poison Arrow",
  61. [61] = "Finger Strike",
  62. [62] = "Dragon Swirl",
  63. [63] = "Enchanted Blade",
  64. [64] = "Fear",
  65. [65] = "Enchanted Armour",
  66. [66] = "Dispel",
  67. [76] = "Dark Strike",
  68. [77] = "Flame Strike",
  69. [78] = "Flame Spirit",
  70. [79] = "Dark Protection",
  71. [80] = "Spirit Strike (S)",
  72. [81] = "Dark Orb",
  73. [91] = "Flying Talisman",
  74. [92] = "Shooting Dragon",
  75. [93] = "Dragon's Roar",
  76. [94] = "Blessing",
  77. [95] = "Reflect",
  78. [96] = "Dragon's Strength",
  79. [106] = "Lightning Throw",
  80. [107] = "Summon Lightning",
  81. [108] = "Lightning Claw",
  82. [109] = "Cure",
  83. [110] = "Swiftness'",
  84. [111] = "Attack Up",
  85. [170] = "Shred",
  86. [171] = "Wolf's Breath",
  87. [172] = "Wolf Pounce",
  88. [173] = "Wolf's Claw",
  89. [174] = "Purple Wolf Soul",
  90. [175] = "Indigo Wolf Soul"
  91. }
  93. locale.monster_chat = {
  94. [301] = {"The commander is scary when she's angry.", "A few days ago, a really handsome warrior passed through here.", "Never stand between a momma bear and her cub.", "Give up!", "Hand over your weapon and no one will get hurt."},
  95. [302] = {"This plague is getting worse.", "I wonder what I should hunt today.", "Never stand between a momma bear and her cub.", "Stop moving!", "Hold still!", "Take that!"},
  96. [303] = {"Stay alert ladies. There is trouble about.", "Pay attention to your surroundings.", "Any moment may be your last.", "Do not run you coward!", "The White Oath will prevail!", "Stand and fight!"},
  97. [304] = {"Stay alert, there is trouble amoung this forest.", "The White Oath will prevail.", "You are getting on my nerves.", "You have met your match!", "Give up! You can not defeat the White Oath!", "Surrender to us!"},
  98. [305] = {"The commander is scary when she's angry.", "Do not underestimate the White Oath.", "Let's find out who is stronger.", "The weather has been nice lately. Too nice.", "Hand over your weapon and no one will get hurt.", "Give up! You can't win!"},
  99. [306] = {"*sighs* There are so many chores to do.", "This plague is getting a lot worse.", "I would have to say Suras are the hottest.", "Let's have a duel.", "Never come between a momma bear and her cub.", "Do not run you coward."},
  100. [307] = {"The weather has been lovely.", "This plague has been getting worse.", "Quiet. I'm trying to listen.", "Do not underestimate me.", "Don't even think about running.", "Surrender to me!"},
  101. [394] = {"The White Oath will prevail.", "Do not let down your guard.", "You have met your match!", "You can not defeat me!", "The White Oath will prevail!", "Bow down and serve the White Oath!"},
  102. [401] = {"Check out my new tattoo.", "My weapon is getting too dull.", "Let's have a duel.", "Nice moves, but can you take this?!", "You can not escape me!", "Die already!"},
  103. [402] = {"What are you looking at?", "That armor looks expensive. Hand it over.", "How about I put a dent in that armor of yours.", "You are no match for my skills!", "There is a reason why I'm called a maniac!", "You are no match for me!"},
  104. [403] = {"I wonder what I should hunt today.", "Spider Eye Soup sounds amazing right now.", "Shut up! I hear footsteps.", "Your armor is no match for my arrows!", "You are no match for the Black Wind!", "You don't stand a chance!"},
  105. [404] = {"The moisture here is bad for my sword.", "Is this rock a piece of a gem?", "I'm so hungry...", "Scream as loud as you want, no one will hear you!", "Fight me!", "Ouch, that hurt."},
  106. [405] = {"This land has seen too much blood.", "I wonder how this will all end.", "Don't waste my time.", "This sword was crafted by a Master Blacksmith.", "You don't stand a chance against us!", "You have met your end."},
  107. [406] = {"I'm hungry...", "Anyone want a drink with me?", "This plague is getting bad.", "Aargh, die!", "I will break your arms and legs like toothpicks!", "My axe will destroy you!"},
  108. [491] = {"I told you to stop laying around and get to work!", "What are you looking at?", "Don't make me come over there.", "I will destroy you in one swing of my axe!", "Prepare for you death!", "Die!"},
  109. [492] = {"The plague has been spreading amoung my troops.", "Anyone want to spar with me?", "Fear is weakness.", "Ah, a new victim for my weapon.", "My technique is flawless.", "Even the smallest of wounds can kill when not properly treated."},
  110. [493] = {"Strength is all that matters.", "What are you staring at? Never seen someone with hands like these, eh?!", "You people are really get on my nerves.", "Better run tiny human!", "I'll smash you into pieces!", "Arrrgh!"},
  111. [494] = {"Show me your best technique.", "Practice makes perfect.", "Only the best of the best survive in this world.", "No, try again. This time, steady that hand more.", "Intelligence always triumphs over brute strength.", "You are nearly dead."},
  112. [501] = {"Anyone want to duel?", "When are we going to attack the town?", "How about I put a dent in that armor of yours.", "Why should I pay for something when I can just steal it?!", "Arrrgh!", "Die!"},
  113. [502] = {"Has anyone seen my other claw?", "What are you looking at? Get lost!", "I don't like the way you are staring at me.", "It's an honour to die through my sword.", "Die!", "Muhahahah! Die coward!"},
  114. [503] = {"I can pin a fly to a tree from a mile away without killing it.", "It is an honour to die through my bow.", "This plague is getting worse.", "It's difficult for everyone these days.", "Die!", "You can not defeat us!"},
  115. [504] = {"The boss will be proud of our results.", "The weather has been decent.", "My club is getting rusty.", "Would you guys knock it off!? You're driving me crazy!", "You are dead!", "Die!"},
  116. [601] = {"Me want Amulet! You have Amulet?", "Where rain go?", "Me want fish.", "Raaawwwrrr!", "Me smash human!", "Arrrggh!", "Oof!"},
  117. [602] = {"Smeeeeeaagle!", "Precious? You have precious?! Give me!", "Me no like pain!", "Smeeeagle!", "Me want Amulet! You have? Do you?!", "Smeee!"},
  118. [603] = {"This land is ours! No one can defeat Orcs!", "Strength defeats all!", "Only the strongest survive.", "You are stronger than you look, tiny human.", "You can't run from me!", "Raaawwrrr!"},
  119. [604] = {"Me smell change coming.", "Spirits are not happy. No not happy at all.", "So much hurt from glowing rock.", "Me hungry...", "Be gone human!", "Smeee!"},
  120. [631] = {"Where rain go?", "Me want Amulet! You have Amulet?", "Me hungry.", "Yay! Human to eat!", "Yum yum, tastey human!", "Raawwrr!"},
  121. [632] = {"Smeeeeeaagle!", "Precious? You have precious?! Give me!", "Me no like pain!", "Me want Amulet! You have?", "Die!", "Yum yum, tastey human!"},
  122. [633] = {"This land is ours! No one can defeat Orcs!", "Only the strongest survive.", "I smell humans.", "Strength defeats all!", "You are no match for the power of the Orc!", "Only a coward runs from battle!"},
  123. [634] = {"What potions should I make? Poison or Sleep?", "I need Amulet. Where is Amulet?", "There is evil voodoo in the air.", "Spirits are not happy with us.", "Humans do not understand Orc magic!", "Die human!"},
  124. [635] = {"Always keep your blade sharp.", "I hate the smell of humans.", "Orcs own this land.", "Bwuahahah! Die weak human!", "Raaawwwrrr!", "Arrrrghhh!"},
  125. [636] = {"Play?", "Smash! Me smash!", "Tiny human come play?", "*drools*", "*farts*", "Play! Human play!", "Bwuahahah! Play!"},
  126. [637] = {"Smash smash!", "Me want to smash human!", "*drools*", "*farts*", "Me stronger than tiny human! Bwuahaha!", "Raaawrr!"},
  127. [691] = {"Play?", "Human come play?", "PLAY!", "ME SMASH!", "Tiny human smash!", "PLAY!"},
  128. [701] = {"All answers can be found in the magic.", "The leader of the Esoteric is holy and above all!", "The Esoteric Primer knows all.", "Believe in the magic or be consumed by it!", "Those who doubt the magic will be lost.", "Be enlightened by the magic or embrace death!"},
  129. [702] = {"The Esoteric Primer holds the magic.", "Not believing in the magic will not save you from it.", "The leader of the Esoteric is holy and above all!", "The magic in this Talisman is very strong.", "Take that!", "The magic?! Where is the magic?!"},
  130. [703] = {"The magic is strong within me.", "Only through the magic will the truth be told.", "This Talisman has a lot of magic.", "Believe in the magic or embrace death!", "The leader of the Esoteric is holy and above all!", "Away with you!"},
  131. [704] = {"Humans will understand the magic in time.", "Only those open to the magic will stay safe.", "The Esoteric Primer holds the truth.", "The leader of the Esoteric is holy and above everyone!", "Humans can never destroy the faith of the Esoteric!", "Argh!"},
  132. [705] = {"The Talismans are the key to everything.", "The leader of the Esoteric is holy and above all!", "Not believing in the magic will not save you from destruction.", "Eternal suffering will fall on those who do not embrace the magic.", "The Esoteric Primer holds the secrets.", "Away with you!"},
  133. [706] = {"The power of the Curse Book courses through me.", "The Dark Leader's eyes are everywhere...", "If you do not embrace the magic, I will destroy you.", "Only the most pure can enter the Dark Temple!", "Believe or face my torment!", "Believe or die!"},
  134. [707] = {"The power of the Curse Book flows through me.", "Serve the Dark Leader and the magic will be yours.", "Serve us or perish!", "Only the most pure may enter the Dark Temple.", "The Esoteric will never fall!", "The Dark Leader's eyes are everywhere. You can not escape!"},
  135. [791] = {"Power...I must have more power!", "Obey me and I will grant you the true power of magic.", "My magic is supreme and unlimited!", "You humans are no match for my magic!", "I will show you true power!", "FEAR ME!"},
  136. [901] = {"*drools*", "Breee...", "...Blurp...", "Buuurr...", "Nom nom!"},
  137. [903] = {"Braaaaaaiinns...", "Muuuuur...", "*drools*", "Bloooooood...", "Braaaaaaiiins!", "*eats hand*"},
  138. [904] = {"Bleh!", "Aaarrrhh...", "Huuuman...", "Raaaah!", "Bleh!", "Muuur!"},
  139. [905] = {"Braaaaaaiiins...", "Kill...Kiiiiiill!", "Huuuuman...", "Rawwhr!", "Muuuur!", "Bleh!"},
  140. [906] = {"Braaaaaaiiins!", "Mmmrhh...", "Blurp...", "Arrgghhh!", "Kill...Kiiiiiiill!", "Nuuurr!"},
  141. [907] = {"Braaaaaaiiins!", "Huuuman...", "...blurp.", "*drools*", "Blooood...", "Braaaaiins!"},
  142. [1001] = {"Hehehehe!", "I smell human! Me like human.", "Me hungry! Me hungry!", "The smell of fear makes my mouth water!", "Die pesky human!", "Die die! Hehehehe!"},
  143. [1002] = {"Heheheheh!", "Those pig head humans don't understand power!", "Humans get on my nerves.", "I smell blood!", "Heheheheheh!", "Die!"},
  144. [1003] = {"Hehehehe!", "The spear is more deadly than the sword. I will show you! Hehehe!", "No human shall reach the top of the tower!", "Did you run out of potions? Too bad! Heheheh!", "Humans! Get the humans!", "Die human!"},
  145. [1004] = {"Huhuhuhuh...", "Human souls are the tastiest.", "I smell humans...", "Yummy humans!", "You can't hide your fear. I can smell it a mile away!", "You are a tough one!"},
  146. [1035] = {"Yoohoo! I'm over here!", "Hihihihihihi!", "What's wrong? Never seen a ghost before?", "Come play with us! We don't bite much!", "Are you affraid? No? Raaaawwwr! How about now?", "You humans are so squishy!"},
  147. [1036] = {"What's wrong? Never seen a ghost before? Hihihihi!", "Come play with us!", "Yay! Food is here!", "Hihihihihi!", "Are you scared yet?", "Look into my green eye and all your worries will will your soul."},
  148. [1037] = {"Let the darkness consume you.", "I hope you're not affraid of the dark.", "Welcome to hell, I mean home.", "Keep screaming! The darkness loves it!", "You can't kill me this way.", "The only real power is dark power."},
  149. [1038] = {"Welcome to hell, I mean home.", "Are you watching my tail?", "I haven't had a challenge like this in a long time!", "You can not kill me this way.", "I hope you aren't affraid of the dark.", "Look into my eyes...oh that's right, I don't have any."},
  150. [1039] = {"You never know what may be lurking in the darkness.", "Oh look, humans found a way in. Now can you find a way out? Hehe.", "Fear is the best form of control.", "Welcome to hell, I mean home.", "Listen carefully, you wouldn't want anything to sneak up on you.", "You humans smell simply scrumptious!"},
  151. [1040] = {"We can see every move you make.", "Eyes are useless here.", "Oh look, humans found a way in. Now can you find a way out? Hehehe.", "I can smell your fear.", "Your soul is ours.", "You can not kill me this way."},
  152. [1041] = {"(Uurgha!", "Uuuuuhhr!", "Humans!", "Uuhrr...fresh meat.", "Urh?", "Urgh!"},
  153. [1091] = {"Do not fight the darkness. Let it consume your heart!", "You have no idea of the power that exists in dark magic.", "You can only move to the next floor if you defeat me and my demonic army.", "You can only move to the next floor if you defeat me and my demonic army.", "Attack my minions!", "How long do you think you can last before the darkness swallows you?"},
  154. [1093] = {"Welcome to my lair. Please do make yourself comfortable. It is your death day after all.", "Is this all the three nations can produce? I am disapointed.", "Come now, must we resort to this type of violence? Just accept your death gracefully.", "I can asure you, the plague is only the beginning.", "Your end is near.", "Give up. There is no escape for you."},
  155. [1105] = {"Hmmmrrhhh...", "My heart is as cold as freshy fallen snow.", "Humans!", "Riiiiiibit!", "Hihihihihihi!", "Gibbit, noo!"},
  156. [1106] = {"Mmmmmmrrrrhhhh...", "*grunts*", "Hmmmrrhhh...", "*Mmrh?", "*Whaarr!*", "Raaawwr!"},
  157. [1191] = {"Be careful, I may give you frostbite.", "My heart is as cold as freshy fallen snow.", "How about I turn you into a human popsicle?", "Nothing in this world can thaw my frozen heart.", "You can not escape my magic!", "My magic will leave you frozen where you stand!"},
  158. [1301] = {"*catches fly with tongue*", "Riiiiiibit!", "Ribbit ribbit!", "Attack! Ribbit!", "Intruder! Ribbit! Intruder!", "Ribbit! Noo!"},
  159. [1302] = {"*catches fly with tongue*", "*catches fly with tongue*", "Rieuubit!", "Ribbit! Rieuuubbit!", "Intruder! Ribbit!", "Intruder must perish! Ribbit!"},
  160. [1303] = {"*chews on a leaf*", "*chews on a leaf*", "Gibbit gibbit!", "Intruder! Gibbit, gibbit!", "Die! Gibbit, gibbit!", "Gibbit, noo!"},
  161. [1305] = {"Rawwr! Haha!", "Challenge me human! Riuubet!", "No one can defeat us!", "Riuuubet!", "Riuubet! Eat my sword, human! Haha!", "Intruder must die! Riubet!"},
  162. [1901] = {"*sniffs air* I smell humans...", "Only the strongest survive this harsh world.", "How does it feel to have ice pierce your flesh?", "Almost hard to believe you're being killed by water.", "The human species is an abomination to this world.", "You're going to have to try harder than that to defeat me."},
  163. [2091] = {"My children are hungry.", "I know young ones, don't worry, mommy will find some humans for you to eat.", "Don't think I can't see you back there. I have eyes in the back of my head.", "Lovely, new humans have arrived to feed my growing family. Please come in.", "We have a toxic relationship.", "Attack my children!"},
  164. [2092] = {"Welcome, my children have been waiting for a good meal.", "Careful, my sticky cobwebs are everywhere. You wouldn't want to get stuck.", "Attack my children! Feast on your dinner!", "No! You have harmed my babies! Now you must die!", "Running is useless, my poison will kill you long before you can make it out.", "Attack my children!"},
  165. [2104] = {"The blowing sssand tickles my ssshell.", "Food can be found anywhere if you know where to look.", "Humanssss mock uss, yet they can't even bare this heat for ten minutesss without running for ssshade.", "What is this ssstrange plague locals ssspeak of?", "Keep an eye on my tail, sisisis!", "Humansss must build their amours, but we are born with them!"},
  166. [2105] = {"Humansss must build their amours, but we are born with them.", "Water can be found anywhere if you sssearch in the right placesss.", "This place is dangerousss for humansss.", "Only the ssstrongest sssurvive this world.", "Watch for my tail, sisisis!", "Sisis, you're going to have to hit harder than that!"},
  167. [2106] = {"Sssstay back!", "I can taste humansss in the air. They must be close.", "My poison is the most dangerousss in the world.", "Ssstay back!", "This place is dangerousss for humansss.", "Sisis, I barley felt that!"},
  168. [2107] = {"Sssnake venom is the most toxic in the world.", "You sssmell deliciousss.", "The desert is dangerousss for humansss.", "Humanssss mock uss, yet they can't even bare this heat for ten minutesss without running for ssshade.", "Humansss must build their armoursss while we are born with oursss!", "Sisisis, that tickled!"},
  169. [2108] = {"Precious gems and ore can be found here.", "Never steal an outlaws loot unless you want an early funneral.", "An outlaw never tells where he found his loot.", "This plague is getting worse.", "Die!", "Aargh!"},
  170. [2191] = {"Don't let my age fool you, I still have much strength left.", "Only the strongest survive in this harsh world.", "The planet has changed so much in ten thousand years.", "I can feel much hatred in your heart, child.", "I'm not as slow as I first appear.", "First impressions aren't everything, I'm not as slow as you think."},
  171. [2202] = {"I'm flaming hot!", "Come on, give me a hug. I don't burn much!", "Yahahahaha! Woohoo!", "Burn baby! Burn!", "Why do I always get attacked?", "Ouch ouch! That hurts!"},
  172. [2204] = {"Glum gluuum!", "Gluuuumm, me smell human!", "Gluuuuuumm...", "Ground rumbling. Not good...", "Burn Human! Graaaggh!", "Grraaaggh!"},
  173. [2205] = {"Nothing is more powerful than the power of fire!", "The fire in my heart will never be extinguished.", "This Warrior Symbol is all I have left...", "A true warrior fights to the death.", "How long can you last before heat exhaustion sets in?", "You are a worthy opponent."},
  174. [2206] = {"My fire will consume everything!", "Nothing is more powerful than the power of fire.", "The destruction fire can bring is greater than any other force!", "Quiet. I must have silence while I meditate.", "This land belongs to me.", "You will regret dueling me."},
  175. [2291] = {"Humans are abominations on this planet.", "Oh my, what powerful humans have come my way.", "Didn't your parents ever teach you to never play with fire?", "Your attacks feel like prickles on my scales.", "Is this the best that the three nations can produce? I am very disappointed.", "That's right, come closer."},
  176. [9005] = {"Come to me if you'd like to have your own storage bank.", "It's so dangerous to go outside the village now.", "It seems like there is a funneral every week now.", "Hello there, how are you? I hope you're enjoying the weather.", "If you'd like to purchase a storage bank, come talk to me!"},
  177. [20001] = {"If you have any raw ore, come talk to me and I can forge it for you.", "It takes many years of study and practice to become an expert alchemist. I don't have these grey hairs for nothing!", "I wonder how my grandchildren are doing.", "When you get old beauty has a new meaning.", "If you have any raw ore, come talk to me and I'll forge it for you!"},
  178. [20002] = {"Where is that husband of mine? He's always rushing off.", "The weather is so nice today, too bad it's too dangerous to go on a walk through the forest.", "I wonder how Ariyoung is recovering from her loss.", "I hope Soon comes home before his dinner gets cold.", "I hope this plague will be over soon."},
  179. [20003] = {"Oh, you're so fussy when you're hungry.", "Shall mommy sing you a lullaby?", "You're going to grow big and strong just like daddy!", "It's such a beautiful day today.", "Hello there!"},
  180. [20041] = {"Anyone got some spare change for a poor soul? Hick-up!", "Another day, another bottle. Hick-up!", "Hick-up! Those metins aren't so tough. I bet I could take 'em all!", "Hey, you there. Could ya spare me a few coins?", "Hick-up!"},
  181. [20005] = {"An artist has a keen eye for detail. Nothing goes unnoticed.", "Only the most finest of china sold here! Hand crafted and one of a kind!", "Since this plague, none of my shipments have arrived.", "I should walk over to Octavio's. I heard he has a new stew recipe.", "Good day to you."},
  182. [20006] = {"I miss big brother.", "What would big brother do?", "The world has gotten so scary.", "*sniffles*", "I miss big brother."},
  183. [20008] = {"Blast those wild dogs, they keep getting into the trash cans.", "Come in and try my famous Sushi! I caught the fish myself.", "Welcome! How may I serve you today?", "It's such a beautiful day. Perfect for outdoor cooking.", "I wonder if Mr. Soon has any good recipe books."},
  184. [20009] = {"If you wish to teleport to a new location, speak with me. I can assist you.", "Don't worry, the parrot doesn't bite, or talk.", "The plague has brought much devastation.", "Follow your heart. It will guide you to wonderful lands.", "Hello there. If you wish to teleport, speak with me."},
  185. [20010] = {"I sell some of the finest jewerly around! Come take a look at my collection!", "Unique foreign goods only right here! Come get them before they're gone!", "Hey, you, can I interest you in some rare gems?", "One of a kind goods right here, just don't ask me how I got them.", "Rare and valuable items here! Come get them before they're gone!"},
  186. [20011] = {"Hmm, this plague seems familar.", "What lovely weather we have today.", "Have a seat here and I will tell you all about the old days.", "Back in my day, people were much simpler.", "Common sense just isn't common anymore."},
  187. [20012] = {"Would you like to try some tasty rice cake?", "It's so dangerous outside the village gates.", "Cakes, cookies, candies; you name anything sweet and I'll make it!", "Did that little brat Taurean steal some of my rice cakes again? Ulgh!", "Tastey treats here! I sell many delicious cakes, cookies, and candies!"},
  188. [20013] = {"Nothing is more relaxing than fishing.", "Perfect fishing weather today.", "Okay, I got my knife, my fishing rod, what else?", "It's become so dangerous to fish outside of town. Look at what this bear did to my fishing pole, ripped it right in half!", "I sell fishing supplies! Everything you need, I got!"},
  189. [20014] = {"Why do those big guys keep attacking the village?", "You'll see, some day I'll be a warrior and I'll be a hero!", "*eats stolen rice cake*", "Hi-ya! Ha! Did you see that?! I did a whirlwind!", "I'm going to be a hero! Just you wait!"},
  190. [20015] = {"I wonder how the Blacksmith is doing. We should get together and have a drink some time.", "These savages are getting pretty bold. I might have to trade my axe for my sword pretty soon.", "I should get out there and cut some lumber for this winter.", "I use to be a skilled miner looking for Yang, but since the plague, I've taken up logging.", "I may not mine anymore, but you can buy a pickaxe from me any time!"},
  191. [20016] = {"If you'd like to upgrade a Blessing Scroll into something more powerful, come talk to me. I will show you how.", "There are so many orders to fill, I haven't even eaten lunch yet.", "Bring your equipment to me if you'd like to upgrade them.", "Hello there, nice to meet you.", "The only time you fail is when you stop trying."},
  192. [20017] = {"*klimpert auf Ukulele* Hmmmm...", "Möchtest du gerne ein Lied hören?", "Oh? Habe ich eine Saite kaputt gemacht?", "*klimpert auf Ukulele*", "Die Trommeln des Krieges...noch ein Mal Donner...*klimpert auf Ukulele*"},
  193. [20018] = {"Ich bekomme ein Dutzend nee Patienten jeden Tag. Die Hälfte von ihnen ist mit der Seuche infiziert. Die andere Hälfte sind verwundete Soldaten die Pflege benötigen.", "Was für eine Art Seuche ist das?", "Ich tue alles um ein Heilmittel für diese Seuche zu finden, aber das ist kein normaler Virus.", "Unsere medizinischen Vorräte gehen zur Neige. Ich hoffe eine neue Schiffladung an Gütern kommt bald an.", "*seufz* Ich brauche einen Drink... dieser Ausbruch stresst mich..."},
  194. [20019] = {"Ich habe in meiner Zeit einige große Monster getötet. Dieser Tiger Ghost vor enigen Jahren, hätte mich fast erwischt. Ich trage heute sein Fell als Trophäe.", "Meiner Familie geht es dank meiner Jagdfähigkeiten gut in diesen harten Zeiten.", "Ich kann einem Tiger mit meinem Bogen aus einer Meile entfernt zwischen die Augen treffen.", "Bleib bei mir Kindchen und ich zeige dir den echten Weg der Jagd.", "Ein Meisterjäger ist diszipliniert, mutig, aber allen voran geduldig."},
  195. [20020] = {"Den Schrecken den ich in Ice Mountain gesehen habe ist nichts worüber man lachen kann.", "Das Jucken macht mich verrückt!", "Komme nicht zu nah, ich würde nicht wollen, dass du auch infziert wirst.", "Vielleicht ist das meine Strafe dafür, dass ich ein Feigling war.", "Ich hoffe dieser Doktor findet bald ein Heilmittel für diese Seuche."},
  196. [20021] = {"Oh mein geliebter Ehemann... Ich wünschte du wärst hier.", "Diese Welt ist voller Hoffnungslosigkeit.", "Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich so bald eine Witwe werden würde.", "Wo soll ich hingehen? Was soll ich tun?", "Mein Ehemann ist nicht vergeblich gestorben."},
  197. [20022] = {"Liegt es an mir, oder werde ich von jungen Frauen in Nöten angezogen?", "Oh Ariyong, so wunderschön und doch so traurig.", "Sollte ich ihr Blumen oder Schokolade kaufen?", "Wenn sie mich geheiratet hätte, würde sie nicht solchen Schmerz gegeüberstehe.", "Ich möchte sie wieder zum Lächeln bringen."},
  198. [20023] = {"Wenn du meine Frau siehst, sag ihr dass ich in Kürze nach Hause komme. Ich bin fast fertig mit diesem Buch.", "Ich sollte nachsehen, ob Uriel neue Bücher hat.", "Beurteile ein Buch niemals nach seinem Äußeren.", "Es gibt unendliche Möglichkeiten der geschriebenen Wörter. Ein Dichter konstruiert einen wunderschönen Tanz, während ein Autor eine mit Wundern gefüllte, mystische Welt erschafft.", "Wissen ist Macht. Bücher sagen dir wie du sie bekommst."},
  199. [20024] = {"Die meisten Mädchen sammeln Blumen, oder bekommen einen Freund. Ich jedoch, trainiere um eine mächtige Magierin zu werden.", "Ein Magier muss sich bewegen wie ein Schmetterling und stechen wie eine Biene.", "Woah! Hast du das gesehen? Ich habe Blitze gemacht!", "Wo ist Taurean? Ich werde ihn als Zielscheibe benutzen.", "Autsch! Ich habe mich verbrannt!"},
  200. [20400] = {"Du kannst dich selber über mich für das Turnier anmelden.", "Ich habe einige der stärksten Kämpfer hier fallen sehen.", "Denke daran, Dragon Blessings sind im Turnier nicht erlaubt.", "Wenn du jeden Gegner besiegst, tritst du in die Hall of Fame ein.", "Sei geduldig, die Kämpfe starten in Kürze.", "Für jeden Gegner den du besiegst bekommst du einen Geldpreis."},
  201. [11000] = {"It is ideal to master your skills within 17 points.", "If you like to be at the front of battle or be the first to charge into any situation, then I suggest a warrior path for you.", "If you love to hide in the shadows or shoot from afar, then I suggest the assassin or archer path.", "If you love to help your teammates in battle by providing heals or blessings, then I suggest the Mage path.", "If you love dealing the joker's card or play dirty, then I suggest the Sura path.", "Be careful how you place your status points, they can not be changed very easily.", "If you wish to reset your skills, new recruits may do so at the Old Lady.", "If you see any metins along your journey, destroy them! Keep the plague from spreading.", "Hold onto any materials you find from monsters, they may be needed for upgrading equipment.", "If you'd like to start a guild, come talk to me and I'll tell you how you can get started.", "Status points allow you to choose your character's strengths and weaknesses. Choose carefully. ", "You can advance your skills by reading the appropriate skill books.", "Once you reach grand master, you can start absorbing Soulstones to increase your skills further.", "You must allow your mind to relax for a day after you read a skill book. You don't want to turn into a bookworm like Mr. Soon, now do ya?!", "Once your guild reaches the appropiate level, you can purchase guild land. You can talk to the land agents outside of town for more information.", "Did you know that level 30 weapons only need Yang to upgrade?", "When you reach level 30 you can start fishing and mining. You can buy a fishing rod from a fisherman and you can purchase a pickaxe from Deokbae.", "You can forge raw ore at any Alchemist, but some Alchemists specialize in forging certain ore.", "You can find the second village by locating the blue square on your map.", "If you love to hide in the shadows or shoot from afar, then I suggest the assassin or archer path."},
  202. [11002] = {"It is ideal to master your skills within 17 points.", "If you like to be at the front of battle or be the first to charge into any situation, then I suggest a warrior path for you.", "If you love to help your teammates in battle by providing heals or blessings, then I suggest the Mage path.", "If you love dealing the joker's card or play dirty, then I suggest the Sura path.", "Be careful how you place your status points, they can not be changed very easily.", "If you wish to reset your skills, new recruits may do so at the Old Lady.", "If you see any metins along your journey, destroy them! Keep the plague from spreading.", "Hold onto any materials you find from monsters, they may be needed for upgrading equipment.", "If you'd like to start a guild, come talk to me and I'll tell you how you can get started.", "Status points allow you to choose your character's strengths and weaknesses. Choose carefully.", "You can advance your skills by reading the appropriate skill books.", "Once you reach grand master, you can start absorbing Soulstones to increase your skills further.", "You must allow your mind to relax for a day after you read a skill book. You don't want to turn into a bookworm like Mr. Soon, now do ya?!", "Once your guild reaches the appropiate level, you can purchase guild land. You can talk to the land agents outside of town for more information.", "Did you know that level 30 weapons only need Yang to upgrade?", "When you reach level 30 you can start fishing and mining. You can buy a fishing rod from a fisherman and you can purchase a pickaxe from Deokbae.", "You can forge raw ore at any Alchemist, but some Alchemists specialize in forging certain ore.", "You can find the second village by locating the blue square on your map.", "If you love to hide in the shadows or shoot from afar, then I suggest the assassin or archer path."},
  203. [11004] = {"It is ideal to master your skills within 17 points.", "If you like to be at the front of battle or be the first to charge into any situation, then I suggest a warrior path for you.", "If you love to hide in the shadows or shoot from afar, then I suggest the assassin or archer path.", "If you love to help your teammates in battle by providing heals or blessings, then I suggest the Mage path.", "If you love dealing the joker's card or play dirty, then I suggest the Sura path.", "Be careful how you place your status points, they can not be changed very easily.", "If you wish to reset your skills, new recruits may do so at the Old Lady.", "If you see any metins along your journey, destroy them! Keep the plague from spreading.", "Hold onto any materials you find from monsters, they may be needed for upgrading equipment.", "If you'd like to start a guild, come talk to me and I'll tell you how you can get started.", "Status points allow you to choose your character's strengths and weaknesses. Choose carefully.", "You can advance your skills by reading the appropriate skill books.", "Once you reach grand master, you can start absorbing Soulstones to increase your skills further.", "You must allow your mind to relax for a day after you read a skill book. You don't want to turn into a bookworm like Mr. Soon, now do ya?!", "Once your guild reaches the appropiate level, you can purchase guild land. You can talk to the land agents outside of town for more information.", "Did you know that level 30 weapons only need Yang to upgrade?", "When you reach level 30 you can start fishing and mining. You can buy a fishing rod from a fisherman and you can purchase a pickaxe from Deokbae.", "You can forge raw ore at any Alchemist, but some Alchemists specialize in forging certain ore.", "You can find the second village by locating the blue square on your map."},
  204. }
  206. locale.fortune_words = {
  207. {
  208. "Very Great Fortune!",
  209. "Indeed! The Lady of Fortune is yours only![ENTER]"..
  210. "Feel it floating through your body![ENTER]"..
  211. "Today you have an <Abundance of Good Luck>![ENTER]"..
  212. "Thanks to harmonic Chi Floating[ENTER]"..
  213. "something good will happen to you today![ENTER]"
  214. },
  216. {
  217. "Great Fortune!",
  218. "That's good.[ENTER]"..
  219. "What is that saying, you get[ENTER]"..
  220. "back what you give.[ENTER]"..
  221. "Today you have <Good Luck>![ENTER]"..
  222. "Strive a little bit and you will receive more[ENTER]"..
  223. "than before.[ENTER]"
  224. },
  226. {
  227. "A Bit of Fortune",
  228. "That's not bad.[ENTER]"..
  229. "Today you have a <Little Good Luck>.[ENTER]"..
  230. "Well, it means: a bit more fortune than usual.[ENTER]"..
  231. "Really okay..[ENTER]"
  232. },
  234. {
  235. "Normal Fortune.",
  236. "Nothing good but neither bad! You won't have[ENTER]"..
  237. "anything but [ENTER]".. "<Normal Luck>.[ENTER]"..
  238. "today.[ENTER]"
  239. },
  241. {
  242. "Bit of Misfortune",
  243. "Today you aren't fortunate.[ENTER]"..
  244. "If you cast a net today,[ENTER]"..
  245. "you won't catch many fish[ENTER]"..
  246. "and but you won't really starve.[ENTER]"..
  247. "Today you have a <Little Bad Luck>![ENTER]"..
  248. "But it is good to be prepared.[ENTER]"..
  249. "If you want I'll write you a[ENTER]"..
  250. "<Talisman>, that will turn away the worst of the bad luck.[ENTER]"..
  251. "Do want to buy a Talisman?[ENTER]"
  252. },
  254. {
  255. "Misfortune",
  256. "Today is a bad day.[ENTER]"..
  257. "A day where even doing your best will[ENTER]"..
  258. "give nearly nothing.[ENTER]"..
  259. "Today you have <Bad Luck>![ENTER]"..
  260. "You have to beware of bad things[ENTER]"..
  261. "today. If you want I'll write you now a talisman[ENTER]"..
  262. "This <Talisman>, will increase your luck[ENTER]"..
  263. "to make your day a little better.[ENTER]"..
  264. "Do want to buy a Talisman?[ENTER]"
  265. },
  267. {
  268. "Extreme Misfortune",
  269. "This is the worst day ever for you.[ENTER]"..
  270. "All Gods in heaven and earth turned[ENTER]"..
  271. "their backs on you. Nothing will work..[ENTER]"..
  272. "If you want to make a fire, it will rain,[ENTER]"..
  273. "if you are thirsty the sun will dry your water.[ENTER]"..
  274. "You will work as hard as others but,[ENTER]"..
  275. "it will bring you nothing. <Extremely Bad Luck>![ENTER]"..
  276. "You will have to endure a lot. All pain and[ENTER]"..
  277. "plight will find you.[ENTER]"..
  278. "This <Talisman> will increase your luck,[ENTER]"..
  279. "to make your day a little better. Do you want to buy[ENTER]"..
  280. "a Talisman?[ENTER]"
  281. },
  282. }
  284. locale.anagram = {}
  285. locale.anagram.answer = {
  286. [1] = "Long Sword",
  287. [2] = "Dragon Tooth Blade",
  288. [3] = "Scissors Dagger",
  289. [4] = "Lighting Knife",
  290. [5] = "Horseback Long Bow",
  291. [6] = "Salvation Blade",
  292. [7] = "Golden Bug Bell",
  293. [8] = "Heaven and Earth Bell",
  294. [9] = "Eight Trigrams Fan",
  295. [10] = "Iron Arrow",
  296. [11] = "Lion Plate Armour",
  297. [12] = "Ivory Suit",
  298. [13] = "Nebulous Plate Armour",
  299. [14] = "Baroness Dress",
  300. [15] = "Tuxedo",
  301. [16] = "Wedding Dress",
  302. [17] = "Ghost Mask Sallet",
  303. [18] = "Chain Hood",
  304. [19] = "Bloody Helm",
  305. [20] = "Soul Shard Hat",
  306. [21] = "Black Round Shield",
  307. [22] = "Falcon Shield",
  308. [23] = "Tiger Monk Shield",
  309. [24] = "Lion Edge Shield",
  310. [25] = "Dragon Scale Shield",
  311. [26] = "Wood Bracelet",
  312. [27] = "Copper Bracelet",
  313. [28] = "Silver Bracelet",
  314. [29] = "Gold Bracelet",
  315. [30] = "Jade Bracelet",
  316. [31] = "Ebony Bracelet",
  317. [32] = "Pearl Bracelet",
  318. [33] = "White Gold Bracelet",
  319. [34] = "Crystal Bracelet",
  320. [35] = "Amethyst Bracelet",
  321. [36] = "Leather Shoes",
  322. [37] = "Bamboo Skin Shoes",
  323. [38] = "Wooden Shoes",
  324. [39] = "Gold Threaded Shoes",
  325. [40] = "Leather Boots",
  326. [41] = "Golden Shoes",
  327. [42] = "Bronze Boots",
  328. [43] = "Jade Shoes",
  329. [44] = "Ecstatic Shoes",
  330. [45] = "Nimbus Boots",
  331. [46] = "Wooden Necklace",
  332. [47] = "Copper Necklace",
  333. [48] = "Silver Necklace",
  334. [49] = "Golden Necklace",
  335. [50] = "Jade Necklace",
  336. [51] = "Ebony Necklace",
  337. [52] = "Pearl Necklace",
  338. [53] = "White Gold Necklace",
  339. [54] = "Crystal Necklace",
  340. [55] = "Amethyst Necklace",
  341. [56] = "Wooden Earrings",
  342. [57] = "Copper Earrings",
  343. [58] = "Silver Earrings",
  344. [59] = "Golden Earrings",
  345. [60] = "Jade Earrings",
  346. [61] = "Ebony Earrings",
  347. [62] = "Pearl Earrings",
  348. [63] = "White Gold Earrings",
  349. [64] = "Crystal Earrings",
  350. [65] = "Amethyst Earrings",
  351. [66] = "Linen belt",
  352. [67] = "Leather belt",
  353. [68] = "Magnificent belt",
  354. [69] = "Belt of Wisdom",
  355. [70] = "King's belt",
  356. [71] = "Shadow belt",
  357. [72] = "Rune belt",
  358. [73] = "Great bear belt",
  359. [74] = "Souls belt",
  360. [75] = "Leather ring",
  361. [76] = "Ring kingly",
  362. [77] = "Red flame stone",
  363. [78] = "Green flame stone",
  364. [79] = "Warrior ring",
  365. [80] = "Spirit stone scroll",
  366. [81] = "Stone of Penetration",
  367. [82] = "Stone of Deathblow",
  368. [83] = "Stone of Cooldown",
  369. [84] = "Stone against Warriors",
  370. [85] = "Stone against Ninjas",
  371. [86] = "Stone against Suras",
  372. [87] = "Stone against Shamans",
  373. [88] = "Stone against Monsters",
  374. [89] = "Stone of Evasion",
  375. [90] = "Stone of Ducking",
  376. [91] = "Stone of Magic",
  377. [92] = "Stone of Vitality",
  378. [93] = "Stone of Defence",
  379. [94] = "Stone of Haste",
  380. }
  382. locale.anagram.question = {
  383. [1] = "gnLo rdwoS",
  384. [2] = "ohtTo eladB nogrDa",
  385. [3] = "Sicrssso gDgrea",
  386. [4] = "efnKi gginthLi",
  387. [5] = "esHor wBo gonL",
  388. [6] = "vanoitlSa ldaeB",
  389. [7] = "gBu lelB nledoG",
  390. [8] = "nveHae lleB dna rhtEa",
  391. [9] = "msrgaiTr aFn hgtiE",
  392. [10] = "nroI rorwA",
  393. [11] = "lPaet Aoumr iLon",
  394. [12] = "uSti ryoIv",
  395. [13] = "Nbeuuols aetPl rmAuor",
  396. [14] = "sesDr ssnoerBa",
  397. [15] = "doTuex",
  398. [16] = "didgnWe Dsrse",
  399. [17] = "Gohts aksM leltSa",
  400. [18] = "Cinha oHdo",
  401. [19] = "eHml yoldoB",
  402. [20] = "Hta loSu hraSd",
  403. [21] = "lcakB dunoR dileSh",
  404. [22] = "dlieSh colnaF",
  405. [23] = "regTi hlideS nMko",
  406. [24] = "oLin Eged iledhS",
  407. [25] = "heidlS gDanro eclaS",
  408. [26] = "doWo acetelBr",
  409. [27] = "rlBeteca perpoC",
  410. [28] = "ilreSv carleBet",
  411. [29] = "leectBar Gdol",
  412. [30] = "eaJd Barctlee",
  413. [31] = "bynEo ecartelB",
  414. [32] = "lecteaBr relPa",
  415. [33] = "rBealcte heitWW lGdo",
  416. [34] = "ytslaCr raectelB",
  417. [35] = "rBlactee thsytmeA",
  418. [36] = "tehrLae hSeso",
  419. [37] = "bobBam hoseS iknS",
  420. [38] = "hSsoe odoneW",
  421. [39] = "hTdedrea heSos ldGo",
  422. [40] = "hreLaet oBost",
  423. [41] = "hoSse nelodG",
  424. [42] = "rBnoez sBtoo",
  425. [43] = "Jaed sehoS",
  426. [44] = "Escictat hoeSs",
  427. [45] = "miNusb ostoB",
  428. [46] = "kclceaeN nedoWo",
  429. [47] = "pepreCo clkeceaN",
  430. [48] = "lirSev ekclNeca",
  431. [49] = "ndeGol kcNealec",
  432. [50] = "eckNecla Jead",
  433. [51] = "lacekceN bEyon",
  434. [52] = "Paelr kcNeceal",
  435. [53] = "lGdo lkecNeac thiWe",
  436. [54] = "yrlaCts ekNcelca",
  437. [55] = "emhtAsyt klecNeac",
  438. [56] = "dodWne rirsngaE",
  439. [57] = "peproC Erarsnig",
  440. [58] = "vlreSi rsrgnaiE",
  441. [59] = "oneGld nrrgEsia",
  442. [60] = "gnsriEra dJae",
  443. [61] = "yonEb Erarnisg",
  444. [62] = "rnEriags aelPr",
  445. [63] = "ietWh Erriasng lGod",
  446. [64] = "sgnrirEa yrtsCla",
  447. [65] = "Amehtsyt sEgarirn",
  448. [66] = "nieLn lebt",
  449. [67] = "telb aeLreth",
  450. [68] = "eltb Minagtneci",
  451. [69] = "dsomiW fo teBl",
  452. [70] = "'giKns lbte",
  453. [71] = "btel dwoSha",
  454. [72] = "enRu tbel",
  455. [73] = "reba lbte traeG",
  456. [74] = "sluSo lbte",
  457. [75] = "ethaLre girn",
  458. [76] = "kniygl ngiR",
  459. [77] = "lamef edR otens",
  460. [78] = "tnose mfael nerGe",
  461. [79] = "rrrWoi grni",
  462. [80] = "ritSip oents clolrs",
  463. [81] = "fo netraPeoint entoS",
  464. [82] = "thowlbeDa fo Senot",
  465. [83] = "noSte of loConowd",
  466. [84] = "gaatisn onSet rrorsWia",
  467. [85] = "enSto saanitg inaNsj",
  468. [86] = "agatsin urSsa etoSn",
  469. [87] = "aamSnsh aintsag tenoS",
  470. [88] = "toSne agintsa onsrsetM",
  471. [89] = "of vaEonsi entoS",
  472. [90] = "Dukincg fo Steno",
  473. [91] = "fo gicaM Seton",
  474. [92] = "taiVilty eSnot of",
  475. [93] = "cefeDen fo tSnoe",
  476. [94] = "aseHt of nteSo",
  477. }
  479. locale.MAIN_QUEST_TITLE_DICT = {
  480. [1] = "Notifications door",
  481. [2] = "The first training",
  482. [3] = "Quest japsangin",
  483. [4] = "Exchange",
  484. [5] = "Gunjik after grant",
  485. [6] = "Blacksmith errands 1",
  486. [7] = "Blacksmith errand 2",
  487. [9] = "Recruits complete",
  488. [10] = "Education captain",
  489. [12] = "Catch the gray wolf boss",
  490. [14] = "Destroy methine seats",
  491. [15] = "Three Kingdoms situation",
  492. [16] = "Catch the Mole!",
  493. [27] = "Make destroy the growing methine seats" ,
  494. [30] = "Secret seats methine",
  495. }
  497. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV3 = {
  498. "Instructor: Finish has been good. If you mean do I need soldiers to do errands. You know haberdasher in front of you? It seems that what happened to him haberdasher. Sinbyeongin you have to go. Ahningeo like it'll be so hard to do enough to help. Note haberdasher'll be able to recover so potions and sell various kinds item to know in advance the future haberdasher an easy life. So now to go.",
  499. "Haberdasher: Oh hello gyogwannim is sent soldiers yisigunyo minutes. Saguaro difficult thing still not a simple one. My father is flashing in the morning and I went with an important book. If you do not himdeusil would probably go a lot today. So malindeyo Could you bring this book to my father? As you can see, I thank you, but I can not be asked to keep a shop empty the place is difficult. Taishan please bring the book to Father'll give me a good reward. Indeed, my father laid sell armor in front of John and Revelation.",
  500. "Armor Merchant: Yes Do you see me what happened? Ah, my daughter, only lookin bonaetna. Thank you for making new armor this time I needed just this book. Our daughter was busy ask instead what did you just lookin for you. Let alone this is a return to what? Yeah, this is only jotgetgu. Good equipment, but equipment that'll work perfectly suited for you now. Even if this is only one attack of wild dogs and wolves around the village is nine guys can be stopped easily. Here bogena so well written. So thank you, and then ask if you happen to still hamse.",
  501. }
  503. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV6 = {
  504. "Instructor: Hey recruits over here. Not to do something hanging villages dot Jean malran say! Without ceasing training, training, horse-dot is the only way you have trained to survive in difficult anarchy! Blacksmith anyone to go there. Finish the blacksmith had asked saenggyeotdago I started playing two days needed something. Blacksmith class because this is what good character is to go fast? Do not stand meongcheonghi as soon as heirlooms!",
  505. "Blacksmith: What about you? I can not wait to bother busy malragu prominence. Yeah. What came instructor sent? Apparently since I think I'll leave it where one has a rookie still cider corruption scandals. Although not that difficult things huttak haechiwo dalragu. Rather than anything else was to receive a book review halahbeom a pig nose dark spots yiguman no news yet. Come on, go get that pig nose instead. Do not linger georiji and quickly went!",
  506. "Book Review Spot: Welcome you come and I am Sr. who managed a warehouse in the village. You will not facilitate or if it is difficult to uniformly danimyeon leave many things to carry around. Yes Today's not the goods leave Russia came here? Alas, only the blacksmith guy lookin Did he have a pig nose. Heoyi sorry I've been in many cases now that grungy old hahaha there she forgot to eat or give her a blacksmith. So next bomse",
  507. "Blacksmith: Bunch coming soon hooh think yes than if the fight went even fast movement not cool to cool Bunch favorite. (Given compensation)",
  508. "Rookie person to tell you that I'm one good. Do you know anything about you smelt? Although this newcomer Ali not without something like this. Possible'm smelting spend a certain money to give me one of the equipment that you have. If successful smelt of course, the performance of the item not so strong. 3. If you pay by money, but you need four starting itne yiraneunge smelting items each item. If you're a pig nose now imported items not necessary for the entry-smelted items. 4 Since I have to be careful, but the item is likely to be destroyed during the smelting iteunikka. I won this law, no matter how proficient you make mistakes like anyone is. We'll look forward to make a great weapon ohgena me when the room!",
  509. }
  511. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV9 = {
  512. "Instructor: Hey, over here newcomer. Sucker first upstart who tees off more classy. Now, can you share your former CO Bunch of even full-fledged soldiers. In the future, please try to give the development of our country. So much war and suffering are waiting for your former CO Hey, do not head straight to La senses.-. Anyway, lots've suffered far it might help to give awards. And I'm not going to manage this directly to your former CO Captain future. The mission of the future, I hope to receive him. So now, go to your right guard captain. Me strength!",
  513. }
  515. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV10 = {
  516. "Captain: La easy habit, but the fact is you've got to collect a variety of information sources roles. I asked one article, so instead of bringing yuhwan granted. How to get to the next village you come when you move through the warp portal town named after checking the map by pressing the M key. Now go So come on come on",
  517. "AXA yuhwan: Algiers Ching Hai life where humans are going to come where - that vain this chaotic world is doing live hard. You also watna hear my song? Oh, the boss sent guards came? Lower the hissing voice. The congestion in the village deureonamyeon hageodeun difficult. Guess what I sent the captain managed to apply a reliable person. So here's a collection of documents itne far this or that information. Haejumyeon before going to the captain. Bwatja party soon go on a long stick eopdagu nothing I'm good. What Are life - while enjoying live a short life Bonded -",
  518. "Is Oh, the document: the captain. Recruits haguman bad for quite usable. I expect bogetne. Now that efforts will continue to give or receive it or strive for the country.",
  519. }
  521. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV14 = {
  522. "Captain: Hm cause yuhwan goejil to the fact that the last All right. Nwadumyeon conceivably become evil when they stormed the town or animal goejil do not know this would happen. So I there.Aye one methine seats falling to handle around town. Now if you'd be able to do enough to BELIEVE.",
  523. "He poured me the captain to return to the methine seats",
  524. "Captain: Oh Well done. Now I deumjik only one soldier doeeotgu! Can you leave any day now believe you. I'm thanking you in advance. Here it would give parties the compensation as labored hard even after I there.Aye.",
  525. }
  527. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV16_1 = {
  528. "Captain: According to the intelligence of yuhwan now, I guess there are spies in our country. Strangely information recently leaked out to other countries feel that this issue is heard only iteotgu. Hadeogun yuhwan is highly likely to talk to one mole of a hundred people in the decisions that cause problems around the town. Ohgena decision to back the evidence secured by the survey. I have no more information leaked out'm asking a very difficult thing 's the quick processing.",
  529. "Hunting messenger bag standing commitment to acquire",
  530. "Captain: Well did something to secure the evidence? Let's see this messenger group together. I guess there could be at least enough is enough evidence that the good guys have any spies. You seem to be able to heoyi cannonball thanks. It came as a competent soldier you do not know the group being lucky! Once I make lots of resting a little trouble with it, or",
  531. }
  533. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV16_2 = {
  534. "Captain: Did you take enough rest? Following the last mission hath a problem. It seems to be a messenger document is convincing evidence that has character because you were nine other countries deogun hard to learn. I could not learn another language ... So give yourself to go to the scholars decipher eulduji in this part of town haeda. Eulduji is nothing like he does not know scholars who study the various fields. Maybe if enough people can decipher that. I asked if he'll give an example just ask. Now just go to eulduji dehydrogenase.",
  535. "Eulduji: Blah Blah ... I even got me to see what happened? What is this problem so gosh guard captain yourself.Nice help immediately I understand you favor? Let me interpret this part dont wait a minute ... I will not take long self'll translate all kkeutnatne. Touching going to bring it to the guard captain. What's saenggimyeon find another ohgena.",
  536. "Captain: Oh. Thank you. Well yigun this information. Ahpeugetneun this is troubling me than I thought. Once able to relax until the next mission or",
  537. }
  539. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV16_3 = {
  540. "Captain: Hm ... yuhwan gutted out the facts. Maybe the punk than I guess you stare at the heart of spies. Go to yuhwan make sure that new information to try dehydrogenase.",
  541. "Yuhwan: What is it this time [ENTER] is to balso Look ... I do not know [ENTER]. Balso look good town.You visit'll find somewhere [ENTER] when love parting Towing cables that do not know - love had four -",
  542. "Balso: Who Lu decades? He told me that the ghost. ... My preparation is to understand the cider is as formidable guy told me that both guys heavyweights. ... I do not know my information is gathered preparations received some help I'll excuse me twenty.",
  543. "Captain: Yes or there.Aye handle something. Articles difficult task that only you know, then someone has to nourish. If I handle this job by looking at the top hagetne I ridorok my great reward for you. So'm asking",
  544. "Haeteum handle Mole",
  545. "Captain: Why Are? Are they good guys back treatment decisions? Haha you're not too alarming since rogun the first time I really wanted to think over military superior Yeah. I know this happens to reduce labor hath been reported in the upper Newbie down this generous award. Now here I think yesterday to get passed by and now recruits am.The a great soldier. You are proud of you.What!",
  546. }
  548. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV20 = {
  549. "Captain: You mean more seats awarded in a growing number methine days. It increases methine seats so I increased the inhabitants of the damage. So I removed the methine there.Aye seat in question. Is this really true, what happened even as the prophecy of the resurrection is mahui sex shaman ... methine tell me if you destroy the stone crabs",
  550. "Methine seats destruction",
  551. "Captain: Did methine destruction seats? You only Great.You able to keep the safety of the town, thanks. I wonder where the hell the GNOME methine seats come from? I do not known anything more frustrating haguman you continue to raise the issue. Eulduji have received some scholars do not know why I hear is a methine research and analysis. Anyway, four common effort.",
  552. }
  554. locale.MAIN_QUEST_LV25 = {
  555. "Eulduji: Alas, you will not know about the tinseok? Methine seats itne have an evil spirit that makes them vicious animals around, or cause goejil from the sky. In addition, foresight and where that might come into this world with certain principles could not know exactly what substance as also that the four studies is difficult.",
  556. "Eulduji expression: Hmm Castle Magic Stone is ... blah blah .. headstone monument to the larger study, but itne be found at the dragon punch to incite songs",
  557. "Confirm",
  558. "Eulduji: Oh thank you heoyi seemed to be able to know the secrets of seats methine, thanks to you. The study group could proceed faster than you think! Also grateful. Thank you. What kept me take my small castle.",
  559. }
  561. locale.main_quest_lv60 = {}
  562. locale.main_quest_lv60.title_1 = "Unexpected clues"
  563. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_1 = "Eulduji is that it has discovered a new fact on 7 shamans. [ENTER] to visit the eulduji let's hear about the new facts"
  564. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_2 = "It could well been? In the 13th you note the gun naejun [ENTER] stayed the end of the story 7 shamans. Naneunga you remember this?[ENTER]"
  565. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_3 = "... Is probably has cast a forbidden sulbeop in which the top [ENTER] shamans, only one did not survive?"
  566. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_4 = "right. Fucking joke to me.- remember. There is no longer talk [ENTER] did eventually come to browse the history of seven shaman [ENTER] had four. But surprisingly old documents from the [ENTER] match the country of establishment station came out of the darkness [ENTER] probably wanna wonder shaman shaman darkness of the seven countries [ENTER]"
  567. locale.main_quest_lv60.title_2 = "Legend of darkness States 1"
  568. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_5 = "The investigation is estimated to have more eulduji the [ENTER] station as a source of darkness 7 shamans. [ENTER] [ENTER] according to old documents which estimated the capital of the State of darkness, let's examine [ENTER] ancient standing stone monument located in the Hansan"
  569. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_6 = "Were destroyed by King Taejo yiseop the content and this magic [ENTER] looking at a very developed country that records darkness countries are potent sources makes sense to think of [ENTER] 7 shamans."
  570. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_7 = "The map may be found in old documents of darkness countries [ENTER] came out looking more letters of the mountains and now [ENTER] haneungun match the terrain."
  571. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_8 = "I am standing slack? Come to think of it, I saw out there remember any monument [ENTER]."
  572. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_9 = "What a monument yieotneunji content whether there's [ENTER] Do you remember naneunga? [ENTER] [ENTER] yigun shape memory is no sound until there. [ENTER] if the contents of the darkness Bureau Maybe that monument [ENTER] Do not you have your Will you bring up slack to go to make a rubbing of the monument [ENTER]?"
  573. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_10 = "The investigation is estimated to have more eulduji the [ENTER] station as a source of darkness 7 shamans. [ENTER] [ENTER] according to old documents which estimated the capital of the State of darkness, let's examine [ENTER] ancient standing stone monument located in the Hansan"
  574. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_11 = "What a monument yieotneunji content whether there's [ENTER] Do you remember naneunga? [ENTER] [ENTER] yigun shape memory is no sound until there. [ENTER] if the contents of the darkness Bureau Maybe that monument [ENTER] Do not you have your Will you bring up slack to go to make a rubbing of the monument [ENTER]?[ENTER]"
  575. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_12 = "This is an ancient monument of the darkness eulduji Bureau said! [ENTER] The rubbing of an ancient monument finally won!"
  576. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_13 = "The investigation is estimated to have more eulduji the [ENTER] station as a source of darkness 7 shamans. [ENTER] [ENTER] according to old documents which estimated the capital of the State of darkness, let's examine [ENTER] ancient standing stone monument located in the Hansan"
  577. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_14 = "Here! Now look at interpret the contents of hagetne rubbing. [ENTER] .... [ENTER] Such information'm rough. St. station serving darkness mahui the [ENTER] group was a country in which the magic of darkness into national fundamentalism."
  578. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_15 = "Rani Castle mahui the world ... ever so 7 shaman the [ENTER] Use this rig in mahui prohibited sulbeop just sex [ENTER] Was not this to summon sulbeop?"
  579. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_16 = "The four suffered much. This will create named Juan sulseo [ENTER] doelgeol three Distinguished Flying is very helpful when polishing. [ENTER] given party!"
  580. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_17 = "Earned experience points %d."
  581. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_18 = "Nyan %d received the money."
  582. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_19 = "%s received."
  583. locale.main_quest_lv60.title_4 = "Legend of darkness Station 2"
  584. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_20 = "Eulduji says that there will be information about the [ENTER] darkness countries in gwimok forests are estimated to territory in the past darkness countries. [ENTER] [ENTER] gwimok rim monsters of the forest were affected seats currently methine they [ENTER] infested is a dangerous place. [ENTER] [ENTER] countries hold clues about the darkness in a black gwimok gwimok rim, let's look [ENTER]"
  585. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_21 = "Darkness Bureau inde country accumulated too many secrets [ENTER] you thanks to secret I guess relaxed a little bit [ENTER] [ENTER], but at the present time'm lack of overall information in darkness countries. [ENTER] [ENTER] standing slack nearby in gwimok rim that might be a clue on the [ENTER] ohgena bring ancient documents"
  586. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_22 = "The remaining ancient documents"
  587. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_23 = "Darkness Bureau inde country accumulated too many secrets [ENTER] you thanks to secret I guess relaxed a little bit [ENTER] [ENTER], but at the present time'm lack of overall information in darkness countries. [ENTER] [ENTER] standing slack nearby in gwimok rim that might be a clue on the [ENTER] ohgena bring ancient documents"
  588. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_24 = "I got out the black gwimok ancient documents written in ancient languages Let us ask the interpretation to the [ENTER] eulduji"
  589. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_26 = "Finally watgu only have ancient documents relating to the Bureau of darkness! [ENTER] itne been well investigated in darkness countries thanks to you."
  590. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_27 = "….. no? What is important to nourish? [ENTER] ancient document called'm document consisting of a total of 10 chapters. [ENTER] Lim came back from gwimok save the remaining nine-page document"
  591. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_29 = "Ancient chapter of the document is left remaining %d"
  592. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_31 = "Here! Should look at what information is in the ancient document? [ENTER] ... .. [ENTER] uhh! Bureau of darkness to dazzle the king of sinnyeo station in witchcraft [ENTER] had cast sulbeop prohibited by miraculous power of sinnyeo countries [ENTER] haneungun there is a record."
  593. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_32 = "And in order to complete the forbidden sulbeop should raise the Magi at the same time in the place of a particular [ENTER] 7 places'm that [ENTER]. [ENTER] [ENTER] the [ENTER] Taejo yiseop the way to play a prohibited sulbeop a record customized interfere with the troops failed [ENTER] itne information is finally recorded."
  594. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_33 = "Whilst witchcraft and spirit of the ruling People's curse... [ENTER] yirogun truly scary ones."
  595. locale.main_quest_lv60.title_5 = "Coincidence"
  596. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_34 = "Eulduji found the [ENTER] the same content in cotton geumcheok rain and darkness Bureau of ancient documents. [ENTER] [ENTER] Take a eulduji more information."
  597. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_35 = "According to cherish the imported information in a letter mountains gwimok rim [ENTER] had a national service of the past darkness Bureau of sex mahui [ENTER] to control the sinnyeo station was used a prohibited sulbeop [ENTER] It should raise the Magi simultaneously in seven locations that the [ENTER] iteotne says."
  598. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_36 = "Perhaps seven shaman makes sense to guess the Magi to enforce the ban sulbeop [ENTER] to have failed [ENTER], not only with the occurrence of a number of top places."
  599. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_37 = "The information provided by this clan of dark shamans to 7'll guess wrong."
  600. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_38 = "Or they might not have known what to occur at the same time the Magi from seven locations [ENTER] ... [ENTER] [ENTER] and this I do not know whether the coincidence was written on top and obscure geumcheok non sikyeotdaneun caused the [ENTER] Magi from the archives [ENTER] while content iteotne the tower. [ENTER] [ENTER] I guess it probably dated tapil in the current esoteric temple."
  601. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_39 = "7 Traces of the Lost Ladybug gumeon finally seemed to want to locate. [ENTER] briefly taking a break now finally [ENTER] Hasegawa try to find the story of a shaman living in the tower dated."
  602. locale.main_quest_lv60.say_40 = "Tip : Following the main quest is level 66 or higher [ENTER] to be carried out is possible."
  603. locale.main_quest_lv66 = {}
  604. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_1 = "Journal of the Witch"
  605. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_1 = "Must find the last journal of the survival Witch.[ENTER]Hunt Demon King in Demon Tower to find the journal.[ENTER]"
  606. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_2 = "What could have happened to the last Witch in the[ENTER]Demon Tower? When you reach the Demon Tower, kill[ENTER]Demon King to find more information.[ENTER][ENTER]"
  607. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_3 = "Acquired the last journal of the last Witch, ask[ENTER]Sage for interpretation."
  608. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_4 = "This is the journal written by the last survivor of[ENTER]the 7 Witches. Excellent job![ENTER]"
  609. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_title_2 = "Advent of the Death Reaper"
  610. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_5 = "Sage is looking for you. Go talk to him."
  611. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_6 = "Hey! Glad to see you again!! I have found some[ENTER]interesting contents in the journal you brought[ENTER]from the Demon Tower.[ENTER][ENTER]"
  612. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_7 = "'The armored mounted troops of Emperor eventually[ENTER]chased me to the top floor of Demon Tower. I cannot[ENTER]die in vain. I must cast a spell to summon the[ENTER]ancient Death Reaper to help me fight. [ENTER][ENTER]I will bring those troops with me to hell![ENTER]"
  613. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_8 = "This implies that the Death Reapers and demons[ENTER]did not originally exist in the Demon Tower.[ENTER]It was a summoning spell cast by the last[ENTER]survivor of the 7 Witches who wanted to eliminate[ENTER]the armored mounted troops. It is a fatal spell[ENTER]that the summoner has to sacrifice her life.[ENTER]"
  614. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_9 = "The Death Reaper was summoned and killed the last[ENTER]survivor of the 7 Witches. The Emeror's troops[ENTER]eventually slain the Reaper and King Leecop[ENTER]finally gained momentum and re-united his Kingdom.[ENTER][ENTER]Thanks to you, I solved the greatest mystery in my[ENTER]life and discovered the true history of our Kingdom."
  615. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_10 = "[ENTER]Thank you for your help. Here's something[ENTER]to express my gratitude. Please take it.[ENTER]"
  616. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_3 = "Letter Reception"
  617. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_11 = "Go talk to Guard to get an unidentified letter,[ENTER]read it and find the mysterious person.[ENTER]"
  618. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_12 = "Hard to see you these days! By the way, someone[ENTER]asked me to give this letter to you. Here.[ENTER]"
  619. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_13 = "The letter given by the Guard states to follow[ENTER]a piece of old paper. [ENTER][ENTER]There are some serious matters to discuss regarding[ENTER]the 7 Witches and Ice Witch. After you read[ENTER]this letter, come to the back of the Demon Tower.[ENTER]"
  620. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_4 = "Unidentified Letter"
  621. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_14 = "Go to the Demon Tower described in the letter and[ENTER]find the mysterious man."
  622. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_15 = "Anonymity"
  623. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_16 = "Greetings! You are quite brave to come here after[ENTER]receiving a letter from an anonymous person. Now,[ENTER]are you ready for my story?[ENTER]"
  624. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_5 = "New Evil Spirit"
  625. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_17 = "Learn more about the new evil spirit from the[ENTER]mysterious man."
  626. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_18 = "There is a reason to why I asked you to come to the[ENTER]Forbidden Temple. There have been some odd[ENTER]incidents.[ENTER][ENTER]Recently, a large cave was found at the back of the[ENTER]Demon Tower.[ENTER]"
  627. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_19 = "A large cave? What's inside???[ENTER]"
  628. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_20 = "We found out that there is a far more terrifying[ENTER]spirit than demons in that cave. [ENTER][ENTER]Judging by its appearance and features, it could[ENTER]be the legendary spirit called 'Mammon' which is[ENTER]one of the 10 Greatest Devils.[ENTER][ENTER]If it really is Mammon, this world is going to[ENTER]face a tremendous disaster.[ENTER]"
  629. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_21 = "Far more terrifying than demons, Mammon must[ENTER]indeed be a mighty evil spirit.[ENTER]"
  630. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_22 = "Correct. My men and I have conducted numerous[ENTER]attacks. Unfortunately, they all failed and left us[ENTER]with nothing but dead bodies. We believe that[ENTER]this task requires a powerful warrios like you.[ENTER]That's why we contacted you.[ENTER][ENTER]Will you help us?"
  631. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_23 = "Sure. I would be glad to.[ENTER]"
  632. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_24 = "Oh!! You would be of great help to us. Now that you[ENTER]have given us your word, I no longer need[ENTER]to hide my identity.[ENTER][ENTER]I am Geto, the 35th commander of Gate Keepers,[ENTER]the secret commando unit of Emperor.[ENTER]"
  633. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_25 = "Commander Geto"
  634. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_26 = "We have been secretly trying to stop the revival[ENTER]of Ice Witch, and eliminate any threat against[ENTER]mankind. It has been designated as our special[ENTER]task. [ENTER][ENTER]From now on, side with us to kill Mammon and it's[ENTER]devils, and to find out how it came to this world.[ENTER]"
  635. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_6 = "No Time to Lose"
  636. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_27 = "Geto, the 35th commander of gate keepers, is[ENTER]urgently looking for you. Go find Geto.[ENTER]"
  637. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_28 = "I have an urgent request.[ENTER][ENTER]Do you see this wounded soldier beside me? He was a[ENTER]secret agent undercover to fetch some information[ENTER]from the Devil's Catacombs. Unfortunately, he was[ENTER]attached by the Devil on his way back. [ENTER][ENTER]The poison has already spread through his body. He[ENTER]is going to die soon if nothing is done.[ENTER]"
  638. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_29 = "I could go find an antidote, but I must stay[ENTER]and command my soliders. Can you go to the Dark[ENTER]Leaf Forest, and bring me an Antidote from[ENTER]the Red Dryad. This soldier is one of my best[ENTER]team mate. I will give you my priceless[ENTER]%s if you save his life.[ENTER]"
  639. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_30 = "It is urgent I will get an antidote for him![ENTER]"
  640. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_31 = "Thank you! He is poisoned, but not dead yet.[ENTER]However, he is slowly losing the fight. Please[ENTER]hurry, there is no time to waste![ENTER]"
  641. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_32 = "You have %d minute(s) left."
  642. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_7 = "In search of the Antidote"
  643. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_33 = "According to Geto, the antidote for the secret[ENTER]agent can be acquired by hunting %d Red Dryads[ENTER]from Dark Leaf Forest.[ENTER][ENTER]The Dark Leaf Forest is far more dangerous than[ENTER]Wild Leaf Forest. Be careful![ENTER]"
  644. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_34 = "Time Passed"
  645. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_35 = "You have %d minute(s) left."
  646. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_36 = "Finally acquired the antidote from the Red Dryad![ENTER]Hurry and return to Geto.[ENTER]"
  647. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_37 = "Over here! Seems you have come in time. What a[ENTER]relief.[ENTER][ENTER]I must express my gratitude on behalf of this[ENTER]soldier. Thank you.[ENTER]"
  648. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_38 = "My soldier survived thanks to your help. This is[ENTER]the reward for saving my soldier.[ENTER]"
  649. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_39 = "It took you quite a while. I had to administer[ENTER]first aid to keep him alive.[ENTER][ENTER]What took you so long?[ENTER]"
  650. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_40 = "Fortunately, he's survived. However, he[ENTER]almost died because you did not bring the[ENTER]antidote in time. I am sorry, but I can only[ENTER]offer this as your reward.[ENTER]"
  651. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_8 = "Secret Agent's Report"
  652. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_41 = "Listen to the secret agent's story of what[ENTER]happened in the Devil's Catacomb.[ENTER]"
  653. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_42 = "Thank you for saving my life. I was caught[ENTER]witnessing something important at the[ENTER]Devil's Catacombs.[ENTER]"
  654. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_43 = "Something important? Did you find something[ENTER]at Devil's Catacombs?[ENTER]"
  655. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_44 = "Yes, indeed. I saw people in black capes and[ENTER]hoods. Through their conversations, I was able[ENTER]to find out that they were Evocators, human[ENTER]who have the ability to summon spirit. There's[ENTER]a ghastly spirit that resembled the appearance of[ENTER]female human flew around those Evocators. I[ENTER]heard them call it 'Medeia.'[ENTER]"
  656. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_45 = "Were the Evocators and Medeia up to something?[ENTER]"
  657. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_46 = "Yes. The Medeia was using an unknown spell to[ENTER]summon devils.[ENTER][ENTER]Oh! The spirit of Medeia called the head Lord[ENTER]Gahnasel![ENTER]"
  658. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_47 = "I tried to report this to the commander as soon[ENTER]as possible, but tripped over something which[ENTER]caught their attention.[ENTER][ENTER]Commander Geto said to see him first.[ENTER]"
  659. locale.main_quest_lv66.title_9 = "New Enemy, behind the Darkness!"
  660. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_48 = "Along with what you discovered from secret agent,[ENTER]hear about what is truly behind the darkness from[ENTER]commander Geto.[ENTER]"
  661. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_49 = "Do you understand what the secret agent has told[ENTER]you? Evocators is behind all the acts of the Devils.[ENTER]They were the ones who resurrected the spirit of[ENTER]Medeia, the final survivor of the 7 Witches. She[ENTER]was the one who summoned the Death Reaper and[ENTER]demons. As a ghastly spirit, she is now summoning[ENTER]the King of the Devildom.[ENTER]"
  662. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_50 = "What?! You mean the final survivor of the 7 Witches[ENTER]is Medeia?[ENTER]"
  663. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_51 = "Undoubtedly! The one who summoned the Death Reaper[ENTER]and demons was the most powerful one within 7[ENTER]Witches. Now we know who is behind all this. She hasn't[ENTER]given up on Ice Witch resurrection.[ENTER]"
  664. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_52 = "Thanks to your help, my soldier managed to survive[ENTER]and tell me about the defacto power of the Devil.[ENTER]Take a minute of rest, and think about solutions[ENTER]of this Devil issue.[ENTER]"
  665. locale.main_quest_lv66.say_53 = "Tipc: Must be Lv.72 or above to continue the quest.[ENTER]"
  666. locale.main_quest_lv72 = {}
  667. locale.main_quest_lv72.title_1 ="Ancient Tombstone"
  668. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_1 = "Learn how to enchant the sacred power from the[ENTER]Commander Geto.[ENTER]"
  669. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_2 = "Unlike demons, the devil cannot be killed with[ENTER]regular weapons. Numerous solders have already[ENTER]been sacrificed.[ENTER]"
  670. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_3 = "While looking for a way to kill the Devils, I[ENTER]found an ancient skill to enchant the sacred[ENTER]power to repel evil spirits. This skill was widely[ENTER]used back in Colosse's era at city of Delos.[ENTER]"
  671. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_4 = "Go to the Wild Leaf Forest which was once the[ENTER]territory of Delos and look for any related[ENTER]clues.[ENTER][ENTER]Clues are likely to be found among ancient remains.[ENTER]"
  672. locale.main_quest_lv72.title_2 = "Discovery"
  673. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_5 = "According to Commander Geto, there's a method[ENTER]to enchant the sacred power.[ENTER][ENTER]Find the ancient tombstone of Delos from the[ENTER]Dark Wild Leaf Forest.[ENTER]"
  674. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_6 = "After reading a bit of the tombstone inscription,[ENTER]seems to be the one described by Commander Geto.[ENTER][ENTER]You have read the inscriptions.[ENTER]"
  675. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_7 = "The stonehenge is the mysterious secret of Delos.[ENTER]Its possession will repel demons. When the force[ENTER]of this stone is released with a spiritual[ENTER]power, the sorcerer will temporarily gain[ENTER]overwhelming power.[ENTER]"
  676. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_8 = "When the sacred tree sap, blue crystal and red[ENTER]hell crystal are combined, the stonehenge will[ENTER]gain its unique luster, and become sealed with magic.[ENTER][ENTER]The blue crystal can be obtained from monsters[ENTER]at the Frozen Land."
  677. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_9 = "Unbelievable contents were engraved on the[ENTER]tombstone. Report this back to Commander Geto.[ENTER]"
  678. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_10 = "You have returned safely. The looks on your face[ENTER]implies some sort of accomplishment.[ENTER]"
  679. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_11 = "Yes. I have found out that the sacred power can[ENTER]be enchanted from stonehenge.[ENTER]"
  680. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_12 = "Stonehenge... So it does exist. Were there any[ENTER]implications on how to obtain it?[ENTER]"
  681. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_13 = "It says to combine the sacred tree sap, blue[ENTER]crystal and red hell crystal. It also stated[ENTER]that the blue crystal can be obtained from the[ENTER]monsters of the Frozen Land."
  682. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_14 = "Ruler of the Frozen Land? seems to refer to[ENTER]Tangra Mountain. Well done.[ENTER]"
  683. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_15 = "This is the reward for giving me information about[ENTER]stonehenge. Keep up the good work.[ENTER]"
  684. locale.main_quest_lv72.title_3 = "Treasure of Nine Tails"
  685. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_16 = "The Delos Tombstone indicated that the first[ENTER]component of stonehenge is the blue crystal which[ENTER]is the treasure of Nine Tails.[ENTER][ENTER]Hunt Ice Golem, Yeti and Frosty Ice Man that are[ENTER]guarding the treasure of Nine Tails at Tangra[ENTER]Mountain to obtain the blue crystal.[ENTER]"
  686. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_17 = "According to the studies, the blue crystal is[ENTER]called treasure of Nine Tails at Tangra Mountain.[ENTER]"
  687. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_18 = "It is guarded by Ice Golem, Yeti and Frosty Ice Man.[ENTER]Collect 100 blue crystals to make the stonehenge.[ENTER]"
  688. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_19 = "The red hell crystal seems to be located either in[ENTER]the Temple of Darkness or Valkus. I already[ENTER]dispatched a secret agent to look into it.[ENTER]"
  689. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_20 = "Geto,the commander of the Gate Keepers, told you[ENTER]that the first component of stonehenge is the[ENTER] blue crystal which is the treasure of Nine Tails.[ENTER]"
  690. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_21 = "While examining a dead evil spirit, a blue jewel[ENTER]was found. It seems to be the blue crystal.[ENTER]"
  691. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_22 = "Remaining number of blue crystals to collect: %d.[ENTER]"
  692. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_23 = "Done examining for today, come back tomorrow.[ENTER]"
  693. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_24 = "This crystal is useless. Here, take a look. Do[ENTER]you not see the crack? Come back with an intact[ENTER]and useful crystal.[ENTER]"
  694. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_25 = "This crystal is indeed high-quality. Keep up the[ENTER]good work. You have %d more to go.[ENTER]"
  695. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_26 = "Fantastic! You have collected all blue crystals.[ENTER]I can feel the energy of the Nine Tails eminating[ENTER]from the crystals themselves.[ENTER][ENTER]The energy is incredible. Well done.[ENTER]"
  696. locale.main_quest_lv72.say_27 = "Tip : Must be at least Lv.78 to continue.[ENTER]"
  697. locale.main_quest_lv78 = {}
  698. locale.main_quest_lv78.title_1= "Red Hell Crystal"
  699. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_1 = "According to Geto, the commander of the Gate[ENTER]Keppers, the red hell crystal is a mineral comprised[ENTER]of evil flames and the soil of Valkus.[ENTER][ENTER]Hunt the Flame Warrior, Flame and Fighting Tiger[ENTER]in Valkus to collect red hell crystals.[ENTER]"
  700. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_2 = "We have found out that the red hell crystal[ENTER]consists of the force of flames. [ENTER][ENTER]The incredible power of the Valkus evil spirits[ENTER]must have come from this crystal as well.[ENTER]"
  701. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_3 = "The crystal requires 3 ingredients, Soil of[ENTER]Valkus, Foundation Stone and Flaming Mane.[ENTER]"
  702. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_4 = "Oh! You have collected 20 Red Hell Crystals!![ENTER]I praise your courage of fighting against the[ENTER]evil spirits of Valkus![ENTER]"
  703. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_5 = "The crystal requires 3 ingredients, Soil of[ENTER]Valkus, Foundation Stone and Flaming Mane.[ENTER]"
  704. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_6 = "Sorry, but I can only make 7 Crystals a day.[ENTER]I am just a human being, I need to rest.[ENTER]"
  705. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_7 = "I will now combine the ingredients to form a[ENTER]single crystal![ENTER]"
  706. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_8 = " didn't work. Sorry I tried my best.[ENTER]"
  707. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_9 = "Wow! It worked! This is the Red Hell Crystal.[ENTER]"
  708. locale.main_quest_lv78.title_2= "Last Ingredient"
  709. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_10 = "According to the studies of Geto and his soldiers,[ENTER]the Sacred Tree Sap can be obtained from the[ENTER]Red Evil Tree in the Red Ghost Forest.[ENTER][ENTER]Hunt the Red Evil Tree in Dark Wild Leaf Forest[ENTER]to acquire 100 Sacred Tree Sap.[ENTER]"
  710. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_11 = "According to the studies conducted by the Gate[ENTER]Keepers, the dark tree ghosts that lived their[ENTER]intended 1 thousand years are found to be the Red[ENTER]Evil Tree and Red Ghost Willow in Wild Leaf[ENTER]Forest. 100 Sacred Tree Sap needed.[ENTER]"
  711. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_12 = "Finally, it is the last stage in making the[ENTER]legendary stonehenge. Be careful, there are many[ENTER]powerful evil spirits in the Red Ghost Forest.[ENTER]"
  712. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_13 = "Remaining amount of Sacred Tree Sap to collect: %d.[ENTER]"
  713. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_14 = "Finally, you have collected all the required Sacred[ENTER]Tree Sap! Return to commander Geto.[ENTER]"
  714. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_15 = "This is the sacred tree sap? Unlike normal tree[ENTER]saps, I can definitely sense its strong force.[ENTER]Well done![ENTER][ENTER]Is there a pharmacist doctor in your village?[ENTER]"
  715. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_16 = "Yes, a pharmacist named Doctor Rapchel lives in[ENTER]town.[ENTER]"
  716. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_17 = "Doctor Rapchel? Aha.. That's great! Take these[ENTER]ingredients, and Doctor Rapchel to create the[ENTER]stonehenge for you.[ENTER]"
  717. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_18 = " This is the reward for collecting all[ENTER]the required ingredients for the stonehenge.[ENTER]You have been through many hardships from Tangra[ENTER]Mountain to Valkus.[ENTER]"
  718. locale.main_quest_lv78.title_3 = "Stonehenge Completion"
  719. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_19 = "Commander Geto, asked you to find Doctor Rapchel[ENTER]in town. You are told that Doctor Rapchel will[ENTER]build the stonehenge.[ENTER][ENTER]Go to town and find Doctor Rapchel.[ENTER]"
  720. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_20 = "Long time no see! What brings you here?[ENTER]"
  721. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_21 = "Commander Geto sent me to find you.[ENTER]"
  722. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_22 = "What?! You mean Geto, the commander of Gate[ENTER]Keepers? Shhh!! Be quiet.. I am actually one of[ENTER]the agents of Geto which must be kept as a secret[ENTER]from villagers.[ENTER][ENTER]So. what kind of favor did Commander Geto ask?[ENTER]"
  723. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_23 = "He wants you to combine these ingredients to make[ENTER] a stone.[ENTER]"
  724. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_24 = "To made a stone?? This is way simple than I[ENTER]expected. I was hoping to receive some important[ENTER]tasks. Oh well, here! Here is the stone you asked[ENTER]for. By the way, what is this stone used for?[ENTER]"
  725. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_25 = "I cannot tell you in detail. To briefly explain,[ENTER]it enchants the sacred power to repel evil spirits.[ENTER]"
  726. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_26 = "Oh.I see. I will gladly help in case you need to[ENTER]make another one.[ENTER]See you around and send my regards to Commander[ENTER]Geto.[ENTER]"
  727. locale.main_quest_lv78.say_27 = "Tip: Must be Lv.84 and above to continue the quest.[ENTER]"
  728. locale.main_quest_lv84 = {}
  729. locale.main_quest_lv84.title_1= "Place of the Forgotten Memories"
  730. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_1 = "Stonehenge is completed. Now go back to Commandor[ENTER]Geto.[ENTER]"
  731. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_2 = "Now it is only a matter of time to round those[ENTER]Evocators up. The stonehenge required great effort[ENTER]and sincerity. The stonehenge needs to be used at[ENTER]a certain specific place in the Devil's Catacombs, [ENTER]otherwise it will not have any power.[ENTER]"
  732. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_3 = "As far as we know, the Devil's Catacomb is made up of[ENTER]five floors. [ENTER][ENTER] Although it may not be the Grim Reaper, [ENTER] there is a Devil named Devil's Guardian. [ENTER] Use the stonehenge [ENTER] to eliminate it.[ENTER]"
  733. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_4 = "But where can Grim Reaper [ENTER] be possibly hiding?"
  734. locale.main_quest_lv84.title_2= "Devil's Guardian"
  735. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_5 = "Elimiate Devil's Guardian by using stonehenge at[ENTER]the 5th floor of Devile's Catacomb.[ENTER][ENTER]DC is located behind Demon Tower.[ENTER]"
  736. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_6 = "As spiritual power is instilled into stonehenge,[ENTER]your entire body feels a tremendous energy![ENTER][ENTER]This must be the overwhelming power of stonehenge![ENTER]"
  737. locale.main_quest_lv84.title_3= "Grim Reaper"
  738. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_7 = "After eliminating Devil's Guardian, a hidden area[ENTER]is found. Go to the 6th floor of Devil's Catacomb,[ENTER]and eliminate Grim Reaper. [ENTER][ENTER]Be careful, Grim Reaper is the King of all Devils[ENTER]with great power.[ENTER]"
  739. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_8 = "Watching you freely roam around the Devil's[ENTER]Catacombs, I can tell that you are not a normal[ENTER]person. The Stone Slab located on the 5th floor of[ENTER]DC is not a Summoning Stone, but a stone for[ENTER]teleportation.[ENTER]"
  740. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_9 = "Grim Reaper is probably giving all the orders to[ENTER]Devil's Guardians from there.[ENTTER][ENTER]Now, eliminate Grim Reaper, and shatter the plans[ENTER]of Evocators and Medeia![ENTER]"
  741. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_9_1 = "You have defeated Grim Reaper![ENTER]"
  742. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_10 = "Suddenly, the cave starts shaking with a loud and[ENTER]wicked voice echoing the Catacomb.[ENTER][ENTER]Hahahahahah! Our Queen Ice Witch has already been[ENTER]resurrected! [ENTER][ENTER]When Ice Witch is fully recovered, this world will[ENTER]come to an end! [ENTER]"
  743. locale.main_quest_lv84.title_4 = "Unfinished Battle"
  744. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_11 = "Tell Geto about the message from Medeia. Then[ENTER]listen to what he thinks.[ENTER]"
  745. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_12 = "You have told commander Geto about your victory[ENTER]against Grim Reaper and the message from Medeia.[ENTER]He becomes anxious.[ENTER]"
  746. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_13 = "I thought the plans of Medeia and Evocators could[ENTER]have been shattered by eliminating Grim Reaper.[ENTER]"
  747. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_14 = "This means Medeia and Lord Gahnasel have already[ENTER]resurrected Ice Witch somewhere.[ENTER][ENTER]It is indeed terrifying![ENTER]"
  748. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_15 = "The island where dragon resides seems to be the[ENTER]Dark Dragon Rock.[ENTER][ENTER]Anyways, you were the one who enabled us to [ENTER]discover and identify the hidden evil underneath.[ENTER]"
  749. locale.main_quest_lv84.say_16 = "I praise your tremendous feat and contribution.[ENTER]I will always look out for you![ENTER]"
  751. locale.huanso = {}
  752. locale.huanso.start_level_begin = 32
  753. locale.huanso.start_level_end = 35
  754. locale.huanso.start_probability = 3
  755. locale.huanso.end_level = 38
  756. locale.huanso.kill_count = 3
  757. locale.huanso.event_item = 30102
  758. locale.huanso.order_label = "Search for the young Dealer David."
  759. locale.huanso.order_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Search for the young Dealer David.[ENTER]"
  760. locale.huanso.too_late = "Young Dealer David:[ENTER]"
  761. locale.huanso.find_label = "Go to Baek-Go."
  762. locale.huanso.find_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Go to Baek-Go.[ENTER]"
  763. locale.huanso.kill_label = "Search the ingredients for the medicine for Yu-Rang."
  764. locale.huanso.kill_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Search the ingredients for the medicine for Yu-Rang.[ENTER]"
  765. locale.huanso.make_label = "Deliver the ingredients for the medicine to Baek-Go."
  766. locale.huanso.make_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Deliver the ingredients for the medicine to Baek-Go[ENTER]"
  767. locale.huanso.deliver_label = "Deliver the medicine to Yu-Rang."
  768. locale.huanso.deliver_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Deliver the medicine to Yu-Rangrquote s mother.[ENTER]"
  769. locale.huanso.success_label = "Report to David."
  770. locale.huanso.success_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Report to David[ENTER]"
  771. locale.huanso.failure_label = "Return to the young Dealer David."
  772. locale.huanso.failure_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Return to the young Dealer David.[ENTER]"
  774. locale.yuhwan = {}
  775. locale.yuhwan.start_level_begin = 40
  776. locale.yuhwan.start_level_end = 43
  777. locale.yuhwan.start_probability = 3
  778. locale.yuhwan.end_level = 45
  779. locale.yuhwan.kill_count = 3
  780. locale.yuhwan.event_item = 30102
  781. locale.yuhwan.find_label = "Search Yuhwan the Musician."
  782. locale.yuhwan.find_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Search Yuhwan the Musician.[ENTER]"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR.."Search Yuhwan the Musician and listen to his song."
  783. locale.yuhwan.too_late= "Yuhwan the Musician:[ENTER]"..""
  784. locale.yuhwan.kill_label = "Capture the Claw Spider."
  785. locale.yuhwan.kill_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Capture the Claw Spider.[ENTER]"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR.."Capture the Claw Spider in the Desert.[ENTER]".."Take the Spiderweb and deliver it to Yuhwan the Musician.[ENTER]"
  786. locale.yuhwan.success_info_label = "Deliver the Spiderweb to Yuhwan the Musician."
  787. locale.yuhwan.success_info_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Deliver the Spiderweb to Yuhwan the Musician.[ENTER]"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR.."Deliver the Spiderweb to Yuhwan the Musician[ENTER]".."and get your reward.[ENTER]"
  788. locale.yuhwan.failure_info_label = "Return to Yuhwan the Musician."
  789. locale.yuhwan.failure_info_text = locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Return to Yuhwan the Musician.[ENTER]"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR.."Tell Yuhwan the Musician[ENTER]".."that you couldn't get the Spiderweb.[ENTER]"
  791. special.active_skill_list = {
  792. {
  793. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
  794. {16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21},
  795. },
  797. {
  798. {31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36},
  799. {46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51},
  800. },
  802. {
  803. {61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66},
  804. {76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81},
  805. },
  807. {
  808. {91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96},
  809. {106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111},
  810. },
  812. {
  813. {170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175},
  814. },
  815. }
  817. special.questscroll =
  818. {
  819. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Brown Bears are often near the cities. They stroll through the prairie and the broad streets of humans. More and more people become their victims. Many people already were killed.[ENTER][ENTER] Hunt these Brown Bears. As soon as you have killed 25 Brown Bears, you'll receive as a reward:", "Kill 25 Brown Bears.", "Brown Bears", 25},
  820. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "The name of malice is in the air: the White Tiger. These Tigers are near the main City. They attack people and eat the bodies of the Dealers. Their victims can't be counted.[ENTER][ENTER] Hunt the White Tigers. As soon as you have killed 20 White Tigers, you'll receive as a reward:","Kill 20 White Tigers.", "White Tiger", 20},
  821. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "The Lykos of the Mountains leads a pride of monsters in the near distance. He is strong and wild. Not long ago he appeared near the village and began to attack Dealers. This monster already caused many deaths. His misdeeds can't be ignored any longer.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill the Lykos of the mountains. If you are successful, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the Lykos of the Mountains.", "Lykos of the Mountains", 1},
  822. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "At this time of the year the ripe grain is on the fields. Time for harvesting, Time for the farmers to earn for what they worked hard. But the Scrofa and his companions eat all the grain. Their greed threatens the farmers, we have to kill them.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill the Scrofa. He is mostly near the Main City. If you are successful, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the Scrofa.", "Scrofa", 1},
  823. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "In his natural environment the Bera was always good. For a while now he is near the Main City though and attacks people. He kills more and more victims. It is impossible to say how many people already died. He has to vanish from here.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill the Bera. If you really get rid of him, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the Bera.", "Bera", 1},
  824. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "I can't believe that the Tigris really did such terrible misdeeds... I am just a simple woman who always praised the Tigris who sometimes appeared on the mountain path. One day though, the Tigris and his minions attacked my family and killed them all! I also lost an arm.[ENTER][ENTER] Please, revenge my family. If you kill the Tigris, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the Tigris.", "Tigris", 1},
  825. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "The White Oath Clan is a group of women left by their husband and treated badly by the world. They might be poor but the way they plague the village inhabitants is just cruel. Once, a woman was stoned to death when she came into the village. We can't allow them to come into the village and attack the people.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 20 White Oath General of the White Oath Clan. If you successfully ended the Quest, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the White Oath General.", "White Oath General", 20},
  826. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "The thieves of the Black Wind Clan haunt for a long time now the keeling dealers. They are that scary that no one is brave enough to strike back. But it can't go on like this, they really cause lots of damage.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 20 Black Wind Gu-Ryung from the Black Wind Clan. If you successfully ended the Quest, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill Black Wind Gu-Ryung of the Black Wind Clan.", "Black Wind Gu-Ryung", 20},
  827. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "It's been a while since the Savages went over the borders and attacked the village. The numbers of people killed by them were in the hundreds. The numbers of those affected is even higher. These evil Savages are that brutal that no one was brave enough to stop them. But we cannot tolerate them any more.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 25 Savage Generals. If you successfully ended the Quest, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the Savage General.", "Savage General", 25},
  828. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "You can't call them humans. But it is also wrong to say they aren't. They look like humans but head, skin and attitude are those of toxic snakes. They are in the desert and attack dealers.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 20 of those who are half human, half snake. If you kill them, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill those Snake Swordman.", "Snake Swordman", 20},
  829. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "They are as intelligent as humans. They are devious and know how to use weapons. Archers, half human, half snakes, attack the dealers in a distance. Many dealers already died.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 20 of those Archers who are half human, half snake. If you successfully ended the Quest, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the Snake Archer.", "Snake Archer.", 20},
  830. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "There are evil beings living in the Sahara Desert. They are known as Desert Outlaws and even heaven cries because of their misdeeds. They plunder and kill dealers for fun. They destroyed the villages in the desert.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 12 Desert Outlaws. If you erase them all, you'll get as a reward:", "Kill the Desert Outlaws", "Desert Outlaws", 12},
  831. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Here are somewhere animals called Battle Tigers. Their blood is made from fire and their bodies were formed from volcanic granite. Those are incredible powerful monsters! These monster feed on lava and the fire of the volcano. Sometimes they come down from the volcano, attack people and eat them..[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 20 of those Fighting Tiger Minion. When you have killed them, you get as a reward:", "Kill the Fighting Tiger Minion.", "Fighting Tiger Minion", 20},
  832. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "The Infernal Flame Field is big, hot and has wild animals in it. There meet the Warriors from Shinsoo, Chunjo and Jinno. Fearsome and powerful monsters await the warriors there. Flame Soldiers are the ones who control the Infernal Flame Field.[ENTER][ENTER] You want to challenge them? If you kill 20 of them you get as a reward:", "Kill the Flame Soldier", "Flame Soldier", 20},
  833. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Listen, those who think to be fearless and strong Warriors! That's the Flaming Battlefield of Tears, of Pain, of Battles and of Death! I live here with many monsters and villains! Who is brave enough to challenge me? Someone can be found who confronts me with a Sword in his hand?[ENTER][ENTER] If you trust yourself, come here and challenge me! If you defeat me and 12 of my comrades you get as a reward:", "Defeat the Flame Warrior.", "Flame Warrior", 13},
  834. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "I'm afraid I'm finished. But let me tell you about an important incident... When you read this letter I am already dead or vanished. I lived in the Dragon Valley where I collected medical herbs. But monster called Black Orcs began to do many misdeeds. They killed my family.[ENTER][ENTER] Please revenge me and my family. When you killed 25 Black Orcs you'll get as a reward:", "Kill Black Orc", "Black Orc", 25},
  835. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Orcs made a new monster: they coupled with even more evil monsters. These are the Black Orc Giants. Bigger and stronger than Black Orcs and incredibly evil. As long as they are in the Dragon Valley, people will suffer.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 20 Black Orc Giants. If you are successful you'll get as a reward:", "Kill Black Orc Giants.", "Black Orc Giants", 20},
  836. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "The village seems to be erased. Those suffering from the mysterious disease attack unlucky by-passers. They attack keeling dealers and eat people. They are extremely dangerous.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 25 soldiers suffering from the mysterious disease. If your are successful you'll get as a reward:", "Kill Plagued Spearman.", "Plagued Spearman", 25},
  837. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "The mysterious disease is the cause of the damage those make who suffer from it. The most dangerous though are archers who were caught by this disease. These Archers shoot Toxic Arrows jamming travellers so they can be captured and carried off.[ENTER][ENTER] Kill 25 Plagued Archers. If your are successful you'll get as a reward:", "Kill Plagued Archers.", "Plagued Archer", 25},
  838. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_ANOTHER_EMPIRE, "I am afraid Im finished! My view is blurring already... When you read this letter my body will be already in pieces. These bastards captured me and carried me off. I could escape but the wound was too deep and I broke down I don't know you. But please revenge me![ENTER][ENTER] Kill 4 enemies at the place of the Battle. If you are successful you'll get as a reward:", "Kill 4 enemy players.", "", 4},
  839. }
  841. locale.questscroll = {}
  842. locale.questscroll.exist = "Other Quest is already in progress."
  843. locale.questscroll.finish = "Quest finished![ENTER]Received as a reward:"
  844. locale.questscroll.finish_button = "Quest finished."
  846. locale.questscroll5 = {}
  847. locale.questscroll5.mission = {
  848. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Aa", "Smashing Metin of Combat", "Since a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Main City. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I please you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "Smashing 3 Metin of Combat.", "8002", 3 },
  849. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Aa", "Smashing Metin of Sorrow", "Since a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Main City. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I please you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "Smashing 2 Metin of Sorrow.", "8001", 2 },
  850. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Aa", "Appearance of Grey Wolves 2", "Have you heard about the Alpha Grey Wolves? They more mostly strolling around alone, but because of the influence of the evil Chi in the past weeks they began to hunt travellers. Can you possibly eliminate those Alpha Grey Wolves? You will surely be rewarded - I am pleading to you.", "Kill 30 Alpha Grey Wolves.", "107", 30 },
  851. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Aa", "Appearance of Grey Wolves 1", "Have you heard about the Grey Wolves? They more mostly strolling around alone, but because of the influence of the evil Chi in the past weeks they began to hunt in prides travellers. Can you possibly eliminate those Grey Wolves? You will surely be rewarded - I am pleading to you.", "Kill 35 Grey Wolves.", "106", 35 },
  852. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Aa", "About the Granges", "The sorrows of the Granges near the Main City raised in the past weeks. Boars who only used to attack small animals in the mountains became aggressive. They charged into the fields, eat the grain and attack the farmers. Can you expel these Boars?", "Kill 40 Wild Boars.", "108", 40 },
  853. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Aa", "Tiger and Bears who want to be human", "Did you hear this already? If Tigers and Bears eat only garlic and young onions for 100 days they can transform into Great Bears and Fire Tigers. It is surely not true but doesn't hurt to see if it's true. Check this while you kill some Tigers and Bears. You'll be rewarded.", "Kill 25 Tigers and 30 Bears.", "114", 25, "110", 30 },
  854. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Ab", "Smashing Metin of Greed", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Main City. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "2 Metin of Greed.", "8004", 2 },
  855. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Ab", "Smashing Metin of Battle", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Main City. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "2 of the Battle.", "8003", 2 },
  856. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Ab", "About the Granges 2", "For a while Boars and the leader of them, the Red Wild Boar, attack the Granges near the Main City. The Government ordered that the Red Wild Boar has to be killed. The Warriors are asked to kill 30 Red Wild Boars each. Please also help out.", "Kill 30 Red Wild Boars.", "109", 30 },
  857. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ab", "March of the hungry Bears", "Oh, please help us. Lately a raising number of Grizzly bears and Black bears damage our Beehives and Orchards. Please help us. Without the bees and the fruits we will starve. Kill those beasts for us.", "Kill 25 Black Bears and 25 Grizzly Bears.", "111", 25, "112", 25 },
  858. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ab", "The Storm of the Blue Wolves", "Have you heard from the Storm of the Blue Wolves? With this the misdeeds of them is meant in the past weeks. They eliminate everything what is in their way as if they were a storm of coat and teeth. Warrior, can you repress this Storm?", "Kill 35 Blue Wolves and 25 Alpha Blue Wolves.", "104", 35, "105", 25 },
  859. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Ba", "Expelling of the White Army", "For a while the White Army made a lot of trouble. They capture keeling dealers very often and damage the village. Please stop the White Army. Eliminate the White Army and their leader.", "Kill 20 White Oath Commanders.", "304", 20 },
  860. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ba", "Unsettles Black Wind", "It is said that the Black Wind Clan wants to conquer the Kingdom. Before they can strengthen their army, we better eliminate the leaders. Please do this, please eliminate the leaders.", "Kill 25 Black Wind Jak-To and 25 Black Wind To-Su of the Black Wind Clan.", "404", 25, "405", 25 },
  861. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ba", "Great Revolt of the Orcs 1", "Secret information seems to say that the leaders of the Orcs in the Dragon Valley plan to conquer the world. I request you to look at this rumour, Warrior. And if you are already, reduce their numbers.", "Kill 30 Elite Orc and 30 Elite Orc Scouts.", "631", 30, "632", 30 },
  862. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ba", "Sword Carriers of another Kingdom", "We drew important information from a captured Savage Spy. The Savages think about an aggression on the Kingdom. We have to attack before they do. Show your loyalty to your Kingdom.", "Kill 30 Savage Infantryman and 30 Savage Minion.", "501", 30, "502", 30 },
  863. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Bb", "Smashing Metin of Darkness", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Main City. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "Smashing 3 Metin of Darkness.", "8006", 3 },
  864. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Bb", "Smashing Metin of Black", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Main City. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "2 Metin of Black.", "8005", 2 },
  865. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Bb", "Wraith of the Serangs", "Warriors, there is new information about the White Army. As a reaction to our pressure on them the Se-Rangs, the leaders, started a counteroffensive. Do something against the Se-Rangs immedietly! It wonrquote t help to kill a few simply soldiers. We have to capture the leaders to stop their plans.", "Kill 10 Se-Rangs of the White Army.", "393", 10 },
  866. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Bb", "Great Revolt of the Orcs 2", "Secret information seems to say that the leaders of the Orcs in the Dragon Valley is planning an attack. Please have a look. If you are there, also reduce their numbers.", "Kill 20 Elite Orc Fighters and 15 Elite Orc Sorcerer.", "633", 20, "634", 15 },
  867. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Bb", "Secret of the normal Ape Honobo Dungeon 1", "The place of the Normal Ape Honobo Dungeon was found. These Apes are normally no threat. But when they rot, they could be one.", "Kill 30 Ape Soldiers and 30 Ape Throwers.", "5111", 30, "5112", 30 },
  868. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Bb", "Secret of the easy Ape Sujin Dungeon 1", "The place of the Easy Ape Sujin Dungeon was found. These Apes are normally no threat. But when they rot, they could be one.", "Kill 30 Weak Ape Soldiers and 30 Weak Ape Throwers.", "5101", 30, "5102", 30 },
  869. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Bc", "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind", "The Chuongs, the leaders of the Black Wind Clan, began to strike back. As Masters of the swordfight they challenged other", "Kill four Chuong of the Black Wind Clan.", "494", 4 },
  870. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Bc", "Smashing Metin of Jealousy", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Neutral Zone. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "2 Metin of Jealousy.", "8007", 2 },
  871. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Bc", "Secret of the normal Ape Honobo Dungeon 2", "The place of the Normal Ape Honobo Dungeon was found. These Apes are normally no threat. But when they rot, they could be one.", "Kill 15 Ape Fighters and 15 Ape Generals.", "5113", 15, "5114", 15 },
  872. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Bc", "Secret of the easy Ape Sujin Dungeon 2", "The place of the Easy Ape Sujin Dungeon was found. These Apes are normally no threat. But when they rot, they could be one.", "Kill 15 Weak Ape Fighters and 15 Weak Ape Generals.", "5103", 15, "5104", 15 },
  873. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Ca", "Smashing Metin of the Soul", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Neutral Zone. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "Smash Metin of the Soul.", "8008", 2 },
  874. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Ca", "Wraith of the Spider 1", "Spiders normally living peacefully in the Sahara Desert began to attack and kill travellers. This is bad for the economy of the Kingdom. Please eliminate those Spiders.", "Kill 40 Baby Spiders.", "2001", 40 },
  875. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Ca", "Wraith of the Spider 2", "Spiders normally living peacefully in the Sahara Desert began to attack and kill travellers. This is bad for the economy of the Kingdom. Please eliminate those Spiders.", "Kill 40 Poison Spiders.", "2002", 40 },
  876. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ca", "Disciplines of the Black Faith in the Valley 1", "Finally we received the order to eliminate the most dangerous sect on the whole kingdom - the mysterious sect. You will find them in the Dragon Valley. Give everything you have, they are not easy to defeat.", "Kill 30 Esoteric Fanatics and 30 Esoteric Arahan.", "701", 30, "702", 30 },
  877. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ca", "Disciplines of the Black Faith in the Valley 2", "Finally we received the order to eliminate the most dangerous sect on the whole kingdom - the mysterious sect. You will find them in the Dragon Valley. Give everything you have, they are not easy to defeat.", "Kill 20 Esoteric Arahan Fighters and 25 Chief Esoteric Arahan.", "703", 20, "704", 25 },
  878. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Ca", "Disciplines of the Black Faith in the Valley 3", "Finally we received the order to eliminate the most dangerous sect on the whole kingdom - the mysterious sect. You will find them in the Dragon Valley. Give everything you have, they are not easy to defeat.", "Kill 40 Esoteric Tormentors and 40 Esoteric Summoners of the Mystic Sect.", "706", 40, "707", 40 },
  879. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Cb", "Smashing Metin of the Shadow", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Neutral Zone. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "2 Metin of the Shadow.", "8009", 2 },
  880. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cb", "They have 8 Legs 1", "The Kingdom found a Cave which is assumed to be the hideout for the Spiders from the Sahara Desert. There is no good information about the Spider Caves, only that it is very dangerous there. Could you look there? Stop them in the spreading of their power in reducing their numbers.", "Kill 35 Baby Poison Spiders and 35 Deadly Poison Spiders.", "2031", 35, "2032", 35 },
  881. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cb", "They have 8 Legs 2", "The Kingdom found a Cave which is assumed to be the hideout for the Spiders from the Sahara Desert. There is no good information about the Spider Caves, only that it is very dangerous there. Could you look there? Stop them in the spreading of their power in reducing their numbers.", "Kill 35 Red Deadly Poison Spiders and 35 Claw Poison Spiders.", "2033", 35, "2034", 35 },
  882. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Cb", "They have 8 Legs 3", "The Kingdom found a Cave which is assumed to be the hideout for the Spiders from the Sahara Desert. There is no good information about the Spider Caves, only that it is very dangerous there. Could you look there? Stop them in the spreading of their power in reducing their numbers.", "Kill 40 Soldier Poison Spiders.", "2035", 40 },
  883. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Cc", "Smashing Metin of Toughness", "For a while Stones with evil Chi are raining down near the Neutral Zone. Researches show that the Chi in these Stones drove animals into madness. Smash these Stones. I plead you. You'll be rewarded for sure.", "Smash 2 Metin of Toughness.", "8010", 2 },
  884. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cc", "Scorpion! You can win", "These Scorpions plague travellers and dealers. That is bad for the economy of the Kingdom. Please kill the Scorpions.", "Kill 30 King Scorpions and 20 Scorpion Man.", "2103", 30, "2104", 20 },
  885. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cc", "Company of Death 1", "Have you ever heard of the Demon Tower? Mystic sects evoked wandering Ghosts with powerful spells and the Ghosts now founded a group of Demon soldiers. Under the influence of a Hellsummoner, the Mystic Sects lost control over them. They gathered in the Demon Tower which is the hideout of the Hellsummoner. That is all what we know about it. Fight them and find out how powerful they are.", "Kill 30 Demon Soldiers and 20 Demon Archers.", "1001", 30, "1002", 20 },
  886. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cc", "Company of Death 2", "Have you ever heard of the Demon Tower? Mystic sects evoked wandering Ghosts with powerful spells and the Ghosts now founded a group of Demon soldiers. Under the influence of a Hellsummoner the Mystic Sects lost control over them. They gathered in the Demon Tower which is the hideout of the Hellsummoner. That is all what we know about it. Fight them and find out how powerful they are.", "Kill 30 Demon Spearman and 25 Demon Shamans.", "1003", 30, "1004", 25 },
  887. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cd", "Secret of the hard Ape Joklor Dungeon 2", "The place of the Hard Ape Joklor Dungeon was found. These Apes are normally no threat. But when they rot, they could be one.", "Kill 15 Strong Ape Fighters and 15 Strong Ape Generals.", "5123", 15, "5124", 15 },
  888. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Cd", "The Ice will melt one day", "The Ice Mountain is covered with ice. Many explorers and warriors went there but never returned. Find out why this happened and if they were attacked. Maybe you can find it out when you capture some monsters there.", "Kill 25 Ice Golems on the Ice Mountain.", "1107", 25 },
  889. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cd", "Secret of the hard Ape Joklor Dungeon 1", "The place of the Hard Ape Joklor Dungeon was found. These Apes are normally no threat. But when they rot, they could be one.", "Kill 30 Strong Ape Soldiers and 30 Strong Ape Throwers.", "5121", 30, "5122", 30 },
  890. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Cd", "The right hand of the Yellow Tiger Ghost", "The Yellow Tiger Ghost, King of the beings on this continent, lately mobilised the animals. The Secret Section of the Kingdom thinks that is the reason the animals went wild. It is needed to reduce the troops of the Yellow Tiger Ghost. Eliminate the leaders who are his right hand.", "Kill 30 Bullfrog Generals.", "1305", 30 },
  891. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cd", "Owner of the Ice Mountain?", "The Fox-o'-nine-tails, Master of the Ice Mountain, is said to gather demons around him. Before he has all troops he needed, we have to kill Ice Man and Yetis, the backbones of his troops. Please help us. You will be rewarded.", "Kill 35 Ice Man and 30 Yeti.", "1105", 35, "1106", 30 },
  892. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Cd", "Chungwa Frog Monsters", "The Yellow Tiger Ghost seems to have plotted with the Chungwa Monsters. Eliminate immediately their united units. If you ignore them, it will be a very bad ending coming.", "Kill 45 Tree Frog Soldiers and 35 Tree Frog Leaders.", "1301", 45, "1302", 35 },
  893. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Cd", "Ice Monster! Their true character", "We know how the monsters of the Ice Mountain communicate. They do this with the help of the Ice Monsters. It is urgently needed to weaken the troops on the Ice Mountain, so please kill the Ice Monsters there.", "Destroy 45 Enchanted Ice.", "1101", 45 },
  894. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Da", "Reveal the secret of the Demon Tower", "The resurrection of the Brutal Demon Soldiers is a surprise. It is luck that the numbers of the Brutal Demon Soldiers and Brutal Demon Archers declined, so reduce this time the numbers of the Brutal Demon Spearman.", "Kill 45 Brutal Demonspearman who got resurrected.", "1063", 45 },
  895. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Da", "Reveal the Master of the Demon Tower", "After severe researches we found out that the Brutal Demon Soldiers are always resurrected. We have to eliminate the Brutal Demon Shaman to avoid that the female Brutal Demon Shaman returns.", "Kill 60 Brutal Demon Shamans who resurrect.", "1064", 60 },
  896. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Da", "Explore the Infernal Flame Field", "The Infernal Flame Field is a lava area populated with many unknown beasts. We have to explore this area. Can you help us with it?", "Kill 45 Fighting Tiger Minions.", "2201", 45 },
  897. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Db", "Fire Ghost! Its identity", "A group that should have erased the Fighting Tiger Minions was eliminated by unknown enemies. It is said those enemies would look like Burning Girls? Find out what is true here.", "Kill 45 Flame Ghosts.", "2202", 45 },
  898. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Db", "Reduce the numbers of Fighting Tiger", "Now that we can fight the Flame Ghosts we have to completely eliminate them in an open battle. Some tasks are taken upon by the military, so please help us to reduce the number of Fighting Tigers.", "Kill 60 Fighting Tiger Minions and 40 Fighting Tigers.", "2201", 60, "2203", 40 },
  899. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Db", "Examine the War Monsters", "War Monsters are unbelievably brutal. They amuse themselves when those people they eat the skin of are in pain. We still donrquote t know how to kill them. Can you find out?", "Kill 40 Flame Soldiers.", "2204", 40 },
  900. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Db", "Flame Warriors", "Not long ago the child of a nobleman who came into the Infernal Flame Field was killed by a Flame Warrior. If you kill the Flame Warriors you will be rewarded. Why donrquote t you challenge them?", "Kill 60 Flame Warriors.", "2205", 60 },
  901. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB, "Dc", "Examine the Ghost Trees", "Normally they are just like trees and then suddenly attack animals and humans. Their numbers increase. Find out how we can destroy the Ghost Trees.", "Kill 30 Ghost Trees.", "2301", 30 },
  902. {QUEST_SCROLL_TYPE_KILL_MOB2, "Dc", "The secret of the Ghost Forest", "Researches have shown that the Ghost Forest is an area populated by Stump Ghost Trees and Tree Ghosts. If you eliminate those, you might avoid that the Ghost Trees spread. Eliminate Ghost Stump and Dryads.", "Kill 40 Ghost Stump und 30 Dryads.", "2302", 40, "2303", 30 },
  903. }
  905. locale.questscroll5.reward_exp = {
  906. ["Aa"] = {
  907. {20000, 30},
  908. {40000, 40},
  909. {60000, 25},
  910. {100000, 3},
  911. {160000, 2},
  912. },
  913. ["Ab"] = {
  914. {20000, 20},
  915. {40000, 30},
  916. {60000, 35},
  917. {100000, 10},
  918. {160000, 5},
  919. },
  920. ["Ba"] = {
  921. {40000, 25},
  922. {60000, 35},
  923. {100000, 25},
  924. {160000, 10},
  925. {200000, 5},
  926. },
  927. ["Bb"] = {
  928. {40000, 10},
  929. {60000, 25},
  930. {100000, 35},
  931. {160000, 20},
  932. {200000, 10},
  933. },
  934. ["Bc"] = {
  935. {40000, 5},
  936. {60000, 15},
  937. {100000, 35},
  938. {160000, 30},
  939. {100000, 15},
  940. },
  941. ["Ca"] = {
  942. {60000, 20},
  943. {100000, 40},
  944. {200000, 30},
  945. {300000, 8},
  946. {400000, 2},
  947. },
  948. ["Cb"] = {
  949. {60000, 15},
  950. {100000, 30},
  951. {200000, 35},
  952. {300000, 10},
  953. {400000, 10},
  954. },
  955. ["Cc"] = {
  956. {60000, 10},
  957. {100000, 15},
  958. {200000, 35},
  959. {300000, 25},
  960. {400000, 15},
  961. },
  962. ["Cd"] = {
  963. {60000, 5},
  964. {100000, 10},
  965. {200000, 30},
  966. {300000, 35},
  967. {400000, 20},
  968. },
  969. ["Da"] = {
  970. {120000, 20},
  971. {200000, 40},
  972. {400000, 30},
  973. {600000, 8},
  974. {800000, 2},
  975. },
  976. ["Db"] = {
  977. {200000, 15},
  978. {300000, 30},
  979. {400000, 35},
  980. {600000, 10},
  981. {800000, 10},
  982. },
  983. ["Dc"] = {
  984. {120000, 10},
  985. {200000, 15},
  986. {400000, 35},
  987. {600000, 25},
  988. {800000, 15},
  989. },
  990. }
  992. locale.questscroll5.reward_money = {
  993. ["Aa"] = {
  994. {5000, 30},
  995. {10000, 40},
  996. {20000, 25},
  997. {50000, 3},
  998. {100000, 2},
  999. },
  1000. ["Ab"] = {
  1001. {5000, 20},
  1002. {10000, 30},
  1003. {20000, 35},
  1004. {50000, 10},
  1005. {100000, 5},
  1006. },
  1007. ["Ba"] = {
  1008. {10000, 30},
  1009. {30000, 40},
  1010. {50000, 25},
  1011. {80000, 3},
  1012. {100000, 2},
  1013. },
  1014. ["Bb"] = {
  1015. {10000, 20},
  1016. {30000, 30},
  1017. {50000, 35},
  1018. {80000, 10},
  1019. {100000, 5},
  1020. },
  1021. ["Bc"] = {
  1022. {10000, 10},
  1023. {30000, 20},
  1024. {50000, 35},
  1025. {80000, 30},
  1026. {100000, 5},
  1027. },
  1028. ["Ca"] = {
  1029. {30000, 20},
  1030. {50000, 40},
  1031. {80000, 30},
  1032. {100000, 8},
  1033. {150000, 2},
  1034. },
  1035. ["Cb"] = {
  1036. {30000, 15},
  1037. {50000, 30},
  1038. {80000, 35},
  1039. {100000, 10},
  1040. {150000, 10},
  1041. },
  1042. ["Cc"] = {
  1043. {30000, 10},
  1044. {50000, 15},
  1045. {80000, 35},
  1046. {100000, 25},
  1047. {150000, 10},
  1048. },
  1049. ["Cd"] = {
  1050. {30000, 5},
  1051. {50000, 10},
  1052. {80000, 30},
  1053. {100000, 35},
  1054. {150000, 20},
  1055. },
  1056. ["Da"] = {
  1057. {50000, 20},
  1058. {100000, 40},
  1059. {160000, 30},
  1060. {200000, 8},
  1061. {300000, 2},
  1062. },
  1063. ["Db"] = {
  1064. {50000, 15},
  1065. {100000, 30},
  1066. {160000, 35},
  1067. {200000, 10},
  1068. {300000, 10},
  1069. },
  1070. ["Dc"] = {
  1071. {50000, 10},
  1072. {100000, 15},
  1073. {160000, 35},
  1074. {200000, 25},
  1075. {300000, 10},
  1076. },
  1077. }
  1079. locale.questscroll5.reward_item = {
  1080. ["Aa"] = {
  1081. {30053, 1},
  1082. {30072, 1},
  1083. {30071, 1},
  1084. {30003, 1},
  1085. {30023, 1},
  1086. {30038, 1},
  1087. },
  1088. ["Ab"] = {
  1089. {30037, 1},
  1090. {30010, 1},
  1091. {30004, 1},
  1092. {30028, 1},
  1093. {30069, 1},
  1094. {30027, 1},
  1095. {30070, 1},
  1096. },
  1097. ["Ba"] = {
  1098. {30032, 1},
  1099. {30034, 1},
  1100. {30073, 1},
  1101. {30035, 1},
  1102. {30008, 1},
  1103. {30005, 1},
  1104. {30021, 1},
  1105. {30033, 1},
  1106. {30041, 1},
  1107. {30092, 1},
  1108. },
  1109. ["Bb"] = {
  1110. {30074, 1},
  1111. {30076, 1},
  1112. {30056, 1},
  1113. {30057, 1},
  1114. {30006, 1},
  1115. {30077, 1},
  1116. {30030, 1},
  1117. {30058, 1},
  1118. {30025, 1},
  1119. {30055, 1},
  1120. },
  1121. ["Bc"] = {
  1122. {30046, 1},
  1123. {30045, 1},
  1124. {30018, 1},
  1125. {30007, 1},
  1126. {30052, 1},
  1127. {30081, 1},
  1128. {30031, 1},
  1129. {30017, 1},
  1130. {30011, 1},
  1131. },
  1132. ["Ca"] = {
  1133. {30085, 1},
  1134. {30088, 1},
  1135. {30016, 1},
  1136. {30061, 1},
  1137. {30040, 1},
  1138. {30091, 1},
  1139. {30059, 1},
  1140. },
  1141. ["Cb"] = {
  1142. {30060, 1},
  1143. {30039, 1},
  1144. {30042, 1},
  1145. {30009, 1},
  1146. {30079, 1},
  1147. {30075, 1},
  1148. {30022, 1},
  1149. {30087, 1},
  1150. },
  1151. ["Cc"] = {
  1152. {30015, 1},
  1153. {30019, 1},
  1154. {30014, 1},
  1155. {30048, 1},
  1156. {30078, 1},
  1157. {30083, 1},
  1158. {30086, 1},
  1159. {30090, 1},
  1160. {30089, 1},
  1161. },
  1162. ["Cd"] = {
  1163. {30049, 1},
  1164. {30047, 1},
  1165. {30067, 1},
  1166. {30080, 1},
  1167. {30051, 1},
  1168. {30050, 1},
  1169. },
  1170. ["Da"] = {
  1171. {30045, 1},
  1172. {30051, 1},
  1173. {30038, 1},
  1174. {30070, 1},
  1175. {30023, 1},
  1176. {30033, 1},
  1177. {30011, 1},
  1178. {30027, 1},
  1179. {30082, 1},
  1180. {30193, 1},
  1181. },
  1182. ["Db"] = {
  1183. {30035, 1},
  1184. {30010, 1},
  1185. {30055, 1},
  1186. {30006, 1},
  1187. {30017, 1},
  1188. {30058, 1},
  1189. {30086, 1},
  1190. },
  1191. ["Dc"] = {
  1192. {70048, 1},
  1193. {70050, 1},
  1194. {70051, 1},
  1195. {70102, 1},
  1196. {50513, 1},
  1197. {50301, 1},
  1198. {50302, 1},
  1199. {50303, 1},
  1200. },
  1201. }
  1203. locale.english = {}
  1204. locale.english.msgsystem_1 = "There are something wrong. Please contact our support."
  1205. locale.english.msgsystem_2 = "You don't have enough Yang to can send this amount."
  1206. locale.english.msgsystem_3 = "This character name not exist."
  1207. locale.english.msgsystem_4 = "You can't send this item."
  1208. locale.english.msgsystem_5 = "You need at least 3 free slot on inventory to can take this item."
  1209. locale.english.msgsystem_6 = "Your message has been sended."
  1210. locale.english.msgsystem_7 = "Clock"
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