
Sick Fuck (a Prelude to 'Cathy')

Aug 5th, 2012
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  1. (A prelude to ‘Cathy’)
  4. >You are a sick fuck.
  5. > Like, utterly.
  6. > Why are you sick?
  7. > Good question
  8. > Because daddy used to diddle you?
  9. > Because mommy would say you deserved it and stub her ciggies out on your arm?
  10. > Maybe it was the kids at school when you were growing up, always bullying you.
  11. > Or maybe the principal who said you were just looking for attention when you complained.
  12. > Maybe it was your first girlfriend, who used you to get a kid then threw you out.
  13. > Child support still saps your wallet dry to this day.
  14. > Who knows, really?
  15. > When you turned nineteen, you got a job at a burger joint that your Uncle was good enough to give you.
  16. > You sling burgers for a living.
  17. > You now live in a really shitty apartment, the rent is about $350 a month.
  18. > Your neighbors are crack addicts and prostitutes. You had to buy yourself a knife just incase some fuck tried to break in.
  19. > Then you started hearing voices.
  20. > You know the type: the ones that tell you to cut yourself, cut others, stomp babies to death.
  21. > Since you have no healthcare, you don’t have meds.
  22. > Not that anyone would help you, anyway- even your Uncle doesn’t listen when you try to tell him.
  23. > The only thing that quiets the voices are torturing small animals to death in your spare time and filming it.
  24. > You’ve done it with a cat, and a bird.
  25. > But your favorites are fluffy ponies.
  26. > They scream like people, they beg like people, they cry like people
  27. > And it feels so good to have power over something that can’t defend itself.
  28. > You go hunting for them every few nights or so.
  29. > How you go about getting your jollies depends on your mood.
  30. > Sometimes, you’ll find some ferals and beat them to death with part of a broomstick you broke off.
  31. > Sometimes you shove broken glass into their faces and nethers if you can find a broken bottle or something.
  32. > If you want a good laugh, you’ll find someone’s pet fluffy, and butcher it.
  33. > It’s even funnier when you can sneak into the idiot’s house, slit the fluffy’s throat and pull its insides out.
  34. > Sometimes you hover around outside, hoping to hear the owner’s reaction.
  35. > And sometimes, you take fluffies home, and torture them to death in whatever way you feel like.
  36. > Tonight, it seems, you a very fortunate.
  37. >You decided to take a stroll through the park, dufflebag slung around your shoulder.
  38. > You hear giggling. You can’t quite tell if it’s real or not: you are crazy and fucked up in the noggin after all.
  39. > You make your way closer to the giggling.
  40. > “babehs,shh! No time fow pway! Mumma need gwassies, den time fow miwk.” Says one high pitched voice.
  41. > One high pitched fluffy voice
  42. > You smile
  43. > “miwk!” another, higher voice says, which is repeated a few times by different voices, like the piping of some miniature organ.
  44. > Your smile grows wider. A fluffy mother and her babies. Three or four babies, you think.
  45. > Behind that bit of brush.
  46. > You unzip your dufflebag, slowly.
  47. > Then…
  48. > You spring.
  49. > You grab the mother by the scruff of its neck
  50. > “wahhh! Munsta!”
  51. > You slap her across the face and force her into the dufflebag
  52. > The babies scream and try their best to waddle away.
  53. > You gingerly pick all four of them up, and put them in the dufflebag
  54. > A Pegasus Colt and three Earth fillies.
  55. > Jackpot. You’re going to have such fun tonight!
  56. >…then maybe the fucking voices will stop screaming at you.
  58. ----------
  60. > You get home and put mare and all three of her babies in a large dog carrier
  61. > Already they’re crapping and pissing all over the place.
  62. > “pwease no huwt fwuffy an babehs, jus wan nummies an miwk and…and…pwease no huwt” the mare begs.
  63. > Her babies are trying to hide in her fluff, sobbing softly.
  64. > You decide to take them into the kitchen.
  65. > You put the carrier on the counter, facing the sink.
  66. > You fill the sink up with water. The mare still crying and begging.
  67. > “Pwease…pwease no huwt!” she says, her voice becoming hoarse.
  68. > “No no…I’m just going to clean you and your babies up” you whisper as you put your hand into the carrier.
  69. > She quiets down at this, then wails again when you roughly snatch one of her babies away.
  70. > the little Pegasus colt.
  71. > You hold him by the scruff of his neck over the water.
  72. > He pees a little on your hand. You’ll fix that.
  73. > You grab a clothpin and clamp it over the colt’s tiny penis
  74. > “pwease no huwt speciaw pwace” it whimpers
  75. > You begin slowly rubbing its two tiny lumps it has for testicles
  76. > Just like your daddy did to you
  77. > “but your special place is bad. It’s dirty!”
  78. > You squeeze his testicles hard, eliciting a high pitch squeal from the little shit. The mother hides her eyes and cries
  79. > You rip them from his body and throw them in the sink.
  80. >Then you squeeze down on the clothspin- hard.
  81. > It pukes a little before you remove it.
  82. > “Oh no” you say in a voice filled with mock concern. “your ear is dirty as well”
  83. > You bring his head up to your face, put one of his ear your mouth and begin to slowly bite down on it
  84. > Just like what you used to do with your cunt of an ex girlfriend.
  85. > It squeal is long, starting as a quiet mewling before raising in tone as you bite directly through its ear.
  86. > Which you then promptly spit into the sink.
  87. > “oh, and these two legs as well” you murmur as you break off its left front leg and right hind leg.
  88. > “nuuu! No take weggies!”
  89. > “shhh…now…it’s bath time!”
  90. > You drop the colt into the sink. The mare and her three little fillies cry. At the sight of its little wings flapping uselessly in the water, now turning light red with blood, you can’t help but grin.
  91. > You then grab two of the fillies, and, before you close the carrier door again, squeeze them, positioning them so their rears are aimed at the mare.
  92. > They squirt shit all over their own mother- some diarrhea and some solid turds.
  93. > You fish the colts testicles from the sink and ram them down the throat of one of them. You throw her into the sink where she begins to flail around idiotically.
  94. > “Pwease nu mowe huwt babehs!” the mare cries whilst banging her little hoofs on the door of the carrier. You flick the metal mesh of it with your finger, it makes a loud *ping!” noise which makes the mare cower in the back with the other filly you didn’t snatch.
  95. > As for the filly in your hand, you decide to jam your middle finger up its anus, and your index finger up its vagina. You push it down onto your fingers.
  96. > Blood, piss and shit run down your hand as it shrieks, thrashes and screams.
  97. > With it still on your fingers, you dip your whole hand into the bloody sink.
  98. > It squirms underneath the water, bubbles issuing upward until it stops.
  99. > At which point, you take your hand out, and hold the filly up to the carrier, still impaled on your fingers.
  100. > The mare hides her face in her hoofs and sobs
  101. > You pull the filly off of your now coated fingers and toss it into the sink. You then pull the plug and let the water drain out of it.
  102. > You throw the mare into the empty sink with the corpses of her babies.
  104. > She mulls around, nudging her dead babies, as of trying to wake them.
  105. > “pwease…wake up…pwease…”
  106. >You roughly grab her by her mane and slam her down on the counter, her belly facing upward.
  107. > You slap her over and over again across the face, calling her a bad mother, a dirty mother.
  108. >You then take a steak knife and slash her face in various places
  109. > “Nuu, pweas-“
  110. > and her tongue.
  111. > You punch her vagina over and over again, before driving the steak knife up inside it and cutting it open.
  112. > She thrashes and gargles, unable to speak without her tongue. You shove all of the dead babies back up inside her
  113. > Then, you cut her throat, and watch her die, wondering what it’s like, dying like that.
  114. >…Then you notice the last filly. It is a small, black earth pony with a white mane.
  115. > You think of a way to dispatch the idiotic little creature.
  116. > Then, a thought hits you.
  117. > Why not bury its own shit, and the shit of its family?
  118. > That is so fucking hilarious!
  119. > Besides…you need to take out the trash.
  120. > You put the mare in a pizza box. Then you take the filly, who shivers pathetically, and put her in the pizza box with her dead mother before dumping all the shit from the carrier all over her, laughing as you do so.
  121. > Just like that time in school where that kid threw a ton of dog shit on your lunch.”
  122. > Fuck, you hated that kid.
  123. > You then took the pizza box, along with a ton of other garbage, to the dumpster outside.
  124. > When you came back, you realized it was almost midnight. You need to be up at 8.
  125. > You showered. You shaved.
  126. > And you went to bed, and slept peacefully, without the voices stealing any hour of sleep from you.
  127. > You hope that someday you’ll have the courage to do this to a person, you think to yourself, as you begin to dream about whatever it is sick fucks dream about.
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