
Iron Anon: Hello Miss Rainbow

Aug 23rd, 2012
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  1. >You wake up
  2. >Tired again
  3. >You were becoming an insomniac
  4. >That is, if you weren’t considered one already
  5. >You try again, in vain, to close your eyes and force sleep
  6. >Not happening
  7. >Might as well get an early start on that meat, you suppose
  8. >Wiggling out of your sleeping bag, you take a look around the cave
  9. >You knew the moon was still up because the place was still being illumined by a soft pallid light
  10. >The slick rocky surface of the caves walls allowed the moonlight hitting the cave’s entrance to be reflected all through the cave
  11. >It’d probably get a lot more brighter when the Sun came up
  12. >Grabbing your knife, you head outside
  13. >As soon as you emerge, you see the Moon had just begun its rapid descent again
  14. >Going by yesterday’s cycle, you had maybe about 5 minutes before the Sun was up again
  15. >After a bit of stretching, you reassemble your campfire
  16. >Just a few twigs and two strikes of the flint rod produce a good solid flame
  17. >Satisfied, you put down the flint and head back into the cave to retrieve meat
  18. >As you crawl back inside, you notice Gus is still asleep
  19. >Adjacent to him from across the room was the rainbow p0ny
  20. >Not wanting to wake either of them, you stealthily slip into the sled’s basket and retrieve the salt bag
  21. >When outside, you pull out one whole slab of meat before cutting the second one into a half piece
  22. >The bigger of the two was for Gus
  23. >You hold your half cut piece in your hands
  24. >Did ponies eat meat?
  25. >No, they grazed in fields right?
  26. >At least back home… you couldn’t say for the supernatural ones here
  27. >Still, she was probably a herbivore
  28. >Definitely wouldn't like you trying to feed it meat
  30. >You throw the other half in the bag for later
  31. >The Sun is blazing high in the sky when you finish cooking
  32. >Gus had come out and sat during your preparation and you throw him his chunk of meat
  33. >He sniffed it awhile, not used to eating cooked meat
  34. >Or maybe because how it still had that wishy-washy color like the rest of this place
  35. >You glance around your surroundings
  36. >The texture and shades of this world had been pretty weird to take in at first
  37. >But you were gradually getting used to it
  38. >Gus eventually makes up his mind and begins to devour the beef
  39. >With no plates, you are forced to eat with your hands
  40. >Cooked chicken lizard wasn’t really your idea of an ideal breakfast…
  41. >But it would have to do
  42. >As you and Gus finish up, you turn to look at the cave entrance
  43. >She was bond to wake up sometime soon
  44. >And when she did, she would explain everything
  45. >You start to feel a bit nervous
  46. >What if she refused to speak to you?
  47. >Having Gus gnaw on her leg followed by tying her up in a cave probably hadn’t gotten you on her good side
  48. >What if you were just hearing things now?
  49. >She wasn’t human; Just a winged animal
  50. >Animals don’t talk
  51. >That kick to the head could have caused you to hallucinate
  52. >Speaking of which,
  53. >You bring your hand to your nose
  54. >It had stopped bleeding, but had left a dry carmine stain down your face
  55. >You’d need to clean up before trying to talk to her
  56. >You go back quickly inside and retrieve your canteen from the sled
  57. >Tiptoeing past the sleeping p0ny, you reemerge outside
  58. >You try your best to conserve the water from your canteen as you wash down the meat
  60. >Gus eyes you up as you do so, giving a faint whimper
  61. >Oh yeah, he needed to drink too
  62. >You pour him a puddle, which he laps gratefully
  63. >Noticing the dry blood on your face had also brought something else to your attention
  64. >You are Filthy.
  65. >Disgustingly so
  66. >Your mind travels back to the cave
  67. >You needed to make a good impression if you wanted her to talk again
  68. >Well, let’s face it; your first impression was ruined by now
  69. >Shooting for mediocre was your best bet
  70. >As far as you could tell by the look in her eyes yesterday, humans weren’t common around here
  71. >Looking like a damn savage wouldn’t make it easier for her to open up
  72. >…No offense to savages, of course
  73. >You can feel Ned punch you in the gut from across worlds
  74. >Not wanting to head back to the freezing pond, you decide to go look for a calm stream or creek nearby
  75. >Taking your knife, you head off in what you think is North
  76. >Gus begins to follow you
  77. “No Gus, stay. I need you to watch over the cave”
  78. >He sits back down, with an expression you can only describe as disapproval
  79. >If you were gone too long, he’d take off and try to find you for sure
  80. >Better be quick then
  81. >To your luck, you find a nice stream only a few minutes North from the cave
  82. >Undressing, you hang up your clothes before jumping in
  83. >As you bathe yourself, you remained in deep thought
  84. >You were about 99% percent sure you had a winged p0ny in your cave that could talk
  85. >If it could speak and you could understand it, then when you spoke it should be able to understand you
  86. >You stomach tightens as eagerness takes hold of you
  87. >You were going to talk and hold a conversation with a fricken flying p0ny
  88. >Wow.
  90. >What would you ask it first?
  91. >For starters, where the hell you were
  92. >Secondly, how to get back to South Dakota
  93. >You shrug
  94. >That WAS the important stuff
  95. >But then again, this chance to talk to a wild animal would never happen to you once you left this place…
  96. >How’s it like to live in the forest?
  97. >What’s with that weird birthmark on your ass?
  98. >How’d you hurt your wing?
  99. >Can you understand other animals too?
  100. >Can you understand Gus?
  101. >Can you teach Gus to speak?!
  102. >This one talk could answer so many of man’s unanswered questions about the animal world
  103. >That’d give you some respect at the University
  104. >Your optimism falters as you dry off and begin to redress
  105. >You had captured her, tied her up and had been so close to killing her
  106. >Thinking she would forget about that and just idly chit chat with you was stupid
  107. >So much for your quest for knowledge
  108. >You were going to go in there, explain your situation to her, get that pony to tell you how to get home and then you'd let her go
  109. >Content with your plan, you make your way back to the cave
  110. >You could tell Gus had been wandering around, because he flanks to your side after popping out of a bush
  111. >At least he hadn’t wandered too far…
  112. >You stand in front of the cave for a few moments
  113. >Should you keep Gus outside while you do the talking?
  114. >He probably just end up scaring her
  115. >You weigh the options in your head
  116. >You’d leave him outside and call him if need be
  117. >You take another step and before coming to another dilemma
  118. >Go in with the knife?
  119. >You stealth it, keeping it close if anything was to go wrong
  120. >There is no telling what she could do
  121. >Ok, here we go
  122. >Breathe in…
  123. >Breathe out…
  124. >You enter the cave
  126. >You had been right before in your assumption
  127. >The reflecting sunlight illuminated the cave with a brighter glow
  128. >Your eyes were always locked on your captive as you made your way to her
  129. >She was still curled up, sleeping
  130. >You thought she would have woken up by now but it seems exhaustion kept her snoozing
  131. >Great, you were going to have to wake her up
  132. >You move closer, getting down on your knees while retaining an upright posture
  133. >Your hand moves to lightly push her but you stop inches from her fur
  134. >Was it really right to wake her up like this?
  135. >You hesitant
  136. >Frankly, you still weren’t ready to hold a conversation with a wild mystical animal
  137. “Best to wait it out, I guess”
  138. >You crisscross your legs and wait
  139. >She shouldn’t be asleep for too much longer
  140. >Playing out possible scenarios in your mind, you continue to watch her sleep
  141. >Her leg’s bandages had gotten significantly darker from last night
  142. >They would need to be changed soon…
  143. >Despite her entanglements, you had to admit she did look kind of… cute while sleeping
  144. >Like that new born pup Rusty, after a day of playing in the snow
  145. >Your thoughts promptly shift towards home
  146. >You hope all the dogs had made it out and back home
  147. >You wondered about Mother and Ned
  148. >They’re probably in the woods, looking for you right now
  149. >If they haven’t checked the river first…
  150. >You shiver with concern for mother
  151. >She had less than a year ago lost her husband… now she is thinking she lost her son too
  152. >Mother couldn’t handle that…
  153. >Ned would try his best to comfort her, but he’d be silently hurting too
  155. >You couldn’t bear to imagine their worry and misery
  156. >You had to get home
  157. >Now.
  158. >A bit of movement adjacent from you shatters your concentration
  159. >Ok
  160. >This was it.
  161. >Keep your cool Anon
  162. >Naturally, your body tenses with your heart racing as she lazily half opens her eyes
  163. >At first, it seems she tries to stretch… only to rediscover the rope restricting her movement
  164. >She snaps back to reality, remembering her predicament
  165. >The pony struggles hopelessly against the binds
  166. >Until she finally notices you sitting a few feet away…
  167. >You both give each other blank stares, obvious emotions boiling underneath
  168. >Neither of you move for a good thirty seconds
  169. >Her snout was still kept shut with the tether, so you had to be the one to break the ice
  170. >You let out a deep breath, trying to relax
  171. >It’s just a… talking animal
  172. >Finally you are able to speak
  173. “…Hi”
  174. >….
  175. “M-my name is Anon… what’s yours?”
  176. >More silence and expressionless stares
  177. “oh yeah… the rope”
  178. >You draw your knife and you see her flinch
  179. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you”
  180. >You move knife closer to her face and she pulls back
  181. “It’s ok, it’s ok shhh”
  182. >You were talking to her like a dim-witted farm animal
  183. >Something changes in her eyes…
  184. >She doesn’t like that AT ALL
  185. “Just don’t bite me ok?”
  186. >You're trying your best not to cut her mouth but she isn’t holding very still
  187. >The idea of holding her head with your other hand crosses your mind, though the pony would probably squirm move at your touch
  188. >Eventually you get the knife in between her snout and the rope
  189. “Just calm down… it’s alright”
  190. >Shit. Here is comes
  191. >You pull the loop of rope off in one motion
  193. >She wrinkles her muzzle with the cable off
  194. >But no words leave it
  195. >Another 30 seconds of unnerving silence
  196. “Umm… you can talk rig-“
  197. >???[hostile]: “What are you?”
  198. >Her voice is on edge and full of malice
  199. “Oh well, I’m a hu-“
  200. >???:”Let me go. Right Now!”
  201. >She tries to shift her body in a more dominant demanding position
  202. >Ropes aren’t helping her appear threatening though
  203. >???:”Get this stuff off me right now and I won’t beat you up too bad”
  204. >You're taken back by the colorful winged pony’s sudden aggression
  205. “Yeah um. We kinda got off on the wrong foot”
  206. >She completely ignoring you now, trying to get out of her bindings
  207. “Like I was saying, my name’s Anon. Anon Stoneman.”
  208. >She tries to gnaw through the rope on her front hooves
  209. >You ignore it for now, she wasn't making any progress
  210. “So… What’s your name?”
  211. >Still ignoring you, the blue p0ny is now desperately trying to slide the rope off
  212. >Nope
  213. >Not going to work either
  214. >She was staying here until she had answered your questions
  215. >You had control of the situation
  216. >Repeating your question, you use more of an authoritarian tone
  217. “I asked for your name”
  218. >She looks up at you and then spits the rope out of her mouth
  219. >???: “And why the HAY would I tell you anything?!”
  220. >This p0ny should really watch her tone
  221. >Talking or not, she wasn’t another human and had come pretty close to being dinner yesterday
  222. >Still you remain calm
  223. >You’d probably be pissed too if you were in the same situation
  224. >Then again, you also probably wouldn't be shouting angrily at your captor, whom had decided to spare your life the day before…
  226. “Look er- p0ny, you need to calm down”
  227. >???: “That’s easy for you to say! You didn’t wake up tied in some cave with the THING that almost stabbed you yesterday”
  228. “I’m sorry about that… about all this.”
  229. >???: “Then Let. Me. Go.”
  230. >This was getting on your nerves
  231. >You weren’t getting a name, so you ditched the formalities
  232. “I’ll let you go as soon as you answer a few questions”
  233. >She seems stop messing with the cords and give you her (minor) attention
  234. >???: “Fine, but then you untie me. Got it?”
  235. >You don’t waste time asking
  236. “Where… am I?”
  237. >The p0ny breaks her serious expression for a moment, confused
  238. >???: “Ahh the Everfree Forest. Can I go now?”
  239. >You sigh
  240. “No, I kind of guess I was in a forest. Less specific.”
  241. >???: ”Equestria..?”
  242. “What is that?”
  243. >Again, her irritation briefly disappears as she subtly cocks her head to one side
  244. >???: “Equestria…It’s the name of this country”
  245. >Equestria huh, that certainly didn’t ring any bells
  246. >Countries weren’t broad enough
  247. “What…planet is this?”
  248. >Now she just looks concerned
  249. “Umm, Earth”
  250. >Earth?
  251. >That couldn’t be right
  252. >Wasn’t YOUR Earth, that’s for sure
  253. >???: “Is this some kind of joke, huh?”
  254. “No. No its not”
  255. >You try to sound as serious as possible
  256. “I’m not from around… here. This world”
  257. >Her face shows no doubt, clearly haven’t seen anything like you before
  258. “I’m a human from a place called South Dakota”
  259. >You lean in closer
  260. “and I need you to tell me how I can get back there"
  261. >She shifts her body in the ropes, a mixture of annoyance and puzzlement
  262. >???[snarky]:“Why don’t you just go back the way you came, idoit?”
  264. “Because I’m pretty sure I DROWNED to get here”
  265. >You don’t hide the frustration in your voice
  266. >This thing wasn’t getting you anywhere
  267. >???: “And I’m pretty sure that if you HAD drowned, I at least wouldn’t be in the mess!”
  268. >Ok, fuck this bitch
  269. >You had tried to be polite
  270. “Listen hear, you fruity little p0ny. All I know is that me and Gus were 'practically' drowning at the bottom of a river when everything started glowing. Then I wake up at the bottom of a pond in this crazy world of yours. I have no idea what the hell this place is, let alone how to survive in it. I barely have enough food to last another day, but right now your attitude is shaping up to change that…”
  271. >Its only takes a moment for her to catch your drift
  272. >Every fiber of her being seems to grimace more at you, but you can’t mistake the hint of fear in her eyes
  273. >Of course, you weren’t serious
  274. >She wasn’t a human,
  275. >But she was still, somehow, sentient
  276. >Knowing that, it wouldn’t sit right with you if you ate her
  277. >Yeah, that would just feel disgustingly wrong
  278. >…But she didn’t need to know that
  279. >You weren’t here to make friends; you needed to get the hell back home
  280. “Now, I’ll ask again. How do I get back to South Dakota?”
  281. >She stares at you for a few seconds
  282. >???: “Did you…did you say there was another one of you here?”
  283. >What?
  284. >Oh, she must mean Gus
  285. “No, Gus is my dog”
  286. >The p0ny recoils slightly
  287. >???: “That thing...was a dog?!”
  288. >Hmm, she knew the word ‘dog’
  289. >But it seem this p0ny wasn’t used to wolfdog half-breeds
  290. >You give a brief nod and then let out a whistle
  292. >Right on cue, Gus comes trotting to your side
  293. >Not even taking notice to the creature, who he had already sunk his teeth into twice, squirming in front of you
  294. >???: “G-get that thing away from me!”
  295. >Looks like you found your leverage
  296. “Don’t worry, he won’t bite you… again. As long as I don’t tell him too, that is”
  297. >If the odds weren’t in your favor before, they were now
  298. >She frantically trying to inch away from Gus
  299. “Last time p0ny. How do I get back home”
  300. >???: “I d-don’t know… I’m just a pegasus p0ny, I don’t anything about magic”
  301. >Pegasus?
  302. >Magic?
  303. >Wait a second, you had heard the word ‘pegasus’ before
  304. >You remember back to seeing a picture of large white horse with huge wings in your textbook when your class was reviewing Greek Mythology
  305. >You had asked Ms. Penny what it was and she had called it that, Pegasus
  306. >But that thing had been huge, nothing like this little blue shrimp who’d only come up to your stomach if it was standing
  307. >Then again, she had said pegasus ‘p0ny’
  308. “Wait… what about magic? I asked how to get home”
  309. >The p0ny shuffles a bit, clearly worried about Gus
  310. >???: “Well-um whatever happened to… you, sounds like something magical”
  311. >She wasn’t being sarcastic or facetious…
  312. >Which meant magic was a real thing in this world
  313. >To be honest, what you saw and felt back in the water was unmistakably… unnatural
  314. “Ok so… how does this ‘magic’ work?”
  315. >???: “You’d have to get a unicorn to help you”
  316. >Unicorns?
  317. >Ok, you knew what those were
  318. >Holy fuck Anon, what have you gotten yourself into?
  319. >Gus had gotten tired of watching you two talk by now and instead went to go lay down next to the sled
  320. >You can see the pony physically relax from his departure
  322. “Do these unicorns… talk too?”
  323. >???: “Ah yeah, all ponies can talk. Are you stupid or something?”
  324. >Well, looks like she’s back to her bitchy self
  325. “Where can I find one?”
  326. >???: “Let me go and I’ll show you”
  327. >Brief silence
  328. “How do I know you won’t just take off?”
  329. >She surprisingly puts on a sincere face though you can’t shake the feeling that it’s appears a bit… hollow
  330. >???: “I didn’t know you were lost before. Besides, helping you helps me get out of all this”
  331. >Now you have a choice to make
  332. >Trust the p0ny and let it guide you to a unicorn
  333. >Or
  334. >Keep her tied up, rotting away in this cave
  335. >You eye up the p0ny, examining her head to toe-err hoof
  336. >She was only slightly bigger than Gus
  337. >That kick yesterday just caught you by surprise, this thing couldn’t possibly pack enough muscle to fight you off
  338. >Maybe you should make a leash?
  339. >Somehow you knew that would just make her more pissed off than being in her current state
  340. >Fine.
  341. >You would untie her bindings, keeping her in view as she lead the way
  342. >Her wing was still damaged and you’d keep it tied, so she couldn’t fly away
  343. >And that injured leg would make her slow for sure
  344. “Fine. Deal”
  345. >You get uncomfortably close to her to undo the rope
  346. >She doesn’t say anything while you do so, just waiting for it to be over
  347. “Now no funny business, alright?”
  348. >Her silence serves as her answer as you continue breaking down the knots
  349. >She doesn't struggle or move while you did this
  350. >Good. She had stayed true to her word
  351. >Finally you finish and she starts to stand up
  352. >She’s going about it pretty slow, maybe she was really hur-
  353. >Instantly, she springs up and hits you in the chest with all four of her hooves
  355. >You're sent flying back, about a good foot or two onto your back
  356. >Because you’re so lucky, you ended up landing directly on a protruding rock, digging into your one lung
  357. >God, the pain...
  358. >You lay there in agony for about 10 seconds until you finally realize what just happened
  359. >You get up, pushing against the cold floor while trying to catch your breath
  360. >She was already gone
  361. >Fuck, this was NOT good!
  362. >She was your only lead to getting back home
  363. >Scrambling to your feet, you pick up your bowie
  364. >Gus was now standing on full alert, but confused on what to do
  365. >That p0ny wasn’t planning on helping you
  366. >In fact, she was probably heading for whatever herd she came from to tell them how you had kidnapped and almost killed her…
  367. >This was bad
  368. >REALLY BAD
  369. >You manage to give an attentive whistle to Gus, who charges out of the cave after the p0ny
  370. >You hurry wrapping up the mending rope in a loop of string which you sling over your shoulder
  371. >For an instant, you mind finds the roscoe in the sled
  372. >But you decide against it
  373. >There was no doubt that this little stunt had won her a place on your shit list
  374. >But you couldn’t kill her
  375. >That p0ny was getting you and Gus home, whether she wanted to or not
  376. >Determination flows through your very core as you take off sprinting after Gus
  377. >And that annoying little p0ny
  379. >
  380. >The calm stillness of dusk is shattered as your boots crash against the forest floor
  381. >You had completely lost sight of the p0ny and Gus almost as soon as the chase gave way
  382. >Damn, she was fast
  383. >This kind of speed, of course, you expected from any health equine
  384. >No matter how small her legs were, that pony still had four of them
  385. >But the cannon of her one front leg on had been torn apart by Gus’s fangs
  386. >Running like that would no doubt cause great pain
  387. >Still, she forced herself to run despite it
  388. >Any other time, you would have admired the p0ny’s determination
  389. >…if,that is, her determination didn’t conflict with yours
  390. >That blue bitch was your only way to getting to one of these unicorns
  391. >Though that’s was implying she was telling the truth… which obviously was questionable at this point
  392. >Whatever it may be, she was all you had to go on
  393. >Your only hope of getting out of this place
  394. >She couldn’t get away
  395. >Even if you had to get Gus to drag back her, mauled
  396. >Leaping over a rotten log keeps you from losing speed
  397. >You were now following the sound of Gus’ vigorous barking to keep up with the two
  398. >You're starting to run out of breath, this was taking too long
  399. >She was fast, but not lightening fast
  400. >Why hadn’t Gus caught her yet?
  401. >Directly ahead of, you hear some thrashing as well as Gus’ bark getting closer
  402. >As you approach, you see the mutt had gotten himself tangled in some kind of small briar patch
  403. >So that’s why…
  404. >You probably should of guessed before.
  405. >Gus was used to running on wide, compact snow lined with bare dead trees
  406. >Not dense jungle-forests where every square inch was lined with ensnaring vegetation
  408. >You run right past him; He could get out himself and would catch up later
  409. >Besides, there was no mistaking the blur of blue running past a tree ahead of you
  410. >You take off with a new energy, imagining you are back on the farm training with Ned
  411. >Last sprint, Last time to give it your all
  412. >You're now within yards of the now exhausted, limping p0ny
  413. >She was having trouble with the foliage too, and she knew it
  414. >But now you both were exiting the forest, stumbling upon an unpaved dirt road
  415. >It was huge, so it being formed by the scurrying feet of wildlife was out of the question
  416. >Someone had made this road
  417. >Someone with hands… a human
  418. >This was best thing you had found all day… but not just for you
  419. >For as soon as she made it to the middle of the road, she reveres back on her hind legs and cups her hooves around her mouth
  420. >???:“SOMEP0NY! ANYP0NY! HEL-“
  421. >You didn’t even try to add any form to your tackle
  422. >You just dropped your shoulder and plowed right into the p0ny’s side
  423. >Launching you both into the bushes on the opposing side of the road
  424. >You struggle around for awhile as she continues to try kicking and… did she just try to give you an uppercut?!
  425. >The wrestling last for only a few seconds
  426. >Despite the impressive strength for her size, you towered over her
  427. >Finding her sore leg, you purposely stomp on it
  428. >She lets out a yelp and for brief moment tenses up in pain
  429. >You take the chance and pin her facedown into the ground, un-slinging the rope
  430. >As you reach down, she shoots her head backwards
  431. >Head-butting you right in the jaw
  432. >Hard.
  433. >You start to tumble backwards as she manages to get up again
  434. >Oh no you don’t, you're coming with me!
  435. >You grab her from behind, bringing her back into your chest as you fall
  437. >You fall back into a tree and roughly slide down its trunk
  438. >Ignoring your throbbing chin, you quickly put the little devil in a choke hold
  439. >Well, not really a choke hold
  440. >The inside of your elbow comes to sit over her snout, so you weren’t actually choking her
  441. >Just trying to keep her still and quiet till you figured something out
  442. >You hear her trying to mumble something but it’s suppressed by the layers of your skin and muscle
  443. >At first, you were afraid she’d bite but it seems she’s not resorting to that…. yet
  444. >You pull her in tighter to your chest, trying anything to keep her from moving
  445. >And that’s when you hear it…
  446. >Both you instantly stop and freeze as the sound of galloping hooves comes into ear shot
  447. >They’re not running… must be a small group walking by
  448. >That or a creature with about dozen of hooves
  449. >You wouldn’t be surprised
  450. >You both are frozen stiff until they come close enough up the road for you to see them through the brush
  451. >....
  452. >Wait, what?
  453. >More ponies, it would seem
  454. >There were five ponies walking side by side, about to pass your position
  455. >They… were all different colors
  456. >Each had their own coat of a solid shade. There was pink, orange, purple, yellow and white
  457. >You could see they also each had birthmarks on their hind quarters, but they were too hard to distinguish from your distance and angle
  458. >What the hell was this?
  459. >Sure, your p0ny’s cyan color was a bit weird but nothing like this
  460. >At least one was white, which seemed a little more natural
  461. >Except…
  463. >Oh Jesus Christ
  464. >There was a horn... coming out of its head, as well as the purple one
  465. >Unicorns.
  466. >Maybe your luck had finally changed
  467. >Additional, noticed the yellow one had wings like your blue captive
  468. >The others… didn’t have anything unusual… just regular ponies perhaps
  469. >Well, except for the cowboy hat the orange one was sporting
  470. >What the hell…
  471. >Staring, you become bewildered for the moment
  472. >You're snapped back to reality as your p0ny tries to wrestle furiously out of your grip
  473. >Your arms contract like a vice but she is now screaming through your elbow
  474. >Swiftly drawing back your elbow, you replace its spot with your hand
  475. >Squeezing her snout tightly to keep it shut
  476. >Whoever these ponies were, they’d probably not take kindly to you for holding one of their fellow ponies against their will
  477. >Then again who knows, you could assume that not everyp0ny knew or liked one another
  478. >Plans dance around in your head as the white one call out, hoof raised to her mouth
  479. >???: “Rainbow! Where are you?!”
  480. >She looks around awaiting an answer, deeply concerned
  481. >The orange one follows up, much louder
  482. >???:”RE'INBOW!”
  483. >They all stopped walking in front of your hiding spot looking all around for a response
  484. >The purple unicorn is the next to speak, addressing the group
  485. >???:”We’ve been searching all day and still no sign of her…”
  486. >Hmm, so they are looking for someone… more precisely a ‘her’
  487. >At first, you didn’t understand the blatant shouting of the word ‘rainbow’ until you noticed the multicolored mane pressed against your face
  488. >It was a name.
  489. >Her name
  490. >Rainbow
  491. >Well, that must have been hard growing up with…
  492. >You’re really struggling to keep -‘Rainbow’- restrained now
  494. >The tone they were using suggested they were worried about her
  495. >Needlessly to say, them finding you in your current situation would not end well
  496. >They'd probably stomp you to death or something for kidnapping
  497. >They were equines after all, talking or not
  498. >No.
  499. >You needed to find a way to get one of those two unicorns to send you home
  500. >But none of them would help you right now
  501. >The pink one pipes up, its voice a noticeably higher pitch than the others
  502. >???:”Maybe she just went back to Cloudsdale for…”
  503. >Her head shoots around as if trying to find some logical excuse
  504. >???:”something...”
  505. >The group continues to discuss what to do, all taking part in the discussion except the yellow one
  506. >You hear the words Cloudsdale and P0nyville thrown around a lot
  507. >They sounded like places… other forests?
  508. >No, the p0nyVILLE implied something like a village
  509. >Did ponies here have villages?
  510. >Yeah right, maybe if they had something to build with
  511. >Hooves aren’t really cut out to be the great crafting instruments your meat claws were…
  512. >However that still left the possibility of human built villages, seeing the man-made road and all
  513. >Though you don't know why people here would be naming their towns after talking wildlife
  514. >As you continue to listen while keeping your tight grip on Rainbow, you hear a subtle snap from across the road
  515. >Your heart stops as you see Gus, partially hidden in the underbrush, had stepped clumsily on a twig
  516. >Dammit, your cover is blown now!
  517. >…
  518. >Wait, they didn’t even notice…?
  519. >But something that close should have alarmed any woodland critter
  521. >In fact, these ponies did look as if they were… out of place
  522. >They were constantly scanning the woods
  523. >Sure, they were looking for Rainbow too but it was how they were doing it
  524. >They… didn’t trust these woods or whatever was inside them
  525. >You could even say they feared them
  526. >One thing was for certain, they weren’t from around here
  527. >You stare daggers at Gus not to move anymore
  528. >Of course, he couldn't see you… Let alone read your intentions if he could
  529. >Yet, you are somehow able to reach him from across the road with your thoughts and Gus stays put
  530. >The Sun had started to fall and the ponies now look to the sky
  531. >The purple (who seems to be the leader of the group) turns to face everyone
  532. >???:”Ok girls, we tried our best but we won’t be able to find anything wandering around the Everfree Forest at night”
  533. >She walks past the group and back down the way they came
  534. >???[defeated]:”I’ll have Spike write a letter to Princess Celestia tonight. Tomorrow, we will be able to gather a larger search party for Rainbow.”
  535. >The ponies heads, including the purple one, hang low in failure and frustration
  536. >Then you hear what you think is a squeak from the yellow one
  537. >???[scared]:”Umm- Twi-Twilight. Will Rainbow be-e alright?”
  538. >You are able to get a good look at her face
  539. >She’s almost on the verge of tears
  540. >The purple p0ny (whose name is apparently Twilight) turns and approaches her
  541. >Twilight: “Fluttershy…”
  542. >She raises and places her one hoof on the yell- Fluttershy’s shoulder
  543. >Twilight:”Rainbow is one of the bravest, most strongest ponies I have ever met. I know she’ll be ok, ok?”
  544. >Fluttershy (living up to her name) gives the tiniest nod
  545. >Soon, they are all moving out of the forest
  547. >You wait about 10 minutes after they leave
  548. “So, Rainbow is it?”
  549. >No answer
  550. >She’s probably more furious than ever, seeing how her best chance of getting out of this mess just walked right past her
  551. >You didn’t care about that though
  552. >You cared about getting home
  553. “Ok, here’s the deal…All I want is to get out of this crazy world of yours and back to mine, ok?”
  554. >When you didn’t receive any acknowledgement the second time, you realize you were still pinching her muzzle shut
  555. >You relax you grip, hand still hovering in case she tried to scream for help again
  556. >Nope.
  557. >Nothing
  558. “You ARE going to convince those unicorns to send me back, got it?”
  559. >She as quiet as can be
  560. “And if you try to run awa-“
  561. >You move your hand just in time as the Rainbow’s teeth snap at your fingers
  562. >Oh no, not this time
  563. >You pin her down using all your weight
  564. >She squirms but its only digging herself a hole in the ground
  565. >Rainbow:”GET-T OFF!”
  566. >You waste no time reaching for the bundle of rope next to you to redo her ties
  567. >Because of the... particular circumstances, you can’t recreate the complex set of loops you had earlier
  568. >Instead you go for the quick all-around cocoon style, which would still keep her contained
  569. >However its simplicity calls for you to wrap the whole thing pretty tight, including the areas around her broken wing and damaged hoof
  570. >You’d notice the leg’s bandages were now slowly coming apart and had gained a new shade of red
  571. >This wasn’t going to feel pleasant
  572. >The p0ny winces, trying to hide showing pain as you pull the cords taut
  574. >Rainbow:”You freak! When I get out of here, I’m-“
  575. >You finish with a lope around her snout
  576. >You didn’t like being called a freak
  577. >That and her colossal ego of talking shit to someone, who not a day before had had a knife at her throat
  578. >You stand up and, very awkwardly, pick her up
  579. >It was dark now, and you needed to get to cave
  580. >You’d have tomorrow to try with the unicorns
  581. >You began walking with Rainbow tucked under your one arm like a sack of potatoes while your other hand grasped the bowie
  582. >She begins to thrash about like a maniac, at least until Gus came out of hiding to greet you
  583. >That’s when she DID become a sack of potatoes, unmoving and lifeless
  584. >She was really petrified of Gus…
  585. >Well, there’s no doubt you scare her a little too
  586. >You continue along back to your cave
  587. >For a moment, you can’t help but put yourself in her shoes- well, horseshoes
  588. >She not only crashes, giving her an injured wing but is later captured by two strange creatures from another world both of which had tried to kill her at one time or another
  589. >Your pity for her doesn’t last long however
  590. >You had tried to explain your situation to her
  591. >Tried to be nice
  592. >You trusted her to help you and all you got was your ass handed to you on a stone cold floor
  593. >Keeping your eyes low to the ground, your mind continues to buzz
  594. >You didn’t like this
  595. >You -were- technically the bad guy in all of this
  596. >She probably saw you as some kind of monster from a fairy tale
  597. >You mentally shrug
  598. >You didn’t care what she thought of you
  599. >Didn’t care what anything here thought of you
  601. >But those unicorns were in cahoots with your fruity colored p0ny, either as friends or relatives
  602. >You NEEDED Rainbow to get them to help you
  603. >And the only way she was every going to help you was to convince her too
  604. >That… would be difficult
  605. >Impossible.
  606. >You make it into the cave and plop her down at the far end of the cave, in between the sled and the entrance
  607. >Rainbow struggles against the ropes a bit after you turn your back, but you don’t take notice
  608. >It had been a long day and she wasn’t getting out quite that easily
  609. >As you make your way to the sled, you see Gus had already made himself cozy by its side
  610. >His yellow threatening eyes locked firmly on something behind you… Rainbow of course
  611. >For an instance when you are walking past him to get to your sleeping bag, he shoots you a quick but solid look
  612. >What are we going to do with it? What are YOU going to do?
  613. >Even if he wasn’t blurting out well-spoken English, you knew that’s what he was saying
  614. >You break the glance, slipping into your sleeping bag and turning your face towards the wall
  615. “…I don’t know”
  616. >You drift asleep
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