
Big Heart

Dec 17th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Anonymous Fri 27 Apr 2012 13:12:33 No.1559334 | /mlp/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >be the smart friend of the fluffy ponies, Big Heart
  4. >you are born together with a brother and three sisters from a beautiful mare
  5. >she's your momma, whom you love the most in the entire world
  6. >actually, you love everything the most in the entire world
  7. >there are many friends to play with
  8. >and many other big mommas that are crying that they're going to make poopies
  9. >they are given hugs by many other fluffies, who coo in their ears that everything's alright
  10. >silly mommas, those aren't poopies, those are other fluffy babehs like you, you think
  11. >drink milk from your mommas milk-nummies
  12. >she licks you clean
  13. >you love it
  14. >play together with your siblings and friends
  15. >life is fun
  16. >you and your siblings cry sometimes when momma is going away to eat some nummies, only to cheer up when she returns and feeds you milk
  17. >there are many many friends now
  18. >one of them talks very much and says where we can make poopies
  19. >momma says he's a smart fluffy pony
  20. >she cuddles many times with the big smart fluffy
  21. >sometimes, the big smart fluffy hugs momma from behind and makes funny faces
  22. >silly smart fluffy, she can't give you hugs herself, you smirk
  23. >life is good
  25. >then, life is not good
  26. >you are sleeping together with your siblings and your momma
  27. >she gives you warm and is so fluffy
  28. >everyone is fluffy, and you like it
  29. >when you wake up, you see your little brother is sleeping under mommas milk-nummies
  30. >silly brother, momma said that we have to eat grassies now, but he doesn't like grass, and he still tries to drink milk
  31. >your sisters also wake up
  32. >whisper in their ears that you should all surprise brother with a hug
  33. >they all agree
  34. >you don't really know when to hug, so you just do it first
  35. >then your sisters also hug your brother together with you
  36. >it's fun
  37. >hugs are the best thing in the world
  38. >everything is the best thing in the world
  39. >momma wakes up now
  40. >she murmurs that something feels strange
  41. >then she sees you and your sisters giving hugs
  42. >she loves hugs, so she stands up to give us hugs
  43. >give hugs to momma
  44. >hugs are the best things in the world
  45. >see that brother isn't giving hugs to momma
  46. >his head looks a little bit flatty
  48. >you all are hugging each another except brother
  49. >ask brother “why no give huggies do momma?”
  50. >he doesn't answer
  51. >momma and sisters are all still hugging and cooing each another how they love everyone
  52. >you ask again “bwuda no give huggies do momma?”
  53. >now momma and sisters look to brother
  54. >sisters now ask him “'dubid bw'da why no huggies?” “why no huggies?” “bw'da wan huggies?”
  55. >momma also asks “babeh wan huggies?”
  56. >brother doesn't move at all
  57. >he looks like he's sleeping with his flatty head, but he doesn't make poopies or peepee like you and all other fluffy friends do when sleeping
  58. >you and sisters and momma now nudge sleeping brother to wake up and give hugs
  59. >he doesn't move at all
  60. >what a meanie brother, you think
  61. >sisters don't care anymore and just want to play with momma
  62. >she agrees and they all hug each another and rub their heads together
  63. >only you are looking at sleeping brother who doesn't move at all
  64. >he doesn't make scary noises come out from his mouth either
  65. >see something under his ears
  66. >it's a little bit dirty-looking, but not like the poopies fluffies do
  67. >ask momma “why bwuda make wawa in head?”
  68. >she takes a look after she and sister had played enough and want to eat now
  69. >”dad booboo-juice”, she answers
  70. >”why babeh have booboo-juice?” she asks now, and explains “booboo-juice no gud. When booboo-juice, den fwuffy have ouchies”
  71. >you don't like ouchies
  73. >momma gives hugs to brother
  74. >she licks him and says that she loves him, and rubs her head with his head
  75. >but brother doesn't wake up at all
  76. >momma does so until she remembers that she's hungry
  77. >she goes to eat grassies together with your sisters
  78. >you are now also feeling hungry
  79. >shouldn't your brother be feeling hungry too, you wonder
  80. >put your minuscule hooves on his body to shake him up
  81. >”bwuda siwwy fwuffy. no wan huggies?” you snide at him
  82. >but he just lies there unmoving
  83. >you feel hungry, and decide to go eat some grassies with momma and sisters
  84. >you see that there are also a few other fluffies not waking up
  85. >one fluffy for example has her face in stinky peepee water
  86. >another fluffy doesn't care that he doesn't smell pretty at all
  87. >and a few of your friends aren't waking up either, all sleeping very very tightly together with their momma
  88. >you find this strange
  89. >but all other fluffies don't care
  90. >they just ask the non-moving fluffies to wake up and play and give hugs
  91. >when the non-moving fluffies don't answer or wake up, the fluffies then just go away and play with each another
  92. >no fluffy cares about the fluffies not moving at all
  93. >you don't care either anymore
  94. >you just want hugs, some nummies, and to play together with friends
  96. >this goes on for a while
  97. >you and the other fluffies have eaten many grassies
  98. >but now it doesn't smell pretty at all
  99. >there's poopies and peepees everywhere from fluffies
  100. >can't eat the grassies under the poopies and the peepees
  101. >the big smart pony who sometimes hugs your momma from behind says “dis pwace no smeww pwetty. fwuffies go do odah pwace. get new nummies”
  102. >all agree
  103. >all fluffy ponies now waddle after the big smart fluffy, who is a very smart friend
  104. >big mommas can't walk, they have to be pushed by other fluffies
  105. >you and your sisters follow your momma behind
  106. >you take a look to the non-moving fluffies that aren't waking up
  107. >well, if they don't want to wake up, it's their decision, you babble
  108. >leave the non-moving fluffies behind
  109. >waddle quite far
  110. >you don't like walking
  111. >one sister always cries that she doesn't like walking either
  112. >many small fluffies like you cry that they don't like walking all the time
  113. >the big smart fluffy friend says that we will get nummies in the other place soon
  114. >this calms all little fluffies like you a little bit
  115. >you come in a big strange place
  116. >the ground isn't grassy and soft like in the place before, but hard and rocky like a stone
  117. >there's many big things that look like they give shelter
  118. >waddle and waddle
  119. >there's pretty flowers
  120. >there's grassies in front of the big things that give shelter
  121. >it all looks very tasty
  122. >you and all the other fluffies waddle to the flowers and the grassies and eat them up
  123. >sometimes, you and all the other fluffies have to make some poopies and peepee
  124. >you like this place
  126. >you see something you've never seen in your entire life
  127. >huge no-fluffies that walk on two legs
  128. >if all little fluffies like you would be put together, you'd only reach half of the huge no-fluffy
  129. >”What the heck? A herd of fluffy ponies?” the huge no-fluffy suddenly says
  130. >now more huge no-fluffies come
  131. >”Oh crap! They just ate my petunias!” “Fuck! They're shitting on my lawn!” “Fucking pests!” they all bellow loudly
  132. >you don't like it how they say that
  133. >others of the not so huge no-fluffies look down to you and chirp “Sooo cute.” “That's so adorable.”
  134. >you somehow know what they are
  135. >they're humans
  136. >you should love them
  137. >they rub your bellies, which feels very good
  138. >you love them
  139. >lick one of them their hand when the not so huge human gives you some nummies
  140. >”Don't pamper them! Else they'll never leave!” one of the big humans scolds
  141. >the smaller humans stop and look sad
  142. >the big smarty fluffy queries to the humans “fwuffies wan nummies an huggies. hooman pway wid fwuffies?”
  143. >”No. You and your brood leave town this evening, understood?”
  144. >they don't look like they want to play or give hugs
  145. >they just say “Go away, you little pests!” “Leave my garden alone!” “Shu, shu, go away!” “I've had enough of you retarded vermin!” and try to make you and the other fluffies away
  146. >you feel a little bit sad that they don't want to play and hug you
  147. >the big smart fluffy seems not happy
  148. >he puffs his cheeks to become even bigger
  149. >”no. fwuffies stay hewe. if meanie hoomans no wan give huggies and nummies, then hoomans go 'way. fwuffies no go 'way” he tells them
  150. >many other fluffies cheer and repeat “fwuffy no go 'way” “give huggies or go 'way” “fwuffy wan num-nums”
  151. >many humans now close off all the places with the grassies and the flowers
  153. >that makes you sad, and you and your sisters and friends cry
  154. >you and all other fluffies are hungry, and want some nummies now
  155. >the bigger fluffies look how to get into the grassy places
  156. >while searching, you and all the other fluffies smell something delicious
  157. >it's the best thing ever
  158. >the smell comes from a big thing that gives shelter to the humans
  159. >it's something that they are eating
  160. >”dat 'sketties” one of the bigger fluffies clamors
  161. >all try to get to the delicious smell
  162. >follow them
  163. >”give sketties” “fwuffy wan num-nums” “sketties?” “pwease give fwuffy sketties” they beg to a human eating the 'sketties inside a hole in the big shelter things
  164. >the human closes the hole with something that stops the delicious smell from coming out, but you can still see the human eating the delicious 'sketties
  165. >that makes you and all the smaller fluffies sad, and you bawl again
  166. >all your mommas come and comfort you
  167. >there's plenty of other things to eat
  168. >you waddle around and find many things to eat that are also quite tasty
  169. >this is a fun and good place
  170. >you love it the most in the entire world
  171. >some time passes
  172. >you don't have to be near momma all the time anymore
  173. >can also forage for your own food now
  174. >big smarty fluffy is hugging your momma many times
  175. >she also likes these special hugs he gives her
  176. >you hug and play around
  178. >momma says that she can feel that she will be a mommy again
  179. >your sisters don't understand
  180. >”but momma ouw momma” they explain to her
  181. >you do understand
  182. >the special hugs make more tiny fluffies
  183. >you explain it to your sisters
  184. >”eww” “dad icky” “no wan speciaw huggies” they complain
  185. >momma and big smarty friend praise you as a smart fluffy pony
  186. >one of the big humans arrives near you
  187. >”Hey. You're the 'smarty friend', right?” they ask the big smart fluffy pony who will soon be a daddy
  188. >”We've told you to leave yesterday! But you big rats are still here”, they state to him
  189. >”fwuffy no wan go 'way. dad now fwuffy pwace. hooman go 'way. no smeww pwetty!” he triumphantly squeaks and blows a raspberry towards them
  190. >he then waddles up to their legs and bucks them mockingly, earning admirations from all the fluffy ponies that can see him
  191. >”Why you little shit!?!” the huge human angrily shouts and kicks the big smart fluffy pony into a wall
  192. >scream in fear
  193. >the big human stomps towards the smarty friend who is visibly hurt and trying to stand up
  194. >the human grabs him and paves the ground red with the smarty friend's booboo-juice
  195. >you and all fluffy ponies beg “pwease no make ouchies to smawty fwiend” “hooman pwease stop” “weave smawty fwend awone”
  196. >other big humans approach you and start punting fluffies
  197. >you lose your control over your poopies
  198. >scream and run away
  200. >sisters and momma are following you
  201. >while running, you see other fluffies getting big terrible ouchies to them
  202. >one of the humans takes away the legs of a fluffy one by one
  203. >he screams in terrible agony, and asks “Why Take Weggies?” when not mad from the pain
  204. >other humans see you
  205. >they run towards you
  206. >they are extremely fast
  207. >you and your family waddle away as fast as you can
  208. >one of your sisters is lift up, and she screams for help
  209. >you and the rest of your family turn around
  210. >”whaa?! nuuu! pwease wet sisda go” you plead to the human who has lifted her up
  211. >the human looks down at you
  212. >a cruel smile appears on its face
  213. >the human throws down your sister with all his might down to the ground
  214. >booboo-juice splats out from her
  215. >”Nuuu!” you all scream and waddle to her to help her
  216. >she trembles and jerks around with her legs, her eyes full with her booboo-juice
  217. >give her hugs to make her feel better
  218. >she just screams around as loud as she can
  219. >momma tries to calm her down, repeating “huggies make betta! huggies make bettah! huggies make bettah!” all the time
  220. >you and your two other sisters join in
  221. >the hugs don't make her feel better at all
  222. >she just screams more and more, before she stops screaming forever
  223. >suddenly, one of these two is lifted up again by the meanie human
  224. >”nuuu! wet fwuffy down. wet fwuffy down!” she bids the human and bites one of its fingers
  225. >the human looks unfazed and puts each of his thumbs in both her poopie hole and her peepie hole
  226. >”nuuu! pwease no touch naughty pwace! no touch poopie pwace!” she now begs with tears in her eyes
  228. >you can do nothing but hug your other sister and your momma, all watching in horror for what is going to happen
  229. >the human starts to tear her apart slowly, starting from the back
  230. >booboo-juice and nasty mouth-poopies comes out from her mouth, and her eyes roll over in pain
  231. >she can't be helped anymore, just like your other sister
  232. >flee
  233. >momma and sister are just standing there, paralyzed from the utter horror and despair
  234. >headbutt them to make them wake up from the stupor
  235. >”we go 'way! now! no stay! qwick!” you command them, and you and your remaining family waddle as fast as you can away
  236. >”Hey! Don't you wanna give that one hugs to make it feel better?” the human mercilessly taunts
  237. >all you three can hear are her screams of pain and abandonment
  238. >none of you dare to look back
  239. >everywhere you see, other fluffy ponies are getting mauled, tortured and brutally stomped by the humans
  240. >you must leave this place as fast as possible
  241. >momma is falling behind
  242. >she made special huggies with the smarty friend before, and she's too weakened to run around too long
  243. >you stop briefly to give her hugs together with your sister
  244. >a bunch of fluffy leggies splatter in your direction
  245. >scream, and urge momma and sister to continue running away
  246. >there is an alley and a big metal thingy called a trash bin where you can hide behind
  248. >you quickly scatter there
  249. >you three are extremely tired and in shock
  250. >”wan go way”, your sister sobs
  251. >”dad pwace bad fo fwuffies”, your momma adds, rubbing her head on you two
  252. >you three hug and shiver in the cold, feeling abandoned in a place that has turned horrible for you
  253. >night falls
  254. >you wake up, and cautiously try to spot any bad human walking around
  255. >seeing no humans, you wake up your sister and momma, telling them that you have to leave now
  256. >you tiptoe as cautiously as fluffy ponies can with their soft marshmallow-like hooves, always watching fearfully that no human suddenly appears from behind a corner
  257. >it is a long way, and you haven't eaten at all
  258. >you three are hungry
  259. >decide to quickly take a snack
  260. >see a wooden fence having a hole barely big enough for you and your sister
  261. >sneak inside to munch as much grassies as you can, and then bring back grassies to momma
  262. >your sister quickly finishes up and then rips a few grass stalks to bring them to momma, who is eagerly wating outside the fences
  263. >just as you are finished yourself and want to go leave, you hear a commotion
  264. >the nearest place to hide is inside a tiny bush where you can fit in
  265. >a few humans appears with light-making short sticks in their hands, shining the light upon your sister and momma who try to cover their eyes with their tiny legs, screaming about how the light is too bright for their big eyes
  266. >”Well well well. Look what we've got here. A bunch of vermin that made a hole in my fence”, the mean-sounding human accuses
  267. >”nuuu! nuuu! fwuffies no make howeys. fwuffies gud. fwuffies behave. pwease no make ouchies”, the two beg
  269. >he just grabs the two of them by the scruff of their neck
  270. >the humans take your sister and momma to the tree in the front yard of the house you and your sister sneaked into
  271. >momma is hanged upside down by her two hindlegs, while sister is hanged by her two frontlegs
  272. >the two squeal for the humans to let them go
  273. >in their fear, the two empty their bowel and bladder content, momma getting her filth all over her own face
  274. >you can see everything that is happening from your hideout
  275. >”pwease! pwease! no make ouchies! fwuffy am momma! fwuffy get babehs! pwease no make ouchies to babehs!”, she whines
  276. >”So what you fucking say is that there's more of you vermins coming out from your shitty belly?”, the human angrily shouts, whacking momma's face with the light-making short sticks, causing her to scream again
  277. >”Momma! Momma! Am Scawwed! Am Scawwed! No Wan Ouchies! No Wan Ouchies!”, your sister pitifully sobs
  278. >”That one's also one of your accursed hellspawn, I see”, the meanie human exclaims
  279. >”Will have to make sure she won't shit out more vermin like you”, the human coldly continues
  280. >one of the other humans is making fire with a very tiny box to a small pointy thingy which is hold with a pincer
  281. >the pointy thingy is completely red and glowy
  282. >the red glowy pointy thingy is rammed inside sister's peepee hole
  283. >she lets out a primal scream of agony
  284. >vapor comes out from her peepee hole, smelling burned
  285. >the pointy thingy is made red and glowy again, and inserted a second time in sister's peepee hole
  286. >another bone-chilling scream exits her tiny mouth
  287. >momma is only watching, tear dropping down
  289. >a smell comes out from sister's peepee hole which doesn't smell pretty at all
  290. >this is repeated three additional times
  291. >sister stopped screaming at the third time
  292. >she is unconscious
  293. >now it's momma's turn
  294. >another meanie human takes a long and thin stick from a vroom-vroom-thingy
  295. >”This one's for shitting in front of my car!”, the meanie human rants
  296. >the monstrous human whacks momma between her legs with the thin stick that makes whipping sounds
  297. >”Nuuu! Pwease! Stop! No Ouchies Pwease!” momma weeps
  298. >the two-legged munsta just continues
  299. >she is whipped for what is an eternity of terrible despair to you
  300. >momma is incapable of babbling any words you could understand
  301. >booboo-juice comes out from her naughty place
  302. >the two of them are thrown outside the fences
  303. >you could do nothing but watch
  304. >only after being in every way sure do you leave your hiding place and exit the front yard
  305. >momma and sister don't move anymore
  306. >their legs are twisted and look painful from the fall
  307. >their naughty places look deformed and swollen
  308. >there is nothing you can do
  309. >there is nothing you could have ever done
  310. >flee the town
  311. >that is your only priority
  312. >stay away from the humans
  313. >you are one of the few survivors of the herd, all gathering just outside the street
  314. >there is no pregnant mare around
  315. >you know what their fate is
  316. >you've seen their exploded corpses on your way being picked up by the humans and thrown inside the trash cans
  318. >the surviving herd is mostly composed of a few stallions and mares, and a dozen foals like you
  319. >all the fluffy ponies just whine and hug each another for comfort, except you
  320. >”fwuffies no safe! fwuffies too cwose to hoomans! if fwuffies no go 'way, dey make big meanie ouchies to fwuffies! now fwuffies go 'way!”, you explain to them
  321. >all the fluffy ponies listen attentively to you
  322. >you just assumed the position of the leader of the herd
  323. >you are the 'smarty friend'
  324. >your herd struggles to survive in the area between the forest and the town, but you manage it
  325. >your numbers are bolstered by other stragglers and herds that got thinned down
  326. >thanks to your very cautious leadership, your herd grows
  327. >it is big enough to give each another warmth in the cold night, but not too big to attract too many attentions from predators and sadistic humans
  328. >life is manageable
  329. >you sometimes have to make very cruel decisisions
  330. >abandoning fluffy ponies stricken with maladies that could afflict your entire herd
  331. >harshly punishing dams that accidently killed their own foals with their stupidity
  332. >sacrificing runts as a diversion to predators that were encroaching on your herd, so that you could lead them away
  333. >ordering stallions to impregnate mares for the survival of the herd
  334. >crushing the balls of stallions who enjoyed giving bad special hugs too much, a duty which was your most detestable
  335. >yet, for all these harsh decisions, you are called Big Heart, because you care for all fluffy ponies
  336. >you ensure their survival
  337. >now life is okay
  338. >until one day, a human appears, trying to look like a fluffy pony
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