BAT: дерево каталогов и файлов

Mar 25th, 2015
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Bash 0.38 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @ECHO OFF
  2. mode con codepage select=1251 > nul
  3. set name=%~1
  4. if "%~1"=="" set /p name=Enter file name:
  5. echo Please wait...
  6. set ind=0
  7. :next
  8. set /a ind+=1
  9. set tmp=
  10. for /f "delims=\ tokens=%ind%" %%a in ("%~dp0") do set tmp=%%a
  11. if not "%tmp%"=="" goto next
  12. set /a ind-=1
  13. if exist %name% del %name%
  14. for /f "delims=\ tokens=%ind%*" %%a in ('dir *.* /b /s') do echo %%b >> %name%
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