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- #!/usr/bin/env perl -w
- ########################################################################
- # sum-io - Given one or more files containing dtruss output and a
- # pattern matching the file name(s) you are interested in,
- # report the number of bytes written to and read from the
- # matched file(s) according to dtruss.
- #
- # To collect suitable output, say something like this:
- #
- # $ sudo dtruss -p $(pgrep TargetProgram) 2>&1 | tee results
- #
- # Hit Ctrl-C when you've collected sufficient results. (The tee(1) lets
- # you monitor TargetProgram to see when it stops issuing interesting
- # syscalls.) Then run this script on the results file:
- #
- # $ sum-io file_re results
- #
- # The file_re argument can be any Perl regex.
- #
- # Created 2016.09.03 by Warren Young
- #
- ########################################################################
- use File::Basename;
- use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
- use Number::Format qw(format_bytes);
- my ($file_re, @dtruss_results) = @ARGV;
- die "usage: $0 <filename-regex> <dtruss-results> [more-results...]\n\n"
- unless length($file_re) && @dtruss_results;
- my (%read, %written, $target_fd, $target_fn) = (0, 0);
- for my $results (@dtruss_results) {
- open my $rf, '<', $results
- or die "Cannot read dtruss result file $results: $!\n";
- while (<$rf>) {
- my ($sc, $path, $ret) = /^(\w+)\((".*\\0")?.*= (\d+)/;
- next unless length($sc) && length($ret);
- if ($sc eq 'open' && /$file_re/) {
- # Save the return value of open(2) as the target FD. The
- # base conversion is necessary because dtruss prints syscall
- # results as dec but syscall integer *args* as hex. Grrr.
- $target_fd = sprintf("0x%X", int($ret));
- $target_fn = basename(substr $path, 1, -3);
- }
- elsif ($target_fd) {
- # Does this look like a syscall involving the target file?
- my ($call_fd) = /^\w+\((0x[0-9A-F]+)/;
- if ($call_fd && $call_fd eq $target_fd) {
- if ($sc eq 'close') {
- # The target file is closed now. Forget it.
- undef $target_fd;
- undef $target_fn;
- }
- elsif ($sc =~ /read/) {
- $read{$target_fn} += $ret;
- }
- elsif ($sc =~ /write/) {
- $written{$target_fn} += $ret;
- }
- # else, syscall is uninteresting
- }
- }
- # else, haven't found the open(2) call for the target file yet
- }
- close $rf;
- }
- for my $f (uniq(sort(keys %read, keys %written))) {
- my ($r, $w) = ($read{$f}, $written{$f});
- if ($r or $w) {
- print "Data I/O for file $f:\n";
- print " ", format_bytes($read{$f}), " read\n" if $r;
- print " ", format_bytes($written{$f}), " written\n" if $w;
- }
- }
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