
And Everything Nice Pt. 9

Aug 12th, 2013
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  1. >"Emmy? Are... Are you alright?"
  2. >You look up from the ground to the pink mare.
  3. >Just a moment ago, she was so chipper, upbeat, and smiley.
  4. >But now, reading your mood, her face seems to have fallen.
  5. >Your mind still swims with all manner of conflicting and clashing thoughts.
  6. >"I... I have something to tell you, Emmy!"
  7. >Your heart twists inside your chest.
  8. >You have a feeling you know what she's going to say.
  9. >Could be wrong, but...
  10. >...Well, you've been asked out and confessed to quite a few times in the past.
  11. >Different world, different rules maybe, but still...
  12. >If she asks...
  13. >You'll have no idea how to answer.
  14. >You can't even keep your own thoughts and emotions straight right now.
  15. >Just moments ago, Fluttershy shook your entire world.
  16. >Your entire time spent here... everything you felt... your goal for being here...
  17. >Completely flipped upside-down.
  18. >"Emmy, I--"
  19. "Pinkie,"
  20. >You finally say, cutting her off.
  21. "I... I can't talk right now..."
  22. >She tilts her head a little, a worried, nervous expression overtaking her face.
  23. >"Oh, um... are you sure? ...I think it's kind of important..."
  24. >You lock eyes with the mare for a moment, then sigh.
  25. >You shake your head.
  26. "I'm not... feeling myself, Pinkie, I'm sorry. Please don't tell me anything."
  27. >You start walking forward again and pass by Pinkie with your head down low.
  28. "We can talk another time, okay?"
  29. >She turns her head with you, silently watching as you step farther away from her.
  30. >"...Oh... okay..." she says solemnly.
  31. >You don't respond.
  32. >She's a silly, eccentric girl. She could take it.
  33. >...Right?
  34. >Your footsteps ricochet an empty, lonely echo as you enter the town.
  35. >She's been so oblivious before... maybe she could be oblivious to this.
  36. >You'll see her later anyway.
  37. >You take a deep breath.
  38. >Are you worried about hurting her feelings?
  39. >Is that a concern for you?
  40. >...WHY is it a concern for you?
  41. >Think.
  42. >...
  43. >You can't pinpoint it.
  44. >You don't know what to think or feel.
  45. >These past few days now feel like one giant lie.
  46. >One elaborate hoax to trick you into feeling something you never thought you could.
  47. >And now that you know of it, you aren't sure if you're capable of NOT feeling this thing you never knew you could.
  48. >...Great, now you're just confusing yourself.
  49. >You stop, then raise your head up.
  50. >Your feet were getting boring to look at anyway.
  51. >The dark of the town obscures some of the buildings, but a few of them boast large signs out front that are readable even with this lighting.
  52. "...One Trick Pony's Watering Hole..."
  53. >...Yeah.
  54. >You could really use a drink to clear your head anyway.
  56. >You are now Rarity.
  57. >And you have been absolutely GIDDY since Pinkie left!
  58. >You used the energy to head straight home and channel it into your work.
  59. >Your schedule for the next three days is now completely clear.
  60. >Wonderful! THAT'S productivity!
  61. >You giggle silently to yourself, then dance on your tiphooves.
  62. >You even used a little spare time to make both Pinkie and Femanon some dresses to commemorate the occasion.
  63. >They'll love them!
  64. >Walking over to where you hung them, you admire your work.
  65. >Femanon has a long, beautiful purple dress accented with light blue and bedazzled with just a few decorative gems. Wearing a light blue belt around her waist would make it perfect!
  66. >Pinkie Pie's is pink, with accents of a deep red along the edges, collar area, and bottom.
  67. >They should wear these dresses together to make their relationship official!
  68. >A squee escapes you
  69. >You can't believe it's finally happening!
  70. >Tearing your eyes from your recently made dresses, you leave your workroom.
  71. >You just CAN'T keep still right now!
  72. >You trot quickly into the kitchen, then pour yourself a glass of water.
  73. >But you practically drop it immediately back down when you hear a knock at the door.
  74. "They're here!"
  75. >Oh, this is fabulous!
  76. >You practically gallop over to the door and swing it open.
  77. >You open your mouth and get ready to spew a plethora of words, but...
  78. >You instantly stop, and finally feel that never-ending motor in your chest start to wind down.
  79. >Before you is not the newly-made couple you were expecting.
  80. >No, it's... just Pinkie Pie.
  81. >Her head is hung rather low, and she scrapes the ground with her hoof before raising her eyes to meet yours.
  82. >"Oh, hiya Rarity," she mumbles, in a manner most unlike herself.
  83. "Darling..."
  84. >You begin, allowing her to walk slowly into your boutique,
  85. "What happened?"
  86. >She sighs, then gives a kind of shrug.
  87. >"Oh, nothing..." she replies, taking a seat on one of your couches.
  88. >A sort of dread begins to overtake you.
  89. >You gallop over to her.
  90. "N-Nothing? Where's Femanon?"
  91. >Pinkie shakes her head.
  92. >"I don't know. She didn't want to talk to me..."
  93. >Your heart pangs.
  94. "B-But... why ever would she not want to?"
  95. >"I don't know... she said she wasn't really 'feeling herself.'"
  96. >She lies down on the couch.
  97. >"I'm not sure she wants to be my Snuggle Buddy anymore, Rarity..."
  98. >Your blood freezes.
  99. "No, no, nonono!"
  100. >You say frantically, jumping over in front of Pinkie excitedly.
  101. "That must be some kind of mistake! Femanon adores you!"
  102. >She shrugs again.
  103. >"That's not the impression I got..."
  104. >Your heart rate rises a little.
  105. >This can't be right...
  106. >Everything is backwards!
  107. >All those talks you had...
  108. >...She can't have given up, right?
  109. >Pinkie was GOING to confess her feelings!
  110. >If that's not the opposite of discouraging, you don't know what is!
  111. >You exhale.
  112. "Do you know where she went, Pinkie?"
  113. >She shrugs, the uncertainty causing you to bite your lip.
  114. >...Where could she have gone?
  115. >You need to talk with her...
  116. >What exactly happened to shift Femanon's mood like this?
  117. >You look over to Pinkie, far, far less enthusiastic than she usually is, laying on the couch in a deflated manner.
  118. "...Pinkie, dear, just stay here... I'm going to go find Femanon, okay?"
  119. >She nods slowly.
  120. >You force a smile to her.
  121. "Okay... stay here, or see your way out when you're ready... whatever you want to do..."
  122. >"Okie dokie, Rarity..."
  123. >You grit your teeth once you turn away from her.
  124. >Femanon...
  125. >What is happening!?
  127. "Thanks,"
  128. >You say to the bartender once he slides your mug of cider to you.
  129. >With a sigh, you stare into the liquid for a moment...
  130. >...
  131. >Then knock it back for a second, take one or two large gulps, then place it back down.
  132. >Your body hunches over as you sit on the stool, leaning up against the bar.
  133. >The place is nothing fancy.
  134. >Mainly made of wood, rather dark looking, with one bartender manning the area.
  135. >It's mostly empty, save a few other p0nies on the bar with you, and a few groups of friends occupying various booths.
  136. >An old, worn song plays from a jukebox by the door.
  137. >How... perfect...
  138. >You take another solemn breath, and accompany it with another gulp.
  139. >Before you know it, you can see the dry bottom of your mug.
  140. >...
  141. "Barkeep,"
  142. >You say, placing down your mug and tapping the table.
  143. "another over here, please."
  144. >He nods, and a moment later, a second mug comes sliding over to you.
  145. "Thanks."
  146. >You opt for a sip this time, then place it back down to the bar and stare off into space.
  147. >...
  148. >You're a fool, Femanon.
  149. >A damn fool.
  150. >Oddly enough, a sad smile creeps across your face as you think this.
  151. >"Hey..." you hear from behind.
  152. >You raise your eyebrow, then turn around.
  153. >A young stallion stands before you, shaking in his metaphorical boots.
  154. >You take a sip from your cider.
  155. "Yes?"
  156. >He almost winces to your voice.
  157. >"Oh! Um... hey! I, uh..."
  158. >He turns around and looks to one of the booths.
  159. >A few other p0nies raise their drinks and smile at him, some making various motions to continue.
  160. >You press the inside of your cheek with your tongue.
  161. >"So!" he says, turning back around. "You're the new creature in town, right? The, uh... human? I was, um, wondering, if maybe, well... if you'd want to--"
  162. "Look,"
  163. >You interrupt, holding up your hand for emphasis.
  164. >His lips practically implode into his mouth.
  165. >You look for words, but none immediately come to mind, so you start with a laugh and shake of the head.
  166. >"But... but..."
  167. "I'm sorry, but no."
  168. >His face drops.
  169. "I'm in no mood to be hit on. I'm sorry."
  170. >"Oh... well, I wasn't--
  171. >You sigh.
  172. "You were, I know."
  173. >He stops himself.
  174. "This isn't the first time I've had guys try to chat me up in a bar."
  175. >Your mind wanders to back home, when human guys would...
  176. >...
  177. >The realization hits you as you lose focus of the situation for a moment.
  178. >Then... you laugh.
  179. >This entire situation is completely bizarre.
  180. "...We're not even the same species. And you know nothing about me."
  181. >"You're right. I'm sorry, I'll just--"
  182. "I've barely been here a week, and you think you're attracted to me?"
  183. >"Well, I--"
  184. "Have you ever even seen anything like me before?"
  185. >"Miss, sorry, I'll leave if--"
  186. "How could you even think that such little interaction in such a short amount of time could result in any romantic feelings?"
  187. >"..."
  188. "You're a horse! Our species can't mix! I can't believe I--"
  189. >...You catch yourself.
  190. >The poor stallion looks like he's about to cry.
  191. "...Oh."
  192. >You bite your tongue.
  193. "I'm sorry, I was..."
  194. >You slowly turn back around to the front of the bar.
  195. "...Projecting."
  196. >You stare down into your cup.
  197. >"...I-It's okay, I'll just... go..."
  198. >The cup rises to your mouth as you take a sip.
  199. >...You can hear hooves walking away from behind you.
  200. >Your eyes blink, and you can feel the water start to form behind them.
  201. >Another gulp is in order to stop that.
  202. >Placing the mug back down on the bar, you stare off into space again.
  203. >...You haven't even thought of back home much.
  204. >Or how you got here.
  205. >Or how long you'll BE here...
  206. >Pinkie Pie took up all of your focus.
  207. >It's crazy how little you've thought this entire journey through.
  208. >Because of her.
  209. >...That's something, right?
  210. >...Or is it?
  211. >Another sigh, another drink.
  212. >You take in the atmosphere of the bar for a moment.
  213. >...
  214. >You hear the bar door open, but you don't pay it much mind.
  215. >Staring off, you take another sip of your drink.
  216. >Hooves clop closer toward you.
  217. >Directly followed by a cleared throat.
  218. >You give it your attention, but you don't look.
  219. >"...I was hoping I wouldn't find you in here, Femanon."
  220. >...That voice.
  221. >You gulp your drink, then face the mare you know is there.
  222. "Hey... Rarity."
  223. >She gives a meek smile, and the two of you look at each other silently for a moment.
  224. >"...Mind if I sit here?" she asks, motioning to the stool next to you.
  225. >You scooch over in your own stool just a little, as if to make more room.
  226. "Please, go right ahead."
  227. >She nods and smiles again, then hops up next to you.
  228. >You don't say anything, just take another drink.
  229. >Yet again, it's empty.
  230. >...
  231. "Barkeep..."
  232. >"Coming."
  233. >A third cider slides up to you.
  234. >"Anything for your friend?"
  235. >You glance over to Rarity.
  236. >She leans over into the bar area a little more to get a view of the bartender.
  237. >"I'll take a chardonnay... if you have any."
  238. >The barkeep nods, reaching into the back for a wine glass.
  239. >He walks slowly over to Rarity, places the glass down, rummages under the bar for a bit, and comes back up top with a bottle, pouring her a glass.
  240. >"Thank you."
  241. >You take a gulp of your drink, then set it down.
  242. >Rarity levitates her glass to her lips and takes a small sip.
  243. >It taps back down against the wooden bar with a small clink.
  244. "...So. Why were you hoping not to find me here?"
  245. >You ask, turning toward her.
  246. "Half expecting I WOULD be here?"
  247. >She looks absentmindedly to her glass in front of her, then nods.
  248. >"Yes, I, um... Pinkie Pie told me about your encounter together."
  249. >You nod slowly, taking another drink.
  250. >"...What happened, Femanon?"
  251. >You lean back a little bit, stretching out your back, then sigh.
  252. >"You were so worried that she didn't feel the same way... so determined to be with her... why the change of heart?"
  253. >The cider in your glass swishes back and forth as you rotate it.
  254. >"That can't be it, right...? You still feel the same way about her?"
  255. >One last sigh.
  256. >"Right?"
  257. >You place the glass back down.
  258. "I... I don't know, Rarity. I really don't."
  259. >She inhales sharply.
  260. >You look to her, and put on an awkward smile.
  261. "I'm... just a human, Rarity. And you're all p0nies. We're not the same."
  262. >She looks at you with a sad expression.
  263. "And... hell, I'm straight... for all I know."
  264. >"But the entire time you've been here, you--"
  265. "I know, I know..."
  266. >She slowly turns back to her wine, levitating the glass and taking another drink.
  267. >"...Why the change of heart?"
  268. >You ponder the question in your head.
  269. >You know why.
  270. >You know WHO.
  271. >But... doesn't she? If Rarity knew about your bra...
  272. "...You knew the whole time, didn't you?"
  273. >"About what, Femanon?"
  274. "Fluttershy."
  275. >Rarity gasps softly at the mention of her name and tenses up.
  276. >You gauge her reaction, and let out a breathy laugh.
  277. "Don't worry, it's fine. At this point, I don't care."
  278. >Rarity loosens up a little bit and opens her mouth, as if to say something.
  279. >But no words come out.
  280. >You take another drink.
  281. "I just wish you could have told me her actions beforehand. Maybe this whole mental trainwreck I'm feeling wouldn't be happening."
  282. >Rarity tilts her head a bit.
  283. >"How do you mean?"
  284. >You look to her.
  285. "...This entire ordeal. The whole reason I feel so messed up about Pinkie Pie. This is all because of Fluttershy."
  286. >She stares at you quizzically.
  287. "I thought you knew what Fluttershy did?"
  288. >She looks to the ground.
  289. >"I... I knew she had done some... things to you the night you were drunk, but... how did that affect anything with Pinkie?"
  290. >You raise your eyebrow at her.
  291. >Maybe she doesn't know the full extent of it...
  292. >...But then again... how would she?
  293. >You take another big gulp from your cider.
  294. >Gotta get ready to tell THIS story.
  295. >Your wooden mug clanks against the bar as you slam it down.
  296. "Okay... so I spent the night at Pinkie Pie's my second night here, right?"
  297. >Rarity nods slowly.
  298. "The entire reason I thought I had a thing for her was because I woke up wet after a dream about her."
  299. >"Oh!" she exclaims, her cheeks turning a tinge pink.
  300. "Yeah, well... turns out the only reason I WAS wet was because Fluttershy snuck in that night and fooled around with me in my sleep."
  301. >"What!?"
  302. "She let it slip this afternoon."
  303. >Rarity's mouth begins to gape.
  304. >"Oh my... my word! But... your feelings for Pinkie were... they were all based on...?"
  305. "Exactly."
  306. >You say nothing more, simply finishing off your drink.
  307. >Rarity stares at you for a moment more, then turns back towards the bar and stares ahead.
  308. >It's silent for a moment.
  309. >You can hear glasses and mugs shift and clank throughout the bar, while other p0nies begin to turn in for the night.
  310. >The terrible jukebox music drones on.
  311. >It's... depressing.
  312. >"...Pinkie Pie truly has feeling for you though."
  313. >You nod slowly.
  314. "And we found that out a tad too late."
  315. >"Are you... are you going to stop what you have with her then?"
  316. >You push your mug away from you and lean back.
  317. "I... don't know. I really don't."
  318. >Rarity takes a deep breath.
  319. >"I think this is something you should talk out with Pinkie..."
  320. >You nod slowly.
  321. "Yeah... I agree... but..."
  322. >You look over toward the door.
  323. "I don't know whether to do that first, or to work out whatever the hell happened with Fluttershy first. Like..."
  324. >You can feel the tears coming back.
  325. >With strength, you try to muscle them back, but some come through.
  326. "Like what do I do?"
  327. >Rarity pats you on the back.
  328. >"Both things need to be done, just... whatever is done FIRST, well... that's up to you, darling."
  329. >She looks over to the exit too.
  330. >"...I'll leave you to that, then."
  331. >She takes out some bits and places them on the bar.
  332. >Plenty more than her own drink cost.
  333. >You smile, looking down at the bar.
  334. "Thanks Rarity..."
  335. >You say with a small sniff.
  336. >"Stay strong, Femanon."
  337. >You hear her hooves echo further and further away, until she leaves the bar.
  338. >You sit alone for a moment, simply with your thoughts.
  339. >They race.
  340. >...
  341. >Okay.
  342. >You wipe your eyes, then stand up to your feet and slowly walk toward the exit.
  343. >Pinkie Pie? Or Fluttershy?
  344. >The cold night air breezes against your skin as you walk out of the establishment.
  345. >Who to talk to first?
  347. >End of Part 9
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