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a guest
May 29th, 2015
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  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. *
  4. * @ This file is created by deZender.Net
  5. * @ deZender (PHP5 Decoder for ionCube Loader)
  6. *
  7. * @ Version :
  8. * @ Author : DeZender
  9. * @ Release on : 06.05.2013
  10. * @ Official site : http://DeZender.Net
  11. *
  12. */
  14. function m794li($wlRb0w, $B01EBV = 0, $ow69bd = 0) {
  16. $dl4sdw = array(1276 => "\" value='' class=inpts size=30> ", 5165 => "Tokelau", 3578 => "Bosnia-Herzegovina", 1300 => "u.status = ", 2549 => "select, u.username, ru.username as upline, sum(h.actual_amount * (type = ", 9696 => "confirm_registration", 9165 => " <input type=hidden name=action value=edit> <input type=hidden name=save value=1> <input type=hidden name=id value=", 5472 => "#cgold_account#", 2831 => "md5altphrase_eurogoldcash_store", 7669 => "tell_friend_page", 2803 => "alter table hm2_types add column rpcp float(15, 2) not null default 0", 5485 => "hq_days", 3937 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=custompages>Custom Pages</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> ", 355 => ".gif\" height=17 hspace=1 vspace=1></td> <td align=center><a href=?a=pending_deposit_details&id=", 7681 => " <tr> <td colspan=4>User referrals: ", 69 => "eurogoldcash_from_account", 8910 => "plans");
  17. if (!(0 < $B01EBV) && 0 < $ow69bd)
  18. {
  19. return substr($dl4sdw[$wlRb0w], $B01EBV, $ow69bd);
  20. }
  21. return $dl4sdw[$wlRb0w];
  22. }
  24. function l6sj78($eIxJ33, $BBeEe8 = 0, $Sd0iBB = 0) {
  26. $ji796E = array(7023 => " <b>eeeCurrency account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=eeecurrency_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=eeecurrency_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account number:</td> <td><input type=text name=eeecurrency_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=eeecurrency_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Code:</td> <td><input type=password name=eeecurrency_code value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr></table><br><br> ", 3578 => "Withdraw processed", 69 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=nopayment_url_method value=\"post\"> <INPUT type=hidden value=\"Withdraw to ", 2549 => "index_top_investors", 355 => "index_last_members", 9165 => "today", 3937 => "LN5RAEMATWWQV26DYLBZ", 5472 => "C4EQVW4N9QNA7EJT2LYP", 2803 => ", compound = 0, last_pay_date = ", 5485 => "max_amount", 7669 => "select percent from hm2_referal where from_value <= ", 2831 => "-", 9696 => "advanced_graph_validation", 7681 => "limit_transfer_period_date", 1300 => "18", 5165 => "bstate", 1276 => "upline_name", 8910 => ". <input type=checkbox name=\"rate_amount_active[", 7068 => "pae", 6145 => "\" class=inpts></td> </tr><tr> <td>Reset date (yyyy-mm-dd):</td> <td><input type=text name=refs10_start_date value=\"", 7202 => "Belarus");
  27. if (!(0 < $BBeEe8) && 0 < $Sd0iBB)
  28. {
  29. return substr($ji796E[$eIxJ33], $BBeEe8, $Sd0iBB);
  30. }
  31. return $ji796E[$eIxJ33];
  32. }
  34. function elde6b($JjI4el, $s4jI3o = 0, $EDsI5R = 0) {
  36. $E57o53 = array(5165 => "Armenia", 69 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"cgold_tr_3\"> <td>Your c-gold account password:</td> <td><input type=password name='md5altphrase_cgold' value='", 1300 => " <tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('Amount enetered by user will be multiplied on this value')\" class=hlp>Amount Multiplier:</a></td> <td><input type=text name=amount_mult class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\" value='", 7681 => "u.activation_code != \"\"", 2549 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=POSTURL value=\"", 355 => " </td> </tr></table>", 2831 => " Specify your cash4wm merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable cash4wm deposits.<br> 1. Login to your cash4wm account -> \"Receiving of payments\" -> \"API\"<br> 2. Fill API Apply form<br> Site Name - name of your site<br> Site URL - your site URL<br> Result URL - ", 5485 => " order by user_id", 2803 => "Y", 7669 => "Admin OkPay Wallet has wrong format (", 5472 => "KDFDX4R8M8MWENLMG74N", 3937 => "DOCUMENT_ROOT", 9165 => "-- deleted user --", 9696 => "Location: ?a=security", 3578 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>LiqPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('LiqPay', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"LiqPay\"> <tr id=\"LiqPay_tr_1\"> <td>Your LiqPay account phone:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_liqpay' value='", 1276 => "active_deposited_cnt");
  37. if (!(0 < $s4jI3o) && 0 < $EDsI5R)
  38. {
  39. return substr($E57o53[$JjI4el], $s4jI3o, $EDsI5R);
  40. }
  41. return $E57o53[$JjI4el];
  42. }
  44. function xbjl94($Sjb6Eo, $ide1se = 0, $bBl44O = 0) {
  46. $w7x7e4 = array(69 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3><small><a href=?a=thistory&u_id=", 1300 => " <b>Mass Payment:</b><br> ", 7681 => "Equatorial Guinea", 2549 => " <tr><td colspan=2 align=center>Descriptions history:</td></tr> ", 9696 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"pay_withdraw\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_MERCHANT_HLD_NO\" value=\"", 9165 => "interkassa_convert_to", 5472 => "tls", 7669 => "?B?", 5485 => "use_ip_for_auto", 2803 => " and type = ", 2831 => "{strip} <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width={\$size|default:\"100%\"} bgcolor=#FF8D00> <tr><td bgcolor=#FF8D00> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td valign=top width=10 bgcolor=#FFFFF2><img src=images/sign.gif></td> <td valign=top bgcolor=#FFFFF2 style=\"padding: 10px; color: #D20202; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;\"> {/strip}", 3937 => "home_phone", 355 => " </select> </td> <td> &nbsp; <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> <br> <script language=javascript> function func5() { document.trans.action2.value='download_csv'; document.trans.submit(); } </script> &nbsp; <input type=button value=\"Download CSV\" class=sbmt onClick=\"func5();\"> </td> </tr></table> </form> <br><br> <form method=post target=_blank name=massform> <input type=hidden name=a value=mass> <input type=hidden name=action value=mass> <input type=hidden name=action2 value=''> ", 3578 => "</b></td></tr> <tr><td>Profit Today:</td><td><b>");
  47. if (!(0 < $ide1se) && 0 < $bBl44O)
  48. {
  49. return substr($w7x7e4[$Sjb6Eo], $ide1se, $bBl44O);
  50. }
  51. return $w7x7e4[$Sjb6Eo];
  52. }
  54. function b9ilib($xL5exR, $D0B8LS = 0, $OV1Io5 = 0) {
  56. $ImdBEO = array(5165 => " and hm2_deposits.user_id = ", 69 => "' class=inpts size=30 ", 1300 => ">Amounts Range</option> </select> </th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=4 rowspan=2>Commission (%)</th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>From</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>To</th> <!-- <th bgcolor=FFEA00>One time</th>\r
  57. <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Daily</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Weekly</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Monthly</th>--> </tr> ", 2549 => "'> in <span id=\"duration_in_days_label\">days</span><span id=\"duration_in_hours_label\"><a href=\"javascript:alert('If `Payment period` is set to `Hourly`, plan duration counts in hours')\" class=hlp>hours</a></span> (<input type=checkbox name=hq_days_nolimit value=1 ", 9165 => "update hm2_messages set status = ", 3937 => ">[details]</a></td> </tr> ", 2831 => "update hm2_processings set status = 0", 7669 => " order by date desc, id desc limit ", 5485 => "SoapClient", 2803 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43 Safari/537.31", 5472 => "admin_charset", 9696 => ");</script> ", 355 => "}, show_float_rates, \"xml\"); } else { \$(\"#solid_table_rates\").show(); \$(\"#OF_TR\").hide(); \$(\"#calendar_div\").show(); \$(\"#tr_work_week\").show(); \$(\"#tr_hold_earnigs\").show(); \$(\"#tr_delay_earnigs\").show(); } } function show_percent_range() { \$(\"div.GCfloatpercenthide\").hide(); i = document.nform.fp_deposit_range[document.nform.fp_deposit_range.selectedIndex].value; \$(\"#div_period_\"+i).show(); \$(\"#calendar_div_\"+i).show(); } function show_float_rates(data) { if (\$(data).find(\"user_logged\").text() == \"not_logged\") { alert(\"Your session has been expired. Please relogin\"); return; } \$(\"#OF_DIV\").html( \$(data).find(\"float_percent_div\").find(\"content\").text()); show_percent_range(); } function deletefrate(id) { \$(\"#OF_TR\").show(); \$(\"#OF_DIV\").html(\"<center>Loading...</center>\"); \$.post(\"admin.php\", {a: \"edit_rate\", ajax_request: \"1\", xml_request: \"1\", action: \"deletefrate\", rate_id: id}, frate_deleted, \"xml\"); } function frate_deleted(data) { var this_day = \"", 7681 => ".<br> 7. Set Server IP to your server outgoing IP address. Probably it is ", 3578 => "min_percent");
  58. if (!(0 < $D0B8LS) && 0 < $OV1Io5)
  59. {
  60. return substr($ImdBEO[$xL5exR], $D0B8LS, $OV1Io5);
  61. }
  62. return $ImdBEO[$xL5exR];
  63. }
  65. function ovom6j($sI4Sbo, $sIBb6X = 0, $o8ldD7 = 0) {
  67. $JlRIEJ = array(6145 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=3><small><a href=?a=thistory&u_id=", 7068 => "Tanzania", 8910 => " <div id=perfectmoney_hide_link><a href=javascript:setnew_perfectmoney_altpass()>Set new</a></div> <div id=perfectmoney_div_pass style=\"display: none\"><input type=text name='perfectmoneyap' class=inpts value='' size=30></div> ", 5165 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank zip:</td> <td>", 7681 => ", withdraw_principal_duration = ", 2549 => "withdraw_principal_percent", 9696 => " order by id desc", 5472 => "F9SR26A4B8FHKRTWSETU", 2803 => "\"", 5485 => ":", 7669 => ";0;", 2831 => "mBTC", 3937 => "BWXSH65LACP5NPCASZ2E", 9165 => "host", 355 => "<!-- ", 1300 => "cosmicpay_apiname", 69 => "; UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = OLD.type; END", 3578 => " Sending <b>", 1276 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>Other settings:</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Minimal automatic withdrawal amount (");
  68. if (!(0 < $sIBb6X) && 0 < $o8ldD7)
  69. {
  70. return substr($JlRIEJ[$sI4Sbo], $sIBb6X, $o8ldD7);
  71. }
  72. return $JlRIEJ[$sI4Sbo];
  73. }
  75. function vrb3eb($JI573i, $lVRXI9 = 0, $bLwwI1 = 0) {
  77. $s8SVSD = array(6145 => ">Yes Mandatory <option value=2 ", 8910 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cp_currency\" value=\"USD\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cp_comments\" value=\"Withdraw to ", 3578 => "error_empty_phrase", 7681 => " </Payee> <CurrencyId> GAU </CurrencyId> <Equivalent> <CurrencyId> USD </CurrencyId> <Amount> 0.01 </Amount> </Equivalent> <FeePaidBy> Payee </FeePaidBy> <Memo> HYIP Manager Pro Test </Memo> </Transfer> <Auth> <Token> ", 2549 => "delete_processing", 9696 => "/\\:\\d+/", 9165 => "468x60 Rotating Banners", 7669 => "Error", 5485 => "withdrawal_fee", 2803 => "Can`t process withdrawal to Payza account 0.", 2831 => "SolidTrustPay", 5472 => "SCI password", 3937 => "Z6UKRH7U937VE7LHFBKY", 355 => " where `sfrom` = ", 1300 => "def_payee_account_freekassa", 69 => " </center> ", 5165 => "say", 1276 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cp_to_acc\" value=\"", 7068 => "signup_bonus", 7202 => "<li>");
  78. if (!(0 < $lVRXI9) && 0 < $bLwwI1)
  79. {
  80. return substr($s8SVSD[$JI573i], $lVRXI9, $bLwwI1);
  81. }
  82. return $s8SVSD[$JI573i];
  83. }
  85. function bjx77s($bioOdR, $X9Ei6w = 0, $SlOmxm = 0) {
  87. $oLxdid = array(7023 => "check_ips", 7068 => "Lithuania", 1276 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Change payment accounts:</td> <td><select name=usercanchangeegoldacc class=inpts><option value=0 ", 1300 => " &nbsp; <a href=?a=pay_withdraw&id=", 3937 => "amount = ", 5472 => "select count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_deposits", 5485 => "Exchange", 2803 => "webmoney", 7669 => "API ID", 2831 => "GJ7VTLM264Q2UTPXSKWL", 9165 => "reg_fee", 9696 => "minimum_internal_transfer_fee", 355 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <input type=submit value=\"Send \$", 2549 => "\" class=inpts style=\"text-align: right\"></td> </tr> <td>Currency:</td> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> ", 7681 => "%b-%e-%Y<br>%r", 69 => "</b></td> <td align=right><b>", 3578 => "aprofit", 5165 => " <tr> <td>Old Payment PIK:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 8910 => "Burkina Faso", 6145 => "Virgin Islands (British)", 7202 => "230");
  88. if (!(0 < $X9Ei6w) && 0 < $SlOmxm)
  89. {
  90. return substr($oLxdid[$bioOdR], $X9Ei6w, $SlOmxm);
  91. }
  92. return $oLxdid[$bioOdR];
  93. }
  95. function wde5mb($xDbRle, $ds9LjJ = 0, $EmEO7i = 0) {
  97. $smmdx1 = array(1276 => "San Marino", 5165 => "Holy See (Vatican City State)", 69 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"CosmicPay_tr_3\"> <td>Secret Word:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_cosmicpay' value='", 7681 => " Type 0 in the max amount field if you do not want to limit your users' maximal deposit amount. ", 2549 => "order by date ", 9696 => " Holidays:<br><br> Here you can set any future day as holiday. All <b>Daily</b> plans will not pay earnings on holidays. Users will receive \$0 earning with description: \"no interest: holiday description\".<br> <b>Attention:</b> if you use plan with duration 5 days, and one of this day will be holiday, user will receive 4 earnings only.<br> If you'll set date has passed as holiday, it will not be any affect on past earnings. ", 3937 => "</pre>", 5472 => "ref2_pax_cms_minamount", 2831 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Status URL - ", 2803 => ".sprintf(", 5485 => "May", 7669 => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)", 9165 => "accesswap", 355 => "addmember", 1300 => " Your Payza (alertpay) account:<br> Login (E-mail address) to receive deposits. Clear this field to disable Payza deposits.<br> <br> Important to do first:<br> 1. Rename file \"alertpay_processing.php\" to any name with .php extension. Do not provide this name to any person.<br> 2. Login your AP account<br> 3. Go to BUSINESS TOOLS section<br> 4. Go to IPN setup<br> 5. Enter your transaction PIN to access this settings.<br> 6. Check \"IPN Status\" - enabled<br> 7. Check \"Allow Encrypted Return URL IPN\" - enabled<br> 8. Type URL to file you just rename in the instruction number 1.<br> 9. Get \"Security Code\" on this page and save it in script settings into \"Security Code\" field.<br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 3578 => "\" onchange=\"gen_test_validation_image()\" class=color style=\"font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 10px;border: 1px inset #FEE498;border-color: #FF8D00;border-style: solid;\" size=10></td> </tr> ");
  98. if (!(0 < $ds9LjJ) && 0 < $EmEO7i)
  99. {
  100. return substr($smmdx1[$xDbRle], $ds9LjJ, $EmEO7i);
  101. }
  102. return $smmdx1[$xDbRle];
  103. }
  105. function djd6o4($w1j066, $X4oOBX = 0, $iDiS54 = 0) {
  107. $jDwXdS = array(9004 => "\" class=inpts value='' size=30> ", 7023 => "Qatar", 7202 => "</td> </tr> </table> ", 7068 => "initial_amount", 8910 => " <input type=button value=\"Delete\" class=sbmt onClick=\"if(confirm('Do you really want to delete this Wire Transfer?')){document.location='?a=wiredetails&action=deletewire&id=", 1276 => "internal_transfer_max", 5165 => "deleteaccount", 7681 => "advanced_graph_validation_noice", 2549 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><b>For this period:</b></td> <td align=right><b>", 355 => "SCRIPT_FILENAME: ", 9165 => "Account Number", 5472 => "fields", 2831 => "u", 7669 => "q_days", 5485 => "]]]", 2803 => "Jan", 3937 => "{", 9696 => "5NSUZKMLMVTAMURDPN5Q", 1300 => " Pin code for entering admin area is: ", 69 => "/\\r/", 3578 => "update hm2_emails set status = 1 where id = ", 6145 => " <tr> <td>Security Word:</td> <td><input type=password name=cosmicpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_cosmicpay();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 4341 => "Zaire", 1741 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Referral commissions:</td> <td colspan=2 align=right>");
  108. if (!(0 < $X4oOBX) && 0 < $iDiS54)
  109. {
  110. return substr($jDwXdS[$w1j066], $X4oOBX, $iDiS54);
  111. }
  112. return $jDwXdS[$w1j066];
  113. }
  115. function x6il5j($EI7x34, $m86mlE = 0, $X3EELS = 0) {
  117. $SRLLiL = array(9696 => ");", 9165 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <th>User Comment:</th> <td>", 5472 => "VW4M3CH3DCV6Y5Q32DT3", 7669 => "Z6Y9865XRC5RK4WCFTFR", 2803 => "balances", 5485 => "_cms_minamount", 2831 => "AKKD47LYX8H96K2TM2FQ", 3937 => "<html> <head> <link href=\"images/adminstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> </head> <body> ", 355 => "_pax_cms_minamount class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\" value=\"", 2549 => "Problem", 7681 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show last add funds (from extenal processing):</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_lastaddfunds value=1 ", 1300 => " Show/do not show member statistics on your site. ", 69 => "American Samoa", 3578 => "France", 5165 => "<tr><td colspan=6 align=center>No deposits found</td></tr>");
  118. if (!(0 < $m86mlE) && 0 < $X3EELS)
  119. {
  120. return substr($SRLLiL[$EI7x34], $m86mlE, $X3EELS);
  121. }
  122. return $SRLLiL[$EI7x34];
  123. }
  125. function ijervw($d14OIR, $sSB98i = 0, $EmwdS6 = 0) {
  127. $elV6OX = array(7202 => " days left ", 6145 => " <b>Send a penalty:</b><br><br> ", 8910 => "create table IF NOT EXISTS hm2_review (id int not null auto_increment primary key, uname varchar(200) not null default ", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"EGC_tr_2\"> <td>Store Name:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_eurogoldcash_store' value='", 69 => "45,387.30 ", 7681 => "private", 355 => " </td> <td align=right> From: <select name=month_from class=inpts> ", 3937 => "down", 2831 => "3M2TYPDFYNGRYGD9TKJK", 5485 => "product_name=HYIPManagerPro", 2803 => "eeecurrency_password", 7669 => "cosmicpay", 5472 => "Authorization Required!", 9165 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=CANCEL_RETURN value=\"", 9696 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYEE_NAME\" value=\"Investor\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_ID\" value=\"\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYMENT_AMOUNT\" value=\"", 2549 => " </select> &nbsp; <select name=day_to class=inpts> ", 1300 => " onclick=\"CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\"> <a href=\"javascript:alert('You can return the principal to user account when the package is finished.')\" class=hlp>Return principal after the plan completion</a>. And hold <input type=text name=\"hreturn_profit_percent\" value=\"", 5165 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Pecunix:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('Pecunix', 3)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"Pecunix\"> <tr id=\"Pecunix_tr_1\"> <td>Your Pecunix account:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_pecunix' value='", 1276 => "Denmark", 7068 => " Bonus has not been sent. Invalid confirmation code.<br><br> ");
  128. if (!(0 < $sSB98i) && 0 < $EmwdS6)
  129. {
  130. return substr($elV6OX[$d14OIR], $sSB98i, $EmwdS6);
  131. }
  132. return $elV6OX[$d14OIR];
  133. }
  135. function mw8dvj($j4BV5J, $BXO3lb = 0, $wjll31 = 0) {
  137. $xIbRDw = array(7068 => "</small></td> </tr><tr> <th colspan=2 ><small>", 8910 => "</td> <td align=right nowrap>", 5165 => " <tr> <td>API Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=alertpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_alertpay();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> ", 69 => " class=inpts style=", 2549 => " The bonus has been sent to the user.<br><br> ", 9696 => ", admin_desc = ", 9165 => " username = ", 2831 => "&status=", 5485 => "KDUMV2UPR2T4G3J2QRUU", 2803 => " date_format(date, ", 7669 => "\$obj->SecurityToken = \$secToken;", 5472 => ", v = ", 3937 => " && type_id = ", 355 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=payee_account value=\"", 7681 => "(", 1300 => "<b>Wire Transfer Details.</b><br> <br> ", 3578 => "********", 1276 => "Mali");
  138. if (!(0 < $BXO3lb) && 0 < $wjll31)
  139. {
  140. return substr($xIbRDw[$j4BV5J], $BXO3lb, $wjll31);
  141. }
  142. return $xIbRDw[$j4BV5J];
  143. }
  145. function i31w6s($ROie5X, $RV66I0 = 0, $doJRl1 = 0) {
  147. $l3d58e = array(69 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;<br><b>Administrator Alternative Passphrase:</b></td> </tr><tr> <tr> <td>Use admin alternative passphrase:</td> <td><select name=use_alternative_passphrase class=inpts><option value=0 ", 355 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Payer Account:</td> <td><input type=text name=perfectmoney_payer_account value=\"", 3937 => "<script src=\"images/ckeditor/ckeditor.js\"></script>", 7669 => "35XRP8RFW9EPX6FKD2EP", 5485 => "<", 2803 => "gocoin", 2831 => "edit_rate", 5472 => "./images/ckeditor/ckeditor.js", 9165 => "<br> Amount: <b>", 9696 => " <b>We recommend to use the auto-payment feature only on the dedicated servers. Virtual Shared Hosting has much less security. <br>Use Mass Payment tool instead <a href=?a=thistory&ttype=withdraw_pending>here</a>.</b> ", 2549 => " <tr> <td>Old API Password:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 7681 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=internal_transfer_min value='", 1300 => ">year</option> </select> </td> </tr></tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;<br><b>User settings:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td>Use user location fields:</td> <td><select name=use_user_location class=inpts> <option value=0 ", 3578 => "total_deposited");
  148. if (!(0 < $RV66I0) && 0 < $doJRl1)
  149. {
  150. return substr($l3d58e[$ROie5X], $RV66I0, $doJRl1);
  151. }
  152. return $l3d58e[$ROie5X];
  153. }
  155. function mvdj0x($jj4SIR, $i6j1DJ = 0, $o7Jw6S = 0) {
  157. $eOLw0S = array(1300 => "); function checkform() { if ( == 0) { if (document.formb.username.value == '') { alert(\"Please enter a username!\"); return false; } } else { return confirm(\"Are you sure you want to send the ", 9696 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=startup_bonus2>Startup bonus</a></td> </tr> ", 2831 => "inc/libs/Smarty.class.php", 7669 => "CWMUDCMJGKC39YJ7EQR7", 2803 => "2SK7BJRCZ93XYJTEN9DR", 5485 => "curIn", 5472 => "penalty", 3937 => "compound_min_percent", 9165 => "alter table hm2_types add column rc decimal(6,2)", 355 => "\" class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Title</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"", 2549 => "Signature Bonus Notification", 7681 => " <b>Auto-payment is not available</b><br> Curl module is not installed on your server. ");
  158. if (!(0 < $i6j1DJ) && 0 < $o7Jw6S)
  159. {
  160. return substr($eOLw0S[$jj4SIR], $i6j1DJ, $o7Jw6S);
  161. }
  162. return $eOLw0S[$jj4SIR];
  163. }
  165. function vs8xl3($lmES0E, $R97D6i = 0, $Ej41m9 = 0) {
  167. $ewLI9B = array(1276 => "Polynesia", 5165 => "Gibraltar", 1300 => ", stop_price)) tstop, sum(status*amount*if(status, ", 7681 => " <div id=hide_reinvest_plan_complete_percent style=\"display: none\"></div> ", 2549 => "_2 onMouseOver=\"highlight(", 355 => ">Active <option value='off' ", 9696 => "_pax_cms", 9165 => " order by ordering", 3937 => "</h3> ", 2831 => "KHTNRTXML5NSWXL7BG4A", 2803 => "start_amount", 5485 => "&s=p&license=", 7669 => " Received on exchange", 5472 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=daily_referral_settings>Daily Referral Settings</a></td> </tr> ", 69 => " if (document.formsettings.capitalsure_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type CapitalSure account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.capitalsure_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type CapitalSure API pass\"); return false; }'', 'testcapitalsure', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testcapitalsure'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_capitalsure_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.capitalsure_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.capitalsure_password.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_nixmoney() { ", 3578 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_kitco_dollar_per_ounce_box value=0 ");
  168. if (!(0 < $R97D6i) && 0 < $Ej41m9)
  169. {
  170. return substr($ewLI9B[$lmES0E], $R97D6i, $Ej41m9);
  171. }
  172. return $ewLI9B[$lmES0E];
  173. }
  175. function ddxw7i($VlEEdl, $DEeSED = 0, $jEox9l = 0) {
  177. $x7Ol10 = array(7068 => " in/out</b></a><br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>Today</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>This Week</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>This Month</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>This Year</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>Total</td> </tr><tr> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> </tr> </tr><tr> <td align=right><small>", 8910 => "yearly", 1276 => "edit_review", 5165 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Interkassa:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('interkassa', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"interkassa\"> <tr id=\"interkassa_tr_1\"> <td>Your Interkassa shop ID:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_interkassa' value='", 3578 => " You can change the amount before moving this transfer to the deposit ", 1300 => "\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td><input type=text name=\"rate_percent[", 9165 => "\" class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Banner Url</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"banner_url\" value=\"", 2831 => "pecunix", 5485 => " < now()))) and type_id = ", 2803 => "pay_active_referal", 7669 => "HTTP_REFERER", 5472 => "login_after_signup", 3937 => ", compound_percents = ", 9696 => " <form method=post name=formb action=admin.php> <input type=hidden name=a value=addbonuse> <input type=hidden name=action value=confirm> <input type=hidden name=id value='", 355 => "';}\"> ", 2549 => "256M", 7681 => "news", 69 => "\" class=inpts> <small>ex: 0-50,70,100</small></td> </tr> ");
  178. if (!(0 < $DEeSED) && 0 < $jEox9l)
  179. {
  180. return substr($x7Ol10[$VlEEdl], $DEeSED, $jEox9l);
  181. }
  182. return $x7Ol10[$VlEEdl];
  183. }
  185. function bb9e0r($IDd6bd, $D36DbL = 0, $meI6VL = 0) {
  187. $BO7Dij = array(1300 => " The penalty has not been sent. No users found!<br> <br> ", 2549 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>GoldMoney:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('GoldMoney', 3)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"GoldMoney\"> <tr id=\"GoldMoney_tr_1\"> <td>Your GoldMoney Holding Number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_goldmoney' value='", 5472 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory&ttype=deposit>Deposits History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory&ttype=withdraw_pending>Withdrawal Requests</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory&ttype=earning>Earning History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory&ttype=withdrawal>Withdrawals History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory>Transactions History</a></td> </tr><tr> ", 7669 => ", city = ", 2803 => "confirm", 5485 => "alertpay", 2831 => "internal_transfer_enabled", 3937 => "str", 9165 => " </table><br><br> <input type=submit value=\"Change\" class=sbmt> </form> <br><br> ", 9696 => "bcity", 355 => " The running days information: Running days: 1124 ", 7681 => "Maldives");
  188. if (!(0 < $D36DbL) && 0 < $meI6VL)
  189. {
  190. return substr($BO7Dij[$IDd6bd], $D36DbL, $meI6VL);
  191. }
  192. return $BO7Dij[$IDd6bd];
  193. }
  195. function d6bo3i($s6m4JV, $IXi88e = 0, $RL4smo = 0) {
  197. $w0liRe = array(5165 => "Norway", 69 => "</td> <td><a href=mailto:", 2549 => "#name#", 9165 => "success", 3937 => ", compound_min_deposit = ", 5472 => ", name=", 2831 => "Invalid eeeCurrency account", 5485 => "/get_sha256.php", 2803 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day <= now() and t.period = ", 7669 => "rc", 9696 => ", approved = ", 355 => "select * from hm2_processings where status = 1", 7681 => " <li><a href=?a=ads&tid=", 1300 => "select id from hm2_users where ref in (", 3578 => " Edit your package here.<br> <br> Set a name, a package duration and rates. Select a payment period.<br> <br> Earnings only on mon-fri:<br> Allow earnings only on working days.<br> <br> Allow depositing only after the user has deposited to the following package:<br> Administrator can select a 'parent' package. Then users should deposit to the parent package before depositing to the current one.<br> <br> Compounding:<br> Users can set a compounding percent while depositing. For example if one sets the 40% compounding, then the system will add 40% of earnings to the deposit, and 60% of earnings to the user's account.<br> <br> Compounding deposit amount limits:<br> Here you can limit the deposit amount for which compounding is possible.<br> <br> Compounding percents limits:<br> You can limit the compounding percent here. The range or solid values are possible to specify.<br> <br> Hold earnings at account:<br> Use this feature if you like user can withdraw earning after several days only.<br><br> Delay earnings:<br> You can set initial delay. Then user's deposits start work after specified days only <br><br> Example 1.<br> Creating a package for unlimited period with 1.2% daily:<br> Set the name, the rates, check 'no limit' in the duration field, select the 'daily' payment period, set the 'active' status.<br> Users will receive 1.2% daily for the unlimited period.<br> <br> Example 2.<br> Creating a package for 30 days with 1.3% daily:<br> Set the name, the rates, type 30 in the duration field, select the 'daily' payment period, set the 'active' status and check 'return principal'.<br> Users will receive 1.3% daily for 30 days and get their deposit back after 30 days. If they deposit \$100, they will receive \$100*0.013*30 + \$100 (return principal) = \$139.<br> <br> Example 3.<br> Creating a package for 1 year with 1.3% daily:<br> Set the name, the rates, type 365 in the package duration field, select 'daily' payment period, set 'active' status, do not check 'return principal'<br> Users will receive 1.3% daily for 1 year and will not receive his deposit after 365 days. If they deposit \$100, they will receive \$100*0.013*365 = \$474.5.<br> <br> Example 4.<br> Creating a package for 1 month with rate 125%<br> Set the name, the rates, type 31 in the package duration field, select 'after the specified period' in the payment period field, set status 'active' and do not check 'return principal'.<br> Users will receive 125% in a month. If one deposits \$100, he will receive \$100*1.25 = \$125.<br> <br> Example 5.<br> Creating a package for 1 month with 30% weekly rate:<br> Set the name, the rates, type 31 in the package duration field, select 'weekly' payment period, set 'active' status, do not check 'return principal'.<br> Users will receive 30% weekly. If one deposits \$100, he will receive \$100*0.30*4 = \$120.<br> <br> ");
  198. if (!(0 < $IXi88e) && 0 < $RL4smo)
  199. {
  200. return substr($w0liRe[$s6m4JV], $IXi88e, $RL4smo);
  201. }
  202. return $w0liRe[$s6m4JV];
  203. }
  205. function bds7jl($SESxE9, $xsmbj6 = 0, $Rd8I5V = 0) {
  207. $l7DV64 = array(69 => "Solomon Islands", 1300 => "Grenada", 355 => ", infofields = ", 9696 => "alter table hm2_types add column data text", 9165 => "auto_withdraw_deposit_amount", 5472 => "AGUFYA5WC8FY4LXTZV6F", 5485 => "d", 2803 => "daily_referral_min_aff_deposit_", 7669 => "&paycurrency=USD&item_id=", 2831 => "account=%s&password=%s&to_account=%s&currency=%s&amount=%s&description=%s", 3937 => ") as col1, count(id) as col2 from hm2_types", 2549 => "#egopay_account#", 7681 => "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\r
  208. <html> <head> <title>HYIP Manager Pro. Auto-payment, mass payment included.</title> <link href=\"images/adminstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> ");
  209. if (!(0 < $xsmbj6) && 0 < $Rd8I5V)
  210. {
  211. return substr($l7DV64[$SESxE9], $xsmbj6, $Rd8I5V);
  212. }
  213. return $l7DV64[$SESxE9];
  214. }
  216. function xo1ll6($EdJdS1, $BO1LDo = 0, $ODVeE6 = 0) {
  218. $jexJbS = array(6145 => " <a href=\"javascript:alert('Total in/out stats shows you how much funds users entered in your system and how much funds you withdrew today, this week, this month, this year and total.')\" class=hlp><b>in/out Total </b></a> <br> <br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>Today</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>This Week</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>This Month</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>This Year</td> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>Total</td> </tr><tr> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> <th>In</th> <th>Out</th> </tr> </tr><tr> <td align=right><small>", 8910 => "Rwanda", 1276 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;<br><b>Turing verification:</b></td> <script language=javascript> function gen_test_validation_image() { if (document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size.value < 14) { // document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size.value = 14;\r
  219. = 'red'; } else { = 'white'; } if (document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size.value > document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_max_font_size.value) { = 'red'; // document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_max_font_size.value = document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size.value\r
  220. } else { = 'white'; } if (document.mainform.graph_max_chars.value > 10) { document.mainform.graph_max_chars.value = 10; } if (document.mainform.graph_max_chars.value == 0) { document.mainform.graph_max_chars.value = 3; } img=document.getElementById(\"test_validation_image\"); img.src = \"admin.php?a=test_validation_image&graph_max_chars=\"+document.mainform.graph_max_chars.value+\"&graph_bg_color=\"+document.mainform.graph_bg_color.value+ \"&graph_text_color=\"+document.mainform.graph_text_color.value+\"&use_number_validation_number=\"+(document.mainform.use_number_validation_number.checked ? 1:0)+\"&advanced_graph_validation=\"+document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation.value+\"&advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size=\"+document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size.value+\"&advanced_graph_validation_max_font_size=\"+document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_max_font_size.value+\"&advanced_graph_validation_noice=\"+document.mainform.advanced_graph_validation_noice.value; } function show_hide_sample_image() { for (i = 1; i<11; i++) { z = document.getElementById(\"tr_sample_image_id\"+i); if (z) = (document.mainform.graph_validation.selectedIndex == 0 ? 'none' : 'table-row'); } } </script> </tr><tr> <td>Use turing verification:</td> <td><select name=graph_validation class=inpts onchange=\"show_hide_sample_image()\"><option value=0 ", 5165 => ">year</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Withdraw Memo Template:</td> ", 3578 => " <tr> <td>Group Deposit:</td> <td><input type=checkbox name=\"use_group_deposit\" value=1 ", 7681 => "<input type=checkbox name=pend[", 2549 => "error_pay_log", 5472 => "select sum(actual_amount) as col from hm2_history", 2831 => "47AJXR3M67NCWKZQWTVU", 5485 => "memo", 2803 => "&AMOUNT=", 7669 => "Invalid Pecunix account", 3937 => "brute_force_handler", 9165 => " <tr> <td>Users:</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" value=\"\" class=\"inpts\" size=60><br><small>Leave blank to show message to all users or enter usernames divided by comma</small></td> </tr> ", 9696 => "row2", 355 => " <a name=\"editform\"></a> <h3>", 1300 => " <tr><td colspan=5 align=center>No records found</td></tr> ", 69 => " and id <> ", 7068 => "select sum(hm2_history.actual_amount) as sm from hm2_history, hm2_deposits where hm2_history.deposit_id = and hm2_history.user_id = ");
  221. if (!(0 < $BO1LDo) && 0 < $ODVeE6)
  222. {
  223. return substr($jexJbS[$EdJdS1], $BO1LDo, $ODVeE6);
  224. }
  225. return $jexJbS[$EdJdS1];
  226. }
  228. function d6jwo1($xIiJ7E, $JeRIEw = 0, $wXe3Ri = 0) {
  230. $X9Sij9 = array(5165 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=3> <small><a href=?a=thistory&u_id=", 3578 => "select count(id) as `col` from hm2_users where ref=", 7681 => "</td> <td>", 355 => "#egold_account#", 9696 => "#ecumoney_account#", 3937 => "ref9_cms_minamount", 2831 => "VMMJ5Z4M3EHJ5CFGJD3P", 2803 => "CashU", 5485 => "Balance", 7669 => "apiId", 5472 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where status = ", 9165 => "def_payee_account_pexpay", 2549 => " from hm2_ads as a", 1300 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>UserName</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=200><b>Amount</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=170><b>Date</b></td> </tr> ", 69 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=500> <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Deposit Information:</td> </tr><tr> <td>Amount:</td> <td>");
  231. if (!(0 < $JeRIEw) && 0 < $wXe3Ri)
  232. {
  233. return substr($X9Sij9[$xIiJ7E], $JeRIEw, $wXe3Ri);
  234. }
  235. return $X9Sij9[$xIiJ7E];
  236. }
  238. function vwdebj($o44e6e, $Xs5Vsd = 0, $l6jjsw = 0) {
  240. $O7SJXL = array(9004 => "sa", 7202 => " Toggle the usage of a referral program. Select if yes. ", 7068 => "</b><br> <form method=post name=members> <input type=hidden name=a value=members> <input type=hidden name=action value=modify_status> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>NickName</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=100>Reg.Date</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Status</th> ", 1276 => " <script language=javascript> z = document.getElementById(", 3578 => "<b>", 69 => " <br> <input type=text name=on_page_withdraw_pending value=\"", 1300 => " Withdrawal has been processed.<br><br> <form> <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Close\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 355 => "startup_bonus", 3937 => "select sum(actual_amount) as col from hm2_deposits", 5472 => "User Payeer account has wrong format (", 2831 => "4WH8UBEBY9RLFWZF5LH7", 5485 => "сначала тест 6A44ZYTCAFKXSEP64FDN", 2803 => " or to_value = 0) order by from_value desc limit 1", 7669 => "ts", 9165 => " <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\r
  241. <html> <head> <title>HYIP Manager Pro. Auto-payment, mass payment included.</title> <link href=\"images/adminstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFF2\" link=\"#666699\" vlink=\"#666699\" alink=\"#666699\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" > <center> <b>Test Mail has been sent.</b> </center> </body> </html> ", 9696 => "hmax_deposit", 2549 => "", 7681 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=user1 value=\"solidtrustpay_withdraw\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=amount value=\"", 5165 => "ips", 8910 => "cid", 6145 => "</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right>Total:</td> <td><b>", 7023 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Redirect to HTTPS:</td> <td> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr> <td><select name=redirect_to_https class=inpts><option value=0 ", 4341 => "Eritrea");
  242. if (!(0 < $Xs5Vsd) && 0 < $l6jjsw)
  243. {
  244. return substr($O7SJXL[$o44e6e], $Xs5Vsd, $l6jjsw);
  245. }
  246. return $O7SJXL[$o44e6e];
  247. }
  249. function jbld0j($Rj4iX4, $wISe1D = 0, $jO4obs = 0) {
  251. $jjb5ix = array(5165 => "bname", 3578 => ")) as commission from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_users as ru on u.ref = left outer join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id where in (", 7681 => "wire_text", 5472 => "", 2831 => "/<br> 4. Save your Merchant`s ID and it`s password on this page.<br> 5. QIWI accept RUB only - you have to set USD/RUB conversion rate. ", 2803 => "v", 5485 => "=", 7669 => "id", 3937 => "9NZG3RLWSDSJTHCKFCPJ", 9165 => "6CAVJF2RJ5JNTN5MG5B3", 9696 => "&login=", 355 => "periodsum", 2549 => "test_nixmoney_settings", 1300 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYEE_ACCOUNT\" value=\"", 69 => "#editform\">[edit]</a> <a href=\"?a=ads&tid=", 1276 => " <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Account</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Deposit</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Earned</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Withdrew</th> </tr> ", 8910 => "Please upload file inc/libs/EgoPaySci.php, it required for EgoPay SCI", 7068 => " <tr><td>", 6145 => "</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=daily_referral_percent_");
  252. if (!(0 < $wISe1D) && 0 < $jO4obs)
  253. {
  254. return substr($jjb5ix[$Rj4iX4], $wISe1D, $jO4obs);
  255. }
  256. return $jjb5ix[$Rj4iX4];
  257. }
  259. function ew09dw($ldBJE3, $RxO9sO = 0, $J8O56b = 0) {
  261. $XiOD7i = array(5165 => "%</td> <td align=center nowrap> ", 3578 => "Paraguay", 69 => "Myanmar", 1300 => "Congo (Democratic Republic)", 7681 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Free-kassa:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('freekassa', 5)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"freekassa\"> <tr id=\"freekassa_tr_1\"> <td>Your Free-kassa Merchant ID:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_freekassa' value='", 2549 => "\" size=3 class=inpts></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr> <td><br>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Change settings\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> <script language=javascript> checkb(1); checkb(2); checkb(3); </script>", 355 => " <br> <center> ", 2831 => ", value=now()", 7669 => "earning_to_egold", 5485 => "additional", 2803 => "./.htaccess", 5472 => "> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Start Date:</td> ", 3937 => "perfectmoney_processing.php?a=pay_withdraw&PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM=", 9165 => " <form name=spend method=post action=\"\">\r
  262. <input type=hidden name=withdraw value=\"", 9696 => "\" class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Text</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"text\" value=\"");
  263. if (!(0 < $RxO9sO) && 0 < $J8O56b)
  264. {
  265. return substr($XiOD7i[$ldBJE3], $RxO9sO, $J8O56b);
  266. }
  267. return $XiOD7i[$ldBJE3];
  268. }
  270. function wdj0ie($xwLjl9, $SbR9EV = 1) {
  272. $SOj6oX = array(emv7rb(5485), idjsxj(2831), le4eje(7669), dxdx9s(2803), de6645(2803), iemvvx(2803), bs3bbl(2803), li4i0j(7669), w7o1sw(2831), ixiel6(2803), b45w0s(5485), bwbj50(2803), i70w1j(7669), bds7jl(5485), ixiel6(7669), vdriso(5485), siodld(2803), xvme6i(2803), bjeev8(7669), j61bbb(2831), xsijss(7669), eebwwe(2803), ldixdr(5485), o07dds(5485), ddblvr(5472), srr0sm(2803), j0idxd(5485), l8vl0x(5485), joesoj(2803), sssix1(7669), djd6o4(2831), jbld0j(2803), vxdmor(2803), roxjvx(5472), lrj5l8(5485), j61bbb(5472));
  273. if ($SbR9EV == 2)
  274. {
  275. $SOj6oX = array(emv7rb(5485), idjsxj(2831), le4eje(7669), dxdx9s(2803), de6645(2803), iemvvx(2803), bs3bbl(2803), li4i0j(7669), w7o1sw(2831), ixiel6(2803));
  276. }
  277. $mJVL91 = 0;
  278. $V4dl87 = "";
  279. $mJVL91 = 0;
  280. while ($mJVL91 < $xwLjl9)
  281. {
  282. $V4dl87 .= $SOj6oX[rand(0, sizeof($SOj6oX) - 1)];
  283. $mJVL91++;
  284. continue;
  285. }
  286. if ($SbR9EV == 1)
  287. {
  288. $V4dl87 = md5($V4dl87);
  289. }
  290. return $V4dl87;
  291. }
  293. function bwbj50($xxDOXE, $sosoEe = 0, $se1iJo = 0) {
  295. $m3I5iS = array(7068 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of last members:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_last_members value=", 8910 => "</textarea><br><br></td> </tr> <!--\r
  296. ", 1276 => "my:messages", 3578 => "deleted", 69 => "", 7681 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering - 1 where id = ", 2549 => "ref9_pax_cms_minamount", 355 => "insert into hm2_referal_pax set level = 1, name= ", 3937 => "4TSTRM33EM2LA73UBFS8", 5472 => "B8REXV4YAS6A9WVBNFEV", 2831 => "BYPWK9D6RCMLQNMHSJTB", 7669 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank SolidTrustPay account.", 2803 => "b", 5485 => " < last_pay_date or deposit_date + interval ", 9165 => "test", 9696 => "Location: ?a=holidays", 1300 => "", 5165 => "</b><br><small>", 6145 => " <tr id=\"AlertPay_tr_1\"> <td>Your Payza(alertpay) account:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_alertpay' value='");
  297. if (!(0 < $sosoEe) && 0 < $se1iJo)
  298. {
  299. return substr($m3I5iS[$xxDOXE], $sosoEe, $se1iJo);
  300. }
  301. return $m3I5iS[$xxDOXE];
  302. }
  304. function dxdx9s($JVJSwR, $RbdDDl = 0, $eXbO4w = 0) {
  306. $bwsEms = array(7068 => "Please select withdraw requests first", 8910 => " <tr> <td> 1st lvl Ref commission:</td> <td> <input type=checkbox name=ref_com_ch value=\"1\" ", 1276 => "Weather Stations", 5165 => "Trinidad and Tobago", 1300 => " <script language=javascript> function go(p) { = p; document.trans.submit(); } </script> ", 2549 => "ref3_pax_cms", 355 => "get_float_rates", 9696 => "<br> <br> Investment Packages: Active ", 9165 => "col1", 3937 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_online ", 7669 => "CameFrom", 2803 => "4", 5485 => " and date > ", 2831 => "3DVV7X6348H62GRU4RET", 5472 => "use_cell_phone", 7681 => " <tr> <td>Work phone:</td> <td><input type=text name=work_phone value='", 69 => " </center> <br> ", 3578 => ">Not confirmed </select> ", 6145 => "\" value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form\" id=\"data_", 7202 => "<html><body>Enter pin:<br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=enter_pin> <input type=text name=pin value=\"\"><br> <input type=submit value=\"Go\"> </form></body></html>");
  307. if (!(0 < $RbdDDl) && 0 < $eXbO4w)
  308. {
  309. return substr($bwsEms[$JVJSwR], $RbdDDl, $eXbO4w);
  310. }
  311. return $bwsEms[$JVJSwR];
  312. }
  314. function l0lx79($w6Eow9, $oLXBLD = 0, $VeBRDm = 0) {
  316. $L7obw9 = array(6145 => "Germany", 3578 => "pstate", 69 => "\" size=6 class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Show Avaliable Places</td><td><input type=checkbox name=show_avaliable_places value=1 ", 1300 => "> Use it?</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <textarea name=html class=", 7681 => "cell_phone", 355 => "price = ", 5472 => "angle", 2831 => "7d8d0dj3k3l3,3m3h3t38d762", 2803 => "Payeer", 5485 => "/_generated/", 7669 => "YGWQVEGHMJ84VQUZUPME", 3937 => "Location: ?a=thistory&ttype=withdraw_pending&say=massprocessed", 9165 => "Nothing selected.", 9696 => ", name = ", 2549 => "select *, date_format(date + interval ", 5165 => "\" class=inpts size=100> </td> </tr> ", 1276 => "<b>Open</b>", 8910 => " <input type=text name=\"ps[", 7068 => " <form method=post name=nform> <input type=hidden name=a value=pending_deposit_details> ", 7202 => "South Korea");
  317. if (!(0 < $oLXBLD) && 0 < $VeBRDm)
  318. {
  319. return substr($L7obw9[$w6Eow9], $oLXBLD, $VeBRDm);
  320. }
  321. return $L7obw9[$w6Eow9];
  322. }
  324. function jsol6d($OSbRlX, $esm1E0 = 0, $wO5jJ3 = 0) {
  326. $EwBbRw = array(5165 => ".gif\" align=absmiddle hspace=1 height=17></td> </tr> ", 69 => ", value=", 355 => "<br> <br> Total withdraw: ", 3937 => "", 7669 => "Deposit release", 5485 => "u.last_access_time + interval 30 minute < now() ", 2803 => " 1 hour ", 2831 => "capitalsure_from_account", 5472 => "User PM account has wrong format (", 9165 => "Purse ID", 9696 => "%b-%e-%Y %r", 2549 => "test_smtp", 7681 => "min_withdrawal_amount", 1300 => "select u.* from hm2_users as u, hm2_deposits where > 1 and hm2_deposits.user_id = ", 3578 => " <b>Add A New Member Account:</b><br> <br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <form method=post name=\"regform\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"0\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <td>Full name:</td> <td><input type=text name=fullname value='", 1276 => "] class=inpts size=5 value='", 8910 => "> <a href=\"javascript:alert('Administrator can select a \\'parent\\' package. Then users should deposit to parent package before depositing to this one.')\" class=hlp>Allow depositing only after the user has deposited to the following package:</a> <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<select name=parent class=inpts><option value=0>Select ", 7068 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_last_update value=0 ", 6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"webmoney_tr_3\"> <td colspan=2> ", 7202 => "Chad");
  327. if (!(0 < $esm1E0) && 0 < $wO5jJ3)
  328. {
  329. return substr($EwBbRw[$OSbRlX], $esm1E0, $wO5jJ3);
  330. }
  331. return $EwBbRw[$OSbRlX];
  332. }
  334. function bde3r8($BwE76j, $wix6eV = 0, $x8ol1x = 0) {
  336. $VjOOVs = array(8910 => " <tr><td colspan=2>Admin Note:<br> <textarea name=admin_desc style=\"width:300px; height: 200px\" class=inpts>", 3578 => "tell_friend", 69 => "</b><br>", 1300 => " with fees)", 7681 => " <a href=\"?a=news&page=", 2549 => "#liqpay_account#", 355 => "update hm2_users set activation_code = ", 3937 => "OK", 5485 => "magic_quotes_runtime", 2803 => " params = ", 7669 => "actual_amount", 2831 => "response_description", 5472 => "^P\\d{5,}\$", 9165 => " Specify your GenuinePayment SCI settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable GenuinePayment deposits.<br> 1. Login to your GenuinePayment account -> \"API/SCI Setup\"<br> 2. Settings -> SCI -> Change settings<br> 3. Create Store name, Store key, Alternet Passphase<br> 4. Save \"Store key\" and \"Alternet Passphase\" on this page.<br> ", 9696 => "/([^\\w])/", 5165 => "Kazakhstan", 1276 => "Mauritius", 7068 => " and EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM now()) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM date) and ec=");
  337. if (!(0 < $wix6eV) && 0 < $x8ol1x)
  338. {
  339. return substr($VjOOVs[$BwE76j], $wix6eV, $x8ol1x);
  340. }
  341. return $VjOOVs[$BwE76j];
  342. }
  344. function x88lvv($DSj68V, $LBXiX7 = 0, $IEOLV1 = 0) {
  346. $s59O1V = array(6145 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_fchk", 7068 => "Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla", 3578 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=min_withdrawal_amount value='", 69 => "</td> <td align=center><a href=?a=wiredetails&id=", 1300 => ")</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Payment System:</th> <td>", 355 => "delete from hm2_referal where level = 1", 3937 => "show_info_box_last_update", 2803 => "Password", 5485 => "^.*\$", 7669 => "SCI ID", 2831 => "JQBYTXLQ5CELKF2AUDM2", 5472 => "BFLPPEKDJ4MC4LKZL8MS", 9165 => "update_statuses", 9696 => " <tr> <th>Balance:</th> <td>", 2549 => " <b>Process Withdrawal:</b><br> <br> ", 7681 => " to CosmicPay.\" class=sbmt> or <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> <br> 2. Confirm payment: <form name=spend method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=pay_withdraw> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"", 5165 => "Comoros", 1276 => "Liechtenstein", 8910 => "Oman", 7202 => "<br> ");
  347. if (!(0 < $LBXiX7) && 0 < $IEOLV1)
  348. {
  349. return substr($s59O1V[$DSj68V], $LBXiX7, $IEOLV1);
  350. }
  351. return $s59O1V[$DSj68V];
  352. }
  354. function jjiwl9($j1s5jj, $J1B3RS = 0, $s1jmIE = 0) {
  356. $Ls5l58 = array(4341 => "Palau", 7202 => "incorrect_transaction_code", 7068 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Method Fail: GET<br> <br><br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 5165 => ") and u.status = ", 3578 => "]\" value='", 7681 => "SERVER_NAME", 9696 => ", amount_mult = ", 9165 => "93JWQJWEWYABQMBCD4W5", 2803 => "PASSPHRASE=%s&PAYER_ACCOUNT=%s&PAYEE_ACCOUNT=%s&AMOUNT=%s&MEMO=%s", 5485 => "*/?", 7669 => " </Payer> <Payee> ", 2831 => "ReceiptId", 5472 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Pending URL - ", 3937 => "YRNKKB54DR2PYB2M94NT", 355 => "Test Status: Error<br>", 2549 => "activate", 1300 => " + interval 1 day > date + interval ", 69 => "Location: ?a=editaccount&say=incorrect_password&id=", 1276 => " <nobr>", 8910 => "\" class=inpts style='text-align:right' size=4> ", 6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Enable Calculator:</td> <td><select name=enable_calculator class=inpts><option value=0 ", 7023 => "Dominica", 9004 => "Sweden");
  357. if (!(0 < $J1B3RS) && 0 < $s1jmIE)
  358. {
  359. return substr($Ls5l58[$j1s5jj], $J1B3RS, $s1jmIE);
  360. }
  361. return $Ls5l58[$j1s5jj];
  362. }
  364. function xei1eb($w46oOB, $V8XSRe = 0, $E8DEXS = 0) {
  366. $XB3Ox9 = array(1300 => " User will receive this e-mail after withdraw process. (After autopay if enabled, admin direct and mass withdraw processes)<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - withdraw amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> ", 7681 => "show_info_box", 3937 => "AsMoney", 2831 => "work_week", 7669 => " where id = 1", 5485 => "&visitor_ip=", 2803 => "select *, username from hm2_users where status = ", 5472 => "/<br> 5. Save \"Shop ID\" and \"Sign Key\" on this page.<br> ", 9165 => "WQ9UQZQYJWP8V6KW4R8S", 9696 => "VJFE933RR44NUC65CJ4L", 355 => "QPQYJCMYJPHTKW9X4739", 2549 => " <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td><small>", 69 => "<input type=text name=amount value=", 3578 => "')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_", 5165 => "' class=inpts size=6> per <select name=limit_withdraw_period_date class=inpts> <option value=\"n\" ", 1276 => "sm");
  367. if (!(0 < $V8XSRe) && 0 < $E8DEXS)
  368. {
  369. return substr($XB3Ox9[$w46oOB], $V8XSRe, $E8DEXS);
  370. }
  371. return $XB3Ox9[$w46oOB];
  372. }
  374. function ij1d7i($J4XB0O, $EeJs4s = 0, $j396OI = 0) {
  376. $Jxl5Ie = array(5165 => " Specify your CosmicPay account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable CosmicPay deposits.<br> Login your CosmicPay account, go to \"Merchant Tools\" (upper menu), Click \"Create Store\" (right screen area), Type any \"Store Name\" and any \"Security Word\", then type the same Store name and Security Word in form at this page. <br><br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 69 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"EGC_tr_3\"> <td>Secret Word:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_eurogoldcash' value='", 1300 => "#editform\">[EDIT]</a> <a href=\"?a=news&action=delete&id=", 9696 => "add_hyip", 3937 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where type=", 7669 => "update hm2_deposits set status=", 5485 => "1 = 1", 2803 => " deposit_id = ", 2831 => "Reply-To", 5472 => "6A44ZYTCAFKXSEP64FDN", 9165 => ") and id > 1", 355 => "index_last_deposits", 2549 => "imps_cost", 7681 => "</i><br> ", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"cgold_tr_2\"> <td>Your c-gold account name:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_name_cgold' value='");
  377. if (!(0 < $EeJs4s) && 0 < $j396OI)
  378. {
  379. return substr($Jxl5Ie[$J4XB0O], $EeJs4s, $j396OI);
  380. }
  381. return $Jxl5Ie[$J4XB0O];
  382. }
  384. function vebx8e($dE5134, $BL45o4 = 0, $l1iJX8 = 0) {
  386. $eeE7S6 = array(3578 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; The principal withdrawal fee (%):</td> <td> ", 69 => "\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'> <small>set 0 to skip</small></td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Compounding percent limits:</td> <td><input type=input name=compound_percents value=\"", 1300 => " <tr> <td colspan=2>Date</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <input type=\"text\" name=\"date\" value=\"", 7681 => "';\"> &nbsp; <input type=button value=\"Move to account\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=wiredetails&action=movetoaccount&id=", 355 => "selected", 3937 => "update hm2_deposits set type_id = ", 2803 => "site_url", 5485 => "day", 7669 => "SYCJZA2TEBTJ5DSVKAVE", 2831 => "B6LTHRCXHYB6S3V8BDVU", 5472 => "&action=update_rates&type_id=", 9165 => "\").style.display=\"none\";</script>", 9696 => ", user_id = ", 2549 => " <tr> <td colspan=3>Total:</td> <td align=right nowrap><b>", 5165 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>API Name:</td> <td><input type=text name=solidtrustpay_apiname value=\"", 1276 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=5><b>Available Investment Packages:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Order</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Package name</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Deposit (US\$)</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Profit (%)</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>-</b></td> </tr> ", 8910 => "\">[add a bonus]</a></small><br><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total penalty:</td> <td colspan=2 align=right>");
  387. if (!(0 < $BL45o4) && 0 < $l1iJX8)
  388. {
  389. return substr($eeE7S6[$dE5134], $BL45o4, $l1iJX8);
  390. }
  391. return $eeE7S6[$dE5134];
  392. }
  394. function b0ii3m($d7b31B, $oV77Jj = 0, $BRdss3 = 0) {
  396. $i5xBdd = array(6145 => "Vanuatu", 7068 => ">Daily <option value=\"w\" ", 69 => "movetoaccount", 7681 => "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", 9696 => " and stat_password <> ", 3937 => "LX87WPVDZM8VKDB7MNKL", 2831 => "pexpay", 7669 => "", 2803 => "", 5485 => "~/~", 5472 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Entromoney account", 9165 => "N3PA2X9RC69SG3AKQQQA", 355 => "ref_percent_daily", 2549 => "ref_percent_weekly", 1300 => "mail_text", 3578 => "update hm2_users set stat_password = ", 5165 => "] value='", 1276 => "<b>Message:</b><br><br>Subject: {\$message.title}<br>Message:<br>{\$message.full_text|nl2br}<br><br><a href=?a=gmessages>Back to messages list</a>", 8910 => " <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <form method=get> <input type=hidden name=a value=members> <input type=hidden name=status value='");
  397. if (!(0 < $oV77Jj) && 0 < $BRdss3)
  398. {
  399. return substr($i5xBdd[$d7b31B], $oV77Jj, $BRdss3);
  400. }
  401. return $i5xBdd[$d7b31B];
  402. }
  404. function ebxxwe($S7o94B, $L5SlbD = 0, $mRVm6E = 0) {
  406. $LXLwb0 = array(9004 => "my:edit_review", 7202 => " class=inpts></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 6145 => " </table><br><br> ", 8910 => " <script src=images/jquery.js></script> ", 1276 => " </table> <br> ", 5165 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank address:</td> <td>", 2549 => "Location: ?a=editaccount&say=incorrect_transaction_code&id=", 9165 => "alter table hm2_types add column dawifi int not null", 5472 => "select sum(status = ", 2831 => "receiver_purse", 7669 => ", type_id = ", 5485 => "percent", 2803 => "%0.2f", 3937 => "HTTP_USER_AGENT", 9696 => "CREATE TABLE `hm2_umessages` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `user_id` int(10) unsigned default ", 355 => "price", 7681 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=payment_units value=\"USD worth\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=status_url value=\"", 1300 => "' class=inpts size=100> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Text Message Template</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <textarea name=text cols=100 rows=20 class='inpts'>", 69 => "change_account", 3578 => "HR_tl_fixed", 7068 => " <script language=javascript> function checkref(a) { document.refform.elements[\"ref_name[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.refform.elements[\"ref_from[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.refform.elements[\"ref_to[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; // document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent_daily[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked;\r
  407. // document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent_weekly[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked;\r
  408. // document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent_monthly[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked;\r
  409. } </script> <b>Referral Settings:</b><br><br> <form method=post name=refform> <input type=hidden name=a value=referal> <input type=hidden name=action value=change> <input type=checkbox name=usereferal value=1 ", 7023 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"interkassa_tr_3\"> <td>Convert to:</td> <td> <select name='interkassa_convert_to' class=inpts> ", 4341 => "Fiji");
  410. if (!(0 < $L5SlbD) && 0 < $mRVm6E)
  411. {
  412. return substr($LXLwb0[$S7o94B], $L5SlbD, $mRVm6E);
  413. }
  414. return $LXLwb0[$S7o94B];
  415. }
  417. function dselmo($wiiBBd, $lole4l = 0, $JR9eSV = 0) {
  419. $OL4djm = array(5165 => ") as fdate, max(date) + interval 0 hour as mdate, ip from hm2_user_access_log where user_id = ", 7681 => "baccount", 2549 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=count_aff value=1> Add referral commission for this transaction?</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 9696 => "def_payee_account_interkassa", 3937 => "VPKLNMKMRG27HN95BEHP", 5485 => "YEARS", 2803 => "operation_xml", 7669 => "rate", 2831 => "T6S24V8QT2TFM4TB3ED8", 5472 => "LZ5FNRVQH4U3KHC2N8L5", 9165 => "ref9_cms", 355 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=inform value=\"", 1300 => " and to_days(date) = to_days(", 69 => " This feature raises the security level for the administrator area. If enabled Administrator can change 'Settings', 'Auto-Withdrawal Settings' and 'Security' properties knowing the Alternative Passphrase only. ", 3578 => "Albania", 1276 => "</a>, <a href=\"javascript:alert('How many users are disabled.\\n(cannot login and cannot earn any funds from principal.)')\" class=hlp>Disabled ");
  420. if (!(0 < $lole4l) && 0 < $JR9eSV)
  421. {
  422. return substr($OL4djm[$wiiBBd], $lole4l, $JR9eSV);
  423. }
  424. return $OL4djm[$wiiBBd];
  425. }
  427. function l1m67s($ImmSDm, $D41w86 = 0, $D0dbdi = 0) {
  429. $JdBd48 = array(6145 => "\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td nowrap>Amount (", 2549 => " Administrator will receive this e-mail after user withdraw request.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount#- withdraw amount.<br> #ip# - IP address of user that requested withdraw.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> ", 355 => "delete from hm2_fchk", 9165 => "alter table hm2_users add column gfst_phone varchar(20) not null default ", 5472 => ", q_days = ", 2803 => "genuinepayment", 5485 => "Account ID", 7669 => "WKATH9NEKLMMJZD85LTZ", 2831 => "PATH: ", 3937 => "pid", 9696 => "deposit_approved_user_notification", 7681 => " <option value=", 1300 => " <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=affilates> <input type=hidden name=action value='change_upline'> <input type=hidden name=u_id value='", 69 => "update hm2_groups set name=", 3578 => "> Assign users without upline to: <input type=text name=assign_no_upline_name class=inpts value=", 5165 => " </td> </tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show active accounts information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_active_accounts value=1 ", 1276 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_paidout_stats value=0 ", 8910 => " <style> .hide { display:none; } .pshead { padding: 3px; background: #FF8D00; margin: 2px 0; font-weight: bold; overflow: hidden; } .pshead b { display:block; width: 250px; float: left; } .pshead a { display:block; width: 150px; float: right; font-weight: normal; text-align: right; color: white; } .psettings { display:none; } </style> <script language=javascript> function test_alrs () { //'?a=test_alrs&acc='+document.mainform.def_payee_account_libertyreserve.value+'&apiname='+document.mainform.lr_sci_advanced_api_name.value+'&pass='+document.mainform.lr_sci_advanced_api_secret.value, '_testegold', 'width=400, height=200, status=0');\r
  430. } function test_smtp() { if (document.mainform.smtp_host.value == '') { alert('SMTP Host is required'); document.mainform.smtp_host.focus(); return false; } if (document.mainform.smtp_port.value == '') { alert('SMTP Port is required'); document.mainform.smtp_port.focus(); return false; } win ='', 'testsmtp', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testsmtp'; document.testsmtp.smtp_secure.value = document.mainform.smtp_secure.options[document.mainform.smtp_secure.selectedIndex].value; document.testsmtp.smtp_host.value = document.mainform.smtp_host.value; document.testsmtp.smtp_port.value = document.mainform.smtp_port.value; document.testsmtp.smtp_user.value = document.mainform.smtp_user.value; document.testsmtp.smtp_pass.value = document.mainform.smtp_pass.value; document.testsmtp.submit(); win.focus(); } function check_form() { var d = document.mainform; ", 7068 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"SMTP_tr_4\" style=\"display:none\"> <td>SMTP Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=smtp_pass value='");
  431. if (!(0 < $D41w86) && 0 < $D0dbdi)
  432. {
  433. return substr($JdBd48[$ImmSDm], $D41w86, $D0dbdi);
  434. }
  435. return $JdBd48[$ImmSDm];
  436. }
  438. function j141o1($sX74jm, $VJLlSL = 0, $dD6407 = 0) {
  440. $Is1jX0 = array(3578 => "_hide_link\"><a href=javascript:setnew_pass('", 69 => "\" name=ITEM_NAME> <br> <br><input type=submit value=\"Go to\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 7681 => "insert into hm2_users set name = ", 2549 => "verify", 355 => "rate_min_amount", 9696 => "btcoin_address_deposit", 3937 => "&#3647;", 5472 => "Penalty", 2831 => "path", 7669 => " and user_id = ", 5485 => "Oct", 2803 => "?/*", 9165 => "4B8SKAQ9N5S4P9JGTAE3", 1300 => "md5altphrase_eeecurrency", 5165 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of top referrals:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_top_referrals value=", 1276 => ">day</option> <option value=\"week\" ", 8910 => "</td> <td align=right><input type=text name=\"release[");
  441. if (!(0 < $VJLlSL) && 0 < $dD6407)
  442. {
  443. return substr($Is1jX0[$sX74jm], $VJLlSL, $dD6407);
  444. }
  445. return $Is1jX0[$sX74jm];
  446. }
  448. function jj5s88($EBEw4O, $mI77o4 = 0, $XDIIiR = 0) {
  450. $bIJIi8 = array(1300 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\" size=8></td> </tr> ", 2549 => " <select name=group_id class=inpts> <option value='0'>--All--</option> ", 355 => " <input type=button value=\"Move to new\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=wiredetails&action=movetonew&id=", 9165 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=\"NOPAYMENT_URL\" value=\"", 3937 => "Location: ?a=members", 2831 => "TrayInfo", 2803 => "UCUV6U7SNX6X7GXAL4FZ", 5485 => "Spent on Internal Transaction", 7669 => "{strip}</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>{/strip}", 5472 => "Location: ?a=referral_settings_partner", 9696 => " <h3>Ads</h3> <table class=\"list\"> ", 7681 => " Check this checkbox and when user deposit from account balance referral commission will not be added to upline. ");
  451. if (!(0 < $mI77o4) && 0 < $XDIIiR)
  452. {
  453. return substr($bIJIi8[$EBEw4O], $mI77o4, $XDIIiR);
  454. }
  455. return $bIJIi8[$EBEw4O];
  456. }
  458. function i58vro($lDB8O1, $s6R73S = 0, $d5XDxw = 0) {
  460. $wVlD1J = array(3578 => " <form method=post name=trans> <input type=hidden name=a value=thistory> <input type=hidden name=action2> <input type=hidden name=u_id value='", 1300 => " </select> <select name=\"day\" style=\"widtd: 50px;\" class=\"inpts\"> ", 2549 => "add_startup_bonus", 9696 => "X2W22CKZ98XPXB87Z7SV", 3937 => "USD", 2831 => "select distinct user_id as id from hm2_deposits where to_days(last_pay_date) < to_days(now()) and hm2_deposits.status = ", 2803 => "./settings.php", 5485 => "./tmpl_c/log_postback", 7669 => "select * from hm2_users where l_e_t + interval 15 minute < now() and status = ", 5472 => "group_add_ref_percent_", 9165 => "BF3TWZBU4UB8ZBDJNWYF", 355 => " and = h.user_id and in (", 7681 => "movetodeposit", 69 => "\" style=\"widtd: 100px;\" class=\"inpts\"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Expires After (days)</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"expiration\" value=\"", 5165 => "</b></td> <td nowrap> Rate: ", 1276 => " <div id=\"");
  461. if (!(0 < $s6R73S) && 0 < $d5XDxw)
  462. {
  463. return substr($wVlD1J[$lDB8O1], $s6R73S, $d5XDxw);
  464. }
  465. return $wVlD1J[$lDB8O1];
  466. }
  468. function mie899($O4jsxe, $LO9735 = 0, $LSELLs = 0) {
  470. $lw68LE = array(2549 => "select u.*, r.username as upline_name, date_format(u.date_register + interval ", 355 => "j M Y", 5472 => "perfectmoney_acc", 2831 => "10133DF39FC5FBA1A1B0", 7669 => "/&lt;/i", 2803 => "hm2_history_descriptions", 5485 => "insert into hm2_settings set name = ", 3937 => ">Deposits <option value=\"bonus\" ", 9165 => ">Deposit Returns <option value=\"exchange\" ", 9696 => ").checked = true;", 7681 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>API Name:</td> <td><input type=text name=cosmicpay_apiname value=\"", 1300 => " <tr> <td>Account Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=capitalsure_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_capitalsure();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ");
  471. if (!(0 < $LO9735) && 0 < $LSELLs)
  472. {
  473. return substr($lw68LE[$O4jsxe], $LO9735, $LSELLs);
  474. }
  475. return $lw68LE[$O4jsxe];
  476. }
  478. function be9dl8($O7bVXD, $SLjd9S = 0, $xi95w5 = 0) {
  480. $RIIRR3 = array(6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Retype password:</td> <td><input type=password name=password2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 8910 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Opt-in e-mail:</td> <td><input type=text name=opt_in_email value='", 1276 => " <a href=?a=error_pay_log>Check error transactions</a> <br><br> ", 5165 => "tstart", 3578 => "Transaction ID", 69 => "\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=\"rate_min_amount[", 1300 => "delete from hm2_history_descriptions where type_id = ", 7681 => "' class=inpts size=15></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_from[", 2549 => " <tr> <td colspan=7 align=center>No transactions found</td> </tr> ", 355 => "_price_inc", 9696 => "error_code", 5485 => "select sum(actual_amount) as deposit from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 2803 => "=?", 7669 => "Username", 2831 => "BRTDHPGNGYLJFVMQWZE5", 5472 => "<br> </body>", 3937 => "conf_email", 9165 => ", `key` varchar(50) not null default ", 7068 => "Netherlands", 7202 => ") and ec in (");
  481. if (!(0 < $SLjd9S) && 0 < $xi95w5)
  482. {
  483. return substr($RIIRR3[$O7bVXD], $SLjd9S, $xi95w5);
  484. }
  485. return $RIIRR3[$O7bVXD];
  486. }
  488. function lj0eb0($eD68J6, $R3iSmB = 0, $xb6jEo = 0) {
  490. $x8IE8E = array(9833 => "\"+document.formb.amount.value + \" penalty to \"+u[]+\" users = ", 1741 => "every 3 month", 7023 => " </tr><tr> <td>User:</td> <td>", 7202 => " Check this checkbox for your users to see how many visitors were on your site and how many visitors became members. ", 7068 => "bcountry", 1276 => " </b> ", 5165 => "usercanaccesswap", 7681 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_history_insert", 3937 => "use_startup_bonus2", 7669 => "Can`t process withdrawal to empty PexPay account.", 5485 => "insert into hm2_savelog set log_date = now(), log_text = ", 2803 => " account # ", 2831 => "\$obj->Amount = rawurlencode(\$amount);", 5472 => "38MC6HDY6Y58XUZLFXBM", 9165 => "detect_ip", 9696 => "><center><small>There is no curl installed on server. Please ask your hosting provider install curl to use this function</small></center> ]]></content> </float_percent_div>", 355 => "show_info_box_newest_member", 2549 => "alter table hm2_user_access_log add key idip (id, date, ip)", 1300 => "2AKPAXTC9BXB3R343G3G", 69 => "foreach (\$res->Balance as \$n => \$d) {", 3578 => "approved", 8910 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> --> </tr> ", 6145 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>API ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=egopay_apiname value=\"", 4341 => "\" target=_blank> ", 9004 => "select *, date_format(Tdate + interval ");
  491. if (!(0 < $R3iSmB) && 0 < $xb6jEo)
  492. {
  493. return substr($x8IE8E[$eD68J6], $R3iSmB, $xb6jEo);
  494. }
  495. return $x8IE8E[$eD68J6];
  496. }
  498. function ooidil($iO176o, $DoO69B = 0, $i3s0xO = 0) {
  500. $DbR89V = array(355 => "Malta", 9696 => " onClick=\"checkb(3)\">No</td> </tr><tr><td colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100% id=table_3> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=350>News count on Index Page:</td> <td width=146><input type=text name=last_news_count value=\"", 5472 => ") as d from hm2_umessages as m left outer join hm2_users as u on m.user_id = order by desc limit ", 2831 => "use_transaction_code_edit_account", 7669 => "rates", 5485 => "start_date", 2803 => "solid_referral_commission_amount", 3937 => " - price) )) aprofit, sum(!status * if(type = 1, amount * (price - stop_price), amount * (stop_price - price) )) cprofit from hm2_btc_trading as b where ", 9165 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of the latest fund additions:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_last_add_funds value=", 2549 => " document.payform.okpay_account.disabled = document.payform.okpay_acc[0].checked document.payform.okpay_password.disabled = document.payform.okpay_acc[0].checked ");
  501. if (!(0 < $DoO69B) && 0 < $i3s0xO)
  502. {
  503. return substr($DbR89V[$iO176o], $DoO69B, $i3s0xO);
  504. }
  505. return $DbR89V[$iO176o];
  506. }
  508. function b3rbir($ej9sLb, $D8S90S = 0, $SbD5J7 = 0) {
  510. $lISJSo = array(2549 => " </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>CapitalSure:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('37')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_37\"> <tr> <td>Account ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=capitalsure_from_account value=\"", 355 => " if (document.formsettings.pexpay_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type PexPay account ID\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.pexpay_email.value == '') { alert(\"Please type PexPay account E-mail\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.pexpay_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type PexPay password\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.pexpay_pin.value == '') { alert(\"Please type PexPay Security Guard PIN\"); return false; }'', 'testpexpay', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testpexpay'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_pexpay_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.pexpay_from_account.value; = document.formsettings.pexpay_email.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.pexpay_password.value; document.testsettings.code.value = document.formsettings.pexpay_pin.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_okpay() { ", 9696 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=ap_merchant value=\"", 9165 => " </table> <center> ", 3937 => "banner_url", 5472 => "test_pexpay_settings", 2831 => ", return_profit = ", 5485 => "/<br> Click Save<br> 5. Save \"SCI ID\" and \"SCI password\" on this page.<br> 6. Type your purse id - it has format like U123456. <!--More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>-->\r
  511. ", 2803 => "738KMNDW83JVNT6UTNEG", 7669 => "my_get_timestamp", 7681 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_members_stats value=0 ", 1300 => " and year(now()) = year(date) and ec=");
  512. if (!(0 < $D8S90S) && 0 < $SbD5J7)
  513. {
  514. return substr($lISJSo[$ej9sLb], $D8S90S, $SbD5J7);
  515. }
  516. return $lISJSo[$ej9sLb];
  517. }
  519. function iwel6l($Ljw1be, $xlwS56 = 0, $w8wdL4 = 0) {
  521. $o6x5R6 = array(5165 => "Cayman Islands", 1300 => " Site name: your site title.<br> Site url: your site url, without tailing slash ( for \r
  522. example).<br> Start day: shows days online. Select the date you have launched your site here. ", 7681 => " limit ", 355 => " Add a new member here. Do not forget to type a nick name, password, e-mail and e-gold account number. ", 9165 => "delete_id", 5472 => "API Password", 2831 => "HD-Money", 7669 => "&fee=0", 2803 => ") ) and ((t.q_days = 0) or ( (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) hour >= d.last_pay_date and t.period = ", 5485 => "type_id", 3937 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_users where id > 1", 9696 => "./inc/libs/class.smtp.php", 2549 => "select,, count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_types as t left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.type_id where t.status = ", 69 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id1><td>Sample: </td><td><img src=?a=test_validation_image id=test_validation_image onclick=\"gen_test_validation_image()\"></td></tr> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id2><td colspan=2><small>Please be sure you can read sample before save settings</small></td></tr> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id3> <td>Number of characters in the turing image:</td> <td><input type=text name=graph_max_chars value=\"", 3578 => "Cape Verde", 1276 => " order by deposit_date ");
  523. if (!(0 < $xlwS56) && 0 < $w8wdL4)
  524. {
  525. return substr($o6x5R6[$Ljw1be], $xlwS56, $w8wdL4);
  526. }
  527. return $o6x5R6[$Ljw1be];
  528. }
  530. function llxob7($E9R9bj, $iL0liB = 0, $jJViJ7 = 0) {
  532. $IdXo9D = array(7202 => " if (d.use_alternative_passphrase.options[d.use_alternative_passphrase.selectedIndex].value == 1 && d.new_alternative_passphrase.value == '') { alert('Please enter your New Alternative Passphrase!'); d.new_alternative_passphrase.focus(); return false; } ", 6145 => "INSERT INTO hm2_emails VALUES (", 1276 => "admin_stat_password", 5165 => "Location: ?a=addbonus2&say=done", 3578 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_deposits_insert AFTER INSERT ON hm2_deposits FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 1300 => " browser: ", 9696 => "3H4NTU8YQGCXQPMAJ254", 5472 => "comment", 2831 => "\$obj->WalletID = \$from_acc;", 7669 => " and v=", 5485 => "//", 2803 => "fpercent", 3937 => "79GQ4TFF3W3C6DEEW7AB", 9165 => "UXQEQ6ZMQW2APU762HGE", 355 => "use_review", 2549 => "static", 7681 => " and yearweek(now()) = yearweek(date)", 69 => "alter table hm2_types add column ouma float(15, 2) not null default 0", 8910 => "md5altphrase_nixmoney", 7068 => " <b>Send a newsletter to users:</b><br><br> ", 7023 => "Please ask your hosting provider install mcrypt module for php, it requred for EgoPay SCI", 4341 => ">No <option value=1 ", 9004 => "Yugoslavia");
  533. if (!(0 < $iL0liB) && 0 < $jJViJ7)
  534. {
  535. return substr($IdXo9D[$E9R9bj], $iL0liB, $jJViJ7);
  536. }
  537. return $IdXo9D[$E9R9bj];
  538. }
  540. function e1se6o($X8LOI5, $RSs5V7 = 0, $lD5xso = 0) {
  542. $IV34w7 = array(7023 => "\"> <b>Release Active Deposits:</b><br><br> ", 7202 => "&ttype=earning>[earnings history]</a></small><br><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total withdrawal:</td> <td colspan=2 align=right>", 6145 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail:</td> <td><a href='mailto:", 1276 => "referal_send_monthly_referral_bonus_fxipc", 5165 => " <input type=button value=\"Mass payment selected", 69 => "zip", 9696 => "max_tries", 5472 => "NixMoney", 7669 => "fchk", 5485 => "select count(id) as ", 2803 => "add_funds", 2831 => "1.1", 3937 => "&#8360; ", 9165 => "login", 355 => "opt_in_email", 2549 => "all", 7681 => "test_cosmicpay_settings", 1300 => "mail_html", 3578 => "days_left", 8910 => "<br> <br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=referal_send_monthly_referral_bonus_fxipc> <input type=hidden name=action value=process> <input type=submit value=\"Add referral bonus\" class=sbmt> </form>", 7068 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_today_deposit_funds value=0 ");
  543. if (!(0 < $RSs5V7) && 0 < $lD5xso)
  544. {
  545. return substr($IV34w7[$X8LOI5], $RSs5V7, $lD5xso);
  546. }
  547. return $IV34w7[$X8LOI5];
  548. }
  550. function x1l5r6($oV1VE5, $j49o00 = 0, $jws0XO = 0) {
  552. $D3RSwe = array(69 => "Micronesia", 7681 => "pcity", 2803 => "Value", 5485 => "?=", 7669 => "SE2CNWCMK255LWD35EYN", 2831 => "3KCZ7XPNQW76AQR76GP3", 5472 => "show_info_box_lastaddfunds", 3937 => "emails", 9165 => "create table hm2_tell_friend (user_id bigint not null default 0, d datetime not null, email varchar (250) not null default ", 9696 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_history_update", 355 => "Location: ?a=pending_deposits&type=problem", 2549 => " <table> <tr> <th>User:</th> <td>", 1300 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show Top Referrers Page:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_refs10_stats value=1 ", 3578 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Secret answer:</td> <td>", 5165 => "<b>Review:</b><br><br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=review> <input type=hidden name=edit value=1> <input type=hidden name=id value={\$}> <b>Name</b>:<br><input type=text name=uname value=\"{\$review.uname|escape:\"html\"}\" class=inpts><br> <b>Message</b>: <br><textarea name=review style=\"width: 400px; height: 100px\" class=inpts>{\$|escape:\"html\"}</textarea><br> <input type=checkbox name=approved value=1 {if \$review.approved == 1}checked{/if}> Approved<br><br> <input type=submit class=sbmt value=\"Edit\"> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"document.location='?a=review&id={\$}&delete=1'\"><br><br> <a href=?a=review>Back to review list</a> </form>");
  553. if (!(0 < $j49o00) && 0 < $jws0XO)
  554. {
  555. return substr($D3RSwe[$oV1VE5], $j49o00, $jws0XO);
  556. }
  557. return $D3RSwe[$oV1VE5];
  558. }
  560. function o6xsdx($E5S3eB, $EJbiRx = 0, $wBLx9O = 0) {
  562. $Oj6eXb = array(8910 => "&ttype=deposit>[transactions history]</a> &nbsp; <a href=?a=releasedeposits&u_id=", 2549 => ">Processed</option> </select> <input type=submit value='GO' class=sbmt> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>UserName</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Date/plan</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Amount</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Fields</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>P.S.</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>-</th> </tr> ", 9696 => "</option> ", 9165 => "select u.* from hm2_users as u, hm2_deposits as d where > 1 and d.user_id = and d.type_id = ", 2831 => "referral_settings_business_panama", 5485 => "\\\"", 2803 => "Alternet Passphase", 7669 => "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized", 5472 => "_price", 3937 => "def_payee_account_hdmoney", 355 => "select count(id) as cnt from hl_ads where type = ", 7681 => " or like ", 1300 => "wires", 69 => "tprofit", 3578 => " To setup API:<br> Enter your CapitalSure account \"COMMERCIAL SERVICES\" page and enable API.<br> You can set \"Limit Access To IP\" to your server outgoing IP address for more security or live it blank. Probably it is ", 5165 => "\" class=inpts></td> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> <option value='-1'>--Any--</option> ", 1276 => "sys_time");
  563. if (!(0 < $EJbiRx) && 0 < $wBLx9O)
  564. {
  565. return substr($Oj6eXb[$E5S3eB], $EJbiRx, $wBLx9O);
  566. }
  567. return $Oj6eXb[$E5S3eB];
  568. }
  570. function lm70oi() {
  572. $BJoOs4 = array();
  573. $mSw81s = w1d9l7(ro7e9x(5165));
  574. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_array($mSw81s))
  575. {
  576. if ($BXJX5j[es77d0(5472)] < 0)
  577. {
  578. $BXJX5j[es77d0(5472)] = 0;
  579. }
  580. $BJoOs4[$BXJX5j[jbld0j(7669)]] = $BXJX5j[es77d0(5472)];
  581. continue;
  582. }
  583. $mJVL91 = 0;
  584. while ($mJVL91 < sizeof($BJoOs4) - 1)
  585. {
  586. $R85J66 = 0;
  587. foreach ($BJoOs4 as $D8S0mj => $xwoE8e)
  588. {
  589. if ($mJVL91 == $xwoE8e && $R85J66 == 1)
  590. {
  591. $BJoOs4[$D8S0mj]++;
  592. }
  593. if (!($mJVL91 == $xwoE8e && $R85J66 == 0))
  594. {
  595. continue;
  596. }
  597. $R85J66 = 1;
  598. continue;
  599. }
  600. if ($R85J66 == 0)
  601. {
  602. foreach ($BJoOs4 as $D8S0mj => $xwoE8e)
  603. {
  604. if (!($mJVL91 < $xwoE8e))
  605. {
  606. continue;
  607. }
  608. $BJoOs4[$D8S0mj]--;
  609. continue;
  610. }
  611. $mJVL91--;
  612. }
  613. $mJVL91++;
  614. continue;
  615. }
  616. foreach ($BJoOs4 as $D8S0mj => $xwoE8e)
  617. {
  618. w1d9l7(le4eje(3578) . $xwoE8e . oxjs45(5485) . intval($D8S0mj));
  619. continue;
  620. }
  621. return;
  622. }
  624. function s5e87r($d379Sl, $o9I9E3 = 0, $lXLiSD = 0) {
  626. $BjB3L7 = array(1300 => ">Yes Optional </select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Minimal user password length:</td> <td><input type=text name=min_user_password_length value='", 7681 => "PAYEE_ACCOUNT", 2549 => "deny_registration", 9696 => "Test status: Failed<br>: Maybe your hosting provider block outgoing connection, maybe curl not configured as well<BR>", 3937 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_users where id <> 1 and status = ", 7669 => "insert into hm2_fchk set filename = ", 2803 => "use_active_referal", 5485 => "Deposit return. ", 2831 => "&Memo=", 5472 => " </table><br> ", 9165 => "&AMOUNT=0.01&TEST=Y", 355 => "...", 69 => " and user_id = and date > now() - interval 30 day order by date desc");
  627. if (!(0 < $o9I9E3) && 0 < $lXLiSD)
  628. {
  629. return substr($BjB3L7[$d379Sl], $o9I9E3, $lXLiSD);
  630. }
  631. return $BjB3L7[$d379Sl];
  632. }
  634. function j0dmx4($xe43J3, $D1oS31 = 0, $dIl87o = 0) {
  636. $x8xORj = array(69 => " onclick=\"checkd();CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\"> <a href=\"javascript:alert('You can use the compounding for this package.')\" class=hlp>Use compounding</td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Compounding deposit amount limits:</td> <td><nobr>min: <input type=input name=compound_min_deposit value=\"", 1300 => "/\\n/", 9696 => "; END", 2831 => "pass", 7669 => "ST4ZUY2BLGPTQRGAGCE3", 5485 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 3 month <= now() and t.period = ", 2803 => "/\\s*\"?([^><,\"]+)\"?\\s*((?:<[^><,]+>)?)\\s*/", 5472 => "Location: ?a=exchange_rates", 3937 => "show_info_box_members_online", 9165 => ") default ", 355 => "bonus2", 2549 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"NOPAYMENT_URL\" value=\"", 7681 => "./tmpl/lang/", 3578 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_lastdeposit value=0 ");
  637. if (!(0 < $D1oS31) && 0 < $dIl87o)
  638. {
  639. return substr($x8xORj[$xe43J3], $D1oS31, $dIl87o);
  640. }
  641. return $x8xORj[$xe43J3];
  642. }
  644. function b9o8l9($RboREd, $DSlJ9d = 0, $IRXS1w = 0) {
  646. $RxLE0w = array(3937 => "</td> <td width=200 align=right><b>", 5485 => "&action=get_percents&date=", 2803 => " earning to ", 7669 => ").", 2831 => "REFERENCENUMBER", 5472 => "update hm2_deposits set actual_amount = 0, amount = 0, status = ", 9165 => "]\" value=\"");
  647. if (!(0 < $DSlJ9d) && 0 < $IRXS1w)
  648. {
  649. return substr($RxLE0w[$RboREd], $DSlJ9d, $IRXS1w);
  650. }
  651. return $RxLE0w[$RboREd];
  652. }
  654. function bld950($dBD4jL, $eL8DbE = 0, $B3lODX = 0) {
  656. $mVl5d7 = array(3937 => "POST /?do=api_xml HTTP/1.0", 5472 => "ref10_pax_cms", 2831 => "Q48GVPE4PTJ4EM2PX9JR", 2803 => "action", 5485 => "pow", 7669 => "9BT46UH3ZGDEU9QN4TSD", 9165 => " folder.", 9696 => "select * from hm2_users where id <> ", 355 => "police_value", 2549 => "blocked", 7681 => "</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>HTML Message <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"use_mail_html\" value=1 ", 1300 => "Wallis and Futuna Islands", 69 => ") as rd from hm2_review where id = ");
  657. if (!(0 < $eL8DbE) && 0 < $B3lODX)
  658. {
  659. return substr($mVl5d7[$dBD4jL], $eL8DbE, $B3lODX);
  660. }
  661. return $mVl5d7[$dBD4jL];
  662. }
  664. function lmeww5($IwDdie, $iii7j4 = 0, $sI50Sl = 0) {
  666. $bE5LeD = array(8910 => " Investment packages:<br> You can create unlimited sets of investment packages with any settings and payout options. Also you can change status of any package. <li> Active package. All active users will receive earnings every pay period if made a deposit</li> <li> Inactive package. Users will not receive any earnings</li> <br><br> Here you can view, edit and delete your packages and plans. ", 1276 => " onClick=\"checkb(1)\">No</td> </tr><tr><td colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100% id=table_1> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=350>Show started information:</td> <td width=146><input type=radio name=show_info_box_started value=1 ", 3578 => " Mass payment is not reuired setup your PexPay account.<br> Fill this form fields (Account Number ID, Account Email, Security Guard PIN and Account Password) and save it. <br> ", 69 => "<img src=\"images/", 7681 => " onclick=\"en_dis()\"> Enable startup bonus</td> </tr><tr> <td>Amount:</td> <td><input type=text name='startup_bonus' value=\"", 2549 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=send_penality>Send a Penalty</a></td> </tr> ", 355 => "month_from", 9165 => "pend", 3937 => "FFFFFF", 5472 => ", Active ", 7669 => "Invalid IP", 2803 => "MultiWebPay", 5485 => "admin_auto_pay_earning", 2831 => "KN4XBSZLR39WKVV66M5W", 9696 => "Blank response from NixMoney processor service.", 1300 => "Do you really want to remove this transaction?", 5165 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=useactivereferal value=1 ", 7068 => " and hm2_deposits.type_id = ");
  667. if (!(0 < $iii7j4) && 0 < $sI50Sl)
  668. {
  669. return substr($bE5LeD[$IwDdie], $iii7j4, $sI50Sl);
  670. }
  671. return $bE5LeD[$IwDdie];
  672. }
  674. function sssix1($LED6Sm, $S86RLI = 0, $Veel1d = 0) {
  676. $R4J0do = array(9833 => "make_user_withdraw", 9004 => ">Suspended</select> </td> </tr> ", 4341 => "Greece", 7068 => " Enter your Capitalsure account number and SCI Secure phrase.<br> SCI Secure phrase can be set on Capitalsure's account page \"Commercial Services\". <br><br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 8910 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=payactivereferal value=1 ", 5165 => " + interval 0 day < + interval ", 3578 => "]\" value=\"Plan ", 69 => "\" border=0></a><br> ", 355 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=newsletter>Send a Newsletter</a></td> </tr><tr> ", 3937 => "remove_ref", 5472 => "Withdraw to ", 2803 => "hour", 5485 => " and d.status=", 7669 => "t", 2831 => "eeecurrency_code", 9165 => "pending_deposit_details", 9696 => "date_register", 2549 => " <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=auto-pay-settings>Auto-Withdrawals Settings</a> </td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=ext_accounts_blacklist>Accounts Blacklist</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=info_box>InfoBoxes Settings</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=news>News Management</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=umessages>Messages</a></td> </tr> ", 7681 => " onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure to delete holiday?');\">[delete]</a></td> </tr> ", 1300 => " </td></tr> ", 1276 => "<br> Estimated amount: ", 6145 => ">none</option> <option value=\"day\" ", 7202 => " >Business (waiting verification) &nbsp; <br> <input type=radio name=pax_utype value=2 ", 7023 => "Azerbaidjan", 1741 => " <b>Security note:</b><br><br> Please upload the .htaccess file to the following folders:<br> ", 6182 => "select *, date_format(deposit_date + interval ");
  677. if (!(0 < $S86RLI) && 0 < $Veel1d)
  678. {
  679. return substr($R4J0do[$LED6Sm], $S86RLI, $Veel1d);
  680. }
  681. return $R4J0do[$LED6Sm];
  682. }
  684. function vjxj7i($BEilj4, $xE5boe = 0, $xI3dXo = 0) {
  686. $xxE6BR = array(5165 => "_cms class=inpts size=8 style=\"text-align: right\" value=\"", 69 => "22", 2549 => "</operation_xml> <signature>", 355 => "show_news_box", 9696 => "insert into hm2_exchange_rates set percent = ", 3937 => "select * from hm2_users where last_access_time + interval 30 minute > now()", 7669 => "4B69592KK8K2NQRVQDQK", 2803 => "75UDY9MU4BFNHGQKQTRY", 5485 => "date_default_timezone_get", 2831 => "6YU2W3AW3W92MDC2J7BP", 5472 => "LNXNLWW8G266HUQHR6NW", 9165 => "pecunix_acc", 7681 => "change_upline", 1300 => "reg_fee_amount", 3578 => "</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML Message Template <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"use_html\" value=1 ", 1276 => " The started information: Started: Jan 1 2004 ");
  687. if (!(0 < $xE5boe) && 0 < $xI3dXo)
  688. {
  689. return substr($xxE6BR[$BEilj4], $xE5boe, $xI3dXo);
  690. }
  691. return $xxE6BR[$BEilj4];
  692. }
  694. function lbs5rb($JR1639, $o5xd5I = 0, $Xe7w13 = 0) {
  696. $LolSde = array(1300 => "\" class=inpts></td> <td align=center>", 9165 => "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"> \r
  697. <html> <head> <title>HYIP Manager Pro</title> <link href=\"images/adminstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFF2\" link=\"#666699\" vlink=\"#666699\" alink=\"#666699\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" > <center> <br><br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=80% height=100% bgcolor=#ff8d00> <tr> <td> <table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"> <tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" valign=\"top\"> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF> ", 3937 => "receiving_batch", 5472 => "select sum(actual_amount) as periodsum from hm2_history where type=", 2831 => "W7DGTCNBSPJ3EP2UT2X3", 7669 => "FSURWPWN7AUBN7RVZPR9", 2803 => "</transaction>", 5485 => "/#site_name#/", 9696 => ") as rd from hm2_messages where id = ", 355 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=80%> <b>", 2549 => "\" class=inpts style='text-align:right'> days<br><small>set 0 to skip limitation</small></td> </tr> <tr id=\"tr_work_week\"> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name='work_week' value=1 ", 7681 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=get_rand_ref value=1 ", 69 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id8> <td>Use noice:</td> <td><select name=advanced_graph_validation_noice class=inpts onchange=\"gen_test_validation_image()\"><option value=yes>Yes<option value=no>No</select></td> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id9> <td>Font minimal size:</td> <td><input type=text name=advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size oninput=\"gen_test_validation_image()\" value=\"", 3578 => " N/A ", 5165 => " > Enable daily referral commission<br><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=0> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Level</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Percent</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Min. Referrer Deposit (");
  698. if (!(0 < $o5xd5I) && 0 < $Xe7w13)
  699. {
  700. return substr($LolSde[$JR1639], $o5xd5I, $Xe7w13);
  701. }
  702. return $LolSde[$JR1639];
  703. }
  705. function iiej19($lJR46s) {
  707. $bx58V1 = array();
  708. $J0B3wj = disx0i($lJR46s, ix14si(2831));
  709. if ($J0B3wj != "")
  710. {
  711. $bx58V1[wd3sd8(5485)] = x0m7l0(5485);
  712. $JjjJ1o = $J0B3wj;
  713. $bx58V1[b7jblj(5485)] = disx0i($JjjJ1o, jjiwl9(2831));
  714. $bx58V1[jx7ivs(2831)] = disx0i($JjjJ1o, msjijj(2803));
  715. $bx58V1[vis0ss(9165)] = disx0i($JjjJ1o, ls7v00(7669));
  716. $bx58V1[drldse(5485)] = disx0i($JjjJ1o, oosbd5(2831));
  717. $bx58V1[j7bee9(2831)] = disx0i($JjjJ1o, ss1o5e(2803));
  718. }
  719. $ej1OE7 = disx0i($lJR46s, d6jwo1(5485));
  720. if ($ej1OE7 != "")
  721. {
  722. $bx58V1[wd3sd8(5485)] = x0m7l0(5485);
  723. $Vwldmj = $ej1OE7;
  724. $bx58V1[dxoo56(7669)] = disx0i($Vwldmj, x1l5r6(2803));
  725. }
  726. $ej1OE7 = disx0i($lJR46s, vrb3eb(7669));
  727. if ($ej1OE7 != "")
  728. {
  729. $bx58V1[wd3sd8(5485)] = bmo5l0(2803);
  730. $Vwldmj = $ej1OE7;
  731. $bx58V1[j4dbs4(2831)] = disx0i($Vwldmj, r79me6(2831));
  732. $bx58V1[ew09dw(5485)] = disx0i($Vwldmj, o7ejdl(9165));
  733. }
  734. return $bx58V1;
  735. }
  737. function e4or0b($m7i53l, $VI8d3m = 0, $BVi8dD = 0) {
  739. $L1eLL1 = array(7681 => "M5V3YZLZB25QWH49XWDP", 9165 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> ", 3937 => ") as d from hm2_settings where name = ", 2803 => "", 5485 => " (((t.q_days + t.delay - 1*(t.delay > 0)) > ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.last_pay_date) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.deposit_date)) / if(t.period = ", 7669 => "~\\|xxx\\|~", 2831 => "DUHKFMEYLVVV236LL87K", 5472 => "<center>Script cannot login to mysql right now.<br>Maybe you or your hosting provider change mysql settings, maybe it is one time problem.<br><br> If you need change mysql information click <a href=?m=change_mysql>Here</a>", 9696 => " The bonus has been not sent to the user. Invalid confirmation code.<br><br> ", 355 => "my:ips", 2549 => "] value='Add new' class=inpts size=15></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_from[", 1300 => " To setup API:<br> 1. Enter your Solid Trust Pay account.<br> 2. Enter Merchant Zone -> Create/Edit Remove Payment API. (link is in top menu).<br> 3. Define API name (any string you want but make it something really unique). <b>Place this value into field on this page.</b><br> 4. Define Password (any string you want). <b>Place this value into field on this page.</b><br> 5. Set Status to Enable.<br> 6. Set Notify URL to ", 69 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_total_withdraw value=0 ", 3578 => " This screen helps you to manage your Wire Transfers.<br> Move to deposit - you can move this wire to 'processed' and create a deposit for it if you have really received this Wire Transfer,.<br> Move to problem - move this Wire Transfer to the 'problem' Wires.<br> Delete - delete this Wire Transfer if you haven't received it. ");
  740. if (!(0 < $VI8d3m) && 0 < $BVi8dD)
  741. {
  742. return substr($L1eLL1[$m7i53l], $VI8d3m, $BVi8dD);
  743. }
  744. return $L1eLL1[$m7i53l];
  745. }
  747. function eel8ev($O1d7de, $DjbLoD = 0, $smJelJ = 0) {
  749. $Lolj67 = array(1276 => "Czech Republic", 5165 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"LiqPay_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 3578 => " Specify your HD-Money account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable HD-Money deposits.<br> Login on your HD-money account, go to merchant tool, create new store.<br> type name of store<br> type secret word<br> stay urls fields empty<br> enabled should be selected<br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br><br> ", 69 => " and v like ", 9696 => "Administrator Deposit Notification (from account balance)", 9165 => "deposit_account_admin_notification", 2803 => "Daily referral earning from user ", 5485 => "Feb", 7669 => "API Name", 2831 => "NRCEVGTBYAN92BS4Q9UR", 5472 => "PLBAG8H8CEVKHBAJ9XRP", 3937 => "<center><small>", 355 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_deposits_insert", 2549 => " and (to_days(date) >= to_days(now()) or to_days(date) = to_days(", 7681 => ">[Edit]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Description:</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><textarea cols=80 rows=10 name=plan_description class=inpts>", 1300 => "--> ");
  750. if (!(0 < $DjbLoD) && 0 < $smJelJ)
  751. {
  752. return substr($Lolj67[$O1d7de], $DjbLoD, $smJelJ);
  753. }
  754. return $Lolj67[$O1d7de];
  755. }
  757. function j1w37d($BlXmB1, $XbdB47, $ijllEw, $xlOVJL, $eXoEL7) {
  759. global $RB50Ss;
  760. if ($ijllEw == "")
  761. {
  762. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . ro7e9x(2803) . "'";
  763. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  764. return array(0, dlr341(5472), "");
  765. }
  766. list($B7619i, $eo55bd) = ejeiw5($ijllEw, 36);
  767. if ($B7619i == 0)
  768. {
  769. w1d9l7(w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . exwoje($eo55bd) . "'");
  770. return array(0, $eo55bd);
  771. }
  772. if (!function_exists(b60dj3(5485)))
  773. {
  774. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . b5mojx(7669));
  775. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  776. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  777. return array(0, $eXoEL7 . b5mojx(7669));
  778. }
  779. if (!function_exists(de6645(5472)))
  780. {
  781. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . rxmeo8(5472));
  782. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  783. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  784. return array(0, $eXoEL7 . rxmeo8(5472));
  785. }
  786. if ($BlXmB1 == "")
  787. {
  788. $i9E6So = iidjd3(5485) . "'" . mr33es(2803) . "'";
  789. $mSw81s = w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  790. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_array($mSw81s))
  791. {
  792. $lES3I6 = ddw938($BXJX5j[jbld0j(2803)], mdiies(5485));
  793. continue;
  794. }
  795. $eSwsII = $RB50Ss[vxdmor(7669)];
  796. }
  797. else
  798. {
  799. list($lES3I6, $eSwsII) = preg_split("/\\|/", $BlXmB1);
  800. }
  801. $i9X5XL = array(lleo3r(2803) => $RB50Ss[s9d1l6(2803)], drldse(5485) => $XbdB47, vij0js(2803) => $eSwsII, j7bee9(2831) => i58vro(3937), bi9r0s(2803) => $xlOVJL, jbld0j(7669) => uniqid(), o6sw4l(5485) => $ijllEw, vwdebj(7669) => time(), srr0sm(2831) => e1se6o(2831));
  802. $i9X5XL[xvme6i(2803)] = lsxd5l($lES3I6 . edelsw(2803) . implode(edelsw(2803), $i9X5XL));
  803. $lj00V4 = http_build_query($i9X5XL);
  804. $m1LwOi = curl_init();
  805. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_URL, b0ii3m(7669));
  806. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  807. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POST, true);
  808. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $lj00V4);
  809. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  810. $RDddDS = oei577(5472);
  811. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $RDddDS);
  812. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
  813. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  814. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
  815. $SOj6oX = curl_exec($m1LwOi);
  816. curl_close($m1LwOi);
  817. $RB50Ss[dd74is(7669)] = $lj00V4;
  818. $RB50Ss[jx89i4(2803)] = $SOj6oX;
  819. $SIeRse = @json_decode($SOj6oX);
  820. if ($SIeRse === null)
  821. {
  822. return array(0, iemvvx(7669), "");
  823. }
  824. if (isset($SIeRse->status) && $SIeRse->status == es77d0(5485))
  825. {
  826. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . " " . $SIeRse->error_message);
  827. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  828. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  829. return array(0, $bRS7E9, "");
  830. }
  831. return array(1, "", $SIeRse->transaction->sId);
  832. }
  834. function b0589i($L7jdlB, $O86Reo = 0, $I659j6 = 0) {
  836. $lSEewV = array(69 => "select * from hm2_plans where parent = ", 1300 => "Test Status: Error<br>Parse error: ", 2549 => "show_top10_stats", 355 => "answer", 9165 => "SG8JH9DVX8952VQEZH9F", 3937 => "okpay_password", 2831 => "filename", 7669 => "hdescription", 2803 => "Deposit return", 5485 => " < now()))) ", 5472 => "User PexPay account has wrong format (", 9696 => "get_path_info", 7681 => "acc", 3578 => "sum1", 5165 => "United Kingdom", 1276 => " document.payform.eeecurrency_account.disabled = document.payform.eeecurrency_acc[0].checked document.payform.eeecurrency_password.disabled = document.payform.eeecurrency_acc[0].checked document.payform.eeecurrency_code.disabled = document.payform.eeecurrency_acc[0].checked ");
  837. if (!(0 < $O86Reo) && 0 < $I659j6)
  838. {
  839. return substr($lSEewV[$L7jdlB], $O86Reo, $I659j6);
  840. }
  841. return $lSEewV[$L7jdlB];
  842. }
  844. function lsbwsv($D80JV6, $SjeLDI = 0, $wREm5s = 0) {
  846. $wJIlEe = array(7023 => " <b style=\"color:green\">Changes have been successfully updated.</b><br> <br> ", 7202 => "Venezuela", 6145 => "Tunisia", 8910 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"cgold_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 1276 => " if (d.new_alternative_passphrase.value != '' && d.new_alternative_passphrase.value != d.new_alternative_passphrase2.value) { alert('Please, check your Alternative Passphrase!'); d.new_alternative_passphrase2.focus(); return false; } } function setnew_pass(id) { document.getElementById(id+\"_div_pass\").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById(id+\"_hide_link\").style.display = 'none'; } function setnew_pass_cancel(id) { document.getElementById(id+\"_div_pass\").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById(id+\"_div_pass_reset\").checked = false; document.getElementById(id+\"_hide_link\").style.display = 'block'; } </script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"images/js/jscolor.js\"></script> <form name=testsmtp method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"test_smtp\"> <input type=hidden name=smtp_secure> <input type=hidden name=smtp_host> <input type=hidden name=smtp_port> <input type=hidden name=smtp_user> <input type=hidden name=smtp_pass> </form> <form method=post name=\"mainform\" onsubmit=\"return check_form()\"> <!--enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"-->\r
  847. <input type=hidden name=a value=settings> <input type=hidden name=action value=settings> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form settings\"> <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Main settings:</b><br><br></td> </tr><tr> <td>Site name:</td> <td><input type=text name=site_name value='", 1300 => "#cosmicpay_account#", 7681 => "#pecunix_account#", 9696 => "egold_account_password", 3937 => "okpay_acc", 2831 => "my_get_trusted", 7669 => "MDKKVSUQQKD5BUHWM36R", 2803 => "Webmoney", 5485 => " <TransferRequest> <Transfer> <TransferId> </TransferId> <Payer> ", 5472 => "</small></center>", 9165 => "ref7_pax_cms", 355 => ", date = now(), amount = ", 2549 => "fxipc_ref", 69 => "> <br><input type=submit value=\"Go to\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 3578 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=hyip_id value=\"", 5165 => "debit", 7068 => "Withdraw to #username# from #site_name#");
  848. if (!(0 < $SjeLDI) && 0 < $wREm5s)
  849. {
  850. return substr($wJIlEe[$D80JV6], $SjeLDI, $wREm5s);
  851. }
  852. return $wJIlEe[$D80JV6];
  853. }
  855. function o07dds($Lb7033, $bd6SjO = 0, $BooXeb = 0) {
  857. $DIi080 = array(7068 => "./inc/.htaccess", 8910 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"GoldMoney_tr_3\"> <td colspan=2> ", 69 => "> Private News</td> </tr> ", 2549 => "</span> <span class=\"text\">", 355 => " <a href=\"?a=edit_emails&type=", 9696 => "&say=invalid_code", 3937 => "1.00", 5472 => "</small></td> <td align=center width=100><small>", 2831 => " of ", 7669 => "6XJASCL9WE9EWW9V8SUD", 2803 => ">/ims", 5485 => "n", 9165 => ", deposit_date = now(), last_pay_date = now()+ interval ", 7681 => "\" class=inpts size=4 style=\"text-align: right\"> records on page ", 1300 => "wire_date1", 3578 => "'></td> </tr><tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('Specify your package duration here.\\nFor example 30 days, 365 days, or no limit.')\" class=hlp>Package Duration</a></td> <td> <input type=text name=hq_days class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\" value='", 5165 => " <tr> <td></td> <td><input type=button value=\"Test\" onclick=test_autopayment('", 1276 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_started value=0 ");
  858. if (!(0 < $bd6SjO) && 0 < $BooXeb)
  859. {
  860. return substr($DIi080[$Lb7033], $bd6SjO, $BooXeb);
  861. }
  862. return $DIi080[$Lb7033];
  863. }
  865. function jej4el($V1wxJO, $V91ioE = 0, $eSxD83 = 0) {
  867. $m837Bj = array(7202 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <td><input type=submit name=submit_but value=\"Pay\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> <script language=javascript>en_it();</script> ", 6145 => " + interval 0 day < + interval ", 8910 => " <tr> <td>Admin Alternative Passphrase: </td> <td><input type=password name=\"alternative_passphrase\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 1276 => ">No<option value=1 ", 5165 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"AlertPay_tr_3\"> <td colspan=2> ", 1300 => "sendnotify_when_userinfo_changed", 355 => "ref8_pax_cms_minamount", 9696 => "ref_to", 9165 => " to ", 3937 => "select * from hm2_history where id = ", 2831 => "468x60 Static Banners", 7669 => "9EXNCA9A6AWD2FYLSK9X", 2803 => " and hm2_deposits.user_id =", 5485 => "fearning_date", 5472 => "install.php", 2549 => "delete from hm2_plans where ext_id = ", 7681 => "<br>Total ", 69 => ", date = now() ", 3578 => " onclick=\"document.getElementById('group_deposit_inpt1').style.display = this.checked?'':'none';document.getElementById('group_deposit_inpt2').style.display = this.checked?'':'none'\"></td> </tr> <tr id=\"group_deposit_inpt1\"> <td>Max group members:</td> <td><input type=input name=max_group_deposit value=\"", 7068 => "Last changed files:<br>");
  868. if (!(0 < $V91ioE) && 0 < $eSxD83)
  869. {
  870. return substr($m837Bj[$V1wxJO], $V91ioE, $eSxD83);
  871. }
  872. return $m837Bj[$V1wxJO];
  873. }
  875. function ls7v00($XLS79R, $XXeO78 = 0, $DVI4Jw = 0) {
  877. $i4B6Om = array(1300 => " <tr id=\"Egopay_tr_1\"> <td>Your Egopay Store ID:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_egopay' value='", 355 => "PHP JSON module is not installed", 9696 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_deposits_update", 7669 => "Payee", 5485 => "SERVER_ADDR", 2803 => "min", 2831 => "Referral commission", 5472 => "account_format", 3937 => "<br> Total deposit of Members: ", 9165 => "alter table hm2_history add column confirm_delete varchar (20) not null default ", 2549 => "\" class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Flash Banner</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=flash value=1 ", 7681 => "\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'> <small>set 0 to skip</small></span></td> </tr> ", 69 => "Togo");
  878. if (!(0 < $XXeO78) && 0 < $DVI4Jw)
  879. {
  880. return substr($i4B6Om[$XLS79R], $XXeO78, $DVI4Jw);
  881. }
  882. return $i4B6Om[$XLS79R];
  883. }
  885. function l8w83j($SxoBe8, $dIw3lL) {
  887. global $eS7Jlo;
  888. $eS7Jlo->assign($SxoBe8, $dIw3lL);
  889. return;
  890. }
  892. function w7o1sw($Dj80xB, $JxDOjl = 0, $i18jdO = 0) {
  894. $jxRIOj = array(1276 => "\" class=inpts size=10> hours</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 3578 => "def_payee_account_nixmoney", 69 => "B27M2PF39WWSAPHDVKDB", 1300 => "use_group_deposit", 7681 => "select username from hm2_users where id = ", 9696 => "CRQZ7S3GAVT7WPAG2XFE", 9165 => "payment_id", 3937 => "&testmode=0&api_id=", 2803 => " 6 month ", 5485 => "percents", 7669 => "> ", 2831 => "9", 5472 => "insert into hm2_pay_errors set date = now(), txt = ", 355 => "graph_validation", 2549 => "\">", 5165 => "show_charts", 8910 => " <input type=password name=\"ps[");
  895. if (!(0 < $JxDOjl) && 0 < $i18jdO)
  896. {
  897. return substr($jxRIOj[$Dj80xB], $JxDOjl, $i18jdO);
  898. }
  899. return $jxRIOj[$Dj80xB];
  900. }
  902. function wmbijj($J3Olbl, $L9V1RI = 0, $xB5BBL = 0) {
  904. $S5XBIV = array(6145 => ") as d from hm2_fchk where inform = 1 order by tdate desc", 1276 => "select count(id) as cid from hm2_users as u where ", 3578 => " <tr> <td>Compounding percent:</td> <td>", 69 => "wiredetails", 1300 => " Users will receive this e-mail if admin add deposit to they account and select checkbox 'send notification'.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - bonus amount<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> ", 7681 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=SELLERACCOUNTID value=\"", 9165 => "select u.* from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where > 1 and d.user_id ", 5472 => "Authenticating...", 5485 => "./tmpl", 2803 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0", 7669 => "vip_users_deposit_amount", 2831 => "update hm2_users set ref = ", 3937 => "store_uncrypted_password", 9696 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=edit_emails>Edit E-mail Templates</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> ", 355 => " <b>Add/Edit User Messages:</b><br><br> ", 2549 => "Transaction was not processed", 5165 => " and confirm_string != ", 8910 => " <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>", 7068 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"interkassa_tr_2\"> <td>Secret Key:</td> <td><input type=text name='interkassa_secret_key' value='", 7202 => " > Enable reg fee</td> </tr><tr> <td>Amount:</td> <td><input type=text name=reg_fee_amount value='");
  905. if (!(0 < $L9V1RI) && 0 < $xB5BBL)
  906. {
  907. return substr($S5XBIV[$J3Olbl], $L9V1RI, $xB5BBL);
  908. }
  909. return $S5XBIV[$J3Olbl];
  910. }
  912. function wwrvx0($o18smJ, $jdXjL9 = 0, $b7VDi9 = 0) {
  914. $wXw6bS = array(7068 => " and type_id = ", 8910 => " principal", 5165 => " <b>Curl not installed. PayPal will not be processed automatically.</b><br><br> ", 1300 => " <tr> <td colspan=2>Small Text</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <textarea name=small_text class=inpts cols=100 rows=3>", 2549 => "></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Destination Url</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"", 9165 => "addbonus2", 3937 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Total:</b></td> <td align=right><b>", 5472 => "interkassa2", 2831 => "InterKassa", 7669 => "&Payer_Account=", 5485 => "Please use original script only", 2803 => "~^TrID:\\s*(\\d+)~", 9696 => "auto_withdraw", 355 => ", state = ", 7681 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <!-- <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_daily[", 69 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=confirm value=\"yes\"> ", 3578 => "eeecurrency_processing.php", 1276 => "Deposit to #site_name# User #username#");
  915. if (!(0 < $jdXjL9) && 0 < $b7VDi9)
  916. {
  917. return substr($wXw6bS[$o18smJ], $jdXjL9, $b7VDi9);
  918. }
  919. return $wXw6bS[$o18smJ];
  920. }
  922. function mvmlv9($m7i36x, $ejmJD0 = 0, $sS8Vlb = 0) {
  924. $ww4iJJ = array(6145 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=to value=\"", 7068 => "select * from hm2_exchange_rates", 8910 => "Martinique", 1276 => "Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)", 5165 => "astart", 3578 => "\$1...", 69 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>IBAN account:</td> <td>", 1300 => "select *,date_format(received_date + interval ", 9696 => "The receiver is not valid", 7669 => "subject", 5485 => "", 2803 => "multipart/alternative; boundary=", 2831 => "VALUE", 5472 => "bonus", 3937 => "exchange_in", 9165 => "^\\d{16}\$", 355 => "VCGUWUZ27T8DPHC94T48", 2549 => "7ZQMKNALZ6DXGKCHFL8C", 7681 => "refs10_qusers", 7202 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\" size=4>%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=daily_referral_min_aff_deposit_", 7023 => "monthly_referral_payment");
  925. if (!(0 < $ejmJD0) && 0 < $sS8Vlb)
  926. {
  927. return substr($ww4iJJ[$m7i36x], $ejmJD0, $sS8Vlb);
  928. }
  929. return $ww4iJJ[$m7i36x];
  930. }
  932. function smi63x($SddR6I, $sw08xm = 0, $S10S7O = 0) {
  934. $OE1lJE = array(7681 => " Check this checkbox and referrals range will count from referrals who made a deposit only. ", 2549 => " <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=pexpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_pexpay();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 9696 => "'> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td> <b>BTC Trading History:</b> <br><img src=images/q.gif width=1 height=4><br><br> </td> <td align=right> From: <select name=month_from class=inpts> ", 3937 => "monitor_files_on", 2803 => "ext_accounts_blacklist", 5485 => "release_deposit", 7669 => "select value from hm2_settings where name=", 2831 => "YPWUHZEWRAJLSUMP6ZM6", 5472 => "3PLFAHCANL4GABG29Q8G", 9165 => "\" name=suggested_memo> <br> <br><input type=submit value=\"Go to\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 355 => " if (document.formsettings.okpay_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type OkPay Wallet ID\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.okpay_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type OkPay API password\"); return false; }'', 'testokpay', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testokpay'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_okpay_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.okpay_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.okpay_password.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_capitalsure() { ", 1300 => "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", 69 => ", tdate datetime not null, approved int not null default 0, uid int not null default 0)");
  935. if (!(0 < $sw08xm) && 0 < $S10S7O)
  936. {
  937. return substr($OE1lJE[$SddR6I], $sw08xm, $S10S7O);
  938. }
  939. return $OE1lJE[$SddR6I];
  940. }
  942. function vmjw8b($iOBVVs, $O1di5m = 0, $RoXo7m = 0) {
  944. $jwlBom = array(1276 => " <b>OkPay account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=okpay_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=okpay_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Wallet ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=okpay_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>API Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=okpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr></table><br><br> ", 3578 => "Antarctica", 9165 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=quantity value=1> <input type=hidden name=no_note value=1> <input type=hidden name=no_shipping value=1> <input type=hidden name=rm value=2> <input type=hidden name=currency_code value=", 5472 => ", received_date datetime not null)", 7669 => " <a href=\"javascript:go('", 5485 => "withdrawal", 2803 => "use_compound", 2831 => "whoonline", 3937 => "\" class=\"inpts\" size=4></td> </tr> ", 9696 => "/perfectmoney_processing.php?a=pay_withdraw&withdraw=", 355 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"pay_withdraw\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=payment_amount value=\"", 2549 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_weekly[", 7681 => "')\">Cancel</a>", 1300 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Max invalid tries:</td> <td><input type=text name=brute_force_max_tries value=\"", 69 => " <tr> <td>Server time:</td> <td>", 5165 => "Mongolia", 8910 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where > 1 and hm2_deposits.user_id = group by");
  945. if (!(0 < $O1di5m) && 0 < $RoXo7m)
  946. {
  947. return substr($jwlBom[$iOBVVs], $O1di5m, $RoXo7m);
  948. }
  949. return $jwlBom[$iOBVVs];
  950. }
  952. function sw7e6r($IbwO0D, $D75R87 = 0, $i1XiJD = 0) {
  954. $VIijE3 = array(5165 => "Mexico", 3578 => ">Payer</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Limit Transfer Period:</td> <td> <input type=text name=limit_transfer_period_times value='", 355 => " <tr> <td colspan=3>For this period:</td> <td align=right nowrap><b>", 9696 => " &nbsp; ", 9165 => "Location: ?a=send_penality&say=send&total=", 5472 => "test_email", 2831 => "&", 2803 => "admin.php", 5485 => ", actual_amount = actual_amount + ", 7669 => "capitalsure_password", 3937 => "ssl://", 2549 => "New", 7681 => "\" class=inpts></td> <td><input type=submit value=\"", 1300 => " <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td align=center><input type=checkbox name=\"del[]\" value=\"", 69 => " onClick=\"checkb(2)\">No</td> </tr><tr><td colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100% id=table_2> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=350>Show Investors Page:</td> <td width=146><input type=radio name=show_members_stats value=1 ");
  955. if (!(0 < $D75R87) && 0 < $i1XiJD)
  956. {
  957. return substr($VIijE3[$IbwO0D], $D75R87, $i1XiJD);
  958. }
  959. return $VIijE3[$IbwO0D];
  960. }
  962. function l39l01($VXOsX4, $eLjw47 = 0, $d6Rlbw = 0) {
  964. $O1Jx64 = array(8910 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 5165 => "></td> </tr> ", 3578 => "forgot_password", 1300 => "select m.*, u.username, ((m.expiration != 0) && ( + interval m.expiration day < now())) as expired, (to_days( + interval m.expiration day) - to_days(now())) as days_left, date_format( + interval ", 9696 => "SGURWGFUWLQB75QDJHXU", 9165 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_history where type=", 2831 => "select * from hm2_history_descriptions where type_id = ", 5485 => "/gpgc", 2803 => "Apr", 7669 => ">", 5472 => " and (date = ", 3937 => " <a href=\"?a=showprogramstat&page=members&status=", 355 => "select u.* from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where > 1 and d.user_id is NULL", 2549 => "disable_auto_withdraw_if_invested", 7681 => "def_payee_name_perfectmoney", 69 => " <img src=\"images/", 1276 => "] id=", 7068 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=min_auto_withdraw value=\"", 6145 => " <tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Alternative Passphrase: </td> <td><input type=password name=\"alternative_passphrase\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 7202 => " </td> </tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show funds withdrawal today information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_today_withdraw_funds value=1 ", 7023 => " <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Change settings\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> <script language=\"JavaScript\"> show_hide_sample_image(); ", 4341 => "Sierra Leone");
  965. if (!(0 < $eLjw47) && 0 < $d6Rlbw)
  966. {
  967. return substr($O1Jx64[$VXOsX4], $eLjw47, $d6Rlbw);
  968. }
  969. return $O1Jx64[$VXOsX4];
  970. }
  972. function xbl7xs($wVXRoj, $RoORes = 0, $JblBwV = 0) {
  974. $bsLl5j = array(7068 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>User name:</td> <td colspan=2>", 8910 => "Chile", 5165 => " cols=100 rows=20><html> <body> Hello <b>#name#</b> <br><br> Your account name is #username#<br> Your e-mail is #email#<br> Your PM account is #perfectmoney_account#<br> You have been registered: #date_register#<br> </body> </html> </textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=submit value=\"Send newsletter\" class=sbmt> <input type=button value=\"Send Test E-mail\" class=sbmt onclick=\"send_test()\"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br> ", 3578 => "deposit_admin_notification", 69 => " <b>Edit E-mail Templates:</b><br> <br> <form action=\"admin.php\" method=post> <input type=hidden name=\"a\" value=\"edit_emails\"> <input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"update_statuses\"> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> ", 1300 => "http", 9696 => "Location: ?a=check_ips2", 5472 => "~#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})~", 7669 => "Cash4WM", 5485 => "E", 2803 => "liberty_currency", 2831 => "AHPJE8AQGHB7BA7LWHHZ", 3937 => "exchange_rates", 9165 => "update hm2_pending_deposits set status=", 355 => "<pre>", 2549 => "interkassa_secret_key", 7681 => " <tr> <td valign=\"top\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=100% height=100% bgcolor=#ff8d00> <tr> <td> <table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"> <tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" valign=\"top\"> <td width=300 align=center> <!-- Image Table: Start -->\r
  975. ", 1276 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_visitor_online value=0 ");
  976. if (!(0 < $RoORes) && 0 < $JblBwV)
  977. {
  978. return substr($bsLl5j[$wVXRoj], $RoORes, $JblBwV);
  979. }
  980. return $bsLl5j[$wVXRoj];
  981. }
  983. function sxsebe($dxRllb, $RewwwO = 0, $jeS0J3 = 0) {
  985. $EOI33J = array(7068 => ")</small><br>", 8910 => ">High<br><br> Detect Browser Change<br> <input type=radio name=browser value=disabled ", 5165 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"eeeCurrency_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 3578 => " Specify your EuroGoldCash account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable EGC deposits.<br> Login your EGC account, go to \"Merchant Tools\" (right menu), Create New CSI , Type any \"Store Name\" and any \"Security Word\", enable this store then type the same Store name and Security Word in form at this page. Type url of your index.php file into \"Status URL\" field (f.e.\r
  986. <br><br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 7681 => " function change_days_hours_label() { if (document.nform.hperiod[document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex].value == 'h') { document.getElementById('duration_in_days_label').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('duration_in_hours_label').style.display = 'inline'; } else { document.getElementById('duration_in_days_label').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('duration_in_hours_label').style.display = 'none'; // document.getElementById('duration_in_days_label').style.visibility = 'hidden';\r
  987. // document.getElementById('duration_in_hours_label').style.visibility = 'visible';\r
  988. // } else {\r
  989. // document.getElementById('duration_in_days_label').style.visibility = 'visible';\r
  990. // document.getElementById('duration_in_hours_label').style.visibility = 'hidden';\r
  991. } } function checkform() { if (document.nform.hname.value=='') { alert(\"Please anter a HYIP name!\"); document.nform.hname.focus(); return false; } return true; } ", 2549 => "row1", 355 => "/?a=cust&page=rate_us</a></li> <li>Add this link to the top menu (edit 'tmpl/logo.tpl' file) or to the left menu (edit 'tmpl/left.tpl' file)</li> ", 5472 => "massremove", 2831 => "B4633DC7D4DAF5391682", 2803 => " 1. Login to your Payeer account -> \"API\"<br> 2. Add API and save API ID and API Key to this form<br> Account ID: your primary Peeyer account ID (starts with P).<br> API ID: API ID you have created.<br> API Key: API password you have created.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \r
  992. ", 5485 => "settings_", 7669 => "GenuinePayment", 3937 => "hname", 9165 => "freekassa_convert_to", 9696 => "internal_transfer_min", 1300 => " + interval 1 day > + interval ", 69 => "</i> </td> <td align=right><b>", 1276 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;<br><b>Time settings:</b></td> </tr> ", 6145 => " <b>SolidTrustPay account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=solidtrustpay_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=solidtrustpay_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account API Name:</td> <td><input type=text name=solidtrustpay_apiname value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Account API Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=solidtrustpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> </table><br><br> ");
  993. if (!(0 < $RewwwO) && 0 < $jeS0J3)
  994. {
  995. return substr($EOI33J[$dxRllb], $RewwwO, $jeS0J3);
  996. }
  997. return $EOI33J[$dxRllb];
  998. }
  1000. function bol8j7($e497Js, $sILiw0 = 0, $Ej9eV0 = 0) {
  1002. $xdiJRj = array(1300 => "El Salvador", 7681 => "{strip} <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr> <td><b>Check IPs for double usage:</b></td> <td align=right><a href=\"?a=check_ips\">Classic Mode</a></td> </tr></table> <br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=check_ips2> <input type=hidden name=action value=ban_users> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>User</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Upline</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Deposited</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Withdraw</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Commissions</th> </tr> {if \$ips} {foreach from=\$ips item=i} <tr> <th colspan=5 bgcolor=#FFECB0>{\$i.ip}</th> </tr> {foreach from=\$i.users item=u name=users} <tr> <td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ids[{\$}]\" value=1> {\$u.username}</td> <td align=center>{\$u.upline|escape:html}</td> <td align=right>\${\$u.deposited|number_format:2}</td> <td align=right>\${\$u.withdraw|number_format:2}</td> <td align=right>\${\$u.commission|number_format:2}</td> </tr> {/foreach} {/foreach} {else} <tr><td colspan=5 align=center>No double usage IP found</td></tr> {/if} </table><br> <input type=submit value=\"Suspend Selected Users\" class=sbmt> </form> {/strip}", 355 => " <input type=hidden name=page value=", 3937 => ", subject = ", 2831 => "EUR", 5485 => "ddate", 2803 => "user_account", 7669 => "Content-Type", 5472 => "4NMARGU3DK4776XXV75K", 9165 => ") as d from hm2_history where ", 9696 => " add_fields = ", 2549 => "'> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td> <b>Transactions history:</b> <br><img src=images/q.gif width=1 height=4><br> <select name=ttype class=inpts onchange=\"document.trans.action2.value='';document.trans.submit()\"> <option value=\"\">All transactions <option value=\"add_funds\" ");
  1003. if (!(0 < $sILiw0) && 0 < $Ej9eV0)
  1004. {
  1005. return substr($xdiJRj[$e497Js], $sILiw0, $Ej9eV0);
  1006. }
  1007. return $xdiJRj[$e497Js];
  1008. }
  1010. function i6oeom($X9iE6l, $E6ImJl = 0, $I4j0JI = 0) {
  1012. $b6s1w8 = array(5165 => "% / on maturity", 1300 => "0.00", 355 => "; END IF; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = NEW.type; END IF; END", 9696 => "auto_withdraw_deposit_amount_checkbox", 9165 => "signup", 3937 => "/<br> Success URL - ", 5472 => "cash4wm", 2831 => "PayPal", 7669 => "s+E_a*", 2803 => "cnt", 5485 => "select d.*, ", 2549 => "update hm2_ads set ", 7681 => "dd", 69 => " <script language=javascript> function en_dis() { = !document.nform.add_startup_bonus.checked; document.nform.startup_bonus.disabled = !document.nform.add_startup_bonus.checked; document.nform.plan.disabled = !document.nform.add_startup_bonus.checked; } </script> ", 3578 => "Iraq");
  1013. if (!(0 < $E6ImJl) && 0 < $I4j0JI)
  1014. {
  1015. return substr($b6s1w8[$X9iE6l], $E6ImJl, $I4j0JI);
  1016. }
  1017. return $b6s1w8[$X9iE6l];
  1018. }
  1020. function be19io($eLIbxV, $iL8SSo = 0, $x36D06 = 0) {
  1022. $JOsmR8 = array(9165 => " and = hm2_wires.user_id order by wire_date desc", 3937 => "pend_", 5472 => "hdmoney_storename", 2831 => ", email = ", 7669 => " and username = ", 5485 => " Specify your InterKassa merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable InterKassa deposits.<br> 1. Login to your InterKassa account<br> 2. Enter desired Checkout settings<br> 3. Fill fields for \"General settings\" and setup \"Payment settings\"<br> 4. On \"Interface\" tab specify:<br> Success URL - ", 2803 => "year_to", 9696 => " Show/do not show last 10 investors information. ", 355 => " <br> <a href=\"javascript:alert('The total referral commissions of all users.')\" class=hlp>Total Referrals Commissions:</a> ");
  1023. if (!(0 < $iL8SSo) && 0 < $x36D06)
  1024. {
  1025. return substr($JOsmR8[$eLIbxV], $iL8SSo, $x36D06);
  1026. }
  1027. return $JOsmR8[$eLIbxV];
  1028. }
  1030. function oss8bd($eiOO3l, $d1DXx3 = 0, $jLlO8d = 0) {
  1032. $RJxdVE = array(4341 => "<b>Information has not been changed:</b><br> <br> Sorry, such a username already exists in the database. Please click 'back' button on your browser and try another one.", 7023 => ") as active_deposited_cnt, sum(amount * (status = ", 1276 => ") as dr from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_users as r on = u.ref where ", 1300 => ", amount_mult = amount_mult, data = ", 9165 => "try {", 7669 => "Sep", 5485 => "", 2803 => "srt", 2831 => "&type_id=", 5472 => ") and ", 3937 => "ref", 9696 => "</error>", 355 => "D9PYCFKZFDBHXBGZFP5C", 2549 => "select email from hm2_users where id = 1", 7681 => ") and = h.user_id order by ec", 69 => "show_info_box_active_accounts", 3578 => " </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFF2\" link=\"#666699\" vlink=\"#666699\" alink=\"#666699\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" > ", 5165 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>User e-mail:</td> <td><a href='mailto:", 8910 => " Members list:<br><br> Members list splits your members to 3 types: Active, Suspended and Disabled.<br> Active: User can login and receive earnings if deposited in the system.<br> Suspended: User can login, but cannot not receive any earnings from deposits.<br> Disabled: User can not login and cannot receive any earnings.<br> <br> The top left search form helps you to search a user by the nickname or e-mail. You can also enter a part of a nickname or e-mail to search users.<br> The top right form helps you to navigate between the user types.<br> You can see the following information in the members list:<br> Nickname, Registration date, Status, Account, Deposit, Earned, Withdrew. You can see not confirmed users also if you use double opt-in registration.<br> <br> Actions:<br> Change status: select a new status in the 'Status' row and click the 'Modify' button;<br> Edit user information: click on the 'edit' link;<br> Delete user: click on the 'delete' link and confirm this action;<br> Send e-mail to user: click on the 'e-mail' link and send e-mail to user.<br> 'Manage funds' link will help you to check any user's history and change his funds.<br> Add a new Member: click on the \"Add a new member\" button. You'll see the form for adding a new member. ", 7068 => " </select> </td> <td> &nbsp; <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> </td> </tr></table> </form> <br><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00><b>User</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Status</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Type</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Amount BTC</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Start</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Stop</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Profit</b></td> </tr> ", 6145 => " group by having sum1 >= ", 7202 => " group by h.user_id order by sum(h.amount) desc limit 0, ");
  1033. if (!(0 < $d1DXx3) && 0 < $jLlO8d)
  1034. {
  1035. return substr($RJxdVE[$eiOO3l], $d1DXx3, $jLlO8d);
  1036. }
  1037. return $RJxdVE[$eiOO3l];
  1038. }
  1040. function emv7rb($BE64So, $J5DVox = 0, $IoBoOs = 0) {
  1042. $xDJO75 = array(1276 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> <td>Users can use the WAP access:</td> <td><select name=usercanaccesswap class=inpts><option value=0 ", 5165 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Deposit Memo Template:</td> ", 69 => " <form method=post name=formb action=admin.php> <input type=hidden name=a value=addbonuse> <input type=hidden name=action value=addbonuse> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"", 7681 => "md5altphrase_freekassa1", 355 => "liqpay", 9696 => "&PassPhrase=", 9165 => "acctNumber=%s&email=%s&password=%s&securityPIN=%s&payList=%s", 3937 => "/#", 5472 => "use_auto_payment", 2831 => "3PB6C2WNVRX98MBPLYNK", 2803 => "Aug", 5485 => "1", 7669 => "site_start_year", 2549 => "max_ads", 1300 => " value=1> Use Wire Transfers for incoming deposits<br><br> Wire details:<br> <textarea name=details class=inpts cols=80 rows=10>", 3578 => " <div class=\"pshead\"><b>", 8910 => " <tr> <td>Mobile phone:</td> <td><input type=text name=gfst_phone value='", 7068 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=reset_security value=1> Reset security settings <small>(check it if user does not receive login pin and cannot login for this reason)</small></td> </tr> ", 6145 => "</small></th> </tr> </table> <br><br> ");
  1043. if (!(0 < $J5DVox) && 0 < $IoBoOs)
  1044. {
  1045. return substr($xDJO75[$BE64So], $J5DVox, $IoBoOs);
  1046. }
  1047. return $xDJO75[$BE64So];
  1048. }
  1050. function r3xojl($s507Vj, $xsil4B = 0, $Vw7i68 = 0) {
  1052. $ibDL5b = array(6145 => "Western Sahara", 7068 => " ><small>Personal &nbsp; <br> <input type=radio name=pax_utype value=1 ", 1276 => ">No</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=360><b>Show News box:</b></td> <td width=100><input type=radio name=show_news_box value=1 ", 5165 => "gmessages", 3578 => "ZQ54Q9RUQ46CU9C8Z986", 1300 => "use_add_funds", 7681 => "~[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+~", 2549 => " and status = 0", 9696 => "", 3937 => " from hm2_deposits where status = ", 2803 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 6 month and t.period = ", 5485 => "1.2", 7669 => "A", 2831 => "Can`t process withdrawal to EgoPay account 0.", 5472 => "<failed>", 9165 => "CREATE TABLE `hm2_ads` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `type` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default ", 355 => "Location: ?a=ads", 69 => "#username#", 8910 => " </select> <select name=site_start_year class=inpts> ", 7202 => " <input type=submit value=\"Save Changes\" class=sbmt> ");
  1053. if (!(0 < $xsil4B) && 0 < $Vw7i68)
  1054. {
  1055. return substr($ibDL5b[$s507Vj], $xsil4B, $Vw7i68);
  1056. }
  1057. return $ibDL5b[$s507Vj];
  1058. }
  1060. function i7s1o7($mJ1Sid, $mw7xo9 = 0, $V8JmIm = 0) {
  1062. $x46IsO = array(7202 => "weekly", 6145 => " Add a penalty:<br> To send a penalty to any user you should enter an amount and description of this penalty. User can read the description in the transactions history.<br> Check `send e-mail notification` to report the user about this penalty. ", 7068 => " <form method=post name=\"mainform\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=reg_fee> <input type=hidden name=action value=reg_fee> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Registration fee:</b><br><br></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=reg_fee_enable onclick=' = this.checked' value=1 ", 1276 => "Peru", 5165 => " </select> <select name=site_start_month class=inpts> ", 69 => "4ZQQN55VA2NXBVFUQJE6", 2549 => "\"> <td class=\"ad\"> <div class=\"adblock clearfix\"> <div class=\"adtexts\"> <span class=\"title\">", 9696 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cp_amount\" value=\"", 3937 => ", return_profit_percent = ", 2831 => "entromoney", 2803 => "select * from hm2_users where user_id = ", 5485 => "show tables like ", 7669 => "\$obj->Receiver = rawurlencode(\$account);", 5472 => "</b></td> <td width=200 align=right><b>", 9165 => "Blank response from PerfectMoney processor service.", 355 => " Users will receive this e-mail if forgot they password and request new password.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #username# - user login<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #ip# - IP address of visitor that requested password.<br> ", 7681 => "\" height=\"", 1300 => "someerror", 3578 => "gpg_path", 8910 => ">Medium<br> <input type=radio name=ip value=high ", 7023 => "bi-weekly");
  1063. if (!(0 < $mw7xo9) && 0 < $V8JmIm)
  1064. {
  1065. return substr($x46IsO[$mJ1Sid], $mw7xo9, $V8JmIm);
  1066. }
  1067. return $x46IsO[$mJ1Sid];
  1068. }
  1070. function oov1x4($X05x57, $sw0Iei = 0, $EX4d1s = 0) {
  1072. $sI3SRm = array(69 => "&ttype=commissions>[referral commissions history]</a></small> <small><a href=?a=affilates&u_id=", 1300 => " Function is turned off<br><br> <a href=?a=monitor_files_on>Turn on</a><br> ", 355 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Use double entry accounting:</td> <td><select name=use_history_balance_mode class=inpts><option value=0 ", 9696 => "Bonus notification", 7669 => "usercanchangeemail", 2803 => " where id in (", 5485 => "hd", 2831 => " <tr class=\"", 5472 => "\" target=_blank><img src=\"", 3937 => "</b><br> Start Date: <b>", 9165 => ") as d from hm2_news order by date desc limit ", 2549 => "incorrect_username", 7681 => "India");
  1073. if (!(0 < $sw0Iei) && 0 < $EX4d1s)
  1074. {
  1075. return substr($sI3SRm[$X05x57], $sw0Iei, $EX4d1s);
  1076. }
  1077. return $sI3SRm[$X05x57];
  1078. }
  1080. function rbe576($sDoX3i, $BjlRiB = 0, $VO6JDB = 0) {
  1082. $e3IbxB = array(9165 => "<img src=\"", 3937 => " and ec = ", 2831 => "</a> ", 5485 => " 1 month ", 2803 => "error_reporting(0);", 7669 => "R2XV6K5WXJWE9A4ADPC4", 5472 => "index_top_referrals", 9696 => " </td> </tr></table> </form> ");
  1083. if (!(0 < $BjlRiB) && 0 < $VO6JDB)
  1084. {
  1085. return substr($e3IbxB[$sDoX3i], $BjlRiB, $VO6JDB);
  1086. }
  1087. return $e3IbxB[$sDoX3i];
  1088. }
  1090. function xsijss($SV8BBw, $sOdmdI = 0, $s61Rs7 = 0) {
  1092. $Oe0ie3 = array(1741 => "Saint Lucia", 9004 => "</td> </tr> </table> <script language=javascript> function open_payment_settings(a, ii) { document.getElementById(a).style.display = document.getElementById(a).style.display == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'; /* var z = document.getElementById(a+\"_tr_1\").style.display == ''?'none':''; for (i = 1; i<=ii; i++) { document.getElementById(a+\"_tr_\"+i).style.display = z; } */ } function open_trs(a, ii) { for (i = 1; i<=ii; i++) { document.getElementById(a+\"_tr_\"+i).style.display = ''; } } function close_trs(a, ii) { for (i = 1; i<=ii; i++) { document.getElementById(a+\"_tr_\"+i).style.display = 'none'; } } </script> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Perfect Money:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('PerfectMoney', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"PerfectMoney\"> <tr id=\"PerfectMoney_tr_1\"> <td>Your Perfect Money USD account number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_perfectmoney' value='", 4341 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Plan:</td> <td>", 7023 => " Show/do not show the latest withdrawals statistics. ", 6145 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF> There is no groups yet. Use form bellow to add groups. </td> </tr> ", 7068 => " <b>Add/Edit News:</b><br><br> ", 69 => "ref_signup_bonus", 7681 => "alter table hm2_referal modify column from_value decimal(20,10), modify column to_value decimal(20,10)", 9696 => "height", 2831 => "/<input name=", 7669 => "k", 5485 => "/^key|^cnf/", 2803 => ", str = ", 5472 => "okpay_payer_account", 3937 => "<transaction>", 9165 => "SSBBS5CAPKCJXXRCWZU9", 355 => " on ", 2549 => ", to_value= ", 1300 => "transaction_code2", 3578 => "\"> <br> <br><input type=submit value=\"Go to\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 5165 => " <br><br> <script> function send_test() { open('', 'test_email', 'width=300, height=100'); = 'test_email'; document.edit_email.a.value = 'test_email'; document.edit_email.submit(); = '_self'; document.edit_email.a.value = 'edit_emails'; } </script> <form action=admin.php method=post name=edit_email> <input type=hidden name=a value=edit_emails> <input type=hidden name=action value=save> <input type=hidden name=type value=", 1276 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=amount value=\"", 8910 => "'> <input type=text name=q value='", 7202 => " <tr id=OF_TR> <td colspan=2><div id=OF_DIV></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Payment details:</td><td><a href=?a=payment_details&tid=", 9833 => "Uganda");
  1093. if (!(0 < $sOdmdI) && 0 < $s61Rs7)
  1094. {
  1095. return substr($Oe0ie3[$SV8BBw], $sOdmdI, $s61Rs7);
  1096. }
  1097. return $Oe0ie3[$SV8BBw];
  1098. }
  1100. function sbvd81($Jw13Bx, $Ed3wxs = 0, $E935Bw = 0) {
  1102. $b8917w = array(7068 => " </td></tr></table>", 5165 => "add_processing", 3578 => "\" value=\"\" size=5 class=inpts></td> </tr> ", 1300 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>eeeCurrency:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('eeeCurrency', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"eeeCurrency\"> ", 355 => " <input type=submit value=\"Modify\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button value=\"Add a new member\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=addmember';\"> </form> <br> ", 9696 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=500> <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Wire information:</td> </tr><tr> <td>Amount:</td> <td>", 3937 => "activation_code", 5472 => "-1", 2831 => ": &nbsp; </b>", 5485 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 6 month <= now() and t.period = ", 2803 => "CPRFY7AK7KPTTZ4SMC8T", 7669 => "NECLV9ZWKF58X5VFSJFG", 9165 => "show_info_box_total_accounts", 2549 => " but it can be different - ask your hoster to be sure. Subnet Mask set to<br> 6. Save settings.<br> <br> ", 7681 => " <br> <br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0> <tr> <td colspan=2> <input type=checkbox name=use_solid_referral_commission value=1 ", 69 => "md5altphrase_liqpay", 1276 => "<br> + return ", 8910 => " &nbsp; &nbsp; </td> <td align=right nowrap width=60>");
  1103. if (!(0 < $Ed3wxs) && 0 < $E935Bw)
  1104. {
  1105. return substr($b8917w[$Jw13Bx], $Ed3wxs, $E935Bw);
  1106. }
  1107. return $b8917w[$Jw13Bx];
  1108. }
  1110. function x153xj($mjxJRe, $O7Ii9B = 0, $I6oVwe = 0) {
  1112. $V03je0 = array(355 => "debitcredit", 9696 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Select e-currency:</td> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> ", 9165 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_URL_METHOD\" value=\"GET\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"NOPAYMENT_URL_METHOD\" value=\"GET\"> <INPUT type=text class=inpts maxlength=50 value=\"Withdraw to ", 2803 => "sci_id", 5485 => ", amount = 0, type = ", 7669 => "use_number_validation_number", 2831 => "; END IF; IF (NEW.status = ", 5472 => "Location: ?a=send_penality&say=notsend", 3937 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=PAYEE_ACCOUNT value=\"", 2549 => " How many visitors are there at the moment on the server: Visitors online: 123 ", 7681 => " <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center>No records found</td> </tr> ");
  1113. if (!(0 < $O7Ii9B) && 0 < $I6oVwe)
  1114. {
  1115. return substr($V03je0[$mjxJRe], $O7Ii9B, $I6oVwe);
  1116. }
  1117. return $V03je0[$mjxJRe];
  1118. }
  1120. function b5xlji($lSd6sl, $mEXBbd = 0, $Vd0sSJ = 0) {
  1122. $oV9oXm = array(7202 => " Bonus has been sent. Total: ", 6145 => "France (European Territory)", 7068 => "Andorra", 1276 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"Nixmoney_tr_3\"> <td>NixMoney Password:</td> <td> ", 5165 => " <input type=button value=\"Move to problem\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=pending_deposit_details&action=movetoproblem&id=", 1300 => "\" class=inpts size=3>%</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=use_compound value=1 ", 7681 => ") as wire_date1, hm2_users.username from hm2_wires, hm2_users where = ", 9696 => "</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=submit value=\"", 2803 => "index_last_withdrawals", 5485 => "fchkt", 7669 => "; END IF; END", 2831 => ", max_daily_withdraw = ", 5472 => "addbonuse", 3937 => "<b style=color:green>", 9165 => " Here you can send private manages to your users.<br> ", 355 => "custompages", 2549 => "://", 69 => "</textarea> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Send bonus\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> </td> <td valign=top align=center> ", 3578 => "</td> <td><input type=text name=solid_referral_commission_amount value=\"", 8910 => ">SSL</option> <option value=\"tls\" ");
  1123. if (!(0 < $mEXBbd) && 0 < $Vd0sSJ)
  1124. {
  1125. return substr($oV9oXm[$lSd6sl], $mEXBbd, $Vd0sSJ);
  1126. }
  1127. return $oV9oXm[$lSd6sl];
  1128. }
  1130. function dl5iel($DX8jxS, $IiSLD8 = 0, $moRss3 = 0) {
  1132. $sdwJO4 = array(7681 => "Estonia", 3937 => "closed", 2831 => "update hm2_users set status = ", 7669 => "umessages", 2803 => "eeecurrency_account", 5485 => "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>", 5472 => "alter table hm2_users add column pax_utype int not null default 0", 9165 => "commission", 9696 => "stop_price", 355 => " Last withdraw: \$100 (username) ", 2549 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>Internal Transfer Settings:</b></td> </tr> <td>Allow internal transfer:</td> <td><select name=internal_transfer_enabled class=inpts><option value=0 ", 1300 => "Virgin Islands (USA)");
  1133. if (!(0 < $IiSLD8) && 0 < $moRss3)
  1134. {
  1135. return substr($sdwJO4[$DX8jxS], $IiSLD8, $moRss3);
  1136. }
  1137. return $sdwJO4[$DX8jxS];
  1138. }
  1140. function v4blrs($wbdDbw, $wxwd6S = 0, $JLlboV = 0) {
  1142. $mdR6J4 = array(7681 => "profit", 355 => "] class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_monthly[", 9696 => "Location: ?a=addbonuse&id=", 9165 => ", `date` date default NULL, `expiration` int(10) unsigned default ", 3937 => "'", 5472 => "7L75D2CLL88LGNXW9435", 2831 => "8Q947MZXQF7VW7UDGCTY", 5485 => "<!-- Settings are broken. Please e-mail to script developers as soon as possible -->", 2803 => "to_days(date) = to_days(", 7669 => " 1. Login to your AsMoney account -> \"Merchant\" -> \"Manage API\"<br> 2. Click \"Add new API\"<br> 3. Fill the form:<br> Website Name: any name<br> API Name: any word<br> Password: define a strong password and save it locally for futher steps<br> Enable: set to \"ON\"<br> Set daily limits for currencies<br> IP Address/Range: set your server outgoing IP address<br> 4. Save \"Username\", \"API Name\" and \"API Password\" on this page.<br> ", 2549 => "'>[e-mail]</a> <a href=?a=userfunds&id=", 1300 => "liqpay_from_account", 69 => " </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>c-gold:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('cgold', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"cgold\"> <tr id=\"cgold_tr_1\"> <td>Your c-gold account number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_cgold' value='");
  1143. if (!(0 < $wxwd6S) && 0 < $JLlboV)
  1144. {
  1145. return substr($mdR6J4[$wbdDbw], $wxwd6S, $JLlboV);
  1146. }
  1147. return $mdR6J4[$wbdDbw];
  1148. }
  1150. function sjjes3($dmEXVx, $j1wwVb = 0, $X9O19x = 0) {
  1152. $eXJD4B = array(2549 => " </td> </tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show funds deposited today information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_today_deposit_funds value=1 ", 355 => "), amount * (", 9696 => " <input type=submit value=\"Add funds to account\" class=sbmt> ", 5472 => "DROP table IF EXISTS hm2_user_balances", 2831 => "2QD8NJHMFC4E6Y5YB26F", 5485 => " t.max_group_deposit, t.min_group_deposit_amount, d.group_id, ", 2803 => "dw", 7669 => "use_referal_program", 3937 => "#eeecurrency_account#", 9165 => " <tr> <td><input type=checkbox name=active[", 7681 => "Madagascar", 1300 => " <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><img src=images/");
  1153. if (!(0 < $j1wwVb) && 0 < $X9O19x)
  1154. {
  1155. return substr($eXJD4B[$dmEXVx], $j1wwVb, $X9O19x);
  1156. }
  1157. return $eXJD4B[$dmEXVx];
  1158. }
  1160. function m1ljjx($jEj3EO, $J4wsw3 = 0, $LRBlbj = 0) {
  1162. $I6sJel = array(2549 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=activate value=1> Activate acount. User account has been blocked by Brute Force Handler feature.</td> </tr> ", 355 => "Hong Kong", 9696 => "\" size=10></td> </tr> ", 9165 => "\" > Sending <b>", 3937 => " <tr> ", 7669 => "Location: ?a=ads&tid=", 5485 => "/#deposit_amount#/", 2803 => "Invalid response from server", 2831 => "yes", 5472 => "Content-type: text/coma-separated-values", 7681 => " document.payform.cpaitalsure_account.disabled = document.payform.cpaitalsure_acc[0].checked document.payform.cpaitalsure_password.disabled = document.payform.cpaitalsure_acc[0].checked ");
  1163. if (!(0 < $J4wsw3) && 0 < $LRBlbj)
  1164. {
  1165. return substr($I6sJel[$jEj3EO], $J4wsw3, $LRBlbj);
  1166. }
  1167. return $I6sJel[$jEj3EO];
  1168. }
  1170. function o6dd7i($Od47lj, $OBVb50 = 0, $V0eI35 = 0) {
  1172. $d9RER3 = array(1741 => " </tr><tr><td colspan=5 align=right><small>Total deposited: ", 4341 => " <tr> <td>Alternative Passphrase: </td> <td><input type=password name=\"alternative_passphrase\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 6145 => ">Monthly <option value=\"2m\" ", 7068 => ">Weekly <option value=\"b-w\" ", 1276 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cp_fail_url\" value=\"", 5165 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> ", 3578 => "def_payee_account_okpay", 69 => "md5altphrase_cosmicpay", 2549 => "default", 5472 => "site_name", 2831 => "Compounding deposit", 5485 => "[[[", 2803 => "select max_deposit as max_amount from hm2_plans where parent = ", 7669 => ", status = ", 3937 => "user=", 9165 => "CQ3X35KSEGGZF7MAZJYE", 9696 => ")", 355 => "last_news_count", 7681 => "one_user_max_amount", 1300 => "up", 8910 => "update hm2_news set date = ", 7202 => ":</td> <td> ", 7023 => "--> <tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('Users will receive earnings if the package status is active.')\" class=hlp>Status</td> <td> <select name=hstatus class=inpts> <option value='on'>Active <option value='off'>Inactive</select> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=hreturn_profit value=1 checked onclick=\"CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\"><a href=\"javascript:alert('You can return the principal to user account when the package is finished.')\" class=hlp> Return principal after the plan completion.</a> And hold <input type=text name=\"hreturn_profit_percent\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=3>%</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=use_compound value=1 checked onclick=\"checkd();CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\"><a href=\"javascript:alert('You can use the compounding for this package.')\" class=hlp> Use compounding</td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Compounding deposit amount limits:</td> <td><nobr>min: <input type=input name=compound_min_deposit value=\"\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'> max: <input type=input name=compound_max_deposit value=\"\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'> <small>set 0 to skip</small></td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Compounding percent limits:</td> <td><input type=input name=compound_percents value=\"0-100\" class=inpts> <small>ex: 0-50,70,100</small></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type=checkbox name=withdraw_principal value=1 ", 9004 => "Malawi", 9833 => " </a>, <a href=\"javascript:alert('How many registered users haven\\'t made a deposit in your system.')\" class=hlp>Have not made a deposit: ");
  1173. if (!(0 < $OBVb50) && 0 < $V0eI35)
  1174. {
  1175. return substr($d9RER3[$Od47lj], $OBVb50, $V0eI35);
  1176. }
  1177. return $d9RER3[$Od47lj];
  1178. }
  1180. function bs3bbl($D8l0BL, $Jbl8wE = 0, $ioRBwb = 0) {
  1182. $Le6sD8 = array(8910 => "Cook Islands", 1276 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"solidtrustpay_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 1300 => "#date_register#", 7681 => "md5altphrase_webmoney", 7669 => "&amount=", 5485 => "select distinct as id from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where = hm2_deposits.user_id and l_e_t + interval 15 minute < now() and hm2_users.status = ", 2803 => "7", 2831 => "test_validation_image", 5472 => "show_info_box_today_deposit_funds", 3937 => "cosmicpay_from_account", 9165 => ", tdate datetime not null, inform int not null default 0)", 9696 => "Accept: text/xml", 355 => "0.01", 2549 => " hour, ", 69 => "/?a=cust&page=rate_us target=_blank>", 3578 => " Users will receive this e-mail if admin add penality to they account and select checkbox 'send notification'.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - penality amount<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> ", 5165 => "select sum(actual_amount * (actual_amount < 0)) as debit, sum(actual_amount * (actual_amount > 0)) as credit, sum(actual_amount) as balance from hm2_history where 1=1 ", 7068 => "frm", 6145 => "); function checkform() { if ( == 0) { if (document.formb.username.value == '') { alert(\"Please enter a username!\"); return false; } } else { return confirm(\"Are you sure you want to send ");
  1183. if (!(0 < $Jbl8wE) && 0 < $ioRBwb)
  1184. {
  1185. return substr($Le6sD8[$D8l0BL], $Jbl8wE, $ioRBwb);
  1186. }
  1187. return $Le6sD8[$D8l0BL];
  1188. }
  1190. function vl8sxj($eiIVem, $OL0lE0 = 0, $s3L788 = 0) {
  1192. $o1mw8i = array(3578 => "min_amount", 1300 => " Show/do not show top 20 Referers information.<br> Reset Date is date from which system will start counts referrals for statistic. ", 355 => "insert into hm2_processings set id = ", 9165 => "high", 3937 => "#session error#", 5472 => "graph_max_chars", 7669 => "WD6FCTGWLN5AWFV284SS", 2803 => "From", 5485 => "System maintenance and hardware upgrades.", 2831 => "select sum(actual_amount) as col from hm2_history where type=", 9696 => "&amount=0.50&paycurrency=USD&comments=API+test&fee=0", 2549 => "md5altphrase_goldmoney", 7681 => " Last Members on all pages ", 69 => "on_page", 5165 => "pending_duration");
  1193. if (!(0 < $OL0lE0) && 0 < $s3L788)
  1194. {
  1195. return substr($o1mw8i[$eiIVem], $OL0lE0, $s3L788);
  1196. }
  1197. return $o1mw8i[$eiIVem];
  1198. }
  1200. function x0m7l0($O1SEVL, $j1iRVw = 0, $jj845S = 0) {
  1202. $eD4e4b = array(4341 => " <b>Information</b><br> Members: <a href=\"javascript:alert('How many users are registered in your system.')\" class=hlp>All: ", 7202 => "\" class=inpts style=\"text-align: right\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> <script language=javascript> en_dis(); </script> <br><br> ", 6145 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show total withdrawals information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_total_withdraw value=1 ", 1276 => "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Do you really want to delete this group?')\">[REMOVE]</a> </td> </tr> ", 5165 => " </form> <br> ", 69 => "\"> Sending <b>", 1300 => " <tr> <td>E-mail address:</td> <td><input type=text name=email value='", 9696 => "&Amount=0.01&Memo=test_transaction", 9165 => "select max(ordering) as m from hm2_types", 3937 => "hold", 5472 => "</b></td> </tr> ", 7669 => "hm2_holidays", 2803 => "select hm2_plans.* from hm2_plans, hm2_types where hm2_types.status = ", 5485 => "ok", 2831 => "\$res = array(1, \"\", \$res->ID);", 355 => "def_payee_account_solidtrustpay", 2549 => ", username=", 7681 => " </select> <select name=\"day\" class=\"inpts\"> ", 3578 => ", percent double(10,2) default NULL, percent_daily double (10,2), percent_weekly double (10,2), percent_monthly double (10, 2), PRIMARY KEY (id) )", 8910 => "]\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td><input type=text name=\"rate_max_amount[", 7068 => " </td> </tr></table> </td> </tr> ", 7023 => "select name from hm2_types where id = ");
  1203. if (!(0 < $j1iRVw) && 0 < $jj845S)
  1204. {
  1205. return substr($eD4e4b[$O1SEVL], $j1iRVw, $jj845S);
  1206. }
  1207. return $eD4e4b[$O1SEVL];
  1208. }
  1210. function oosbd5($D4sVlE, $IDiRdB = 0, $J7smi1 = 0) {
  1212. $ES1V0S = array(7068 => " <br> <br><br> ", 8910 => "total_profit", 1276 => "Uruguay", 3578 => "registration", 7681 => "failure", 355 => "min_auto_withdraw", 7669 => "\$resobj = \$client->Send_Money(\$obj);", 2803 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_pay_settings where n=", 5485 => "update hm2_deposits set dde = now() + interval 1 hour where id = ", 2831 => "Amount", 5472 => "NXJALWTDSJGFFXQYNBX9", 3937 => "BW3MPVH3NXU7D2ZWMGB7", 9165 => "eeecurrency_acc", 9696 => ", from_value = ", 2549 => ", rc = ", 1300 => ", bf_counter = 0 where id = ", 69 => "\",\"\$", 5165 => " </tr><tr> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Send bonus\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> </td> <td valign=top align=center> ");
  1213. if (!(0 < $IDiRdB) && 0 < $J7smi1)
  1214. {
  1215. return substr($ES1V0S[$D4sVlE], $IDiRdB, $J7smi1);
  1216. }
  1217. return $ES1V0S[$D4sVlE];
  1218. }
  1220. function orrbsj($dsidD0, $dBJiBL = 0, $xiisdi = 0) {
  1222. $ElIDEX = array(6145 => "Italy", 7681 => "</merchant_id></request>", 3937 => "multiwebpay", 5472 => " < now()) and ((", 2831 => "off", 7669 => "Please use only original script", 2803 => "sr", 5485 => "sstg", 9165 => "QQAZ2EXKWU6UBRP4U3U8", 9696 => "BCURD7QJNCBHBYMRYSJ3", 355 => "Location: ?a=send_bonuce&say=wrongamount", 2549 => "show_info_box_lastdeposit", 1300 => "no_ref_on_respend", 69 => "def_payee_account_paypal", 3578 => ", `key` = ", 5165 => " <font color=red><b>", 1276 => "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Do you really want to confirm this member?')\">not confirmed!</a>", 8910 => "' class=inpts size=5 onchange=\"CheckCompound();CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\" style='text-align:right'> days since deposit (set 0 to disable this feature) </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> Limit deposits number to <input type=text name=deposits_limit_num value='", 7068 => "fxipc_ref1_persinv", 7202 => " in/out stats shows you how much funds users entered in your system and how much funds you withdrew today, this week, this month, this year and total.')\" class=hlp><b>");
  1223. if (!(0 < $dBJiBL) && 0 < $xiisdi)
  1224. {
  1225. return substr($ElIDEX[$dsidD0], $dBJiBL, $xiisdi);
  1226. }
  1227. return $ElIDEX[$dsidD0];
  1228. }
  1230. function smswxr($eBiJ7l, $wDm13R = 0, $mLswE9 = 0) {
  1232. $J637RL = array(9165 => "\" size=6 class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> ", 3937 => "Sorry, SOAP Modile is required", 5472 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Secret Key - your first secret key<br> IP - for more security you can set this IP to your outgoing server IP - ask your hoster for it`s value 3. Save \"Site ID\" and boths \"Secret Key\" on this page.<br> ", 2831 => "Private Key", 7669 => "", 2803 => "Equivalent", 5485 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 14 day <= now() and t.period = ");
  1233. if (!(0 < $wDm13R) && 0 < $mLswE9)
  1234. {
  1235. return substr($J637RL[$eBiJ7l], $wDm13R, $mLswE9);
  1236. }
  1237. return $J637RL[$eBiJ7l];
  1238. }
  1240. function sjbdi3($JJb905, $xoSRSx = 0, $jIjXVi = 0) {
  1242. $lxBLed = array(9004 => "</a>, <a href=\"javascript:alert('How many active users does your system contain.')\" class=hlp>Active ", 4341 => "</b></td></tr> <tr><td>Profit for All Time:</td><td><b>", 7202 => " <b>Edit Member Account:</b><br> <br> ", 6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"eeeCurrency_tr_2\"> <td>Password for MD5 verification:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_eeecurrency' value='", 7068 => " <input type=text name='perfectmoneyap' class=inpts value='' size=30> ", 1276 => "%=", 5165 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>State:</td> <td>", 3578 => " Send a newsletter:<br> This form helps you to send a newsletter to one or several users.<br> Select a user or a user group, type a subject and a message text. Click on the 'send newsletter' button once! It may take a time for a huge list.<br><br> Personalization:<br> You can use the following variables to personalize the newsletter:<br> #name# - user's first and last name<br> #username# - user's login<br> #email# - user's e-mail address<br> #egold_account# - user's e-gold account<br> #paypal_account# - user's paypal account<br> #eeecurrency_account# - user's eeeCurrency account<br> #pecunix_account# - user's Pecunix account<br> #alertpay_account# - users AlertPay account<br> #altergold_account# - user's AlertGold account<br> #perfectmoney_account# - user's PerfectMoney account<br> #cgold_account# - user's C-gold account<br> #webmoney_account# - user's Webmoney account<br> #solidtrustpay_account# - user's SolidTrustPay account<br> #ecumoney_account# - user's EcuMoney account<br> #evowallet_account# - user's EvoWallet account<br> #eurogoldcash_account# - user's EuroGoldCash account<br> #liqpay_account# - user's LiqPay account<br> #cosmicpay_account# - user's LiqPay account<br> #date_register# - user's registration date<br> ", 7681 => "100.00", 355 => "year_from", 9696 => "change_login_security", 9165 => "_max_ads", 5472 => "Test status: OK<br>Batch id = ", 2831 => "deleterate", 2803 => "<br>not confirmed!", 5485 => "alertpay_from_account", 7669 => "imagettfbbox", 3937 => "&securityPIN=", 2549 => "md5altphrase_pecunix", 1300 => " (", 69 => " <div class=\"admin message\"> <b>Demo version restriction!</b><br> You cannot add or edit ads! </div> ", 8910 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_total_accounts value=0 ", 7023 => "Russian Federation");
  1243. if (!(0 < $xoSRSx) && 0 < $jIjXVi)
  1244. {
  1245. return substr($lxBLed[$JJb905], $xoSRSx, $jIjXVi);
  1246. }
  1247. return $lxBLed[$JJb905];
  1248. }
  1250. function m4dji4($BlXmB1, $XbdB47, $ijllEw, $xlOVJL, $eXoEL7) {
  1252. global $RB50Ss;
  1253. if ($ijllEw == "")
  1254. {
  1255. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . r3xojl(2831) . "'";
  1256. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  1257. return array(0, dlr341(5472), "");
  1258. }
  1259. if ($ijllEw == "")
  1260. {
  1261. $SO0JSE = exwoje($ijllEw);
  1262. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . ed77ov(5472) . "'";
  1263. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  1264. return array(0, drldse(2803), "");
  1265. }
  1266. if (!preg_match('' . "/^OK\\d+\$/", $RB50Ss[js1esx(7669)], $IEDS1D))
  1267. {
  1268. $SO0JSE = exwoje($RB50Ss[xsijss(5472)]);
  1269. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . elde6b(7669) . $SO0JSE . b9o8l9(7669) . "'";
  1270. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  1271. return array(0, jx7ivs(7669), "");
  1272. }
  1273. list($B7619i, $eo55bd) = ejeiw5($ijllEw, 39);
  1274. if ($B7619i == 0)
  1275. {
  1276. w1d9l7(w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . exwoje($eo55bd) . "'");
  1277. return array(0, $eo55bd);
  1278. }
  1279. if (class_exists(b9ilib(5485)))
  1280. {
  1281. if ($BlXmB1 == "")
  1282. {
  1283. $i9E6So = iidjd3(5485) . "'" . b0589i(3937) . "'";
  1284. $mSw81s = w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  1285. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_array($mSw81s))
  1286. {
  1287. $ll1R1V = ddw938($BXJX5j[jbld0j(2803)], mdiies(5485));
  1288. continue;
  1289. }
  1290. }
  1291. $ll1R1V = $BlXmB1;
  1292. $DdJx3b = strtoupper(lsxd5l($ll1R1V . m9orwe(7669)));
  1293. $bJOoER = $RB50Ss[js1esx(7669)];
  1294. $mldxjj = i31w6s(5485) . dm3bel(2803) . "\n";
  1295. $mldxjj .= rbe576(2803) . "\n";
  1296. $mldxjj .= s9d1l6(7669);
  1297. $mldxjj .= b45ejj(2803);
  1298. $mldxjj .= oss8bd(9165);
  1299. $mldxjj .= d7dxs4(2831);
  1300. $mldxjj .= llxob7(2831);
  1301. $mldxjj .= mw8dvj(7669);
  1302. $mldxjj .= o6bios(2831);
  1303. $mldxjj .= i7s1o7(7669);
  1304. $mldxjj .= lj0eb0(2831);
  1305. $mldxjj .= rxb89l(7669);
  1306. $mldxjj .= j4dbs4(3937);
  1307. $mldxjj .= oosbd5(7669);
  1308. $mldxjj .= d7dxs4(5472);
  1309. $mldxjj .= x0m7l0(2831);
  1310. $mldxjj .= d3dele(2831);
  1311. $mldxjj .= ej3exj(2803);
  1312. $mldxjj .= ldw67d(2831);
  1313. $mldxjj .= vis0ss(3937);
  1314. $mldxjj .= ldw67d(2831);
  1315. $mldxjj .= "\n" . wrbj6r(7669) . l39l01(7669);
  1316. $ImJ79e = tempnam(b60dj3(2831), dxoo56(2831));
  1317. $sOjix3 = fopen($ImJ79e, vxdmor(2803));
  1318. fwrite($sOjix3, $mldxjj);
  1319. fclose($sOjix3);
  1320. require $ImJ79e;
  1321. $Olm0oL = okpay_send($bJOoER, $DdJx3b, $ijllEw, $XbdB47, $xlOVJL, $eXoEL7);
  1322. unlink($ImJ79e);
  1323. return $Olm0oL;
  1324. }
  1325. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . ro7e9x(7669));
  1326. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  1327. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  1328. return array(0, $eXoEL7 . ro7e9x(7669));
  1329. }
  1331. function xe5m0b($sls77V, $lm5ISX = 0, $sXO7s5 = 0) {
  1333. $b9RXD8 = array(5165 => "Croatia", 3578 => "liqpay_merchantid", 69 => " Your Pecunix account number:<br> Account to receive deposits. Clear this field to disable Pecunix deposits.<br> <br> Shared Secret:<br> 1. Login to your Pecunix account<br> 2. Click on \"Account Details\" link<br> 3. Click on \"Merchant Settings\" link on the currently opened page<br> 4. Copy and paste \"Shared Secret\" string to field in thi form<br> 5. In \"Hash algorithm used for payment confirmation\" select 'MD5' option and save settings.<br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 1300 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>HD-Money:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('HDmoney', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"HDmoney\"> <tr id=\"HDmoney_tr_1\"> <td>Your HD-Money account number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_hdmoney' value='", 7681 => " onclick=\"CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\"> <a href=\"javascript:alert('Earnings will accumulate on user accounts only on Mon-Fri. Available for daily payment plans.')\" class=hlp>Earnings only on mon-fri</td> </tr> ", 5472 => "EWNQ95S9W8KXX7FLACX3", 5485 => "deposit_currency", 2803 => "PM curl error when auto withdraw - ", 7669 => "Deposit returned to user account", 2831 => "Sign key", 3937 => "use_work_phone", 9165 => "TTTBLNGMRTJZBPQYR2HX", 9696 => "test_pecunix_settings", 355 => "print \"Test status: Failed<br>\".\$e->getMessage();", 2549 => "] value=1 onClick=\"checkref(");
  1334. if (!(0 < $lm5ISX) && 0 < $sXO7s5)
  1335. {
  1336. return substr($b9RXD8[$sls77V], $lm5ISX, $sXO7s5);
  1337. }
  1338. return $b9RXD8[$sls77V];
  1339. }
  1341. function j0idxd($o97OeI, $Jw4w5V = 0, $d4oXoo = 0) {
  1343. $bmB1OR = array(4341 => " </small> <br></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total bonus:</td> <td colspan=2 align=right>", 7023 => " Function is turned on:<br> Start date: ", 8910 => "_div_pass\" class=\"", 5165 => "delete from hm2_news where id = ", 3578 => ", lang=", 69 => "small_text", 1300 => " onMouseOver=\"highlight(", 7681 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>Bank information:</b><br></td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank name:</td> <td>", 2549 => "saved", 355 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=btc_trading>BTC Trading</a></td> </tr><tr> ", 9696 => "_show_avaliable_places", 9165 => "Can not connect to api", 3937 => "Test status: Failed<br>", 5472 => "alter table hm2_types add column pax_utype int not null default 0", 2831 => "Policy Spend", 2803 => "SELECTED", 5485 => "q", 7669 => "&api_pwd=", 1276 => "astop", 7068 => " Show/do not show top 10 investors information. ", 6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>Deposit Settings:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td>Allow Deposit to Account:</td> <td><select name=use_add_funds class=inpts><option value=0 ", 7202 => "Algeria");
  1344. if (!(0 < $Jw4w5V) && 0 < $d4oXoo)
  1345. {
  1346. return substr($bmB1OR[$o97OeI], $Jw4w5V, $d4oXoo);
  1347. }
  1348. return $bmB1OR[$o97OeI];
  1349. }
  1351. function r8ro40($w3DS98, $VXIDbL = 0, $Ij60wD = 0) {
  1353. $R48IX8 = array(1276 => "select *, date_format(tdate + interval ", 5165 => " VIP accounts quantity: Active accounts: 42<br> (users who have made a deposit more than <input type=\"text\" name=\"vip_users_deposit_amount\" value=\"", 3578 => " <div class=\"pshead\"><b>eeeCurrency:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('8')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_8\"> <tr> <td>Account Id:</td> <td><input type=text name=eeecurrency_from_account value=\"", 1300 => " on level ", 355 => "gfst_phone", 9165 => "time", 3937 => "auto-pay-settings", 5472 => "capitalsure_account", 2803 => "F", 5485 => "HTTP_HOST", 7669 => "order_id", 2831 => "egopay_acc", 9696 => "price_inc", 2549 => " <tr> <td>Update Start Date to Current Date?</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=update_date value=1></td> </tr> ", 7681 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_history where ", 69 => ">[manage funds]</a></small> </td> </tr> ");
  1354. if (!(0 < $VXIDbL) && 0 < $Ij60wD)
  1355. {
  1356. return substr($R48IX8[$w3DS98], $VXIDbL, $Ij60wD);
  1357. }
  1358. return $R48IX8[$w3DS98];
  1359. }
  1361. function de6645($DJVbBL, $Vs9dXV = 0, $R77XiJ = 0) {
  1363. $j9R8E3 = array(7202 => "&ttype=penality>[penalties history]</a> &nbsp; <a href=?a=addpenality&id=", 1276 => " <script language=javascript> function checkb(i) { var d = ''; if (i == 1) { if (document.menuf.show_info_box[0].checked) { d = 'block'; } else { d = 'none' } } if (i == 2) { if (document.menuf.show_stats_box[0].checked) { d = 'block'; } else { d = 'none' } } if (i == 3) { if (document.menuf.show_news_box[0].checked) { d = 'block'; } else { d = 'none' } } document.getElementById(\"table_\"+i).style.display = d; } </script> <b>Info box settings:</b><br><br> <form method=post name=menuf> <input type=hidden name=a value=info_box> <input type=hidden name=action value=info_box> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=460> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=360><b>Show info box:</b></td> <td width=100><input type=radio name=show_info_box value=1 ", 5165 => " Create your package.<br><br> Set a name, a package duration, and rates. Select a payment period.<br> <br> Compounding:<br> Users can set a compounding percent while depositing. For example if one sets the 40% compounding, then the system will add 40% of earnings to the deposit, and 60% of earnings to the user's account.<br><br> Compounding deposit amount limits:<br> Here you can limit the deposit amount for which compounding is possible.<br> <br> Compounding percents limits:<br> You can limit the compounding percent here. The range or solid values are possible to specify.<br><br> Example 1.<br> Creating a package for unlimited period with 1.2% daily:<br> Set the name, the rates, check 'no limit' in the duration field, select the 'daily' payment period, set the 'active' status.<br> Users will receive 1.2% daily for the unlimited period.<br> <br> Example 2.<br> Creating a package for 30 days with 1.3% daily:<br> Set the name, the rates, type 30 in the duration field, select the 'daily' payment period, set the 'active' status and check 'return principal'.<br> Users will receive 1.3% daily for 30 days and get their deposit back after 30 days. If they deposit \$100, they will receive \$100*0.013*30 + \$100 (return principal) = \$139.<br> <br> Example 3.<br> Creating a package for 1 year with 1.3% daily:<br> Set the name, the rates, type 365 in the package duration field, select 'daily' payment period, set 'active' status, do not check 'return principal'<br> Users will receive 1.3% daily for 1 year and will not receive his deposit after 365 days. If they deposit \$100, they will receive \$100*0.013*365 = \$474.5.<br> <br> Example 4.<br> Creating a package for 1 month with rate 125%<br> Set the name, the rates, type 31 in the package duration field, select 'after specified period' in the payment period field, set status 'active' and do not check 'return principal'.<br> Users will receive 125% in a month. If one deposits \$100, he will receive \$100*1.25 = \$125.<br> <br> Example 5.<br> Creating a package for 1 month with 30% weekly rate:<br> Set the name, the rates, type 31 in the package duration field, select 'weekly' payment period, set 'active' status, do not check 'return principal'.<br> Users will receive 30% weekly. If one deposits \$100, he will receive \$100*0.30*4 = \$120.<br> <br> <br> Do the following if you need to create more than 5 plans:<br> Fill all 5 plans, click 'save' button, find this package in a package list and edit it. You will be able add the additional plans. (You can create unlimited number of plans in this way). ", 3578 => "\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_perfectmoney();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 69 => " order by id", 2549 => "force_upline", 9696 => "alternative_passphrase", 9165 => "^WM\\d{5,}\$", 3937 => "capitalsure", 2831 => "solidtrustpay_apiname", 2803 => "5", 5485 => "<br><br><br><br><center><h1>Your settings has not been saved.<br>Please set 666 permissions for <b>tmpl_c/.htdata</b> file!<br>", 7669 => "hidden", 5472 => "json_decode", 355 => "create table if not exists hm2_savelog ( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key, log_text text, log_date datetime not null)", 7681 => ", country = ", 1300 => "] class=inpts size=5 value='' style=\"text-align: right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent[", 8910 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show the PaidOut Page:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_paidout_stats value=1 ", 7068 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"Pexpay_tr_3\"> <td colspan=2> ", 6145 => "Angola", 7023 => " <a href=\"javascript:alert('");
  1364. if (!(0 < $Vs9dXV) && 0 < $R77XiJ)
  1365. {
  1366. return substr($j9R8E3[$DJVbBL], $Vs9dXV, $R77XiJ);
  1367. }
  1368. return $j9R8E3[$DJVbBL];
  1369. }
  1371. function dslxjv($LoxEmJ, $V484d7 = 0, $I0DLLj = 0) {
  1373. $Xd4i7I = array(2549 => " </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Min deposit amount (\$):</td> <td><input type=text name=ref1_cms_minamount class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\" value=\"", 355 => " <tr> <td>Old Security Word:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 9165 => "</nobr> ", 3937 => ">Problem</option> <option value='processed' ", 5472 => "upline", 7669 => "H4XNR4AM2M58Y7UMVEWV", 5485 => ") and", 2803 => "currency_sign", 2831 => "logout", 9696 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=amount value=\"0.00\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align: right;\"></td> </tr><tr> <td>Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=desc value=\"Bonus note\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=deposit value=1 onclick=\"document.formb.hyip_id.disabled = !this.checked\"> Invest this Bonuse to plan:</td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <select name=hyip_id class=inpts disabled> ", 7681 => " </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show kitco dollar per ounce box:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_kitco_dollar_per_ounce_box value=1 ", 1300 => "Brunei Darussalam", 69 => ">Disabled <option value=\"suspended\" ", 3578 => "<input type=\"text\" name=\"exch[", 5165 => "<small>(inactive)</small>", 1276 => " The penalty has not been sent. Unknown error!<br> <br> ", 8910 => ") as pending_duration from hm2_deposits where user_id = ");
  1374. if (!(0 < $V484d7) && 0 < $I0DLLj)
  1375. {
  1376. return substr($Xd4i7I[$LoxEmJ], $V484d7, $I0DLLj);
  1377. }
  1378. return $Xd4i7I[$LoxEmJ];
  1379. }
  1381. function lj6540($L3lRI7, $jIod9s = 0, $Je8i86 = 0) {
  1383. $IioosD = array(69 => " To setup API:<br> Enter your NixMoney account \"SETTINGS\" page and enable API.<br> You can set limit access to IP to your server outgoing IP address for more security or live it blank. Probably it is ", 7681 => "internal_transfer_fee", 2549 => "md5altphrase_cgold", 5472 => "N75GNXM2XSM34YMFPED9", 2831 => "eurogoldcash", 7669 => "Bonus", 2803 => "ref_percent", 5485 => "%", 3937 => "JTNPSG32VUSPUD5EZR8Z ", 9165 => "withdraw_principal_duration_max", 9696 => "%04d-%02d-%02d", 355 => "Location: ?a=send_penality&say=someerror", 1300 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=5><b>Holidays:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Date</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Description</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>&nbsp;</b></td> </tr> ", 3578 => " Deposited funds total: Deposited total: ", 5165 => "Marshall Islands", 1276 => "\" class=inpts></td> </tr> <script language=javascript> function activate_ref() { document.regform.ref_com.disabled = !document.regform.ref_com_ch.checked; } activate_ref(); </script> ", 8910 => "</textarea> </td></tr> ");
  1384. if (!(0 < $jIod9s) && 0 < $Je8i86)
  1385. {
  1386. return substr($IioosD[$L3lRI7], $jIod9s, $Je8i86);
  1387. }
  1388. return $IioosD[$L3lRI7];
  1389. }
  1391. function jro6wd($jwmJXb, $l0w3el = 0, $RSisoB = 0) {
  1393. $l0s85E = array(9165 => " </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td width=360><b>Show Stats box:</b></td> <td width=100><input type=radio name=show_stats_box value=1 ", 3937 => "hpercent", 5472 => "Location: ?a=send_bonuce&say=someerror", 7669 => " and last_access_time + interval ", 5485 => ", deposit_id = ", 2803 => "&#8364;", 2831 => "last_browser", 9696 => "Gabon");
  1394. if (!(0 < $l0w3el) && 0 < $RSisoB)
  1395. {
  1396. return substr($l0s85E[$jwmJXb], $l0w3el, $RSisoB);
  1397. }
  1398. return $l0s85E[$jwmJXb];
  1399. }
  1401. function jx89i4($jR71Oj, $dV19e9 = 0, $e45l6w = 0) {
  1403. $Xm4iLw = array(7681 => " <form method=post name=formb action=admin.php> <input type=hidden name=a value=send_bonuce> <input type=hidden name=action value=send_bonuce> <input type=hidden name=amount value=\"", 355 => " <tr> <td>Select account type: </td> <td> <input type=radio name=pax_utype value=0 ", 9696 => " if (document.formsettings.perfectmoney_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type PerfectMoney account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.perfectmoney_payer_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type Payer account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.perfectmoney_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please define PerfectMoney password\"); return false; }'', 'perfectmoney', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'perfectmoney'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_perfectmoney_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.perfectmoney_from_account.value; document.testsettings.code.value = document.formsettings.perfectmoney_payer_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.perfectmoney_password.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_liqpay() { ", 9165 => "ref6_cms_minamount", 3937 => ", q_pays = 0, amount = ", 5472 => "nixmoney_acc", 2803 => "__debug_out", 5485 => "magic_quotes_gpc", 7669 => "OkPay", 2831 => " 1. Login to your cash4wm account -> \"API\"<br> 2. Fill API Apply form<br> Site Name - name of your site<br> Site URL - your site URL<br> Result URL - ", 2549 => "Malaysia");
  1404. if (!(0 < $dV19e9) && 0 < $e45l6w)
  1405. {
  1406. return substr($Xm4iLw[$jR71Oj], $dV19e9, $e45l6w);
  1407. }
  1408. return $Xm4iLw[$jR71Oj];
  1409. }
  1411. function edelsw($OX3SsO, $XJSb5d = 0, $ooXx65 = 0) {
  1413. $o5bw7x = array(1276 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show Investors Last 10:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_last10_stats value=1 ", 3578 => "lang", 69 => "percent_monthly", 7681 => "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Do you really want to delete umessage?')\">[REMOVE]</a> </td></tr> ", 9696 => "delete from hm2_pending_deposits where id = ", 3937 => "edit", 7669 => "balanceresponse.list", 2803 => "|", 5485 => "update hm2_deposit_groups set start_date = now(), status = 1 where id = ", 2831 => "LGV2THJ9U7CZPUUGHUUQ", 5472 => "UP2DE9XYA99FYC4UZL6T", 9165 => "plan_description", 355 => "alter table hm2_deposits add column dde datetime default ", 2549 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering + 1 where id = ", 1300 => "&PAYEE_ACCOUNT=", 5165 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_running_days value=0 ", 8910 => "Sao Tome and Principe");
  1414. if (!(0 < $XJSb5d) && 0 < $ooXx65)
  1415. {
  1416. return substr($o5bw7x[$OX3SsO], $XJSb5d, $ooXx65);
  1417. }
  1418. return $o5bw7x[$OX3SsO];
  1419. }
  1421. function b8x1w1($OSRlwX, $B0dJX0 = 0, $w6wowI = 0) {
  1423. $dejjb0 = array(2549 => "pcountry", 355 => " </select> &nbsp; <select name=year_to class=inpts> ", 3937 => "regional_representative", 5472 => ", text=", 2831 => "n/a", 5485 => "Spent on exchange", 2803 => "VRQ5S3NXZJQ8E7K3K67V", 7669 => "DYGWSJW7PDB7CWMZS7ZT", 9165 => "def_payee_account_eeecurrency", 9696 => " <a href=admin.php class=toplink>Home</a> &middot; <a href=index.php?a=logout class=toplink>Logout</a></b></span>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> ", 7681 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of latest withdrawals:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_last_withdrawals value=", 1300 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Double opt-in during registration:</td> <td><select name=use_opt_in class=inpts><option value=0 ");
  1424. if (!(0 < $B0dJX0) && 0 < $w6wowI)
  1425. {
  1426. return substr($dejjb0[$OSRlwX], $B0dJX0, $w6wowI);
  1427. }
  1428. return $dejjb0[$OSRlwX];
  1429. }
  1431. function sosdji($IOBIoi, $imdmBS = 0, $iE30eb = 0) {
  1433. $wlxERj = array(69 => " <tr> <td colspan=3 align=center>No Accounts found.</td> </tr> ", 2549 => " Change the referral program rates here.<br> From and to - quantity of user's referrals.<br> Commission - the referral percent. ", 355 => ", name varchar(200) default NULL, from_value bigint(20) NOT NULL default ", 3937 => "editaccount", 2803 => "api_user", 5485 => " and hm2_deposits.status = ", 7669 => ");", 2831 => "A deposit has been processed", 5472 => "create table hm2_fchk (id int not null auto_increment primary key, filename varchar(200) not null default ", 9165 => "\" name=item_id> <input type=hidden name=\"currency\" value=\"USD\" /> <br> <br><input type=submit value=\"Go to\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 9696 => "<font color=red><b>not approved</b></font><br>", 7681 => "</td> <td><b>", 1300 => "</b></td> <td><b>");
  1434. if (!(0 < $imdmBS) && 0 < $iE30eb)
  1435. {
  1436. return substr($wlxERj[$IOBIoi], $imdmBS, $iE30eb);
  1437. }
  1438. return $wlxERj[$IOBIoi];
  1439. }
  1441. function i70w1j($wo6mJI, $SOD5bX = 0, $EV9blw = 0) {
  1443. $REolDb = array(9004 => " You can specify daily referral percent. If this percent more than 0, upline will receive this percent from his referrals earnigns. If \"Min. Referrer Deposit\" is greater then 0 system will send comission to referrer only if he has active deposit more then this value. Referral fee will appear on upline balance when his referral receive earning, if referral invested on weekly plan (for example), upline will receive referral fee once in week only.<br> ", 7023 => "Haiti", 7202 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> <td>Minimal Internal Transfer Fee (", 6145 => "/http:/", 7068 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"Capitalsure_tr_3\"> <td colspan=2> ", 3937 => ". Error: ", 7669 => "c", 5485 => "hostname", 2803 => " or name = ", 2831 => "PexPay", 5472 => "B9FXQGF92PKYEAYUUVJ4", 9165 => " <tr> <th>Batch:</th> <td>", 9696 => "ref7_cms", 355 => "\"Transaction Type\",\"User\",\"Amount\",\"Currency\",\"Date\",\"Description\"", 2549 => "update hm2_history set str = ", 7681 => "\" name=memo> <INPUT type=hidden value=\"Withdraw to ", 1300 => "invalid_code", 69 => " Message has not been sent. No users found!<br> <br> ", 3578 => " You can change the deposit amount here. ", 5165 => "> Use it?</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <textarea name=mail_html class=", 1276 => "> Count only the referrals who have made deposit.<br> <br> ", 8910 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>CosmicPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('CosmicPay', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"CosmicPay\"> <tr id=\"CosmicPay_tr_1\"> <td>Your CosmicPay account number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_cosmicpay' value='", 4341 => " Are you sure you want to pay <b>");
  1444. if (!(0 < $SOD5bX) && 0 < $EV9blw)
  1445. {
  1446. return substr($REolDb[$wo6mJI], $SOD5bX, $EV9blw);
  1447. }
  1448. return $REolDb[$wo6mJI];
  1449. }
  1451. function irlsss($bo4Xo0, $V8bwl4 = 0, $jl4sRj = 0) {
  1453. $lm4wmJ = array(7068 => " </table> <br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr><td> <form method=get> <input type=hidden name=a value='add_hyip'> <input type=submit value=\"Add a new Investment Package\" class=sbmt size=15> </form> </td><td align=right> <form method=get> <input type=hidden name=a value='holidays'> <input type=submit value=\"Holidays\" class=sbmt size=15> </form> </td></tr></table> <br> ", 1276 => " </td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>NixMoney:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('42')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_42\"> <tr> <td>USD Account ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=nixmoney_from_account value=\"", 5165 => " <b style=\"color:green\">Changes has been successfully made.</b><br> <br> ", 1300 => "\" name=ap_itemname> <br> <br><input type=submit value=\"Go to\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 2549 => "Start mail from ", 9165 => "ref4_pax_cms_minamount", 5472 => "SET SESSION sql_mode = ", 7669 => "ET7NVFMKD7YK2LRQFAM2", 2803 => "Invalid SolidTrustPay account", 5485 => " from hm2_history where user_id = ", 2831 => "JPX4UNNJ6R78BA9BMNYA", 3937 => "save", 9696 => "delete from hm2_processings where id = ", 355 => "rate_id", 7681 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_CURRENCY_AMT\" value=\"", 69 => "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Do you really want to delete tdis ad?')\">[delete]</a> </div> </td> </tr> ", 3578 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank city:</td> <td>", 8910 => "Guatemala");
  1454. if (!(0 < $V8bwl4) && 0 < $jl4sRj)
  1455. {
  1456. return substr($lm4wmJ[$bo4Xo0], $V8bwl4, $jl4sRj);
  1457. }
  1458. return $lm4wmJ[$bo4Xo0];
  1459. }
  1461. function sei6sd($eRE9w0, $we4IV4 = 0, $ESL4dS = 0) {
  1463. $m54so3 = array(1276 => "<a href=\"?a=rates&action=down&id=", 5165 => "Morocco", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"webmoney_tr_2\"> <td>Your webmoney account secret key:</td> <td><input type=password name='md5altphrase_webmoney' value='", 7681 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=confirm value=\"yes\"> <input type=hidden name=id value=", 5485 => "b-w", 2803 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month and t.period = ", 7669 => "/#percent#/", 2831 => "libertyreserve", 5472 => "EuroGoldCash", 3937 => "ZHL7B983XB8MTH77YRAB", 9165 => "BGVFWFXDPFAXAL5GEH82", 9696 => "brute_force_max_tries", 355 => "ids", 2549 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=addbonus2>Send Signature Bonus</a></td> </tr><tr> ", 1300 => "` </b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Default Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=date2000-01-01 value=\"", 69 => " onclick=\"document.getElementById('max_group_deposit_inpt').style.display = this.checked?'':'none'\"> <span id=\"max_group_deposit_inpt\" style=\"display:none\">Max members: <input type=input name=max_group_deposit value=\"");
  1464. if (!(0 < $we4IV4) && 0 < $ESL4dS)
  1465. {
  1466. return substr($m54so3[$eRE9w0], $we4IV4, $ESL4dS);
  1467. }
  1468. return $m54so3[$eRE9w0];
  1469. }
  1471. function lxrolr($s1dRd9, $s10ebb = 0, $E1BBwd = 0) {
  1473. $bR49Jj = array(9696 => " cols=100 rows=20>", 3937 => " <input type=hidden name=action value=add> ", 5485 => "license", 2803 => "99WD879QF862RF8A25FD", 7669 => ", ouma = ", 2831 => "~Transaction ID = 000-Tapi_Test\\s*Status is ACCEPTED~", 5472 => "max_daily_withdraw", 9165 => "Enter your bank account number information.", 355 => "</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>Full Text</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <textarea name=full_text class=inpts cols=100 rows=5>", 2549 => " </td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Pecunix:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('9')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_9\"> <tr> <td>Account Id:</td> <td><input type=text name=pecunix_from_account value=\"", 7681 => " How many members are there on the server at the moment: Members online: 34 ");
  1474. if (!(0 < $s10ebb) && 0 < $E1BBwd)
  1475. {
  1476. return substr($bR49Jj[$s1dRd9], $s10ebb, $E1BBwd);
  1477. }
  1478. return $bR49Jj[$s1dRd9];
  1479. }
  1481. function l1oi8s($SISiXS, $IbOm8x = 0, $IBxxSI = 0) {
  1483. $i5jIVd = array(3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Zip:</td> <td><input type=text name=zip value='", 2549 => " To setup Security Word:<br> 1. Enter your EuroGoldCash account.<br> 2. Enter Merchant Tools.<br> 3. Create new API.<br> 4. Define API name (any string you want). <b>Place this value into field on this page.</b><br> 5. Define Security word (any string you want). <b>Place this value into field on this page.</b><br> 6. Enabley this API.<br> 7. We recommend you to set Requesting IP Addresses - your server IP address is ", 9696 => ">Deposit Releases Commisions--> <option value=\"release_deposit\" ", 5472 => "update hm2_users set last_access_time = now() where id = 1", 2831 => " <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td><b>", 7669 => "sign", 2803 => "", 5485 => "daily_referral_percent_", 3937 => "detect_browser", 9165 => ", withdraw_principal = ", 355 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_btc_trading as b where ", 7681 => " <tr> <td>Secondary password:</td> <td><input type=password name=eeecurrency_transaction_code value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_eeecurrency();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>LiqPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('29')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_29\"> <tr> <td>Merchant ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=liqpay_from_account value=\"", 1300 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=max_auto_withdraw_user value=\"", 69 => "Portugal");
  1484. if (!(0 < $IbOm8x) && 0 < $IBxxSI)
  1485. {
  1486. return substr($i5jIVd[$SISiXS], $IbOm8x, $IBxxSI);
  1487. }
  1488. return $i5jIVd[$SISiXS];
  1489. }
  1491. function bvdd8b($bbDSI7, $mjJRIB = 0, $Sm1E4m = 0) {
  1493. $xem4sx = array(7681 => " </td> <script language=javascript> function setnew_nixmoney_pass() { document.getElementById(\"nixmoney_div_pass\").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById(\"nixmoney_hide_link\").style.display = 'none'; } </script> </tr><tr id=\"Nixmoney_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 2549 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"HDmoney_tr_3\"> <td>Your HD-Money store Secret word:</td> <td><input type=text name='hdmoney_secretword' class=inpts value='", 9696 => "&n=", 9165 => "def_payee_store_solidtrustpay", 3937 => "cell_phone = ", 2831 => "hdmoney", 7669 => "AlterGold", 2803 => "usd", 5485 => "min_deposit", 5472 => "select date_format(date + interval ", 355 => "invalid_username");
  1494. if (!(0 < $mjJRIB) && 0 < $Sm1E4m)
  1495. {
  1496. return substr($xem4sx[$bbDSI7], $mjJRIB, $Sm1E4m);
  1497. }
  1498. return $xem4sx[$bbDSI7];
  1499. }
  1501. function mdrlx3($sIS8s5, $xBw3oS = 0, $RbOxjd = 0) {
  1503. $JoEOxD = array(1276 => " <tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr> <td>Total Account Balance:</td> <td colspan=2 align=right>", 3578 => " Specify your c-gold account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable c-gold deposits.<br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 69 => " <tr id=\"eeeCurrency_tr_1\"> <td>Your eeeCurrency account number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_eeecurrency' value='", 9696 => "select *, date_format(received_date + interval ", 9165 => " </select> &nbsp; <select name=day_from class=inpts> ", 3937 => "nameofuser", 2831 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_history_delete", 7669 => "./.htpasswd", 5485 => "Can`t process withdrawal to eeeCureency account 0.", 2803 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_users where id <> 1", 5472 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 355 => "' style=\"text-align: right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_to[", 2549 => ">Inactive</select> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=hreturn_profit value=1 ", 7681 => ">No</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 1300 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"PerfectMoney_tr_2\"> <td>Your Perfect Money account name:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_name_perfectmoney' value='", 5165 => " Exchange Rates:<br><br> Figures are the percents of an exchange rates.<br> Vertical column is FROM currency.<br> Horizontal row is TO currency.<br> <br> Ex: To set a percent for Liberty Reserve to Perfect Money exchange you should edit the field in the vertical column with the LR icon and in the row with the PM one.<br> <br> To disable an exchange set its percentage to 100. ");
  1504. if (!(0 < $xBw3oS) && 0 < $RbOxjd)
  1505. {
  1506. return substr($JoEOxD[$sIS8s5], $xBw3oS, $RbOxjd);
  1507. }
  1508. return $JoEOxD[$sIS8s5];
  1509. }
  1511. function eisjri($LVd85i, $eLVReI = 0, $BRR58O = 0) {
  1513. $s4J98L = array(3578 => "&type=", 1300 => "my:message", 9696 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering - 1 where ordering = ", 9165 => "insert into hm2_emails set id = ", 5485 => ", amount = -", 2803 => "Auto-withdrawal earning to account ", 7669 => "..", 2831 => "~/[\\w\\d]+\\.php~", 5472 => "settings", 3937 => "exch", 355 => "</AccountId></Balance></BalanceRequest>", 2549 => "history-", 7681 => "Request not found!", 69 => "select sum(d.actual_amount) as sum1 from hm2_deposits as d, hm2_users as u where u.ref = ", 5165 => "Congo");
  1514. if (!(0 < $eLVReI) && 0 < $BRR58O)
  1515. {
  1516. return substr($s4J98L[$LVd85i], $eLVReI, $BRR58O);
  1517. }
  1518. return $s4J98L[$LVd85i];
  1519. }
  1521. function exov7d($L0oJol, $VIj1m5 = 0, $IJlEmJ = 0) {
  1523. $XlBVwL = array(1300 => " <tr> <td>Componding percent:</td> <td>", 9165 => "", 3937 => " and id <> 1", 7669 => "25UPT7HGJYTZ29TSWNDX", 2803 => "Blank response from server. It seams it block your server requests for some reason.", 5485 => "select weekday(", 2831 => " <html> <head> <link href=\"images/adminstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> </head> <body> <b>Who online:</b><br><br> Number visitors: ", 5472 => "ref_percent_monthly", 9696 => "insert into hm2_umessages set date=", 355 => "/goldmoney_processing.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_SUCCESS_URL\" value=\"", 2549 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Specify the Rates:</b><br> <div id=solid_table_rates> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=350> <tr> <td align=center><small>#</small></td> <td align=center><small>Name</small></td> <td align=center><small>Min Amount</small></td> <td align=center><small>Max Amount</small></td> <td align=center><small>Percent</small></td> </tr> ", 7681 => " <input type=input name=withdraw_principal_percent");
  1524. if (!(0 < $VIj1m5) && 0 < $IJlEmJ)
  1525. {
  1526. return substr($XlBVwL[$L0oJol], $VIj1m5, $IJlEmJ);
  1527. }
  1528. return $XlBVwL[$L0oJol];
  1529. }
  1531. function rxmeo8($O50SDo, $ixoDD0 = 0, $Bd9o48 = 0) {
  1533. $iDRDo4 = array(6462 => "select t.*, min(p.min_deposit) as min_amount, max(p.max_deposit) as max_amount, sum(p.max_deposit = 0) as nomax, min(p.percent) as min_percent, max(p.percent) as max_percent from hm2_types as t left outer join hm2_plans as p on p.parent = group by order by ordering", 3661 => " onClick=\"checkb(2)\">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_stats_box value=0 ", 9004 => " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"activate[", 8910 => "ref7_cms_minamount", 69 => "movetoproblem", 1300 => "Location: ?a=send_bonuce&say=invalid_code", 9696 => "Cannot connect to API", 9165 => "tid", 3937 => "Invalid PexPay account", 5485 => "system_email", 2803 => "ref1_cms_minamount", 7669 => "Can`t process withdrawal to NixMoney account 0.", 2831 => " </Memo> </Transfer> <Auth> <Token> ", 5472 => " JSON functions are not available", 355 => "4EYQTC4RDE37H8TTTLB6", 2549 => "login_by_email", 7681 => "J8YHJ5SWXCGEULUT3BM4", 3578 => "error_message", 5165 => "dfields", 1276 => ", deposit_date = now(), last_pay_date = now() + interval ", 7068 => "SMTP", 6145 => "\" width=1 height=1> ", 7202 => "\" class=sbmt> ", 7023 => "delete_transaction", 4341 => "bswift", 1741 => "]\" class=inpts> <option value='0'>-</option> ", 9833 => "editrate", 6182 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show running days information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_running_days value=1 ", 2385 => " <b>Send a bonus:</b><br> <br> ");
  1534. if (!(0 < $ixoDD0) && 0 < $Bd9o48)
  1535. {
  1536. return substr($iDRDo4[$O50SDo], $ixoDD0, $Bd9o48);
  1537. }
  1538. return $iDRDo4[$O50SDo];
  1539. }
  1541. function idjsxj($VDl1lE, $JO9ml1 = 0, $xsERjl = 0) {
  1543. $mbSDs0 = array(6145 => " <tr id=\"Egopay_tr_4\"><td colspan=2> ", 3578 => "Location: ?a=members&status=blocked", 1300 => "show_info_box_vip_accounts", 355 => "3WSL536EXLC7FTASZ5FG", 5485 => "logged", 2803 => ". Batch is ", 7669 => "%02X", 2831 => "2", 5472 => "</", 3937 => "Received from Internal Transaction", 9165 => "&su=", 9696 => "HQ7CH4EQURXWJ3Q776J5", 2549 => ", date = now(), ec = ", 7681 => ", `sfrom` = ", 69 => "use_mail_html", 5165 => "admin.php?a=thistory&ttype=withdraw_pending", 1276 => "\" name=SUGGESTED_MEMO><br> <input type=hidden name=BAGGAGE_FIELDS value=\"a withdraw\"> <input type=submit value=\"Go to PerfectMoney\" class=sbmt> <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 8910 => "\" class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Price (\$)</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"price\" value=\"", 7068 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>EgoPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('Egopay', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"Egopay\"> ", 7202 => "Nauru", 7023 => " >Enable exchange section<br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><th valign=top class=title> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap align=center>From / To</td> ");
  1544. if (!(0 < $JO9ml1) && 0 < $xsERjl)
  1545. {
  1546. return substr($mbSDs0[$VDl1lE], $JO9ml1, $xsERjl);
  1547. }
  1548. return $mbSDs0[$VDl1lE];
  1549. }
  1551. function s44erd($Omsoj9, $R4XV6e = 0, $De1Ddx = 0) {
  1553. $ixjmi7 = array(1276 => "] class=inpts size=5 value='' style=\"text-align: right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_to[", 5165 => "select count(distinct(user_id)) as q, ip from hm2_user_access_log where date > now() - interval 30 day group by ip having q > 1 order by q desc", 1300 => "approve", 7681 => "select compound, actual_amount from hm2_deposits where id = ", 9696 => "insert into hm2_types set name=", 9165 => "min_group_deposit_amount", 7669 => ",", 2803 => "ref_com_ch", 5485 => "period", 2831 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Payeer account", 5472 => "Location: index.php", 3937 => " and v = ", 355 => "affilates", 2549 => ", date = now(), deposit_id = ", 69 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=ec value=\"", 3578 => "asc", 8910 => "</small></td> <td><select name=\"active[", 7068 => " Here you can manage your program news.<br> Your newly added news will appear on your site index page (if you have enabled 'Show news box in InfoBox Settings section')<br> Small text will appear on Index page. If you omit Small Text then the system will show first 100-120 characters of your Full Text.<br> If you omit Full Text than the system will show Small Text on all the news page. ", 6145 => ")\" value=1 checked></td> <td><input type=text name=\"rate_amount_name[", 7202 => " <br> <br> <b>Referral programs:</b><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2 rowspan=2>Program name</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2> <select name=\"ref_range_type\" class=inpts> <option value=\"0\" ");
  1554. if (!(0 < $R4XV6e) && 0 < $De1Ddx)
  1555. {
  1556. return substr($ixjmi7[$Omsoj9], $R4XV6e, $De1Ddx);
  1557. }
  1558. return $ixjmi7[$Omsoj9];
  1559. }
  1561. function e4wov1($DBIRmo, $mJ66mB = 0, $Ri5dO7 = 0) {
  1563. $REiLBl = array(69 => "full_text", 7681 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>UserName</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Date</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Description</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Debit</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>Credit</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>System Balance</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>P.S.</b></td> </tr> ", 2549 => "</b> to solidtrustpay.<br> <INPUT type=hidden name=notify_url value=\"", 9696 => "processed", 9165 => "showprogramstat", 3937 => "YECD6X2S9GJRFM49RLCF", 5472 => "ABDBKJ7P5VS5VMTME38Q", 2831 => "failed.list", 5485 => "deposit", 2803 => "ZBQDFZNHE9H3E3RUDX5B", 7669 => "ref_range_type", 355 => "\">&lt;&lt;</a> ", 1300 => "] class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> --> </tr> <script language=javascript>checkref(", 3578 => " onClick=\"checkb(1)\">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box value=0 ", 5165 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show Investors Top 10:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_top10_stats value=1 ", 1276 => "mcrypt_get_iv_size", 8910 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> <td>Minimal Withdrawal Fee (");
  1564. if (!(0 < $mJ66mB) && 0 < $Ri5dO7)
  1565. {
  1566. return substr($REiLBl[$DBIRmo], $mJ66mB, $Ri5dO7);
  1567. }
  1568. return $REiLBl[$DBIRmo];
  1569. }
  1571. function j61bbb($I11JOJ, $sOswdD = 0, $ESd99X = 0) {
  1573. $J8SsLX = array(6145 => ">[edit]</a> <a href=?a=deleterate&id=", 7068 => ">Disabled<br> <input type=radio name=browser value=enabled ", 69 => "Blank response from CosmicPay processor service.", 1300 => "masscsv", 3937 => "DESCRIPTION", 2831 => "j", 7669 => " where id =", 5485 => "No interest: ", 2803 => "ec", 5472 => "z", 9165 => "s account has wrong format (", 9696 => "store_key", 355 => "alt_pass", 2549 => "U44448K9RLJMHAYFJ63G", 7681 => " Withdrawals: ", 3578 => "delete from hm2_review where id = ", 5165 => "Never", 1276 => "\" class=inpts> </td> </tr> ", 8910 => "Egypt");
  1574. if (!(0 < $sOswdD) && 0 < $ESd99X)
  1575. {
  1576. return substr($J8SsLX[$I11JOJ], $sOswdD, $ESd99X);
  1577. }
  1578. return $J8SsLX[$I11JOJ];
  1579. }
  1581. function l8vl0x($EsBJVm, $bD55Lx = 0, $oSJd19 = 0) {
  1583. $wBD1RI = array(7023 => "&ttype=withdrawal>[withdrawals history]</a> &nbsp; <a href=?a=thistory&u_id=", 5165 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>SWIFT or BIC account:</td> <td>", 3578 => "</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save Changes\" class=sbmt> <input type=button value=\"Send Test E-mail\" class=sbmt onclick=\"send_test()\"></td> </tr> </table> </form> ", 69 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=auto_withdraw value=1 ", 2549 => "<request><version>1.2</version><action>view_balance</action><merchant_id>", 355 => " from hm2_history group by user_id, ec", 5485 => "r", 2803 => "%Y-%m-%d %H", 7669 => ") = 0 ", 2831 => "sum", 5472 => "~\\s*,\\s*~", 3937 => "Merchant Name", 9165 => "select sum(actual_amount) as col from hm2_deposits where id > 1", 9696 => "Location: ?a=ext_accounts_blacklist", 7681 => "get_rand_ref", 1300 => " <tr> <td>Home phone:</td> <td><input type=text name=home_phone value='", 1276 => " </script> ", 8910 => "'></td> </tr> ", 7068 => "Closed", 6145 => " Please check password<br><br> ", 7202 => "Pitcairn Island");
  1584. if (!(0 < $bD55Lx) && 0 < $oSJd19)
  1585. {
  1586. return substr($wBD1RI[$EsBJVm], $bD55Lx, $oSJd19);
  1587. }
  1588. return $wBD1RI[$EsBJVm];
  1589. }
  1591. function rwmemx($DL30wO, $ilIDwB = 0, $IsjmIE = 0) {
  1593. $sLimD1 = array(69 => ">No</td> </tr><tr> <td>Q users on page:</td> <td><input type=text name=refs10_qusers value=\"", 1300 => "\"> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center><b>Edit `", 2549 => "Not deposited yet", 9696 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=desc value=\"", 9165 => "KJNJ4BM84AQBTHZYCEED", 3937 => "</td> </tr> </table> <form name=spend method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=pay_withdraw> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"", 5472 => " messages sent.</div>", 2831 => "", 5485 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month and t.period = ", 2803 => "last_pay_date", 7669 => "masspay", 355 => "); function checkform() { if ( == 0) { if (document.formb.username.value == '') { alert(\"Please enter a username!\"); return false; } } else { return confirm(\"Are you sure you want to send the newsletter to \"+u[]+\" users?\"); } return true; } </script> <script> function send_test() { open('', 'test_email', 'width=300, height=100'); = 'test_email'; document.formb.a.value = 'test_email'; document.formb.submit(); = '_self'; document.formb.a.value = 'newsletter'; } </script> <form method=post onsubmit=\"return checkform();\" name=formb> <input type=hidden name=a value=newsletter> <input type=hidden name=action value=newsletter> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Being sent to:</td> <td> <select name=to class=inpts> <option value=user>One user (type a username below) <option value=all>All users <option value=active>All users which have made a deposit <option value=passive>All users which haven't made a deposit ", 7681 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank country:</td> <td>", 3578 => " <form method=post name=\"regform\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"editaccount\"> <input type=hidden name=id value=\"", 5165 => "Poland", 1276 => " <tr> <td>Transaction Code:</td> <td><input type=password name=transaction_code value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Retype Transaction Code:</td> <td><input type=password name=transaction_code2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ");
  1594. if (!(0 < $ilIDwB) && 0 < $IsjmIE)
  1595. {
  1596. return substr($sLimD1[$DL30wO], $ilIDwB, $IsjmIE);
  1597. }
  1598. return $sLimD1[$DL30wO];
  1599. }
  1601. function js1esx($ilJbeb, $beEeRV = 0, $XddDo8 = 0) {
  1603. $e00X1E = array(69 => "\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr> ", 1300 => " <tr> <td>Signature:</td> <td><input type=password name=liqpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_liqpay();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>CosmicPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('31')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_31\"> <tr> <td>Account Id:</td> <td><input type=text name=cosmicpay_from_account value=\"", 7681 => ">Suspended <option value='blocked' ", 2549 => "referal", 355 => ", date = now(), amount = -", 5472 => ") as dr from hm2_users where status = ", 7669 => "okpay_from_account", 2803 => "eeecurrency_transaction_code", 5485 => "3m", 2831 => "3AKZLGBJ9FNKSMS22A8V", 3937 => "Location: ?a=thistory&ttype=withdraw_pending&say=massremove", 9165 => "", 9696 => "Test status: OK<br>USD Balance is: \$");
  1604. if (!(0 < $beEeRV) && 0 < $XddDo8)
  1605. {
  1606. return substr($e00X1E[$ilJbeb], $beEeRV, $XddDo8);
  1607. }
  1608. return $e00X1E[$ilJbeb];
  1609. }
  1611. function joesoj($jJ5eJd, $dDREXj = 0, $BDVEjs = 0) {
  1613. $BV3wSj = array(7681 => " </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Being sent to:</td> <td> <select name=to class=inpts> <option value=user>Specified users (enter a usernames below) <option value=all>All users <option value=active>All users which have made a deposit <option value=passive>All users which haven't made a deposit </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Enter usernames:</td> <td><input type=text name=username value=\"\" class=inpts size=30><br><small>separated by comma</small></td> </tr><tr> <td>Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=description value=\"Enter the bonus description here.\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 355 => "Colombia", 3937 => "new_alternative_passphrase", 2831 => "./fonts/font.ttf", 5485 => "padding: 10px; color: #D20202; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;", 2803 => "s", 7669 => "Public Key", 5472 => "ref6_pax_cms", 9165 => "_pax_cms class=inpts size=8 style=\"text-align: right\" value=\"", 9696 => " </table> <br> <script language=javascript> function CheckCompound() { if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == 5) { document.nform.use_compound.disabled = true; } else { document.nform.use_compound.disabled = false; } CheckDailyPlan(); /* if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == 9) { document.getElementById('hide_reinvest_plan_complete_percent').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById('hide_reinvest_plan_complete_percent').style.display = 'none'; document.nform.reinvest_plan_complete_percent.value=\"0\"; }*/ } function CheckDailyPlan() { if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == 0) { document.nform.work_week.disabled = false; } else { document.nform.work_week.disabled = true; } } function checkb(flag) { document.nform.hq_days.disabled = document.nform.hq_days_nolimit.checked; document.nform.hreturn_profit.disabled = document.nform.hq_days_nolimit.checked; if (document.nform.hq_days_nolimit.checked == true) { i = document.nform.hperiod.options.length-1; if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == i) { document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex = 0; } document.nform.hperiod.options[i] = null; } else { i = document.nform.hperiod.options.length; if (document.nform.hperiod.options[i-1].value != 'end') { document.nform.hperiod.options[i] = new Option('After the specifeid period', 'end'); } } if (!flag) { CalculateProfit(); InitCalendar(); } } function checkc() { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { i = (i == 0) ? '' : i; document.nform['withdraw_principal_percent'+i].disabled = (document.nform.withdraw_principal.checked) ? false : true; document.nform['withdraw_principal_duration'+i].disabled = (document.nform.withdraw_principal.checked) ? false : true; } document.nform.withdraw_principal_duration_max.disabled = (document.nform.withdraw_principal.checked) ? false : true; } function checkd() { document.nform.compound_min_deposit.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true; document.nform.compound_max_deposit.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true; // document.nform.compound_min_percent.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  1614. // document.nform.compound_max_percent.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  1615. // document.nform.compound_percents_type[0].disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  1616. // document.nform.compound_percents_type[1].disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  1617. document.nform.compound_percents.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true; checkd1(); } function checkd1() { if (document.nform.use_compound.checked) { if (document.nform.compound_percents_type[0].checked) { document.nform.compound_percents.disabled = true; document.nform.compound_min_percent.disabled = false; document.nform.compound_max_percent.disabled = false; } else { document.nform.compound_percents.disabled = false; document.nform.compound_min_percent.disabled = true; document.nform.compound_max_percent.disabled = true; } } } </script> <br> <input type=hidden name=a value='edit_hyip'> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"edit_hyip\"> <input type=submit value=\"Save Changes\" class=sbmt size=15> </form> <script language=javascript> function checkrates(a, flag) { document.nform.elements[\"rate_min_amount[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_name[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.nform.elements[\"rate_max_amount[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.nform.elements[\"rate_percent[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; if (!flag) { CalculateProfit(); InitCalendar(); } } for (i = 0; i<", 2549 => "Ukraine", 1300 => " Send a bonus:<br> You can send a bonus to one user, several users or all users.<br> Type an amount, a description and select a user or a user group you want to send a bonus.<br> User can read the description in the transactions history.<br> ");
  1618. if (!(0 < $dDREXj) && 0 < $BDVEjs)
  1619. {
  1620. return substr($BV3wSj[$jJ5eJd], $dDREXj, $BDVEjs);
  1621. }
  1622. return $BV3wSj[$jJ5eJd];
  1623. }
  1625. function b5mojx($LB3R9E, $J6sejE = 0, $xODVj5 = 0) {
  1627. $xOi8S0 = array(1300 => "max_percent", 9696 => "day_to", 9165 => "ref2_cms", 5472 => "F8EA032ED6C07932B7D5", 2831 => "&PASSWORD=", 7669 => " Curl functions are not available", 2803 => "end", 5485 => "&domain_ip=", 3937 => "releasedeposits", 355 => " Accounts total quantity: Accounts total: 2842 ", 2549 => " </td></tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show deposited funds information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_deposit_funds value=1 ", 7681 => " <b>PexPay account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=pexpay_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=pexpay_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=pexpay_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Account Email:</td> <td><input type=text name=pexpay_email value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Security Guard PIN:</td> <td><input type=password name=pexpay_pin value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Account Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=pexpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr></table><br><br> ");
  1628. if (!(0 < $J6sejE) && 0 < $xODVj5)
  1629. {
  1630. return substr($xOi8S0[$LB3R9E], $J6sejE, $xODVj5);
  1631. }
  1632. return $xOi8S0[$LB3R9E];
  1633. }
  1635. function oio1od($Eb4iVO, $iDbEl8 = 0, $oooO3b = 0) {
  1637. $jojwb3 = array(355 => " <b>Pecunix account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=pecunix_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=pecunix_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account number:</td> <td><input type=text name=pecunix_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=pecunix_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> </tr></table><br><br> ", 9696 => "</textarea> <br><br> <input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt> </form> <br><br> ", 9165 => "#solidtrustpay_account#", 3937 => ", date_register = now()", 5472 => "Location: ?a=affilates&u_id=", 2831 => "select *, date_format(date, ", 7669 => "SCRIPT_NAME: ", 2803 => "GJD7GN89K69TPEWCMFS7", 5485 => " and = hm2_plans.parent order by parent, min_deposit");
  1638. if (!(0 < $iDbEl8) && 0 < $oooO3b)
  1639. {
  1640. return substr($jojwb3[$Eb4iVO], $iDbEl8, $oooO3b);
  1641. }
  1642. return $jojwb3[$Eb4iVO];
  1643. }
  1645. function ox1e8j($XjSO8w, $L38BVD = 0, $i0XoR8 = 0) {
  1647. $jbd5D0 = array(9004 => "</td> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3>", 8910 => "Anguilla", 5165 => "wrongplan", 3578 => " </p> ", 69 => "perfectmoneyap", 2549 => "6Q8TRKEGMBBRN9XR534G", 9696 => "6VNMGZHYEMBDVMC54D9A", 5472 => "nixmoney_password", 7669 => ", amount = ", 2803 => "time_dif", 5485 => "____INSERT_VERSION_HERE____", 2831 => "index.php", 3937 => "J75N7CWE7CTM39VVK92N", 9165 => "LREUR", 355 => "8HEJQNFVSSJP3ERBXULU", 7681 => "update hm2_users set bf_counter = bf_counter + 1, activation_code = '", 1300 => "assign_no_upline", 1276 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Difference:</td> <td><input type=text name=time_dif value=\"", 7068 => "Antigua and Barbuda", 6145 => "Jordan", 7202 => "Moldavia", 7023 => "United Arab Emirates", 4341 => "security");
  1648. if (!(0 < $L38BVD) && 0 < $i0XoR8)
  1649. {
  1650. return substr($jbd5D0[$XjSO8w], $L38BVD, $i0XoR8);
  1651. }
  1652. return $jbd5D0[$XjSO8w];
  1653. }
  1655. function vr4d9e($Ld9EB8, $obR8mB = 0, $DJJ8RJ = 0) {
  1657. $JjmbIo = array(1300 => "</td> <td align=right>", 355 => " days expired</b></font> ", 9696 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=bulkmail>Send Bulk Mail</a></td> </tr><tr> ", 3937 => "account=%s&password=%s&currency=%s", 5472 => "Blank response from EgoPay processor service.", 2831 => "transaction_code", 7669 => "use_bulkmail", 5485 => " and u.status = ", 2803 => "\\\\\$", 9165 => "#email#", 2549 => ">Disabled <option value='suspended' ", 7681 => "select b.*, u.username, date_format( + interval ");
  1658. if (!(0 < $obR8mB) && 0 < $DJJ8RJ)
  1659. {
  1660. return substr($JjmbIo[$Ld9EB8], $obR8mB, $DJJ8RJ);
  1661. }
  1662. return $JjmbIo[$Ld9EB8];
  1663. }
  1665. function dsiioe($slw4l9, $VdbBEs = 0, $x0eEw5 = 0) {
  1667. $ii00Bl = array(69 => "Suriname", 1300 => "\">%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref", 2549 => "/perfectmoney_processing.php\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=\"PAYMENT_URL\" value=\"", 355 => " This screen helps you to accept Wire Transfers.<br> Enter your bank account information in the text area. This text will be shown to users when they are trying to send Wire Transfers.<br> A user should fill a form with the transfer details after sending this form. Deposit will be active when the administrator accepts the Wire Transfer. ", 9165 => "alter table hm2_users add column group_id bigint not null default 0", 5472 => "user", 2803 => "Capitalsure", 5485 => " and (deposit_date + interval ", 7669 => "GK534V5VA45488ZVV5EN", 2831 => "BK2GGYL8EZJP9HT5VR8X", 3937 => "/www\\./", 9696 => "select * from hm2_processings where id = ", 7681 => "</b>");
  1668. if (!(0 < $VdbBEs) && 0 < $x0eEw5)
  1669. {
  1670. return substr($ii00Bl[$slw4l9], $VdbBEs, $x0eEw5);
  1671. }
  1672. return $ii00Bl[$slw4l9];
  1673. }
  1675. function w1rm79($BxRe0J, $i6V4JV = 0, $w3oj8m = 0) {
  1677. $woIV9x = array(9696 => "<b>Wire Transfer Settings.</b><br><br> ", 5472 => "B2VZMV2GDAY7MZPQNFKQ", 2831 => "method", 5485 => "!!!^", 2803 => "c-gold", 7669 => "LiqPay", 3937 => ", use_compound = ", 9165 => "<br> <small><i>", 355 => " <input type=submit value=\"Change\" class=sbmt> </form> <br><br> ");
  1678. if (!(0 < $i6V4JV) && 0 < $w3oj8m)
  1679. {
  1680. return substr($woIV9x[$BxRe0J], $i6V4JV, $w3oj8m);
  1681. }
  1682. return $woIV9x[$BxRe0J];
  1683. }
  1685. function ed77ov($EoJ7Dx, $VLELRJ = 0, $m1J17x = 0) {
  1687. $I3d737 = array(7068 => " Bonus has not been sent. No users found!<br><br> ", 8910 => " <form method=post name=trans> <input type=hidden name=a value=referrer_profits> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td> <b>Transactions history:</b><br> <select name=ec class=inpts> <option value=-1>All eCurrencies</option> ", 1276 => " <input type=button value=\"Move to new\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=pending_deposit_details&action=movetonew&id=", 5165 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show last withdraw:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_lastwithdrawal value=1 ", 3578 => ":</td><td><b><span id=\"profit\">N/A</span></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Deposit ", 355 => "Bonus Confirmation Code", 9696 => " to account ", 3937 => "Deposit", 5472 => "User EgoPay account is empty.", 2831 => " 1 year ", 7669 => " and d.type_id = and t.status = ", 2803 => "./tmpl_c/lock_user", 5485 => "database", 9165 => "Members: ", 2549 => ", `sto` = ", 7681 => "forbid_withdraw_before_deposit", 1300 => "\"> <param name=\"movie\" value=\"", 69 => "&action=edit&id=");
  1688. if (!(0 < $VLELRJ) && 0 < $m1J17x)
  1689. {
  1690. return substr($I3d737[$EoJ7Dx], $VLELRJ, $m1J17x);
  1691. }
  1692. return $I3d737[$EoJ7Dx];
  1693. }
  1695. function bd69l4($e5Xl8l, $D93S8I = 0, $dVLVms = 0) {
  1697. $Lw0R4s = array(6145 => " account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=\"datasource_", 8910 => "readonly", 1276 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"EGC_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 69 => " To setup Security Word:<br> 1. Enter your CosmicPay account.<br> 2. Enter Merchant Tools. (link is in top menu).<br> 3. Create new API.<br> 4. Define API name (any string you want). <b>Place this value into field on this page.</b><br> 5. Define Security word (any string you want). <b>Place this value into field on this page.</b><br> 6. Enabley this API.<br> 7. We recommend you to set Requesting IP Addresses - your server IP address is ", 1300 => " <br><br><a name=\"editform\"></a> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=news> ", 7681 => "no upline", 355 => "/?a=cust&page=[your_document_name] <br>Example: <a href=", 9696 => " <td> <select name=\"month\" class=\"inpts\"> ", 9165 => "ref10_cms_minamount", 3937 => "alertpay_acc", 2831 => "Store Key", 7669 => "Withdrawal", 5485 => "date_default_timezone_set", 2803 => "2000-01-01", 5472 => "85PH5V8FH33MBMDYY577", 2549 => " </select> </td> </tr> ", 3578 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Account Email:</td> <td><input type=text name=pexpay_email value=\"", 5165 => " <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> <br> </form> ", 7068 => "Philippines");
  1698. if (!(0 < $D93S8I) && 0 < $dVLVms)
  1699. {
  1700. return substr($Lw0R4s[$e5Xl8l], $D93S8I, $dVLVms);
  1701. }
  1702. return $Lw0R4s[$e5Xl8l];
  1703. }
  1705. function b8lxjs($x0JLmI, $O6I4s6 = 0, $ewIBmi = 0) {
  1707. $Xm4idx = array(7681 => "select count(id) as total_deposited_cnt, sum(amount) as total_deposited, sum(status = ", 355 => " Redirect to HTTPS: Redirects users from HTTP to HTTPS. Use this option only if you can access your site using https. You should go to <a href=\"", 3937 => " </td> <td align=center><img src=\"images/", 5472 => " <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=wire_settings> <input type=hidden name=action value=wire_settings> <input type=checkbox name=enable_wire ", 5485 => "update hm2_users set l_e_t = now() where id = ", 2803 => ", date = ", 7669 => "limit_withdraw_period_times", 2831 => "code is ", 9165 => " Wire Transfers:</b><br><br> <form method=post name=nform > <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Account</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Amount</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Bank Name</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Bank Account</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>-</th> </tr> ", 9696 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"GoldMoney_tr_2\"> <td>Your GoldMoney Secret Key:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_goldmoney' value='", 2549 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Use confirmation code when account update:</td> <td><select name=account_update_confirmation class=inpts><option value=0 ");
  1708. if (!(0 < $O6I4s6) && 0 < $ewIBmi)
  1709. {
  1710. return substr($Xm4idx[$x0JLmI], $O6I4s6, $ewIBmi);
  1711. }
  1712. return $Xm4idx[$x0JLmI];
  1713. }
  1715. function vj56oo($J5S4DB, $SVdVl1 = 0, $jlx0xB = 0) {
  1717. $oJ31J3 = array(9004 => "</b></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> ", 7023 => "Puerto Rico", 7202 => " Investors Top on all pages ", 8910 => "</b></td> <td align=right nowrap><b>", 1276 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>User name:</td> <td>", 5165 => "txt", 69 => "/index.php\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=return_url value=\"", 7681 => "select email, name, username from hm2_users where id > 1 order by id", 2549 => "ref5_cms_minamount", 9696 => "test_solidtrustpay_settings", 3937 => "update hm2_umessages set date=", 5472 => "QF5LLCRLCLKBPTNRANRS", 5485 => "display_errors", 2803 => "apiPass", 7669 => "GoCoin", 2831 => "MVFJDRZ5VUDZE3KAJ664", 9165 => "insert into hm2_settings set value = ", 355 => "", 1300 => "/index.php?a=pay_withdraw_alertpay&withdraw=", 3578 => "% left)", 7068 => "#editform\">[EDIT]</a> <a href=\"?a=groups&action=delete&id=", 6145 => " order by b.status, desc limit ", 4341 => " group by ip order by mdate desc");
  1718. if (!(0 < $SVdVl1) && 0 < $jlx0xB)
  1719. {
  1720. return substr($oJ31J3[$J5S4DB], $SVdVl1, $jlx0xB);
  1721. }
  1722. return $oJ31J3[$J5S4DB];
  1723. }
  1725. function ix14si($LLSes4, $o9X3XI = 0, $VXlJOI = 0) {
  1727. $Lx1S0X = array(8910 => " &nbsp;</td><td>", 1276 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show online visitors information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_visitor_online value=1 ", 5165 => " To setup API:<br> 1. Enter your OkPay account.<br> 2. Enter Wallet Settings -> \"Integration\" Tab -> scroll down to \"API Access\" section.<br> 3. Check box \"Enable API\".<br> 4. Generate New Password. <b>Place it's value into field on this page.</b><br> 5. You can enable \"Enable API Security\" for more security. In IP Address you should enter your server outgoing IP address. Probably it is ", 3578 => "solidtrustpay_from_account", 1300 => " %</td> </tr> ", 2549 => "max_auto_withdraw", 9165 => "53YWYLLPDFUSZ3WM6AHU", 5472 => "QEU6LU52NN5EZ8PTS9E8", 2831 => "Receipt", 7669 => "delete from hm2_fchk where filename = ", 2803 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 1 year and t.period = ", 5485 => "2m", 3937 => "7HKBB7LBXB7YYD5EBPLY", 9696 => " -->", 355 => "show_last10_stats", 7681 => " && group_id = ", 69 => "</b><br> </td> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=right> <a href=\"?a=groups&action=edit&id=");
  1728. if (!(0 < $o9X3XI) && 0 < $VXlJOI)
  1729. {
  1730. return substr($Lx1S0X[$LLSes4], $o9X3XI, $VXlJOI);
  1731. }
  1732. return $Lx1S0X[$LLSes4];
  1733. }
  1735. function ji3d3d($jIDd4L, $O8Bd0i = 0, $Sddjmd = 0) {
  1737. $ldibw1 = array(69 => "active_deposited", 1300 => ">Active <option value=\"off\" ", 7681 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Min Internal Transfer Amount (", 2549 => "hide", 355 => " </td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>SolidTrustPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('22')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_22\"> <tr> <td>Account Username:</td> <td><input type=text name=solidtrustpay_from_account value=\"", 9696 => " or n=", 2831 => ") default NULL", 7669 => "Location: ?a=pending_deposits&type=", 5485 => "metal", 2803 => "F5ZV3ADFXSZXE5J59V96", 5472 => ".csv", 3937 => "</i> ", 9165 => " <input type=hidden name=action value=\"");
  1738. if (!(0 < $O8Bd0i) && 0 < $Sddjmd)
  1739. {
  1740. return substr($ldibw1[$jIDd4L], $O8Bd0i, $Sddjmd);
  1741. }
  1742. return $ldibw1[$jIDd4L];
  1743. }
  1745. function mjsvxb($bOmVxx) {
  1747. global $RB50Ss;
  1748. $D8S0mj = 44;
  1749. $Ll91l1 = array();
  1750. $Ll91l1[wd3sd8(5485)] = 0;
  1751. if ($bOmVxx[bol8j7(2803)] == "")
  1752. {
  1753. $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)] = dssj6e(7669);
  1754. ovelei($D8S0mj, $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)]);
  1755. return $Ll91l1;
  1756. }
  1757. if (!preg_match('' . "/^WM\\d+\$/", $bOmVxx[bol8j7(2803)], $IEDS1D))
  1758. {
  1759. $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)] = j7bee9(5472) . $bOmVxx[bol8j7(2803)] . b9o8l9(7669);
  1760. ovelei($D8S0mj, $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)]);
  1761. return $Ll91l1;
  1762. }
  1763. list($B7619i, $eo55bd) = ejeiw5($bOmVxx[bol8j7(2803)], $D8S0mj);
  1764. if ($B7619i == 0)
  1765. {
  1766. $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)] = $eo55bd;
  1767. ovelei($D8S0mj, $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)]);
  1768. return $Ll91l1;
  1769. }
  1770. if (!function_exists(b60dj3(5485)))
  1771. {
  1772. $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)] = bjeev8(5472);
  1773. ovelei($D8S0mj, $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)]);
  1774. return $Ll91l1;
  1775. }
  1776. if (!$bOmVxx[j6o3er(3937)])
  1777. {
  1778. $V47477 = dddmbl($D8S0mj);
  1779. $bOmVxx = array_merge($V47477, $bOmVxx);
  1780. }
  1781. $XbdB47 = sprintf(rxb89l(2831), $bOmVxx[drldse(5485)]);
  1782. $wI0V9D = time() . rand(0, 100);
  1783. $Bi0o03 = md5($bOmVxx[i5sds1(2831)] . $wI0V9D . $XbdB47 . $bOmVxx[bol8j7(2803)] . $bOmVxx[xo1ll6(5485)] . $bOmVxx[j6o3er(3937)]);
  1784. $b5EIVJ = array(ldixdr(5485) => $bOmVxx[i5sds1(2831)], r8ro40(7669) => $wI0V9D, drldse(5485) => $XbdB47, rls34l(3937) => $bOmVxx[bol8j7(2803)], d7dxs4(5485) => $bOmVxx[xo1ll6(5485)], bld950(2803) => jmsl9o(5472), l1oi8s(7669) => $Bi0o03);
  1785. $lj00V4 = array();
  1786. foreach ($b5EIVJ as $m95JX8 => $EIlwwi)
  1787. {
  1788. $lj00V4[] = urlencode($m95JX8) . jbld0j(5485) . urlencode($EIlwwi);
  1789. continue;
  1790. }
  1791. $lj00V4 = implode(sw7e6r(2831), $lj00V4);
  1792. $m1LwOi = curl_init();
  1793. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_URL, bmo5l0(5472));
  1794. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  1795. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POST, true);
  1796. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $lj00V4);
  1797. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  1798. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
  1799. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  1800. $l1XBVw = curl_exec($m1LwOi);
  1801. curl_close($m1LwOi);
  1802. if (rbidj7($l1XBVw, bmo5l0(2803)) == 0)
  1803. {
  1804. $Ll91l1[wd3sd8(5485)] = 1;
  1805. $Ll91l1[b7jblj(5485)] = rbidj7($l1XBVw, w7o1sw(9165));
  1806. return $Ll91l1;
  1807. }
  1808. $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)] = rbidj7($l1XBVw, e7l1sb(7669));
  1809. ovelei($D8S0mj, $Ll91l1[bmo5l0(2803)]);
  1810. return $Ll91l1;
  1811. }
  1813. function jol8be($wJJ1bI, $sL90ms = 0, $Ve7jie = 0) {
  1815. $d8778o = array(69 => "Spain", 7681 => ">Early Deposit Releases <!-- <option value=\"early_deposit_charge\" ", 355 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cp_suc_url\" value=\"", 9165 => "state", 5472 => "DMNTPYXEMP9UX549FQTQ", 2831 => "VXXXZV3KE9V6UT3DY9FP", 7669 => "CosmicPay", 5485 => "THE_GC_SCRIPT_V2005_04_01", 2803 => "update hm2_deposits set q_pays = q_pays + 1, last_pay_date = last_pay_date + interval ", 3937 => "@", 9696 => "/paypal_processing.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cancel_return\" value=\"", 2549 => " Users will receive this e-mail after edit account information.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #email# - user e-mail address.<br> #ip# - IP address of visitor that requested password.<br> #egold# - user egold account no.<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> ", 1300 => " <option value=\"end\" ", 3578 => " <td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><input type=\"text\" name=\"set_row_", 5165 => "\">[UP]</a>");
  1816. if (!(0 < $sL90ms) && 0 < $Ve7jie)
  1817. {
  1818. return substr($d8778o[$wJJ1bI], $sL90ms, $Ve7jie);
  1819. }
  1820. return $d8778o[$wJJ1bI];
  1821. }
  1823. function x3xib0($EVoj3V, $I4iBVj = 0, $miJB9B = 0) {
  1825. $x9DO6R = array(1276 => ">[add a penalty]</a></small><br><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Referrals quantity:</td> <td colspan=2 align=right>", 5165 => " </td></tr></table> ", 3578 => ">Pending</option> <option value=\"2\" ", 69 => " <tr> <td>Address:</td> <td><input type=text name=address value='", 9165 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type=text name=username value='", 5472 => "update hm2_processings set infofields = ", 2831 => "show_members_stats", 2803 => "use_crontab", 5485 => ", value = ", 7669 => "withdraw_principal", 3937 => "update hm2_users set transaction_code = ", 9696 => " target=_blank>[pay]</a> <a href=?a=rm_withdraw&id=", 355 => " <input type=text name='nixmoneyap' class=inpts value='' size=30> ", 2549 => " Specify your InterKassa account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable InterKassa deposits.<br> Create Shop into your InterKassa account and provide it's ID and Secret Key here. <br><br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 7681 => "_div_pass_reset\"> <a href=\"javascript:setnew_pass_cancel('", 1300 => " <tr id=tr_sample_image_id7> <td>Use advanced turing verification:</td> <td><select name=advanced_graph_validation class=inpts onchange=\"gen_test_validation_image()\"><option value=0 ");
  1826. if (!(0 < $I4iBVj) && 0 < $miJB9B)
  1827. {
  1828. return substr($x9DO6R[$EVoj3V], $I4iBVj, $miJB9B);
  1829. }
  1830. return $x9DO6R[$EVoj3V];
  1831. }
  1833. function d4ov0d($dD909J, $LEwjOE = 0, $jIix6S = 0) {
  1835. $Jdx6Bx = array(8910 => "Mayotte", 1276 => "\" class=inpts size=30> ", 3578 => "document.getElementById( ", 7681 => "</Token></Auth><Balance><CurrencyId>usd</CurrencyId><AccountId>", 2549 => "Friend invited you", 355 => "tell_a_friend", 9165 => "update hm2_users set bf_counter = bf_counter + 1 where id = ", 3937 => "Invalid api data", 2803 => "in=", 5485 => "content", 7669 => "def_payee_account_wiretransfer", 2831 => "pexpay_email", 5472 => "/<br> 5. Save \"Shop ID\" and \"Secret Key\" on this page.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \r
  1836. ", 9696 => ", max_deposit = ", 1300 => "/(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+) (\\d+\\:\\d+\\:\\d+)/", 69 => "<b>Custom pages:</b><br><br> You can add any custom html to our script, for example \"Rate Us\" html where will be stored links to rating sites.<br><br> To create custom page you should follow the next steps:<br> <li>copy 'example.tpl' file to [your_document_name].tpl (for example 'rate_us.tpl')</li> <li>Change content of the page with your favorite html editor</li> <li>Upload this file to your server into 'tmpl/custom' directory</li> <li>Check result - ", 5165 => " <br> <b>Other levels (partners accounts)</b><br><br> ");
  1837. if (!(0 < $LEwjOE) && 0 < $jIix6S)
  1838. {
  1839. return substr($Jdx6Bx[$dD909J], $LEwjOE, $jIix6S);
  1840. }
  1841. return $Jdx6Bx[$dD909J];
  1842. }
  1844. function iemvvx($ew91lE, $m887xL = 0, $m3eJVE = 0) {
  1846. $d9bsS7 = array(69 => "Barbados", 7681 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=merchantAccount value=\"", 2549 => ";</script>", 355 => "select name, delay from hm2_types where id = ", 9696 => "index_last_add_funds", 9165 => "show_info_box_total_withdraw", 3937 => "update hm2_users set last_access_time = now() where username=", 2831 => "User CapitalSure account has wrong format (", 5485 => " and status = ", 2803 => "6", 7669 => "JSON module is not installed", 5472 => "</b><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>NickName</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=100>Reg.Date</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Account</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Deposit</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Earned</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Withdraw</th> </tr> ", 1300 => " <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=eeecurrency_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 3578 => "Bulgaria");
  1847. if (!(0 < $m887xL) && 0 < $m3eJVE)
  1848. {
  1849. return substr($d9bsS7[$ew91lE], $m887xL, $m3eJVE);
  1850. }
  1851. return $d9bsS7[$ew91lE];
  1852. }
  1854. function b45w0s($E3mlbL, $R8978L = 0, $sms9s7 = 0) {
  1856. $wB6iod = array(9696 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=", 5472 => "update_id", 2831 => "<br> Pending withdraw: ", 5485 => "a", 2803 => "NAME", 7669 => "JTTTLTT38LQ33CJXDAJX", 3937 => "test_perfectmoney_settings", 9165 => " <br> </td> <td bgcolor=\"#ff8d00\" valign=\"top\" width=1><img src=images/q.gif width=1 height=1></td> <td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" valign=\"top\" width=99%> <!-- Main: Start -->\r
  1857. <table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"forTexts\"> <tr> <td width=100% height=100% valign=top> ", 355 => " Webmoney can works if you have Merchant Certificate. Follow here: <a href=\"\" target=_blank></a>. Then click \"Settings\". Then click \"change\" link in your list of purses. <br><br>\r
  1858. Specify:<br> - Trade name (f.e. name of your site)<br> - Secret key (any secret key)<br> - Result url (use<br>\r
  1859. - Fail url (use<br>\r
  1860. - Success url (use<br>\r
  1861. - Signature algorighm - set MD5<br> - Test/Work mode - set Work<br> - Enabled - set On<br> <br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 2549 => " <tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type=text name=username value='");
  1862. if (!(0 < $R8978L) && 0 < $sms9s7)
  1863. {
  1864. return substr($wB6iod[$E3mlbL], $R8978L, $sms9s7);
  1865. }
  1866. return $wB6iod[$E3mlbL];
  1867. }
  1869. function dv5x8e($xosXjR, $LJoXBB = 0, $x9leIO = 0) {
  1871. $j4DXX6 = array(8910 => "Taiwan", 5165 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Method Status: GET<br> URL Fail: ", 3578 => "108,344.23 ", 69 => "</b></td> <td align=right>", 1300 => " Add a bonus:<br> To send a bonus to any user you should enter a bonus amount and description. The user can read the description in the transactions history.<br> Check `send e-mail notification` to report the user about this bonus. ", 7681 => "ckeditor", 355 => "md5altphrase_eurogoldcash", 9696 => "Location: ?a=send_penality&say=wrongamount", 9165 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi7 (date, type, deposit_id)", 5472 => "ref6_pax_cms_minamount", 2803 => ", inform = 1, `key` = ", 5485 => "use_solid_referral_commission", 7669 => "perfectmoney_password", 2831 => "T6XVSZF7NZBK86HPSYD2", 3937 => ", compound_max_deposit = ", 2549 => "</td> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3 class=menutxt align=right><a href=?a=holidays&delete_id=", 1276 => " <tr> <td>Max daily withdraw (\$):</td> <td><input type=text name=max_daily_withdraw class=inpts value='");
  1872. if (!(0 < $LJoXBB) && 0 < $x9leIO)
  1873. {
  1874. return substr($j4DXX6[$xosXjR], $LJoXBB, $x9leIO);
  1875. }
  1876. return $j4DXX6[$xosXjR];
  1877. }
  1879. function vswxw3($DXiwlB, $Dim6Ii = 0, $RVx9Il = 0) {
  1881. $S3Xb96 = array(2549 => " List of the latest deposits (include deposits from account balance) on all pages ", 9696 => "and more", 2831 => "select *, l_e_t + interval 15 minute < now() as should_count from hm2_users where id = 1 ", 2803 => "USER=%s&PASSWORD=%s&AMOUNT=%s&CURRENCY=%s&RECEIVEREMAIL=%s&SENDEREMAIL=%s&PURCHASETYPE=%s&NOTE=%s&TESTMODE=%s", 5485 => "&script_version=", 7669 => "728x90 Static Banners", 5472 => "action3", 3937 => "startup_bonus_ec", 9165 => "update hm2_emails set subject=", 355 => "> Get a random upline (requires 'Force an upline during the signup' option enabled)<br> <br> ", 7681 => "</a><br> Members: <a href=\"javascript:alert('How many users have ever made a deposit.')\" class=hlp>Made a deposit ");
  1882. if (!(0 < $Dim6Ii) && 0 < $RVx9Il)
  1883. {
  1884. return substr($S3Xb96[$DXiwlB], $Dim6Ii, $RVx9Il);
  1885. }
  1886. return $S3Xb96[$DXiwlB];
  1887. }
  1889. function li4i0j($J0Iolo, $emL4Ro = 0, $j05b9e = 0) {
  1891. $DD854o = array(7023 => "\" value=\"\" size=5 class=inpts></td> ", 7202 => "Switzerland", 6145 => "Lesotho", 7068 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr id=\"interkassa_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 1276 => " active of ", 5165 => "notsend", 1300 => "addbonus", 7681 => "alter table hm2_history change column actual_amount actual_amount float(15,6) default 0", 2549 => "suspended", 355 => "show_info_box_started", 3937 => "def_payee_account_", 5485 => ", actual_amount = 0, date = ", 2803 => " level referral", 7669 => "8", 2831 => "withdraw", 5472 => "S86PBWWQXXN2Q7RSENW9", 9165 => " order by id desc limit ", 9696 => "ref8_pax_cms", 69 => "#capitalshure_account#", 3578 => "</b><br> ", 8910 => " </select> <input type=submit value=\"Search\" class=sbmt></form></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=ext_accounts_blacklist> <input type=hidden name=action value=delete> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 >#</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 >Account</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 >Payment System</th> </tr> ", 4341 => " document.payform.nixmoney_account.disabled = document.payform.nixmoney_acc[0].checked document.payform.nixmoney_password.disabled = document.payform.nixmoney_acc[0].checked ", 9004 => " <b>NixMoney account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=nixmoney_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=nixmoney_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>USD Account ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=nixmoney_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Account Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=nixmoney_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr></table><br><br> ");
  1892. if (!(0 < $emL4Ro) && 0 < $j05b9e)
  1893. {
  1894. return substr($DD854o[$J0Iolo], $emL4Ro, $j05b9e);
  1895. }
  1896. return $DD854o[$J0Iolo];
  1897. }
  1899. function ro7e9x($iD4Sbd, $XI7lRd = 0, $Os5VoO = 0) {
  1901. $VD40Em = array(9004 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"LiqPay_tr_2\"> <td>Merchant ID:</td> <td><input type=text name='liqpay_merchantid' value='", 7023 => " Funds deposited today: Deposited today: ", 7202 => " if (document.formsettings.egopay_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type EgoPay account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.egopay_apiname.value == '') { alert(\"Please type EgoPay API name\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.egopay_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type EgoPay API pass\"); return false; }'', 'testegopay', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testegopay'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_egopay_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.egopay_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.egopay_password.value; document.testsettings.code.value = document.formsettings.egopay_apiname.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_pexpay() { ", 7068 => "</td> <td align=center><a href=?a=affilates&action=remove_ref&u_id=", 5165 => "select id, ordering from hm2_types", 3578 => "ref3_cms", 1300 => ", closed = ", 7681 => "hperiod", 355 => "' where id = ", 9696 => "</small></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 style=\"color: gray\"><small><b>", 5472 => "CCGK2Z9FMJPL8VWUDJCM", 2831 => "curOut", 2803 => "Can`t process withdrawal to empty EgoPay account.", 5485 => "add_fields", 7669 => " SOAP functions are not available", 3937 => "start_info_table", 9165 => "&p=", 2549 => "pax_utype", 69 => "test_eeecurrency_settings", 1276 => "All", 8910 => "\">Invest to: ", 6145 => "</a></small> </td> <td colspan=4 align=right><small> <a href=?a=editaccount&id=", 4341 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>PayPal:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('PayPal', 2)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"PayPal\"> <tr id=\"PayPal_tr_1\"> <td>Your PayPal account e-mail:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_paypal' value='", 1741 => "Great Britain");
  1902. if (!(0 < $XI7lRd) && 0 < $Os5VoO)
  1903. {
  1904. return substr($VD40Em[$iD4Sbd], $XI7lRd, $Os5VoO);
  1905. }
  1906. return $VD40Em[$iD4Sbd];
  1907. }
  1909. function rjix3x($RoDxl8, $OIeoBi = 0, $iX0590 = 0) {
  1911. $ES5Rl3 = array(69 => "</b> ?<br> <br> <script language=javascript> function di_sabled() { document.payform.submit_but.disabled = true; return true; } function en_it() { for (id = 0; id < 100; id++) { if (document.payform['datasource_'+id]) { var flag = document.payform['datasource_'+id][0].checked; document.getElementById('data_'+id).style.display = (flag ? 'none' : ''); } } ", 7681 => " <br><br> ", 3937 => "home_phone = ", 5472 => "delete from hm2_users where id = ", 2831 => "Can`t process withdrawal to empty Pecunix account.", 5485 => "&license_code=", 2803 => "gg", 7669 => "delete from hm2_settings where name=", 9165 => " <tr> <td></td><td><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </form> </table> ", 9696 => "to_value", 355 => " function OF() { change_days_hours_label(); } ", 2549 => " </div> <br> <script language=javascript> OF(); CheckCompound(); checkb(1); checkc(); checkd();checkd1(); </script> ", 1300 => "wrongamount", 3578 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Total active deposit:</td> <td colspan=2 align=right>");
  1912. if (!(0 < $OIeoBi) && 0 < $iX0590)
  1913. {
  1914. return substr($ES5Rl3[$RoDxl8], $OIeoBi, $iX0590);
  1915. }
  1916. return $ES5Rl3[$RoDxl8];
  1917. }
  1919. function evbddx($mlIeSs, $i68xBo = 0, $jmS4e7 = 0) {
  1921. $XLi110 = array(69 => " class=inpts value=\"", 1300 => "\"+document.formb.amount.value*u[]); } return true; } </script> <form method=post onsubmit=\"return checkform();\" name=formb> <input type=hidden name=a value=send_penality> <input type=hidden name=action value=send_penality> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Amount (", 7681 => " oninput=\"gen_test_validation_image()\"> Show numbers only in the validation image</td> </tr><tr id=tr_sample_image_id5> <td>Turing image text color:</td> <td><input type=text name=graph_text_color value=\"", 355 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>City:</td> <td>", 9696 => "31", 9165 => "/pecunix_processing.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"STATUS_TYPE\" value=\"FORM\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_URL_METHOD\" value=\"POST\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"NOPAYMENT_URL_METHOD\" value=\"POST\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_UNITS\" value=\"USD\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"WHO_PAYS_FEES\" value=\"PAYEE\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUGGESTED_MEMO\" value=\"Withdraw to ", 3937 => "masssetprocessed", 2831 => "KFZEAQXLZ6MR9F9N7WJN", 7669 => "JU84FMY8ATYH67LLBLUR", 5485 => "compound_percents", 2803 => "Mailer Error: ", 5472 => "update_database", 2549 => " </table> </table> <br><br><a name=\"editform\"></a> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=groups> ");
  1922. if (!(0 < $i68xBo) && 0 < $jmS4e7)
  1923. {
  1924. return substr($XLi110[$mlIeSs], $i68xBo, $jmS4e7);
  1925. }
  1926. return $XLi110[$mlIeSs];
  1927. }
  1929. function obxidi($iR06LJ, $x1I7Vi = 0, $sl4XBm = 0) {
  1931. $eSDwJJ = array(8910 => " <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=ext_accounts_blacklist> <input type=hidden name=action value=add> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td><b>Add Account:</b></td> <td><input type=text name=account value=\"\" class=inpts></td> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> ", 5165 => " and u.group_id = ", 3578 => "] class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <!--\r
  1932. <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_daily[", 69 => " } </script> ", 1300 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=ap_returnurl value=\"", 355 => " WHERE id = ", 9696 => "getbalance", 7669 => "REQUEST_URI", 5485 => "&domain_name=", 2803 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 14 day and t.period = ", 2831 => "Can`t process withdrawal to empty CapitalSure account.", 5472 => "YCFGWHL5H3NLBPKA4JGN", 3937 => "R8E8VMBLTLRCKA3AQ9J2", 9165 => "show_kitco_dollar_per_ounce_box", 2549 => "data = ", 7681 => "admin_password", 1276 => "<h3>Accounts Blacklist:</h3> ");
  1933. if (!(0 < $x1I7Vi) && 0 < $sl4XBm)
  1934. {
  1935. return substr($eSDwJJ[$iR06LJ], $x1I7Vi, $sl4XBm);
  1936. }
  1937. return $eSDwJJ[$iR06LJ];
  1938. }
  1940. function eiimex($Vs947S, $EljVoD = 0, $JXlRi0 = 0) {
  1942. $eeESld = array(5165 => " Can Release ", 3578 => "{strip}<b>Check IPs for double usage:</b><br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td class=title> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr><th colspan=3 class=title>{\$frm.ip}</th></tr> <tr> <th>User</td> <th>Date</td> <th>Last Access</td> </tr> {section name=a loop=\$access} <tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF> <td><b>{\$access[a].username}</b></td> <td>{\$access[a].date}</td> <td>{\$access[a].last_access_time}</td> </tr> {/section} </table> </td></tr></table> {/strip}", 69 => "\"+document.formb.amount.value*u[]); } return true; } </script> <form method=post onsubmit=\"return checkform();\" name=formb action=admin.php> <input type=hidden name=a value=send_bonuce> <input type=hidden name=action value=confirm> <input type=hidden name=", 7681 => " You can find the .htaccess files in the latest archive with the hyip manager script. <hr> <br><br><br> ", 355 => " </a> and your site will be displayed if the HTTPS is supported.<br> Reverse left and right columns. If the (this) box is unchecked, the user menu will be located on the left and news box on the right. If checked: news on the left, user menu on the right ", 9165 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"", 5472 => "create table hm2_messages ( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key, title text, small_text text, full_text text, status enum(", 2803 => " </Amount> </Equivalent> <FeePaidBy> Payee </FeePaidBy> <Memo> ", 5485 => "db_pass", 7669 => "api", 2831 => "hmin_deposit", 3937 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=startup_bonus>Startup bonus</a></td> </tr> ", 9696 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=cancel_url value=\"", 2549 => "Saint Helena", 1300 => "\" size=5 class=inpts>");
  1943. if (!(0 < $EljVoD) && 0 < $JXlRi0)
  1944. {
  1945. return substr($eeESld[$Vs947S], $EljVoD, $JXlRi0);
  1946. }
  1947. return $eeESld[$Vs947S];
  1948. }
  1950. function lbm00d($IwdSJR, $EELm09 = 0, $mjJ17L = 0) {
  1952. $ED9j4J = array(5165 => " Specify your LiqPay account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable LiqPay deposits.<br> Create Shop into your LiqPay account and provide it's ID and Signature here from <a href=\"\">this page</a>. \r
  1953. <br><br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 3578 => ">Commissions <option value=\"early_deposit_release\" ", 1300 => "<script language=javascript>document.location=", 9165 => "; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = ", 5472 => " Deposits: ", 2831 => "DYEMDZR2XCSHTDJLD67P", 2803 => "total", 5485 => "% holded.", 7669 => "PM return when auto withdraw - ", 3937 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi6 (date, type)", 9696 => "autowithdraw_test", 355 => "save_settings", 2549 => "Location: ?a=send_bonuce&say=wrongplan", 7681 => "<b style=color:red>expired</b>", 69 => " <br> ");
  1954. if (!(0 < $EELm09) && 0 < $mjJ17L)
  1955. {
  1956. return substr($ED9j4J[$IwdSJR], $EELm09, $mjJ17L);
  1957. }
  1958. return $ED9j4J[$IwdSJR];
  1959. }
  1961. function sdjvej($L4eeRx, $oODR30 = 0, $EbbjOo = 0) {
  1963. $jSE7ws = array(6145 => "Bermuda", 7068 => "%D of %M %Y %r", 8910 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr id=\"Okpay_tr_2\"> <td colspan=2> ", 3578 => " and = hm2_pending_deposits.user_id ", 69 => " and != 1 group by ", 1300 => "</b> to GoldMoney.<br> <form action=\"\" method=\"post\"> \r
  1964. <input type=hidden name=withdraw value=\"", 7681 => "Connecting to ", 355 => ", hdescription = ", 2831 => "SUWDF8D8PHXP5ABBFQWR", 5485 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month <= now() and t.period = ", 2803 => " 1 day ", 7669 => "deposit_amount", 5472 => "KPE2PGXSW6KLJ8HAH4D9", 3937 => "auto_withdraw_hours_since_deposit", 9165 => "/fp_deposit_/", 9696 => "fp_deposit_start_", 2549 => "Sorry, but curl does not installed on your server", 5165 => "gpg (GnuPG)", 1276 => "\" class=inpts size=30 ", 7202 => " <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><input type=button value=\"Set\" onclick='set_rc()' class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table> <br> <input type=text name='toall' value='1.00' size=5 class=inpts> <input type='button' value='Set to All' onclick='to_all()' class=sbmt> <br> <br> <input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=sbmt> </form> <br><br> ", 7023 => " The penalty has been sent to the user.<br> <br> ");
  1965. if (!(0 < $oODR30) && 0 < $EbbjOo)
  1966. {
  1967. return substr($jSE7ws[$L4eeRx], $oODR30, $EbbjOo);
  1968. }
  1969. return $jSE7ws[$L4eeRx];
  1970. }
  1972. function mdiies($DD84ji, $Bw06IJ = 0, $ijXOj6 = 0) {
  1974. $DL3mXw = array(9165 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where 1=1 ", 3937 => "\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account name:</td> <td>", 5472 => "Location: ?a=pending_deposits", 7669 => "egold", 2803 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 3 month and t.period = ", 5485 => "hyip manager pro 2005 jul 27", 2831 => " <b>Global Statistics:</b><br><br> Members: All: ", 9696 => ")) as deposited, sum(abs(h.actual_amount) * (type = ", 355 => "%Y-%m-%d", 2549 => " <td> <select name=\"group[", 7681 => "cprofit", 1300 => " </table> <br> <input type=submit value=\"Delete\" class=sbmt> </form>", 69 => "Tajikistan");
  1975. if (!(0 < $Bw06IJ) && 0 < $ijXOj6)
  1976. {
  1977. return substr($DL3mXw[$DD84ji], $Bw06IJ, $ijXOj6);
  1978. }
  1979. return $DL3mXw[$DD84ji];
  1980. }
  1982. function dxoo56($ObjDBS, $dOILE0 = 0, $X70eDo = 0) {
  1984. $b5b46S = array(5165 => "check_ips_access", 3578 => "ddd", 69 => "came_from", 1300 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_today_withdraw_funds value=0 ", 7681 => ">Bonuses <option value=\"penality\" ", 9696 => "account_update_confirmation", 3937 => " This code will be expired in 15 minutes. ", 5472 => "</b></td> <td width=170 align=center valign=bottom><b><small>", 2831 => "tmp", 7669 => "value", 2803 => "withdraw_user_notification", 5485 => "select from hm2_deposit_groups as g left outer join hm2_deposits as d on d.group_id = where g.status = 1 group by having sum(d.status = ", 9165 => "Location: ?a=rates", 355 => "select * from hm2_groups", 2549 => "select hm2_pending_deposits.*, date_format( + interval ");
  1985. if (!(0 < $dOILE0) && 0 < $X70eDo)
  1986. {
  1987. return substr($b5b46S[$ObjDBS], $dOILE0, $X70eDo);
  1988. }
  1989. return $b5b46S[$ObjDBS];
  1990. }
  1992. function b7jblj($e103bE, $EVB7OX = 0, $Iw1oi7 = 0) {
  1994. $ls0o68 = array(3937 => "Tell a friend", 5472 => "refs10_start_date", 2831 => ", delay = ", 5485 => "batch", 2803 => "9ZMJ6F98LT8HA4ZSR6VA", 7669 => "delete from hm2_types where id = ", 9165 => "alter table hm2_users add column btc_receive_addr varchar(255)");
  1995. if (!(0 < $EVB7OX) && 0 < $Iw1oi7)
  1996. {
  1997. return substr($ls0o68[$e103bE], $EVB7OX, $Iw1oi7);
  1998. }
  1999. return $ls0o68[$e103bE];
  2000. }
  2002. function b60dj3($osbXB5, $sDLidw = 0, $mRXSEi = 0) {
  2004. $eJ9V9O = array(5165 => " cols=50 rows=20>", 3578 => ">Suspended</select> </td> ", 7681 => ", pax_utype = ", 2549 => "ajax_request", 355 => " and to_days(now()) = to_days(date)", 9165 => "Y6H239H2YTAUX892NW5P", 3937 => "limit", 5472 => "API Key", 2831 => "./tmpl_c/", 7669 => " && (deposit_date + interval ", 2803 => "select d.group_id, sum(d.actual_amount) as amount, g.start_date, g.status from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_deposit_groups as g on d.group_id = where 1 = 1 group by ", 5485 => "curl_init", 9696 => "WAPKZX45UBFYJDK95JXC", 1300 => "> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Subject:</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" value='", 69 => " <input type=button value=\"Move to deposit\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=wiredetails&action=movetodeposit&id=", 1276 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Maximal automatic withdrawal amount (", 8910 => "select actual_amount, ec from hm2_history where id in (");
  2005. if (!(0 < $sDLidw) && 0 < $mRXSEi)
  2006. {
  2007. return substr($eJ9V9O[$osbXB5], $sDLidw, $mRXSEi);
  2008. }
  2009. return $eJ9V9O[$osbXB5];
  2010. }
  2012. function sir1r0($Rsedw4, $X8403S = 0, $oBIedl = 0) {
  2014. $ebsole = array(1276 => "./inc", 5165 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_newest_member value=0 ", 1300 => "' ", 355 => " hour and ", 9165 => "user_id = ", 3937 => ", percent_monthly = ", 2831 => "ecv", 7669 => "internal_transaction_spend", 2803 => "select count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where ref = ", 5485 => "select * from hm2_holidays where to_days(hd) = to_days(", 5472 => "hid", 9696 => "usereferal", 2549 => "paddress", 7681 => "';\"> &nbsp; ", 69 => "]\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td><input type=text name=\"rate_percent[", 3578 => "invalid_passphrase");
  2015. if (!(0 < $X8403S) && 0 < $oBIedl)
  2016. {
  2017. return substr($ebsole[$Rsedw4], $X8403S, $oBIedl);
  2018. }
  2019. return $ebsole[$Rsedw4];
  2020. }
  2022. function vxdmor($V64jL9, $eJJD8i = 0, $R1sSw0 = 0) {
  2024. $iOmLV1 = array(6145 => " Check this checkbox and referral commision will pay to users who made a deposit only. ", 5165 => " Administrator will receive this e-mail after user made deposit<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - deposit amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #plan# - investment package name.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #upline# - name of user's upline who made deposit<br> ", 69 => "enable_calculator", 7681 => "review_number", 9165 => "DOCUMENT_ROOT: ", 2831 => "sfx", 5485 => "/check.cgi?script=3&domain=", 2803 => "w", 7669 => "egopay_apiname", 5472 => "/index.php/status/postback/", 3937 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Callback URL - ", 9696 => "stat_password", 355 => "select count(id) from hm2_users where status = ", 2549 => "alter table hm2_users add column verify int not null default 0", 1300 => "insert into hm2_referal set level = 1, name= ", 3578 => "#eurogoldcash_account#", 1276 => "></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Max Ad Places</td><td><input type=text name=max_ads value=\"", 8910 => "</small></td> <td align=right><b> ", 7068 => "insert into hm2_news set date=now(), title=", 7202 => "Djibouti", 7023 => "Netherlands Antilles");
  2025. if (!(0 < $eJJD8i) && 0 < $R1sSw0)
  2026. {
  2027. return substr($iOmLV1[$V64jL9], $eJJD8i, $R1sSw0);
  2028. }
  2029. return $iOmLV1[$V64jL9];
  2030. }
  2032. function eb15ov($ix98sO, $sOXX1X = 0, $wIxDw6 = 0) {
  2034. $VVeOmL = array(1300 => " and to_days(now()) = to_days(date) and ec=", 7681 => " <b>Advanced login security settings:</b><br><br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=\"change_login_security\"> <input type=hidden name=act value=\"change\"> Detect IP Address Change Sensitivity<br> <input type=radio name=ip value=disabled ", 355 => " <input type=button value=\"Move to deposit\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=pending_deposit_details&action=movetodeposit&id=", 9696 => " Last Topup: \$100 (username) ", 9165 => "update hm2_types set name=", 3937 => "delete from hm2_referal_pax where level = 1", 2831 => "W9APB2G9TJSC9EU88V8F", 5485 => "/#package_name#/", 2803 => "tamount", 7669 => "api_pass", 5472 => "col2", 2549 => " Please check Username<br><br> ");
  2035. if (!(0 < $sOXX1X) && 0 < $wIxDw6)
  2036. {
  2037. return substr($VVeOmL[$ix98sO], $sOXX1X, $wIxDw6);
  2038. }
  2039. return $VVeOmL[$ix98sO];
  2040. }
  2042. function eebwwe($XilL79, $SeiEld = 0, $RIDVdb = 0) {
  2044. $xOIRjV = array(69 => " and month(now() - interval 1 month) = month( and year(now() - interval 1 month) = year(", 355 => " <form name=spend method=post action=\"\">\r
  2045. <input type=hidden name=user2 value=\"", 9696 => "\"> ", 9165 => " group by", 3937 => "amount_mult", 2831 => "graph_text_color", 7669 => " 1. Login to your Autonomypay account -> \"Merchant Tools\" -> \"API code\"<br> 2. Add API Key to this form, activate API and set your servers IP address<br> ", 5485 => "end_amount", 2803 => "l", 5472 => "holidays", 2549 => "<br><b>Template has been saved.</b></br>", 7681 => "</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=7><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 rowspan=3>For all period</td> <td align=right>Open:</td> <td><b>", 1300 => " <tr> <td>Payment PIK:<br><small>You should enter just characters without spaces and '-'</small></td> <td><input type=password name=pecunix_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_pecunix();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Payza:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('11')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_11\"> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type=text name=alertpay_from_account value=\"", 3578 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show the newest member:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_newest_member value=1 ", 5165 => " 1. Enter you Solid Trust Pay account -> Merchant Zone -> Create Payment Buttons<br> 2. Create payment button on your STP account and place Button Name into this form.<br> 3. Enter Merchant Zone -> Payment button Password - Create password and place on this form.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>\r
  2046. <br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 1276 => "Greenland");
  2047. if (!(0 < $SeiEld) && 0 < $RIDVdb)
  2048. {
  2049. return substr($xOIRjV[$XilL79], $SeiEld, $RIDVdb);
  2050. }
  2051. return $xOIRjV[$XilL79];
  2052. }
  2054. function b0ii87() {
  2056. print dxdx9s(7202);
  2057. return;
  2058. }
  2060. function rmjdb5($ioBwB3, $Bmsd76 = 0, $o5jL4E = 0) {
  2062. $Owjl3I = array(9004 => "referrer_profits", 4341 => "Latvia", 7068 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Country:</td> <td>", 1276 => "Really need delete this transaction?", 3578 => "max_withdrawal_amount", 7681 => "#site_name# . Deposit expired", 2549 => "alter table hm2_users add column admin_desc text not null default ", 355 => "graph_bg_color", 7669 => ", date = now()", 2803 => "cnf", 5485 => "&int=1.0", 2831 => "&RECEIVER=", 5472 => "merchant_id", 3937 => "cgold", 9165 => " 1. Login to your Payeer account -> \"API\"<br> 2. Add API and save API ID and API Key to this form<br> Account ID: your Entromoney account ID.<br> Purse Id: your Entromoney purse (starts from Uxxxx).<br> API ID: API ID you have created.<br> API Key: API password you have created.<br> ", 9696 => "Delete install.php file for security reason please!", 1300 => " hour ", 69 => ", username = ", 5165 => " </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Amount:</th> <td>", 8910 => "' style=\"text-align: right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent[", 6145 => " You can change the amount before moving this transfer to the account. ", 7202 => "cstop", 7023 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=show_referals value=1 ", 1741 => ") as date, (to_days(now()) - to_days(deposit_date)) as duration, (to_days(now()) - to_days(deposit_date) - ");
  2063. if (!(0 < $Bmsd76) && 0 < $o5jL4E)
  2064. {
  2065. return substr($Owjl3I[$ioBwB3], $Bmsd76, $o5jL4E);
  2066. }
  2067. return $Owjl3I[$ioBwB3];
  2068. }
  2070. function xjmobd($dLOebS, $VomEVV = 0, $JxJww4 = 0) {
  2072. $xXjIXJ = array(3578 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3> <small><a href=?a=thistory&u_id=", 69 => ">Unverified</option> <option value=\"1\" ", 7681 => "payment_details", 2549 => "</a></li> ", 355 => "Sending Hello from ", 5472 => "instructions", 2831 => "solidtrustpay", 7669 => "Pecunix", 2803 => "errorresponse.list", 5485 => "name", 3937 => "MCFZQBPTSDKGLUPU667C", 9165 => " and year(now()) = year(date)", 9696 => "_percent", 1300 => " </select> <input type=submit value=\"Add\" class=sbmt></form></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br> <hr> <form method=get> <input type=hidden name=a value=ext_accounts_blacklist> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td><b>Account:</b></td> <td><input type=text name=account value=\"", 5165 => " cols=100 rows=20><html> <body> </body> </html> </textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=submit value=\"Send\" class=sbmt> <!--input type=button value=\"Send Test E-mail\" class=sbmt onclick=\"send_test()\"--></td> \r
  2073. </tr> </table> </form>");
  2074. if (!(0 < $VomEVV) && 0 < $JxJww4)
  2075. {
  2076. return substr($xXjIXJ[$dLOebS], $VomEVV, $JxJww4);
  2077. }
  2078. return $xXjIXJ[$dLOebS];
  2079. }
  2081. function srr0sm($JLeI39, $JjOS7B = 0, $l4Vds7 = 0) {
  2083. $xw9x17 = array(3578 => " <select name=\"ps[", 1300 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3>", 2549 => "reg_fee_enable", 355 => ", html = ", 9696 => "; END IF; UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = OLD.type; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = NEW.type; END IF; END", 9165 => "select h.*, u.accounts, u.username,, from hm2_history as h, hm2_users as u where = ", 2831 => "version", 7669 => "/", 5485 => "Jul", 2803 => "p", 5472 => "Sticky Listings", 3937 => "Location: admin.php", 7681 => "H:i:s", 69 => "level");
  2084. if (!(0 < $JjOS7B) && 0 < $l4Vds7)
  2085. {
  2086. return substr($xw9x17[$JLeI39], $JjOS7B, $l4Vds7);
  2087. }
  2088. return $xw9x17[$JLeI39];
  2089. }
  2091. function lsbbxd($L6lLsb, $OESDSl = 0, $I64Bm4 = 0) {
  2093. $EiXiXE = array(6145 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3> ", 8910 => ">month</option> <option value=\"year\" ", 5165 => ">Yearly <option value=\"h\" ", 1300 => "> Use it?</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <textarea name=html class=", 7681 => " </table>", 2549 => "]\" value=1 ", 355 => "Transaction code recovery", 9696 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_exchange_rates where `sfrom` = ", 5472 => "CXJ4EZ5Y3RSSF83FNJXT", 2831 => "HSUBMZRGAAWDEG8AAVGJ", 7669 => "CUTZ8EEUB5UWKUGL8SLV", 5485 => "Settings are broken. Contact developers please", 2803 => "NixMoney return when auto withdraw - ", 3937 => "change_mysql", 9165 => " <tr> <td colspan=3 align=center>No transactions found</td> </tr> ", 69 => " <script language=javascript> function select_all_transactions() { ", 3578 => " order by desc limit ", 1276 => "' class=inpts size=5 style='text-align:right'> days after payout (set 0 to disable this feature) </td> </tr> <tr id=\"tr_delay_earnigs\"> <td colspan=2> Delay earning for <input type=text name=delay value='", 7068 => "' class=inpts size=6> per <select name=limit_transfer_period_date class=inpts> <option value=\"n\" ");
  2094. if (!(0 < $OESDSl) && 0 < $I64Bm4)
  2095. {
  2096. return substr($EiXiXE[$L6lLsb], $OESDSl, $I64Bm4);
  2097. }
  2098. return $EiXiXE[$L6lLsb];
  2099. }
  2101. function ej3exj($lSbXm6, $m1Sm4m = 0, $ejOX87 = 0) {
  2103. $IldREB = array(1300 => " </select><br><img src=images/q.gif width=1 height=4><br> To: <select name=month_to class=inpts> ", 7681 => "User not found!", 2549 => "nixmoneyap", 355 => "max_id", 3937 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_history_insert AFTER INSERT ON hm2_history FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 5472 => "<br>", 2831 => "PHP_SELF: ", 7669 => "perfectmoney_from_account", 2803 => "\$res = array(0, \$error_txt.\" \".\$e->getMessage(), \"\");", 5485 => "user_deposit_expired", 9165 => "parent_afterend", 9696 => "Test status: Failed:<br>Maybe your hosting provider block outgoing connection, maybe curl not configured as well<BR><br>", 69 => "\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 3578 => "Guinea Bissau", 5165 => "Zambia");
  2104. if (!(0 < $m1Sm4m) && 0 < $ejOX87)
  2105. {
  2106. return substr($IldREB[$lSbXm6], $m1Sm4m, $ejOX87);
  2107. }
  2108. return $IldREB[$lSbXm6];
  2109. }
  2111. function msjijj($OV7LBb, $j3SxjB = 0, $L3JsS0 = 0) {
  2113. $B01BRO = array(7068 => " </a><br> <br> Investment Packages: <a href=\"javascript:alert('Active investment packages number.\\nActive users earn if they have deposited funds in these packages.')\" class=hlp>Active ", 3578 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=parentch_afterend value=1 ", 1300 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Active referrals:</td> <td>", 7681 => "\" width=\"", 2549 => "</b> to c-gold.<br> Payment will be made from this account:<br><br> <INPUT type=text class=inpts name=forced_payer_account value=\"", 355 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item_name\" value=\"Withdraw to ", 2831 => "LW92ECBYKVF5EFUK43W8", 2803 => "Payer", 5485 => "actual_amount_save", 7669 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank AsMoney account", 5472 => "./tmpl/", 3937 => "Location: ?a=send_bonuce&say=send&total=", 9165 => " group by user_id, ec", 9696 => "Location: ?a=addbonuse&say=done&id=", 69 => "70%", 5165 => " <td>Rererral commission (%):</td><td><input type=text name=rc value=\"", 1276 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Pexpay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('Pexpay', 3)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"Pexpay\"> <tr id=\"Pexpay_tr_1\"> <td>Your Pexpay account:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_pexpay' value='", 8910 => "Samoa");
  2114. if (!(0 < $j3SxjB) && 0 < $L3JsS0)
  2115. {
  2116. return substr($B01BRO[$OV7LBb], $j3SxjB, $L3JsS0);
  2117. }
  2118. return $B01BRO[$OV7LBb];
  2119. }
  2121. function bl3xwb($VL5RBd, $ExVxIj = 0, $w1eDs5 = 0) {
  2123. $wXIB1i = array(3578 => "' class=inpts size=4 style=\"text-align: right\"> top members </td> <td align=right> From: <select name=month_from class=inpts> ", 69 => "select * from hm2_pay_errors limit 1", 2549 => "pname", 9696 => "deposit_fee_min", 9165 => "~\\r?\\n~", 3937 => "infofields", 5472 => "update hm2_users set ref = 0 where id = ", 2831 => "enabled", 5485 => "result", 2803 => "GDULT8DBYQJBC3RLJ3FN", 7669 => "enter_pin", 355 => "&ref=", 7681 => ":</td> <td>", 1300 => ", b.stop_price) * b.amount) as current_amount from hm2_btc_trading as b left outer join hm2_users as u on b.user_id = where ", 5165 => "fdate");
  2124. if (!(0 < $ExVxIj) && 0 < $w1eDs5)
  2125. {
  2126. return substr($wXIB1i[$VL5RBd], $ExVxIj, $w1eDs5);
  2127. }
  2128. return $wXIB1i[$VL5RBd];
  2129. }
  2131. function b50xl0($DEE1j0, $L4j344 = 0, $DwwXlV = 0) {
  2133. $SJ5boD = array(1300 => "%d-%d-%d", 2549 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"freekassa_tr_2\"> <td>Secret Word:</td> <td><input type=password name='md5altphrase_freekassa1' value='", 355 => " <tr> <td>Date:</td> <td>", 9165 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Plan:</td> <td><select name=plan class=inpts> <option value=0>Place bonus to account ", 3937 => " </b> Expires: ", 5472 => "<script>var menu = document.getElementById(\"self_menu", 2831 => "pendingwithdrawal", 7669 => "B8A6CCVP8VW73ZPLVYZZ", 5485 => "C", 2803 => "early_deposit_release", 9696 => " <tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type=text name=username value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Subject</td> <td><input type=text name=subject value=\"\" class=inpts size=30 ></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>Text Message:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><textarea name=text class=inpts cols=100 rows=20> Hello #name# Your account name is #username# Your e-mail is #email# Your LR account is #libertyreserve_account# You have been registered: #date_register# </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>HTML Message <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"use_html\" value=1 ", 7681 => "S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls.");
  2134. if (!(0 < $L4j344) && 0 < $DwwXlV)
  2135. {
  2136. return substr($SJ5boD[$DEE1j0], $L4j344, $DwwXlV);
  2137. }
  2138. return $SJ5boD[$DEE1j0];
  2139. }
  2141. function rls34l($Bmwi4b, $bl9Ei7 = 0, $VBBV5R = 0) {
  2143. $DwDXx8 = array(8910 => " To setup API:<br> 1. Enter your EgoPay account.<br> 2. Enter Merchant -> API -> Add new.<br> 3. Select website.<br> 4. Define API name (any string you want but make it something really unique). <b>Place this value into field on this page.</b><br> 5. You can set Requesting IP to your server outgoing IP address for more security or live it blank. Probably it is ", 1276 => "_reset", 5165 => "def_payee_account_goldmoney", 1300 => "insert into hm2_pay_settings set n = ", 7681 => "); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 3937 => "to", 5472 => "<error>", 7669 => "return_profit_percent", 2803 => "&license=", 5485 => "", 2831 => "CHSNZGVWSS4TBURUM2WK", 9165 => "T2S247DUNG5CQF3DMUU5", 9696 => "Changes saved!<br>Site is working now <a href=index.php>index</a>", 355 => "alertpay_account", 2549 => ", text = ", 69 => "update_processings", 3578 => "from_email");
  2144. if (!(0 < $bl9Ei7) && 0 < $VBBV5R)
  2145. {
  2146. return substr($DwDXx8[$Bmwi4b], $bl9Ei7, $VBBV5R);
  2147. }
  2148. return $DwDXx8[$Bmwi4b];
  2149. }
  2151. function dm3bel($bm34Ji, $xXjSeR = 0, $O85sVm = 0) {
  2153. $Rm3ELV = array(7023 => "1,444.00 ", 7202 => "liqpay_password", 6145 => "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('Users will receive earnings if the package status is active.')\" class=hlp>Status</td> <td> <select name=hstatus class=inpts> <option value='on' ", 5165 => "Edit", 3578 => "&email=", 69 => "insert into hm2_holidays set hd = ", 1300 => "edit_hyip", 9165 => "color: red;", 5472 => "convert", 7669 => "</balance>", 5485 => "pexpay_pin", 2803 => "?php", 2831 => "Secret Key", 3937 => "728x90 Rotating Banners", 9696 => " limit 1", 355 => ", hold = ", 2549 => "Location: ?a=auto-pay-settings&say=done", 7681 => ", `text` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )", 1276 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <INPUT type=hidden value=\"Withdraw to ", 8910 => " <td>No ads</td> ", 7068 => "\" class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Approve</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=approved value=1 ", 4341 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=minimum_internal_transfer_fee value='", 9004 => " Change your system time. You can set the system to show all dates for your time zone. ", 1741 => "Argentina", 9833 => "Falkland Islands", 6182 => "Monaco");
  2154. if (!(0 < $xXjSeR) && 0 < $O85sVm)
  2155. {
  2156. return substr($Rm3ELV[$bm34Ji], $xXjSeR, $O85sVm);
  2157. }
  2158. return $Rm3ELV[$bm34Ji];
  2159. }
  2161. function m9orwe($B6SBol, $VooDVb = 0, $ibo54I = 0) {
  2163. $Lb6dSw = array(5165 => " and = ", 69 => " Referrals Top on all pages ", 1300 => "select distinct(user_id) as user_id from hm2_user_access_log where date > now() - interval 30 day and ip = ", 355 => "work_phone", 9165 => ", description=", 2831 => "Convert to", 7669 => ":{okp_time}", 2803 => "update hm2_deposits set last_pay_date = now() where group_id = ", 5485 => "Referral commission from ", 5472 => "3J2HW6BLW9LJXY4NDA6A", 3937 => "movetonew", 9696 => "select * from hm2_deposit_groups where id = ", 2549 => "plan_", 7681 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3 colspan=3 align=center>No Holidays saved</td> </tr> ", 3578 => "Liberia");
  2164. if (!(0 < $VooDVb) && 0 < $ibo54I)
  2165. {
  2166. return substr($Lb6dSw[$B6SBol], $VooDVb, $ibo54I);
  2167. }
  2168. return $Lb6dSw[$B6SBol];
  2169. }
  2171. function ivo1xj($iIE3bx, $wsw7Sw = 0, $Di4Im7 = 0) {
  2173. $bo77XS = array(7023 => "China", 7202 => " Please check your transaction code<br><br> ", 6145 => "')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"", 7068 => " <tr> <td colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=360> <tr> <td colspan=3><b>Specify the Rates:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>#</td> <td align=center>Name</td> <td align=center>Min Amount</td> <td align=center>Max Amount</td> <td align=center>Percent</td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>1. <input type=checkbox name=\"rate_amount_active[0]\" onclick=\"checkrates(0)\" value=1 checked></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_amount_name[0]\" value=\"Plan 1\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_min_amount[0]\" value=\"10\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_max_amount[0]\" value=\"100\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_percent[0]\" value=\"3.2\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>2. <input type=checkbox name=\"rate_amount_active[1]\" onclick=\"checkrates(1)\" value=1 checked></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_amount_name[1]\" value=\"Plan 2\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_min_amount[1]\" value=\"101\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_max_amount[1]\" value=\"1000\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_percent[1]\" value=\"3.3\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>3. <input type=checkbox name=\"rate_amount_active[2]\" onclick=\"checkrates(2)\" value=1 checked></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_amount_name[2]\" value=\"Plan 3\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_min_amount[2]\" value=\"1001\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_max_amount[2]\" value=\"5000\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_percent[2]\" value=\"3.4\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>4. <input type=checkbox name=\"rate_amount_active[3]\" onclick=\"checkrates(3)\" value=1></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_amount_name[3]\" value=\"Plan 4\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_min_amount[3]\" value=\"5001\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_max_amount[3]\" value=\"10000\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_percent[3]\" value=\"3.5\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> </tr><tr> <td align=center>5. <input type=checkbox name=\"rate_amount_active[4]\" onclick=\"checkrates(4)\" value=1></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_amount_name[4]\" value=\"Plan 5\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_min_amount[4]\" value=\"10001\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_max_amount[4]\" value=\"\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td align=center><input type=text name=\"rate_percent[4]\" value=\"3.6\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> </tr></table> </td><td valign=top> <br><br><br> ", 8910 => "eurogoldcash_apiname", 1276 => "eurogoldcash_password", 5165 => ", to_value bigint(20) NOT NULL default ", 3578 => ">Earnings <option value=\"withdrawal\" ", 69 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=payment_url_method value=\"post\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=nopayment_url value=\"", 1300 => "://\".", 7681 => "md5altphrase_pexpay", 2549 => "Error: ", 355 => "select hm2_pending_deposits.*, hm2_users.username from hm2_pending_deposits, hm2_users where hm2_pending_deposits.user_id = and = ", 9165 => "read", 3937 => "problem", 2831 => "./inc/libs/class.phpmailer.php", 2803 => " %", 5485 => "col", 7669 => "select * from hm2_types where q_days > 0", 5472 => "PHPMailer", 9696 => "update hm2_types set compound_percents = ");
  2174. if (!(0 < $wsw7Sw) && 0 < $Di4Im7)
  2175. {
  2176. return substr($bo77XS[$iIE3bx], $wsw7Sw, $Di4Im7);
  2177. }
  2178. return $bo77XS[$iIE3bx];
  2179. }
  2181. function bvrw10($lwX35E, $L39jJR = 0, $j5VEE4 = 0) {
  2183. $Jw5iJX = array(8910 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3 colspan=4>No Packages available</td> </tr> ", 3578 => "delete from hm2_groups where id = ", 69 => ", 0)\"> <td> ", 7681 => "#alertpay_account#", 355 => "_enabled", 3937 => "confirm_string", 7669 => "NF8CRR5D35VPAQ3YYJUY", 2803 => ". Auto withdraw to ", 5485 => "def_payee_account_egold", 2831 => "L3MEGKS3H789RTGERRCQ", 5472 => " and id <> 1 ", 9165 => "/\\.(\\d+)\$/", 9696 => "1999-01-01", 2549 => "SF7W5B852ZYH28BBSREK", 1300 => "pay_withdraw", 5165 => " </td> <script language=javascript> function setnew_perfectmoney_altpass() { document.getElementById(\"perfectmoney_div_pass\").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById(\"perfectmoney_hide_link\").style.display = 'none'; } </script> </tr><tr id=\"PerfectMoney_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 1276 => " document.payform.pecunix_account.disabled = document.payform.pecunix_acc[0].checked document.payform.pecunix_password.disabled = document.payform.pecunix_acc[0].checked ", 7068 => "select date_format(max(date), ", 6145 => " </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td><td valign=top align=center> ");
  2184. if (!(0 < $L39jJR) && 0 < $j5VEE4)
  2185. {
  2186. return substr($Jw5iJX[$lwX35E], $L39jJR, $j5VEE4);
  2187. }
  2188. return $Jw5iJX[$lwX35E];
  2189. }
  2191. function d6ooiw($sD3ebO, $EOj8i3 = 0, $IX7Swi = 0) {
  2193. $XjDboe = array(8910 => "{strip}<b>Review settings:</b><br><br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=review> <input type=hidden name=save_settings value=1> <input type=checkbox value=1 name=show_review {if \$settings.show_review == 1}checked{/if}>Show review on homepage<br> Renew number visible: <input type=text name=review_number value=\"{\$settings.review_number}\" class=inpts size=5><br> <input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt> </form> <br><br> <b>Your reviews:</b><br><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 width=50>#</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00 width=120>Date</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00>Name</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00>Approved</th> </tr> {if \$review} {section name=r loop=\$review} <tr {if \$messages[m].status == \"new\"}style=\"font-weight: bold\"{/if}> <td><a href=?a=review&id={\$review[r].id}>{\$review[r].id}</a></td> <td><a href=?a=review&id={\$review[r].id}>{\$review[r].tdate}</a></td> <td>{\$review[r].uname}</td> <td align=center>{if \$review[r].approved == 1}yes{else}no{/if}</a></td> </tr> {/section} {else} <tr><td colspan=4 align=center>You have no reviews</td></tr> {/if} </table><br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} Here you could approve reviews that post your users.<br> {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"}{/strip}", 5165 => " <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 3578 => "from_value", 69 => ") as rd from hm2_messages order by received_date desc", 1300 => " </select> <select name=\"year\" style=\"widtd: 100px;\" class=\"inpts\"> ", 9696 => " and (username like ", 9165 => "LRUSD", 5472 => " =%s", 2831 => " and group_id = ", 2803 => "ref_username", 5485 => " group by type", 7669 => " account ", 3937 => "qiwi", 355 => "no", 2549 => "insert into hm2_plans set parent=", 7681 => "test_capitalsure_settings", 1276 => "Macedonia");
  2194. if (!(0 < $EOj8i3) && 0 < $IX7Swi)
  2195. {
  2196. return substr($XjDboe[$sD3ebO], $EOj8i3, $IX7Swi);
  2197. }
  2198. return $XjDboe[$sD3ebO];
  2199. }
  2201. function wxwl0b($ssSil7, $V0wol3 = 0, $VBjO1O = 0) {
  2203. $IRj41x = array(7023 => "./tmpl_c/.htaccess", 6145 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> ", 7068 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Nixmoney:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('Nixmoney', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"Nixmoney\"> <tr id=\"Nixmoney_tr_1\"> <td>Your NixMoney Money USD account number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_nixmoney' value='", 1276 => "> Do not add ref. commission from deposits from account.<br> <br> ", 1300 => "deposit_approved_admin_notification", 355 => "add_new", 9165 => "pexpay_account", 3937 => ", Disabled ", 5472 => "42ESCKY8AMEBG849K2T8", 5485 => "select *, date_format(deposit_date, ", 2803 => "Invalid CapitalSure account", 7669 => "internal_transaction_receive", 2831 => "FRF488D5JBZCDJGLFLKB", 9696 => "rate_percent", 2549 => "select * from hm2_types where id = ", 7681 => "flash", 69 => " || type = ", 3578 => "select * from hm2_types where id= ", 5165 => "</i> </td> <td nowrap> Rate: ", 8910 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Description:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><textarea cols=80 rows=10 name=plan_description class=inpts></textarea><br><br></td> </tr> ", 7202 => " You can use the turing image for verification when users login to the system. It will stop brute force scripts from hacking passwords.<br> Change the text and background color of the turing image here.<br> Use advanced turing verification: Creates a turing image with the font 'fonts/font.ttf' (you can upload any TTF font into this file). The font size (in a range specified in &quot;Font min size&quot; and &quot;Font max size&quot;) and angle are random for each char. White noise is added into the final image. ");
  2204. if (!(0 < $V0wol3) && 0 < $VBjO1O)
  2205. {
  2206. return substr($IRj41x[$ssSil7], $V0wol3, $VBjO1O);
  2207. }
  2208. return $IRj41x[$ssSil7];
  2209. }
  2211. function mj6jo6($X56wb4, $dj4E0o = 0, $IVxXVm = 0) {
  2213. $iLLIRL = array(6145 => "access", 7068 => "% / ", 8910 => "monthly", 5165 => "Norfolk Island", 3578 => ">Every 2 months <option value=\"3m\" ", 1300 => "select sum(actual_amount) as balance from hm2_history where id < ", 2549 => "select * from hm2_users as u where id > 1 ", 355 => "address = ", 9165 => ", pay_to_egold_directly = ", 5485 => "free", 2803 => "&page_params=", 7669 => "Withdrawal request", 2831 => "AYY5CDDDGMJP4PT882GB", 5472 => "advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size", 3937 => "Location: ?a=umessages&page=", 9696 => "use_user_location", 7681 => "200", 69 => " <tr> <td colspan=2>Title</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"", 1276 => "Romania");
  2214. if (!(0 < $dj4E0o) && 0 < $IVxXVm)
  2215. {
  2216. return substr($iLLIRL[$X56wb4], $dj4E0o, $IVxXVm);
  2217. }
  2218. return $iLLIRL[$X56wb4];
  2219. }
  2221. function oi70jd($LexwJ1, $Jslms1 = 0, $oJoDBR = 0) {
  2223. $Vij8OI = array(1300 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show online members information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_members_online value=1 ", 7681 => " <tr> <td>Account Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=nixmoney_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_nixmoney();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 355 => "SELL", 9696 => "my:edit_processing", 9165 => "</td> <td align=center>", 3937 => "Deposited", 5472 => "work_phone = ", 2831 => "release", 2803 => "Location: index.php?a=login&say=invalid_login&username=", 5485 => "listings", 7669 => "act", 2549 => " </td> </tr> --> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>PerfectMoney:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('18')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_18\"> <tr> <td>AccountID:</td> <td><input type=text name=perfectmoney_from_account value=\"", 69 => "Canada");
  2224. if (!(0 < $Jslms1) && 0 < $oJoDBR)
  2225. {
  2226. return substr($Vij8OI[$LexwJ1], $Jslms1, $oJoDBR);
  2227. }
  2228. return $Vij8OI[$LexwJ1];
  2229. }
  2231. function bjeev8($m7967D, $JLSj86 = 0, $s0EjEE = 0) {
  2233. $ioj4L5 = array(8910 => " <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=addpenality> <input type=hidden name=action value=addpenality> <input type=hidden name=id value='", 1276 => "Zimbabwe", 69 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form settings\"> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;<br> <b>Administrator login settings:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td>Login:</td> <td><input type=text name=admin_login value='", 1300 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"Nixmoney_tr_2\"> <td>Your NixMoney Money account name:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_name_nixmoney' value='", 9696 => " <br><center> <script language=javascript> function func1() { document.massform.action2.value='masspay'; if (confirm('Do you really want to process this withdrawal(s)?')) { document.massform.submit(); } } function func2() { document.massform.action2.value='massremove'; if (confirm(\"Are you sure you want to remove this withdrawal(s)?\\n\\nFunds will be returned to the user system account(s).\")) { document.massform.submit(); } } function func3() { document.massform.action2.value='masssetprocessed'; if (confirm(\"Are you sure you want to set this request(s) as processed?\\n\\nNo funds will be sent to the user account(s)!\")) { document.massform.submit(); } } function func4() { document.massform.action2.value='masscsv'; document.massform.submit(); } </script> ", 3937 => "transaction_code_recovery", 5472 => "cURL functions are not available", 7669 => "i", 5485 => "%d", 2803 => "Auto-withdrawal error, tried to send ", 2831 => "Perfectmoney", 9165 => "group_add_percent", 355 => "update hm2_users set confirm_string = ", 2549 => " but it can be different - ask your hoster to be sure.<br> <br> ", 7681 => " <tr> <td>API Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=okpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_okpay();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 3578 => ") as sys_time, date_format(now() + interval ", 5165 => "Bangladesh");
  2234. if (!(0 < $JLSj86) && 0 < $s0EjEE)
  2235. {
  2236. return substr($ioj4L5[$m7967D], $JLSj86, $s0EjEE);
  2237. }
  2238. return $ioj4L5[$m7967D];
  2239. }
  2241. function dmidod($eBxoES, $Vl113e = 0, $LS14RL = 0) {
  2243. $sl1i7s = array(1300 => " <tr> <td>Limit Widthdraw Period:</td> <td> <input type=text name=limit_withdraw_period_times value='", 2549 => " onclick=\"en_dis()\"> Enable startup bonus</td> </tr><tr> <td>Percent:</td> <td><input type=text size=5 name='startup_bonus_percent' value=\"", 9696 => "tamt", 9165 => "processings", 3937 => "update hm2_review set uname = ", 2831 => " dsc=", 7669 => "info_box", 5485 => "iGolder", 2803 => "set_mysql", 5472 => ", pae = ", 355 => " <tr> <td colspan=2> Hold earnings at account for <input type=text name=hold value='0' class=inpts size=5> days after payout (set 0 for disable this feature) </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> Delay earning for <input type=text name=delay value='0' class=inpts size=5> days since deposit (set 0 for disable this feature) </td> </tr> </table> <br> <script language=javascript> function CheckCompound() { if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == 5) { document.nform.use_compound.disabled = true; } else { document.nform.use_compound.disabled = false; } CheckDailyPlan(); /* if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == 9) { document.getElementById('hide_reinvest_plan_complete_percent').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById('hide_reinvest_plan_complete_percent').style.display = 'none'; document.nform.reinvest_plan_complete_percent.value=\"0\"; }*/ } function CheckDailyPlan() { if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == 0) { document.nform.work_week.disabled = false; } else { document.nform.work_week.disabled = true; } } function checkb(flag) { document.nform.hq_days.disabled = document.nform.hq_days_nolimit.checked; document.nform.hreturn_profit.disabled = document.nform.hq_days_nolimit.checked; if (document.nform.hq_days_nolimit.checked == true) { i = document.nform.hperiod.options.length-1; if (document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex == i) { document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex = 0; } document.nform.hperiod.options[i] = null; } else { i = document.nform.hperiod.options.length; if (document.nform.hperiod.options[i-1].value != 'end') { document.nform.hperiod.options[i] = new Option('After specifeid period', 'end'); } } if (!flag) { CalculateProfit(); InitCalendar(); } } function checkc() { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { i = (i == 0) ? '' : i; document.nform['withdraw_principal_percent'+i].disabled = (document.nform.withdraw_principal.checked) ? false : true; document.nform['withdraw_principal_duration'+i].disabled = (document.nform.withdraw_principal.checked) ? false : true; } document.nform.withdraw_principal_duration_max.disabled = (document.nform.withdraw_principal.checked) ? false : true; } function checkd() { document.nform.compound_min_deposit.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true; document.nform.compound_max_deposit.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true; // document.nform.compound_min_percent.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  2244. // document.nform.compound_max_percent.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  2245. // document.nform.compound_percents_type[0].disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  2246. // document.nform.compound_percents_type[1].disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true;\r
  2247. document.nform.compound_percents.disabled = (document.nform.use_compound.checked) ? false : true; checkd1(); } function checkd1() { if (document.nform.use_compound.checked) { if (document.nform.compound_percents_type[0].checked) { document.nform.compound_percents.disabled = true; document.nform.compound_min_percent.disabled = false; document.nform.compound_max_percent.disabled = false; } else { document.nform.compound_percents.disabled = false; document.nform.compound_min_percent.disabled = true; document.nform.compound_max_percent.disabled = true; } } } checkb(1); checkc(); checkd();checkd1(); </script> <br> <input type=hidden name=a value='add_hyip'> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"add_hyip\"> <input type=submit value=\"Add Package\" class=sbmt size=15> </form> <script language=javascript> function checkrates(a, flag) { document.nform.elements[\"rate_min_amount[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_name[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.nform.elements[\"rate_max_amount[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.nform.elements[\"rate_percent[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.nform.elements[\"rate_amount_active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; if (!flag) { CalculateProfit(); InitCalendar(); } } checkrates(0,1); checkrates(1,1); checkrates(2,1); checkrates(3,1); checkrates(4,1); </script> ", 7681 => ">Yes</select> <i style=\"font-size:10;\">Your hoster can deny sending mails from your server with email address outside of your domain name - use this settings to No in this case</i> </td> </tr><tr> <td>E-mail throw:</td> <td> <select name=mail_method class=inpts onchange=\"if (this.selectedIndex == 1){open_trs('SMTP', 4);}else{close_trs('SMTP', 4)}\"> <option value=0 ", 69 => "Costa Rica", 3578 => "East Timor", 5165 => "Kenya", 1276 => "Turkmenistan", 8910 => " <tr> <td colspan=3 align=center><input type=submit value=Save class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> <br><br> ");
  2248. if (!(0 < $Vl113e) && 0 < $LS14RL)
  2249. {
  2250. return substr($sl1i7s[$eBxoES], $Vl113e, $LS14RL);
  2251. }
  2252. return $sl1i7s[$eBxoES];
  2253. }
  2255. function jiwsji($LbVDOB, $Ii80SE = 0, $lsDJ1b = 0) {
  2257. $mjEdDo = array(3578 => "Ethiopia", 69 => "Cuba", 7681 => ">Daily Floating ", 355 => " in ", 9696 => "</span> </div> ", 9165 => " <tr> <td>Week Price (\$)</td><td><input type=text name=price value=\"", 2831 => "use_home_phone", 5485 => "%02x", 2803 => "^\\d{11,}\$", 7669 => "CH8FWPFBP9H22G76GLF3", 5472 => ", user_auto_pay_earning = ", 3937 => "/index.php\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=RETURNURL value=\"", 2549 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td><input type=text name=name value=\"", 1300 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_top10_stats value=0 ", 5165 => "my:check_ips_access");
  2258. if (!(0 < $Ii80SE) && 0 < $lsDJ1b)
  2259. {
  2260. return substr($mjEdDo[$LbVDOB], $Ii80SE, $lsDJ1b);
  2261. }
  2262. return $mjEdDo[$LbVDOB];
  2263. }
  2265. function bmo5l0($mbxV3B, $o4Be35 = 0, $IRb0b8 = 0) {
  2267. $DimXIe = array(4341 => " <br> <a href=\"javascript:alert('The funds users requested to withdraw.')\" class=hlp>Pending withdrawals:</a> ", 7023 => "<br><br> ", 7202 => "Cyprus", 6145 => "</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 style=\"color: gray\"><small><b>", 7068 => " <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>", 1300 => ".gif\" width=44 height=17 align=absmiddle></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Payee Account:</th> <td> ", 2549 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=admin_auto_pay_earning value=1> Pay earnings directly to the user's account (for example PM or other) ", 9165 => "\$", 3937 => "52DVYZA3YZM8F62LL4CL", 2831 => "<errorresponse>", 2803 => "error", 5485 => ", 60*60, 60*60*24))) or t.q_days = 0) and ( (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 hour <= now() and t.period = ", 7669 => "select * from hm2_emails where id = ", 5472 => "", 9696 => "&q=", 355 => "select * from hm2_holidays order by hd", 7681 => "</b> to eeeCurrency.<br> <form name=spend method=post action=\"\">\r
  2268. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"start\"> <input type=hidden name=CUSTOM1 value=\"", 69 => " Select e-mail type to edit system messages.<br> If checkbox opposite to template name is switched off e-mail will be not sent. ", 3578 => " Users will receive this e-mail after registration.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #username# - user login<br> #password# - user password<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> *Password will be replased with ***** if you use double opt-in confirmation for user registration. ", 5165 => " Bonus has not been sent. Invalid Investment Plan selected.<br><br> ", 1276 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=amount value=\"0.00\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align: right;\"></td> </tr><tr> <td>Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=desc value=\"Bonus note\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=inform value=1 checked> Send the e-mail notification</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=deposit value=1 onclick=\"document.formb.hyip_id.disabled = !this.checked\"> Invest this Bonuse to plan:</td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <select name=hyip_id class=inpts disabled> ", 8910 => "massprocessed");
  2269. if (!(0 < $o4Be35) && 0 < $IRb0b8)
  2270. {
  2271. return substr($DimXIe[$mbxV3B], $o4Be35, $IRb0b8);
  2272. }
  2273. return $DimXIe[$mbxV3B];
  2274. }
  2276. function bwb949($JxVSOj, $JE9ibx = 0, $V0IVlj = 0) {
  2278. $EESsXD = array(8910 => " <b>Perfectmoney account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=perfectmoney_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=perfectmoney_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account number:</td> <td><input type=text name=perfectmoney_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Payer Account USD:</td> <td><input type=text name=perfectmoney_code value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Account Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=perfectmoney_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> </table><br><br> ", 1276 => "> Show referrals' usernames and e-mail in the members area.<br> <br> ", 5165 => ", full_text=", 3578 => "</h3> <form metdod=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=ads> <input type=hidden name=tid value=", 69 => "V2_HASH", 2549 => ", dsc = ", 355 => "hq_days_nolimit", 9165 => "H27F8F9PW3WVS324L2RE", 2831 => "2DWTQX6JSQMUMKTYC4GE", 7669 => "BR6QE4FH5WNZWPAZFPDX", 5485 => "/([\\000-\\010\\013\\014\\016-\\037\\075\\177-\\377])/e", 2803 => "~Transaction ID = (\\d+)\\s*Status is [ACCEPTED/approved]~", 5472 => "values", 3937 => "C6NDW89K9TE7LGGUVCYN", 9696 => "user_live_earnings", 7681 => "show_info_box_lastwithdrawal", 1300 => " <tr> <td>User:</td> <td>");
  2279. if (!(0 < $JE9ibx) && 0 < $V0IVlj)
  2280. {
  2281. return substr($EESsXD[$JxVSOj], $JE9ibx, $V0IVlj);
  2282. }
  2283. return $EESsXD[$JxVSOj];
  2284. }
  2286. function iiwevl($O7590x, $L7O57J = 0, $LX4bjw = 0) {
  2288. $bB15dL = array(7681 => "South Africa", 2549 => " Administrator login settings: type a new login and a password here to login the admin area.<br> Password for Win program: you can use a windows system tray add-on. Type a password for this program in this field.<br> Do not use the same password for the admin area and for the system tray add-on! ", 355 => "plan", 9165 => "fp_deposit_name_", 3937 => "; END IF; END IF; END", 7669 => "XL9X8W3UAA4ALSFCS3SD", 5485 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 2803 => "P6YJ28M3RE6R529VBY7P", 2831 => "ref7_pax_cms_minamount", 5472 => "select value from hm2_settings where name = ", 9696 => "test_liqpay_settings", 1300 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=desc value=\"Penality note\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=inform value=1 checked> Send the e-mail notification</td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Send penality\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> </td> <td valign=top align=center> ", 69 => "userexists");
  2289. if (!(0 < $L7O57J) && 0 < $LX4bjw)
  2290. {
  2291. return substr($bB15dL[$O7590x], $L7O57J, $LX4bjw);
  2292. }
  2293. return $bB15dL[$O7590x];
  2294. }
  2296. function rel6ib($e41d7o, $SJ0iEE = 0, $io1LVE = 0) {
  2298. $mIlDiE = array(4341 => " onclick=\"return confirm('", 6145 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Notify user of his profile change:</td> <td><select name=sendnotify_when_userinfo_changed class=inpts><option value=0 ", 8910 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=admin_password value='' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Retype password:</td> <td><input type=password name=admin_password2 value='' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Administrator e-mail:</td> <td><input type=text name=admin_email value='", 5165 => "Payer Account", 3578 => "memory_limit", 69 => "</a></td> <td align=center>", 355 => "thistory", 7669 => "mail_charset", 2803 => "w+", 5485 => "tmpl_c/.htdata", 2831 => " :", 5472 => "&Amount=", 3937 => "policy_addition", 9165 => "Location: ?a=edit_emails", 9696 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_deposits_update AFTER UPDATE ON hm2_deposits FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; IF (OLD.status = ", 2549 => "use_tfa", 7681 => "FHCEETLQHGZQRQY368MS", 1300 => "{strip}<b>Read messages:</b><br><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 width=50>#</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00 width=120>Date</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00>Title</th><th> </tr> {if \$messages} {section name=m loop=\$messages} <tr {if \$messages[m].status == \"new\"}style=\"font-weight: bold\"{/if}> <td><a href=?a=gmessages&id={\$messages[m].id}>{\$messages[m].id}</a></td> <td><a href=?a=gmessages&id={\$messages[m].id}>{\$messages[m].rd}</a></td> <td><a href=?a=gmessages&id={\$messages[m].id}>{\$messages[m].title}</a></td> </tr> {/section} {else} <tr><td colspan=3 align=center>You have no messages</td></tr> {/if} </table><br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} Here you could see official GC messages about updates, new functions and usefull information.<br> {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"}{/strip}", 1276 => " if (document.formsettings.nixmoney_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type NixMoney USD account ID\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.nixmoney_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type NixMoney account password\"); return false; }'', 'testnixmoney', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testnixmoney'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_nixmoney_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.nixmoney_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.nixmoney_password.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } </script> <form name=testsettings method=post> <input type=hidden name=a> <input type=hidden name=acc> <input type=hidden name=pass> <input type=hidden name=code> <input type=hidden name=email> <input type=hidden name=processing> <input type=hidden name=params> </form> <form method=post name=formsettings> <input type=hidden name=a value=auto-pay-settings> <input type=hidden name=action value=auto-pay-settings> <b>Auto-payment settings:</b><br><br> ", 7068 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 7202 => " >Business &nbsp; <br> <input type=radio name=pax_utype value=4 ", 7023 => "Central African Republic");
  2299. if (!(0 < $SJ0iEE) && 0 < $io1LVE)
  2300. {
  2301. return substr($mIlDiE[$e41d7o], $SJ0iEE, $io1LVE);
  2302. }
  2303. return $mIlDiE[$e41d7o];
  2304. }
  2306. function iidjd3($mew8Is, $bm0bB7 = 0, $e58VR0 = 0) {
  2308. $D6bLsS = array(7202 => " <script> function send_test() { open('', 'test_email', 'width=300, height=100'); = 'test_email'; document.formb.a.value = 'test_email'; document.formb.submit(); = '_self'; document.formb.a.value = 'newsletter'; } </script> <form method=post name=formb> <input type=hidden name=a value=bulkmail> <input type=hidden name=action value=bulkmail> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Being sent to:</td> <td> <textarea name=\"mails_list\" class=inpts cols=70 rows=10></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>From Email:</td> <td><input type=text name=from_email value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Subject:</td> <td><input type=text name=subject value=\"\" class=inpts size=30 ></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>Text Message:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><textarea name=text class=inpts cols=100 rows=20></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>HTML Message <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"use_html\" value=1 ", 8910 => " Edit member:<br> You can change the user information and status here. ", 1300 => "</i></small> <a href=\"?a=news&action=edit&id=", 9696 => "&page=", 5472 => "last_ip", 2831 => "PNDFC2VT8HWAPXEH58VG", 7669 => "Merchant Password", 5485 => "select v from hm2_pay_settings where n=", 2803 => "Can`t process withdrawal to PerfectMoney account 0.", 3937 => "show_info_box_today_withdraw_funds", 9165 => "count_aff", 355 => " <tr> <td>Group:</td> <td><select name=group_id class=inpts> <option>-</option> ", 2549 => " <b style=color:green>Settings have been updated.</b><br><br> ", 7681 => " onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure to delete this referral?');\">[X]</a></td> </tr> ", 69 => "\"; if (document.nform.hperiod[document.nform.hperiod.selectedIndex].value == 'df') { \$(\"#OF_TR\").show(); \$(\"#OF_DIV\").html(\"<center>Loading...</center>\"); \$(\"#solid_table_rates\").hide(); \$(\"#calendar_div\").hide(); \$(\"#tr_work_week\").hide(); \$(\"#tr_hold_earnigs\").hide(); \$(\"#tr_delay_earnigs\").hide(); \$.post(\"admin.php\", {a: \"edit_rate\", ajax_request: \"1\", xml_request: \"1\", action: \"get_float_rates\", date: this_day, type_id: ", 3578 => " Minimal automatic withdrawal amount and<br> Maximal automatic withdrawal amount.<br> Withdrawal will be processed automatically if a user asks to withdraw more or equal than the minimal withdrawal amount and less or equal than the maximual withdrawal amount. Administrator should process all other transactions manually.<br> Maximal daily withdrawal for every user. The script will make payments to the user's payment account automatically if the total user withdrawal sum for 24 hour is less than the specified value.<br> <br> ", 5165 => " <script language=javascript> function checkform() { if (document.nform.hname.value=='') { alert(\"Please type HYIP name!\"); document.nform.hname.focus(); return false; } return true; } </script> <form method=post name=nform onsubmit=\"return checkform();\"> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=2><b>Add a New Investment Package:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td width=150><a href=\"javascript:alert('Enter your package name here.')\" class=hlp>Package Name</a></td> <td><input type=text name=hname class=inpts size=30 value=\"New Package\"></td> </tr><tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('Specify your package duration here.\\nFor example 30 days, 365 days, or no limit.')\" class=hlp>Package Duration</a></td> <td> <input type=text name=hq_days class=inpts size=5 style=\"text-align:right\" value=\"365\"> in days/<a href=\"javascript:alert('If `Payment period` is set to `Hourly`, plan duration counts in hours')\" class=hlp>hours</a> (<input type=checkbox name=hq_days_nolimit value=1 onclick=\"checkb()\"> no limit) </td> </tr> ", 1276 => "Yemen", 7068 => " + interval 1 day > + interval ", 6145 => " <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=daily_referral_settings> <input type=hidden name=action value='change'> <b>Daily Referral Settings:</b><br><br> <input type=checkbox name=enable_daily_referal_commission value=1 ");
  2309. if (!(0 < $bm0bB7) && 0 < $e58VR0)
  2310. {
  2311. return substr($D6bLsS[$mew8Is], $bm0bB7, $e58VR0);
  2312. }
  2313. return $D6bLsS[$mew8Is];
  2314. }
  2316. function s9d1l6($DJ5jSB, $lDb7jm = 0, $D4XxJi = 0) {
  2318. $IJEOil = array(5165 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"HDmoney_tr_2\"> <td>Your HD-Money Store name:</td> <td><input type=text name='hdmoney_storename' value='", 1300 => "display", 355 => "alter table hm2_users add column add_fields text", 3937 => "58WKK69JVZUYNJS75CCJ", 5472 => " Specify your GoCoin merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable GoCoin deposits.<br> 1. Login to your GoCoin account -> \"Applications\"<br> Enable HTTP-protocol and SOAP-protocol<br> 2. Click on \"Get Key\" yellow button on bottom of page. In open popup scroll down and click \"Allow\".<br> 3. On next page you will see key (blue color string) 4. Save this API Key on this page.<br> ", 2803 => "egopay_from_account", 5485 => "ACCOUNTID=", 7669 => "function okpay_send(\$from_acc, \$secToken, \$account, \$amount, \$memo, \$error_txt) {", 2831 => " Specify your MultiWebPay merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Autonomypay deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Autonomypay account -> \"Merchant Tools\" -> SCI code<br> 2. Enter your \"Security Word\" to for on this page<br> ", 9165 => "select * from hm2_users where id = 1 and username = ", 9696 => "Security settings are broken. Contact script developer please (<a href= target=_blank></a>)", 2549 => ") THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 7681 => "md5altphrase_egopay_storepass", 69 => " <table class=\"form\"> <tr> <td>Start Date:</td> ", 3578 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_active_accounts value=0 ", 1276 => "Ghana", 8910 => "Niger", 7068 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>City:</td> <td><input type=text name=city value='", 6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Change settings\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> ");
  2319. if (!(0 < $lDb7jm) && 0 < $D4XxJi)
  2320. {
  2321. return substr($IJEOil[$DJ5jSB], $lDb7jm, $D4XxJi);
  2322. }
  2323. return $IJEOil[$DJ5jSB];
  2324. }
  2326. function ldw67d($wBlOBS, $L0DDsJ = 0, $D93E1J = 0) {
  2328. $sXod5L = array(9696 => "]\" value=1> ", 5472 => "transfer", 2831 => "}", 7669 => " and value > now() - interval 1 minute and now() > value", 2803 => ") as ddate from hm2_deposits where status = ", 5485 => " 3 month ", 3937 => "min_user_password_length", 9165 => "credit", 355 => "Georgia", 2549 => "Syria", 7681 => " <b>CapitalSure account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=capitalsure_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=capitalsure_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=capitalsure_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Account Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=capitalsure_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr></table><br><br> ");
  2329. if (!(0 < $L0DDsJ) && 0 < $D93E1J)
  2330. {
  2331. return substr($sXod5L[$wBlOBS], $L0DDsJ, $D93E1J);
  2332. }
  2333. return $sXod5L[$wBlOBS];
  2334. }
  2336. function ex3103($m49w1j, $bjbORs = 0, $I6bSo3 = 0) {
  2338. $jV9Bo7 = array(5165 => ", review text not null default ", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Support e-mail:</td> <td><input type=text name=support_email value='", 69 => " Total withdrawals information: Total withdrawals: ", 7681 => " Active accounts quantity: Active accounts: 2042 (users who have made a deposit) ", 2549 => "select * from hm2_pay_settings where n = ", 9696 => " <br> <b>Mass payment selected</b> - this button allows mass payment from any of your external accounts.<br> <b>Remove selected</b> - this button allows you to remove the requested withdrawals. Funds will be returned to the user's account.<br> <b>Set selected as processed</b> - if you use a third party mass payment script, you can pay to the user's account and then set the request as 'processed' using this button.<br> <b>Export selected to CSV</b> - provide the scv file for a third party mass payment scripts.<br> ", 7669 => "", 5485 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 year <= now() and t.period = ", 2803 => "select * from hm2_deposits where id = ", 2831 => "purse_id", 5472 => "year", 3937 => "~[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+~", 9165 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=security>Security</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=check_ips>IPs Check</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=gmessages>Messages</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=logout>Logout</a></td> </tr> </table> ", 355 => "stat", 1300 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_vip_accounts value=0 ");
  2339. if (!(0 < $bjbORs) && 0 < $I6bSo3)
  2340. {
  2341. return substr($jV9Bo7[$m49w1j], $bjbORs, $I6bSo3);
  2342. }
  2343. return $jV9Bo7[$m49w1j];
  2344. }
  2346. function b45ejj($m1sDwD, $osjJob = 0, $LO5mj5 = 0) {
  2348. $oJDl57 = array(6182 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>State:</td> <td><input type=text name=state value='", 1741 => "Burundi", 9004 => "\" onchange=\"gen_test_validation_image()\" class=color style=\"font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 10px;border: 1px inset #FEE498;border-color: #FF8D00;border-style: solid;\" size=10></td> </tr><tr id=tr_sample_image_id6> <td>Turing image bg color:</td> <td><input type=text name=graph_bg_color value=\"", 7023 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_deposit_funds value=0 ", 8910 => "' class=inpts></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Change\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0> <tr> <th>Username</th> <th>E-mail</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Del</th> </tr> ", 1276 => "</b><br><small style=\"color: gray\">", 5165 => "></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Admin approval require</td><td><input type=checkbox name=approve value=1 ", 3578 => "\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=payee_name value=\"", 1300 => "country", 7681 => "Content-length: ", 2549 => "test_okpay_settings", 355 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering - 1 where ordering > ", 9696 => "/^https.*/i", 9165 => "FLJZFRXFWEVM6356TH5D", 5472 => "Y9VWZURJZRWY99HJ37H5", 7669 => "egold_paymentunits", 5485 => "/^key/", 2803 => "\$res = array();", 2831 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank MultiWebPay account", 3937 => "use_addbonus2", 69 => " <tr> <td>", 7068 => "] class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_weekly[", 6145 => " </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Min deposit amount (\$):</td> <td><input type=text name=ref1_pax_cms_minamount class=inpts size=6 style=\"text-align: right\" value=\"", 7202 => " <input type=checkbox name=assign_no_upline value=1 ", 4341 => "' size=6> <small>(set 0 to skip limits)</small></td> </tr> ", 9833 => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", 3661 => "\" class=inpts><small>set 0 to skip limits</small></td> </tr> <tr> ");
  2349. if (!(0 < $osjJob) && 0 < $LO5mj5)
  2350. {
  2351. return substr($oJDl57[$m1sDwD], $osjJob, $LO5mj5);
  2352. }
  2353. return $oJDl57[$m1sDwD];
  2354. }
  2356. function dxe63s($sj76xI, $eVS3ij = 0, $m3bX4x = 0) {
  2358. $VoxOIe = array(3661 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Start day:</td> <td><select name=site_start_day class=inpts> ", 6182 => " <tr> <td>Old Security Guard PIN:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 4341 => " function OF() { change_days_hours_label(); var this_day = \"", 7023 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=payment_details> <input type=hidden name=action value=save> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center><b>Change payment description for package `", 7202 => "data", 8910 => "my:other_processings", 1276 => "\" ", 5165 => " <meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=", 355 => "change", 9696 => "month", 3937 => "Wrong admin pass", 5472 => "Checkout ID", 2831 => "Shop ID", 7669 => "&Payee_Account=", 2803 => "ac", 5485 => "key", 9165 => "select * from hm2_processings", 2549 => "group", 7681 => "<div id=\"self_menu", 1300 => "Deposit to Account", 69 => "ref2_cms_minamount", 3578 => ", pswd = ", 7068 => "</b> to PayPal.<br> <form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\r
  2359. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"_xclick\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"business\" value=\"", 6145 => "inpts", 9004 => " User name was not found.<br><br> ", 1741 => " alert(\"Sorry, SOAP extension is not installed on server\"); return false; ", 9833 => " <tr> <td>Old secondary password:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 2385 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> <td>Internal Transfer Fee Payer:</td> <td><select name=internal_transfer_fee_payer class=inpts><option value=1 ");
  2360. if (!(0 < $eVS3ij) && 0 < $m3bX4x)
  2361. {
  2362. return substr($VoxOIe[$sj76xI], $eVS3ij, $m3bX4x);
  2363. }
  2364. return $VoxOIe[$sj76xI];
  2365. }
  2367. function xovsbl($dxOo67, $LmVB7x = 0, $IID6e0 = 0) {
  2369. $V4OwjX = array(355 => " group by ec", 9696 => "</b></td> <td>", 3937 => "reset_security", 5472 => "payactivereferal", 2831 => "./fonts/font1.ttf", 2803 => "withdraw_memo_string", 5485 => "enable_wire", 7669 => " value=", 9165 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"METHOD\" value=\"POST\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RETURNPAGE\" value=\"CGI\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ITEM_NUMBER\" value=\"1\"> <INPUT type=hidden value=\"Withdraw to ");
  2370. if (!(0 < $LmVB7x) && 0 < $IID6e0)
  2371. {
  2372. return substr($V4OwjX[$dxOo67], $LmVB7x, $IID6e0);
  2373. }
  2374. return $V4OwjX[$dxOo67];
  2375. }
  2377. function js1dee($JxeR18, $oRls41 = 0, $x0i8wL = 0) {
  2379. $jEsVBI = array(3937 => "paying_batch", 2831 => "width", 7669 => "pexpay_from_account", 2803 => "on", 5485 => "update hm2_users set ac = ", 5472 => "Pin code", 9165 => ">Yes</select></td> <td style=\"padding-left:5px\"><small>Do not change this option if you don't exactly know how does it work. If you are using HTTPS you should set 'https://' into Site URL on this page too!</small></td></tr></table>\r
  2380. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Show \"Tell a friend\" page:</td> <td><select name=tell_friend_page class=inpts><option value=0 ");
  2381. if (!(0 < $oRls41) && 0 < $x0i8wL)
  2382. {
  2383. return substr($jEsVBI[$JxeR18], $oRls41, $x0i8wL);
  2384. }
  2385. return $jEsVBI[$JxeR18];
  2386. }
  2388. function o3sjso($D16Lmw, $jmdBJ7 = 0, $s3030B = 0) {
  2390. $EjsRDX = array(69 => " </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> ", 7681 => "\" class=inpts></td> </tr> </table> <br> ", 9696 => " <script> function open_payment_settings(a) { var id = 'settings_'+a; document.getElementById(id).style.display = document.getElementById(id).style.display == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'; } function setnew_pass(id) { document.getElementById(id+\"_div_pass\").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById(id+\"_hide_link\").style.display = 'none'; } function test_autopayment(id) { var frm = document.getElementById('settings_'+id); var inpts = frm.getElementsByTagName('input'); var params = ''; for (i in inpts) { var inpt = inpts[i]; if (inpt.type && (inpt.type.toLowerCase() == 'text' || inpt.type.toLowerCase() == 'password')) { var name =^ps\\[\\d+\\]\\[/, '').replace(/\\]\$/, ''); var val = inpt.value; if (val != '') { params += encodeURIComponent(name)+'='+encodeURIComponent(val)+'&'; } else { alert(inpt.title + ' is required'); inpt.focus(); return false; } } } win ='', 'test_'+id, 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'test_'+id; document.testsettings.a.value = 'autowithdraw_test'; document.testsettings.processing.value = id; document.testsettings.params.value = params; document.testsettings.submit(); win.focus(); } </script> <style> .hide { display:none; } .pshead { padding: 3px; background: #FF8D00; margin: 2px 0; font-weight: bold; overflow: hidden; } .pshead b { display:block; width: 250px; float: left; } .pshead a { display:block; width: 150px; float: right; font-weight: normal; text-align: right; color: white; } .psettings { display:none; } </style> <script language=javascript> function test_eeecurrency() { ", 9165 => "</b> <img src=\"images/", 2831 => "cnt_active", 5485 => "A9ZDH6C9NUAYVVUJHWXS", 2803 => " <tr> <td colspan=7 align=center>No accounts found</td> </tr> ", 7669 => ", rpcp = ", 5472 => " <form method=post name=nform > <input type=hidden name=a value=wiredetails> ", 3937 => " This screen helps you to manage Wire Transfers.<br> Move to deposit - if you have really received this Wire Transfer, you can move this Wire to 'processed', and create a deposit for this Wire Transfer.<br> Move to 'problem' - move this Wire Transfer to the 'problem' Wires.<br> Delete - delete this Wire Transfer if you have not received it. ", 355 => " <br> <br> <input type=checkbox name=force_upline value=1 ", 2549 => "> Force an upline during the signup.<br> <br> ", 1300 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show 'accounts total' information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_total_accounts value=1 ");
  2391. if (!(0 < $jmdBJ7) && 0 < $s3030B)
  2392. {
  2393. return substr($EjsRDX[$D16Lmw], $jmdBJ7, $s3030B);
  2394. }
  2395. return $EjsRDX[$D16Lmw];
  2396. }
  2398. function o7ejdl($Lx5LOl, $i974OD = 0, $J75xDs = 0) {
  2400. $bx5S4S = array(7023 => " files monitored<br> ", 6145 => "update hm2_news set title=", 7068 => ", 1)\" onMouseOut=\"highlight(", 69 => ", work_week = ", 1300 => "%b-%e-%Y", 7681 => "HTTPS", 2549 => "use_ads", 9696 => "Y842Q5AX2TGDLAY5DR9V", 9165 => "Description", 5472 => "pexpay_password", 2831 => "<br>Query: ", 2803 => "program_version", 5485 => "~^(.*)\\|Reply-To:(.*)\$~", 7669 => "D", 3937 => "signature", 355 => "VPUBNLB5EUXWRLAH9C89", 3578 => "fullname", 5165 => ") as d, ((a.expiration != 0) && ( + interval a.expiration day < current_date)) as expired, (to_days( + interval a.expiration day) - to_days(current_date)) as days_left ", 1276 => " <a href=\"", 8910 => "; </script>", 7202 => "select, sum(d.actual_amount) as sum1 from hm2_users as u, hm2_deposits as d where = d.user_id and d.status = ", 4341 => "sto");
  2401. if (!(0 < $i974OD) && 0 < $J75xDs)
  2402. {
  2403. return substr($bx5S4S[$Lx5LOl], $i974OD, $J75xDs);
  2404. }
  2405. return $bx5S4S[$Lx5LOl];
  2406. }
  2408. function jbxsrd($lsJOR3, $wXxREL = 0, $j9jdBi = 0) {
  2410. $Jos6eS = array(9004 => ">None</option> <option value=\"ssl\" ", 4341 => " </tr><tr> <td>Account:</td> <td>", 1276 => "YSHTSQ4C87MU88WCCR8R", 3578 => "\$res = \$resobj->Wallet_Get_BalanceResult;", 69 => ", percent = 0", 1300 => " where id=", 2549 => " or email like ", 355 => "44J2EHVRDW39YKK5Z6SW", 2803 => "6m", 5485 => "show_info_box_running_days", 7669 => "No interest on ", 2831 => "select * from hm2_deposits where type_id = ", 5472 => "Admin NixMoney account has wrong format (", 3937 => "balance", 9165 => "response", 9696 => "Transfer from external processings", 7681 => "duration", 5165 => "Invalid Auth data is provided", 8910 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_RESULT_URL\" value=\"", 7068 => "></td> <td width=99%><li> ", 6145 => " <tr> <td></td> <td> <input type=submit value=\"", 7202 => " value=\"", 7023 => "select id, name from hm2_plans");
  2411. if (!(0 < $wXxREL) && 0 < $j9jdBi)
  2412. {
  2413. return substr($Jos6eS[$lsJOR3], $wXxREL, $j9jdBi);
  2414. }
  2415. return $Jos6eS[$lsJOR3];
  2416. }
  2418. function bv5b4e($BlXmB1, $XbdB47, $ijllEw, $xlOVJL, $eXoEL7) {
  2420. global $RB50Ss;
  2421. if ($ijllEw == "")
  2422. {
  2423. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . lj0eb0(7669) . "'";
  2424. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2425. return array(0, rxmeo8(3937), "");
  2426. }
  2427. if (!preg_match('' . "/^\\d+\$/", $ijllEw, $IEDS1D))
  2428. {
  2429. $SO0JSE = exwoje($ijllEw);
  2430. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . b0589i(5472) . $SO0JSE . b9o8l9(7669) . "'";
  2431. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2432. return array(0, rxmeo8(3937), "");
  2433. }
  2434. list($B7619i, $eo55bd) = ejeiw5($ijllEw, 38);
  2435. if ($B7619i == 0)
  2436. {
  2437. w1d9l7(w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . exwoje($eo55bd) . "'");
  2438. return array(0, $eo55bd);
  2439. }
  2440. if (function_exists(b60dj3(5485)))
  2441. {
  2442. if (!($BlXmB1 == "") && $BlXmB1 == d7dxs4(7669))
  2443. {
  2444. $i9E6So = iidjd3(5485) . "'" . o7ejdl(5472) . "'";
  2445. $mSw81s = w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2446. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_array($mSw81s))
  2447. {
  2448. $ieJ9Xd = ddw938($BXJX5j[jbld0j(2803)], mdiies(5485));
  2449. continue;
  2450. }
  2451. $i9E6So = iidjd3(5485) . "'" . dm3bel(5485) . "'";
  2452. $mSw81s = w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2453. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_array($mSw81s))
  2454. {
  2455. $bVj687 = ddw938($BXJX5j[jbld0j(2803)], mdiies(5485));
  2456. continue;
  2457. }
  2458. }
  2459. list($ieJ9Xd, $bVj687) = preg_split(e4or0b(7669), $BlXmB1, 2);
  2460. $Im7LBd = $ijllEw . mmxibx(2803) . $XbdB47 . ovom6j(7669) . substr($xlOVJL, 0, 255) . ";
  2461. ";
  2462. $m1LwOi = curl_init();
  2463. $lj00V4 = sprintf(emv7rb(9165), urlencode($RB50Ss[js1dee(7669)]), urlencode($RB50Ss[d4ov0d(2831)]), urlencode(base64_encode($ieJ9Xd)), urlencode(base64_encode($bVj687)), urlencode($Im7LBd));
  2464. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_URL, l1oi8s(2803));
  2465. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  2466. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $lj00V4);
  2467. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  2468. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
  2469. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  2470. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  2471. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
  2472. $SOj6oX = curl_exec($m1LwOi);
  2473. curl_close($m1LwOi);
  2474. list($BERLmV, $OXl8L7, $dxBSJ3, $EO33V3, $Olm0oL) = preg_split(ljrbs5(5485), $SOj6oX);
  2475. if (preg_match(wwrvx0(2803), $Olm0oL, $eXIjox))
  2476. {
  2477. return array(1, "", $eXIjox[1]);
  2478. }
  2479. if ($Olm0oL != "")
  2480. {
  2481. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . " " . $Olm0oL);
  2482. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  2483. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2484. return array(0, $bRS7E9, "");
  2485. }
  2486. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . j5vbel(7669) . $SOj6oX);
  2487. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  2488. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2489. return array(0, $bRS7E9, "");
  2490. }
  2491. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . b5mojx(7669));
  2492. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  2493. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2494. return array(0, $eXoEL7 . b5mojx(7669));
  2495. }
  2497. function m3xsb1($dBJobV, $e5l8OB = 0, $RR39Xj = 0) {
  2499. $B0j7E8 = array(7023 => "</td> <td bgcolor=FFF9B3 class=menutxt align=right><a href=?a=editrate&id=", 7202 => " List of the latest add funds on all pages ", 6145 => "]\" title=\"", 8910 => "BUY", 1276 => " onclick=\"checkb()\"> no limit) </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('Specify here when user will get earning from deposit at this package')\" class=hlp>Payment period:</a></td> <td> <select name=hperiod class=inpts onchange=\"OF();CheckCompound();CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\"> <option value=\"d\" ", 5165 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Address:</td> <td>", 69 => ">Withdrawals <option value=\"withdraw_pending\" ", 7681 => "select * from hm2_history where id=", 2549 => "_grpinv", 9165 => "disabled", 7669 => "use_html", 2803 => "/^(\\d+)-(\\d+)\$/", 5485 => "select max(p.min_deposit) as min_deposit, p.parent as type_id from hm2_plans as p group by p.parent", 2831 => "", 5472 => "8DSAMZ6888CXQX3DNDNS", 3937 => "PQV6R4DSJL5QDZHFFM7F", 9696 => "Error, tried to send ", 355 => "ref3_pax_cms_minamount", 1300 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=submit value=\"Update\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> </table> </form> ", 3578 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>Personal information</b></td> </tr><tr> <td>Name:</td> <td>", 7068 => " <tr> <td>Wallet ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=okpay_from_account value=\"");
  2500. if (!(0 < $e5l8OB) && 0 < $RR39Xj)
  2501. {
  2502. return substr($B0j7E8[$dBJobV], $e5l8OB, $RR39Xj);
  2503. }
  2504. return $B0j7E8[$dBJobV];
  2505. }
  2507. function oei577($o7l6x8, $L0ds4x = 0, $xE5xsV = 0) {
  2509. $E84jbB = array(3578 => "\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'> max: <input type=input name=compound_max_deposit value=\"", 69 => "\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'> <small>set 0 to skip</small></td> </tr> <tr id=\"group_deposit_inpt2\"> <td>Min group member amount:</td> <td><input type=input name=min_group_deposit_amount value=\"", 1300 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=confirm value=ok> <input type=submit value=\"Confirm Payment\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; </form> ", 7681 => " or type=", 2549 => "modify_status", 355 => ") ", 9696 => "6TAXHEPMS2FEY3STUURT", 2831 => " type=", 7669 => ", tdate = now()", 2803 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=", 5485 => "#/", 5472 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_6; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.27.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.2.1 Safari/525.27.1", 3937 => "N4UXV7D9RXSFUUQ49H4C", 9165 => "L4JMJ8YVYTB83CA6CFPS", 5165 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show last deposit:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_lastdeposit value=1 ", 1276 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>CapitalSure:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('Capitalsure', 3)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"Capitalsure\"> <tr id=\"Capitalsure_tr_1\"> <td>Your Capitalsure account:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_capitalsure' value='");
  2510. if (!(0 < $L0ds4x) && 0 < $xE5xsV)
  2511. {
  2512. return substr($E84jbB[$o7l6x8], $L0ds4x, $xE5xsV);
  2513. }
  2514. return $E84jbB[$o7l6x8];
  2515. }
  2517. function edxo76($Edsx6J, $VB5ddm = 0, $LXEsE0 = 0) {
  2519. $Bd481b = array(69 => "</td> </tr> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Webmoney:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('webmoney', 3)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"webmoney\"> <tr id=\"webmoney_tr_1\"> <td>Your webmoney purse:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_webmoney' value='", 7681 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=count_aff value=1> Add referral commission for this transaction?</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> <input type=checkbox name=inform value=1 checked> Send the e-mail notification<br> <table width=100%> <tr> <td>Subject:</td> <td><input type=text name=mail_subj value=\"", 2549 => "btc_trading", 9165 => "<br> <a href=\"?a=ads&tid=", 3937 => "show_avaliable_places", 2831 => ", min_deposit = ", 7669 => "ps", 5485 => "withdraw_admin_notification", 2803 => "4K5SVW3M2LYNL4R3J4FL", 5472 => "create table hm2_user_balances ( user_id int unsigned, ec int unsigned, amount decimal(20,10), type varchar(25), index hi1 (user_id), index hi2 (user_id, ec, type(25)) )", 9696 => " Message has been sent. Total: ", 355 => ", 0)\"> <td colspan=", 1300 => " if (document.formsettings.solidtrustpay_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type Solid Trust Pay account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.solidtrustpay_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type SolidTrust Pay API Password\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.solidtrustpay_apiname == '') { alert(\"Please type SolidTrust Pay API Name\"); return false; }'', 'testsolidtrustpay', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testsolidtrustpay'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_solidtrustpay_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.solidtrustpay_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.solidtrustpay_password.value; document.testsettings.code.value = document.formsettings.solidtrustpay_apiname.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_perfectmoney() { ", 3578 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Users should use a transaction code to edit account:</td> <td><select name=use_transaction_code_edit_account class=inpts><option value=0 ");
  2520. if (!(0 < $VB5ddm) && 0 < $LXEsE0)
  2521. {
  2522. return substr($Bd481b[$Edsx6J], $VB5ddm, $LXEsE0);
  2523. }
  2524. return $Bd481b[$Edsx6J];
  2525. }
  2527. function vdriso($I7ED6d, $JIRVx5 = 0, $SldVOi = 0) {
  2529. $D5Sbbi = array(7068 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Send\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> </td><td valign=top align=center> ", 1276 => "Turkey", 5165 => "Gambia", 3578 => " open_trs('SMTP', 4); ", 69 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Enter the maximal deposit withdrawal duration:</td> <td><input type=input name=withdraw_principal_duration_max value=\"0\" class=inpts> days<br><small>set 0 to skip limitation</small></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name='work_week' value=1 ", 1300 => ", stop_price)) astop, sum(!status*amount*stop_price) astop, sum(if(type = 1, amount * (price - if(status, ", 7681 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_users where ref=", 9165 => "Ok", 7669 => "&a=", 2803 => "has_account", 5485 => "f", 2831 => "5T4SYC3EUR63BQ938WBE", 5472 => "</b></td> </tr> </table> <center> ", 3937 => "test_egopay_settings", 9696 => "delete from hm2_umessages where id = ", 355 => "<option value=", 2549 => "messages", 8910 => "\" target=_blank>");
  2530. if (!(0 < $JIRVx5) && 0 < $SldVOi)
  2531. {
  2532. return substr($D5Sbbi[$I7ED6d], $JIRVx5, $SldVOi);
  2533. }
  2534. return $D5Sbbi[$I7ED6d];
  2535. }
  2537. function d5om6d(&$OjxBVR, $iRlS10 = 0) {
  2539. reset($OjxBVR);
  2540. foreach ($OjxBVR as $m95JX8 => $EIlwwi)
  2541. {
  2542. $L638x8 = array();
  2543. if (is_array($EIlwwi))
  2544. {
  2545. d5om6d($OjxBVR[$m95JX8], $iRlS10);
  2546. continue;
  2547. }
  2548. $L638x8 = xoxei9($EIlwwi);
  2549. $OjxBVR[$m95JX8] = $L638x8[$iRlS10];
  2550. continue;
  2551. }
  2552. return;
  2553. }
  2555. function o7we7s($b3RX7D, $EiRsEI = 0, $RmsllL = 0) {
  2557. $lL58S4 = array(6145 => " <td>Came from:</td> <td><small><a href=\"", 8910 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr> ", 5165 => ">Upline: ", 3578 => " You can change the amount before moving this transfer to the deposit. ", 69 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=4><b>Total 2-10 level active referrals:</b> ", 1300 => " <table class=\"form\"> <tr> <td>Enabled</td><td><input type=checkbox name=enabled value=1 ", 7681 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=settings>Settings</a></td> </tr><tr> ", 9696 => "hreturn_profit", 3937 => "PDT2VUEPCG9NETPKKBBS", 5472 => "use_amount_mult", 7669 => "YV3SZ6GFPUK7STTA55V2", 2803 => "purse", 5485 => "select sum(actual_amount) as tamount from hm2_deposits where status = ", 2831 => "QV8L558XM283549M4JRU", 9165 => "expiration", 355 => "enable_exchange", 2549 => "useactivereferal", 1276 => " <input type=button value=\"Activate\" class=sbmt onclick=\"document.members.action.value='activate';document.members.submit()\"> &nbsp; ", 7068 => "Bhutan", 7202 => "sfrom", 7023 => ")</th> </tr> ", 4341 => " </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Main: END -->\r
  2558. </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> ");
  2559. if (!(0 < $EiRsEI) && 0 < $RmsllL)
  2560. {
  2561. return substr($lL58S4[$b3RX7D], $EiRsEI, $RmsllL);
  2562. }
  2563. return $lL58S4[$b3RX7D];
  2564. }
  2566. function b1irs9($XliS10, $DBwjRd = 0, $SSX3OJ = 0) {
  2568. $jJbROb = array(3578 => "<a href=\"?a=rates&action=up&id=", 69 => "United States", 1300 => " Specify your GoldMoney Holding Number settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable GoldMoney deposits.<br><br> Setup your Goldmoeny Account:<br> <ol> <li>Login to your GoldMoney Holding and then go to OMI section (if this section is not visible, then GoldMoney may not have yet activated the OMI for your Holding. To activate it you should contact GoldMoney Support). <li>Result URL: &lt;blank&gt; <li>Success URL: &lt;blank&gt; <li>Fail URL: &lt;blank&gt; <li>Secret Key: &lt;any secret key of your choosing not same to account password and copy it to 'Your GoldMoney Secret Key' field on this screen&gt; <li>Success URL Method: LINK <li>Fail URL Method: LINK <li>Payment Details Hash Method: MD5 <li>Test/Live Flag: Live <li>Active/Inactive Flag: Active <li>Send Secret Key Flag: Never Send <li>Omit Payment Details Flag: No <li>Allow URL Overrides from Payment Request Form: Yes <li>Verify the SSL Certificate of the Result URL: No </ol> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 7681 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"Pecunix_tr_2\"> <td>Shared Secret:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_pecunix' value='", 355 => "select * from hm2_referal_pax where level = 1 order by from_value", 9696 => "update hm2_users set email=", 3937 => "Location: ?a=releasedeposits&u_id=", 7669 => "perfectmoney_payer_account", 5485 => " 2 month ", 2803 => "RETURNCODE", 2831 => "SCRIPT_NAME", 5472 => "show_info_box_visitor_online", 9165 => "ssl", 2549 => " <tr> <td>Old Merchant ID:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 5165 => "%</td> ");
  2569. if (!(0 < $DBwjRd) && 0 < $SSX3OJ)
  2570. {
  2571. return substr($jJbROb[$XliS10], $DBwjRd, $SSX3OJ);
  2572. }
  2573. return $jJbROb[$XliS10];
  2574. }
  2576. function o6bios($L0d1J7, $jSVJ0o = 0, $O0j4mo = 0) {
  2578. $EjXVjx = array(355 => " alert(\"Sorry, curl extension is not installed on server\"; return false; ", 9165 => "AL3XULRDRGTT9TTN7Q83", 3937 => "Test status: OK<br>Your balance is ", 5485 => "current_day", 2803 => "current_date", 7669 => "withdraw_principal_duration", 2831 => "\$obj->Currency = \"USD\";", 5472 => "CVD2T72SXT386PVUTDHR", 9696 => "\"; \$.post(\"admin.php\", {a: \"edit_rate\", ajax_request: \"1\", xml_request: \"1\", action: \"get_float_rates\", date: this_day, type_id: ", 2549 => "\" class=inpts></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2> ", 7681 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"solidtrustpay_tr_3\"> <td>Payment Button Password:</td> <td><input type=password name='md5altphrase_solidtrustpay' value='", 1300 => "Australia");
  2579. if (!(0 < $jSVJ0o) && 0 < $O0j4mo)
  2580. {
  2581. return substr($EjXVjx[$L0d1J7], $jSVJ0o, $O0j4mo);
  2582. }
  2583. return $EjXVjx[$L0d1J7];
  2584. }
  2586. function o7i7bj($sx9X8s, $O7IdI3 = 0, $Rw5dII = 0) {
  2588. $IwO0mI = array(1300 => "total_deposit", 7681 => ">Verified</option> </select> </td> </tr> ", 2549 => "/[\\n\\r]/", 9696 => " <b>Error transactions:</b><br><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Date</td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Error</td> </tr> ", 3937 => "user_from_on_contact", 5472 => "alter table hm2_types add column amount_mult float(10,2) not null default 1", 2831 => "</small></td> </tr> ", 5485 => "parent", 2803 => "ErrorResponse", 7669 => "HA9KM4DXA8TGLM5GR2BL", 9165 => ".\"?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <input type=hidden name=custom value=\"pay_withdraw|", 355 => "')>Set new</a></div> ");
  2589. if (!(0 < $O7IdI3) && 0 < $Rw5dII)
  2590. {
  2591. return substr($IwO0mI[$sx9X8s], $O7IdI3, $Rw5dII);
  2592. }
  2593. return $IwO0mI[$sx9X8s];
  2594. }
  2596. function o6sw4l($e3E643, $Jm4Vi7 = 0, $s0418V = 0) {
  2598. $li3Oi6 = array(2549 => " document.payform.solidtruspay_apiname.disabled = document.payform.solidtruspay_acc[0].checked document.payform.solidtruspay_password.disabled = document.payform.solidtruspay_acc[0].checked ", 9165 => "test_alertpay_settings", 2831 => "Site ID", 7669 => "nixmoney", 5485 => "payeeEmail", 2803 => "XAU", 5472 => "Not enough money", 3937 => "Location: ?a=members&q=", 9696 => "AF7763BF4EF7EC7B0422", 355 => "select hm2_wires.*, hm2_users.username from hm2_wires, hm2_users where hm2_wires.status=");
  2599. if (!(0 < $Jm4Vi7) && 0 < $s0418V)
  2600. {
  2601. return substr($li3Oi6[$e3E643], $Jm4Vi7, $s0418V);
  2602. }
  2603. return $li3Oi6[$e3E643];
  2604. }
  2606. function j6xjos($jDRs7l, $OIJ80x = 0, $d1JXRj = 0) {
  2608. $DiJ5mo = array(1276 => "every 2 month", 5165 => " <small>{", 3578 => "Bolivia", 1300 => "> Pay referral commision to users who have made deposit. <br> ", 2549 => " Account:</td> <td><input type=text name=processing_account[", 9696 => "password2", 5472 => "egopay_account", 2803 => "--", 5485 => "user_auto_pay_earning", 7669 => "", 2831 => "ZYS9CGKWTTEUMH3Z6NJ9", 3937 => "Code is: ", 9165 => "compound_percents_type", 355 => " <tr><td> <b>", 7681 => "withdraw_request_admin_notification", 69 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_members_online value=0 ");
  2609. if (!(0 < $OIJ80x) && 0 < $d1JXRj)
  2610. {
  2611. return substr($DiJ5mo[$jDRs7l], $OIJ80x, $d1JXRj);
  2612. }
  2613. return $DiJ5mo[$jDRs7l];
  2614. }
  2616. function srd0sb($e4iw1e, $iO8ebi = 0, $ow4oEl = 0) {
  2618. $x5eJ30 = array(2549 => "update hm2_users set name = ", 9696 => "browser", 9165 => "approved = ", 7669 => "3248BFAADE78F14C6F40", 5485 => "license=", 2803 => "transaction_id", 2831 => "2UW9QL4PNHRTSVHPYD5Z", 5472 => " and type=", 3937 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi5 (date, deposit_id)", 355 => " + interval 0 day < date + interval ", 7681 => "internal_transfer_fee_payer", 1300 => "other_processings", 69 => " <tr id=memberTR", 3578 => "Kuwait");
  2619. if (!(0 < $iO8ebi) && 0 < $ow4oEl)
  2620. {
  2621. return substr($x5eJ30[$e4iw1e], $iO8ebi, $ow4oEl);
  2622. }
  2623. return $x5eJ30[$e4iw1e];
  2624. }
  2626. function l9boiv($o955Sd, $VSJ0eX = 0, $lbJdD6 = 0) {
  2628. $S5iwm3 = array(355 => " order by price desc, id desc", 9696 => " <div class=\"ok\">Settings have been successfully saved.</div> ", 3937 => "&say=saved", 7669 => "L8Z5994H6GANVC2EDNYL", 2803 => "C8RKWAJLCAGJ9LRZJHUH", 5485 => "QIWI", 2831 => "ref10_cms", 5472 => "address", 9165 => "def_payee_account_perfectmoney", 2549 => "Mauritania", 7681 => "<i>n/a</i>");
  2629. if (!(0 < $VSJ0eX) && 0 < $lbJdD6)
  2630. {
  2631. return substr($S5iwm3[$o955Sd], $VSJ0eX, $lbJdD6);
  2632. }
  2633. return $S5iwm3[$o955Sd];
  2634. }
  2636. function lm7ssb($I6l6JE, $E3V1LI = 0, $XbxIxw = 0) {
  2638. $iRlbRB = array(1300 => "0CF09ADF939A8A5E0429", 2549 => "send", 355 => "' domain.<br><br> E-mail: <input type=text name=conf_email value=\"admin\" class=inpts size=10>@", 9165 => "ref4_cms", 2831 => ", dawifi = ", 7669 => ", parent = ", 2803 => "J68NA2FW8ZX4VPD49L4R", 5485 => "test_available", 5472 => " day, status = ", 3937 => "zlib.output_compression", 9696 => "19", 7681 => " but it can be different - ask your hoster to be sure.<br> ", 69 => "select * from hm2_referal where level = 1 order by from_value", 3578 => " User information saved<br><br> ", 5165 => "Montserrat", 1276 => "</small></th> <th colspan=2 ><small>");
  2639. if (!(0 < $E3V1LI) && 0 < $XbxIxw)
  2640. {
  2641. return substr($iRlbRB[$I6l6JE], $E3V1LI, $XbxIxw);
  2642. }
  2643. return $iRlbRB[$I6l6JE];
  2644. }
  2646. function lrj5l8($eSB9bE, $J6J1Sw = 0, $VReEs1 = 0) {
  2648. $xj7X9J = array(69 => ") as last_access_time, date_format(date + interval ", 9165 => " Withdrawal has not been sent<br><br> ", 5472 => "A6590954EAE05B56DDC5", 7669 => "select * from hm2_fchk", 2803 => ", ec = ", 5485 => "y", 2831 => " Specify your Entromoney SCI settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Entromoney deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Entromoney account -> \"Settings\"<br> 2. Verify your website<br> 3. Settings -> SCI -> Change settings 4. On next step of show creation specify:<br> Success URL - ", 3937 => "PKTRTVHC2ZTLCM7326EA", 9696 => "' class=inpts size=30> <input type=submit value=\"Search\" class=sbmt> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <b>Results ", 355 => "select * from hm2_groups order by id", 2549 => " if (document.formsettings.pecunix_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type Pecunix account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.pecunix_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type Pecunix password\"); return false; }'', 'testpecunix', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testpecunix'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_pecunix_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.pecunix_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.pecunix_password.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_alertpay() { ", 7681 => "incorrect_password", 1300 => "Slovenia");
  2649. if (!(0 < $J6J1Sw) && 0 < $VReEs1)
  2650. {
  2651. return substr($xj7X9J[$eSB9bE], $J6J1Sw, $VReEs1);
  2652. }
  2653. return $xj7X9J[$eSB9bE];
  2654. }
  2656. function xvme6i($XLBemS, $oEoRI3 = 0, $R6JoIb = 0) {
  2658. $JjimE8 = array(3578 => " hour) = to_days(now()) and hm2_deposits.type_id = ", 9165 => "\" style=\"text-align: right\">%</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref_percent_monthly[", 3937 => "\" size=6 class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Increase Price (\$)</td><td><input type=text name=price_inc value=\"", 5472 => "</b> to Payza (alertpay).<br> <!--form name=spend method=get action=\"\"-->\r
  2659. <form name=spend method=get action=\"\">\r
  2660. <INPUT type=hidden name=ap_currency value=\"USD\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=ap_purchasetype value=\"Item\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=ap_quantity value=\"1\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=ap_amount value=\"", 2831 => "payment_description", 2803 => "h", 5485 => " and d.dde < now() and = d.user_id and ", 7669 => " , min_group_deposit_amount = ", 9696 => "ref_email", 355 => " - price) )) aprofit, sum(!status * if(type = 1, amount * (price - stop_price), amount * (stop_price - price) )) cprofit from hm2_btc_trading where 1=1", 2549 => " if (document.formsettings.cosmicpay_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type CosmicPay account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.cosmicpay_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type CosmicPay security word\"); return false; }'', 'testcosmicpay', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testcosmicpay'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_cosmicpay_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.cosmicpay_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.cosmicpay_password.value; document.testsettings.code.value = document.formsettings.cosmicpay_apiname.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_solidtrustpay() { ", 7681 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>New alternative passphrase:</td> <td><input type=password name=new_alternative_passphrase value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Confirm New alternative passphrase:</td> <td><input type=password name=new_alternative_passphrase2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 1300 => "Botswana", 69 => " <tr> <td>Secret question:</td> <td>");
  2661. if (!(0 < $oEoRI3) && 0 < $R6JoIb)
  2662. {
  2663. return substr($JjimE8[$XLBemS], $oEoRI3, $R6JoIb);
  2664. }
  2665. return $JjimE8[$XLBemS];
  2666. }
  2668. function vij0js($XR566J, $l38R3R = 0, $Ow1Ile = 0) {
  2670. $li7B5R = array(8910 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"freekassa_tr_4\"> <td>Convert to:</td> <td> <select name='freekassa_convert_to' class=inpts> ", 1276 => " </td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>OkPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('39')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_39\"> ", 69 => "expired", 1300 => "Location: ?a=editaccount&say=incorrect_username&id=", 7681 => "&display=saved", 2549 => "deposits_limit_num", 2831 => "Security Word", 5485 => "", 2803 => "api_id", 7669 => "AccountID=", 5472 => "AD5DX9HK9H9QLQLK63RT", 3937 => "select h.*, u.accounts from hm2_history as h, hm2_users as u where in (", 9165 => "Location: ?a=addpenality&say=done&id=", 9696 => "show_info_box_deposit_funds", 355 => "Location: ?a=auto-pay-settings&say=invalid_passphrase", 3578 => " <script language=javascript> var u = Array (0, ", 5165 => "baddress");
  2671. if (!(0 < $l38R3R) && 0 < $Ow1Ile)
  2672. {
  2673. return substr($li7B5R[$XR566J], $l38R3R, $Ow1Ile);
  2674. }
  2675. return $li7B5R[$XR566J];
  2676. }
  2678. function j4dbs4($bx6XB6, $VjjR19 = 0, $j1DDXD = 0) {
  2680. $ROL91D = array(7023 => " <input type=button value=\"Delete\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=pending_deposit_details&action=delete&id=", 6145 => "\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form>", 7068 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=\"172\"> <tr> <th colspan=2><img src=images/q.gif width=1 height=3></th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=2 class=title>Menu</th> </tr> <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=rates>Investment Packages</a></td> ", 8910 => "select id from hm2_users where username in (", 1276 => "Re-Sending Hello from ", 5165 => "expiration = ", 7681 => "max_auto_withdraw_user", 2549 => ", expiration=", 355 => "Content-type: text/xml", 9696 => "Withdrawal to account ", 9165 => " minute > now() and last_access_ip = '", 5472 => "PHP_SELF", 2831 => "text", 5485 => "http://", 2803 => "username", 7669 => "_cms", 3937 => "\$obj->IsReceiverPaysFees = TRUE;", 1300 => "ALTER TABLE hm2_user_access_log ADD INDEX ip_idx (ip(15));", 69 => "select * from hm2_types", 3578 => "sha1|", 7202 => "') class=sbmt></td> </tr> ", 4341 => " The penalty has been sent. Total: ");
  2681. if (!(0 < $VjjR19) && 0 < $j1DDXD)
  2682. {
  2683. return substr($ROL91D[$bx6XB6], $VjjR19, $j1DDXD);
  2684. }
  2685. return $ROL91D[$bx6XB6];
  2686. }
  2688. function wd3sd8($VjmlXX, $mD15JE = 0, $Dej7Om = 0) {
  2690. $ijD94d = array(5165 => "]\" value=\"0.00\" class=inpts size=20 style=\"text-align: right\"></td> <td> <select name=\"type_id[", 355 => "Test status: OK", 9696 => "select ordering, id from hm2_types where id = ", 9165 => "++++3jkljfds", 3937 => "D6R9N3BVFKQPELSBAKNP", 2831 => "CSK3KWS8QY5DTP6RZ3C6", 7669 => "exchange_out", 2803 => "auto", 5485 => "status", 5472 => " Specify your Payeer merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Payeer deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Payeer account -> \"My Shop\"<br> 2. Click \"Add Website\"<br> 3. Enter form and place your \"Secret Key\" to for on this page<br> 4. On next step of show creation specify:<br> Success URL - ", 2549 => " <tr> <td>Skype ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=skypeid value='", 7681 => " <tr> <td colspan=7><a href=javascript:reverce(true)>Select all</a> / <a href=javascript:reverce(false)>Unselect all</a></td> </tr> ", 1300 => " Your eeeCurrency account number:<br> Account to receive deposits. Clear this field to disable eeeCurrency deposits.<br> <br> Password for MD5 verification:<br> 1. Login to your eeeCurrency account<br> 2. Click on \"Developers\" link<br> 3. Click on \"Add/Edit password for MD5 verification of posts\" link on the currently opened page<br> 4. Enter the password and click on \"Add /Edit Password\"<br> 5. You will receive something like this:<br> MD5 Check Sum: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<br> 6. Copy and paste this string to \"Password for MD5 verification\" field<br> <br> PostUrl number:<br> 1. Rename file \"eeecurrency_processing.php\" to any name with .php extension. Do not provide this name to any person.<br> 2. Login to your eeeCurrency account<br> 3. Click on \"Developers\" link<br> 4. Click on \"Add/Edit Posturls\" link on a newly opened page<br> 5. Type in the path to renamed eeecurrency_processing.php file to \"Add Post Url\" section and add it. (like[path_to_script].php)<br>\r
  2691. 6. Press \"Back\" button in your browser and reload the page. Find number of your url and type in this number into \"eeeCurrency PostUrl number&quot; field. (like 1 or 2 or 33... ).<br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 69 => "UTF-8", 3578 => "{strip} <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr> <td><b>Check IPs for double usage:</b></td> <td align=right><a href=\"?a=check_ips2\">Experemental Mode</a></td> </tr></table> <br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 >IP</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00>Quantity</th><th> </tr> {if \$ips} {section name=i loop=\$ips} <tr> <td><a href=?a=check_ips&ip={\$ips[i].ip}>{\$ips[i].ip}</a></td> <td><a href=?a=check_ips&ip={\$ips[i].ip}>{\$ips[i].q}</a></td> </tr> {/section} {else} <tr><td colspan=3 align=center>No double usage IP found</td></tr> {/if} </table><br> {/strip}");
  2692. if (!(0 < $mD15JE) && 0 < $Dej7Om)
  2693. {
  2694. return substr($ijD94d[$VjmlXX], $mD15JE, $Dej7Om);
  2695. }
  2696. return $ijD94d[$VjmlXX];
  2697. }
  2699. function s9o94d($VIIJR3, $eDB5DR = 0, $RROIdB = 0) {
  2701. $xxLLI5 = array(7681 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>SolidTrustPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('solidtrustpay', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"solidtrustpay\"> <tr id=\"solidtrustpay_tr_1\"> <td>Your Account Login:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_solidtrustpay' value='", 2549 => " <tr> <td>API Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=egopay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_egopay();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 9165 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=yes\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_SUCCESS_URL_METHOD\" value=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_FAIL_URL\" value=\"", 5472 => "delete from hm2_pay_settings where n=", 7669 => "ref1_pax_cms_minamount", 5485 => "Sunday", 2803 => ", actual_amount = -", 2831 => "update hm2_emails set status = 0", 3937 => "][", 9696 => " Here you can edit earining description from standard script description (f.x. Earning from deposit \$100.00 - 2 %)to your own.<br><br> You could create default earning description and also could create unique discription for any future date.<br><br> Default description will be used if you did not create description for specified date, else will be used description for this date<br><br> You could use following variables in this description:<br> #deposit_amount# - current deposit amount<br> #percent# - percent<br> #package_name# - investment package name<br><br> Max lenght of custom description is 255 chars. ", 355 => ", stop_price)), amount * (if(status, ", 1300 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Users should use a transaction code to withdraw:</td> <td><select name=use_transaction_code class=inpts><option value=0 ");
  2702. if (!(0 < $eDB5DR) && 0 < $RROIdB)
  2703. {
  2704. return substr($xxLLI5[$VIIJR3], $eDB5DR, $RROIdB);
  2705. }
  2706. return $xxLLI5[$VIIJR3];
  2707. }
  2709. function li1r5v($id6dlj, $XwebB8 = 0, $sLD1jS = 0) {
  2711. $o7B9SB = array(3578 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Deny registrations:</td> <td><select name=deny_registration class=inpts><option value=0 ", 7681 => ") as date from hm2_history_descriptions where type_id = ", 9696 => "change settings. Ref = ", 3937 => "show_referals", 2831 => "hstatus", 2803 => "eeecurrency", 5485 => "text/plain; ", 7669 => "okpay", 5472 => "startup_bonus2", 9165 => "Starting TLS...", 355 => "newsletter", 2549 => "select * from hm2_types where status = ", 1300 => " <tr> <td>API Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=solidtrustpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30> <input type=button value=\"Test\" onClick=\"test_solidtrustpay();\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 69 => " <b style=\"color:red\">Invalid Alternative Passphrase. No data has been updated.</b><br> <br> ", 5165 => " Double opt-in when registering: Select 'yes' if a user has to confirm the registration. An E-mail with the confirmation code will be sent to the user after he had submitted the registration request.<br> Opt-in e-mail: Confirmation messages will be sent from this e-mail account.<br> System e-mail: All system messages will be sent from this e-mail account.<br> Use user location fields: Adds &quot;Address&quot;, &quot;City&quot;, &quot;State&quot;, &quot;Zip&quot; and &quot;Country&quot; fields to user's profile.<br> Use double entry accounting: This mod is used for the transactions history screen in both users and admin areas. It shows three different columns - \"Debit\", \"Credit\" and \"Balance\" instead of one \"Amount\" field.<br> ", 1276 => " The penalty has not been sent. You had entered the wrong amount!<br> <br> ", 8910 => " <tr><td colspan=2 align=center>No logins yet</td></tr> ");
  2712. if (!(0 < $XwebB8) && 0 < $sLD1jS)
  2713. {
  2714. return substr($o7B9SB[$id6dlj], $XwebB8, $sLD1jS);
  2715. }
  2716. return $o7B9SB[$id6dlj];
  2717. }
  2719. function jseo8b($xE5j6S, $S3R94l = 0, $w4Do67 = 0) {
  2721. $ml83x1 = array(5165 => "Nicaragua", 3578 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_info_box_lastwithdrawal value=0 ", 69 => "tstop", 1300 => " with fees)<br>", 7681 => ">Internal Transfers </select> <br> <select name=ec class=inpts> <option value=-1>All eCurrencies</option> ", 2549 => " <tr><td colspan=6 align=center>No records found</td></tr> ", 5472 => "&testmode=1&api_id=", 7669 => ", add column work_phone varchar(200) not null default ", 5485 => "H9WBY9RW9Z2RNBGY8QBT", 2803 => "ref5_pax_cms", 2831 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ordering + 1 where ordering = ", 3937 => "wfields", 9165 => " <option value=\"", 9696 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=deposit value=\"", 355 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=count_aff value=\"");
  2722. if (!(0 < $S3R94l) && 0 < $w4Do67)
  2723. {
  2724. return substr($ml83x1[$xE5j6S], $S3R94l, $w4Do67);
  2725. }
  2726. return $ml83x1[$xE5j6S];
  2727. }
  2729. function b15ldx($O7S08L, $w6ijJI = 0, $Rw3I8X = 0) {
  2731. $LBDX6I = array(6145 => "</a><br> <br> <a href=\"javascript:alert('The difference between the funds arrived from payment processings and all the withdrawals you\\'ve made.')\" class=hlp>Total System Earnings:</a> ", 7068 => "\" oninput=\"gen_test_validation_image()\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr><tr id=tr_sample_image_id4> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=use_number_validation_number value=1 ", 8910 => " <td><input type=text name=withdraw_memo_string value='", 1276 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"freekassa_tr_3\"> <td>Secret Word 2 (result):</td> <td><input type=password name='md5altphrase_freekassa2' value='", 5165 => ":</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('", 69 => " <tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=review>Reviews Management</a></td> </tr> ", 1300 => " <center> <table width=\"760\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" > <tr> <td valign=top height=142> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100% height=142> <tr> <td background=\"images/ver.gif\" bgcolor=#FF8D00><img src=\"images/top.gif\" width=304 height=142 border=\"0\" align=left></td> <td background=\"images/ver.gif\" bgcolor=#FF8D00 valign=bottom align=right> <span style=\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; color: white\"> <b>", 2549 => " , max_group_deposit = ", 355 => "week", 9696 => "] ", 5472 => "rotating", 5485 => "sha cannot to server ", 2803 => "site_days_online_generated", 7669 => "select rc from hm2_types where id = ", 2831 => "U38577UTN3GDFVXY2THR", 3937 => "XUKBHYX7HCAZEHXT4KTJ", 9165 => "my", 7681 => "show_kitco_euro_per_ounce_box", 3578 => "camt");
  2732. if (!(0 < $w6ijJI) && 0 < $Rw3I8X)
  2733. {
  2734. return substr($LBDX6I[$O7S08L], $w6ijJI, $Rw3I8X);
  2735. }
  2736. return $LBDX6I[$O7S08L];
  2737. }
  2739. function sl7xid($xxiiXe, $eJV9O6 = 0, $d67D3d = 0) {
  2741. $S0mxDl = array(69 => "Somalia", 1300 => ") as cur_time", 2549 => "]\" onclick=\"checkrates(", 9696 => "<br><br><br>Sent ", 3937 => "alter table hm2_plans add column ext_id bigint not null default 0", 5485 => "max_deposit", 2803 => "/&gt;/i", 7669 => "961B9D289B59D7FBAD19", 2831 => "125x125 Static Banners", 5472 => "delete from hm2_plans where parent = ", 9165 => "<script>document.getElementById(\"self_menu", 355 => "\" class=\"inpts\" size=8> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Expires After (days)</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"expiration\" value=\"", 7681 => " <script language=javascript> function go(p) { = p; document.trans.submit(); } </script> <form method=post name=trans> <input type=hidden name=a value=btc_trading> <input type=hidden name=page value='", 3578 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=username value=\"", 5165 => " <form method=post name=payform onsubmit=\"return di_sabled()\"> <input type=hidden name=a value=mass> <input type=hidden name=action2 value=masspay> <input type=hidden name=action3 value=masspay> ", 1276 => "\" value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=\"datasource_");
  2742. if (!(0 < $eJV9O6) && 0 < $d67D3d)
  2743. {
  2744. return substr($S0mxDl[$xxiiXe], $eJV9O6, $d67D3d);
  2745. }
  2746. return $S0mxDl[$xxiiXe];
  2747. }
  2749. function srlsb3($L4lXOR, $mD80R1 = 0, $IS4mmO = 0) {
  2751. $SmIOdi = array(8910 => " and yearweek(now()) = yearweek(date) and ec=", 1276 => " onclick=\"activate_ref()\"> <input type=text name=ref_com value=\"", 5165 => "> Transfer earnings directly to the user's e-currency account ", 69 => "and d.user_id =", 355 => " <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\r
  2752. <html> <head> <title>HYIP Manager Pro. Auto-payment, mass payment included.</title> <link href=\"images/adminstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFF2\" link=\"#666699\" vlink=\"#666699\" alink=\"#666699\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" > <center> <br><br><br><br><br><div id='newsletterplace'></div><div id=self_menu0>Loading...", 9696 => "use", 2831 => "Z3QGH6889NUE6Z32KDEV", 5485 => "</errorresponse>", 2803 => "asmoney", 7669 => "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP", 5472 => "htpasswd_authentication", 3937 => " <tr> <th>Error:</th> <td>", 9165 => ", compound = ", 2549 => "listing_name", 7681 => "select sum(amount) as tamt, sum(status*amount) as aamt, sum(!status*amount) as camt, sum(amount*price) as tstart, sum(status*amount*price) as astart, sum(!status*amount*price) as astart, sum(amount*if(status, ", 1300 => " </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>PexPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('38')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_38\"> <tr> <td>Account ID:</td> <td><input type=text name=pexpay_from_account value=\"", 3578 => "Ecuador");
  2753. if (!(0 < $mD80R1) && 0 < $IS4mmO)
  2754. {
  2755. return substr($SmIOdi[$L4lXOR], $mD80R1, $IS4mmO);
  2756. }
  2757. return $SmIOdi[$L4lXOR];
  2758. }
  2760. function ivi86r($lB8eVx, $dDBmED = 0, $eL8x13 = 0) {
  2762. $oDm7je = array(7202 => "Niue", 6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"CosmicPay_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 8910 => " </td> </tr> </table> ", 1276 => ">[edit]</a> <a href=\"?a=deleteaccount&id=", 5165 => " level</td> <td align=center><input type=text name=ref", 3578 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upline:</td> <td><input type=text name=upline value='", 69 => " <b>Add a bonus:</b><br><br> ", 1300 => " <tr> <td>Verified:</td> <td><select name=verify class=inpts> <option value=\"0\" >Unverified</option> <option value=\"1\" >Pending</option> <option value=\"2\" >Verified</option> </select> </td> </tr> ", 7681 => "md5altphrase_solidtrustpay", 355 => " CREATE TRIGGER before_deposits_delete BEFORE DELETE ON hm2_deposits FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 9696 => ") THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 2803 => "active_deposit", 5485 => "insert into hm2_deposits set user_id = ", 7669 => "smtp_secure", 2831 => "Entromoney", 5472 => "timestamp", 3937 => ", withdraw_principal_duration_max = ", 9165 => "inform", 2549 => "delete from hm2_ads where id = ", 7068 => " Now you can activate referral bonus for last month<br> Q Users: ", 7023 => " <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td nowrap width=120>", 4341 => " Manage user funds:<br> Account balance: how many funds can the user deposit to any investment package or withdraw from the system.<br> Total deposit: how many funds has the user ever deposited to your system.<br> Total active deposit: the whole current deposit of this user.<br> Total earnings: how many funds has the user ever earned with your system.<br> Total withdrawals: how many funds has the user ever withdrawn from system.<br> Total bonus: how many funds has the administrator ever added to the user account as a bonus.<br> Total penalty: how many funds has the administrator ever deleted from the user account as a penalty.<br> Actions:<br> Transactions history - you can check the transactions history for this user.<br> Active deposits/Transactions history - you can check the deposits history for this user.<br> Earnings history - you can check the earnings history for this user.<br> Withdrawals history - you can check the withdrawals history for this user.<br> Process withdrawals - you can withdraw funds by clicking this link if a user asked you for a withdrawal.<br> Bonuses history - you can check the bonuses history for this user.<br> Penalties history - you can check the penalties history for this user.<br> Add a bonus and add a penalty - add a bonus or a penalty to this user.<br> ");
  2763. if (!(0 < $dDBmED) && 0 < $eL8x13)
  2764. {
  2765. return substr($oDm7je[$lB8eVx], $dDBmED, $eL8x13);
  2766. }
  2767. return $oDm7je[$lB8eVx];
  2768. }
  2770. function v4jv6x($D0jsbB, $OOXl1E = 0, $ElB0xE = 0) {
  2772. $jwLjB9 = array(7068 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total deposit: </td> <td colspan=2 align=right>", 8910 => "Guinea", 5165 => " <td><input type=text name=payment_description value='", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"LiqPay_tr_3\"> <td>Signature:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_liqpay' value='", 7681 => " <tr> <td>Account Name:</td> <td><input type=text name=egopay_from_account value=\"", 2549 => " <input type=submit value=\"Create deposit\" class=sbmt> ", 355 => "pzip", 9696 => " Message has not been sent. Unknown error!<br> <br> ", 5472 => "select a.*, date_format(, ", 2831 => "delete", 2803 => "QL93KX9S49W4GDTT8DDX", 5485 => ") as dw", 7669 => "<br> <br> Total balance of Members: ", 3937 => " <object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" width=\"", 9165 => " days (", 1300 => " <input type=checkbox name=show_refstat value=1 ", 69 => "<b>Deposit Details:</b><br><br> ", 1276 => "Bouvet Island");
  2773. if (!(0 < $OOXl1E) && 0 < $ElB0xE)
  2774. {
  2775. return substr($jwLjB9[$D0jsbB], $OOXl1E, $ElB0xE);
  2776. }
  2777. return $jwLjB9[$D0jsbB];
  2778. }
  2780. function jiebr6($I6OB7o, $IwX0Xs = 0, $J5ixj9 = 0) {
  2782. $D3SDJd = array(3578 => "<!--Page generated %.4F sec. -->", 69 => "North Korea", 7681 => "' size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"HDmoney_tr_4\"> <td colspan=2> ", 2549 => " </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 355 => ">No</td> </tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show kitco euro per ounce box:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_kitco_euro_per_ounce_box value=1 ", 9696 => " <tr> <td>Old password:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 9165 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 5472 => " </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=groups>Groups</a></td> ", 2831 => "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\r
  2783. <html> <head> <title>HYIP Manager Pro</title> <link href=\"images/adminstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFF2\" link=\"#666699\" vlink=\"#666699\" alink=\"#666699\" leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" > <center> <br><br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=80% height=100 bgcolor=#ff8d00> <tr> <td> <table width=\"100%\" height=\"100\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"> <tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" valign=\"top\"> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF> ", 7669 => "advanced_graph_validation_max_font_size", 2803 => "V2TLDY5KYUYY2QQRGSK2", 5485 => "37PYG8WWDCKJ72KCFAA5", 3937 => "Transaction successfully processed", 1300 => "Austria");
  2784. if (!(0 < $IwX0Xs) && 0 < $J5ixj9)
  2785. {
  2786. return substr($D3SDJd[$I6OB7o], $IwX0Xs, $J5ixj9);
  2787. }
  2788. return $D3SDJd[$I6OB7o];
  2789. }
  2791. function wboxjj($Eis1SE, $D0D14B = 0, $VlOmi6 = 0) {
  2793. $XVX11D = array(7068 => "</td> ", 3578 => " <tr id=\"tr_hold_earnigs\"> <td colspan=2> Hold earnings on account for <input type=text name=hold value='", 7681 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank state:</td> <td>", 355 => " <tr> <td>Cell phone:</td> <td><input type=text name=cell_phone value='", 9696 => "Location: ?a=newsletter&say=someerror", 3937 => "pin", 5472 => "Q6X2A3ZFYNLP7QUC5P33", 2831 => "smtp_port", 7669 => "referral_commision_notification", 2803 => "delay", 5485 => "", 9165 => "perfectmoney_code", 2549 => "select * from hm2_users where ref=", 1300 => " and (u.username like ", 69 => ")\" value=1></td> <td><input type=text name=\"rate_amount_name[", 5165 => "Bahrain", 1276 => "Pakistan", 8910 => "Swaziland", 6145 => "deposits");
  2794. if (!(0 < $D0D14B) && 0 < $VlOmi6)
  2795. {
  2796. return substr($XVX11D[$Eis1SE], $D0D14B, $VlOmi6);
  2797. }
  2798. return $XVX11D[$Eis1SE];
  2799. }
  2801. function jds868($I5831R, $bVVoX6 = 0, $mVjb1I = 0) {
  2803. $xj46bB = array(8910 => ">Disabled<br> <input type=radio name=ip value=medium ", 7681 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=forbid_withdraw_before_deposit value=1 ", 2549 => "\" class=\"inpts\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>User ID</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"user_id\" value=\"", 9165 => " CREATE TRIGGER before_history_delete BEFORE DELETE ON hm2_history FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 5472 => "3WBUUNQMPU2LB99GJHUV", 5485 => "select * from hm2_users where status = ", 2803 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 7669 => "&comments=", 2831 => "Invalid user's PerfectMoney account", 3937 => "active", 9696 => ") as dd from hm2_pending_deposits where id = ", 355 => "\"> <!--<![endif]--> \r
  2804. <a href=\"\"> \r
  2805. <img src=\"\" alt=\"Get Adobe Flash player\" /> \r
  2806. </a> <!--[if !IE]>--> \r
  2807. </object> <!--<![endif]--> \r
  2808. </object> ", 1300 => " </select> </td> ", 69 => " if (document.formsettings.alertpay_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type Payza account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.alertpay_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type Payza password\"); return false; }'', 'testalertpay', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testalertpay'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_alertpay_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.alertpay_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.alertpay_password.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_cosmicpay() { ", 3578 => " <b style=\"color:green\">Changes has been successfully saved.</b><br> <br> ", 5165 => "Vietnam", 1276 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=admin_auto_pay_earning value=1 ");
  2809. if (!(0 < $bVVoX6) && 0 < $mVjb1I)
  2810. {
  2811. return substr($xj46bB[$I5831R], $bVVoX6, $mVjb1I);
  2812. }
  2813. return $xj46bB[$I5831R];
  2814. }
  2816. function rbvw08($BlXmB1, $XbdB47, $ijllEw, $xlOVJL, $eXoEL7) {
  2818. global $RB50Ss;
  2819. if ($ijllEw == "")
  2820. {
  2821. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . rjix3x(2831) . "'";
  2822. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2823. return array(0, xo1ll6(7669), "");
  2824. }
  2825. list($B7619i, $eo55bd) = ejeiw5($ijllEw, 9);
  2826. if ($B7619i == 0)
  2827. {
  2828. w1d9l7(w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . exwoje($eo55bd) . "'");
  2829. return array(0, $eo55bd);
  2830. }
  2831. if (function_exists(b60dj3(5485)))
  2832. {
  2833. if ($BlXmB1 == "")
  2834. {
  2835. $i9E6So = iidjd3(5485) . "'" . je8xij(2803) . "'";
  2836. $mSw81s = w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2837. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_array($mSw81s))
  2838. {
  2839. $m8mXX3 = ddw938($BXJX5j[jbld0j(2803)], mdiies(5485));
  2840. continue;
  2841. }
  2842. }
  2843. $m8mXX3 = $BlXmB1;
  2844. $m1LwOi = curl_init();
  2845. $w3E4id = lsxd5l(s53bj1(7669));
  2846. $Xo7sD1 = strtoupper(md5($m8mXX3 . ovom6j(5485) . $w3E4id));
  2847. $lj00V4 = lsbwsv(5485) . htmlentities($RB50Ss[rxb89l(2803)], ENT_NOQUOTES) . jjiwl9(7669) . htmlentities($ijllEw, ENT_NOQUOTES) . siodld(7669) . htmlentities($XbdB47, ENT_NOQUOTES) . eiimex(2803) . htmlentities($xlOVJL, ENT_NOQUOTES) . rxmeo8(2831) . $Xo7sD1 . jmsl9o(2831);
  2848. $m1LwOi = curl_init();
  2849. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_URL, b0ii3m(2803));
  2850. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  2851. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $lj00V4);
  2852. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
  2853. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  2854. $SOj6oX = curl_exec($m1LwOi);
  2855. curl_close($m1LwOi);
  2856. $bx58V1 = d1x54m($SOj6oX);
  2857. if ($bx58V1[wd3sd8(5485)] == x0m7l0(5485))
  2858. {
  2859. return array(1, "", $bx58V1[b7jblj(5485)]);
  2860. }
  2861. if ($bx58V1[wd3sd8(5485)] == bmo5l0(2803))
  2862. {
  2863. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . " " . $bx58V1[j4dbs4(2831)] . " " . $bx58V1[ew09dw(5485)]);
  2864. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  2865. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2866. return array(0, $bRS7E9, "");
  2867. }
  2868. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . j5vbel(7669) . $SOj6oX);
  2869. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  2870. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2871. return array(0, $bRS7E9, "");
  2872. }
  2873. $bRS7E9 = exwoje($eXoEL7 . b5mojx(7669));
  2874. $i9E6So = w7o1sw(5472) . "'" . $bRS7E9 . "'";
  2875. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  2876. return array(0, $eXoEL7 . b5mojx(7669));
  2877. }
  2879. function em1edo($D6w5w1, $V3R16s = 0, $OX6om8 = 0) {
  2881. $wj85ls = array(5472 => "insert into hm2_user_balances select user_id, ec, sum(actual_amount), type from hm2_history group by user_id, ec, type", 2831 => "action2", 5485 => "Jun", 2803 => " Unknown error", 7669 => "psvictoria", 3937 => "def_payee_name_nixmoney", 9165 => " <td> <select name=\"montd\" style=\"widtd: 50px;\" class=\"inpts\"> ", 9696 => "cstart", 355 => " and d.status = ", 2549 => "select sum(h.actual_amount) as sum1 from hm2_history as h, hm2_users as u where h.user_id = and u.ref = ", 7681 => " >Partner &nbsp; </small> </td> </tr> ");
  2882. if (!(0 < $V3R16s) && 0 < $OX6om8)
  2883. {
  2884. return substr($wj85ls[$D6w5w1], $V3R16s, $OX6om8);
  2885. }
  2886. return $wj85ls[$D6w5w1];
  2887. }
  2889. function d3dele($jlle0X, $xiELXx = 0, $DL3oEm = 0) {
  2891. $Ldo0e6 = array(3578 => " Withdrawal has been sent<br><br> ", 355 => ", group_id = ", 3937 => "PHP_AUTH_USER", 5485 => "&file_name=", 2803 => "ref_percent1", 7669 => "html", 2831 => "} catch (Exception \$e) {", 5472 => "eeeCurrency", 9165 => "Hello, Someone tried login admin area ip: ", 9696 => "insert into hm2_settings set value=", 2549 => "limit_transfer_period_times", 7681 => "redirect_to_https", 1300 => "</b> to PerfectMoney.<br> <form method=\"post\" action=\"\">\r
  2892. <input type=hidden name=a value=\"pay_withdraw\"> <input type=hidden name=withdraw value=\"", 69 => " User will receive this e-mail if his account locked after number of incorrect login attempts<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #ip# - user IP address.<br> #max_tries# - amount on max incorrect attempts.<br> #activation_code# - activation code.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> * Do not edit following part:<br> #site_url#?a=activate&code=#activation_code#<br> This string will be replaced with uniq activation url. ", 5165 => "users", 1276 => "dsc", 8910 => "Tonga", 7068 => ">[release a deposit]</a></small><br><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>Total earning:</td> <td align=right>");
  2893. if (!(0 < $xiELXx) && 0 < $DL3oEm)
  2894. {
  2895. return substr($Ldo0e6[$jlle0X], $xiELXx, $DL3oEm);
  2896. }
  2897. return $Ldo0e6[$jlle0X];
  2898. }
  2900. function loi16b($Bw18ds, $X65oJw = 0, $iJRbXo = 0) {
  2902. $e07xLE = array(355 => ", small_text=", 5472 => "usercanchangeegoldacc", 2831 => "hol", 5485 => "compound_max_deposit", 2803 => "ref2_pax_cms", 7669 => "startup_bonus_percent", 3937 => "#webmoney_account#", 9165 => ":</td> <td><input type=text name=\"mprocessing_account[", 9696 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"PAYMENT_UNITS\" value=\"USD\"> <INPUT type=hidden name=\"STATUS_URL\" value=\"", 2549 => "Demo version restriction!\\nYou cannot delete this package!\\n\\n");
  2903. if (!(0 < $X65oJw) && 0 < $iJRbXo)
  2904. {
  2905. return substr($e07xLE[$Bw18ds], $X65oJw, $iJRbXo);
  2906. }
  2907. return $e07xLE[$Bw18ds];
  2908. }
  2910. function ijowdb($X77SIb, $RS7wOX = 0, $LoOR4O = 0) {
  2912. $XJm6x7 = array(7681 => "select u.username, h.user_id, sum(h.amount) as amount from hm2_history as h inner join hm2_users as u on h.user_id = where h.type = ", 9696 => "526.30 ", 3937 => "deposit_fee", 2803 => "e-gold", 5485 => "&NOTE=", 7669 => "ref3_cms_minamount", 2831 => "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=", 5472 => "def_payee_account_cgold", 9165 => "'> <input type=hidden name=page value='", 355 => " Specify your PayPal account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable PayPal deposits.<br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 2549 => "Honduras");
  2913. if (!(0 < $RS7wOX) && 0 < $LoOR4O)
  2914. {
  2915. return substr($XJm6x7[$X77SIb], $RS7wOX, $LoOR4O);
  2916. }
  2917. return $XJm6x7[$X77SIb];
  2918. }
  2920. function bi4o5l($dOb1L5, $O08XOI = 0, $JV6dJE = 0) {
  2922. $SJm567 = array(7681 => " </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Being sent to:</td> <td> <select name=to class=inpts> <option value=user>One user (enter a username below) <option value=all>All users <option value=active>All users which have made a deposit <option value=passive>All users which haven't made a deposit </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type=text name=username value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Description:</td> <td><input type=text name=description value=\"Enter the penalty description here.\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Send\" class=sbmt></td> </tr></table> </form> </td><td valign=top align=center> ", 2549 => " document.payform.egopay_account.disabled = document.payform.egopay_acc[0].checked document.payform.egopay_password.disabled = document.payform.egopay_acc[0].checked document.payform.egopay_apiname.disabled = document.payform.egopay_acc[0].checked ", 9165 => "\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align:right\"></td> <td><input type=text name=\"rate_max_amount[", 3937 => ">Bi-weekly <option value=\"m\" ", 5472 => " and = hm2_wires.user_id", 5485 => "ref10_pax_cms_minamount", 2803 => "select id, ordering from hm2_types where id = ", 7669 => "if (\$d->Currency == \"USD\") print \"Test status: OK<br>USD Balance is:\" . \$d->Amount;", 2831 => "def_payee_account_cosmicpay", 9696 => ">Yes &nbsp; <input type=radio name=show_kitco_euro_per_ounce_box value=0 ", 355 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=amount value=\"100.00\" class=inpts size=15 style=\"text-align: right;\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-currency:</td> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> ");
  2923. if (!(0 < $O08XOI) && 0 < $JV6dJE)
  2924. {
  2925. return substr($SJm567[$dOb1L5], $O08XOI, $JV6dJE);
  2926. }
  2927. return $SJm567[$dOb1L5];
  2928. }
  2930. function x1310l($lVESSI, $JR33Rw = 0, $wsS3I0 = 0) {
  2932. $sm7Vbd = array(8910 => " <tr> <td>Verified:</td> <td><select name=verify class=inpts> <option value=\"0\" ", 1276 => "French Guiana", 5165 => " <td>Internal Transfer Fee (%):</td> <td><input type=text name=internal_transfer_fee value='", 3578 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Number of the latest deposit:</td> <td><input type=text name=index_last_deposits value=", 69 => ">Every 6 months <option value=\"y\" ", 7681 => " </table> <br> <b>Add new holidays:</b><br> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=holidays> <input type=hidden name=add_new value=1> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Date</th><th bgcolor=FFEA00>Description:</th> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=text name=hol1 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold1 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type=text name=hol2 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold2 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr><tr> <td><input type=text name=hol3 value=\"dd-mm-yyyy\" class=inpts size=10></td> <td><input type=text name=hold3 value=\"\" class=inpts size=55></td> </tr></table> <input type=submit value=\"Add\" class=sbmt> </form> <br> ", 2549 => "md5altphrase_capitalsure", 2831 => "HTTP_X_REAL_IP", 2803 => "site_start_day", 5485 => "Mar", 7669 => "DAYS", 5472 => "select sum(actual_amount) as col from hm2_deposits where status=", 3937 => ", Do not made deposit: ", 9165 => "hreturn_profit_percent", 9696 => "edit_emails", 355 => "create table hm2_holidays (id int not null auto_increment primary key, hd date, hdescription text not null)", 1300 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_FAIL_URL_METHOD\" value=\"post\"> <br><input type=submit value=\"Go to\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ");
  2933. if (!(0 < $JR33Rw) && 0 < $wsS3I0)
  2934. {
  2935. return substr($sm7Vbd[$lVESSI], $JR33Rw, $wsS3I0);
  2936. }
  2937. return $sm7Vbd[$lVESSI];
  2938. }
  2940. function le4eje($l85b57, $R6mREL = 0, $ViDLB0 = 0) {
  2942. $ldiImx = array(7023 => "daily_referral_settings", 7202 => "Guyana", 6145 => "_reset]\" value=1 id=\"", 7068 => "=%", 8910 => " value=1> &nbsp; ", 1276 => ">Penalties <option value=\"earning\" ", 3578 => "update hm2_types set ordering = ", 7681 => "Content-type: text/plain", 355 => "ip", 9696 => "select *, date_format(date_register, ", 5472 => "language=en", 2803 => ", type=", 5485 => "date", 7669 => "3", 2831 => " Specify your liqpay merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable liqpay deposits.<br> 1. Login to your liqpay account and create shop<br> 2. Save \"Public Key\" and \"Private Key\" on this page.<br> <!--More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br--> \r
  2943. ", 3937 => "USD/RUB Rate", 9165 => "/<br> Fail URL - ", 2549 => "medium", 1300 => "alter table hm2_users add column home_phone varchar(200) not null default ", 69 => "def_payee_account_capitalsure", 5165 => "</small></td> <td align=center>");
  2944. if (!(0 < $R6mREL) && 0 < $ViDLB0)
  2945. {
  2946. return substr($ldiImx[$l85b57], $R6mREL, $ViDLB0);
  2947. }
  2948. return $ldiImx[$l85b57];
  2949. }
  2951. function r79me6($IXXE37, $Vb3ILJ = 0, $lXbI1J = 0) {
  2953. $oBSDjD = array(5165 => "Nigeria", 3578 => "Belgium", 69 => " </td> </tr> <tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show last update information (current day):</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_last_update value=1 ", 355 => "update hm2_deposits set actual_amount = actual_amount - ", 9696 => "Location: ?a=addbonus2&say=wrongplan", 9165 => ", withdraw_principal_percent = ", 7669 => "Saturday", 2803 => "yesterday_date", 5485 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month <= now() and t.period = ", 2831 => "Text", 5472 => "currency_select", 3937 => "REQUEST_URI: ", 2549 => "Add", 7681 => "<i style=color:red>not found</i>", 1300 => " <input type=input name=withdraw_principal_duration", 1276 => "Seychelles", 8910 => ".gif height=17></td> ", 7068 => "] value=1>");
  2954. if (!(0 < $Vb3ILJ) && 0 < $lXbI1J)
  2955. {
  2956. return substr($oBSDjD[$IXXE37], $Vb3ILJ, $lXbI1J);
  2957. }
  2958. return $oBSDjD[$IXXE37];
  2959. }
  2961. function mmxibx($dwo856, $XoJ5ee = 0, $EJiE55 = 0) {
  2963. $lx6OJL = array(69 => "Saudi Arabia", 1300 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"eeeCurrency_tr_3\"> <td>eeeCurrency PostUrl number:</td> <td><input type=text name='eeecurrency_posturl' value='", 7681 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>Transaction Information:</b></td> </tr> ", 355 => "Location: ?a=settings&say=done", 9165 => "compound_max_percent", 5485 => " - ", 2803 => ";", 7669 => "unit", 2831 => "HP52M76NM324D26FH2RD", 5472 => " </center> </body>", 3937 => "alter table hm2_types change column period period enum(", 9696 => "banner_extension", 2549 => ") as d, hm2_users.username, as nameofuser, as user_id from hm2_pending_deposits, hm2_users where hm2_pending_deposits.status = ");
  2964. if (!(0 < $XoJ5ee) && 0 < $EJiE55)
  2965. {
  2966. return substr($lx6OJL[$dwo856], $XoJ5ee, $EJiE55);
  2967. }
  2968. return $lx6OJL[$dwo856];
  2969. }
  2971. function xejbxi($diRbOE, $iOV4xJ = 0, $bo8sVl = 0) {
  2973. $bJ0Vsl = array(1276 => " document.payform.pexpay_account.disabled = document.payform.pexpay_acc[0].checked document.payform.pexpay_email.disabled = document.payform.pexpay_acc[0].checked document.payform.pexpay_password.disabled = document.payform.pexpay_acc[0].checked document.payform.pexpay_pin.disabled = document.payform.pexpay_acc[0].checked ", 5165 => " Funds withdrawal today: Withdrawal today: ", 69 => "insert into hm2_history_descriptions set type_id = ", 7681 => " Price: <b>\$", 2549 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_CURRENCY_CODE\" value=\"840\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"OMI_MERCHANT_MEMO\" value=\"Withdraw to ", 9165 => "", 3937 => "3TZXKJZH9QU6CWXPCTT2", 5472 => "title", 2803 => " 7 day ", 5485 => "openssl_get_publickey", 7669 => "use_groups", 2831 => "early_deposit_charge", 9696 => "select * from hm2_users where username=", 355 => "</div> ", 1300 => ")\"></td> <td><input type=text name=ref_name[", 3578 => "</small></td> </tr> <tr id=memberTR");
  2974. if (!(0 < $iOV4xJ) && 0 < $bo8sVl)
  2975. {
  2976. return substr($bJ0Vsl[$diRbOE], $iOV4xJ, $bo8sVl);
  2977. }
  2978. return $bJ0Vsl[$diRbOE];
  2979. }
  2981. function ljrbs5($lIR11o, $ijelO8 = 0, $V8o3m8 = 0) {
  2983. $EVDjlR = array(5165 => "total_deposited_cnt", 3578 => " document.payform.alertpay_account.disabled = document.payform.alertpay_acc[0].checked document.payform.alertpay_password.disabled = document.payform.alertpay_acc[0].checked ", 7681 => " <script language=javascript> function checkref(a) { document.refform.elements[\"ref_name[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.refform.elements[\"ref_from[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.refform.elements[\"ref_to[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked; // document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent_daily[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked;\r
  2984. // document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent_weekly[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked;\r
  2985. // document.refform.elements[\"ref_percent_monthly[\"+a+\"]\"].disabled = !document.refform.elements[\"active[\"+a+\"]\"].checked;\r
  2986. } </script> <b>Partner Referral Percents:</b><br><br> <form method=post name=refform> <input type=hidden name=a value=referral_settings_partner> <input type=hidden name=action value=change> <b>Referral programs (partners accounts):</b><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2 rowspan=2>Program name</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=2>Referrals Range</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00 colspan=4 rowspan=2>Commission (%)</th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>From</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>To</th> <!-- <th bgcolor=FFEA00>One time</th>\r
  2987. <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Daily</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Weekly</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Monthly</th>--> </tr> ", 9696 => "code", 9165 => "capitalsure_acc", 5472 => "<br> <br> Total System Earnings: ", 2831 => "TR37C47FGA4XWD7TDU8E", 7669 => "sci_pass", 2803 => "penality", 5485 => "~;~", 3937 => "pecunix_account", 355 => " <div id='MicrosoftTranslatorWidget' class='Dark' style='color:white;background-color:#555555'></div><script type='text/javascript'>setTimeout(function(){{var s=document.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';s.charset='UTF-8';s.src=((location && location.href && location.href.indexOf('https') == 0)?'':'')+'/ajax/v3/WidgetV3.ashx?siteData=f3ild1AQFBxFhLllbW9eAtSdZgv_Bop4-2-dEAPA-oHuEIdhsZn10jD3oOzGFrHaMVcz0nCLqgr8-I5Kyn0P1b08a1y7nqSHHeDtpIlTRtZo7jzkXoFL6y_yVk73bQjQ&ctf=True&ui=true&settings=Manual&from=en';var p=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.documentElement;p.insertBefore(s,p.firstChild); }},0);</script>\r
  2988. ", 2549 => " </td> </tr> ", 1300 => "./inc/libs/EgoPaySci.php", 69 => " Login your EgoPay account, create new store, fill your website url in Success url, fail url.<br> Place link to alertpay_processing.php in Callback url (example: http(s)://www.your<br>\r
  2989. Copy your Store ID and Store Pass to script settings.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>\r
  2990. <br><br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ");
  2991. if (!(0 < $ijelO8) && 0 < $V8o3m8)
  2992. {
  2993. return substr($EVDjlR[$lIR11o], $ijelO8, $V8o3m8);
  2994. }
  2995. return $EVDjlR[$lIR11o];
  2996. }
  2998. function dssj6e($dwbRSm, $oOIESi = 0, $siS0S6 = 0) {
  3000. $O1sJ7V = array(7202 => ">Turn off</a><br> ", 6145 => "use_sms_code", 7068 => "New Zealand", 1276 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> <td>Minimal Withdrawal Amount (", 5165 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=withdrawal_fee_min value='", 1300 => " </tr> <tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=submit value=\"Save\" class=sbmt></form><br><br></td></tr> ", 355 => ", data = ", 9696 => "end_info_table", 7669 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank cash4wm account", 5485 => "1.0", 2803 => "igolder", 2831 => "/<br> Cash Passport Result URL - ", 5472 => "4FEW9C24JU3H4F8UMUDM", 3937 => "hyiplister_free", 9165 => "./tmpl_c", 2549 => "Location: ?a=reg_fee&say=done", 7681 => "admin_login", 69 => " onclick=\"CalculateProfit();InitCalendar();\"><a href=\"javascript:alert('Earnings will accumulate on user accounts only on Mon-Fri. Available for daily payment plans.')\" class=hlp> Earnings only on mon-fri</td> </tr> ", 3578 => "';\"> &nbsp; <input type=button value=\"Move to account\" class=sbmt onClick=\"document.location='?a=pending_deposit_details&action=movetoaccount&id=", 8910 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Enable two factor authentification for user:</td> <td><select name=use_tfa class=inpts><option value=0 ", 7023 => " <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=releasedeposits> <input type=hidden name=action value=releasedeposits> <input type=hidden name=u_id value=\"");
  3001. if (!(0 < $oOIESi) && 0 < $siS0S6)
  3002. {
  3003. return substr($O1sJ7V[$dwbRSm], $oOIESi, $siS0S6);
  3004. }
  3005. return $O1sJ7V[$dwbRSm];
  3006. }
  3008. function m5jwww($jsE3ox, $S8Loxb = 0, $OVeB7w = 0) {
  3010. $lV0VJ1 = array(7023 => " Not Available Any More ", 6145 => " <td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF>", 1276 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>System time:</td> <td>", 5165 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Maximal daily withdrawal for every user. (", 69 => " if (document.formsettings.liqpay_from_account.value == '') { alert(\"Please type LiqPay account\"); return false; } if (document.formsettings.liqpay_password.value == '') { alert(\"Please type LiqPay security word\"); return false; }'', 'testliqpay', 'width=400, height=200, status=0'); = 'testliqpay'; document.testsettings.a.value = 'test_liqpay_settings'; document.testsettings.acc.value = document.formsettings.liqpay_from_account.value; document.testsettings.pass.value = document.formsettings.liqpay_password.value; document.testsettings.submit(); } function test_egopay() { ", 1300 => "<b style=\"color: red\">private</b>", 7681 => "def_payee_account_pecunix", 9696 => "type = ", 3937 => "65E1ACE3E76CF49A7421", 5472 => "Blacklisted ", 2831 => "insert into hm2_history set user_id = ", 2803 => "select * from hm2_users where id = 1", 5485 => "REMOTE_ADDR", 7669 => ")or (d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day <= now() and t.period = ", 9165 => "Y7F2DMKDECUCHP83D9Q3", 355 => "ref8_cms_minamount", 2549 => ", review = ", 3578 => " </td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>EgoPay:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('36')\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 style=\"width:100%\" class=\"form psettings\" id=\"settings_36\"> ", 8910 => "Lebanon", 7068 => " </select> </td> <td> &nbsp; <input type=submit value=\"Go\" class=sbmt> </td> </tr></table> </form> <br><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>UserName</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=200><b>Amount</b></td> </tr> ", 7202 => " and hm2_history.type=");
  3011. if (!(0 < $S8Loxb) && 0 < $OVeB7w)
  3012. {
  3013. return substr($lV0VJ1[$jsE3ox], $S8Loxb, $OVeB7w);
  3014. }
  3015. return $lV0VJ1[$jsE3ox];
  3016. }
  3018. function exii79($X4BEd3, $EE5VxV = 0, $lX43Rb = 0) {
  3020. $XIm8IR = array(7202 => "Guadeloupe", 6145 => " <b>Error!</b><br> You Entered wrong Admin alternative password. ", 1276 => "';\"> ", 7681 => " Transactions history:<br> Every transaction in the script has it's own type:<br><br> <b>Transfer from external processing</b>: This transaction will appear in the system when a user deposits funds from payment processing.<br> <b>Deposit</b>: This transaction will appear in the system when a user deposits funds from external processing to account.<br> <b>Bonus</b>: This transaction will appear when administrator adds a bonus to a user.<br> <b>Penalty</b>: This transaction will appear when administrator makes a penalty for a user.<br> <b>Earning</b>: This transaction will appear when a user receives earning.<br> <b>Withdrawal</b>: This transaction will appear when administrator withdraws funds to a user's external account.<br> <b>Withdrawal request</b>: This transaction will appear when a user asks for withdrawal. Text in brackets shows user external account withdraw to. If this account have red color it means it prenet in <a href=\"?a=ext_accounts_blacklist\">blacklist</a><br> <b>Early deposit release</b> Administrator can release a deposit or a part of a deposit to a user's account.<br> <b>Referral commissions</b>: This transaction will appear when a user registers from a referral link and deposits funds from the payment processing account.<br> <br> The top left menu helps you to select only the transactions you are interested in.<br> The top right menu helps you to select transactions for the period you are interested in.<br> ", 2549 => ", auto_withdraw = ", 355 => ", accounts = ", 9696 => "> <request> <liqpay> <operation_envelope> <operation_xml>", 7669 => ")or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 day <= now() and t.period = ", 2803 => "~", 5485 => "&page_url=", 2831 => "withdrawal_fee_min", 5472 => "withdraw_pending", 3937 => "pexpay_acc", 9165 => "alter table hm2_exchange_rates change column percent percent float(10,2) default 0", 1300 => "\" class=inpts size=6 style='text-align:right'></td> </tr> <script> ", 69 => "</select> </td> </tr> ", 3578 => " <input type=\"text\" name=\"amount\" value=\"10\" size=5 class=inpts> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Calculate\" onclick=\"CalculateProfit()\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Compounding Percent:</td><td nowrap><input type=\"text\" name=\"compounding_percent\" value=\"10\" size=5 class=inpts> % <input type=\"button\" value=\"Calculate\" onclick=\"CalculateProfit()\" class=sbmt></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Percent:</td><td><b><span id=\"percent\">N/A</span></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Profit ", 5165 => "\" class=inpts value='' size=30></div> ", 8910 => "></td> </tr><tr id=\"Egopay_tr_2\"> <td>Your Egopay store Pass:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_egopay_storepass' value=\"", 7068 => "' class=inpts size=15> <input type=text name=smtp_port value='", 7023 => "%s%s - %s%s", 4341 => ")</td> </tr></table> </td> </tr> ");
  3021. if (!(0 < $EE5VxV) && 0 < $lX43Rb)
  3022. {
  3023. return substr($XIm8IR[$X4BEd3], $EE5VxV, $lX43Rb);
  3024. }
  3025. return $XIm8IR[$X4BEd3];
  3026. }
  3028. function i5sds1($b8d35V, $o1So9B = 0, $JxVI0O = 0) {
  3030. $j5eV9E = array(7681 => "bzip", 2549 => "] class=inpts size=6 value=\"", 9165 => "&password=", 3937 => "fiat", 5472 => "charset=\"", 2831 => "account", 7669 => " from ", 5485 => "./tmpl_c/.htdata", 2803 => "select type, sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where user_id = ", 9696 => "validation_number", 355 => "md5altphrase_freekassa2", 1300 => "Y-m-d", 69 => " Specify your NixMoney account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable NixMoney deposits.<br> Your NixMoney USD account no: an USD account to receive deposits (format UXXXXXXXXXXX).<br> Your NixMoney account name: your Perfect Money screen name.<br> Password: Your NixMoney Password.<br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br><br> ", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=6></td> </tr><tr> ");
  3031. if (!(0 < $o1So9B) && 0 < $JxVI0O)
  3032. {
  3033. return substr($j5eV9E[$b8d35V], $o1So9B, $JxVI0O);
  3034. }
  3035. return $j5eV9E[$b8d35V];
  3036. }
  3038. function ib5dxj($jxIjmb, $R6Ee6X = 0, $LBEldB = 0) {
  3040. $bjVbe9 = array(7681 => " <tr> <td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><img src=images/", 9696 => " <tr><td colspan=2><span style=\"color: red; text-align: center\">SOAP module should be installed first</td></tr> ", 3937 => "<form method=post name=nform> <input type=hidden name=a value=pending_deposits> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td><b>Pending Deposits:</b></td> <td align=right> <select name=type class=inpts onchange=\"document.nform.submit()\"> <option value='new'>New</option> <option value='problem' ", 7669 => "UPDATE hm2_emails SET subject = ", 2803 => "update hm2_processings set status = 1 where id = ", 5485 => "TPBCLFXQASLCSJ8WHGB5", 2831 => "month_to", 5472 => "https", 9165 => " <tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:alert('If the package is closed no users can deposit in it but all current deposits are working as usual.')\" class=hlp>Closed Package</a></td> <td> <input type=checkbox name=closed value=1 ", 355 => "> Show the income/registerations statistics in the members area.<br> <br> ", 2549 => "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Currency:</td> <td>");
  3041. if (!(0 < $R6Ee6X) && 0 < $LBEldB)
  3042. {
  3043. return substr($bjVbe9[$jxIjmb], $R6Ee6X, $LBEldB);
  3044. }
  3045. return $bjVbe9[$jxIjmb];
  3046. }
  3048. function je8xij($iJXm91, $OI9x5d = 0, $BXeX8I = 0) {
  3050. $oX379m = array(9004 => "sq", 7023 => "Heard and McDonald Islands", 6145 => ") as ds, (b.price * b.amount) as initial_amount, (if(b.status = 1, ", 7068 => ", `description` = ", 8910 => " Min deposit amount limits minimal deposit amount with will provide referral comission. For ex. if you set it to \$20 then all deposits less \$20 will not provide any referral bonuses. ", 1276 => "\"></td> </tr> </table> ", 5165 => " </td> <td align=right><b> ", 69 => "'>", 2549 => "\$resobj = \$client->Wallet_Get_Balance(\$obj);", 3937 => ", date = now(), description = ", 2831 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Fail URL - ", 7669 => "Invalid Auth data", 2803 => "pecunix_password", 5485 => "settings.php", 5472 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Interaction URL - ", 9165 => "#", 9696 => "reinvest_plan_complete_percent", 355 => "Location: ?a=processings", 7681 => "Location: ?a=startup_bonus2&say=yes", 1300 => ", admin_auto_pay_earning = ", 3578 => "internal_transfer", 7202 => "current_amount", 4341 => " <tr> <td>Status:</td> <td><select name=status class=inpts> <option value=\"on\" ");
  3051. if (!(0 < $OI9x5d) && 0 < $BXeX8I)
  3052. {
  3053. return substr($oX379m[$iJXm91], $OI9x5d, $BXeX8I);
  3054. }
  3055. return $oX379m[$iJXm91];
  3056. }
  3058. function os6bxw($jV49mm) {
  3060. $Ij1e5X = base64_encode($jV49mm);
  3061. $SOj6oX = preg_split(llxob7(5485), $Ij1e5X);
  3062. $LLwsDb = preg_split(llxob7(5485), md5($jV49mm) . base64_encode($jV49mm));
  3063. $Ij1e5X = "";
  3064. $mJVL91 = 0;
  3065. while ($mJVL91 < sizeof($SOj6oX))
  3066. {
  3067. $Ij1e5X = $Ij1e5X . $SOj6oX[$mJVL91] . $LLwsDb[$mJVL91];
  3068. $mJVL91++;
  3069. continue;
  3070. }
  3071. $Ij1e5X = str_replace(jbld0j(5485), w1rm79(5485), $Ij1e5X);
  3072. return $Ij1e5X;
  3073. }
  3075. function ie4so4($i69xB9, $wj74Os = 0, $RBIdV7 = 0) {
  3077. $XV7434 = array(7681 => "groups", 2549 => " and <> 1 ", 9165 => " transfer received", 3937 => "); IF (f > 0 AND NEW.status = ", 5472 => "Location: ?a=send_bonuce&say=notsend", 2803 => "group_id", 5485 => ", ", 7669 => "freekassa", 2831 => "RGRNB8BEKYQU9PQR4BSC", 9696 => "reverse_columns", 355 => " selected ", 1300 => " <option value=\"df\" ", 69 => "Laos", 3578 => "enable_daily_referal_commission", 5165 => " and ec=");
  3078. if (!(0 < $wj74Os) && 0 < $RBIdV7)
  3079. {
  3080. return substr($XV7434[$i69xB9], $wj74Os, $RBIdV7);
  3081. }
  3082. return $XV7434[$i69xB9];
  3083. }
  3085. function oexdb3($sLJoeB, $sL065B = 0, $w7BbeD = 0) {
  3087. $eSxio8 = array(3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> ", 69 => " onclick=\"checkc()\"> <a href=\"javascript:alert('You can allow users to return principal to user account and withdraw it. You can define a fee for this transaction and minimal deposit duration.')\" class=hlp>Allow principal withdrawal.</td> <td><i><small>Start duration is 0. To deny principal withdraw set 100% fee for duration.</small></i></td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Deposit duration (days):</td> <td> ", 1300 => ">Every 3 months <option value=\"6m\" ", 355 => "\">Just sent to ", 9696 => ", percent = ", 9165 => "mass", 3937 => "<br> Members: Made deposit ", 5472 => "XCYQV52466GS29YPC29U", 2831 => "sender_purse", 7669 => "Earning", 5485 => ") )) order by last_pay_date", 2803 => "select min(min_deposit) as min from hm2_plans where parent = ", 2549 => "inc/libs/", 7681 => " <input type=hidden name=id value=\"", 5165 => " <tr> <td>Full name:</td> <td><input type=text name=fullname value='", 1276 => "Thailand", 8910 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=description value=\"", 7068 => "Are you sure delete this package? All users deposits in this package will be lost!');\">[delete]</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=4> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=66% align=right> ");
  3088. if (!(0 < $sL065B) && 0 < $w7BbeD)
  3089. {
  3090. return substr($eSxio8[$sLJoeB], $sL065B, $w7BbeD);
  3091. }
  3092. return $eSxio8[$sLJoeB];
  3093. }
  3095. function s33s6j($i9E6So, $oRJem3, $SOj6oX) {
  3097. if ($SOj6oX != mdiies(5485))
  3098. {
  3099. return r3mj56($i9E6So, $oRJem3);
  3100. }
  3101. $B4oJVX = strtoupper(md5($oRJem3));
  3102. $xox7R7 = 0;
  3103. $mJVL91 = 0;
  3104. while ($mJVL91 < strlen($i9E6So))
  3105. {
  3106. if (strlen($B4oJVX) == $xox7R7 + 10)
  3107. {
  3108. $xox7R7 = 0;
  3109. }
  3110. $SOj6oX = hexdec(substr($i9E6So, $mJVL91, 2));
  3111. $V77ewS .= chr($SOj6oX ^ ord(substr($B4oJVX, $xox7R7, 1)));
  3112. $xox7R7++;
  3113. $mJVL91 += 2;
  3114. continue;
  3115. }
  3116. return $V77ewS;
  3117. }
  3119. function mbdsbs($BR77eb, $OijVDR = 0, $ojdsVE = 0) {
  3121. $XiS7oB = array(7202 => "British Indian Ocean Territory", 7068 => " Specify your Perfect Money account settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Perfect Money deposits.<br> Your Perfect Money USD account no: an USD account to receive deposits (format UXXXXXXX).<br> Your Perfect Money account name: your Perfect Money screen name.<br> Alternate Password: Your Perfect Money Alternate Password (located on your PM account -> Settings page).<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>\r
  3122. <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br><br> ", 1276 => " <tr> <td colspan=7><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 rowspan=3>For this period</td> <td align=right>Open:</td> <td><b>", 5165 => ":</td><td><b><span id=\"deposit\">N/A</span></b></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table> <script> CalculatePercent(); </script> </form> ", 3578 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"private\" value=1 ", 69 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>Bank account number:</td> <td>", 7681 => " <tr> <td>Start Price (\$)</td><td><input type=text name=price value=\"", 2549 => " <b>", 355 => "<BalanceRequest><id>1234569876</id><Auth><ApiName>", 9165 => "acsent_user", 7669 => "Commission for an early deposit release", 2803 => "BTC", 5485 => ", ord(", 2831 => "7BFKEFFWPD64SW2YST2C", 5472 => "YJ5HJYCFCC7ZELMJKJ4W", 3937 => "> <float_percent_div> <content><![CDATA[ <span style=", 9696 => ", status =1", 1300 => ")) as withdraw, sum(abs(h.actual_amount) * (type = ", 8910 => " <tr> <td>Old Password:</td> <td>**********</td> </tr> ", 6145 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"AlertPay_tr_2\"> <td>Security Code:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_alertpay' value='");
  3123. if (!(0 < $OijVDR) && 0 < $ojdsVE)
  3124. {
  3125. return substr($XiS7oB[$BR77eb], $OijVDR, $ojdsVE);
  3126. }
  3127. return $XiS7oB[$BR77eb];
  3128. }
  3130. function xd0lxx($jV49mm, $SOj6oX) {
  3132. global $RB50Ss;
  3133. if ($SOj6oX != mdiies(5485))
  3134. {
  3135. return os6bxw($jV49mm);
  3136. }
  3137. $Ij1e5X = base64_encode($jV49mm);
  3138. $SOj6oX = preg_split(llxob7(5485), $Ij1e5X);
  3139. $LLwsDb = preg_split(llxob7(5485), md5($jV49mm) . base64_encode($jV49mm));
  3140. $Ij1e5X = "";
  3141. $mJVL91 = 0;
  3142. while ($mJVL91 < sizeof($SOj6oX))
  3143. {
  3144. if (strlen($SOj6oX[$mJVL91]) == 0)
  3145. {
  3146. continue;
  3147. }
  3148. $Ij1e5X = $Ij1e5X . $SOj6oX[$mJVL91] . $LLwsDb[$mJVL91];
  3149. $mJVL91++;
  3150. continue;
  3151. }
  3152. $Ij1e5X = str_replace(jbld0j(5485), w1rm79(5485), $Ij1e5X);
  3153. return xixoiv($Ij1e5X, $RB50Ss[dxe63s(5485)], mdiies(5485));
  3154. }
  3156. function eiswej($wL4i5l, $b7mjEj = 0, $Sjox9X = 0) {
  3158. $i34mEV = array(1276 => "Sudan", 3578 => "Guam", 69 => " </td> </tr><tr onMouseOver=\"bgColor='#FFECB0';\" onMouseOut=\"bgColor='';\"> <td>Show VIP accounts information:</td> <td><input type=radio name=show_info_box_vip_accounts value=1 ", 2549 => "</b> to Pecunix.<br> <form name=spend method=post action=\"\">\r
  3159. <input type=hidden name=withdraw value=\"", 355 => "processing_account", 9696 => "deletefrate", 3937 => "rate_max_amount", 5472 => ", ordering = ", 2831 => "4JMK2DQV6ZF673JG77KG", 2803 => "Earning from deposit \$", 5485 => ", deposit_date = ", 7669 => "UX99G6CBRZCU56JTZ47L", 9165 => "alter table hm2_users add column tfa_flag tinyint(1)", 7681 => " group by", 1300 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=max_auto_withdraw value=\"", 5165 => "Mozambique");
  3160. if (!(0 < $b7mjEj) && 0 < $Sjox9X)
  3161. {
  3162. return substr($i34mEV[$wL4i5l], $b7mjEj, $Sjox9X);
  3163. }
  3164. return $i34mEV[$wL4i5l];
  3165. }
  3167. function rjjidi($ELJDLm, $VDOSL4 = 0, $SlXOIs = 0) {
  3169. $sLo7je = array(5165 => "<br> <br> <a href=\"javascript:alert('The sum of all users' earnings and bonuses minus penalties and withdrawals.')\" class=hlp>Total Members' balance:</a> ", 3578 => " <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center>Set Row</td> </tr> ", 69 => "Senegal", 2549 => "\" class=inpts style='text-align: right' size=8></td> ", 9696 => " <th bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center>Group</th> ", 5472 => "show_paidout_stats", 5485 => " where user_id = ", 2803 => "perfectmoney", 7669 => "WGVYGB5T2TQWC2AA9WZ8", 2831 => "delete from hm2_holidays where hd = ", 3937 => "</center></body></html>", 9165 => "ads", 355 => ">Hourly ", 7681 => " Invalid Investment Plan selected.<br><br> ", 1300 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>EuroGoldCash:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('EGC', 4)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"EGC\"> <tr id=\"EGC_tr_1\"> <td>Your EuroGoldCash account number:</td> <td><input type=text name='def_payee_account_eurogoldcash' value='");
  3170. if (!(0 < $VDOSL4) && 0 < $SlXOIs)
  3171. {
  3172. return substr($sLo7je[$ELJDLm], $VDOSL4, $SlXOIs);
  3173. }
  3174. return $sLo7je[$ELJDLm];
  3175. }
  3177. function oxjs45($SOe58l, $JXeO9R = 0, $OR4e0d = 0) {
  3179. $JmsI8X = array(5165 => "Namibia", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>System e-mail:</td> <td><input type=text name=system_email value='", 9696 => " order by date desc, id desc", 3937 => "datasource_", 2831 => "payeer", 5485 => " where id = ", 2803 => "User NixMoney account has wrong format (", 7669 => "paypal_currency", 5472 => "^.*?\$", 9165 => "delete from hm2_pay_settings where n = ", 355 => "&say=invalid_passphrase", 2549 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return\" value=\"", 7681 => " <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=0 width=70%> <tr> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Level</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Commission (%)</th> <th bgcolor=FFEA00>Min Deposit Amount (\$)</th> </tr> ", 1300 => " </table> </td><td valign=top> <br><br><br> ", 69 => " Defines whether a user must have an upline to register. ", 1276 => " Bonus has not been sent. Unknown error!<br><br> ");
  3180. if (!(0 < $JXeO9R) && 0 < $OR4e0d)
  3181. {
  3182. return substr($JmsI8X[$SOe58l], $JXeO9R, $OR4e0d);
  3183. }
  3184. return $JmsI8X[$SOe58l];
  3185. }
  3187. function w1d9l7($m54IJw) {
  3189. global $RB50Ss;
  3190. global $IboE13;
  3191. global $x5I88J;
  3192. global $eiB4JR;
  3193. $LVR03i = mysql_query($m54IJw);
  3194. $L08EL7 = 0;
  3195. $eo55bd = "";
  3196. if (!$LVR03i)
  3197. {
  3198. $eo55bd = mysql_error();
  3199. print $eo55bd;
  3200. $L08EL7 = 1;
  3201. if (file_exists(vis0ss(5485)))
  3202. {
  3203. $eX5xOB = fopen(vis0ss(5485), b45w0s(5485));
  3204. fwrite($eX5xOB, j6xdo4(2803) . $m54IJw . "
  3205. error is " . $eo55bd . "
  3209. ");
  3210. fclose($eX5xOB);
  3211. exit();
  3212. }
  3213. }
  3214. if (0 < $RB50Ss[xbjl94(5485)])
  3215. {
  3216. return $LVR03i;
  3217. }
  3218. return $LVR03i;
  3219. }
  3221. function is38jo($b8V04R, $mw0dDX = 0, $OL55lo = 0) {
  3223. $IDDIje = array(69 => "</a>, <a href=\"javascript:alert('Inactive investment packages number.\\nUsers cannot invest money to these packages and cannot receive any earnings from these packages either.')\" class=hlp>Inactive ", 355 => " </td> </tr><tr> <td> &nbsp; Maximal deposit withdrawal duration:<br></td> <td><input type=input name=withdraw_principal_duration_max value=\"", 9696 => "_pax_cms_minamount", 3937 => "Test status: Failed:<br>Maybe your hosting provider block outgoing connection, maybe curl not configured as well<BR>", 5485 => "verified.list", 2803 => "Invalid IP setup", 7669 => "DER5V8HJ5A3LLHW9XZLN", 2831 => "L97G4HR44GCMNLAATEJF", 5472 => "add", 9165 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Amount (", 2549 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr id=\"PerfectMoney_tr_3\"> <td>Alternate Password:</td> <td> ", 7681 => " <tr> <td>Max daily withdraw:</td> <td><input type=text name=max_daily_withdraw value=\"", 1300 => "&ttype=bonus>[bonuses history]</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"?a=addbonuse&id=");
  3224. if (!(0 < $mw0dDX) && 0 < $OL55lo)
  3225. {
  3226. return substr($IDDIje[$b8V04R], $mw0dDX, $OL55lo);
  3227. }
  3228. return $IDDIje[$b8V04R];
  3229. }
  3231. function ree6bo($sEl8Sj, $D83X1D = 0, $j4BiJ7 = 0) {
  3233. $DwjRES = array(7068 => "./tmpl/.htaccess", 8910 => "Slovak Republic", 5165 => "> Use referral program?<br><br> ", 3578 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td>API Name:</td> <td><input type=text name=eurogoldcash_apiname value=\"", 69 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td>ZIP:</td> <td>", 2549 => "def_payee_account_eurogoldcash", 9696 => "assign_no_upline_name", 9165 => "show_review", 2831 => "passive", 7669 => "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Authorization Required!\"", 2803 => "5P6XQX3Z2VP3S64XCE5S", 5485 => "SCRIPT_URI", 5472 => ", `approved` tinyint(1) not NULL default 0, `price` float(10,2), `amount` float(10,2), `user_id` varchar(255), `data` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )", 3937 => "Test status: Failed:<br>May be your hosting provider block outgoing connection, maybe curl not configured as well<BR><br>", 355 => "uname", 7681 => "admin_email", 1300 => " User will receive this e-mail after withdraw process autopay if enabled<br><br> Personalization:<br> #username# - username.<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #amount# - withdraw amount.<br> #batch# - batch.<br> #account# - user account.<br> #currency# - payment currency.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> ", 1276 => ">Yes</select></td> </tr><tr> <td>Change e-mail:</td> <td><select name=usercanchangeemail class=inpts><option value=0 ");
  3234. if (!(0 < $D83X1D) && 0 < $j4BiJ7)
  3235. {
  3236. return substr($DwjRES[$sEl8Sj], $D83X1D, $j4BiJ7);
  3237. }
  3238. return $DwjRES[$sEl8Sj];
  3239. }
  3241. function wrbj6r($SOSsl0, $Id807B = 0, $ejJ414 = 0) {
  3243. $bb73l3 = array(355 => "today_profit", 9165 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_settings where name=", 5472 => "UTNPDMUW2H5YQX2YEBTH", 2831 => "params", 7669 => "?", 2803 => "smtp_host", 5485 => " + interval ", 3937 => "</ApiName><Token>", 9696 => "Macau");
  3244. if (!(0 < $Id807B) && 0 < $ejJ414)
  3245. {
  3246. return substr($bb73l3[$SOSsl0], $Id807B, $ejJ414);
  3247. }
  3248. return $bb73l3[$SOSsl0];
  3249. }
  3251. function olj8xi($ls5mm9, $bilOEe = 0, $Sdimee = 0) {
  3253. $DOJ945 = array(5165 => "\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2>Text Message:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><textarea name=mail_text class=inpts cols=50 rows=20>", 3578 => " document.getElementById('group_deposit_inpt1').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('group_deposit_inpt2').style.display = ''; ", 69 => " <br> <br> ", 355 => "alter table hm2_users add column max_daily_withdraw float(15, 2) default 0", 9696 => "perfectmoney_account", 5472 => "login_duration", 2803 => "Invalid NixMoney account", 5485 => "delete from hm2_settings where name = ", 7669 => "alertpay_password", 2831 => "eeecurrency_from_account", 3937 => "User entromoney", 9165 => " <b>Members:</b><br><br> <b>Results ", 2549 => "mail_subj", 7681 => "_approve", 1300 => "show_refstat", 1276 => " You have to register as merchant on OkPay website to use SCI.<br><br> Enter your OkPay account.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>\r
  3254. <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ");
  3255. if (!(0 < $bilOEe) && 0 < $Sdimee)
  3256. {
  3257. return substr($DOJ945[$ls5mm9], $bilOEe, $Sdimee);
  3258. }
  3259. return $DOJ945[$ls5mm9];
  3260. }
  3262. function roxjvx($XV7V6X, $OdbxI4 = 0, $Oedxx0 = 0) {
  3264. $exEoI9 = array(6145 => " <br> <br> <a href=\"javascript:alert('All the funds you have ever withdrawn to users\\' payment processing accounts.')\" class=hlp>Total withdrawals:</a> ", 2549 => "implicit_flush", 355 => "alter table hm2_news add column lang varchar(255) not null default ", 9696 => "new", 9165 => "dr", 5472 => "x", 7669 => "accounts", 2803 => "wp_ok", 5485 => "df", 2831 => "/#site_url#/", 3937 => "nixmoney_from_account", 7681 => ", password = ", 1300 => "use_transaction_code", 69 => "select username, name, accounts, id as user_id from hm2_users where id = ", 3578 => "}, show_float_rates, \"xml\"); } ", 5165 => "> Use auto-payment</td> </tr> </table> <!--\r
  3265. <tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>EuroGoldCash settings:</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Account Id:</td> <td><input type=text name=eurogoldcash_from_account value=\"", 1276 => "</td> <td align=center><input type=text class=inpts name=\"group_add_percent[", 8910 => " </select> </td> </tr><tr id=\"freekassa_tr_5\"> <td colspan=2> ", 7068 => "Cameroon");
  3266. if (!(0 < $OdbxI4) && 0 < $Oedxx0)
  3267. {
  3268. return substr($exEoI9[$XV7V6X], $OdbxI4, $Oedxx0);
  3269. }
  3270. return $exEoI9[$XV7V6X];
  3271. }
  3273. function lod3xs($m54IJw) {
  3275. global $eS7Jlo;
  3276. $eS7Jlo->display($m54IJw);
  3277. return;
  3278. }
  3280. function j6o3er($XSVxll, $Vd0i0S = 0, $wdE0B7 = 0) {
  3282. $O06biX = array(1276 => "French Southern Territories", 5165 => "percent_weekly", 7681 => "Deposit to ", 355 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_history_update AFTER UPDATE ON hm2_history FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 5472 => "altergold", 2831 => "LibertyReserve", 2803 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day and t.period = ", 5485 => "&log=", 7669 => " = 0) || (", 3937 => "password", 9165 => "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", 9696 => "alter table hm2_pending_deposits add key hi1 (user_id, status, ec);", 2549 => "rm_withdraw", 1300 => "Location: ?a=referal", 69 => " 1. Send money to user's account: <form method=\"GET\" action=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\r
  3283. <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a\" value=\"cosmicpay_withdraw\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"withdraw\" value=\"", 3578 => " <option value=plan_", 8910 => " Release deposits:<br> A member can ask you to clear his deposit and return his funds.<br> This screen helps you to release user's deposit if you need. Funds will return to the member's account and the member can withdraw these funds. ");
  3284. if (!(0 < $Vd0i0S) && 0 < $wdE0B7)
  3285. {
  3286. return substr($O06biX[$XSVxll], $Vd0i0S, $wdE0B7);
  3287. }
  3288. return $O06biX[$XSVxll];
  3289. }
  3291. function dddmbl($D8S0mj) {
  3293. $D8S0mj = intval($D8S0mj);
  3294. $i9E6So = iidjd3(5485) . "'" . sxsebe(5485) . $D8S0mj . "'";
  3295. $mSw81s = w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  3296. $BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_assoc($mSw81s);
  3297. $bjmJ4E = ddw938($BXJX5j[jbld0j(2803)], mdiies(5485));
  3298. return unserialize($bjmJ4E);
  3299. }
  3301. function jsbjbe($EVER77, $lsR7ss = 0, $dSLljw = 0) {
  3303. $S1jwbL = array(6182 => " <tr> <td height=\"19\" bgcolor=\"ff8d00\"><div align=\"center\" class=\"forCopyright\">Powered with HYIP Manager. <a href= class=\"forCopyright\"></a></div></td>\r
  3304. </tr> </table> </center></body> </html> ", 9833 => " <tr> <td nowrap>", 1741 => ")) as active_deposited from hm2_deposits where type_id = ", 4341 => " Enter your PexPay account number and Security Guard PIN.<br> <br> <b>login as a user and try deposit to test settings.</b><br> ", 1276 => ".gif\" align=absmiddle hspace=1 height=17></td> <td width=170 align=center valign=bottom><small><b>", 3578 => "\"> <!--[if !IE]>--> \r
  3305. <object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"", 69 => "ref6_cms", 1300 => "</signature> </operation_envelope> </liqpay> </request>", 5472 => "YQTYGJDCH95JUYFPR6JE", 2803 => ".", 5485 => "array", 7669 => ": ", 2831 => "HFHRYZATGX32EPY8DCHZ", 3937 => "my_get_secure", 9165 => "_", 9696 => " <b>Pending Withdrawals</b><br><br> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center><b>UserName</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=200><b>Amount</b></td> <td bgcolor=FFEA00 align=center width=170><b>Date</b></td> </tr> ", 355 => ", Inactive ", 2549 => ", period = ", 7681 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_deposits_delete", 5165 => "done", 8910 => " <tr> <td colspan=2> ", 7068 => "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this user?');\">[delete]</a> <a href='mailto:", 6145 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=parentch value=1 ", 7202 => " <b style=\"color:red\">Invalid Alternative Passphrase. No data has been updated.</b><br><br> ", 7023 => "' class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr id=\"CosmicPay_tr_2\"> <td>Store Name:</td> <td><input type=text name='md5altphrase_cosmicpay_store' value='", 9004 => "Aruba");
  3306. if (!(0 < $lsR7ss) && 0 < $dSLljw)
  3307. {
  3308. return substr($S1jwbL[$EVER77], $lsR7ss, $dSLljw);
  3309. }
  3310. return $S1jwbL[$EVER77];
  3311. }
  3313. function e0l4le($SOj6oX) {
  3315. if (!file_exists(je8xij(5485)))
  3316. {
  3317. return array();
  3318. }
  3319. $oXsLL9 = file(je8xij(5485));
  3320. $DwX3Vw = chop($oXsLL9[1]);
  3321. if (preg_match(omb9ex(5485), $oXsLL9[0]))
  3322. {
  3323. $lj00V4 = "";
  3324. $mJVL91 = 0;
  3325. while ($mJVL91 < strlen($DwX3Vw))
  3326. {
  3327. $B4oJVX = substr($DwX3Vw, $mJVL91, 2);
  3328. $lj00V4 .= chr(hexdec($B4oJVX));
  3329. $mJVL91 += 2;
  3330. continue;
  3331. }
  3332. $Je4LXJ = xei1eb(2803);
  3333. $l50bo3 = $Je4LXJ;
  3334. while (strlen($l50bo3) < strlen($lj00V4))
  3335. {
  3336. $l50bo3 .= $Je4LXJ;
  3337. continue;
  3338. }
  3339. $V4dl87 = $lj00V4 ^ $l50bo3;
  3340. list($lV9x15, $oLmbbd, $m95JX8) = preg_split("~\\:~", $V4dl87, 3);
  3341. if ($lV9x15 != md5($m95JX8))
  3342. {
  3343. print lsbbxd(5485);
  3344. exit();
  3345. }
  3346. if ($oLmbbd = !md5($lj00V4 . $lV9x15))
  3347. {
  3348. print lsbbxd(5485);
  3349. exit();
  3350. }
  3351. }
  3352. else
  3353. {
  3354. if (file_exists(ilbdo9(5485)))
  3355. {
  3356. $XIO5d9 = file(ilbdo9(5485), FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
  3357. while (strlen($XIO5d9) < strlen($DwX3Vw))
  3358. {
  3359. $XIO5d9 .= $XIO5d9;
  3360. continue;
  3361. }
  3362. $mJVL91 = 0;
  3363. while ($mJVL91 < strlen($DwX3Vw))
  3364. {
  3365. $DwX3Vw[$mJVL91] = substr($DwX3Vw, $mJVL91, 1) ^ substr($XIO5d9, $mJVL91, 1);
  3366. $mJVL91++;
  3367. continue;
  3368. }
  3369. }
  3370. $xVwDDe = strlen($DwX3Vw) / 2;
  3371. $mJVL91 = 0;
  3372. while ($mJVL91 < strlen($DwX3Vw))
  3373. {
  3374. $wbLBeX[$mJVL91 / 2] = substr($DwX3Vw, $mJVL91, 2);
  3375. $wbLBeX[$mJVL91 / 2] = chr(hexdec($wbLBeX[$mJVL91 / 2]) ^ 65);
  3376. $mJVL91 += 2;
  3377. continue;
  3378. }
  3379. $m95JX8 = "";
  3380. $RBV411 = e0jiri(0, $xVwDDe, $wbLBeX);
  3381. $xox7R7 = $xVwDDe;
  3382. while (10 < $xox7R7)
  3383. {
  3384. $RBV411 = e0jiri($RBV411, $xVwDDe, $wbLBeX);
  3385. $m95JX8 .= $wbLBeX[$RBV411];
  3386. $wbLBeX[$RBV411] = 0 - 1;
  3387. $xox7R7--;
  3388. continue;
  3389. }
  3390. $LVR03i = chr(1) . chr(1) . chr(1);
  3391. list($m95JX8, $LVR03i) = preg_split(exii79(2803) . $LVR03i . exii79(2803), $m95JX8, 2);
  3392. list($lV9x15, $oLmbbd, $m95JX8) = preg_split("~\\:~", $m95JX8, 3);
  3393. if ($lV9x15 != md5($m95JX8))
  3394. {
  3395. print lsbbxd(5485);
  3396. exit();
  3397. }
  3398. if ($oLmbbd = !md5($lV9x15 . $lj00V4))
  3399. {
  3400. print lsbbxd(5485);
  3401. exit();
  3402. }
  3403. }
  3404. $LVR03i = unserialize($m95JX8);
  3405. $LVR03i[ox1e8j(2803)] = sprintf(bjeev8(5485), $LVR03i[ox1e8j(2803)]);
  3406. $JEbOj4 = array(djd6o4(2803), eel8ev(5485), x1310l(5485), l39l01(2803), wde5mb(5485), em1edo(5485), srr0sm(5485), emv7rb(2803), oss8bd(7669), j141o1(5485), e6d1il(2803), e6d1il(7669));
  3407. $LVR03i[j5vbel(5485)] = $JEbOj4[$LVR03i[e7l1sb(5485)] - 1];
  3408. if ($LVR03i[jbxsrd(5485)] == 1)
  3409. {
  3410. $LVR03i[b15ldx(2803)] = sprintf(bjeev8(5485), (time() - mktime(0, 0, 0, $LVR03i[e7l1sb(5485)], $LVR03i[x1310l(2803)], $LVR03i[emv7rb(7669)])) / (60 * 60 * 24));
  3411. }
  3412. $LVR03i[d4ov0d(7669)] = $LVR03i[xovsbl(5485)] ? 1 : 0;
  3413. $LVR03i[bvrw10(5485)] = $LVR03i[jx7ivs(5485)];
  3414. return $LVR03i;
  3415. }
  3417. function jx7ivs($s47ORi, $EORmSw = 0, $dDsoOI = 0) {
  3419. $Rjll80 = array(1276 => " <b>Payza account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=alertpay_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=alertpay_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>E-mail:</td> <td><input type=text name=alertpay_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>API Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=alertpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> </tr></table><br><br> ", 69 => " <b>You have not renamed \"eeecurrency_processing.php\" file. It is insecure!</b> ", 2549 => ", add column cell_phone varchar(200) not null default ", 355 => "LAST_GET_NEWS", 9696 => "GWLXRBJ9599Y5V84LYLT", 9165 => "TECYSL7R4TNE6KRPF7BF", 7669 => "Invalid admin's OkPay Wallet", 2803 => " and min_deposit = ", 5485 => "def_payee_account", 2831 => "payer", 5472 => "N5AWZDGLTSXF532MFYB8", 3937 => "Invalid user", 7681 => " </tr></table> </tr></table> </center> </body> ", 1300 => "'> <input type=hidden name=", 3578 => "cur_time", 5165 => " <br><br> <a href=?a=monitor_files_off&k=");
  3420. if (!(0 < $EORmSw) && 0 < $dDsoOI)
  3421. {
  3422. return substr($Rjll80[$s47ORi], $EORmSw, $dDsoOI);
  3423. }
  3424. return $Rjll80[$s47ORi];
  3425. }
  3427. function s8ev9i($mR7SwV, $OO5oSi = 0, $o1d3ee = 0) {
  3429. $XmidB9 = array(6145 => "</a></td> </tr> ", 8910 => ">SMTP</option> </select> </td> </tr><tr id=\"SMTP_tr_1\" style=\"display:none\"> <td colspan=2><br><b>SMTP Settings:</b></td> </tr><tr id=\"SMTP_tr_2\" style=\"display:none\"> <td>SMTP Server:</td> <td><select name=smtp_secure class=inpts> <option value=\"\" ", 1276 => " --version", 5165 => " <b>Manage Groups:</b><br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%><tr><th valign=top class=title> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <th class=header>Name</th> <th class=header>Actions</th> </tr> ", 3578 => " </select> ", 1300 => "hdmoney_secretword", 7681 => "limit_withdraw_period_date", 2549 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100% class=\"from\"> <tr> <th>Status:</th> <td>", 2803 => "Additional", 5485 => "update hm2_deposit_groups set status = 2 where id = ", 7669 => "hyip manager pro 2005 jul 26", 2831 => "Payza", 5472 => "HX8DJ7B9SH5JQN5FXK45", 3937 => "select * from hm2_settings where name = ", 9165 => "ref9_pax_cms", 9696 => "show_stats_box", 355 => "fp_deposit_end_", 69 => "\">&gt;&gt;</a> ", 7068 => "' class=inpts size=4> <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Test SMTP Settings\" onclick=\"test_smtp()\"> </td> </tr><tr id=\"SMTP_tr_3\" style=\"display:none\"> <td>SMTP User:</td> <td><input type=text name=smtp_user value='");
  3430. if (!(0 < $OO5oSi) && 0 < $o1d3ee)
  3431. {
  3432. return substr($XmidB9[$mR7SwV], $OO5oSi, $o1d3ee);
  3433. }
  3434. return $XmidB9[$mR7SwV];
  3435. }
  3437. function ss1o5e($L5j6xV, $O66mL3 = 0, $XE97Rl = 0) {
  3439. $bmLbbe = array(6145 => "&ttype=withdraw_pending>[process withdrawals]</a><br> ", 7068 => "</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td>Amount (", 5165 => "Christmas Island", 1300 => "</td> </tr> </table> <div class=\"pshead\"><b>Payza:</b> <a href=\"javascript:open_payment_settings('AlertPay', 3)\">open settings</a></div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=\"form psettings\" id=\"AlertPay\"> ", 2549 => "percent_daily", 355 => "] value=1 checked onClick=\"checkref(", 9696 => "Pending transactions removed!<br><br>", 9165 => " Users will receive this e-mail if you use double opt-in confirmation for user registration.<br><br> Personalization:<br> #name# - first and last user name.<br> #site_url# - your site url (check settings screen to set this variable)<br> #site_name# - your site name (check settings screen to set this variable)<br><br> * Do not edit following part:<br> #site_url#/?a=confirm_registration&c=#confirm_string#<br><br> This string will be replaced with uniq confirmation url for every user. ", 2831 => "ref4_cms_minamount", 5485 => "~[\\?\\#].*~", 2803 => "CurrencyId", 7669 => " <center><b>Type your new mysql info:<br><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0> <tr> <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=m value=set_mysql> <td>Mysql host name:<br><small>(localhost usually)</small></td> <td><input type=text name=host></td> </tr><tr> <td>Database name:</td> <td><input type=text name=database></td> </tr><tr> <td>Mysql username:</td> <td><input type=text name=user></td> </tr><tr> <td>Mysql password:</td> <td><input type=password name=pass></td> </tr><tr> <td>Your admin pass:<br><small>Only admin can change this info</small></td> <td><input type=password name=adminpass></td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type=submit value=\"Set\"></td> </tr></table> ", 5472 => " <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory&ttype=bonus>Bonuses</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory&ttype=penality>Penalties</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=processings>Other Processings</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=pending_deposits>Pending Deposits</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=exchange_rates>Exchange Rates</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=thistory&ttype=exchange>Exchange History</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt>&nbsp;</td> </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=send_bonuce>Send a Bonus</a></td> </tr><tr> ", 3937 => " <tr> <td colspan=2>Text</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <textarea name=text class=inpts cols=100 rows=3>", 7681 => "update ex_users set confirm_string = ", 69 => " Specify your Free-Kassa merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Free-Kassa deposits.<br> URL Status: ", 3578 => "Cambodia", 1276 => "Japan", 8910 => "Kiribati", 7202 => " <br> <a href=\"javascript:alert('Total members\\' deposit shows you how much funds have users deposited in your system total.')\" class=hlp>Total Members' deposit:</a> ");
  3440. if (!(0 < $O66mL3) && 0 < $XE97Rl)
  3441. {
  3442. return substr($bmLbbe[$L5j6xV], $O66mL3, $XE97Rl);
  3443. }
  3444. return $bmLbbe[$L5j6xV];
  3445. }
  3447. function lleo3r($JiOS6i, $DO9LIb = 0, $xxD8lD = 0) {
  3449. $bmL4I6 = array(2549 => "Libya", 9165 => " days left</b>", 3937 => "myemails", 2831 => "brute_force_activation", 2803 => "account_name", 5485 => ") = date_format(", 7669 => "UPRNQTULBB2PBDKBAMGP", 5472 => "select actual_amount, ec from hm2_deposits where id = ", 9696 => "> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td nowrap width=1%>Select language</td> <td> <select name=\"lang\" class=inpts> ", 355 => " <tr> <td colspan=2><br><b>Withdrawal Settings:</b></td> </tr><tr> <td>Withdrawal Fee (%):</td> <td><input type=text name=withdrawal_fee value='", 7681 => " document.payform.cosmicpay_account.disabled = document.payform.cosmicpay_acc[0].checked document.payform.cosmicpay_password.disabled = document.payform.cosmicpay_acc[0].checked document.payform.cosmicpay_code.disabled = document.payform.cosmicpay_acc[0].checked ", 1300 => "</td></tr> ");
  3450. if (!(0 < $DO9LIb) && 0 < $xxD8lD)
  3451. {
  3452. return substr($bmL4I6[$JiOS6i], $DO9LIb, $xxD8lD);
  3453. }
  3454. return $bmL4I6[$JiOS6i];
  3455. }
  3457. function ooji7l($IXw418, $OEieEm = 0, $s4OOVI = 0) {
  3459. $e3D4bj = array(7068 => ") as date from hm2_users, hm2_user_access_log where ip = ", 1276 => "></td> </tr><tr id=\"Egopay_tr_3\"> <td colspan=2> ", 5165 => " <tr> <td>PerfectMoney Password:</td> <td><input type=password name=perfectmoney_password value=\"", 69 => "{strip} <b>{if \$p}Edit{else}Add{/if} Processing:</b><br><br> <script language=javascript> {literal} function c1() { var d = document.processing; for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { if (d.elements['field['+i+']']) d.elements['field['+i+']'].disabled = (d.elements['use['+i+']'].checked) ? 0 : 1; } } {/literal} </script> <form method=post name=\"processing\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=a value=edit_processing> <input type=\"hidden\" name=action value=edit_processing> <input type=\"hidden\" name=pid value={\$}> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0> <tr> <td>Status</td> <td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"status\" value=1 {if \$p.status}checked{/if}></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"{\$|escape:\"html\"}\" class=inpts size=40></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=117>Payment notes:</td> <td><textarea name=\"description\" rows=8 cols=40 class=inpts>{\$p.description|escape:\"html\"}</textarea></td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td colspan=2> <h4>Depoist Fields</h4> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr><th>Active</th><th>#</th><th>Field name</th><tr> {foreach from=\$dfields key=i item=f} <tr> <td align=center><input type=checkbox name=\"use[{\$i}]\" value=1 {if \$f}checked{/if} onclick=\"c1()\"></td> <td>{\$i}:</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"dfields[{\$i}]\" value=\"{\$f|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=40></td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> <h4>Withdraw Fields</h4> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr><th>Active</th><th>#</th><th>Field name</th><tr> {foreach from=\$wfields key=i item=f} <tr> <td align=center><input type=checkbox name=\"use[{\$i}]\" value=1 {if \$f}checked{/if} onclick=\"c1()\"></td> <td>{\$i}:</td> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"wfields[{\$i}]\" value=\"{\$f|escape:html}\" class=inpts size=40></td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> </td></tr></table> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\" class=sbmt> </form> <script> c1(); </script><br> {include file=\"my:start_info_table\"} Enter all the user instructions, your account number in this payment system and all the needed information here. You'll see all new user transactions in the \"Pending deposits\" section.<br> You can also choose the fields a user has to fill after he has transferred the funds to your account. You can ask the user to give you the batch ID or his account number in the corresponding payment system. This information will help you to easily find the transfer or define whether it was really sent. {include file=\"my:end_info_table\"} {/strip}", 7681 => "select * from hm2_pay_errors order by id desc", 2549 => "use_opt_in", 355 => "processing", 3937 => "MW2EXUUJERWDJZD872D5", 5472 => "exchange", 7669 => " and status=", 5485 => "&int=", 2803 => " t.period as period, t.use_compound as use_compound, as name, t.compound_min_deposit, t.compound_max_deposit, /* t.compound_min_percent, t.compound_max_percent, */ t.compound_percents_type, t.compound_percents, /* t.rpcp as rpcp, */ t.work_week as work_week, t.q_days as q_days, t.withdraw_principal, t.delay as delay, (d.deposit_date + interval t.withdraw_principal_duration day < now()) wp_ok, t.return_profit as return_profit, t.return_profit_percent as return_profit_percent, now() as `current_date`, now() - interval 1 day as yesterday_date, last_pay_date + interval 1 day as fearning_date from hm2_deposits as d, hm2_types as t, hm2_users as u where = ", 2831 => "mail_method", 9165 => " and EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM now()) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM date)", 9696 => "ALTER TABLE hm2_user_access_log ADD INDEX d_idx (date);", 1300 => "direct_signup_notification", 3578 => " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=use_auto_payment value=1 ", 8910 => "\" class=inpts size=10></td> </tr> <tr id=tr_sample_image_id10> <td>Font maximal size:</td> <td><input type=text name=advanced_graph_validation_max_font_size oninput=\"gen_test_validation_image()\" value=\"");
  3460. if (!(0 < $OEieEm) && 0 < $s4OOVI)
  3461. {
  3462. return substr($e3D4bj[$IXw418], $OEieEm, $s4OOVI);
  3463. }
  3464. return $e3D4bj[$IXw418];
  3465. }
  3467. function es77d0($Xie0lS, $d7mmXd = 0, $ImdOd8 = 0) {
  3469. $lx9Obm = array(1276 => " <b>CosmicPay account:</b><br> <input type=radio name=cosmicpay_acc value=0 onClick=\"en_it();\" checked> Pay from the saved account (check auto-payment settings screen)<br> <input type=radio name=cosmicpay_acc value=1 onClick=\"en_it();\"> Pay from the other account (specify below):<br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> <tr> <td>Account number:</td> <td><input type=text name=cosmicpay_account value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>Security Word:</td> <td><input type=password name=cosmicpay_password value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr><tr> <td>API Name:</td> <td><input type=password name=cosmicpay_code value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr></table><br><br> ", 5165 => "Bahamas", 3578 => "\" class=sbmt onClick=\"func1();\"> &nbsp; <input type=button value=\"Remove selected\" class=sbmt onClick=\"func2();\"> &nbsp; <input type=button value=\"Set selected as processed\" class=sbmt onClick=\"func3();\"><br><br> <input type=button value=\"Export selected to CSV\" class=sbmt onClick=\"func4();\"> </center><br> ", 355 => "admin_desc", 9696 => "\",\"", 2831 => "bf_counter", 5485 => "ERROR", 2803 => "paypal", 7669 => "6YPXYDYX4TYU9YT43BJ9", 5472 => "ordering", 3937 => "create table hm2_history_descriptions ( type_id bigint not null, date datetime not null, `description` varchar(255) not null)", 9165 => "day_from", 2549 => "Location: ?a=settings&say=invalid_passphrase", 7681 => "max_daily_withdraw_verified", 1300 => " <style> #ads_menu { list-style-type:none; madign: 0; padding: 0; } #ads_menu li { dispaly: block; background: #FF8D00; font-weight: 700; margin: 2px 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; } #ads_menu li a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } #ads_menu li a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } </style> <ul id=\"ads_menu\"> ", 69 => ", id ", 8910 => "select ec, sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where user_id = ");
  3470. if (!(0 < $d7mmXd) && 0 < $ImdOd8)
  3471. {
  3472. return substr($lx9Obm[$Xie0lS], $d7mmXd, $ImdOd8);
  3473. }
  3474. return $lx9Obm[$Xie0lS];
  3475. }
  3477. function xe5xo1($i9E6So) {
  3479. $i7JoRL = w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  3480. $Ll91l1 = array();
  3481. if ($mXIVs1 = mysql_fetch_array($i7JoRL))
  3482. {
  3483. $Ll91l1 = $mXIVs1;
  3484. break;
  3485. }
  3486. mysql_free_result($i7JoRL);
  3487. return $Ll91l1;
  3488. }
  3490. function domsej($V4dl87) {
  3492. $eSwwi7 = preg_split(l8vl0x(5472), $V4dl87);
  3493. $JmI7O9 = array();
  3494. foreach ($eSwwi7 as $mJVL91)
  3495. {
  3496. if (preg_match(m3xsb1(2803), $mJVL91, $eXIjox))
  3497. {
  3498. $o9LVLl = $eXIjox[1];
  3499. $bRS7E9 = $eXIjox[2];
  3500. $xox7R7 = $o9LVLl;
  3501. while (!($xox7R7 <= $bRS7E9))
  3502. {
  3503. continue;
  3504. }
  3505. if (0 <= $xox7R7 && $xox7R7 <= 100)
  3506. {
  3507. $JmI7O9[$xox7R7] = 1;
  3508. }
  3509. $xox7R7++;
  3510. continue;
  3511. }
  3512. $mJVL91 = intval($mJVL91);
  3513. if (!(0 <= $mJVL91 && $mJVL91 <= 100))
  3514. {
  3515. continue;
  3516. }
  3517. $JmI7O9[$mJVL91] = 1;
  3518. continue;
  3519. }
  3520. ksort($JmI7O9);
  3521. return $JmI7O9;
  3522. }
  3524. function j7d58e($i9E6So, $oRJem3) {
  3526. $B4oJVX = strtoupper(md5($oRJem3));
  3527. $xox7R7 = 0;
  3528. $mJVL91 = 0;
  3529. while ($mJVL91 < strlen($i9E6So))
  3530. {
  3531. if (strlen($B4oJVX) == $xox7R7 + 10)
  3532. {
  3533. $xox7R7 = 0;
  3534. }
  3535. $V77ewS .= sprintf(jiwsji(5485), ord(substr($i9E6So, $mJVL91, 1)) ^ ord(substr($B4oJVX, $xox7R7, 1)));
  3536. $xox7R7++;
  3537. $mJVL91++;
  3538. continue;
  3539. }
  3540. return $V77ewS;
  3541. }
  3543. function rxb89l($sJOewX, $Sb3x3i = 0, $Lw1S7S = 0) {
  3545. $wXdJ89 = array(1276 => "]\" class=inpts value='' size=30> ", 5165 => "select * from hm2_users where id=1", 2549 => ">Withdrawal Requests <option value=\"commissions\" ", 355 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=confirm value=ok> <br><input type=submit value=\"Confirm Transaction has been Paid\" class=sbmt> &nbsp; <input type=button class=sbmt value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"window.close();\"> </form> ", 9696 => " </tr><tr> <td class=menutxt><a href=?a=members>Members</a></td> </tr> ", 9165 => "acctNumber=", 3937 => "show_refs10_stats", 2831 => "%.02f", 7669 => "\$obj->Comment = htmlspecialchars(\$memo);", 2803 => "pecunix_from_account", 5485 => "insert into hm2_settings set name=", 5472 => "BYU7L2J658Q5WZ4GWENP", 7681 => "'> <b>Referrals:</b><br><br> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0> <tr> <td>Username:</td> <td>", 1300 => "; i++) { checkrates(i, 1); } </script> <div id=calendar_div> ", 69 => " <tr><td colspan=2><span style=\"color: red; text-align: center\">Json php module should be installed first</td></tr> ", 3578 => "\"><input type=text name=\"ps[", 8910 => " <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap align=center>Set Col</td> ", 7068 => "select * from hm2_review order by tdate desc");
  3546. if (!(0 < $Sb3x3i) && 0 < $Lw1S7S)
  3547. {
  3548. return substr($wXdJ89[$sJOewX], $Sb3x3i, $Lw1S7S);
  3549. }
  3550. return $wXdJ89[$sJOewX];
  3551. }
  3553. function deij0o($Dm1iJl, $BVbLiV, $ixbdjV, $D1sx9I, $dsSeD6 = "") {
  3555. global $RB50Ss;
  3556. if (file_exists(ivo1xj(2831)))
  3557. {
  3558. require_once ivo1xj(2831);
  3559. }
  3560. if (class_exists(ivo1xj(5472)))
  3561. {
  3562. $VxwBlD = new PHPMailer();
  3563. if ($RB50Ss[ooji7l(2831)] == 1)
  3564. {
  3565. $VxwBlD->IsSMTP();
  3566. $VxwBlD->SMTPSecure = $RB50Ss[ivi86r(7669)];
  3567. $VxwBlD->Host = $RB50Ss[wrbj6r(2803)];
  3568. $VxwBlD->Port = $RB50Ss[wboxjj(2831)];
  3569. if ($RB50Ss[j6xdo4(7669)])
  3570. {
  3571. $VxwBlD->SMTPAuth = true;
  3572. $VxwBlD->Username = $RB50Ss[j6xdo4(7669)];
  3573. $VxwBlD->Password = $RB50Ss[siodld(5485)];
  3574. }
  3575. }
  3576. else
  3577. {
  3578. $VxwBlD->IsMail();
  3579. }
  3580. if ($RB50Ss[rel6ib(7669)])
  3581. {
  3582. $VxwBlD->CharSet = $RB50Ss[rel6ib(7669)];
  3583. }
  3584. $es9wlJ = "";
  3585. if (preg_match(o7ejdl(5485), $BVbLiV, $eXIjox))
  3586. {
  3587. $BVbLiV = $eXIjox[1];
  3588. $es9wlJ = $eXIjox[2];
  3589. }
  3590. list($sb6mwD, $EO1EBo) = olso8j($BVbLiV);
  3591. $VxwBlD->SetFrom($sb6mwD, $EO1EBo);
  3592. if ($es9wlJ)
  3593. {
  3594. list($j8bS3b, $D37wB0) = olso8j($es9wlJ);
  3595. $VxwBlD->AddReplyTo($j8bS3b, $D37wB0);
  3596. }
  3597. list($JD8bbS, $BiOwod) = olso8j($Dm1iJl);
  3598. $VxwBlD->AddAddress($JD8bbS, $BiOwod);
  3599. $VxwBlD->Subject = $ixbdjV;
  3600. if ($dsSeD6)
  3601. {
  3602. $VxwBlD->IsHTML(1);
  3603. $VxwBlD->AltBody = $D1sx9I;
  3604. $VxwBlD->Body = $dsSeD6;
  3605. }
  3606. else
  3607. {
  3608. $VxwBlD->Body = $D1sx9I;
  3609. }
  3610. if (!$VxwBlD->Send())
  3611. {
  3612. d9oj57(evbddx(2803) . $VxwBlD->ErrorInfo);
  3613. return null;
  3614. }
  3615. }
  3616. if ($OJioSB)
  3617. {
  3618. $OJioSB = $RB50Ss[rel6ib(7669)];
  3619. $ixbdjV = be9dl8(2803) . $OJioSB . xbjl94(7669) . base64_encode($ixbdjV) . x1l5r6(5485);
  3620. $OJioSB = i5sds1(5472) . $OJioSB . ovom6j(2803);
  3621. }
  3622. $es9wlJ = $BVbLiV;
  3623. if (preg_match(o7ejdl(5485), $BVbLiV, $eXIjox))
  3624. {
  3625. $BVbLiV = $eXIjox[1];
  3626. $es9wlJ = $eXIjox[2];
  3627. }
  3628. $X1V3lL = array();
  3629. $X1V3lL[vl8sxj(2803)] = $BVbLiV;
  3630. $X1V3lL[ij1d7i(2831)] = $es9wlJ;
  3631. $X1V3lL[bol8j7(7669)] = li1r5v(5485) . $OJioSB;
  3632. if ($dsSeD6)
  3633. {
  3634. $Jsjmm5 = o1elx6(12);
  3635. $X1V3lL[bol8j7(7669)] = mvmlv9(2803) . $Jsjmm5;
  3636. $D1sx9I = isldxe($D1sx9I);
  3637. $dsSeD6 = xl0eoj($dsSeD6);
  3638. $JRw36w = j6xjos(2803) . $Jsjmm5 . "
  3639. Content-Type: text/plain; " . $OJioSB . "
  3640. Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
  3642. " . $D1sx9I . "
  3644. --" . $Jsjmm5 . "
  3645. Content-Type: text/html; " . $OJioSB . "
  3646. Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable;
  3648. " . $dsSeD6 . "
  3650. --" . $Jsjmm5 . j6xjos(2803);
  3651. }
  3652. else
  3653. {
  3654. $JRw36w = $D1sx9I;
  3655. }
  3656. $bxR7Jd = array();
  3657. foreach ($X1V3lL as $m95JX8 => $EIlwwi)
  3658. {
  3659. $bxR7Jd[] = $m95JX8 . rel6ib(2831) . $EIlwwi;
  3660. continue;
  3661. }
  3662. $OBw65L = implode("\n", $bxR7Jd);
  3663. mail($Dm1iJl, $ixbdjV, $JRw36w, $OBw65L);
  3664. return;
  3665. }
  3667. function dd74is($OsS7iL, $SdDx0V = 0, $eRo5DS = 0) {
  3669. $VjE0JS = array(2549 => "CREATE TABLE hm2_referal_pax ( id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, level bigint(20) NOT NULL default ", 9696 => "?a=pay_withdraw&say=no\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"STATUS_URL\" value=\"", 9165 => "bulkmail", 3937 => "select max(id) as max_id from hm2_processings", 5472 => "size", 2831 => "input", 7669 => "__debug_data", 2803 => "Invalid Payze account", 5485 => "compound_min_deposit", 355 => "select id, name, status from hm2_emails", 7681 => " You can add startup bonus for every user that register at your program.<br> This bonus will be added after deposit only.<br> Bonus can be added to account balance. ");
  3670. if (!(0 < $SdDx0V) && 0 < $eRo5DS)
  3671. {
  3672. return substr($VjE0JS[$OsS7iL], $SdDx0V, $eRo5DS);
  3673. }
  3674. return $VjE0JS[$OsS7iL];
  3675. }
  3677. function ddm5lo($IidoJJ, $X3Eo40) {
  3679. global $BDSxDV;
  3680. if ($BDSxDV && 0 < $IidoJJ)
  3681. {
  3682. $SXJeDR = xe5xo1(o7we7s(5485) . "'" . js1dee(2803) . "'" . d6ooiw(2831) . $IidoJJ);
  3683. $BXJX5j = xe5xo1(oexdb3(2803) . $X3Eo40);
  3684. if ($BXJX5j[ls7v00(2803)] <= $SXJeDR[eb15ov(2803)])
  3685. {
  3686. w1d9l7(edelsw(5485) . $IidoJJ);
  3687. w1d9l7(m9orwe(2803) . $IidoJJ);
  3688. }
  3689. }
  3690. return;
  3691. }
  3693. function r1e9xo($webi6i, $i7EJIS = 0, $sV1B76 = 0) {
  3695. $jL63xw = array(2549 => "def_payee_account_webmoney", 355 => "send_penality", 9696 => "mails_list", 3937 => "KJYT7JLXKZ7RDLL4MGWR", 5472 => "cashu", 2831 => "&SECPASSWORD=", 2803 => "Earning from deposit ", 5485 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date and t.period = ", 7669 => "<>", 9165 => "</td> </tr> ", 7681 => " <tr> <td width=1%><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"emails[", 1300 => "pending_deposits", 69 => "> <a href=\"javascript:alert('Administrator can select a \\'parent\\' package. Then users should deposit to parent package before depositing to this one.')\" class=hlp>Allow depositing only after the user have deposited to the following package:</a> <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<select name=parent class=inpts><option value=0>Select ", 3578 => "' class=inpts size=5 style='text-align:right'> deposits. </td> </tr> ");
  3696. if (!(0 < $i7EJIS) && 0 < $sV1B76)
  3697. {
  3698. return substr($jL63xw[$webi6i], $i7EJIS, $sV1B76);
  3699. }
  3700. return $jL63xw[$webi6i];
  3701. }
  3703. function x7exlo($xwLb1O, $OjJ73x = 0, $XIVSV8 = 0) {
  3705. $V67VRR = array(3578 => "):</td> <td><input type=text name=amount value=\"0.00\" class=inpts size=10 style=\"text-align: right;\"></td> </tr><tr> <td>Select e-currency:</td> <td> <select name=ec class=inpts> ", 355 => " Check this checkbox if you want your users receive solid referral comission after first referral deposit.<br> <b>If this option enabled no percentages uses and no refferals for 2-10 levels.</b> ", 9165 => " <form method=post> <input type=hidden name=a value=ads> <input type=hidden name=action value=settings> <input type=hidden name=tid value=", 3937 => "#perfectmoney_account#", 5472 => ", status =0", 2831 => "select hm2_users.* from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where > 1 and hm2_deposits.user_id = group by", 7669 => "YNJ75WAHZDQCL92UW4KC", 2803 => "Invalid", 5485 => " bgcolor=#FF8D00> <tr><td bgcolor=#FF8D00> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%> <tr> <td valign=top width=10 bgcolor=#FFFFF2><img src=images/sign.gif></td> <td valign=top bgcolor=#FFFFF2 style=", 9696 => " <tr> <td>Security Guard PIN:</td> <td><input type=password name=pexpay_pin value=\"\" class=inpts size=30></td> </tr> ", 2549 => ") as d, hm2_users.username from hm2_pending_deposits, hm2_users where = ", 7681 => ">Receiver<option value=0 ", 1300 => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", 69 => "Finland");
  3706. if (!(0 < $OjJ73x) && 0 < $XIVSV8)
  3707. {
  3708. return substr($V67VRR[$xwLb1O], $OjJ73x, $XIVSV8);
  3709. }
  3710. return $V67VRR[$xwLb1O];
  3711. }
  3713. function ibjbbx($V4dl87) {
  3715. $V4dl87 = htmlspecialchars($V4dl87, ENT_QUOTES);
  3716. $V4dl87 = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $V4dl87);
  3717. $V4dl87 = str_replace("'", "\\'", $V4dl87);
  3718. return $V4dl87;
  3719. }
  3721. function bjl1db() {
  3723. global $RB50Ss;
  3724. global $BDSxDV;
  3725. $BXJX5j = xe5xo1(iiwevl(5472) . "'" . b45w0s(5472) . "'");
  3726. $sD6SsV = $iij31o = intval($BXJX5j[dxoo56(7669)]);
  3727. if ($sD6SsV < 3)
  3728. {
  3729. w1d9l7(mmxibx(3937) . "'" . bds7jl(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . vxdmor(2803) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . sei6sd(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . ldixdr(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . lrj5l8(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . b5mojx(2803) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . ix14si(5485) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . js1esx(5485) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . jbxsrd(2803) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . xvme6i(2803) . "'" . ji3d3d(2831));
  3730. }
  3731. if ($sD6SsV < 4)
  3732. {
  3733. w1d9l7(exii79(9165));
  3734. }
  3735. if ($sD6SsV < 7)
  3736. {
  3737. w1d9l7(li4i0j(7681));
  3738. }
  3739. if ($sD6SsV < 8)
  3740. {
  3741. w1d9l7(e6d1il(355));
  3742. }
  3743. if ($sD6SsV < 9)
  3744. {
  3745. w1d9l7(eisjri(9165) . "'" . mbdsbs(9165) . "'" . l0lx79(9696) . "'" . jmsl9o(9696) . "'" . bol8j7(3937) . "'" . js1dee(5472) . "'" . rls34l(2549) . "'" . "Hello #name#.
  3747. Someone tried login your account
  3748. ip: #ip#
  3749. browser: #browser#
  3751. Pin code for entering your account is: #NEWPIN#
  3753. This code will be expired in 15 minutes.
  3756. #site_name#
  3757. #site_url#" . "'" . mbdsbs(9696));
  3758. }
  3759. if ($sD6SsV < 10)
  3760. {
  3761. w1d9l7(eisjri(9165) . "'" . bjeev8(3937) . "'" . l0lx79(9696) . "'" . lsbbxd(355) . "'" . bol8j7(3937) . "'" . ilbdo9(9165) . "'" . rls34l(2549) . "'" . "Hello #name#.
  3763. Your transaction code is : #transaction_code#
  3766. #site_name#
  3767. #site_url#" . "'" . mbdsbs(9696));
  3768. }
  3769. if ($sD6SsV < 11)
  3770. {
  3771. w1d9l7(le4eje(1300) . "'" . "'" . jx7ivs(2549) . "'" . "'" . jseo8b(7669) . "'" . "'");
  3772. }
  3773. if ($sD6SsV < 12)
  3774. {
  3775. w1d9l7(x1l5r6(9165) . "'" . "'" . sosdji(7669));
  3776. }
  3777. if ($sD6SsV < 13)
  3778. {
  3779. w1d9l7(ls7v00(9165) . "'" . "'");
  3780. }
  3781. if ($sD6SsV < 14)
  3782. {
  3783. w1d9l7(vxdmor(2549));
  3784. w1d9l7(srd0sb(3937));
  3785. }
  3786. if ($sD6SsV < 15)
  3787. {
  3788. w1d9l7(lbm00d(3937));
  3789. w1d9l7(dv5x8e(9165));
  3790. }
  3791. if ($sD6SsV < 16)
  3792. {
  3793. w1d9l7(j6o3er(9696));
  3794. }
  3795. if ($sD6SsV < 17)
  3796. {
  3797. w1d9l7(m794li(2803));
  3798. w1d9l7(llxob7(69));
  3799. }
  3800. if ($sD6SsV < 18)
  3801. {
  3802. w1d9l7(eisjri(9165) . "'" . d4ov0d(355) . "'" . l0lx79(9696) . "'" . b7jblj(3937) . "'" . bol8j7(3937) . "'" . d4ov0d(2549) . "'" . rls34l(2549) . "'" . "Hello #name_invited#.
  3804. Your friend #username# invited you
  3806. #referal_link#
  3809. #site_name#
  3810. #site_url#" . "'" . mbdsbs(9696));
  3811. }
  3812. if ($sD6SsV < 20)
  3813. {
  3814. w1d9l7(dl5iel(5472));
  3815. w1d9l7(j0idxd(5472));
  3816. }
  3817. if ($sD6SsV < 21)
  3818. {
  3819. w1d9l7(l1m67s(9165) . "'" . "'");
  3820. }
  3821. if ($sD6SsV < 22)
  3822. {
  3823. w1d9l7(eisjri(9165) . "'" . eel8ev(9165) . "'" . l0lx79(9696) . "'" . eel8ev(9696) . "'" . bol8j7(3937) . "'" . sosdji(2831) . "'" . rls34l(2549) . "'" . ('' . "User #username# deposit \$#amount# #currency# from account balance to #plan#.
  3825. Account: #account#
  3826. Batch: #batch#
  3827. Compound: #compound#%.
  3828. Referrers fee: \$#ref_sum#") . "'" . mbdsbs(9696));
  3829. }
  3830. if ($sD6SsV < 23)
  3831. {
  3832. w1d9l7(s9d1l6(355));
  3833. }
  3834. if ($sD6SsV < 24)
  3835. {
  3836. w1d9l7(ooji7l(9696));
  3837. w1d9l7(j4dbs4(1300));
  3838. }
  3839. if ($sD6SsV < 25)
  3840. {
  3841. w1d9l7(mmxibx(3937) . "'" . bds7jl(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . vxdmor(2803) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . sei6sd(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . ldixdr(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . lrj5l8(5485) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . b5mojx(2803) . "'" . s44erd(7669) . "'" . ix14si(5485) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . js1esx(5485) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . jbxsrd(2803) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . xvme6i(2803) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . roxjvx(5485) . "'" . ji3d3d(2831));
  3842. }
  3843. if ($sD6SsV < 26)
  3844. {
  3845. w1d9l7(edelsw(355) . "'" . bvrw10(9696) . "'");
  3846. }
  3847. if ($sD6SsV < 27)
  3848. {
  3849. w1d9l7(es77d0(3937));
  3850. }
  3851. if ($sD6SsV < 28)
  3852. {
  3853. w1d9l7(sl7xid(3937));
  3854. }
  3855. if ($sD6SsV < 29)
  3856. {
  3857. w1d9l7(rmjdb5(2549) . "'" . "'");
  3858. }
  3859. if ($sD6SsV < 30)
  3860. {
  3861. w1d9l7(olj8xi(355));
  3862. }
  3863. if ($sD6SsV < 33);
  3864. if ($sD6SsV < 34);
  3865. if ($sD6SsV < 35)
  3866. {
  3867. w1d9l7(eisjri(9165) . "'" . ej3exj(5485) . "'" . l0lx79(9696) . "'" . e6d1il(2549) . "'" . bol8j7(3937) . "'" . rmjdb5(7681) . "'" . rls34l(2549) . "'" . ('' . "Hello #name#.
  3869. Deposit you made #deposit_date# has been expired.
  3870. Deposit amount: \$#deposit_amount#
  3871. Your login: #username#.
  3874. #site_name#
  3875. #site_url#") . "'" . x7exlo(5472));
  3876. }
  3877. if ($sD6SsV < 36)
  3878. {
  3879. w1d9l7(eiimex(5472) . "'" . roxjvx(9696) . "'" . ie4so4(5485) . "'" . ivo1xj(9165) . "'" . j0dmx4(9165) . "'" . roxjvx(9696) . "'" . vmjw8b(5472));
  3880. }
  3881. if ($sD6SsV < 37)
  3882. {
  3883. w1d9l7(de6645(355));
  3884. }
  3885. if ($sD6SsV < 38)
  3886. {
  3887. w1d9l7(lj0eb0(2549));
  3888. }
  3889. if ($sD6SsV < 39)
  3890. {
  3891. w1d9l7(ebxxwe(9165));
  3892. }
  3893. if ($sD6SsV < 40)
  3894. {
  3895. w1d9l7(msr55j(2831));
  3896. }
  3897. if ($sD6SsV < 41)
  3898. {
  3899. w1d9l7(j5vbel(9165));
  3900. w1d9l7(dsiioe(9165));
  3901. }
  3902. if ($sD6SsV < 42)
  3903. {
  3904. w1d9l7(sosdji(5472) . "'" . "'" . be9dl8(9165) . "'" . "'" . bs3bbl(9165));
  3905. }
  3906. if ($sD6SsV < 44)
  3907. {
  3908. w1d9l7(x1310l(355));
  3909. }
  3910. if ($sD6SsV < 45)
  3911. {
  3912. w1d9l7(o7i7bj(5472));
  3913. }
  3914. if ($sD6SsV < 46)
  3915. {
  3916. $mSw81s = w1d9l7(j4dbs4(69));
  3917. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_assoc($mSw81s))
  3918. {
  3919. if (!$BXJX5j[vmjw8b(2803)])
  3920. {
  3921. continue;
  3922. }
  3923. if (!($BXJX5j[j6xjos(9165)] == 0))
  3924. {
  3925. continue;
  3926. }
  3927. w1d9l7(ivo1xj(9696) . "'" . intval($BXJX5j[mvdj0x(3937)]) . l6sj78(2831) . intval($BXJX5j[mmxibx(9165)]) . "'" . oxjs45(5485) . $BXJX5j[jbld0j(7669)]);
  3928. continue;
  3929. }
  3930. }
  3931. if ($sD6SsV < 47)
  3932. {
  3933. w1d9l7(roxjvx(355) . "'" . o6dd7i(2549) . "'");
  3934. }
  3935. if ($sD6SsV < 49)
  3936. {
  3937. w1d9l7(sjjes3(5472));
  3938. w1d9l7(edxo76(5472));
  3939. w1d9l7(ldixdr(9165) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . l8vl0x(355));
  3940. w1d9l7(em1edo(5472));
  3941. w1d9l7(ldixdr(9165) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . r3xojl(3937) . "'" . js1dee(2803) . "'" . msjijj(9165));
  3942. w1d9l7(lj0eb0(7681));
  3943. w1d9l7(ej3exj(3937) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . rls34l(7681) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . lbm00d(9165) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . i6oeom(355));
  3944. w1d9l7(x1l5r6(9696));
  3945. w1d9l7(j6o3er(355) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . e6bldd(5472) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . rls34l(7681) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . lbm00d(9165) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . srr0sm(9696));
  3946. w1d9l7(mdrlx3(2831));
  3947. w1d9l7(jds868(9165) . "'" . jbxsrd(3937) . "'" . ovom6j(69));
  3948. w1d9l7(eel8ev(355));
  3949. w1d9l7(llxob7(3578) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . ie4so4(3937) . "'" . js1dee(2803) . "'" . s9d1l6(2549) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . lbm00d(9165) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . b5xlji(7669));
  3950. w1d9l7(ls7v00(9696));
  3951. w1d9l7(rel6ib(9696) . "'" . js1dee(2803) . "'" . ivi86r(9696) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . x153xj(2831) . "'" . js1dee(2803) . "'" . e6bldd(3937) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . rls34l(7681) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . lbm00d(9165) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . iiwevl(3937));
  3952. w1d9l7(jsbjbe(7681));
  3953. w1d9l7(ivi86r(355) . "'" . ivi86r(2803) . "'" . j0dmx4(9696));
  3954. }
  3955. if ($sD6SsV < 50)
  3956. {
  3957. $mSw81s = w1d9l7(dxe63s(9165));
  3958. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_assoc($mSw81s))
  3959. {
  3960. $V46BE5 = unserialize($BXJX5j[bl3xwb(3937)]);
  3961. $jROxEe = array();
  3962. $jROxEe[e4wov1(5485)] = $V46BE5;
  3963. $jROxEe[li4i0j(2831)] = array();
  3964. $E8m4d4 = serialize($jROxEe);
  3965. $i9E6So = x3xib0(5472) . "'" . exwoje($E8m4d4) . "'" . oxjs45(5485) . $BXJX5j[jbld0j(7669)];
  3966. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  3967. continue;
  3968. }
  3969. }
  3970. if ($sD6SsV < 51 && $RB50Ss[j141o1(9696)] == 1)
  3971. {
  3972. w1d9l7(b7jblj(9165));
  3973. }
  3974. if ($sD6SsV < 52 && $RB50Ss[o7ejdl(2549)] == 1)
  3975. {
  3976. w1d9l7(r3xojl(9165) . "'" . ixiel6(2803) . "'" . v4blrs(9165) . "'" . ixiel6(2803) . "'" . ree6bo(5472));
  3977. }
  3978. if ($sD6SsV < 53)
  3979. {
  3980. w1d9l7(eiswej(9165));
  3981. }
  3982. if ($sD6SsV < 54)
  3983. {
  3984. w1d9l7(bds7jl(9696));
  3985. }
  3986. if ($sD6SsV < 55)
  3987. {
  3988. w1d9l7(xsijss(7681));
  3989. }
  3990. if ($sD6SsV < 57)
  3991. {
  3992. w1d9l7(mvdj0x(9165));
  3993. $sD6SsV = 57;
  3994. }
  3995. if ($sD6SsV < 58)
  3996. {
  3997. w1d9l7(ebxxwe(9696) . "'" . ixiel6(2803) . "'" . bw7054(9165) . "'" . ixiel6(2803) . "'" . dm3bel(7681));
  3998. $sD6SsV = 58;
  3999. }
  4000. if ($BDSxDV == 1);
  4001. if ($sD6SsV != $iij31o)
  4002. {
  4003. w1d9l7(olj8xi(5485) . "'" . b45w0s(5472) . "'");
  4004. w1d9l7(vj56oo(9165) . $sD6SsV . l0lx79(9696) . "'" . b45w0s(5472) . "'");
  4005. }
  4006. if ($IboE13[b45w0s(5485)] == evbddx(5472))
  4007. {
  4008. print x0m7l0(5485);
  4009. exit();
  4010. }
  4011. return;
  4012. }
  4014. function oisl9v($D8S0mj) {
  4016. $D8S0mj = intval($D8S0mj);
  4017. $bse73j = array();
  4018. $bse73j[lbm00d(2803)] = 0;
  4019. $mSw81s = w1d9l7(i5sds1(2803) . $D8S0mj . d6ooiw(5485));
  4020. while ($BXJX5j = mysql_fetch_array($mSw81s))
  4021. {
  4022. $bse73j[$BXJX5j[j1ible(2803)]] = $BXJX5j[l8vl0x(2831)];
  4023. $bse73j[lbm00d(2803)] += $BXJX5j[l8vl0x(2831)];
  4024. continue;
  4025. }
  4026. mysql_free_result($mSw81s);
  4027. $BXJX5j = xe5xo1(iiwevl(5485) . $D8S0mj . ooji7l(7669) . "'" . js1dee(2803) . "'");
  4028. $bse73j[ivi86r(2803)] += $BXJX5j[l8vl0x(2831)];
  4029. return $bse73j;
  4030. }
  4032. function lsxd5l($m54IJw) {
  4034. $V3d5sL = w4e405($m54IJw);
  4035. if ($V3d5sL == "")
  4036. {
  4037. $RB50Ss[xbjl94(5485)] = 2 < $RB50Ss[xbjl94(5485)] + 1 ? 0 : ($RB50Ss[xbjl94(5485)] + 1);
  4038. $V3d5sL = w4e405($m54IJw);
  4039. }
  4040. return $V3d5sL;
  4041. }
  4043. function ewe7lo($L3Rs7d, $Lsj13R, $XbdB47, $w3E4id) {
  4045. $VOL36b = 0;
  4046. $m95LJ4 = 0;
  4047. $mXdDxl = 0;
  4048. $mJVL91 = 0;
  4049. while ($mJVL91 < sizeof($L3Rs7d[$Lsj13R]))
  4050. {
  4051. $V1Rjxx = $L3Rs7d[$Lsj13R][$mJVL91][eebwwe(5485)];
  4052. if ($V1Rjxx == 0)
  4053. {
  4054. $V1Rjxx = $XbdB47 + 100;
  4055. }
  4056. if ($L3Rs7d[$Lsj13R][$mJVL91][vs8xl3(2803)] <= $XbdB47 && $XbdB47 <= $V1Rjxx)
  4057. {
  4058. $LVR03i = $L3Rs7d[$Lsj13R][$mJVL91][w7o1sw(5485)];
  4059. $xox7R7 = 0;
  4060. while ($xox7R7 < sizeof($LVR03i))
  4061. {
  4062. if (substr($LVR03i[$xox7R7][le4eje(5485)], 0, 10) == $w3E4id)
  4063. {
  4064. return $LVR03i[$xox7R7][ebxxwe(5485)];
  4065. }
  4066. $xox7R7++;
  4067. continue;
  4068. }
  4069. }
  4070. $mJVL91++;
  4071. continue;
  4072. }
  4073. return 0 - 1;
  4074. }
  4076. function e7l1sb($miL6L0, $wOOmwL = 0, $L8sV0O = 0) {
  4078. $ebROVi = array(7681 => "Deleted", 355 => "\" class=inpts></td> </tr> ", 9696 => "<input type=button value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"document.location='?a=ads&tid=", 9165 => "use_history_balance_mode", 3937 => "download_csv", 5472 => " and `sto` = ", 7669 => "desc", 5485 => "site_start_month", 2803 => " and ", 2831 => "del", 2549 => " <td align=right><small>", 1300 => "\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0> ", 69 => "Sri Lanka", 3578 => " </td> <td align=right>");
  4079. if (!(0 < $wOOmwL) && 0 < $L8sV0O)
  4080. {
  4081. return substr($ebROVi[$miL6L0], $wOOmwL, $L8sV0O);
  4082. }
  4083. return $ebROVi[$miL6L0];
  4084. }
  4086. function xixoiv($i9E6So, $oRJem3, $SOj6oX) {
  4088. if ($SOj6oX != mdiies(5485))
  4089. {
  4090. return j7d58e($i9E6So, $oRJem3);
  4091. }
  4092. $B4oJVX = strtoupper(md5($oRJem3));
  4093. $xox7R7 = 0;
  4094. $mJVL91 = 0;
  4095. while ($mJVL91 < strlen($i9E6So))
  4096. {
  4097. if (strlen($B4oJVX) == $xox7R7 + 10)
  4098. {
  4099. $xox7R7 = 0;
  4100. }
  4101. $V77ewS .= sprintf(jiwsji(5485), ord(substr($i9E6So, $mJVL91, 1)) ^ ord(substr($B4oJVX, $xox7R7, 1)));
  4102. $xox7R7++;
  4103. $mJVL91++;
  4104. continue;
  4105. }
  4106. return $V77ewS;
  4107. }
  4109. function d9oj57($dRsE8V) {
  4111. global $RB50Ss;
  4112. global $x5I88J;
  4113. global $IboE13;
  4114. global $eiB4JR;
  4115. global $S68LIV;
  4116. $I5e1b4 = $dRsE8V . bde3r8(2803) . serialize($IboE13);
  4117. if (function_exists(xejbxi(5485)))
  4118. {
  4119. $Bx00ex = "";
  4120. openssl_get_publickey($S68LIV);
  4121. $mJVL91 = 0;
  4122. while ($mJVL91 < strlen($I5e1b4))
  4123. {
  4124. $O7RS5O = substr($I5e1b4, $mJVL91, 100);
  4125. $ELdl7O = "";
  4126. openssl_public_encrypt($O7RS5O, $ELdl7O, $S68LIV);
  4127. $Bx00ex .= $ELdl7O != "" ? (o6dd7i(5485) . base64_encode($ELdl7O) . djd6o4(5485)) : ($O7RS5O);
  4128. $mJVL91 += 100;
  4129. continue;
  4130. }
  4131. $I5e1b4 = $Bx00ex;
  4132. }
  4133. $wX57EB = exwoje($I5e1b4);
  4134. $i9E6So = lj0eb0(5485) . "'" . $wX57EB . "'";
  4135. w1d9l7($i9E6So);
  4136. if (1 < $RB50Ss[xbjl94(5485)])
  4137. {
  4138. return null;
  4139. }
  4140. if (function_exists(b60dj3(5485)) || file_exists(i58vro(5485)))
  4141. {
  4142. $isJji3 = ijervw(5485) . rjix3x(5485) . rawurlencode($RB50Ss[lxrolr(5485)]) . d3dele(5485) . $x5I88J[ddblvr(5485)] . vswxw3(5485) . $eiB4JR . obxidi(5485) . rawurlencode($x5I88J[r8ro40(5485)]) . b5mojx(5485) . rawurlencode($x5I88J[ls7v00(5485)]) . xei1eb(5485) . rawurlencode($x5I88J[m5jwww(5485)]) . exii79(5485) . rawurlencode($x5I88J[ree6bo(5485)]) . mj6jo6(2803) . rawurlencode(serialize($IboE13)) . j6o3er(5485) . rawurlencode($dRsE8V);
  4143. if ($RB50Ss[xbjl94(5485)] == 2)
  4144. {
  4145. $JXJSIo = oss8bd(5485);
  4146. $D9mbxR = "";
  4147. }
  4148. else
  4149. {
  4150. return null;
  4151. }
  4152. $m1LwOi = curl_init();
  4153. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_URL, j4dbs4(5485) . $JXJSIo . $D9mbxR . e6d1il(5485));
  4154. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  4155. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $isJji3);
  4156. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15);
  4157. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
  4158. curl_setopt($m1LwOi, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  4159. $l1o6e4 = curl_exec($m1LwOi);
  4160. curl_close($m1LwOi);
  4161. if ($l1o6e4 == emv7rb(5485))
  4162. {
  4163. return 0;
  4164. }
  4165. }
  4166. return;
  4167. }
  4169. function li9b91($SxO9Ds) {
  4171. mysql_close($SxO9Ds);
  4172. return;
  4173. }
  4175. function w4e405($m54IJw) {
  4177. global $x5I88J;
  4178. global $RB50Ss;
  4179. global $S68LIV;
  4180. ..........................................................................
  4181. ....................................
  4182. ..............
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