

Jan 28th, 2014
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  1. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Hi.)
  2. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Hey )
  3. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (How've you been?)
  4. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Getting better. Talked with Toni yesterday. )
  5. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It was...weird. )
  6. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Getting better from what? And what did you talk about?)
  7. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( She doesn't hate me, like I was scared she would. But I dunno if her advice fits right any more, either. )
  8. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Chronic bronchitis. Adam's fixing it, 's just being slow to pack up and move out. )
  9. <epiele|online> [ seem to have /forgotten/ she was sick. Dammit dammit dammit]
  10. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( 'S not so bad that I can't cope if I had to, though. It'd be uncomfortable, but I've got ranged 'kind. )
  11. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (wait you were sick I'm sorry I forgot to ask)
  12. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me cuddles )
  13. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Shoosh, it's fine. Reasonable enough to assume it'd gotten better since I wasn't mentioning it. )
  14. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (yeah, but)
  15. <epiele|online> ['But feelings' isn't a good reason.]
  16. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...never mind. What else did you talk about?)
  17. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( That was about it, that night. Was mostly cuddling and falling asleep, afterwards. )
  18. <stanzicApparati> [It doesn't feel weird to tell him this, any more than it'd feel weird to tell him you pailed someone. Perhaps it /should/ feel weird, but you won't think on that.]
  19. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Oh, right, that thing. What do you feel like now?)
  20. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( her advice doesn't quite /fit/ any more. Like a shirt that's just a little too tight. )
  21. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( She said I shouldn't beat myself up over what happened to Tobias, but - what I did /was/ terrible. He /does/ deserve to hate me for it. )
  22. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Okay, cool. You're a monster. So'm I.)
  23. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (The shipping thread should show us with ravenous kids with three eyes.)
  24. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It doesn't already? )
  25. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I was sure the shippers had pics of us with kids. )
  26. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (But they only draw us with /nice/ kids.)
  27. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (You know, the perfect 2.4-and-a-yard-and-a-dog kind.)
  28. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...although I don't think they've tried drawing 0.4 kids yet.)
  29. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Pff. They've never seen my baby photos, then. Between sweep and a half, and six sweeps, I was an /awkward/ looking kid. )
  30. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( But they're biased. They want to see /pretty/. )
  31. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( And 'patchy all over, with fangs that need braces' isn't pretty. )
  32. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Isn't pretty for anyone else, you mean. I'm pretty sure you were adorable.)
  33. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Heh. Okay, maybe in retrospect. Toni always insisted I was. )
  34. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (When have I ever been wrong?)
  35. <epiele|online> [Lots of times.]
  36. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Point. )
  37. <stanzicApparati> [It feels wrong to point out all the times he's been wrong, when he's been /right/ just as often.]
  38. <epiele|online> [That's still a 50% chance. Not particularly great, for odds.]
  39. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (so)
  40. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I can't say I'm fine with what I've done. But that's better than the alternative.)
  41. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I...don't think I'd like the kind of person who'd be okay with breaking someone who used to be their best friend. Even if it was to save them from their own ideals. )
  42. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( 'Cause I /know/ it would have gotten him killed, trying to make peace between Prospit and Derse. And I know he wouldn't have stopped, either. )
  43. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (The best decision you made with your information at the time may not be an objectively perfect decision, now or ever.)
  44. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...and the best choice need not be a /good/ choice, either.)
  45. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (It just needs to exist, and be slightly less terrible.)
  46. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...also, Time's a really fast way to get very comfortable with dead bodies.)
  47. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...true. Doesn't make what I did with them a good means of solving the problem, though. )
  48. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( And I never even /tried/ to explain, afterwards, to him. And now... )
  49. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (On the plus side, he didn't turn out a PK in the end!)
  50. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I think.)
  51. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Did he?)
  52. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I don't know, it's not like he talks to me any more. )
  53. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( But fuck, I hope not. )
  54. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I don't know if I should try and reach out to him or not, either. )
  55. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Well... I guess you have to go with whatever you feel is right.)
  56. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (You know.)
  57. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Fatewise.)
  58. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( .../trying/ feels right. Even if it doesn't work out. Even if he ends up saying he wants me to leave him alone, at least then I'd know for sure. )
  59. * venPip|idle is now known as zu|sleep
  60. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Then do that.)
  61. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I will. )
  62. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( And on your end? How're things going? )
  63. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (The wheels are turning.)
  64. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Knell's in sight. Maybe three weeks? I have no idea if it'll even work, but it's worth trying.)
  65. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (It's not like the Knell code /should/ be connected to the Reckoning code...)
  66. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...although if it is, I guess that's good information to have anyway.)
  67. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( And if it isn't, that tells you something, too. )
  68. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Plus, I'd think it'd be tangentially connected? If you haven't done the Knell yet, the Reckoning /shouldn/t/ happen, after all. )
  69. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (But it did.)
  70. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It did, yes. Doesn't mean it is a thing which is normally supposed to happen. )
  71. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Even as glitched as the game tends to be, that's a bit on the unprecedented side. )
  72. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Endless supplies of shoes.)
  73. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Yep. )
  74. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I /still/ say it works better as hail than rain, though. )
  75. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Also, Noah and I are done. Like, officially now. )
  76. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Good for you. Anything you want from me?)
  77. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Hugs are always nice. )
  78. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (/me hugs)
  79. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  80. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I wonder what you could do with the timetrav encryption's existence.)
  81. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I wonder if there could be some form of information sent backwards to tell you how long a presession is.)
  82. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Possibly, yeah. )
  83. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( It'd be worth poking at to figure out. )
  84. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I think I'll be off, soon, to dream.)
  85. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Sleep well. )
  86. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Maybe try to rig a better sensor on the meteor in the middle of the square. The cheap sticker accelero thought it wasn't moving, but I'm going to try something more sensitive now.)
  87. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Perhaps a laser. Or several lasers.)
  88. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" ('night -)
  89. * epiele|online has disconnected from the server!
  90. <stanzicApparati> [Scene]
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