
Teruchi, Zora and the Worm

Aug 19th, 2015
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  1. French Narrator: Ahh, another peaceful evening in Bel Air. Listen to the Nintendrian tranquility. [we see the town of Bel Air; something underground is tunneling and consumes the Bel Air sign] Uh-oh. [the tunneling thing moves on to the rest of Bel Air; a cop is writing a ticket for a car parked near a fire hydrant; the thing, still invisible, makes eating noises; we then see that the car has disappeared, so the cop picks up the fire hydrant, moves it to the adjacent car, and places the ticket on that car, whistling as he walks away; the thing moves on to Teruchi's house; Fred wakes up, sees the thing, and meows in terror; Teruchi is still fast asleep]
  2. Teruchi: [mumbling, half-asleep] Trick-or-treat. Thank you. [the thing takes Teruchi's blanket] You keep the change. [the thing takes Teruchi's pillow] What? [he wakes up fully and stares fixedly at the thing in terror; camera zooms out to show half of the pineapple house's walls missing; new scene shows Teruchi talking to a crowd at the Krusty Krab] I saw it! It was big! It was all wiggly! And it ate everything!
  3. Jack: That's horrible! [gobbles down a whole tray of food, containers and all]
  4. Teruchi: It was an Terrantian... Bull... Worm! [each of the three words appears on screen; "Terrantian" in a rocky form, "Bull" in a furry text, and "Worm!" with different worms forming the word. The crowd murmurs worriedly]
  5. Kit: He ate my wheelbarrow! [She has her wheelbarrow with a bite taken out of it]
  6. Cameron: He ate my children's homework! [her three kids wink simultaneously and give a big thumbs-up]
  7. Kali: [has a huge bite taken out of his butt] Do I need to say it?
  8. Nyx: [crowd murmurs some more] How can we protect ourselves?
  9. Ms. Sin: I've got it! Let's all buy a Krabby Patty! [crowd boos and throws ketchup and mustard bottles at him]
  10. Anya: We should lock our doors!
  11. Vera: We should call my nephew!
  12. Alexis: We should dig a moat!
  13. Jack: We should take Bel Air and push it somewhere else! [crowd immediately quiets down]
  14. Tiamat: That idea may just be crazy enough... to get us all killed!! [crowd resumes fretting]
  15. Jack: [Amongst the murmuring] What's wrong with my idea?
  16. Astra: Let's get someone to go after it!
  17. Ms. Sin: There ain't no one fool enough to take on an Terrantian Bull Worm! [a horrible screeching noise is heard; the crowd cringes; we see a scary-looking old guy in a raincoat with a hook for a hand, scraping it on the window of the Krusty Krab; he stops]
  18. Ranthael: You got a bathroom in this place?
  19. Ms. Sin: [looks slightly peeved] In the back.
  20. Ranthael: [legs wobble] Thanks. [he runs for it]
  21. Zora: [under a wide-brimmed cowboy hat] I'll catch your worm for ya, that is, if'n you're willing to pay! [tips brim up]
  22. Ms. Sin: No!!!!!!! You'll never get a cent out of me! [runs to block the cash register with her body] Never! I'd rather that worm come in here right now and eat you all alive!!! [begins foaming at the mouth; the crowd looks at her strangely; she calms down] Sorry.
  23. Zora: [laughs good-naturedly] Aw, calm down. I don't want your money. I was just playing up the drama of the moment, is all. [Ms. Sin chuckles, which gradually turns into crying; Zora continues] Nope. I'm gonna take that spineless fuckstick down for nothing, 'cause this is personal. Look. My dragon's gone! [she shows them; crowd gasps] Bastard must've got her while I had my back turned, the coward! [crowd sympathizes] I am gonna get back what's mine! [crowd cheers]
  24. Teruchi: [looks alarmed] What? But Zora, you don't know what you're up against. We're talking about an Terrantian... Bull... Worm! [the three words appear on screen again]
  25. Zora: Well, I don't know anything about Terrantia, but look here. [she pulls out a wallet with pictures] Back on Earth I wrestled bulls, and I wrestled worms. [we see pictures of her with her whole body around a bull, then her arms around a worm] Far as I'm concerned, doing 'em both together just saves time. Now I'm gonna go kick me some worm tail! Fuck yeah!! [she runs to the doors of the Krusty Krab; the crowd goes wild]
  26. Teruchi: But Zora, you don't know!
  27. Zora: Don't worry, Teruchi. I won't be long. [leaves]
  28. Teruchi: [chases after her] Zora! Zora!
  29. Ms. Sin: [amidst the still-cheering crowd] Go get 'em, Zora! We have the utmost confidence in you! [crowd stops; Ms. Sin turns to Jack] Now, what was that idea of yours?
  30. Jack: PUSH! [new scene shows all the citizens trying to push the buildings of Bel Air; cuts back to Teruchi chasing after Zora]
  31. Teruchi: Wait! Zora!
  32. Zora: Hey, Teruchi, you coming to watch?
  33. Teruchi: Zora, don't go!
  34. Zora: Why not?
  35. Teruchi: Zora, I saw it! It's big... scary... and pink! [each word appears on the screen; "Big" displayed in large text, "Scary" in green drippy text, and "Pink" in a girly pink text]
  36. Zora: So's Jack's belly button, but I ain't afraid of that neither!
  37. Teruchi: You'll get massacred! [collapses into person-cubes]
  38. Zora: Teruchi, I'm from New York. You never knew where that was, but what you think is big and what I think is big are two totally different "big"s. Besides, he's got Tempest. I can't take that sitting down.
  39. Teruchi: Okay, but what if the worm didn't take Tempest?
  40. Zora: If that worm doesn't have my tail, who does?
  41. Teruchi: [unconvincingly] Um, I do?
  42. Zora: You do? Where?
  43. Teruchi: Um... in my pocket.
  44. Zora: Well, why didn't you just say so? Give it here! Come on! [Teruchi looks nervous, pulls something from his pocket, and opens his hand] Teruchi, that's a paper clip and a piece of string.
  45. Teruchi: [shakes head] No, it's not. This is your tail.
  46. Zora: [annoyed] Teruchi!
  47. Teruchi: [defensively] How would you know?! She's always behind you! Oh, don't go, don't go, don't go! [he jumps onto Zora and hugs her]
  48. Zora: [pulls him off] Teruchi, what is the matter with you? Now, I'm gonna go give that legless fuckboy what-for, and there is nothing you can say to stop me! [resumes walking]
  49. Teruchi: Oh yeah? What if I said... 'blargen fedibble no-hip'?
  50. Zora: [stops] Well, I gotta admit, that slowed me down, but I'm still going for him! [continues]
  51. Teruchi: [appears next to Zora as she strides along] You know, dragons are so overrated. Let's just forget about it and go home. [Zora keeps walking; Teruchi reappears] I've got ice cream! With nuts... [Zora continues; Teruchi appears once more, this time with a goofy mask on his face] Zora, this is your ma speaking, and I forbid you to go after this worm! You come back here, young lady!
  52. Zora: You aren't my ma!
  53. Teruchi: [stands in front of her with boxing gloves] Zora, if you want to get to that worm, you're gonna have to go through me! [Zora pushes through his body as if walking through a pair of swinging doors; he grabs her ankles, crying] Zora, no! I can't let you! I'm not gonna let you get killed. If you find him, you'll get eaten for sure!
  54. Zora: Ain't no way some dumb old earthworm's gonna make a meal of me. I'm too Brooklyn tough!
  55. Teruchi: [still crying and holding onto her ankles] No, not tough enough. Not tough enough!
  56. Zora: Teruchi, quit your worrying. I can take care of myself. After all, who's the strongest sonovabitch in Bel Air? [she grabs an anchor and pulls a sky-boat down from the air]
  57. Teruchi: You are.
  58. Zora: And who put the hi-yah, hi, ho, "K" in krav maga? [makes a K shape]
  59. Teruchi: [makes a U shape] You did.
  60. Zora: And who saves your bright green backside from certain destruction on a regular basis?
  61. Teruchi: [his butt has "Property of Zora Blackwood" printed on it, states it meekly] You do.
  62. Zora: Right. And I can handle your little bull worm too, 'cause I am the best there is! There is nothing too big or too assdick-y for me to catch.
  63. Teruchi: Okay.
  64. Zora: Say it.
  65. Teruchi: There isn't anything...
  66. Zora: Is nothing!
  67. Teruchi: [in a high-pitched voice like Zora] Is nothing [normal voice] too big or too ornery for you to catch. But... [Zora cuts him off] But... [cuts him off again] And... [cuts him off again] We... [cuts him off again] I... [cuts him off again] Yeah but...
  68. Zora: No!
  69. Teruchi: You see...
  70. Zora: No!
  71. Teruchi: I... [Zora cuts him off one last time with a frustrated groan]
  72. Zora: [picks up some dirt from the ground as if tracking an animal and sniffs it] Worm sign. [she holds a small sign in her palm that has "WORM" painted on it; looks up] He's in that cave.
  73. Teruchi: Zora, are you sure you...?
  74. Zora: Course I am! I'm going in, and I ain't coming out 'til I have a big heaping plate of worm stew. [she walks into the cave; Teruchi hides behind a rock and shudders; we hear Zora inside the cave] Aha! There you are, you dragon-stealing cocksheath! Hi-yah! [we hear karate noises; Zora peeks out of the cave] I'm winning, Teruchi! [resumes fighting]
  75. Teruchi: Zora, that's not...! [more fighting noises; Zora peeks out again]
  76. Zora: This shouldn't take long. [resumes fighting]
  77. Teruchi: Zora, that's not...!
  78. Zora: Almost done!
  79. Teruchi: Zora!
  80. Zora: YEAH TAKE IT ASSHOLE! [comes out riding a pink segmented thing] I got him, Teruchi! [makes a giant knot and stands on it proudly]
  81. Teruchi: [still uneasy] Zora...?
  82. Zora: Jesus fuck. This thing put up some sort of fight. But I'm from Brooklyn, and as you can see, no worm is a match for me. I even found Tempest! [we see that she's pulling the dragon out behind her, Tempest looks beaten up as she flies off]
  83. Teruchi: That's not the worm.
  84. Zora: Pardon?
  85. Teruchi: That's not the worm. That's his tongue. [camera zooms out to show that Teruchi is right; the opening of the cave is actually the worm's open mouth; his eyes make a squishy blinking noise]
  86. Zora: Ohhhh. This is the tongue, and... the whole thing... is the... worm. [freaks out] RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! [they sprint away; the worm growls angrily, chomps down, and chases after them]
  87. Teruchi: So what's the plan, Zora? [they look back and see that the worm is approaching faster]
  88. Zora: Run faster!!
  89. Teruchi: I could've thought of that. Hey, wait a minute! I was right, wasn't I?!
  90. Zora: Later!
  91. Teruchi: Ah, he is too big for you, isn't he?
  92. Zora: Not now, Teruchi!
  93. Teruchi: I wanna hear you say it!
  94. Zora: Can we talk about this another time?
  95. Teruchi: Say it!
  96. Zora: Teruchi!
  97. Teruchi: Say it, or I'll trip you! [he continues running on one foot, the other poised to trip Zora]
  98. Zora: No!
  99. Teruchi: Say it!
  100. Zora: Not now!
  101. Teruchi: Say it!
  102. Zora: Okay! You were right, and I was wrong. I was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Are you happy now?
  103. Teruchi: I knew it. [the worm emits another huge growl; prompting the two to run even faster; they run up and down a sand mound, which the worm plows right through; they run past Kali, who is leaning over under her car's hood; her butt is bandaged up; the worm passes by and takes another bite out of her]
  104. Kali: Not again!
  105. Teruchi: Uh, Zora?
  106. Zora: Yeah?
  107. Teruchi: What do we do now?
  108. Zora: [is panting and sweating; the worm growls again; Zora sees the seemingly endless coral trees in front of them] I've got it! Teruchi, you still got that paper clip and that string?
  109. Teruchi: I'm way ahead of you, Zora. [fashions a necklace out of them] Look, it's a necklace! T for "Teruchi" or Z for "Zora"! That way they can identify our bodies.
  110. Zora: No, silly! How about S for "save our skins"? [she takes the string and uses the hook of the paper clip to wrap the string around one of the coral trees; she grabs Teruchi and swings them up and over the branch onto the worm's back] Woo! Now this is what I call a joyride! We'll be nice and safe up here. [the worm starts to plow off a cliff like a runaway train; Zora and Teruchi realize this, scream, and begin running toward the end of worm to the safety of the plateau; they jump off safely as the worm falls off the cliff] We did it!
  111. Teruchi: Yay! He'll never get out of there!
  112. Zora: We saved the town!
  113. Teruchi: Yay! Let's go tell everybody! [new scene shows all the citizens still trying to push Bel Air to safety; the city is now in the valley at the bottom of the cliff]
  114. Jack: PUSH! [citizens push the city] PUSH! [push one last time]
  115. Citizens: Hooray!! [the worm, still falling, lands on the city and smashes it to bits]
  116. Worm: Ouuuuuch.
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