
Things for D&D

Mar 9th, 2014
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  2. Status #/frz/X MigrationX RemoveKolechX #/frzzitdoughcurdling/X
  3. (no topic set)
  4. [00:53] == Ero_Margit [48efde91@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #/frzzitdoughcurdling/
  5. [00:54] * Mig|Ed gets out of my tent and scratches back of his head
  6. [00:54] <Mig|Ed> "What's all this yelling about?
  7. [00:54] <Ero_Margit> "Stefan, what the hell?"
  8. [00:54] * Autumn_GG peeks out as well
  9. [00:54] <dt_Stefan> "My dreams were absolutely horrifying and now I have a sword and there's weird light everywhere."
  10. [00:54] <Ero_Margit> "What did you dream?"
  11. [00:54] * Despairg changes into his white, long-sleeved tunic and brown leather vest. Runs off to the background.
  12. [00:54] <dt_Stefan> I'm noticeably freaking out, breathing heavy.
  13. [00:54] <Ero_Margit> (Hahahaha)
  14. [00:54] <Mig|Ed> "Weird...maybe after effects from whatever was fighting?"
  15. [00:54] == Despairg has changed nick to Desp_Iyan
  16. [00:55] <Mig|Ed> "Whatever the case, Stef, you need to gather your bearings
  17. [00:55] <dt_Stefan> "There was a giant human face thing, and more fucked up magic sex, and this fighter wizard specter thing."
  18. [00:55] <Mig|Ed> "you're awake, you're safe, and no fucked up sex magic is currently happening"
  19. [00:55] <Ero_Margit> "I think that Fighter Wizard just swore me into its service"
  20. [00:56] <dt_Stefan> "Thanks Ed. Sorry."
  21. [00:56] * Ero_Margit gets up off my knees
  22. [00:56] <Mig|Ed> "What? And no problems mate."
  23. [00:56] <GD_Brandis> "You were just standing there, kneeling before Stefan."
  24. [00:56] <Ero_Margit> (Is my hand still glowing?(
  25. [00:56] <GD_Brandis> "And that brilliant light that shone through to my tent from you, it was like in my dream!"
  26. [00:56] <@RemoveKolech> Yes.
  27. [00:56] <dt_Stefan> "What did you dream about?"
  28. [00:57] <Autumn_GG> "I don't know anything about that, I just saw something shining.":
  29. [00:57] <GD_Brandis> "What the hell does it matter what I dreamed about! My mind is my own!"
  30. [00:57] <Mig|Ed> "That is strange, but I doubt if there really was an oath...what was it?"
  31. [00:57] <dt_Stefan> I'm no longer obviously panicking. Probably look unnerved though.
  32. [00:57] <Ero_Margit> "Autumn, wll you take a look at this?"
  33. [00:57] <GD_Brandis> Brandis is definitely still panicking.
  34. [00:57] <GD_Brandis> His sword is drawn.
  35. [00:57] <GD_Brandis> btw
  36. [00:57] <dt_Stefan> "It was just a question, Brandis."
  37. [00:57] <Mig|Ed> "Brandis, man, you're safe. You're alive, and everything"
  38. [00:57] * Ero_Margit calls the tiny Duchess
  39. [00:58] <dt_Stefan> "TAke a look at what?"
  40. [00:58] <GD_Brandis> I've gotten very used to being alive, yes...
  41. [00:58] <GD_Brandis> " " *
  42. [00:58] <Ero_Margit> "So the rest of you can't see this?"
  43. [00:58] <Mig|Ed> "it's just a dream, nothing's going to fuck with you"
  44. [00:58] <GD_Brandis> "What, your hand?"
  45. [00:58] <Mig|Ed> "Rest of what?"
  46. [00:58] * Ero_Margit walks over to the Duchess nest of tree boughs and drags her out of it
  47. [00:59] <Ero_Margit> "Autumn. We need to talk"
  48. [00:59] <Autumn_GG> "Oww. What, alone?"
  49. [00:59] <Ero_Margit> "If you prefer"
  50. [00:59] <Autumn_GG> "Okay, what do you need to talk about?"
  51. [00:59] <GD_Brandis> "Someone needs to talk, now. There's foul magick at work here, and I feel like one of you is attracting it."
  52. [00:59] <Mig|Ed> "I'm sure we can all talk between us"
  53. [00:59] <Ero_Margit> "Do you see anything on the back of my hand?"
  54. [00:59] <GD_Brandis> Do I see anything?
  55. [01:00] <Autumn_GG> I don't even know if I see anything.
  56. [01:00] <Mig|Ed> "Brandis I'm sure it's just after effects of whatever from whatever we went through."
  57. [01:00] <@RemoveKolech> Everyone sees runes inscribed on her hand.
  58. [01:00] <dt_Stefan> "Have any of you seen this before?"
  59. [01:00] <dt_Stefan> Holding out the sword.
  60. [01:00] <Autumn_GG> What's on drag's sword?
  61. [01:00] <dt_Stefan> My sword.
  62. [01:00] <Mig|Ed> (I thought you had a club)
  63. [01:00] <Ero_Margit> "It's some kind of oathblade"
  64. [01:00] <dt_Stefan> "I have no idea where the hell this is from, by the way, so this is definitely something magical fucking with us."
  65. [01:01] <dt_Stefan> "I just woke up with it in my hand. Oathblade?"
  66. [01:01] <Ero_Margit> "Or so I would surmise"
  67. [01:01] <Mig|Ed> "Wonderful just wonderful"
  68. [01:01] <dt_Stefan> "I don't know what that is."
  69. [01:01] <Ero_Margit> "Look I know a lot of you don't go in for this "magic" stuff but I've been reading about it for a while now"
  70. [01:01] <Autumn_GG> Rhines, do I recognize any of this?
  71. [01:01] <Mig|Ed> "Any other surprises? Yeah then what's it suppose to be Margit?"
  72. [01:02] <Ero_Margit> "I don't know, but I think I just got Knighted"
  73. [01:03] <@RemoveKolech> Nah. Sorry, drag didn't end up taking your route.
  74. [01:03] <GD_Brandis> "That much is obvious to anyone. But why was Stefan the one doing it?"
  75. [01:03] <Autumn_GG> Will I be able to Arcana-check and look? Or will that not work?>
  76. [01:03] <@RemoveKolech> Sure.
  77. [01:03] <Autumn_GG> Okay.
  78. [01:04] <Autumn_GG> Rolled a 16.
  79. [01:04] <dt_Stefan> "Margit, what's an oathblade?"
  80. [01:04] <Autumn_GG> Do I know anything?
  81. [01:04] <Ero_Margit> "You know, a blade used to swear oaths, a ceremonial sword"
  82. [01:04] <@RemoveKolech> This is clearly the blade of some rank of Sidhe Lord.
  83. [01:05] <GD_Brandis> "That blade, where did you find it?"
  84. [01:05] * Autumn_GG looks shocked and appalled upon closer inspection of the sword.
  85. [01:05] <Autumn_GG> "You better not mess with that thing. Especially not out here!
  86. [01:05] <GD_Brandis> "Come on, answer quickly! How did you come by that!"
  87. [01:05] <Mig|Ed> "Brandis, calm down. I'm sure he has an explanation."
  88. [01:06] <dt_Stefan> "I don't know, I just woke up with it in my hand."
  89. [01:06] <Ero_Margit> "The runes on my hand say "Crown Guard". "Protect with your life". "Pretender and Oathbreaker". "The Whore and the Traitor".
  90. [01:06] <dt_Stefan> "It wasn't in the dream."
  91. [01:06] <Ero_Margit> "Does any of that mean anything to you?"
  92. [01:06] <GD_Brandis> "... You'd best throw that away before it brings you more trouble."
  93. [01:06] <dt_Stefan> "Yes, it was on the crown in my dream."
  94. [01:06] <dt_Stefan> "Maybe. No, wait."
  95. [01:06] <GD_Brandis> "Or at least wrap the damned thing up and don't touch it"
  96. [01:06] <Mig|Ed> " has to deal with us, though those seem like lines from a prophecy or something"
  97. [01:06] <Ero_Margit> "Wait a minue, let me have the blade"
  98. [01:07] <dt_Stefan> "Not the crown. I saw visions. There was... it might be related."
  99. [01:07] <dt_Stefan> I hand over the sword.
  100. [01:07] <GD_Brandis> "You dreamed of a crown?"
  101. [01:07] <Mig|Ed> "Anything specific on the crown?"
  102. [01:07] * Autumn_GG winces, and puts her hands in front of her to protect herself.
  103. [01:07] <Ero_Margit> "What the?"
  104. [01:07] <Autumn_GG> "Just hope that thing doesn't blow up."
  105. [01:08] * Mig|Ed glances at Autumn before looking back
  106. [01:08] <Mig|Ed> "Something odd?"
  107. [01:08] <Ero_Margit> (Roll for my own Arcana check)
  108. [01:08] <dt_Stefan> "There was a ruined tower, and a throne room. A corpse in the throne holding a broken scepter. Crown on a pedestal. It had a riddle on it."
  109. [01:08] <dt_Stefan> "Autumn, are you okay?"
  110. [01:08] <@RemoveKolech> Anyways, if anyone has to go now, I did say it would be short. If not, and you guys, you can keep going.
  111. [01:08] <@RemoveKolech> *you guys want
  112. [01:08] <Autumn_GG> "I'm fine. You guys won't be, though, if you keep passing that thing around."
  113. [01:09] <Ero_Margit> "I seem to be fine"
  114. [01:09] * Autumn_GG huffs.
  115. [01:09] <dt_Stefan> I should log off and sleep soon but in a minute.
  116. [01:09] <Mig|Ed> "Are you sure Autumn? Eh anyway, Stefan what was the riddle?"
  117. [01:09] <Autumn_GG> "For now."
  118. [01:09] <dt_Stefan> "What's wrong with it?"
  119. [01:09] <Ero_Margit> "Autumn, you know something. What is it?"
  120. [01:09] <Autumn_GG> "I don't know. But fey magic always has something wrong with it."
  121. [01:09] <Mig|Ed> "Couldn't the same be said of all magic?"
  122. [01:10] <Ero_Margit> "Stefan, the riddle was the same one I just said?"
  123. [01:10] <Autumn_GG> "That sword is definitely fey magic. And that riddle is fey logic too. You saw what those things did out there."
  124. [01:10] <dt_Stefan> No, but I saw visions of--something like it.
  125. [01:10] <dt_Stefan> (that was supposed to be in quotes)
  126. [01:10] <dt_Stefan> "Well, it's mine, I woke up with it."
  127. [01:10] <Mig|Ed> "How curious and well Autumn, those probably weren't normal fey"
  128. [01:10] * Ero_Margit turns the dull blade in her hands
  129. [01:11] <dt_Stefan> "I don't remember the riddle word for word. It had something to do with a rotting tree, oaths, and a Queen? I think."
  130. [01:11] <dt_Stefan> "Can I have it back?"
  131. [01:11] * Mig|Ed eyes widen slightly
  132. [01:11] <@RemoveKolech> As he starts to recite it, he retches and silver light fills his eyes.
  133. [01:11] <Mig|Ed> "Whatever the case, maybe we should keep it"
  134. [01:11] <@RemoveKolech> A ethereal crown appears above his head.
  135. [01:11] <@RemoveKolech> "In Rotting Tree of World of Steel, one last to iron anneal. When whispering days do fade to dark, one last journey to embark. The Time of Weeping enters close, and all the mighty must swear oaths. Dying deaths to live no more, the faded prince to slay a Queen's reward."
  136. [01:11] <Autumn_GG> "See! See! I knew this would happen!"
  137. [01:11] <@RemoveKolech> *one last blow
  138. [01:12] * Ero_Margit hands the sword back
  139. [01:12] <dt_Stefan> can my elf eyes see?
  140. [01:12] <Mig|Ed> "That's oddly prophetic of you, Autumn. To know that specifically would happen"
  141. [01:12] <GD_Brandis> "..."
  142. [01:12] * Autumn_GG looks at Ed incredulously.
  143. [01:13] <@RemoveKolech> See in the dark? Yes.
  144. [01:13] * Mig|Ed smirks at Autumn, before glancing a bit worriedly at Brandis
  145. [01:13] <Mig|Ed> "You alright Brandis?"
  146. [01:13] <GD_Brandis> "What is the World of Steel? The Rotting Tree? What are the whispering days, the Time of Weeping..."
  147. [01:13] <dt_Stefan> just checking to see if I can still move around. besides the throwing up. crown still floating above me or did it vanish?
  148. [01:13] <GD_Brandis> He seems clearly engrossed in this new mystery.
  149. [01:13] <@RemoveKolech> When you stop speaking, you go back normal.
  150. [01:13] <Mig|Ed> "World of Steel...maybe the 'realm' of man."
  151. [01:14] <GD_Brandis> Whatever was bothering him, he is clearly now hiding it or is otherwise distracted.
  152. [01:14] <dt_Stefan> "Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
  153. [01:14] * Mig|Ed narrows eyes a bit "Whatever the case, I say we keep this blade with us...and something wrong Stef?"
  154. [01:14] <dt_Stefan> "I made a mistake, I should have just--tried to find a farm."
  155. [01:14] <dt_Stefan> "Magic came out of my eyes!"
  156. [01:14] <Ero_Margit> "Some kind of Fey royalty is trying to enlist our aid"
  157. [01:14] <Ero_Margit> "Or so I think"
  158. [01:15] <dt_Stefan> "Sword in my hand and I don't know where it's from, my mouth tastes disgusting because I threw up--fuck."
  159. [01:15] <Autumn_GG> "Magic throw-up."
  160. [01:15] <Mig|Ed> "Stef you already made your choice, now you just have to deal with consequences. Come on, dig deep down if you need to but you're with us by the sounds of it. Possibly to the very end."
  161. [01:15] <GD_Brandis> "Yes, well. Keep that away from me."
  162. [01:15] <Mig|Ed> "You think so Margit? Why would they be doing that?"
  163. [01:16] <Ero_Margit> "I think Stefan has been chosen to be a champion"
  164. [01:16] * Mig|Ed nods head
  165. [01:16] <GD_Brandis> "A champion of whom."
  166. [01:16] <Mig|Ed> "I could...see that happening"
  167. [01:16] <GD_Brandis> "That's the big question then, isn't it?"
  168. [01:17] <dt_Stefan> "It didn't taste magical, Autumn."
  169. [01:17] <GD_Brandis> "Who the hell's going around choosing..."
  170. [01:17] <Autumn_GG> "I only know one Queen on the Sunless Isle, and it's not one that you want to be bound in any way to..."
  171. [01:17] <Ero_Margit> "Wait a minute, it's your sword isn't it"
  172. [01:17] * Autumn_GG rubs her arm.
  173. [01:17] <Mig|Ed> "A farm lad?"
  174. [01:17] <dt_Stefan> "Shepherd."
  175. [01:17] <dt_Stefan> "It doesn't matter."
  176. [01:17] <Ero_Margit> "A shepherd where?"
  177. [01:18] <dt_Stefan> "Me. Just a hamlet in the middle of nowhere, it's not worth bringing up."
  178. [01:18] <dt_Stefan> "I did meet someone in the tower. I couldn't understand him."
  179. [01:18] <Mig|Ed> "Still only reason why anyone would want a farm-sheperd is because they're malleable if they're young enough."
  180. [01:18] <dt_Stefan> "But he tried to talk to me."
  181. [01:19] <dt_Stefan> I look like I'm roughly 19ish.
  182. [01:19] <Ero_Margit> "What did he say?"
  183. [01:19] <Mig|Ed> "Was it anything strange?"
  184. [01:19] <dt_Stefan> "I don't know, I couldn't understand him. I saw him and a few other ghosts in the throne room."
  185. [01:20] <Ero_Margit> "Weird. Very weird"
  186. [01:20] <Mig|Ed> "Did they look like anyone very specific?"
  187. [01:20] <dt_Stefan> "He fought off some wizards that were attacking them, and he looked like he was looking for something."
  188. [01:20] <Mig|Ed> "...hmmm"
  189. [01:20] * Mig|Ed glances around
  190. [01:21] <GD_Brandis> "I... "
  191. [01:21] <Mig|Ed> "What would be useful in the tower you saw?"
  192. [01:21] <Ero_Margit> "Yes, Brandis?"
  193. [01:21] <GD_Brandis> "In my dream... I was being attacked."
  194. [01:21] <Mig|Ed> " ghosts?"
  195. [01:21] <GD_Brandis> "Powerful sorcerors accosted me with all forms of magic. It did nothing."
  196. [01:21] <GD_Brandis> "I slew them."
  197. [01:21] <dt_Stefan> "Yes, exactly, their magic didn't touch him."
  198. [01:21] * Mig|Ed rubs chin in thought
  199. [01:21] <dt_Stefan> "Did someone try to give you--oh. Oh, I think I know why this is happening to me. I tried to give him the crown, because he looked like he was looking for something."
  200. [01:22] <Mig|Ed> "Are you sure they're all sorcerers?"
  201. [01:22] <GD_Brandis> "They wielded magic. They were wizards. Enchanters. Wielders of the arcane."
  202. [01:22] <Mig|Ed> "How curious, was there anything specific about their magic?"
  203. [01:22] <GD_Brandis> "It didn't save them."
  204. [01:23] <Mig|Ed> "Just like the crown Stefan tried to give? Did that do anything in your dream stefan?"
  205. [01:23] <Ero_Margit> "You kill them?"
  206. [01:23] <GD_Brandis> "...And then, there was a figure in the mists. And they threw a crown at my feet, and fled."
  207. [01:23] <Ero_Margit> "So you get a crown cast at your feet, and Stefan gets one above his head"
  208. [01:24] <Mig|Ed> "Curious...was there something strange about the crown?"
  209. [01:24] <dt_Stefan> "So never mind, then, the shadow couldn't be whoever's doing this to me. If it was you."
  210. [01:24] <dt_Stefan> "It was covered in runes, with that riddle I'm not saying again."
  211. [01:24] <GD_Brandis> "I didn't get a good look at it. I... I think I took it hand? And then I was running."
  212. [01:25] <Mig|Ed> "Anyone else with weird dreams encounter other shadows?"
  213. [01:25] <GD_Brandis> "I was chasing whomever had tried to give it to me."
  214. [01:25] <dt_Stefan> "It also... it liked me. It was happy when I touched it."
  215. [01:25] <dt_Stefan> "I know that doesn't make any sense."
  216. [01:25] <Mig|Ed> "The crown or the shadow?"
  217. [01:25] <Autumn_GG> "It sounds like a pervert. That's what makes sense."
  218. [01:25] * Autumn_GG grumbles.
  219. [01:25] <Ero_Margit> "I didn't have a dream at all"
  220. [01:26] <Mig|Ed> " does that make it perverted? It could've been like a cat, being affectionate"
  221. [01:26] <dt_Stefan> "I also saw other things, they just didn't talk to me."
  222. [01:26] <Mig|Ed> "Anything specific, detailwise, jump out at you?"
  223. [01:27] <dt_Stefan> "There was a man swearing an oath to a queen. They had an army around them."
  224. [01:27] <Autumn_GG> "I'd rather think the worse of a fey than anything else."
  225. [01:27] <dt_Stefan> "Two lovers."
  226. [01:27] <Ero_Margit> "The ones we just saw?"
  227. [01:27] * Autumn_GG looks under her cloak. "Shut up, badger!"
  228. [01:27] <Ero_Margit> "The gemstone woman and the storm guy?"
  229. [01:27] <dt_Stefan> "No, small. Human."
  230. [01:28] <dt_Stefan> "The badger talks to you?"
  231. [01:28] <dt_Stefan> "Well, not human. Human sized."
  232. [01:28] <Mig|Ed> "How different were they?"
  233. [01:28] <Mig|Ed> "The couple I mean."
  234. [01:28] <dt_Stefan> "I heard a voice. It was saying to use my gift, claim your right."
  235. [01:28] <Ero_Margit> "Well it sounds like you've been handed a quest"
  236. [01:28] <dt_Stefan> "Bathe the world in eternal night, man is cruel, man deceives."
  237. [01:29] <dt_Stefan> "Love will lie, but don't believe."
  238. [01:29] <dt_Stefan> "I just heard it again, actually."
  239. [01:29] * Autumn_GG grimaces as she looks at the badger again.
  240. [01:29] <dt_Stefan> "It doesn't sound like a very nice quest."
  241. [01:29] <Ero_Margit> "Autumn, do you understand what the badger says?"
  242. [01:29] * Mig|Ed grumbles quietly "Sounds about right, so how big was that army you saw?"
  243. [01:29] <Mig|Ed> "Most quests aren't"
  244. [01:29] <Autumn_GG> "I'm fighting the urge to kick this thing again... but it looks like he has stuff to add."
  245. [01:29] <Autumn_GG> "He said..."
  246. [01:29] <dt_Stefan> "The badger talks."
  247. [01:30] <Ero_Margit> "Everything talks. You just have to know how to listen"
  248. [01:30] <Autumn_GG> "Use your gift. Claim your right. Bathe the world in eternal night."
  249. [01:30] <GD_Brandis> "Oh, good. We're speaking to badgers now."
  250. [01:30] <Autumn_GG> "I'm guessing this doofus is talking about my curse."
  251. [01:30] * Autumn_GG says sadly.
  252. [01:30] <Ero_Margit> "Well at least it's not asking us to appreciate its art"
  253. [01:30] <GD_Brandis> "Curse?"
  254. [01:30] <GD_Brandis> "You're cursed!?"
  255. [01:30] <Ero_Margit> "Curse?"
  256. [01:31] * Mig|Ed quirks an eyebrow "Curse? I don't thin-BRANDIS! Calm down. There's no need to think anything untoward. Maybe to her its a curse"
  257. [01:31] <Ero_Margit> "Wait a minute, was that what killed the Fey rider?"
  258. [01:31] <Mig|Ed> "Could be a blessing or something, maybe a boon"
  259. [01:31] <dt_Stefan> "That's what I heard. Exactly."
  260. [01:31] <dt_Stefan> "You're cursed?"
  261. [01:31] <Autumn_GG> "Curse. Period. Fey can call it whatever they want, but I know what it does and that's the only word for it."
  262. [01:31] <Ero_Margit> "Bathe the world in eternal night"
  263. [01:32] <Ero_Margit> "Why do I not like the sound of that>:
  264. [01:32] <GD_Brandis> "Maybe you're just a morning person?"
  265. [01:32] <Autumn_GG> "Because it sounds terrible and dark?"
  266. [01:32] <Mig|Ed> "...And who taught you that word, Autumn? Maybe because night usually entails winter and such?"
  267. [01:33] <@RemoveKolech> Night's real purdy. Look at all dem stars.
  268. [01:33] <Autumn_GG> "Or because it means DEATH."
  269. [01:33] * Ero_Margit looks up at the stars
  270. [01:33] * Autumn_GG pokes the badger with her heel.
  271. [01:33] * Mig|Ed shoots Autumn an incredulous look
  272. [01:33] <Ero_Margit> "Yeah, for 8 hours at a time it's really pretty"
  273. [01:34] <GD_Brandis> ("The staaaars above.... The staars above..." "This. Is... C N N.....")
  274. [01:34] <Mig|Ed> "Really, I think it's more than that unless you want to get religion involved"
  275. [01:34] * Ero_Margit realizes she just swore a loyalty oath to a crown prince
  276. [01:34] <dt_Stefan> (so the light went away)
  277. [01:35] <@RemoveKolech> (Yes.)
  278. [01:35] <Mig|Ed> (magical glowy light?)
  279. [01:35] <@RemoveKolech> (Margit's hands are still glowing a faint silver though.)
  280. [01:35] <dt_Stefan> (just now?)
  281. [01:35] * Autumn_GG looks down at the badger. "Well at least it's something I know a lot about." she says, poking the badger on the head with her rod.
  282. [01:35] <@RemoveKolech> (It's been steadily fading.)
  283. [01:35] <dt_Stefan> (alright)
  284. [01:35] <Mig|Ed> "What Death or religion, Autumn?"
  285. [01:35] <@RemoveKolech> The badger sniffles and makes a tiny sneeze.
  286. [01:35] <@RemoveKolech> It rubs its nose with its paws.
  287. [01:36] <Autumn_GG> "Fear."
  288. [01:36] * Autumn_GG replies cryptically.
  289. [01:36] * Ero_Margit takes out her book and turns it to a blank page then starts copying the runes into it before they fade out
  290. [01:36] <@RemoveKolech> The runes stop fading and retain a slight glow.
  291. [01:37] * Mig|Ed quirks an eyebrow "You sound rather in touch with the topic. Hmm"
  292. [01:37] <Autumn_GG> "I have a lot to think about, and being the only one that hears this thing constantly isn't helping."
  293. [01:38] <Ero_Margit> "At least your hands aren't glowing"
  294. [01:38] <Mig|Ed> "You try asking nicely if it can be quiet?"
  295. [01:38] <Autumn_GG> "Maybe later. Ed. Am I the only one that wasn't visited by weird dreams tonight?"
  296. [01:38] <Ero_Margit> "I didn't dream about anything either"
  297. [01:38] <@RemoveKolech> You have a badger. Be happy! Badger!
  298. [01:39] * Autumn_GG bops the badger on the head. "Shut up."
  299. [01:39] * Mig|Ed slowly raises hand. "i wasn't either though I didn't get very much sleep"
  300. [01:39] <@RemoveKolech> It wubs you
  301. [01:39] <Mig|Ed> "So I probably missed out"
  302. [01:39] <dt_Stefan> dawww
  303. [01:39] <Autumn_GG> "Well, no weird dreams and no weird silver stuff."
  304. [01:39] <Autumn_GG> "I mean."
  305. [01:39] <@RemoveKolech> The badger mews softly and wraps itself around Autumn's foot.
  306. [01:39] * Autumn_GG grinds her teeth.
  307. [01:39] <Ero_Margit> "You've got enough to deal with"
  308. [01:39] <dt_Stefan> (SO CUTE)
  309. [01:40] <Mig|Ed> "Autumn if you're that tired, gimme the badger to hold. I'll just stand next to you since it seems to like your presence."
  310. [01:40] <Autumn_GG> "That won't help. I'd still be able to hear it if it's that close, I bet."
  311. [01:40] <GD_Brandis> "So, what. We had some dreams, Stefan there's glowing like a sunrod, and now we're all just going to shuffle off back to bed?"
  312. [01:40] * Autumn_GG stoops and hands the animal over anyway.
  313. [01:40] <Ero_Margit> "Well running from it won't help"
  314. [01:41] <GD_Brandis> "Well, he's stopped for now."
  315. [01:41] <Ero_Margit> "You saw what happened earlier"
  316. [01:41] <Ero_Margit> "Yeah I'm the only one still glowing"
  317. [01:41] <GD_Brandis> "Running helps. Running works more often than you'd think."
  318. [01:41] <dt_Stefan> (I should really go to bed soon)
  319. [01:41] <Ero_Margit> (Are my eyes doing anything shifty?)
  320. [01:41] * Mig|Ed holds the animal and gets a tad closer "So back to sleep?"
  321. [01:41] <Autumn_GG> "I think that's exactly what we have to do. Unless we have anything that can clear up all this nonsense?"
  322. [01:41] <@RemoveKolech> They're even more silvery.
  323. [01:41] <Mig|Ed> "I'll get first watch"
  324. [01:41] <Autumn_GG> "And I do NOT feel like talking to another fey to watch it get ripped to shreds."
  325. [01:41] <GD_Brandis> "Fine, but I'm second."
  326. [01:42] <Ero_Margit> "I'm going to stay up, now"
  327. [01:42] <Mig|Ed> "Sure, fine Brandis. I figure you'd want to unwind or something for your nerves"
  328. [01:42] <Mig|Ed> "I doubt keeping watch will help that"
  329. [01:43] <Autumn_GG> "Well, enjoy your new curses. I'm going to bed. Have fun with the badger, Ed."
  330. [01:43] <dt_Stefan> "I'm, I think I'm going to go lie down for awhile. I need to think."
  331. [01:43] <dt_Stefan> "Goodnight."
  332. [01:43] * Autumn_GG turns back and heads for her bedroll.
  333. [01:43] <Autumn_GG> "Night."
  334. [01:43] <Mig|Ed> "Have fun everyone, and remember. Happy thoughts make for a brighter day"
  335. [01:43] <dt_Stefan> I head back too. Sword in tow.
  336. [01:43] == dt_Stefan has changed nick to dragontamer
  337. [01:43] * Mig|Ed looks at the badger wtih intent in his eyes "Isn't that right?"
  338. [01:43] <@RemoveKolech> The badger paws at Ed's arm, trying to go back to Autumn.
  339. [01:43] <@RemoveKolech> It purrs sadly.
  340. [01:43] <dragontamer> also heading out in real life too, tired as fuck
  341. [01:43] <Mig|Ed> (Night)
  342. [01:43] <GD_Brandis> "...Damned Fae..."
  343. [01:43] <@RemoveKolech> Alright, good night! Sweet dreams!
  344. [01:44] <Ero_Margit> G'night stefan
  345. [01:44] <@RemoveKolech> No giant head eating everything. :DDDDDD
  346. [01:44] * Desp_Iyan waves ethreally to Stefan
  347. [01:44] <GD_Brandis> *grumble grumble fucking tricks*
  348. [01:44] * Mig|Ed pets the badger lightly and wanders closer to Autumn's tent
  349. [01:44] <@RemoveKolech> Alright.
  350. [01:44] <dragontamer> (this was fucking awesome, again. keeps getting better. lyl hopefully. night)
  351. [01:44] == dragontamer [45f63732@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  352. [01:44] <@RemoveKolech> Session picks up next dawn.
  353. [01:44] <Mig|Ed> (Oh boy)
  354. [01:44] <Autumn_GG> Hey Rhines, are we in the Sunless Island?
  355. [01:44] <Autumn_GG> Dunno if that was ever confirmed.
  356. [01:45] <@RemoveKolech> Not yet.
  357. [01:45] <@RemoveKolech> You'll know when there's no sun.
  358. [01:45] <Autumn_GG> Hehe.
  359. [01:45] <Mig|Ed> hue
  360. [01:45] <GD_Brandis> kek
  361. [01:45] == GD_Brandis has changed nick to GipsyDanger
  362. [01:45] == Autumn_GG has changed nick to Granpa_Greentext
  363. [01:45] <Mig|Ed> Nothing special out of this encounter side plot/story reasons yeh?
  364. [01:45] == Mig|Ed has changed nick to Migration
  365. [01:45] <@RemoveKolech> Hmm?
  366. [01:45] <@RemoveKolech> Oh
  367. [01:46] <@RemoveKolech> Yeah, xp
  368. [01:46] <@RemoveKolech> You're at 1600, right?
  369. [01:46] <Ero_Margit> Yes
  370. [01:46] <@RemoveKolech> Add another 1000.
  371. [01:46] <Migration> all of us I believe yes
  372. [01:46] <Ero_Margit> Woohoo
  373. [01:46] <GipsyDanger> !?
  374. [01:46] <Migration> Shit lvl 3?
  375. [01:46] <Granpa_Greentext> Whaaaaaaaaa.
  376. [01:46] <Migration> OH BOY
  377. [01:46] <GipsyDanger> Aww shit, sons.
  378. [01:46] <@RemoveKolech> Move fast break things
  379. [01:46] <Granpa_Greentext> Rhines just wants to give us level padding so he can use solo monsters, I bet.
  380. [01:46] <@RemoveKolech> Next session, the Gauntlet I was talking about
  381. [01:46] <Migration> ;_;
  382. [01:46] <Ero_Margit> 1/me gulps
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