
We All Fall Down [AiE]

Feb 4th, 2013
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  1. >Be Sweetie Belle.
  2. >Another night's rest at your big sister Rarity's home.
  3. >Your parents are on yet another vacation.
  4. >As much as you love your sister, you would really like to go back home to your own bed to sleep in.
  5. >You spring from the bed to the floor.
  6. >The room was fairly plain, but the designer bed was of the finest quality.
  7. >And SOFT!
  8. >You fix the covers and go downstairs.
  9. >Maybe Rarity isn't awake yet.
  10. >Perhaps you could surpise her to breakfast in bed!
  11. >She would love that!
  12. >With a big grin, you trot downstairs and into the kitchen.
  13. >A knock on the door stops you in your tracks.
  14. >You trot over and answer the front door.
  15. "Anonymous!"
  16. >He down at you and smiled.
  17. >"Good morning, Sweetie Belle. You're up early."
  18. "I just thought I would get a headstart and make Rarity some breakfast in bed. Do you wanna help?"
  19. >"That sounds like fun."
  20. >He kicks his feet off and follows you into the kitchen.
  21. >You hop onto a stool and then up onto the counter itself.
  22. >"Anything in particular you think would impress her?" asked Anon.
  23. "Hm... How about eggs, toast, fruit, and some juice?"
  24. >"A meal fit for a queen. I like it."
  26. >You smile as Anon goes to the fridge to get the eggs.
  27. >You sift through the cabinets to find pans and bread.
  28. >Tossing a pan onto the stove and dropping the bread by the toaster, you wait for Anon.
  29. >He comes back with 2 eggs and a quarter slice of grapefruit.
  30. You pull a plate out as well for the grapefruit.
  31. >You turn the dial on the stove and Anon cracks the eggs.
  32. >The sizzle of the frying eggs slowly comes into hearing.
  33. >While they are cooking, you drop a slice of bread into the toaster and pull the lever.
  34. >Anon watches the eggs to make sure they don't burn.
  35. >After a minute or two, they are all well-done and the toast pops just as the eggs get plated.
  36. >A quick dab of butter and it's ready to go!
  37. "Rarity is going to love this!"
  38. >"It smells delicious. You've really outdone yourself, Sweetie Belle," complimented Anon.
  39. "You did the cooking. I just watched."
  40. >"You underestimate how important supervision is," smile Anon.
  41. >Anon picks the plate off the counter.
  42. >"Shall we?"
  43. >You hop down from the counter and trot back upstairs with Anon in tow.
  44. >You tip-toe up to Rarity's door and peek inside.
  45. >She was snug in her bed, a fuzzy blue sleep mask over her eyes.
  46. >You turn to Anon and shush him.
  47. "Wait here. Let me bring it to her," you whisper.
  48. >He nods and gently sets the plate on your back.
  49. >You crack the door just enough to fit through.
  50. >It squeaks awfully bad, though thankfully Rarity doesn't wake up.
  51. >You slip halfway in, but the plate bumps the door and wall.
  52. >You quickly stop and hold your breath, careful not to let the plate fall.
  53. >You take a step back and Anon silently fixes the plate's setting.
  54. >You push the door a teensy bit more and slip through.
  56. >You silently step towards the edge of Rarity's bed.
  57. >Her snores get louder as you approach.
  58. >She would never believe she snored if you had half of Ponyville tell her.
  59. >Apparently she's too lady-like to snore.
  60. >You set her breakfast on the end table next to the bed and walk around towards the foot of the bed.
  61. >You gingerly climb onto the tall, regal bed and crouch.
  62. >With a forceful pounce, you leap as high as you can and shout,
  63. "SURPRISE!"
  64. >You crash onto the bed and bounce high up again.
  65. >Rarity shrieks and starts kicking in a panic.
  66. >Her legs get tied up in the blankets and she manages to squirm her way off the side of the bed with a crash.
  67. >You peek off the side of the bed with a smile.
  68. "Good morning, Rarity! I made you breakfast in bed!"
  69. >Rarity grumbles and manages to pull her blanket wrap off of her.
  70. >"Sweetie Belle," she says, just above a growl. "Breakfast in bed implies that I am resting in my bed."
  71. "Oh yeah. But you're on the floor."
  72. >"Yes, I can see that. Now what in Equestria possessed you to startle me like that!"
  73. "I thought you would enjoy starting your day of with some fun," you respond with an innocent smile.
  74. >"Being rudely and abruptly awoken from my beauty sleep isn't my idea of 'fun'. I would much more enjoy brushing my hair and taking a bath."
  75. "Oh. Well, breakfast is here! I'm going to leave you to eat."
  76. >You trot out and close the door behind you.
  77. >Rarity examines the plate you left.
  78. >She's surprised.
  79. >You usually burn everything you try to cook.
  81. >Anon isn't waiting outside Rarity's door when you come back.
  82. >You search downstairs and he's not there either.
  83. >So politely knock on a closed bathroom door.
  84. >No answer.
  85. >You peek inside and find no one.
  86. >"Sweetie, darling? What are you doing?"
  87. >Raritiy's sudden voice startled you.
  88. "Oh, uh... Nothing. How did you like your breakfast?" you ask, trying to change the subject.
  89. >"I must say, Sweetie, That really was delicious. Perhaps mother was right about you earning a cutie mark in fancy cooking."
  90. >She walks away to go about her business.
  91. >Fancy cooking?
  92. >Your ears perk with the thought of being a world-renowned chef!
  93. >But Anon was the one who made most of the breakfast...
  94. >Your ears droop with this realization.
  95. >Where is Anonymous anyways?
  96. >Oh right. You were just looking for him.
  97. >As you walk through the upper level of the house, you spot a clock on the wall.
  98. >Oh no! You were supposed to meet Applebloom and Scootaloo for some crusading!
  99. >In fact, you told Anonymous this yesterday.
  100. >Maybe he's waiting for you!
  101. >You gallop downstairs and out the door, ignoring shouts from Rarity to close the door behind you.
  103. >Applebloom and Scootaloo wait in the park.
  104. >They lie on their bellies and sigh deeply.
  105. >"Where is she?" asked Scootaloo.
  106. >"Ah'm not sure," replied Applebloom. "It isn't like her to be this late."
  107. >"If she doesn't show up soon we may have to-"
  108. >"Hey there she is!"
  109. >Applebloom points towards you as you gallop towards them.
  110. >They stand as you reach them.
  111. >You take a quick look around but... no Anonymous.
  112. >"Sweetie Belle!"
  113. >Your attention turns to a tree behind your friends as Anonymous drops from one of the branches.
  114. >"Hey, Sweetie Belle!" greeted Scootaloo. "Are you ready to get started?"
  115. "You bet! ... What are we doing exactly?"
  116. >Both fillies replied with a facehoof and an audible "Ugh!".
  117. >Applebloom drops a pickaxe at your hooves.
  118. >"We're doing Cutie Mark Crusader Gold Diggers today!"
  119. >Anon chuckled.
  120. >"Gold diggers?" he asked.
  121. >"Gold diggers," confirmed Scootaloo, donning a hardhat with a headlamp.
  122. >"And even if it ain't, at least we'll stil get rich!" followed Applebloom.
  123. "Where are we going to find gold?"
  124. >"That's why we're going to be gold diggers," said Applebloom.
  125. >"Gold is found in caves, right?" asked Scootaloo. "Well I found some caves outside of Ponyville the other day! We can try there!"
  126. >"Yeah!" everyone cheered, each putting a hoof together.
  127. >"We just need to-"
  128. >"Applebloom!"
  130. >The four of you turned towards the source of the voice.
  131. >Applejack was running towards the group.
  132. >"Applejack? What's wrong?" asked Applebloom.
  133. >"The mama cow is about to have her baby!" replied Applejack.
  134. >"Aw really! No foolin'?"
  135. >Applebloom ran off with Applejack.
  136. "Applebloom, wait! What are we supposed to do?"
  137. >"She's gone," stated Anon.
  138. "Well, shoot..."
  139. >"Well this stinks," said Scootaloo. "What should we do until she comes back?"
  140. >The three of you sit in a circle and think.
  141. >Even Anon was trying to brainstorm with the two of you.
  142. "Cutie Mark Crusader... paint... painters?"
  143. >"That sounds horrible," replied Scootaloo. "How about... I don't know... gardeners?"
  144. >"Clock turners?" suggested Anon.
  145. "No..."
  146. >You all sighed and fell onto your backs.
  147. >Several minutes go by before Scootaloo sits up.
  148. >"Is it safe to assume crusadering is canceled for today?"
  149. "Yeah... We'll have to try this again some other time."
  150. >"Well then I'm going to go watch Rainbow Dash. I hear she's practicing her acrobatics today and I wanted to see if she would let me join her."
  151. "Okay. We'll have to try again in a day or two."
  152. >"Alright. We'll all meet up later!"
  153. >Scootaloo put her helmet on and skated off on her scooter.
  154. >"So..." started Anon. "Lunch?"
  156. >The two of you take off to Ponyville.
  157. >About two minutes out, Anon started humming.
  158. >A minute later had you two dancing in circles singing loudly with Anon clapping his hands rhythmically.
  159. "I'm walking on sunshine!" you sang.
  160. >"Whoa, oh!" chimed in Anon.
  161. "I'm walking on sunshine!"
  162. >"Whoa, oh!"
  163. "And don't it feel good?"
  164. >"Sing it Sweetie!" encouraged Anon.
  165. "And don't it feel good?"
  166. >"Hey!"
  167. "And don't it feel good?"
  168. >"Hey!"
  169. >A few ponies gave their awkward stares and happy smiles as the two of you walked through town.
  170. >But you were having fun with your best friend.
  171. >Back to the boutique you went.
  172. >Through the front doors and you were still singing and laughing.
  173. >"Sweetie Belle! Cut out that racket!" Rarity shouted from somewhere in the building.
  174. >She must be trying to work.
  175. "Oh, whoops..."
  176. >Even Anonymous was visibly upset at the abrupt ending, but you both understood.
  177. >Rarity had work to do, and that usally involved dead silence.
  178. >Without words, you went into the kitchen for some PB&J.
  179. >It wasn't quite lunch, but the light snack should hold you over for a while.
  180. >There was still a whole day ahead of you.
  181. >Celestia knows the boutique is a 'No Fun Zone' when Rarity is working.
  182. "You wanna go to the school?"
  183. >"Sure. Do you think you can handle the merry-go-round?"
  184. "I was thinking more along the lines of a relaxing swing ride."
  185. >"Fair enough. Lead on."
  187. >More sing and dance on your way to the schoolyard.
  188. "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone."
  189. >Anon snaps his fingers and pats his thigh to keep the beat.
  190. "It's not warm when she's away."
  191. "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone."
  192. "And she's always gone too long."
  193. "Anytime she goes away."
  194. >You stop for a moment and think.
  195. >Anon slows his beat until he realizes you aren't singing anymore.
  196. >"What's wrong?"
  197. "Nothing, but I just thought of something."
  198. >"What's that?"
  199. "Why do we always sing about sunshine?"
  200. >Anon turns his eyes away to show he's thinking.
  201. >"Because... I don't know. It's happy?"
  202. >You two start walking in silence.
  203. >"You would not believe your eyes," sang Anon. "If ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep."
  204. >You stare at him with a face that asked, "Really?"
  205. >"What? It's night, not sunshine."
  206. >You roll your eyes and take up the lead.
  207. >Anon whistles and continues his percussion.
  208. "'Cause they fill the open air, and leave tear drops everywhere."
  209. "You'd think me rude, but I would just stand and... Stare."
  210. >You don't notice, but Anon watches as you close your eyes and bob your head.
  211. >You get really into it, and before you know it, you're already at the school.
  212. >You take a quick look around to see if anypony actually saw you.
  213. >That would be embarassing.
  215. >Several of the other school fillies were on the playground as well.
  216. >You found yourself an open swing and took a seat.
  217. >Anon stood behind and gave you a soft push.
  218. >The smooth motion and light breeze was extremely calming.
  219. >Your eyes closed as the motions took you to another world.
  220. >"What are you thinking about?" asked Anon.
  221. >Your eyes snapped open and you turned your head back towards Anon.
  222. >He was watching you curiously; listening.
  223. "Nothing. Just relaxed."
  224. >"Well if you need someone to talk to, I always have an open ear."
  225. >You took his words to heart.
  226. >He always knows just what to say when you have an issue.
  227. >Like a good friend should.
  228. >Anon is almost like a second father to you.
  229. >He took a liking to you ever since he arrived in Ponyville a few years ago.
  230. >He had the most wonderful stories of far off lands and strange creatures.
  231. >You spent so much time with him originally, he had to be the one to tell you to spend more time with your other friends.
  232. >You felt kind of silly and a little ashamed of putting one friend above the others.
  233. >Applebloom and Scootaloo were really fond of him as well, even if your behavior was in regards to him.
  234. >Applebloom had an argument with Anon that her big brother was stronger than Anon.
  235. >Anon defended himself; conceding only after learning Big Mac could tow a house with ease.
  236. >Even Rarity took a liking to Anon.
  237. >You thought they would be a perfect match had they been married.
  238. >Too bad it never went beyond a mutual friendship.
  239. >It would be the best thing ever to have Anon as a big brother.
  241. >Anon had heard you singing one day when he came to ask Rarity for some clothes.
  242. >It was really embarassing.
  243. >You don't like it when other ponies listening to you sing.
  244. >But Anonymous wasn't just another pony.
  245. >He liked your voice and encouraged you to sing more.
  246. >As hesitant as you were, you slowly gained enough confidence to sing in the open.
  247. >Although Anonymous, ironically, was shy himself and usually sang and dances with you in private or when nopony else was paying much attention.
  248. >You learned songs together and some ponies thought you two were going to be the next big music stars.
  249. >Rarity was excited too, but mostly because she could make herself more well-known in Canterlot.
  250. >Unfortunately, Anonymous had to leave to go visit the Griffins every once in a while for some food.
  251. >The mayor didn't like him hurting the animals in the forest so he went to Gryphonia to get more food.
  252. >You didn't mind it though.
  253. >You knew he would never hurt the other ponies, and especially not you.
  254. >Although his house was really stinky when he made dinner.
  255. >He tried not to cook meat when you were around, but sometimes you dropped by to surprise him.
  256. >Looks like the joke was on you.
  258. >Wait.
  259. >How long have you been here?
  260. >The sun has shifted considerably since you last remember.
  261. >"Equestria to Sweetie Belle. Come in, over."
  262. >Anon was still pushing you on the swing.
  263. >"You alright? You spaced out for a few minutes there. I thought you were about to fall asleep."
  264. "Oh. Sorry."
  265. >"That's alright. You were smiling too. It was kind of cute."
  266. >You blushed from the comment.
  267. >"I think we've spent enough time here. Would you like to go back home?"
  268. >You shook your head.
  269. "Anon?"
  270. >"What's up?"
  271. "Can we go to your house? I don't feel like going home yet."
  272. >Anon stopped pushing the swing and thought for a minute.
  273. >"Are you sure that's a good idea? What would Rarity say?"
  274. "She wouldn't mind. I've been to your house many times."
  275. >"We should at least tell her where you're going so she doesn't get worried."
  276. "It'll be okay. Trust me."
  277. >Anon thought on it a bit more.
  278. >He shrugged.
  279. >"Sure, why not. Although I'll warn you my house is pretry dirty right now."
  281. >At Anon's houses
  282. >Anonymous holds the front door open for you.
  283. >You trot in and look around.
  284. >It's not that it was dirty, but little dusty.
  285. >The air smelled just a tad musky.
  286. "When was the last time you cleaned?"
  287. >"Uh... The last time you came over."
  288. "Ugh," you facehoof. "I already have my own chores at Rarity's. Do I have to have chores here too?"
  289. >"Who say you havw to have chores?"
  290. "You can't just live like this."
  291. >"I can."
  292. "Well it's gross. Grab a duster. I'll help you."
  293. >Anon groaned and went to find one.
  294. >You think it's funny when he acts like a filly.
  295. >His kind and childish nature is why you two get along so well.
  296. >You start on his book case; using your tail in place of a feather duster.
  297. >Anon has to reach the high places you can't reach by jumping on stuff.
  298. >It only took a few minutes to clean it up.
  299. >You held the dust pan while Anon swept.
  300. >"Well that was boring."
  301. "Hey. I can't allow you to live like a piggy."
  302. >"But little piggies are so cute!"
  303. >He tickled you belly as he said this; eliciting a fit of giggles from you.
  304. "But big pigs are ugly!"
  305. >Anon stopped tickling you.
  306. >"Why do you gotta go there," he said with an over-exagerrated frown.
  308. >Anonymous turned on his stereo and the two of you took a seat.
  309. >This is how the two of you pass the time.
  310. >By singing, learning new songs, and even making up your own on occassion.
  311. >Anon was surprised the CD he had on him worked with ponu technology.
  312. >Even though it was mostly love songs you didn't quite understand, he knew the words to others beyond the CD.
  313. >He couldn't remember all of them though, so you helped to fill in the spaces.
  314. >He wrote all the words down for every song so you two could remember them better.
  315. >You couldn't come to visit often, but it was always fun when you did.
  316. >Anon usually stuck with percussion and you sang with Anon occassionally chiming in or singing full parts himself.
  317. >Time always went by too fast when you were over.
  318. >Before you know it, it's late.
  319. >Like, way late.
  320. >Way too late for you to be walking home alone.
  321. >Anonymous could walk you home, but then again, why go home at all?
  322. >Anon looked out the window to spot the moonlit sky.
  323. >"Oh wow. I can't believe we lost track of time THAT bad."
  324. >He looked down at his sheet of paper with some new lyrics on it.
  325. >"I know we don't like to stop mid-process, but I think it's time we get you home."
  326. "Oh yeah, about that."
  327. >You look up at him with a straight face.
  328. "Would you mind if I stayed the night? Then we could finish this and then just fall right to sleep."
  330. >Anon stared back at you with an emotionless face.
  331. >Finally he spoke.
  332. >"I don't think that's a good idea."
  333. "Why not?"
  334. >"Well... Other ponies, especially your sister, might have serious reservations about letting a filly stay over night at an adult's house without permission."
  335. >You turn your head to the floor.
  336. "Rarity wouldn't even know I'm gone anyways..." you grumble.
  337. >"Don't talk like that. And besides, isn't it a school night?"
  338. >You look up.
  339. "I can go to school from here."
  340. >Anon shakes his head and you look away again to pout.
  341. >Several minutes of silence go by.
  342. >He doesn't kick you out, but he hasn't invited you to stay.
  343. >Several long minutes of silence pass.
  344. >As you hop off the couch and onto the floor, Anon lets out a deep sigh.
  345. >"You sure Rarity won't mind?"
  346. "Positive!"
  347. >He looks away for a second then back to you.
  348. >"Fine."
  349. >You jump up onto the couch and into his arms and cheer.
  350. >"BUT."
  351. >You stop and stare.
  352. >"You have to be up for school in the morning."
  353. "I promise."
  354. >"And I have be up real early tomorrow so I won't be here when you wake up."
  355. >Your ears droop and you make a pouty face.
  356. >What's the point in a sleepover if somepony leaves during it?
  357. >And the host no matter?
  358. >"Now."
  359. >Anon lifts you off his lap and sets you on the couch next to him.
  360. >"Let's finish this song."
  362. >Morning came when you woke up.
  363. >The sun's low position in the sky filtered it's rays into the darkened living room of Anon's home.
  364. >You were in the perfect spot for the light to hit you right in the eyes.
  365. >You roll over to hide from the sun, but remember that you have school today.
  366. >You slowly sit yourself up and take a groggy look around before you realized where you were.
  367. >Looks like the two of you had passed out on the sofa together.
  368. >And as promised, Anon was gone.
  369. >You had fallen asleep in his lap.
  370. >How moved you without waking you is a mystery.
  371. >On the table was your still unfinished composition.
  372. >Only missing a few lines by the looks of it.
  373. >You'll have to come over after school to finish it.
  374. >You find a scrap sheet of paper and scrawl Anonymous a note to meet you after school.
  375. >You didn't bring anything to Anon's house that you could take to school, so you just leave out the front door.
  376. >You think about your song and how you can end it.
  377. >You think you have a good idea, but you'll have to ask Anon's opinion on it later.
  379. >Your friends were waiting for you outside the school.
  380. >"Sweetie Belle!" they called.
  381. "Hey Applebloom. Scootaloo."
  382. >"Are ya ready fer some crusaderin' today?" asked Applebloom.
  383. "Today?"
  384. >"Yeah! It's gonna be awesome!" exclaimed Scootaloo.
  385. "What are we gonna do today?"
  386. >"We're gonna resume our previously stalled adventure of being gold diggers," said Applebloom.
  387. >That isn't really what you wanted to hear.
  388. >You were about to postpone it again, but you remember Anon's words of not putting all your time with one friend exclusively.
  389. "Oh, okay! When are we leaving?"
  390. >"Right after school!"
  391. >Oh no.
  392. >You can't just ditch Anon like that.
  393. >He'll be so disappointed.
  394. >WAIT!
  395. >A better idea.
  396. >He can come with you all to search your cutie marks!
  397. >A perfect plan!
  399. >School drags on.
  400. >It feels longer because the three of you are so giddy to go on your adventure.
  401. >The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day.
  402. >The crusaders split and run to find their respective tools.
  403. >Applebloom to find a pickaxe, Scootaloo to find a shovel, and you know just where to get hard hats for all of you.
  404. >Before you take off towards the boutique, you take a quick look around.
  405. >Anonymous is nowhere in sight.
  406. >You gallop as fast as possible to try and return before Anonymous shows up.
  407. >Into the boutique, up the stairs, and into Rarity's room.
  408. >You open a chest and find 4 hard hats with lamps.
  409. >You sift through some drawers and find 3 belts as well.
  410. >Perfect!
  411. >Rarity is nowhere to be seen either as you leave the boutique.
  412. >You're the first one back at the schoolhouse.
  413. >Applebloom had to go back to Sweet Apple Acres and Scootaloo went to the town groundkeeper's shed to get shovels.
  414. >You slow your step as you come up to the schoolhouse.
  415. >Anonymous still isn't here.
  416. >It'll probably be a few minutes before the others get back as well.
  417. >You walk around back to the playground.
  418. >And wouldn't you know it, Anonymous was here!
  419. >He was hunched over on the picnic table, his face buried in his arms.
  420. >How long as he been here?
  421. >Come to think of it, you never checked out back or told him to be out front.
  422. >Oops.
  424. >You walk over to where Anon was sleeping and poke him in the side with your hoof.
  425. "Anonymous?"
  426. >"Huh..." he grunted.
  427. >He picked his head up and looked at you with half-lidded eyes.
  428. >"And I was having such a nice nap, too..."
  429. >You smile when you see his own, now knowing you're not in too much trouble.
  430. "Hey Anonymous, we were thinking of going crusading like we going to do yesterday. Do you want to come with?"
  431. >You held out one of your hard hats to him.
  432. >He picked it up and inspected it.
  433. >"You sure? I mean, this is quality time with your friends, isn't it?"
  434. "But aren't you my friend too?"
  435. >"TouchΓ©. Well if the others don't mind, sure."
  436. "They won't. I promise."
  437. >"I'll hold you to it. But what about our song? Didn't you write me a note saying you wanted to finish it today?"
  438. >You look away from him.
  439. "I'm sorry, but this just came up. And I rememeber what you told me about ignoring my friends."
  440. >He didn't reply.
  441. >You look back up at him.
  442. "And besides, we can always finish it tomorrow!"
  443. >He nodded.
  444. >"Yeah, I suppose."
  445. >He looked past you and pointed.
  446. >"Hey, here they come now."
  448. >You turn around and, sure enough, here come your friends running up to the picnic table.
  449. "Applebloom! Scootaloo!" you call and wave your hoof in the air.
  450. >They run up and drop two picks and two shovels on the ground.
  451. >You in turn drop two helmets and two belts.
  452. >You place one helmet upon your head and wrap a belt around yourself.
  453. >You each kit yourselves out until you were a group of very convincing miners.
  454. >You each check your flanks, just to be sure.
  455. >To your disappointment, they were still blank.
  456. >Anon got a quick chuckle out of this.
  457. >"So are you all ready to go?" asked Scootaloo.
  458. "I'm ready!"
  459. >"Ah'm ready!"
  460. >Anon raised his hand.
  461. >"Question. Neither of you mind if I tag along, right?"
  462. >"Let's get to it!" said Applebloom.
  463. >Anon nodded his head and motioned for you three to lead.
  465. >Scootaloo took the lead as she was the one who knows where the caves are.
  466. >You, Applebloom, and Anonymous followed close behind.
  467. >Anon looks over your gear.
  468. >"Isn't that heavy?" he asked.
  469. >You shook your head.
  470. "This is actually pretty light."
  471. >"Yup!" said Applebloom. "These here shovels Applejack got are made of this fancy, lightweight metal."
  472. >"I'm starting to regret not bringing my wagon," said Scootaloo. "This stuff banging around makes it hard to walk."
  473. >"No kiddin'," said Applebloom.
  474. >As you walk, you decided to hum the theme song of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
  475. >The others joined in and eventually the three of you started singing the words.
  476. >Anon doesn't know the words, so he just claps to the beat.
  477. >Coming up on some open ground, you can see a series of tunnels in the cliffs and hills before you.
  478. >"This is it!" exclaimed Scootaloo, running a little farther ahead.
  479. >The rest of you catch up and look around.
  480. "Do you think there's gold here?" you ask, looking over the ground.
  481. >"It must be underground," said Applebloom. "Let's go get our cutie marks!"
  482. >"Yeah!" you all exclaim, each bumping a hoof together.
  483. >"Girls, wait," cautioned Anon.
  484. >You stopped and turned around.
  485. >"What's wrong?" asked Applebloom.
  486. >"I have a really bad feeling about this," said Anon. "Are you sure this is safe?"
  487. >You turned your head to the ground to think.
  488. >"There's no need to be scared," said Scootaloo. "These caves are empty. I called out to everypony and even tossed in rocks. It's fine."
  489. >You look back up Anon who had a serious frown on his face.
  490. "Scootaloo's right. It's sounds safe enough."
  491. >"I suppose," he said nervously.
  492. >You nod and turn around.
  493. >"That's the spirit!" encouraged Applebloom. "Let's do this!"
  494. >"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER GOLD DIGGERS!" you all shout in unison.
  495. >The three of you run off into one of the caves.
  496. >Anonymous hangs back for a minute before finally taking a deep breath and running in after you.
  498. >When Anonymous finally finds the 3 of you, you're already hard at work swinging your pickaxes at the walls and moving dirt with the shovels.
  499. >He takes a seat to watch you work.
  500. >You take note of how he is on constant alert, as if he expects something bad to happen.
  501. >You're about to say something when Applebloom shouts out.
  502. >"Eureka!"
  503. >Your attention snaps to Applebloom and you and Scootaloo run over.
  504. >Applebloom takes her shovel in her mouth and starts moving some loose rock.
  505. "Did you find the gold?"
  506. >Scootaloo helps Applebloom.
  507. >Something shiny glimmers from your headlamps, but sadly it isn't gold.
  508. >"No..." muttered Applebloom.
  509. >She picked up the object in her hoof.
  510. >"Just a big, stupid emerald."
  511. >She tosses it over her shoulder into the dark of the cave.
  512. >"Maybe we need to go deeper," suggested Scootaloo.
  513. "I was thinking the same thing."
  514. >"Well then what are we waitin' for?" asked Applebloom.
  515. >Your trio grabbed your tools and headed off further into the tunnel.
  516. >You look back at Anon rising to his feet and walking after you.
  518. >Now we see how far the rabbit hole goes.
  519. >"Does it ever end?" asked Scootaloo.
  520. >"Ah'm not sure. I think we should go back," suggested Applebloom.
  521. >You turn around and scan the tunnel.
  522. "I don't think I even know the way out..."
  523. >You look up to Anonymous with a worried face.
  524. "You wouldn't happen to know how to find the way out, would you?"
  525. >Anon takes a quick look around.
  526. >"I don't know. I'll be right back, though. Don't go anywhere."
  527. >He steps off down the tunnel and rounds a corner.
  528. >His footstpes can be heard echoing from the tunnels.
  529. >"We just need to go back the way we came, right?" asked Applebloom.
  530. >"That's sounds right. Let's get out of here," said Scootaloo.
  531. "But we need to stay here."
  532. >"Come on, Sweetie Belle," coerced Scootaloo. "It'll be easy. We just gotta remember which way we came."
  533. >Applebloom drops her pick and shovel.
  534. >"I guess we're not meant to be gold diggers..." she mutters.
  535. >Scootaloo drops her tools too and starts walking with Applebloom.
  536. >You shed your gear and catch up.
  538. >Your little lamps don't hold much battery life, and soon, your light burns out.
  539. "Oh no!"
  540. >You really start to panic when Scootaloo's also begings to noticably dim.
  541. >"We need to hurry!" shouted Applebloom.
  542. >You run through the tunnels, turning this way and that.
  543. >You don't know how much actually looks familiar and if you've been here or not.
  544. >Everything looks the same!
  545. >"We're lost!" shouted Scootaloo.
  546. >Her light finally blinked out.
  547. >Noticable panic was overtaking the three of you.
  548. >Footsteps could be heard coming from the tunnels.
  549. >Anonymous!
  550. >Maybe he found the way out!
  551. >You listen hard and think you have pinpointed the sounds origination.
  552. "This way!" you shout, leading your friends through the dark.
  553. >Appleblooms light shined past you, casting your shadow to the front and around corners, but nothing that made it impossible to see.
  554. >The footsteps draw closer.
  556. >Anon comes back to the room he left you.
  557. >Your shed gear and tools scattered on the ground.
  558. >He quicklys runs over and picks up the tools to inspect.
  559. >A horrible, blood curdling trio of shrieks can be heard echoing from every which way.
  560. >"GIRLS!" he shouts.
  561. >"HELP!"
  562. >"SWEETIE BELLE!" shouts Anon.
  563. >"Quiet pony!" echoes a strange male voice.
  564. >Anon takes off into the direction he believes most where the voices are coming from.
  566. >You try to scream.
  567. >You voice is muffled by your gag.
  568. >You tried to squirm.
  569. >Your struggles are in vain against these bindings.
  570. >Carried on the shoulders of several large dogs, your trio is brought through the tunnels in the dark.
  571. >You can't see where you are going.
  572. >You're not sure you want to.
  573. >You're being carried backwards, so you just hope that through the darkness, your savior comes running.
  574. >After a few minutes of muffled whimpers and cries, you are taken into a large, well-lit area of the tunnel systems.
  575. >Mine tracks follow the many tunnels and a few carts sit on the tracks.
  576. >A couple large dogs paw at the ground without doing much else.
  577. >The three of you are dropped on the ground in the center of the room.
  578. >The dogs pull of your gags, but after you scream, they put them right back on.
  579. >"Be quiet, little foals!" shouts one dog. "Now listen. I'm going to pull your gags off. If I hear one more scream..."
  580. >He motions a menacing finger over his throat.
  581. >You swallow hard at the threat.
  582. >The gags come off, but you all manage to suppress your screams for just soft whimpers.
  583. >"Wha- What do you want with us?" asked Applebloom, her voice shaking.
  584. >The dog tossed a familiar large, green emerald at her feet.
  585. >Several large picks were also tossed next to it.
  586. >"We want you to dig."
  588. >They seperate the three of you.
  589. >They hooked each of you up to a yoke.
  590. >Being so small, and the yokes so heavy, neither of you could move very fast.
  591. >The picks themselves were really large and heavy.
  592. >You could only swing it once so often.
  593. >You couldn't even hold it in your mouth, so you figured out how to hold it between your legs.
  594. >It was hard and the grueling work made you break down and cry.
  595. >You want to go home.
  596. >You were tired. Hungry.
  597. >The crack of a whip above your head caused you to shriek, but you quickly muffled youself.
  598. >"Keep working, pony!" barked a guard.
  599. >Tears flowed from your eyes as you swung the heavy pick once more.
  600. >You hope Applebloom and Scootaloo are okay.
  602. >The guard walked away, giving you a minute to yourself.
  603. >You sit back down and sniffle.
  604. >"Psst."
  605. >Your ears twitch.
  606. >Funny. You think you just heard.
  607. >"Sweetie Belle," the voice whispers.
  608. >You snap your attention up and you start looking around at the shadows in the tunnel.
  609. >"Over here."
  610. >You dial in on the source of the voice and stare into the dark.
  611. >Anon slowly creeps up from the shadows, his light off.
  612. >Your face lights up, but he quickly brings a finger to his lips.
  613. >"Shh."
  614. >You nod and watch as he continues until he reaches you.
  615. >He looks at you shackles and the yoke on your neck.
  616. >And horrible scowl comes over his face.
  617. >"Where are the others," he mutters in a cold voice.
  618. "I don't know," you whisper. "We got split up."
  619. >"We need to find them. Let me get you out of those cuffs."
  620. >Anon takes a peek at your bindings, looking them over thoroughly.
  621. >"I think I can get this."
  622. >After a few minutes of fiddling, he gives up.
  623. >"Spread your legs, hold your hooves out, and close your eyes."
  624. "Anon, what are you-"
  625. >"Do it."
  626. >You squeeze your eyes shut and hold out your hooves.
  627. >You wanted what he could possibly-
  628. >CHING!
  629. >Your eyes snap open and your pickaxe is buried in the rock in front of your face.
  630. >Anon had drove the pick through the rusty chains and shattered them.
  631. >"We don't have much time. Lead me to the others."
  632. >You nod and you both take off through the tunnels.
  634. >You found Applebloom before you Scootaloo.
  635. >She was under the same watch as you, but you weren't waiting long before the guard left.
  636. >You and Anon snuck up on her, Anon moved around to get a look at her shackles.
  637. >You put a hoof to Applebloom's mouth, effectively startling her, but keeping her quiet.
  638. "Shh."
  639. >"What in the hay?" Applebloom whispers. "How did you get away?"
  640. "We can talk later."
  641. >Anon reaches into her bow for some reason, but pulls out hair pin.
  642. >Appleblooms shackles were in better shape than yours, so Anon can't break them like he did with yours.
  643. >He fiddles with her chains and eventually gets her free.
  644. >Applebloom slips from her yoke and cracks her back.
  645. >"Thank ya kindly, but we need to find Scootaloo still!"
  646. "Do you know where they took her?"
  647. >"Ah do. Follow me!"
  649. >There were a few patrols you managed to sneak by, but remained undetected.
  650. >You found Scootaloo not long after.
  651. >She was sitting facing the wall, her forelegs crossed on her chest.
  652. >"Stupid dogs," she gumbles. "When I ever get out of, I'm going to-"
  653. "Psst. Scootaloo."
  654. >Scootaloo looks at you.
  655. >"Sweetie Belle!"
  656. "SHH!!! We're gonna get you out."
  657. >Scootaloo nods.
  658. >Anon picked the locks and got her yoke off.
  660. >A blood-freezing howl pierced the quiet atmosphere of the tunnel system.
  661. >"The ponies have escaped!" shouted a voice.
  662. >"Oh no what do we do!" you all shouted.
  663. >You all started to scream before Anon shushed you.
  664. >The vicious growling of the dogs on their prey grew ever closer.
  665. >Rounding a corner, they came into sight, running right for you.
  666. >"This way!" shouted Anon.
  667. >He flipped his light on and ran down a path.
  668. >Your trio ran after him, you in the lead.
  669. >"Where are we even going!" shouted Applebloom.
  670. >"Who cares!" replied Scootaloo. "Anywhere but here!"
  671. >You follow Anon's lead, turning left and right.
  672. >His light focuses on a gap in the floor.
  673. >"Jump!" he commands.
  674. >He clears the gap with ease.
  675. >You take a running leap as well. Your friends too.
  676. >Your shorter stature compared to Anon and you being the least athletic of the three only allowed for your front half to make it.
  677. >You screamed as you began to slip into the hole.
  678. >Anon quickly reach out and grabbed your hoof, pulling you to safety.
  679. >"Go, go, go!" he ordered.
  680. >Applebloom was in front, running through the darkness.
  681. >There were no turns, though, and it was just a single tunnel.
  682. >A white circle shone farther down.
  683. >"The exit!" called out Scootaloo.
  685. >The dogs were right behind you and gaining fast.
  686. >You could almost feel their hot breath against your neck.
  687. >A peek over your shoulder proved you were right, but you wish you weren't so spot on.
  688. >One reached out to grab you, but Anon brought a fist down into his nose.
  689. >The dog fell to the ground, showing the others were farther back, but still too close for comfort.
  690. >They howled and barked incessantly.
  691. >The earth began to rumble slightly and loose rocks and sand fell from the ceiling.
  692. >"Faster!" shouted Anon.
  693. >You ran as hard as you have ever ran.
  694. >The ground shook even more.
  695. >Larger rocks began to fall.
  696. >Time was running out and fast.
  697. >Suddenly, Anon stops.
  698. >You stop the moment you notice he wasn't by you anymore.
  699. >The other two stopped as well.
  700. >"What are you doing!" shouted Applebloom.
  701. >Without words, Anon scanned the walls and the ceiling in the dim light.
  702. >He started kicking a rock sticking out from the wall.
  703. >"We're almost out! Just run!" shouted Scootaloo.
  704. >You weren't leaving withouth Anonymous.
  705. >He kicked and kicked as hard as he could.
  706. >His breathing becoming harder and faster.
  707. >Finally, the rock gave way.
  708. >A few larger rocks fell from the wall.
  709. >And one large one overhead shifted hard.
  710. >Then it stuck.
  711. >One more hard kick to the large rock sent it tumbling down with a crash.
  712. >You scream as dust and debris fill the air, causing you to lose sight of Anonymous.
  714. >"Whoa!" shout Applejack and Scootaloo. "Did you see that!"
  715. >A few tears fill up your eyes and you start to choke up, caughing up a fit.
  716. "How could I have missed it," you whisper.
  717. >The dust clears to the dogs howls and barks on the other side of the collapsed rock wall.
  718. >To your rejoice, Anonymous stands before the rubble.
  719. >He turns around with a smile and takes a deep breath.
  720. >"We need to go," he says."
  722. >The dim light of the orange setting sun is your guiding light out of the cave.
  723. >The four of you walk out into the open air and take in a deep breath of fresh oxygen.
  724. >"I guess we should go home, huh?" asked Applebloom.
  725. >"Yeah," you and Scootaloo agreed.
  726. >You stop outside of Ponyville to recuperate.
  727. >"Well this adventure was a major bust," pouted Scootaloo.
  728. >"Yeah, but at least we're all okay, right Sweetie Belle?"
  729. "Right..."
  730. >"GIRLS!"
  731. >The three of you looked up and towards town.
  732. >Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight were racing towards the group.
  733. >"Sweetie Belle!" called Rarity, running over and sweeping you into a hug.
  734. >Applejack meets Applebloom and Rainbow Dash meets Scootaloo.
  735. >"Where were you!" barked Rarity, her voice of worry turning straight into anger.
  736. >"Yeah, Applebloom!" chimed in Applejack. "Y'all youngin's are in big trouble now!"
  737. >"We're sorry!" pleaded Applejack and Scootaloo.
  738. "We just wanted to try to get our cutie marks. We got... lost in some caves."
  739. >"Wait, what caves?" asked Rarity.
  740. >"The ones outside of Ponyville," answered Scootaloo.
  741. >The four mares' eyes went wide.
  742. >"WHAT!?" they shouted.
  743. >"Do you have any idea how dangerous that place is!" shout Rainbow Dash.
  744. >"We should give all y'all extra chores for being so careless!" shouted Applejack.
  745. "We're sorry! But we're okay, aren't we? Anonymous got us out after he found us and-"
  746. >"Sweetie Belle," Rarity stopped you. "What are you talking about, 'Anonymous'?"
  748. "Anonymous," you stated again. "He got us out. If it weren't for him, we'd still be down there."
  749. >Everypony was quiet and stared at you.
  750. >Even Scootaloo and Applebloom.
  751. >Rarity's eyes began to well up in tears.
  752. >"Oh, Sweetie Belle..."
  753. >She choked up as she opened her mouth to speak.
  754. "Rarity? Hey, what's wrong with Rarity?" you ask the others.
  755. >"Sweetie Belle," Twilight speaks up. "Anonymous... Anonymous has been dead. For a couple months now."
  756. >Your face scrunches up with confusion.
  757. "What are you talking about? I've been playing with Anonymous the whole time. I even stayed at his house last night."
  758. >"Is that where you were!" shouted Rarity.
  759. "Oops... Yes. We were singing and writing a song."
  760. >"Sweetie Belle," uttered Rarity. "There is no Anonymous. He died in a hunting accident in Gryphonia."
  761. >You turned around to face your friend.
  762. >Anonymous kneeled down so he was eye-level with you.
  763. "Anonymous? Tell them. Tell them you're not dead and that we've been playing together. That's you were with us the whole time in the cave!"
  764. >"Sweetie Belle, there's no one there," said Twilight.
  765. >Anon's closed his eyes and looked away for a moment.
  766. >He looked back at you and spoke, his voice soft and serious.
  767. >"Sweetie Belle, I don't think they can hear me," he said.
  769. >Your eyes began to well up.
  770. "What? No... No that's not true! What about our songs? Our adventure! How did I get out of those shackles? Who got the others out? Who made Rarity breakfast!"
  771. >The rest of adults began to cry, but still stood strong.
  772. >This sweet and sorry moment getting the better of them.
  773. >"Uh... Sweetie Belle?" spoke Applebloom. "That was you. You reached into mah hair and found a pin."
  774. >You turn back around.
  775. "What? No I didn't. I don't even know how to pick a lock!"
  776. >You thought about it.
  777. "Aha! Then who was it who pulled me out of the hole? Who collapsed the cave!"
  778. >"That was you," said Scootaloo. "You looked so angry, like you got a burst of strength. You kicked a Diamond Dog in the face when he went to grab you!"
  779. >You collapsed onto the ground and buried your face in your legs.
  780. >You cried.
  781. >You cried harder than you have ever cried before.
  782. >Anonymous kneeled down beside you and softly stroked your mane.
  783. >Rarity walk up beside you and lied down next to you, phasing through Anonymous.
  784. >"Sweetie Belle... please..."
  785. "No... What is the point?"
  786. >"Because you got friends and family who love you," said Applejack.
  787. >"And we'll support you and help you through this," chime in Rainbow Dash.
  788. >"Because that's what friends are for!" said Applebloom and Scootaloo.
  789. >You looked from your friends, to Rarity, and then up at Anonymous.
  790. >He nodded solemnly and took a step back.
  791. >You allowed Rarity to help you to your feet and walk you home.
  793. >The next morning, you skipped school to go to Anon's house.
  794. >The door was still unlocked.
  795. >On the table sat your still unfinished song.
  796. >And beside it, the note you left him.
  797. >You read over your song once more and picked up the pencil.
  798. >Anon stood behind the couch, looking over your shoulder.
  799. >"I trust you to finish it right," he said.
  801. >Years later.
  802. >It's the end of a big night in Canterlot.
  803. >You ride through the streets in an extended carriage.
  804. >Crowds line the streets and cheer your name.
  805. >Your cutie mark the symbol of your success.
  806. >It turns out, your last song with Anonymous was what brought you fame.
  807. >Fillies everywhere came to see you perform.
  808. >Stallions fell in love at first sight.
  809. >You sang your song at the end of every show.
  810. >You stare up at the night sky and wonder if you will see him again someday.
  811. >What you fail to see is a certain human riding atop your carriage, his legs dangling off the back.
  812. >"I'll always be closer than you think..." Anon whispered.
  813. >The carriage rides on as your name get chanted on into the night.
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