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Feb 27th, 2014
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  1. 17:03 Pharmacy wood grouse
  2. 17:03 Schazer boom
  3. 17:03 Schazer or the Capercaillie
  4. 17:03 Pharmacy with a bear face
  5. 17:03 Pharmacy and horns
  6. 17:04 Schazer yup
  7. 17:04 Schazer also North is just a place where some god or another made a giant fucking hydra plant abomination
  8. 17:04 Schazer that spews Winter everywhere
  9. 17:04 Pharmacy is it solbruins idea again
  10. 17:05 Schazer nah I think there's a coldgod who did that
  11. 17:05 Schazer it's after First Fall, anyway
  12. 17:05 Pharmacy he wanted to make a good impression
  13. 17:05 Schazer yeah
  14. 17:05 Schazer I was thinking that the monster is called Northern Lights
  15. 17:06 Pharmacy does it constantly leak aural borealis
  16. 17:06 Schazer yeah its yelling is condensed into beautiful trails of light
  17. 17:06 Pharmacy is it considered sentient
  18. 17:07 Schazer nah
  19. 17:07 Pharmacy jesus christ capercallies are huge
  20. 17:08 Schazer yeah
  21. 17:08 Pharmacy so is callie's people made after the fall
  22. 17:09 Schazer yupyup
  23. 17:09 Schazer one of the new gods' creations
  24. 17:09 Schazer dunno whose
  25. 17:10 Pharmacy probably the coldgod
  26. 17:10 Schazer yeah
  27. 17:11 Schazer or maybe a collaboration between coldgod and Catcher
  28. 17:12 Pharmacy how advanced is calliefolk
  29. 17:12 Schazer they're still pseudo-feudal
  30. 17:13 Schazer a bit xenophobic
  31. 17:13 Schazer but the ones who can't stand their countrymen's xenophobia tend to migrate out into the neighbouring lands
  32. 17:13 Pharmacy like callie?
  33. 17:14 Schazer actually, Tetraul likes his people ok
  34. 17:14 Schazer sorry, Caille does
  35. 17:14 Schazer Tetraul have a lot of respect for their mages though
  36. 17:14 Schazer they're people born when Northern Lights reaches the chorus of whatever song it sings and all the heads actually manage to sing in unison
  37. 17:15 Pharmacy wizards in general are pretty cool
  38. 17:15 Schazer the mages are more inclined to go see the world
  39. 17:15 Schazer so there's a misconception among races who don't know much about North that Tetraul are all magical
  40. 17:16 Pharmacy magic is pretty common in this world right
  41. 17:16 Schazer yeah
  42. 17:16 Schazer it has specific sources though
  43. 17:16 Schazer like some of Solbruin's monsters, and certain wellsprings the gods made, and obviously Northern Lights' singing
  44. 17:17 Schazer the Tetraul have a strong sense of family and connection
  45. 17:17 Schazer which kind of fuels the xenophobia
  46. 17:18 Schazer they say if a Tetraul dies, everything and everyone it lived with dies a little as well
  47. 17:18 Pharmacy super communal
  48. 17:18 Schazer and when Tetrauls gain magical powers, it tends to manifest in some variation of that
  49. 17:18 Pharmacy I bet they have extended families in long houses
  50. 17:18 Schazer the power to give other things a sense of self
  51. 17:18 Pharmacy is magic inheritable genetically
  52. 17:19 Schazer nope
  53. 17:19 Schazer it's like being born under a particular star sign
  54. 17:20 Schazer Northern Lights' multiple heads sing, usually not in sync/harmony with each other, and the song manifests as the lights in the sky above North
  55. 17:20 Schazer but when they do manage to harmonise, that's when there's more magic in the area and that's when Tetraul mages are born
  56. 17:20 Pharmacy and one song infects a baby and bam magic
  57. 17:21 Schazer p. much
  58. 17:21 Schazer if you discover you have wizard powers, you're kind of obligated to figure out what they are and then go journey out into the world
  59. 17:21 Schazer and then you can come home and be a good wise person to help settle disputes
  60. 17:22 Schazer so a Tetraul wizard isn't just a guy who fixes things with magic, they help mediate social situations as well
  61. 17:22 Schazer they're like Discworld witches
  62. 17:22 Pharmacy does callie have headology
  63. 17:24 Schazer nah
  64. 17:24 Schazer that's all a bit philosophical for their tastes
  65. 17:24 Schazer although it's similar in that a Tetraul mage is powerful and needs to be respected because, y'know, he's a Tetraul mage
  66. 17:25 Schazer that kind of self-fulfilling redundancy
  67. 17:25 Pharmacy haha
  68. 17:25 Schazer Caille deals exclusively with environmental issues
  69. 17:25 Pharmacy what magicks do they have the teraul
  70. 17:26 Schazer so he rolls into a town and - if he's in a town that knows about Tetraul mages - he usually gets a bed to sleep in or at least some food
  71. 17:26 Schazer finds out if the hunters or the lumberjacks or the like are having problems
  72. 17:26 Schazer if predatory animals have been bothering the townsfolk
  73. 17:27 Schazer and if everything's peachy, he'll probably go take a trek in the forest anyway and ask its side of the issue, check everyone's happy
  74. 17:27 Schazer and if everything seems tidy and equitable, he'll head off on his way within a day or two
  75. 17:28 Schazer but if the forest is upset about something, he's got to stick around and try to resolve it
  76. 17:29 Schazer explain "look, you just cannot hunt that many deer"
  77. 17:29 Schazer and if they won't see reason, Caille reserves the right to take the offended forest and find greener pastures for it
  78. 17:29 Schazer that's what happened with Kolmarden Wood
  79. 17:30 Pharmacy I see
  80. 17:30 Schazer it was being mismanaged and people were being unreasonable, so Caille trundled off with it one night
  81. 17:30 Pharmacy does the forest literally uproots itself and ollies out
  82. 17:30 Schazer nah
  83. 17:31 Schazer when he calls a spirit, if it's in or around its forest it looks like a big earthy tree golem thing
  84. 17:31 Schazer but if the spirit leaves it's just a pocket-sized ghost
  85. 17:31 Schazer and then the forest dies
  86. 17:31 Schazer just has the life sucked out of it
  87. 17:32 Pharmacy "screw this I'm out of here"
  88. 17:32 Schazer so, Caille took Kolmarden Wood on his travels, and when he stayed in a village in the smack bang middle of a really huge marsh
  89. 17:32 Pharmacy "Btw stop littering"
  90. 17:32 Schazer they were really nice but were having trouble with getting through the winter
  91. 17:33 Pharmacy dang
  92. 17:33 Schazer so Caille talked to the marsh's spirit, and then had a discussion with the townsfolk, and they agreed to all work together and plant a whole tract of seedlings
  93. 17:33 Schazer and then Kolmarden Wood's spirit could take up residence there
  94. 17:34 Schazer and sure, it'd take a couple of winters for the trees to grow and animals to start taking up residence
  95. 17:34 Pharmacy
  96. 17:34 Schazer awww damn that is great
  97. 17:34 Pharmacy anyhoo continue
  98. 17:35 Schazer but this way, Kolmarden would be happy, the marsh's spirit seemed happy enough (it was a big marsh), and the village hopefully wouldn't starve
  99. 17:35 Schazer and they'd just released Kolmarden into the replantings and were having a party to celebrate a month's solid work, and that's when Caille got battleganked
  100. 17:36 Pharmacy wow thanks nebulously defined grandmaster/mistress you just ruined a good party
  101. 17:36 Schazer yeah
  102. 17:36 Schazer Caille has a forest with him though, the forest he grew up in
  103. 17:36 Schazer Tiveden
  104. 17:37 Pharmacy whose it
  105. 17:37 Schazer Tiveden is the spirit of Tiveden forest
  106. 17:37 Schazer which is where Caille grew up
  107. 17:38 Schazer he revoked his family's forest privileges because when he came home after learning a crash course in wizarding, they were being really reckless and wasteful and greedy with what they were given
  108. 17:39 Pharmacy "wow stop treating the forest terribly"
  109. 17:39 Pharmacy so how are they reckless/greedy/stuff
  110. 17:39 Schazer "son no"
  111. 17:39 Schazer "sit down"
  112. 17:39 Schazer "eat these mushrooms"
  113. 17:39 Schazer "they were always your favourite"
  114. 17:39 Schazer "yeah dad, and I just learned these take twenty years to reach maturity"
  115. 17:40 Schazer basically he lost his temper, and stormed off into the woods and sulked out there for a couple days
  116. 17:40 Schazer talked to Tiveden, who's pretty chill
  117. 17:40 Schazer "listen kid I could have it worse"
  118. 17:41 Schazer but ultimately
  119. 17:41 Schazer a forest doesn't have a tangible spirit until Caille pulls it out
  120. 17:41 Schazer so they acknowledge Caille as their creator and master
  121. 17:42 Schazer so when Caille said "we're going to find you a place where people will respect you" Tiveden was like "alrighty"
  122. 17:43 Schazer and there's always the possibility that Tivs resents this and stops following Caille, except that Caille's clothing is basically sporting a tiny forest
  123. 17:45 Schazer Caille takes really good care of Tiveden, but his obligations as a wizard mean they can't really settle down
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