
Tomb Quest

Jul 9th, 2014
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  1. Expedition Name: Tomb Quest
  2. Part of Series: (unknown)
  3. Day: July 2
  4. Leader: Rain
  5. Members:High Tide, Flora, Aurora, Star
  6. Objective: Search for the ruins that were mentioned in artifact; Explorarers journal mentioned in the Mountains.
  7. Result:Objective completed!
  8. Complications and/or Casualties: Damages encountered to party members; Rain, Flora and Aurora.
  10. Brief Description of Events: Team was recruited then brought to the square where they set off. Some brief apperciation to the environment before passing Hillside Caverns to a valley leading up into the mountains. At that point the group decides to set up camp, some breif attempts at starting the campfire resulting in the glorious pryotechnic misfires coutersy of Star and High Tide. Bedding down for the night the group decide to investigate the dirt trail Rain and Tide has discovered, at that point the party encountered a talking stone head that was originally a wall before animating to talk to the party. At which point the head asked a riddle; What first must be given before you can keep; answer was 'Your word.'
  12. Entering the tomb the party eventully after a long series of stairs going down they came upon a statue of an amored stallion with a small plaque on the base that was illegiable. Moving on the party followed the hallway left to find a curious stone wall making the hall a dead end with a wooden door on the left. To the right was a large fissure that was large enough for a pony to crawl through upon hearing skittering coming from the hole the party agreed not to crawl through when Tide by accidently trigged another riddle to appear on the stone wall. The lights formed into words asking 'What can fill up a room yet take no space' Aurora asnwered with Light making the wall slowly slide apart to reveal a large shrine with the bust of a mare upon it, a zebra skeleton near the shrine and a zig zag stairwell winding down into an atrium on the right.
  14. Investigation of the zebra revealed that it held a key with a ocean motiff to it before the group decends down the stairs. Enterint the atrium which is composed of a semicircular wall to the right bearing a mural showing a mare addressing a crowd of multispecies ponies. Ancient text is inscribed on portions of the wall and to the front was another hallway leading off with two stern guard statues looking ahead. Some of the details are fadded away from the passage of time. Speculation is had for the mare's name and signifigance in the reunification acts of the three tribes but was later disproved.
  16. Moving downt he hallway the party continued on before coming to a split with a dark path to the left and a brighter one to the right with armored ponies marching in formation along the wall, before reaching an end while the left curves out of sight. Going down the darkened path first the ponies discovered therein a oceanic themed room with bleached walls and large mounds of sand which rested against the walls before a door before them with a shellfish motif on the handle, unlocking the door with the key recovered the party soon found that the room held a morgue or apocotheries with the following artifacts located within.
  18. Herb List
  19. Radix clematidis herba lysimachiae, herba menthae, thallus sargassi, fructus mume, cacumen biota, prunellae spica, pericaprium citri reticulatae viride, lycii radicis cortex, radix trichonsanthis, flos chrysanthemi, cortex cinnamoni, mori folium, erioboteyae folium.
  21. Alembic.
  23. Retiring from the room the party then travels back to the fork leaving the herbs there for pick up when the exploration was completed. In the meantime the party traveled down the other path way to enter a large oval shaped chamber with a large lantern haning from the domed roof. The path continued through sand dunes with a small brook lining the path before ending at a door. Along the way were skeletons one half buried in the path and another slumped against the wall near the end of the path.
  25. Upon discovery party member Aurora and Tide engaged in retrieval of the armor and weapons that were found upon the remains of the ponies while the rest kept watch. When divesting the skeletons of their worldy belongings to equip Partymember Aurora hooves erupted from the sand dunes linging the pathway revealing a trio of skeletons clad in shoddy armor and weaponary that was being retrieved by party members Tide and Aurora.
  27. Combat began, thankfully the only wounded we suffered was from Aurora suffering a moderate wound to her side in the form of a blunt weapon landing against her side. However Aurora insisted upon continuing. Note skeletons that have decayed to a certain extent are far more likely to fall upon themselves for inexplicable reasons.
  29. Continuing down the stair case the group soon encounters another 'Riddle Door' a plain faced stone wall that illuminates blue text for a riddle to be solved. The riddle answer was an egg allowing for the door to open allowing the group to continue onwards. The next room reveals itself to a large circular tower that was empty save for the walls of sandstone having several hornless skulls lining the walls with a two pony wide rail across the tower leading into a inky dark pit with braids of feathers hanging from the ceiling. Speculation leads to the assumption that pegasi of old did in fact bury their dead however they accomplished this with a air motiff and theme behind it.
  31. Passing across the bridge Aurora noticed a glint from below the bridge allowing Rain to fly down to check to discover a necklace with a saphire inlaid gem, determining to leave the necklace behind the pegasus leaves the ornament alone before being urged to check below as the shrine she constructed sent a pebble down to reveal it is in fact not a bottomless pit. Diving down with light source in hand it was revealed that the tower was being held aloft with four minotaur statues with sorrowful expressions as they stood amongst a large collection of skeletons of various races primairly ponies with an exotic one thrown in. Speculation was that minotaurs could have possibly been a vassal state to the three tribes or held some mythological importance for the ponies.
  33. Moving on the party continued onward before encountering yet again more stairs, going around six or so times eventually they exit out to a hall where two sattues of earth pony guards with their spears aimed at the ceiling are at attention near another riddle door. A trap was nearly sprung if not for Tide's timely interuption preventing said trap from occuring. Approaching the riddle began where the answer was a smile thanks to Partymember Star's quick wit. Speculation; Equestrians are easily amused by making visitors paying a visit or use code words simliar to passwords for computers or accessing specific areas, might be a feature to accomadate those without horns much like Celestia's vault.
  35. Entering the next room revealed a small dip where a water source was nearby as the floor was filled to hoof height. Futher up in the room was a plateau was a flora bed that was forgotten in the investgiations as a large blue orb was flaoting above the flora bed, providing light to the room. The murals on the wall revealed a mare and unicorn knight both leading different ponies onwards to a depiction of a sun and moon near the double end doors. However Party Member Rain had noticed one mare in the room wasn't looking to the motiff and was instead looking out. After some breif shenagins involving stealing the blue orb and shining it in everyone's eyes the party discovered that the mare on the wall was hiding a secret passageway. Note if Star is handling glowing objects tell him to figure out how to dim the damn thing!
  37. Entering the passageway revealed another room with a griffon skeleton slumped against the wall with a lance held in his talons. Nearby was a ragged journel revealing that the griffon's name was Gerad who was coming to pay his respects to the mare who had attempted unification of the three tribes before losing her husband to the ancestors of Gerad in a raid against the ponies. However the griffon who was partnered with the zebra skeleton from before had succumbed to the tombs defences. They had believed that the key the Zebra held was a clue to bypassing the ice wall in the southern tomb which Party member Flora was apart of from an ealier expedition.
  39. For Submission and review the journal will be included with this report.
  42. Moving on the party encountered a large chamber that was none other than a ampitheatre made of stone with a large chandlier hanging above providing illumination. Beneath the chandiler and on the stage was another trio of skeletons one garbed in fighter gear while the other two unicorns, were in tattered robes. Upon closer inspection the trio came to life and a fight was on!
  44. Things of note was that Partymember Rain was wounded greviously by one of the bolts suffering a chest wound with a black mark on her chest. However with some medical aid dispensed by Party member Flora, Rain recovered to continue where the party soon came across another room where a pair of bongos lay and a heavy chest. Upon opening the chest was revealed two unicorn uniforms giving the wearer the apperance of sorcerors "Blue robes with a gray hemline and cowl worn by the few undead unicorn mages within the tomb. The embroidered vortex patterns that adorn some parts of the cloth appear to be more than a fashion statement. It was the symbol of the dedicated practitioners of magic."
  46. After taking the spoils of war the party returned to the room from before where they found the secret passageway to find the room covered in spiders! However due to the mini sun that Star had taken along the spiders fled from the light in a wave of chitin and spiky legs through a hole above the flora bed. At which point the party hurried to the double doors to open.
  48. Upon opening the door the party continues before coming to a side passage that leads to a crying mare impressioned upon the door. Deciding to investigate the party found that the door lead to a small antechamber where a unicorns skeleton lays upon a shrine. Luckily Tide was quick of hooves as upon opening the door a large pendulum axe had swung down to try for a casual beheading. Where upon discovery a head dress ornament was upon the skeletons head which sparked a debate between party members Rain and Aurora on the ethical stealing of treasure buried with the dead, it was only through the timely intervention of party member Tide that the issue was resolved and party member Aurora took the head garment before the party continued.
  50. Following the path again the party comes across a large domed room made of granite and cobblestone instead of sand to find a pair of thrones with banquet tables which hold a few utensils and dinner ware that was taken by some party members upon discovery. On the left wall were three large arced doors in a row with a grand towering door opposite of where the party had entered. Following some more archelogical nerdgasm from party member Rain the party approached the three doors after some playing around in the room.
  52. Approaching the three doors up a small set of stairs revealed that each door held a hoof print in the center with no other means to open it. Inside the each hoof print was a different inscription going; a four stared star, a cloud and a boulder. Seeing no other recourse three party members placed their hooves in the corresponding prints; Rain, Aurora and Star.
  54. Upon interview with each member it was revealed that each door lead to a chamber that tested the pony in question in different ways. For Rain bindings on her wings and being forced to cloud hop over a pit to activate a statue to release herself. Aurora faced down pulling a series of stone statues before beating the challenge as well. Star had his magic nullified from any spells he knew by facing down a maze before finally coming out on top.
  56. Upon activation each statue allowed the pony in question to return to the main chamber where the party began to approach the large door where a sentry stood before the group. The sentry was none other than the same unicorn from the murals upon the wall! However time had not been pleasent as his visage was rotted away leaving naught but bone and his armor. Talking with the stallion revealed that he was guarding a tomb and if we wished to pay our respects do so then leave. Naturally this sparked a long debate amongst the group on respecting the wishes of the dead or to try and murder the stallion hard for denying the group. Eventually the party had learned that the tomb was for none other than for Dawn Singer one of the first to call for unification of the three tribes.
  58. We don't know what made him change his mind, exactly, but when he told us his story, it almost seemed like he realized just how long he's been guarding this tomb. Or, maybe, he figured out long before we did that we might have a chance at figuring out how to free her spirit. At which point the stallion, Stalwart, brother to Dawn Singer and noble knight faded away in the hooves of Aurora to pass on. The ashes left by the knight was taken up by Flora for proper burial at a later date.
  60. Afterwards the party entered the tomb of Dawn Singer. Inside was a literal garden of eden type place with a large artifical sun giving light to the large room where a brook, meadows and trees with clouds floated by. Futher inspection of the area revealed that there was a circle of stones of various size with a bottle upon which was a blue fire with the consistancy of jelly was inside it. Further exploration lead to finding none other than Dawn Singer's body moving around in a lost haze appearing much like a starvation victum. This lead to a arguement by the party as to what to do before with some bitterness for some it was decided on burning the corpse to give the mare peace.
  62. Once the deed was done and consulting Gerad's journal Tide took the team out of the tomb before engaging in a march back to town where instead of continuing on to town, lead us to a cavern. Inside the cavern was a literal freezer of ice and snow where Flora was familier with the area as was Tide. Continuing on wards the party stops before a icy wall that held a room behind it with the ice distorting the image. Flora attempted to melt the ice using a plant, dragon's nerf if I recall, to breath flames upon the ice to no effect. However Tide brought forth the bottle of flame jelly and poured it on the wall which raised steam high into the air before a hasty beat of the wings cleared the steam to reveal that the wall was gone!
  64. Going into a small chamber was a simple affair where a sword and helmet acted as a grave marker where a wreath of wilted flowers lay. Entering the room the party was shocked to discover that Dawn Singer erupted from the blue flames to slowly approach the grave to a Earth pony stallion before the two embraced each other lovingly. It was none other than Tundra, the stallion Dawn wished to be wed with and was going to before Gerad's ancestors struck him down in combat on the frozen plains of the old world. Tide approached with what little remained in the bottle of blue fire jelly asking if they wished for it. In turn the duo nodded and watched as Tide poured the remains onto the icy grave which began to burn, lighting the bonefire that slowly consumed the two smiling ponies as they looked to the party in thanks embracing each other in gentle comfort of each other.
  66. The group sat in silent contemplations for a moment before hugging insued for everyone due to the previous fight from earlier. At which point Flora began to ready Stalwart's remains to be scattered on the wind to view his sister's work. Rain offered to assist and brought the jar up as high as she could before letting the bottle open and letting Stalwart go to see the world his sister worked and died for.
  70. New Entities Encountered, with Brief Description:
  71. Dawn Singer: Earth Pony Mare who was working vailiently to begin the unification effort of the three tribes but was forgotten by history by the likes of Pudding Head and Clover the Clever. Died before her dreams were realized much to the disappointment of many. Betrothed to Tundra knight of Earth Pony tribe. Sister to Stalwart. Deceased.
  72. Stalwart: Unicorn stallion who assisted his sister in both life and death, personally feeling at fault for her demise so his devotion carried on in death as steward of her tomb to keep it safe from would be grave robbers and theives. Brother of Dawn Singer. Deceased.
  73. Tundra: Earth Pony Stallion who worked as a guard and knight for the caravans of the Earth Tribe slained in a raid against Griffon bandits. Betrothed to Dawn Singer. Deceased.
  75. New Information: Heaps, Archelogical gold mine as to the insights of pre unification of the three tribes and mindset of the cultures idea for death. Warning that large spiders may infest the walls.
  77. Further Leads and/or Objectives: Out of respect of the dead and the efforts of Dawn Singer and Stalwart, I personally advise to treat the tomb as a national landmark or dig site for investigating the history of this world, offering the location to the Equestrians as a viable trade for information for better teaching or techniques for the town at large is also viable. Stress upon the fact that this is something NOT to be trod upon for simple monatary gains.
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