
azure/ghostyTitster: fat!rose/chub!magic-fem!john rp unfin

Jul 4th, 2012
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  1. ghostyTitster: so what if fem!john met chub!rose and ended up picking up bad habits from her.
  2. ghostyTitster: eating wise.
  3. azureangelic: heh
  4. azureangelic: im ok with this
  5. ghostyTitster: just babbling like i do sometimes.
  6. ghostyTitster: so.
  7. ghostyTitster: they start talking.
  8. ghostyTitster: at first john is kind of like "wow, rose! you got fat!"
  9. ghostyTitster: "I'm glad to know your new sex hasn't worsened your eyesight, John."
  10. azureangelic: heh yeah
  11. ghostyTitster: "i don't i could miss you if you were blind."
  12. "You know just what to say to make me feel good about myself. Now, I believe I asked you about your new assets."
  13. "oh yeah. i don't know, vriska somehow magicked me into a girl and then shorter and with bigger boobs."
  14. ghostyTitster: "So how does it feel to be at a lower altitude?"
  15. "what?"
  16. ghostyTitster: and that's when john realizes for the first time that rose is taller than him.
  17. ghostyTitster: "aaaaw man!"
  18. ghostyTitster: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll adjust to they idea or me lording over you quite soon."
  19. ghostyTitster: "Oh. Spoiler: You don't adjust."
  20. ghostyTitster: "damnit. oh, wait! you can magic me into a guy again, right?"
  21. ghostyTitster: "The realm of majyyk I worked in isn't exactly known for being friendly toward human anatomy. I'm fairly certain the idea of becoming a multi tentacled man isn't any more appealing than being a rather busty girl."
  22. ghostyTitster: "maaaan. are you sure you don't know anything?"
  23. ghostyTitster: "....I could dig through a few books and try to find something. In the mean time, why not stay at my place until we figure something out?"
  24. ghostyTitster: and it all goes down hill from there.
  25. azureangelic: very downhill
  26. ghostyTitster: the spells don't really work and all they serve to do is make rose and john tired and hungry.
  27. ghostyTitster: rose burns off some weight at first, though!
  28. ghostyTitster: and she's happy about the new found mobility, but all that serves to do is lower her guard.
  29. ghostyTitster: because their appetites just get worse from there.
  30. ghostyTitster: one month of spell casting and experimenting later and they've both gained about 50 pounds each.
  31. azureangelic: and suddenly john is a little bit hypocritical when he pokes fun at rose
  32. ghostyTitster: yep.
  33. ghostyTitster: which he was doing for a while.
  34. ghostyTitster: and rose eventually has enough.
  35. azureangelic: she can give as good as she takes
  36. ghostyTitster: yep.
  37. ghostyTitster: and they end up throwing insults back at each other.
  38. ghostyTitster: and rose ends up throwing food at john.
  39. ghostyTitster: it ends up turning into a food fight.
  40. azureangelic: an uncomfortable amount of it ends up inside them
  41. azureangelic: rather than on them
  42. ghostyTitster: right.
  43. ghostyTitster: and they're both just lying on the floor of the kitchen.
  44. ghostyTitster: groaning.
  45. ghostyTitster: and john rolls over and has to sort of waddle over to nudge rose.
  46. ghostyTitster: "hey, come on. you'll catch a cold down here."
  47. ghostyTitster: "I would, but I'm just so full."
  48. ghostyTitster: "What have you done to me?"
  49. ghostyTitster: "i could ask you the same question."
  50. ghostyTitster: and he pats her stomach when it groans again and he just hushes it.
  51. ghostyTitster: "ssssh, no, stay quiet."
  52. ghostyTitster: "you'll make mine start acting up, too."
  53. azureangelic: she just rolls her eyes
  54. ghostyTitster: he tries to help her up and to the couch.
  55. ghostyTitster: which, thankfully, was reinforced a long time ago.
  56. ghostyTitster: otherwise, when they both plop down on it, it would just have collapsed.
  57. ghostyTitster: it still protests pretty loudly, though.
  58. azureangelic: rose just sort of ignores it and gives john a reassuring glance
  59. azureangelic: they just sort of sit there in silence for a while before rose off-handedly remarks that johns tits are going to get bigger when he puts weight on
  60. ghostyTitster: "can you magic me a bra at least?"
  61. azureangelic: "Are department stores magic?"
  62. ghostyTitster: "do we have to walk there?"
  63. ghostyTitster: "can we order it?"
  64. ghostyTitster: "walking sounds like the devil right now."
  65. ghostyTitster: "maybe flying."
  66. azureangelic: "I don't think you're supposed to fly on a full stomach."
  67. ghostyTitster: "sure we can."
  68. ghostyTitster: "we'd both be soaring through the air gracefully. like eagles."
  69. ghostyTitster: "piloting blimps."
  70. azureangelic: "Mmhm. 'We'. If you think you can make us both fly, go ahead."
  71. ghostyTitster: "i could totally levitate you."
  72. ghostyTitster: "but not right now. too full."
  73. azureangelic: "Are you saying I'm too much for you to handle, John?"
  74. ghostyTitster: "rose, you were almost too much for me to handle when you were thin. now you're literally too much to handle."
  75. ghostyTitster: "sorry for making fun of you."
  76. azureangelic: "Well, at least you're honest."
  77. azureangelic: she just sort of paps him on the head
  78. ghostyTitster: and then he shoves her hand away lazily and tries to reach behind himself.
  79. ghostyTitster: "my bra is pinching me."
  80. azureangelic: "You get used to it after a while."
  81. ghostyTitster: how long before i can stand up again without feeling like i'm going to pop?
  82. azureangelic: "It varies, I think."
  83. azureangelic: and she just casually prods him in the gut
  84. ghostyTitster: "stop it."
  85. ghostyTitster: and he pokes her back.
  86. ghostyTitster: and it starts a poking contest.
  87. ghostyTitster: "i'm going to tickle you, i swear. i'll use all my willpower to tickle you."
  88. azureangelic: "I'm not even tickish, John."
  89. azureangelic: she at least has the size and cushioning advantage
  90. ghostyTitster: "i won't know if i don't find out for myself!"
  91. azureangelic: "Would you really try to tickle a poor, overfed lady?"
  92. ghostyTitster: "that won't work. i am a poor, overfed lady, too, remember?"
  93. azureangelic: "From some angle, yes."
  94. azureangelic: and she pokes him again for good measure
  95. ghostyTitster: and that's when the tickle fight starts.
  96. azureangelic: she does a surprisingly good job at not reacting at first
  97. azureangelic: except it turns out she was lying out her giant ass when she said she wasnt ticklish at all
  98. ghostyTitster: of course.
  99. ghostyTitster: and john is slightly more mobile still.
  100. azureangelic: she ends up more or less a this mercy
  101. azureangelic: just stuck leaning back and trying to swat him away from her belly
  102. ghostyTitster: "mwahahaa!"
  103. azureangelic: "Shoo, John."
  104. azureangelic: and shes just trying to keep a straight face
  105. ghostyTitster: but he knows she can't for much longer.
  106. ghostyTitster: so, he decides to play dirty and shoves his hands up her shirt.
  107. azureangelic: and she gives a rather uncharacteristic yelp and tries to grab him but fails miserably
  108. ghostyTitster: unfortunately, rose put her wand in her jacket pocket.
  109. ghostyTitster: and the friction from the rubbing against each other kind of sets it off.
  110. ghostyTitster: next thing they know, they're both pushed back from each other from spontaneously getting fatter.
  111. ghostyTitster: clothes ripped.
  112. ghostyTitster: tatters everywhere.
  113. azureangelic: the next thing she knows rose is sort of sitting on the floor with her shirt barely keeping her breasts in
  114. ghostyTitster: and john is lying on his back with his hoodie exploded open and stomach and breasts exposed to the air.
  115. ghostyTitster: he's just trying to wiggle out of his bra because holy crap that hurts.
  116. ghostyTitster: "what just happened!"
  117. azureangelic: she doesnt even know what to say
  118. azureangelic: just sort of blinks dumbly and hiccups
  119. azureangelic: eventually she just settles for trying to stand back up by herself and failing
  121. ghostyTitster: On the last episode of Grimchunk both ladies seem to be suffering from a massive case of...massive. John struggles just as much as Rose, though his slight advantage in a little lower of a starting weight does give him the ability to get up, but not quickly. It involves a lot of panting and false starts for him to finally move that big lady body off the ground and he's worked up a good sweat by that time. And his poor bra, which was already overtaxed as hell, finally snapped off in all that struggling, leaving him topless. On the bright side, whatever just happened left him not feeling like an over stuffed ballon.
  122. azureangelic: knowing john's luck he'll get on his feet and just topple back over
  123. ghostyTitster: yep.
  124. ghostyTitster: first step.
  125. azureangelic: probably onto rose
  126. ghostyTitster: and that poor couch, despite all it's reinforcement doesn't want to take this shit.
  127. ghostyTitster: sorry, too much chub.
  128. ghostyTitster: and with one final might groan it just gives out.
  129. ghostyTitster: the couch itself is still intact, but the pegs that supported it are now gone.
  130. azureangelic: even though its just a two inch drop it makes rose's entire body wobble and quake
  131. azureangelic: john's weight landing atop her still fairly full stomach causes her to hicurp a bit in surprise
  132. ghostyTitster: and john's stomach smacking against hers just makes him belch. just because his stomach wasn't achingly full didn't mean he was suddenly relieved of that.
  133. ghostyTitster: apologies to rose for basically burping into her face follow.
  134. azureangelic: she tries to be polite and brush him off except she's kind of laughing a little behind her hand
  135. ghostyTitster: john can't really do much besides laugh back and even though he's basically rubbing his practically naked body against hers, he doesn't really care because this is a pretty hilarious situation.
  136. azureangelic: rose laughs a little harder, although she stops to let out a belch about on par with john's, blushing slightly as she balls her fist in front of her mouth in a failed attempt at politeness
  137. ghostyTitster: from there it just becomes some goofy challenge with john burping back at her and urging her to do the same thing. somewhere in there he manages to say "i see you speak the language of my people."
  138. azureangelic: she keeps blushing but smirks, and pauses momentarily before ripping a surprisingly unladylike belch in response to john's prodding at her tummy, not even bothering to cover her mouth
  139. ghostyTitster: "thanks for the compliment, but i do have some other things to say on the matter."
  140. ghostyTitster: another drawn out burp and john doesn't help anything by putting on a ridiculous facial expression for it.
  141. azureangelic: officially determined, rose grabs her belly with both hands, squeezing it and pushing out a deep, bassy belch that's admittably shorter than john's but still better than what she expected
  142. ghostyTitster: john has the advantage of being in a semi standing position against rose's gut and only has to squish against her stomach a little more to get more burps out of himself. probably out of her two, since the pressure is shared between them.
  143. azureangelic: she figures two can play this game, so she heaves onto her feet and pushes back, bumping john with her bigger belly and burping smugly
  144. ghostyTitster: it turns into some kind of burping contest/sumo match.
  145. azureangelic: unfortunately for john rose has a size advantage
  146. ghostyTitster: and she's determined as all get out.
  147. ghostyTitster: once a lalonde sets her mind to something she does it.
  148. ghostyTitster: john ends up finding himself on the floor again, but with a whole lot of woman on top of him this time.
  149. ghostyTitster: not before letting out one last burp of defeat, though.
  150. azureangelic: rose manages to get him down and plops her weight down onto him, sitting on his legs with her bare pale belly smushing down onto his torso, and she just smiles and asks if he's still confident about his chances
  151. ghostyTitster: "considering that i had a hard enough time getting up without you on top of me, i'm going to have to go with no."
  152. ghostyTitster: he says this without a little bit of gasp in his voice, especially since they actually exerted themselves pretty hard in that little contest just now.
  153. azureangelic: "Well, then, you certainly wouldn't mind me staying here for a bit. You're quite comfortable, you know. Unless you think you can get me back up, I'll just rest my legs a bit."
  154. ghostyTitster: "wow, rose, i didn't know you wanted to be on top of me so badly!"
  155. azureangelic: "Nice try."
  156. azureangelic: she smirks and wiggles her butt a bit on top of john, bouncing a bit mischeviously
  157. ghostyTitster: john's body jiggles in response, his heavy breasts falling to either side of his stomach. and looking at them jiggle right in front of his face. hell, basically against his face he finally realizes that oh crap he's half naked. which shouldn't concern him, really. still, he's not going to just let rose get away with sitting on him so smugly, so he focuses more on pushing back against her. he will never admit it, but it actually feels kind of fun setting both their rolls jiggling back and forth.
  158. azureangelic: rose just giggles a bit softly, not even bothering to move; just lets her flesh weight down on him and see if he can actually lift that gut of hers, although she has her doubts. in the meantime she gives a content sigh and relaxes, john's movements practically massaging her full tummy, leaning forward so her underbelly squishes down on john's face and chest
  159. ghostyTitster: and john's still struggling to get rose off her, but all it's serving to do is....make it weirdly enjoyable. by rocking against her, he's setting her body to jiggle back and forth against him, essentially resulting in a dual belly massage. and rose's warmth and squish against him makes it feel that much better. he sets into this weird back and forth that isn't so much a struggle to get her off of him as it is to keep the momentum going.
  160. azureangelic: she starts to catch on, opting to let him have his fun; the movement is making her work up a bit of a sweat, though, and the sloshing of her food-filled belly causes her to belch a few times; with john, though, she doesn't especially feel the need to apologize. eventually, john actually manages to start to slide out from under her gut, an act which she punishes by giving him a smug glance and slowly turning around, putting her bottom-heavy build to work by pinning his chest under her colossal ass and reclining lazily
  161. ghostyTitster: "agh, rose, your butt is crushing my boobs!"
  162. azureangelic: "Did you just tell me my butt is big?"
  163. ghostyTitster: "you keep saying stuff about my boobs, why is your butt off limits?"
  164. azureangelic: "I never said it was. But you shouldn't tell a lady how large her posterier is, you know."
  165. ghostyTitster: "i figured you'd take it as a compliment."
  166. azureangelic: "Maybe I did."
  167. azureangelic: and with that she plants her rump right atop john's face with a smirk
  168. ghostyTitster: john's struggles against he titanic rear prove fruitless. even with all his mangrit, john can only get her butt off him enough to stop from suffocating. which wouldn't be a proble, anyway, considering the rules of god tier and how being crushed to death by a butt doubtfully counts as either a just or heroic death. so all he's doing now is giving her butt the equivalent of a massage because of it's size.
  169. ghostyTitster: "feeling kind of awkward down here!"
  170. azureangelic: "I have to admit, that feels wonderful. Perhaps you should consider a job as -bbraarrp-, er, as a massage therapist."
  171. azureangelic: by this point she's just teasing him relentlessly, bouncing that huge booty up and down on top of him, as well as her thick belly and thunder thighs, feeling the surprisingly delightful squish of his fat under hers
  172. ghostyTitster: Every bounce basically causes John to burp. And for some reason, this all gives him an idea. He still has the windy thing and he remembers her earilier challenge to levitate them both. So he focuses as best he can and kicks (which is actually just a flail of one chubby leg) off the ground, launching them both up and flipping Rose over and him on top of her. He hadn't expected it to work that well, but he takes advantage of it and immediately leans forward, smooshing her face in his boobs.
  173. ghostyTitster: "hah! two can play it that game!"
  174. ghostyTitster: and all this efforting seems to be making him work up a sweat.
  175. azureangelic: rose suddenly finds herself sprawled out on the ground with john atop her, and after a few momentsof stunned silence goes to open her mouth, only to be muffled by his cleavage; with john sitting on her swollen belly she can't help but burp into his breasts, squirming slightly underneath him and causing her body to jiggle, although eventually she gives up and glances up at him, another hiccup making her jello-like flab quake momentarily
  176. ghostyTitster: the burping into his boobs makes john laugh. it's pretty ridiculous, but he doesn't stop until rose gives up squirming and john sits up, lifting his arms into the air triumphantly. he looks down at he, smiling and laughing and realizing how silly this whole situation is. but it's too much for them to mess with each other. sitting up on top of her, john can just barely see rose's face over his boobs.
  177. ghostyTitster: "i can see why you liked being up here. this is way more fun than being on bottom. hehehe."
  178. azureangelic: "Well, congradulations, John. You have successfully outmanuvered me in the field of combat. I suppose we'll have to hold a banquet in -urrp- your honor. Or maybe a parade? Either way, you -braap- are the victor. It's you. Just be merciful; you're heavier than you seem, and I'm a bit -urrrp- full."
  179. azureangelic: her belly gives a slight bubbling groan from john sitting atop it, although rose can't help but give him a fond glance, mostly quiet except for her gas and digestion; with his tits out of her face it's a lot more managable, and she figures it's only fair the smaller of the two gets to be on top
  180. ghostyTitster: "no banquets right now, thanks. and i think the only parade we'd be involved in is a balloon parade. but i think i should take a little advantage of this victory! you were such a good sport, after all, and the runner up deserves a prize."
  181. ghostyTitster: John scoots back a little, so he can get his hands down on her belly, squishing it and pushing down lightly and gently at first.
  182. ghostyTitster: "you're still kind of gassy. i think i can help with that."
  183. ghostyTitster: This last bit, whether intentionally or not, is spoken with a soothing tone that is probably more than a little suggestive in this situation.
  184. azureangelic: rose is entirely ok with this, leaning back and letting john get his hands all over her belly, a soft belch slipping past her lips as he places his hands onto her gurgling tummy; although she's a bit sensitive around her gut she trust john enough to not shake her up any more (at least not maliciously)
  185. azureangelic: "Mm...I would appreciate it a lot, I think. Just be gentle."
  186. ghostyTitster: John puts his pianist hands to work. The gargantuan boobs get in the way a little, but he's able to work around them easily enough. He's easy with her, smooshing Rose's belly lightly where it feels hardest and increasing pressure around that. He honestly isn't a master of massage, but he figures he can wing it so long as he's not causing her a great amount of pain.
  187. ghostyTitster: "of course! as an impromptu massage therapist you are now my patient and trust is vital in any patient-professional relationship. plus, we're friends, so that's just another added layer of trust. like a 7 layer dip of trust and our bond is the nachos."
  188. azureangelic: rose practically purrs under his touch, not responding to his silly nacho remark right away. instead, she lets him work for a bit, feeling the tension in her belly melt away, and gives him a warm smile over both of their chests
  189. azureangelic: "Is that a roundabout way of saying you enjoy this?"
  190. azureangelic: she doesn't get to say much more before john's rubbing unlodges a deep, rumbling, surprisingly powerful belch from the depths of her gut, putting most of john's own eructions to shame; she blushes afterwards, a bit embarassed by the sheer ferocity of her gas, even in front of a close friend like john
  191. ghostyTitster: John was going to answer by saying that he might enjoy this, just a little. But that comment was dead before it even left his mouth, bludgeoned to death by the gas bomb that found it's way out of Rose. He sat stunned for a moment before busting out laughing, body set a jiggle by the shaking.
  192. ghostyTitster: "that was amazing! okay, you did it. you are rose lalonde and you are the queen of burps. the title is yours. i can't hope to beat that."
  193. azureangelic: in all honesty she didn't know how to react, but john's laughing was enough to break the ice and cause the portly girl to give a soft chuckle and decide that maybe this wasn't so bad after all
  194. azureangelic: "I'll have to have a medal made, then, if you're the only bestowing the title onto me. But before that, I think there might be a few more of those where that one came from, if you would be so kind as to help."
  195. azureangelic: rose gives him a restrained yet silly smile, nonverbally egging him on as she reclines and sticks her gut out for him. the entire afternoon had been quite silly, but something about john's...immaturity regarding the subject matter made his amusement infectious, even to someone like herself
  196. ghostyTitster: Giving a salute and a "as you wish, queen of burps." John sets back to work on her belly. He spends a good ten minutes doing nothing but massaging her stomach in silence. While it was nowhere near as massive as Rose's rear, it was still impressive. He started leaning in closer to her stomach, not really paying attention to the fact that he was being drawn to it.
  197. ghostyTitster: "you have really smooth skin."
  198. azureangelic: she doesn't say much during those ten minutes, instead basking in his touch, although she can feel the pent-up gas building within her. rather than let it out, though, she decides to give john more time to get up close and personal with her gut, partly because it feels amazing and partly because she can tell he's enjoying it
  199. azureangelic: "Mm...I try to be proactive with skin creams...perhaps it's just a habit I picked up recently, but I find the effects are worth the hassle..."
  200. azureangelic: her speech is slightly lethargic, the volume of food in her belly and john's touch making her a bit sleepy, but the bubbling in her tummy is more of a pressing matter, even if she hides it behind her pleasurable relaxation
  201. ghostyTitster: "you know. i get the feeling that i'm not going back to being a guy any time soon, but...if you want i could help you out?"
  202. ghostyTitster: He continues to press down, smooshing and pressing her stomach in different places, rolling his hands along the expanse, kneading at spots that feel like they need a bit more attention than others.
  203. ghostyTitster: "it wouldn't do that much good to leave when we haven't made any progress! so i could hang around here a bit longer and i guess just help out around the place? you know i can cook good and i can clean and frankly, you're really messy."
  204. azureangelic: "Hmm. Well, you're certainly welcome to stay, you know. And I wouldn't mind the help at all."
  205. azureangelic: she gives him a warm smile, before her face turns serious
  206. azureangelic: "But...well, I should probably tell you something first."
  207. azureangelic: and with that she beckons for him to come closer, apparently a bit shy about admitting something, even to him
  208. ghostyTitster: John raises an eyebrow at that. Stopping his massaging, he scoots forward, pressing their bodies against each other listening intently.
  209. ghostyTitster: "what is it?"
  210. azureangelic: "Well, it's just...."
  211. azureangelic: suddenly, her facial expression turns devilish, and once he's close enough she lets out the gas she'd been holding onto for almost fifteen minutes of belly rubbing, in one massive belch that dragged on for several seconds, deep and powerful enough to scare beer-swilling frat boys, and right into the poor boy's face. her own face tinges red afterwards, although she overcomes her natural embarassment enough to smirk, on the verge of bursting into laughter when she sees john's face afterwards
  212. ghostyTitster: John's face is one of simultaneous shock and confusion. She got him. She GOT the pranking master. He can feel the Prankster's Gambit drain as he stares at her. Slowly, though, he starts to crack a smile, then a grin and it turns into another bout of laughter, he doesn't even lift himself up, just collapsing into laughter against Rose, face turned slightly to keep from laughing in her face.
  213. ghostyTitster: "oh you sneaky so and so! that was not fair!"
  214. azureangelic: rose practically radiates amusement and victory as she wraps one thick arm around john to keep him from falling off of her blubbery body, and she laughs softly along with him, her stomach feeling much better without the buildup of air in it
  215. azureangelic: "I wasn't aware we had rules. I hope I'm not to much for you to handle, though; if you're going to be living with me for a bit, you'll have to be able to put up with me. And there's a lot to put up with, including...well. That."
  216. ghostyTitster: John is actually pretty quick to move himself back up, supporting himself by placing an arm to either side just under Rose's flabby arms. As much of them as there was and as wide as Rose was, it could have easily been mistaken for a hug.
  217. ghostyTitster: "rose, i can handle anything you throw at me."
  218. azureangelic: "Well, then, I suppose it's settled. Although with that sort of confidence, maybe I should just have you carry me to my room. You can do that, can't you?"
  219. azureangelic: she's entirely content to just sit there, letting john use her care body as a pillow and gently teasing him, the only sound coming from her after a moment being her soft, content breathing and the slight gurgling of her belly, although a small niggling part of her mind was telling her she was going to have to fix the couch before too long
  220. ghostyTitster: And John seems to be on the same line of thought already, sighing and then grunting a little as he started pushing himself back up.
  221. ghostyTitster: "maybe! actually....i'm going to try something."
  222. ghostyTitster: Wiggling a little to pull himself closer to her, John squeezes and focuses, a layer of cool air suddenly enveloping him and wrapping around Rose. The Breeze does most of the work as the both of them are lifted, making John feel lighter than he had in weeks.
  223. ghostyTitster: "hey, it works!"
  224. azureangelic: rose is...shocked, to say the least, although she guess she shouldn't be complaining for a free ride
  225. azureangelic: "John, please try not to drop me. At the very least try to be under me if you do, I don't want to have to explain the floor damage to the landlord."
  226. azureangelic: she's clearly a bit nervous of flying, but moreso about john's ability to hold up all of her blubber. on the bright side, rose being so high up gives john a rather generous look at her undergarments and thighs
  227. ghostyTitster: "trust me, i'm an expert. there's no way i'm going to just let you wall. that would just be bad for everyone."
  228. ghostyTitster: John was also giving her a very nice look at his own bloated proportions. He didn't have the control needed to keep them from rotating in mid air because of his new size and was disoriented as a result of it. As a result he was spent a good couple of minutes trying to get them back, relatively upright and facing each other.
  229. ghostyTitster: "okay, hold on. this, i can get this. just have to tweak it a bit and...uh...try sort of swimming? i don't know this is kind of awkward with all the"
  230. azureangelic: "John, what are you doing? You'"
  231. azureangelic: rose was more or less helpless in the air, spinning slowly, and the boy below her would recieve a magnificent show of her tight panties and straining bra had he not been trying to fix his wayward powers. more alarming was the fact that her body was starting to dip slightly, floating down closer to the floor despite her efforts to climb higher. really, though she had no idea what she was doing.
  232. azureangelic: "You might want to move a bit, John, unless you liked being under me that much."
  233. ghostyTitster: "do what?"
  234. ghostyTitster: John turned to see Rose in all her glory. Large stomach, even larger rump and relatively big breasts in clothes that were entirely too small slowly floating closer and closer to him. His powers were apparently being haywire right now, not really responding to his commands. And the distraction of Rose's legitimately attractive body didn't help. That distraction is all that's needed for John's already iffy powers to shut off and have her drop on him, sending a resounding THUD through the room. John gasped as Rose landed stomach first on him, the both of them set jiggling wildly as he recovered from being knocked silly by the huge amount of weight.
  235. ghostyTitster: "i'm okay...."
  236. azureangelic: "Oof."
  237. azureangelic: stunned for a moment, rose shook off her dizziness after a moment, slowly climbing to her feet and looking down at john. he seemed ok, although a bit crumpled; she extended an arm to him, tilting her head curiously.
  238. azureangelic: "What happened? You seemed a bit distracted."
  239. ghostyTitster: Taking Rose's arm, John heaved himself to his feet, finally standing steady for the first time since their mutual bloating. He shook his head, reorienting himself and becoming accustomed to standing in this new body. It seemed like just as he was getting used to things being one way, the rug was yanked out from under him. At the mention of his distraction, he starts blushing intensely, unable to really look Rose in the eyes. He kept trying to look at her but considering that she was practically naked, anyway, it didn't help where he looked so he settled on just turning away completely.
  240. ghostyTitster: "y-yeah! how about that! there must have been a um. a bug. yeah. i saw a bug out of the corner of my eye."
  241. azureangelic: at john's nervousness, rose instantly realized what had happened, and although she felt sorry for crushing her friend, she couldn't help but smirk a bit
  242. azureangelic: "A bug, hm? What did it look like? I haven't seen any bugs. Unless I crushed that, too. Check for me?"
  243. azureangelic: turning, she faced away from john, glancing over her shoulder at him as her hand reached behind her flab and patted her massive, smooth, pale ass. her panties had ridden up slightly, looking more like a thong from the fall, and although she tried to adjust it her plump fingers couldn't quite reach the fabric, rump wobbling enticingly as she stretched.
  244. azureangelic: "Nngh. Sorry, just...give me a moment."
  245. ghostyTitster: John immediately flushed, eyes widening as he watched Rose giving him a first class view of her rump.
  246. ghostyTitster: "n-no. no bug! must have flown away. you look like you're having trouble there. should i help? is this in the realm of what i've agreed to help you with? should i just stand back and watch because i can do that or maybe i should go over here and start working on getting this couch put back together, man we did a number on it, hahaha. rose, please stop."
  247. ghostyTitster: In truth, John wasn't looking away. He was lifting his hands over his breasts and fiddling them together, the immense flesh orbs squeezing in between his arms as his eyes zipped around trying to figure something else to look at.
  249. azureangelic: rose just gives a little "mmhm" and tilts her head, nodding when he asks if he should help her and devilishly enjoying his uncomfortableness
  250. ghostyTitster: he reaches over, slowly. super slowly. it's almost like he doesn't know what to do with himself, but the booty is calling and his hand is being magnetized to it. a few moments later and his hand is readjusting her panties as best he can, trying to touch the butt as little as possible. all it would take is a move on rose's side and he have a handful of rump, though.
  251. azureangelic: she teeters slightly, very obviously faking her balance being thrown off, and with a subdued and extremely unethusiastic "whoa" she fall-steps backwards, bumping that ass right into john, pushing against him before "regaining" her footing and giving him an innocent glance
  252. azureangelic: "Oof. I'm sorry, John, I didn't mean to hit you. I'll try to give you more warning next time; I'm still getting the hang of this extra weight."
  253. ghostyTitster: now, john is no fool. a bit of a dork, but he's stupid and it's pretty obvious that rose did that on purpose. of course, that doesn't help at all because he's more focused on the big handful of butt. more than handful. the hands of his ghost gauntlets probably wouldn't act very well as support for this mammoth haul of booty. it takes a second for it to click with him that he's currently still holding her butt, so in hopes to save himself the embarrassment (which won't happen) he quickly readjusts her panties and pulls his hands away.
  254. ghostyTitster: "there you go! all down. panties back to...well, as normal as they're going to get!"
  255. azureangelic: "I have to admit, John, I'm a bit surprised. I figured you'd be the type of person to enjoy touching a girl's posterier."
  256. ghostyTitster: "should i be thinking you're into having your butt touched?"
  257. azureangelic: "What's to say this wasn't all a test? A way of seeing if your newfound female figure applied towards your sexual preferences? Or maybe I just wanted to be nice for a change. You certainly seemed to enjoy being underneath all this."
  258. azureangelic: she cocks an eyebrow at him from over her shoulder, keeping her face straight even as she teases john and slowly leans to one side, hips wobbling
  259. ghostyTitster: john flusters and sputters and verbally pinwheels in an attempt to figure out what it is to say here. before he can even get an arguement out, though, he's already mentally cut himself off.
  260. ghostyTitster: "okay, so whatever your motivation was, you were enjoying having someone on top, too! hah!"
  261. azureangelic: she smiles a bit; at least he's catching on!
  262. azureangelic: "Perhaps I did. It was enjoyable to be able to simply fool around with someone for a change, I'll admit that much. Of course, you seem to be changing topics a lot. Perhaps you just need some time to think about it?"
  263. azureangelic: rose walks towards the kitchen, intentially doing as much as possible to tease john. as she walks, her ass bounces and sways, her thick rolls jiggle softly, and her hips wobble. she makes an effort to move as slowly as possible, though, to give john plenty of time to react; she's having far too much fun to let it end quickly
  264. ghostyTitster: whatever john's retort would have been, it was stopped dead as he watched rose bounce along. she was practically granting him open access to actually TOUCH that, not just watch and he was letting it slip by. of course, it suddenly occured to him that he had a something of an advantage in the looks department, too. maybe it wasn't as hopelessly one-sided as he thought. smiling, he called to rose. he timed it perfectly. just as she would turn to look at him, he would be struggling to rezip the hoodie he'd burst earlier.
  265. ghostyTitster: "wait a second! could you at least help me out before you go? i helped you. believe it or not, these things are kind of heavy and i'd like SOME support, even if it is just a hoodie."
  266. ghostyTitster: he smiled at her, only half faking the strain it took to try and zip up the hoodie over his colossal funbags.
  267. azureangelic: raising one eyebrow, rose turns back to him, her shelf of an ass bouncing against the doorway as she does, and as she makes her way back she glances over john's figure
  268. azureangelic: "Hmm. I'm not sure if you'll be able to zip it up at all."
  269. azureangelic: she had to admit, his breasts were something else entirely, but it was clear what game he was playing. she slowly reached down, deliberately avoiding letting her fingers brush against his chest, and gripped the zipper, tugging the fabric away from his flesh and pulling upwards
  270. ghostyTitster: he was fine with her trying to keep from contact, but he knew at a certain point the zipper was going to pull her hand back to him. he let out a small noise of discomfort when that point came, the jacket muffining his boobs and digging the zipper in slightly. still it would be worth it to see rose's reaction to any of this.
  271. ghostyTitster: "ow. okay, hold on."
  272. ghostyTitster: he grabbed the hoodie around his bosom and started rocking it slowly, jiggling his assets to try and make the sette a little, the entire time giving rose a premium view of the great canyon of egboob..
  273. azureangelic: rose's face flushed red a bit, as she glanced down at his cleavage, but she was resolute. once the zipper reached the top, she smiled and gave it a pat, only for the strain to force it back down. realizing she wasn't going to be able to just freely fit those tits into the hoodie, the seer decided it was time to step things up a bit
  274. azureangelic: "Alright, let's try something else. I have an idea."
  275. azureangelic: placing her hands on john's shoulder, she lead him over to the far wall, pushing him until his back was against it. with the faintest of smirks she leaned into him, her own breasts and slightly larger belly smushing into his, using her generous chest to compress john's while she slipped her fingers into her own cleavage and tugged at the zipper
  276. ghostyTitster: the thing was, john wouldn't have been bothered about this too much. the thing that made this all the more flustering was rose's gaze, locked onto him like a premium targetting system. why did she just keep looking at him like that? that didn't help! he could feel her hand lifting up slowly, very slowly. while his own chest practically eclipsed rose's there was no denying that the feeling of their fronts rubbing against each other was doing something for him. he squirmed a little against the wall, but he didn't make any effort to push her away.
  277. ghostyTitster: "so uh. almost got it?"
  278. azureangelic: "Not...really. Can you help a bit?"
  279. azureangelic: she pushes against him harder, failing toget the zipper up much, although she's clearly enjoying this in her own way
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