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Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. Aug 10 23:27:19 <SavanahHolland> Siobhan was uh.. locked in the freezer again, but at least she was freezing her butt off with some icecream! Shoveling a spoon of strawberry icecream in her mouth and savoring the sweet taste as she probably will freeze to death in the dorm kitchen's freezer. It's amazing she even fits really.. well not really, she's small, and her wings easily fold.. thems the breaks, at least she's a real girl now.
  2. Aug 10 23:31:25 <Knave> It was one of those days. Y'know. One of /those/ days. It was still pretty dang cold outside, what with it being Canada and all, but it was one of those days when Austin just had to have some ice cream. Happened every year. Probably a well-documented psychological phenomenon. Probably. Austin slides casually into the kitchen in flared jeans and a hoodie, and pulls the freezer open.
  3. Aug 10 23:33:11 <SavanahHolland> ...When he opens the freezer as first he sees the first few shelves at the top.. only then to see the last two shelves seem to have a small young looking girl squished into them.. with wings as well on top of that, eating vanilla icecream with a spoon straight from the tub.. She blinks, squinting at the light, shivering out a rather friendly "Hello."
  4. Aug 10 23:36:25 <Knave> He blinks, then returns a casual, "Hey." He reaches over to a drawer to grab a spoon and sits cross-legged on the floor beside the freezer, reaching in and digging a hefty scoop of her vanilla, "How come you're in the freezer?" He puts the scoop in his mouth with a smile.
  5. Aug 10 23:39:06 <SavanahHolland> Siobhan stares at him, it was like Fei all over again, but Fei was the worst so it was not like Fei all over again at all really. She allows him to get some of her cream, despite it being hard as a rock from freezer burn.. "I wanted icecream, and the door was very heavy, so it trapped me, this has happened many times."
  6. Aug 10 23:41:31 <Knave> "Heck of a sweet tooth you must have if you're willing to risk getting trapped." He observes thoughtfully, "You really oughta get someone to lend you a hand in future. That is, if you don't like being stuck in freezers." He tilts his head and gestures with his spoon, gently smiling, "You're not some kind of ice-person, are you?"
  7. Aug 10 23:42:38 <SavanahHolland> "No, If I am in the freezer for an extended period of time, I will die like most humans would." she informs with a nod. Before smiling a bit "I would get Ilario to help me but he is very busy working."
  8. Aug 10 23:43:54 <Knave> "Well, we're a friendly bunch here, don't be afraid to ask anyone for a hand." He says, then extends his own hand, "Speaking of, would you mind grabbing onto mine right there, real quick?"
  9. Aug 10 23:45:32 <SavanahHolland> She seems confused by this statement, letting the icecream balance on her thigh as she leans in and uses both of her hands to hold his. "Okay." she says, as if saying she did what he asked already.
  10. Aug 10 23:48:16 <Knave> He takes a firm but gentle grip on her hands, then pushes with one foot away from the freezer. He goes sliding backwards, and she is pulled along, as they move fluidly and easily across the kitchen floor, Austin pushing the freezer door shut on the way. They come to a stop, and Austin angles his spoon at the ice cream again, "Ice cream's better when you're not freezing."
  11. Aug 10 23:50:05 <SavanahHolland> Siobhan eeps and ends up with her face buried in his chest and clinging to his body for dear fucking life. She isn't really letting go, mostly because her eyes are closed and she didn't realize he stopped sliding yet..
  12. Aug 10 23:53:46 <Knave> "Sorry." He chuckles, "That was mean of me." He says, still smiling, "You can let go now. The ride has come to a complete stop. You can put your arms and legs outside the vehicle."
  13. Aug 10 23:54:46 <SavanahHolland> She finally rolls off of him and clings to the floor, opening her eyes slowly "How did you do that.. the floor is not that slippery." she says after a moment, pursing her lips.
  14. Aug 10 23:56:41 <Knave> "I'm magic." He winks, then shrugs, "Or I'm a mutant, or a demi-god." He digs out some ice cream and eats a spoonful, "I tend not to think about it too much these days."
  15. Aug 10 23:57:51 <SavanahHolland> "You are a very strange demi-god, if you are." she says with two nods, better than one, and more humble than three. She flaps her wings a bit as she makes a snow angel making movement on the tiled ground before wobbling up.
  16. Aug 11 00:00:07 <Knave> "Whatever I am, I'm a very strange one." He grins impishly, eyes sparkling as he extends a hand to shake, "Austin Silver, Sultan of Slide, Foxer of Foxes. Ice to meet you."
  17. Aug 11 00:01:32 <SavanahHolland> "You mean nice to meet you." she corrects him, not understanding the pun at all as she moves over to shake his hand limply- like a limp noodle, or something very limp. "I am Siobhan."
  18. Aug 11 00:03:08 <Knave> "Siobhan. Good name. Celtic, or Gaelic, or something, right?" He leans back on his free hand, an easy smile on his face, as if sitting on the floor eating ice cream is the most natural thing in the world to him.
  19. Aug 11 00:06:47 <SavanahHolland> "I do not know, perhaps Russian, Siobhan is from Russia I believe." she says with a nod.
  20. Aug 11 00:08:34 <Knave> Austin shrugs, then digs deep into the slowly thawing ice cream to get a really satisfying scoop. "Nice wings, by the way."
  21. Aug 11 00:09:31 <SavanahHolland> "You like them? I like them, they are very pretty and not broken." she says, seeming pleased, chirping happily as she wiggles her wings before one stretching out to pat Austin on the head.. the wingspan is insane.
  22. Aug 11 00:11:52 <Knave> "Very impressive." He beams back warmly, reflexively fiddling with his hair where she pet it. "So, are you an angel or something?" Few people have embraced the oddities of the student body like Austin has.
  23. Aug 11 00:13:43 <SavanahHolland> "Yes, Ilario is one too." she says with a nod, speaking as if Austin actually knew Ilario- everyone must know Ilario, right? Unless they say they don't know Ilario, they know Ilario. Logick. "So, are you a bar of soap." she says, trying to mimick his voice.
  24. Aug 11 00:18:20 <Knave> He shrugs again and says peaceably, "Could be." Then he smiles broader, "A very strange bar of soap." Another scoop, "I haven't had the pleasure of meeting this Ilario."
  25. Aug 11 00:19:23 <SavanahHolland> "You should, he is very wonderful." she says, at least sorta exiting the stage of everyone that moves that she's his wife.. again sorta.
  26. Aug 11 00:20:48 <Knave> "So, if it's not a rude question, what exactly is an angel?" He knocks his head to one side, "I mean, I don't know if that's like, tedious to answer or whatever, I'm just naturally curious."
  27. Aug 11 00:23:01 <SavanahHolland> She had to tell most people anyways, it wasn't really top secret anymore to her anyways, who exactly was going to punish her? "We are the creatures that sort your souls once your human body dies." she says happily.
  28. Aug 11 00:26:52 <Knave> "Yeah?" He peaks an eyebrow, intrigued, gears in his head whirring, "Sort us like how? Into good and bad? Heaven and Hell? Saint Peter outsource the job?"
  29. Aug 11 00:28:02 <SavanahHolland> "Saint.. Peter?" she was unfamiliar with that name.. which is kinda ironic. "The layors of hell, we judge if you should spend time there, where you go and how long you are there before we can recycle your soul for another human in another world."
  30. Aug 11 00:33:36 <Knave> "What, no Heaven?" He says airily and without sadness. Apparently, the notion doesn't bother him. "So, what decides if you get to go to hell or if you go into the recycling bin? Wanna figure out if it's still worth laughing with the sinners."
  31. Aug 11 00:35:41 <SavanahHolland> "Heaven is where the angels reside, it is where we work- very clean and unloving, you would not like being there." she says after some thought. "Hell depends on what harm you have done to others in your lifetime, it is a complicated process."
  32. Aug 11 00:38:30 <Knave> "Ah, so the one true morality is utilitarianism. Good to know. Mill would be pleased." He continues grinning wickedly, "And if I'm one of the lucky few who gets reincarnated, what's that like?" He all but bats his eyes.
  33. Aug 11 00:41:38 <SavanahHolland> "You become something else that suits you, if a human once more, or an animal, or a creature you have no understanding of now, or perhaps an angel, if something unfortunate were to happen to another where we would need a replacement."
  34. Aug 11 00:43:00 <Knave> "Doesn't sound like much of an eternal reward." He scoffs, getting himself another scoop of ice-cream, "I mean, anything's gonna be a let-down after getting to be me." Flash of teeth.
  35. Aug 11 00:44:20 <SavanahHolland> Siobhan giggles "Perhaps, you are very bubbly and nice, you will be rewarded some way or another."
  36. Aug 11 00:46:14 <Knave> "Kind of a snap decision, don't you think?" He gives another winning smile, "You don't know /what/ kind of harm I might have caused people." He points with his spoon, "I'll hold you to that when I get to the pearly gates, though."
  37. Aug 11 00:47:28 <SavanahHolland> "I have very little standing as an angel now though." she says with a snicker "That is for the others to decide, and perhaps it is a quick choice, but I do not meet many like you."
  38. Aug 11 00:51:23 <Knave> "All right, all right, I'll take the compliment." He grins at her, "You know, for an angel, you're not all that judgemental."
  39. Aug 11 00:53:40 <SavanahHolland> Also ironic, she was titled the literal angel of judgement at one point. "I used to be very bad with that, back when I was Nadia, I still am not very good at it, but I do try!" she beams back.
  40. Aug 11 00:56:16 <Knave> "Go through a lot of names, do you?" He chuckles to himself, "Not that I'm one to talk." He seems to be done with the ice cream now, twirling the spoon idly between his fingers.
  41. Aug 11 00:57:34 <SavanahHolland> She squints at him briefly before sticking her tongue out at him, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "I will have you know that I have only gone through three names! No.. four names I think."
  42. Aug 11 01:01:10 <Knave> "That's still quite a lot for one so young." He says, then points upwards with his spoon, "But let me guess, you're really seven hundred years old?"
  43. Aug 11 01:03:10 <SavanahHolland> "Centuries, I believe." she says with a nod.. not really understanding that he was teasing. "It does not make sense with human time however, if that makes sense."
  44. Aug 11 01:05:20 <Knave> "Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey. Got it." Austin says, nodding, the despicable skating pop culture reference that he is.
  45. Aug 11 01:07:18 <SavanahHolland> "I have no idea what that means exactly, but yes." she says with a nod.. this dude was kinda odd, but smiley and very nice! "tell me about yourself." she says, basically copying what everyone asks her.
  46. Aug 11 01:09:40 <Knave> "Oh, not much to say really..." He says, examining his fingernails theatrically, "I was found as a child abandoned in a playground, grew up and learned to use my phenomenal powers of lubrication, got taken to Sunnybrook by the GWU, ran away from Sunnybrook and wandered Pennsylvania for six months, came back to Sunnybrook, then trekked through Faerie with the rest of the student body to Fifth Sanctum." He breaks into a grin,
  47. Aug 11 01:09:40 <Knave> "Then I decided to get some ice cream."
  48. Aug 11 01:11:02 <SavanahHolland> She suddenly looks rather excited "You were at Sunnybrook as well, yes? I was there too, I was Nadia- though you do not know Nadia, but I was at the school as well!"
  49. Aug 11 01:12:18 <Knave> "Oh yeah?" He says, mildly interested, "Always nice to know a fellow Sunnybrook kid." He scratches at his neck, "Dare I ask what prompted the name change?"
  50. Aug 11 01:12:49 <SavanahHolland> "Nadia was murdered." she says rather pleasantly
  51. Aug 11 01:13:36 <Knave> "Oh." He says, the most fazed he's been since casually finding a girl in the fridge, "Sorry to hear that."
  52. Aug 11 01:18:31 <SavanahHolland> "It is fine, a lot of people did not seem to like Nadia very much, they like Siobhan much better."
  53. Aug 11 01:19:36 <Knave> Austin's expression falters into uncertainty, "Well.... whatever works for you, I guess."
  54. Aug 11 01:20:44 <SavanahHolland> She nods, extremely pleased with herself and him "I should leave before I eat all of the icecream.." she says with a frown.
  55. Aug 11 01:22:23 <Knave> "Always a good idea," He says with a little smile, getting to his feet and offering her a hand up, "Want me to put it away for you, or do you wanna brave the freezer?"
  56. Aug 11 01:23:36 <SavanahHolland> "Can you put it away please?" she almost sounds meekly, glancing to the freezer.. shivers down her spine really, cuz its cold.
  57. Aug 11 01:25:03 <Knave> Austin takes the tub and puts it away in the freezer with movements that might be a little too deliberate. "Not a problem." He smiles encouragingly.
  58. Aug 11 01:26:11 <SavanahHolland> - Scene Creamed, lol -
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