
Great Ace

Apr 29th, 2019
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  1. == GOOD ==
  3. + Holmes was handled well, I like that he wasn't just a complete buffoon. He's a genius, but is easily mislead *due* to his perception and boredom. I like the way he just lets Ryuunosuke correct him along the way and the explanation they give for why he's cool with it
  4. + Iris and Gina some cool character work, the kind of emotional beats Shu Takumi has always been good at writing
  5. + Susato might by my favorite assistant, she's competent and contributes, she actually feels more of a partner and less of a child
  6. + Basically the whole core cast and outside-of-case writing is strong
  7. + Joint Reasoning's aesthetic is flawless. I love the spotlights, the snapping, the music, the UI. It really makes you feel exactly the right mood.
  8. + Case 3 is overall very solid in premise and progression. It takes good advantage of the London setting and the period, and the way the case works out is very interesting and novel
  9. + Case 1 is...surprisingly interesting given it being a case 1 of a new 'series'
  10. + The OST in general is pretty great. I'm not sure if its my favorite out of AA games, but it lives up to their reputation.
  11. + Some of the witnesses are really fun to cross-examine, the Tinpillars in particular are worth noting.
  12. + The way the race relations play out seems pretty realistic, honestly, the game really does *feel* like it takes place around the turn of the century, not just occurring in the present with people in funny costumes.
  13. + I liked that van Zieks isn't evil. Nor does he immediately buddy up to Ryuunosuke. He's a jerk, he's determined to get a guilty verdict, but he's not cartoonishly evil or over the top (despite what his animations may show).
  14. + Holmes' wacky inventions not being admissible as evidence.
  15. + I liked all the little flourishes that Ryuunosuke has before he's an official attorney. His smacks don't make a loud bang, his shifty eyes, him constantly raising his hand awkwardly.
  16. + The killer of case 5 was handled quite well, I think
  18. == BAD ==
  20. - The game feels only half a step above AA5 in difficulty. It holds your hand pretty hard, and almost all evidence is only used once.
  21. - Investigations are also way too simple, very few places to explore
  22. - Cases feel really simple. Only a few individuals involved in each case, only a few people to cross examine. I pine for the AAI-2 days, or even the complexity of a 1-4/1-5.
  23. - Only the last 2 cases have both an investigation and trial segment, and even then only one each. Kind of goes with the above complaint, but it was so jarring I wanted to note it separately.
  24. - Joint Reasoning's actual logic feels like another pointless observation gimmick. It's basically a glorified multiple choice question.
  25. - Case 2's execution and resolution feels really rushed. I have suspicions that there's more going on here, but the way it's presented in *this* game feels like an anti-climax. It's kind of a *BIG DEAL* but the case ends up having this really silly resolution.
  26. - Case 1's 30 minute detour near the end almost ruins the pace. It really makes little sense that it's even included, there's another way to resolve the dilemma that doesn't involve the roundabout. (HINT: Destroying the poison evidence DOESN'T MATTER as long as you can prove *she* fired the gun)
  27. - Juror system doesn't really work. The presentation with the flames is overly 'videogamey' feeling, which is a shame because of how much they stick to the pseudo-realism for all the other parts of the game. They're also used as cheap plot devices, too, which further strains the delicate balance between realism and cartoon that Ace Attorney games always have to tread. How convenient that one of the jurors loves stereoscopic images, wonder if that'll come up in the trial?
  28. - Would rather just have another cross examination segment than any Closing Trials
  29. - Multi-witness cross examinations rely too much on just pressing everything to get the other witness to add a line of testimony. It seriously happens way too much and there's no tension to it.
  30. - I didn't like that the political intrigue stuff doesn't go anywhere? It comes up in a few trials (1, 2, 5) but it doesn't really mean anything. Maybe it's a sequel hook, but it feels different in a way and it kind of bugged me.
  32. MEH?
  34. = I didn't really mind the sequel hooks. I kiiiind of would have preferred if it was just related to case 1 and the Baskervilles mystery, but throwing a last minute question in there feels...acceptable? I can understand why people might not like it, but I think case 5 was sufficiently wrapped up to allow it.
  35. = Case 4 was...fine? I thought there was going to be more to it with the other roads, though.
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