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a guest
Apr 26th, 2014
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  1. Nyx Pre-re deck (1-3-0)
  3. (7) Plains
  4. (6) Swamp
  5. (3) Mountain
  6. (2) Pharika's Chosen [creature - B]
  7. (1) Oppressive Rays [enchant creature - W]
  8. (1) Magma Spray [instant - R]
  9. (1) Font of Return [enchantment 1B]
  10. (1) Mogis's Warhound [enchantment creature - 1R]
  11. (1) Lightning Strike [instant - 1R]
  12. (1) Guardians of Meletis [artifact creature - 3]
  13. (1) Master of the Feast [enchantment creature - 1BB]
  14. (3) Eagle of the Watch [creature - 2W]
  15. (1) Kragma Butcher [creature - 1R]
  16. (2) Aspect of the Gorgon [enchant creature - 2B]
  17. (1) Asphyxiate [sorcery - 1BB]
  18. (1) Drown in Sorrow [sorcery - 1BB]
  19. (1) Divine Verdict [instant - 3W]
  20. (1) Ritual of the Returned [instant - 3B]
  21. (1) Flurry of Horns [sorcery - 4R]
  22. (1) Doomwake Giant [enchantment creature - 4B PROMO]
  23. (1) Supply-Line Cranes [creature - 3WW]
  24. (1) Griffin Dreamfinder [creature - 3WW]
  25. (1) Skyspear Cavalry [creature - 3WW]
  27. Very solid deck I think; but my lack of a game ending bombs in my pulls, no enchantment removal, and no card draw made things an uphill fight against faster decks with lots of creatures. I actually went 1-2, but decided to drop since I would not receive any packs and it was 4AM already. First two games of the night where the most fun I've had in magic for months. Tons of clutch plays.
  28. Master of the Feast was nice, but 3 of the 5 times I played him (each pre turn 5) he was locked and unable to fulfill his roll as a beat stick and just gave my opponents cards.
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