
RevoX Chapter #5360

Jan 12th, 2016
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  1. [World]Vithril:huehue
  2. [World]Vithril:his and brooks
  3. [World]BloodSwoRd:yeah. how u doing Dig?
  4. [World]Vithril:o and bb and moriahs
  5. [World]BloodSwoRd:u back trying 2 play Dig?
  6. [World]Dig_Bick:yea
  7. [World]BloodSwoRd:sent u pm Dig
  8. [World]Dig_Bick:and u know nimbles it's my friend got banned haha
  9. [World]BloodSwoRd:yeah. i got his FB
  10. [World]BloodSwoRd:let me see if i can log into his acct
  11. [World]Ares.s027:why he got banned
  12. [World]Dig_Bick:he's stupid
  13. [World]BloodSwoRd:it said.. Banned. contact support. loooooool
  14. [World]Dig_Bick:haha yea
  15. [World]Ares.s027:he must be racist
  16. [World]Ares.s027:stupid ppl always get rekt
  17. [World]Eri℮ana:can i try to login him?
  18. [World]Dig_Bick:why?
  19. [World]Eri℮ana:just wanna see it for myself
  20. [Notice]valley killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  21. [World]Dig_Bick:u can't log in he got banned
  22. [World]Eri℮ana:just wanna see it for myself
  23. [World]AlMigtyGod:lol
  24. [World]Thanks:We need STRENGTH, we need BRAIN, and most importantly
  25. [World]Thanks:we need STRONG LEADERSHIP.
  26. [World]Thanks:Vote Donald Trump for president in 2016 and
  27. [World]Thanks:let's *MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
  28. [World]Dig_Bick:ljaskdhaskdhasjk d
  29. [World]M0rpheus:He has none of those,he's a feeble *******
  30. [World]M0rpheus:*PlayBoy
  31. [World]Romero.s005:lol
  32. [World]Romero.s005:are you trump's acc' friend or did it get banned? or smth?
  33. [Notice]DarkKenshi has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  34. [Notice]Congrats to Butaw for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  35. [World]蔼:*Nami*
  36. [Notice]Congrats to Butaw for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  37. [Notice]Hyaenae get Lv.5 Shell Chest in Log Pose, Congratz!
  38. [World]蔼:*Franky*
  39. [World]gmicehand:*Aokiji*
  40. [World]babyboo:chopper black moon set dude
  41. [World]蔼:me?
  42. [World]babyboo:yes
  43. [World]蔼:i need magical attack
  44. [World]babyboo:nice crew
  45. [World]蔼:lol..
  46. [World]babyboo:*Franky*
  47. [World]babyboo:franky p***ives good or bad?
  48. [World]蔼:p***ives?
  49. [World]babyboo:yes
  50. [World]Romero.s005:kind not
  51. [World]Romero.s005:you should replace blood surge with rapid outburst
  52. [World]Romero.s005:since your goal is to be faster than the opponent
  53. [World]babyboo:well fail reset wkwkwk
  54. [World]蔼:i have blood surge and rapit outbirst in my franky
  55. [World]蔼:marco or nami??
  56. [World]蔼:*Marco*
  57. [World]mark_11:*Nami*
  58. [World]gmicehand:*Marco*
  59. [World]蔼:*Nami*
  60. [World]spYdee:marco
  61. [World]蔼:really?
  62. [World]gmicehand:marco win by 4 to 2
  63. [World]mark_11:*Kidd*
  64. [World]蔼:*Kidd*
  65. [World]gmicehand:1hit k.o
  66. [World]蔼:who?
  67. [World]Eri℮ana:OP
  68. [World]babyboo:mark 11 fail nami
  69. [World]gmicehand:marco
  70. [World]gmicehand:if u have about 700k or 900k hp for hem
  71. [World]蔼:yeah but for now i will use nami :P
  72. [World]蔼:duel me qmicehand
  73. [World]蔼:only 3 crew's i will use
  74. [World]gmicehand:*o* lol
  75. [World]"DANIEL":i win hahaha
  76. [World]蔼:my nami no item wait lol
  77. [World]"DANIEL":hahaha
  78. [World]蔼:duel me again daniel
  79. [World]"DANIEL":i dont like my shirahoshi e.e
  80. [World]gmicehand:hm
  81. [World]"DANIEL":wait
  82. [World]gmicehand:iwin hhhhhh
  83. [World]"DANIEL":i lost hahaha
  84. [World]蔼:lets swap your shirahoshi for my chopper
  85. [World]"DANIEL":i so weak hahaha
  86. [World]蔼:i win to you daniel
  87. [World]"DANIEL":hahaha if posible hahaha
  88. [World]"DANIEL":i know because im weak e.e
  89. [World]蔼:i win qmicehand
  90. [World]gmicehand:so am i ^ _ ^
  91. [World]"DANIEL":my robin fury gave is 49 e.e
  92. [World]蔼:lol
  93. [World]"DANIEL":yeah e.e thats why im noob e.e
  94. [World]蔼::P
  95. [World]蔼:duel me crew is my prot and franky only
  96. [World]"DANIEL":i dont like my robin and shira e.e
  97. [World]蔼:i win lol
  98. [World]"DANIEL":you always win against me e.e
  99. [World]蔼:i like shira
  100. [World]蔼:i will compose shira after my aokiji
  101. [World]"DANIEL":i will compose garp then chopper
  102. [World]蔼:nc
  103. [World]"DANIEL":why you like shira?
  104. [World]蔼:i have akainu and kizaru card only left to compose garp
  105. [World]蔼:but i will use my aokiji
  106. [World]"DANIEL":ahhh nice
  107. [World]"DANIEL":why?
  108. [World]蔼:coz he is pretty hahahaa
  109. [World]蔼:and ***y
  110. [World]"DANIEL":me i only need garp so i can change to my brook
  111. [World]"DANIEL":hahaha now i know hahaha
  112. [World]蔼:no just kidding.....
  113. [World]"DANIEL":but you always use chopper rather than shira hahaha
  114. [World]蔼:i like her coz my chopper heal depends on his Magical attack
  115. [World]蔼:my chopper magical attack is low....and low heal..
  116. [World]蔼:so i need shira for more heal
  117. [World]"DANIEL":hmmm but shira heal every she special?
  118. [World]蔼:what?
  119. [World]"DANIEL":shira heal if her fury is 100
  120. [World]蔼:yeah ofcouse
  121. [World]蔼:add me as a friend
  122. [World]"DANIEL":but chopper heal every turn of your crew
  123. [World]MeliodasS::3
  124. [World]"DANIEL":i need wit badge so my robin gave 50 fury
  125. [World]蔼:i dont care if my chopper heal 3 times and give 100 fury
  126. [World]蔼:i just want shira!!
  127. [World]"DANIEL":should i develop strength in brook or speed?
  128. [World]"DANIEL":hahaha because shes so pretty hahaha
  129. [World]蔼:strength
  130. [World]MeliodasS:*Shirahoshi*
  131. [World]SexyPsyco:str
  132. [World]"DANIEL":thanks hahaha
  133. [World]"DANIEL":*Shirahoshi*
  134. [World]MeliodasS:cool
  135. [World]"DANIEL":psy your robin gave 50 fury?
  136. [World]SexyPsyco:not start dev focus on marco
  137. [World]SexyPsyco:now only 49
  138. [World]"DANIEL":ahhh same hahaha
  139. [World]MeliodasS:hp ?
  140. [World]"DANIEL":meliodas my marco is good enough or not?
  141. [World]SexyPsyco:marco? just 320k...
  142. [World]Romero.s005:robin with +49 fury is mostly useless
  143. [World]Romero.s005:even more without any T1.
  144. [World]Romero.s005:+ a marco with 164 hp isnt worth using too.
  145. [World]"DANIEL":yeah its true romero e.e
  146. [World]SexyPsyco:i just got only one t1..
  147. [World]"DANIEL":im so weak hahaha e.e
  148. [World]蔼:t1 meaning?
  149. [World]Eri℮ana:OP pipol on world chat^^
  150. [World]Romero.s005:still seing your general hp you understood at least how
  151. [World]SexyPsyco:100% fury
  152. [World]Romero.s005:this crew works :D its not the case for everyone
  153. [World]蔼:im weak too ...
  154. [World]Romero.s005:you should try using him once you can get him around 300k
  155. [World]蔼:im a free user
  156. [World]"DANIEL":ahhh so should i create moon?
  157. [World]"DANIEL":im a free user too
  158. [World]蔼:no sun...just joking
  159. [World]Romero.s005:moon?
  160. [World]MeliodasS:*** so many free user stronger
  161. [World]蔼:i stop this game for 2 years :(
  162. [World]蔼:yeah but not me
  163. [World]MeliodasS:haha me too bro im back yesterday
  164. [World]蔼:i think lvl 69 can beat me
  165. [World]"DANIEL":yeah like jovan hahaha even he 99 hes BT is 125 hahaha
  166. [World]MeliodasS:shichi ? haha
  167. [World]蔼:MeliodasS you are strong
  168. [World]"DANIEL":jovan always beat me T_T
  169. [World]蔼:me too T_T
  170. [World]Eri℮ana:i wanna fight that jovan ^^
  171. [World]蔼:what is the meaning of POB?
  172. [World]MeliodasS:noo
  173. [World]MeliodasS:my rank arena 1209 hahaha
  174. [World]Eri℮ana:i think i can win
  175. [World]蔼:nc Erieana
  176. [World]蔼:but the real rank is i think 100 below
  177. [World]SexyPsyco:cool...mine 3000
  178. [World]"DANIEL":but im not the true owner of these
  179. [World]蔼:im in arena rank 473 if i not mistaken
  180. [World]NrdyFckrII:here is my main hahaha im daniel hahaha
  181. [World]蔼:i have many more account ....LOL
  182. [World]蔼:Cool daniel
  183. [World]"DANIEL":hahaha my brother gave this to me
  184. [World]Eri℮ana:You've defeated R£b£cca. Your rank rises to 116
  185. [World]蔼:nc....i think i have 9 accounts LOL
  186. [World]Eri℮ana:thats my rank atm
  187. [World]蔼:nc Erieana rank 116 too strong
  188. [World]MeliodasS:9 acct LOL haha
  189. [World]Romero.s005:idk how you can manage that
  190. [World]Eri℮ana:can i have any account who is lvl 100 to 109?
  191. [World]SexyPsyco:upgrade to redforce is pain in the s
  192. [World]"DANIEL":wow
  193. [World]Romero.s005:i'm already busy enough with 1 :')
  194. [World]"DANIEL":hahaha its ok for me if i have 3 hahaha
  195. [World]Eri℮ana:upgrading from 3 star to 4 star roger is a pain in d pusSy
  196. [World]"DANIEL":hahaha
  197. [World]蔼::D
  198. [World]Eri℮ana:anyone got free 100+ accnt
  199. [World]MeliodasS:haha
  200. [World]蔼:why?
  201. [World]Eri℮ana:for dummy
  202. [World]Eri℮ana:need 9k more power....deym
  203. [World]蔼:lol
  204. [World]"DANIEL":i have erieana hahaha
  205. [World]"DANIEL":but its so weak e.e
  206. [World]Eri℮ana:its ok..can i have it?
  207. [World]MeliodasS:erieana your crew max dev?
  208. [World]"DANIEL":ok bye GTB i need to go to school hahaha
  209. [World]SexyPsyco:clicking it lag my pc
  210. [World]蔼::D bye
  211. [World]"DANIEL":later erieana
  212. [World]Eri℮ana:yep..the main 5 crew is max..but the rest is not yet max
  213. [World]Eri℮ana:just email me the info daniel
  214. [World]蔼:how much did pay for that strong account .. :P
  215. [World]"DANIEL":how should i max the inte of robin e.e
  216. [World]蔼:luxury development LOL
  217. [World]Eri℮ana:i was vip5 long time ago..about 3yrs ago
  218. [World]"DANIEL":is only 1692 e.e
  219. [World]蔼:but now Erieana!!?
  220. [World]"DANIEL":wow vip5 hahaha
  221. [World]SexyPsyco:spend alot,alot of prestige
  222. [World]Eri℮ana:still vip5..
  223. [World]蔼:Erieana any suggestions to develop my nami
  224. [World]"DANIEL":okay bye GTB i need to go to school now
  225. [World]蔼:what should ill max to nami?
  226. [World]Eri℮ana:u guys need autodev for that
  227. [World]蔼:how?
  228. [World]Eri℮ana:nami is INT
  229. [World]SexyPsyco:how much you nami int?
  230. [World]蔼:1040..
  231. [World]TheSphinx:I got 1969 int in robin after manually developing. rofl!
  232. [World]Eri℮ana:i think some facebook page for legion have it
  233. [World]TheSphinx:Do you know how to use the auto dev?
  234. [World]蔼:what do you mean?
  235. [World]蔼:we can get the auto dev in facebook page?
  236. [World]TheSphinx:When you wanna say yes, but then you say no.
  237. [World]SexyPsyco:what dou you mean by manually?
  238. [World]TheSphinx:manual click of Refine, Maintain, Replace
  239. [World]TheSphinx:spent hours developing her. o.O
  240. [World]蔼:you develop at your own lol
  241. [World]Eri℮ana:its easy to use it..need google chrome and set it to
  242. [World]Eri℮ana:100% zooming
  243. [World]蔼:how im in google chrome now
  244. [World]TheSphinx:I did that and it cant find dev tab
  245. [World]SexyPsyco:dem...i only got 1890 on nami...then gave up...focus on marc
  246. [World]Eri℮ana:for ship u can use mini mouse macro but its a lil bit harder
  247. [World]TheSphinx:what resolution does it need?
  248. [World]Eri℮ana:using laptop or pc?
  249. [World]TheSphinx:laptop
  250. [World]蔼:how should i get that autodev?
  251. [World]SexyPsyco:i got the auto dev..
  252. [World]Eri℮ana:as far as i remember its better to use it with pc
  253. [World]蔼:how?
  254. [World]蔼:im in goggle chrome now and im in a PC now
  255. [World]蔼:so how should i get that auto dev?
  256. [World]TheSphinx:I'll try it later
  257. [World]蔼:what now
  258. [World]SexyPsyco:http:***download*oke35rb4odl87ql*AutoDevCha
  259. [World]SexyPsyco:replace * with *
  260. [World]SexyPsyco:check your mail
  261. [World]蔼:i cant see
  262. [World]TheSphinx:now let's try. huehue
  263. [World]TheSphinx:it works on pc. :o
  264. [World]TheSphinx:but it doesn't in laptop. sad
  265. [World]SexyPsyco:where can i get adv warlord stone now?..mine just got 2 left
  266. [World]TheSphinx:shop for 488 gold
  267. [World]蔼:how i would start it?
  268. [World]蔼:should
  269. [World]Eri℮ana:replace * with a slash
  270. [World]蔼:what?
  271. [World]SexyPsyco:it better to stanby about 1m of prestige...
  272. [World]SexyPsyco:did you dwnload it already?
  273. [World]蔼:yes
  274. [World]SexyPsyco:unzip and run the green app
  275. [World]蔼:what should i do now?
  276. [World]SexyPsyco:select the attr and let it work auto
  277. [World]Eri℮ana:discuss it on other chat not here :3
  278. [World]SexyPsyco:lol..i want to make like this pp is alive like before...
  279. [World]蔼:yeah....
  280. [World]蔼:i cant understand SexyPsyco
  281. [World]蔼:its winzip here lol
  282. [World]SexyPsyco:yeah..extract the folder got developChar2 applicatio
  283. [World]SexyPsyco:run it
  284. [World]蔼:can you make video of that and post in youtube???
  285. [World] tube already got the video
  286. [World]Romero.s005:or you just follow instructions that may be in the same file
  287. [World]蔼:asking here:what do you want to do?
  288. [World]Romero.s005:i don't even think that kind of software would need any..
  289. [World]蔼:use the web service to find the correct program?
  290. [World]*watch?v=l2R*15xc1Dw
  291. [World]蔼:nah!!! never mind i will not use it
  292. [Notice]Eri℮ana killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
  293. [World]蔼:i cant open
  294. [World]SexyPsyco:later...gtg
  295. [World]Romero.s005::')
  296. [World]蔼:brb
  297. [World]Romero.s005:you you didnt "not using" for long :')
  298. [World]Romero.s005:c ya liar.
  299. [World]Shanw:hi
  300. [World]toplandas:*Enel*
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