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Jan 31st, 2016
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  1. Jesus Christ, reading this thread I can't help but think my own personal whateveritis might be one on these. Quick rundown of what's goin on-
  3. >Tall, dark man, wears a plague doctor's mask
  4. >Comes to me EVERY NIGHT between the hours of 3 and 5am
  5. >l can't speak, move, etc. I can only move my eyes
  6. >He stands right at the side of my bed mostly, sometimes he's hovering directly above me, can't always see him perfectly
  7. >Fucking TALKS to me, usually about my activities or general thoughts throughout the day
  8. >For example, he's asked me about my writing, what I want to do this summer, how I'm going to live after I eventually move out, when I'll finally go camping, etc
  9. >He knows I can't answer and just prattles on for maybe 10 minutes a day, usually gives sound advice if I need it
  10. >He even knows when I've told people about him and has called me out on it before, but doesn't mind so much
  12. This has been going on since August 2011 and only in the last 6 months has it become a nightly thing. Used to only be every couple of nights. I've also had some really fucked up "paranormal" encounters where he's come to me after the fact and told me things about what it was I saw/heard/whatever. Sometimes he'll even warn me before I go places or tell me about "things" I didn't even know I was near.
  13. I don't think he's evil by any means, but I can't really say he's my guardian or some shit. He just seems like a friendly passerby that won't leave.
  14. Pic related, closest thing google images had to him.
  16. Same anon, still bored enough to be on /x/. bumping with a couple of stories. Condensing them as best I can. but there are 3 of them and I have a deadline tomorrow so I'm going to make this quick. If anybody gives half a fuck, feel free to say so and validate my existence.
  17. >December 2011
  18. >A friend of my mother's is moving into a new house, her husband is away on business
  19. >And she's pregnant
  20. >Asks me to help unload stuff, set up the house and clean
  21. >The neighborhood isn't great, so she asks me to spend the night because she doesn't want to risk anything happening while she's alone
  22. >l get an airbed on first floor in the living room that has sliding glass doors leading to the backyard and no curtains to speak of
  23. >The house has been giving me the creeps all day, lots of clunking and shit coming from the pipes
  24. >can't sleep, end up laying there until about 1:30am, there is literally no sound coming from anywhere
  25. >suddenly I hear the side door opening in the kitchen 20 feet away
  26. >l'm frozen fucking solid and in a cold sweat
  27. >Can hear load shuffling heading up the stairs, pretty sure it was plastic grocery bags
  28. >goes up and never comes down
  29. >Don't sleep, my Doctor friend visits at his usual time
  30. >Says only one thing to me; "Don't move"
  31. >l can see him sort of glide off into the other room where the staircase is
  32. >a minute later and there's this ungodly screeching coming from upstairs followed up by the violent clunking of the pipes from earlier
  33. (cont)
  35. 2nd Part.
  36. >Don't sleep all night after that
  37. >The next day the pregnant chick wakes up (Her own airbed was on the other side of the living room in the corner.) and tells me I look like shit
  38. >Explain to her what happened last night
  39. >Calls bullshit but is still a little freaked, sends me upstairs with baseball bat
  40. >Shit's a fucking mess
  41. >A windows were broken, there was a hole punched in the wall, some of the boxes were ripped up by what looked like a dog or cat, the fucking toilet seat in the upstairs bathroom was snapped in half and the back lid of the toilet was completely gone
  42. >Didn't find anybody or anything though
  43. >Call the cops finally
  44. >They tell us it was probably just some hobo looking for a place to crash
  45. >That day the chick's husband comes home and I go back to my own place
  46. >That night when the Doc' comes for his nightly checkup, he tells me I was lucky I didn't open the closet when I was up there
  47. >Don't even fucking go back to that place
  48. >July 2012, the couple moves out
  49. >3 weeks later, some dude is killed at the place and it makes the local paper
  50. >Clawed to death by a bear in the backyard (there was no fence and the place is near the woods
  51. >Once again, the doc comes and tells me it was no bear
  52. >My fucking face during the whole ordeal
  54. And another.
  55. >June 2012
  56. >Perfect weather to go inna woods
  57. >Decide to fuck it and camp behind my house, since this is a fairly woodsy state (WA)
  58. >Gear up, go out and set up camp about a mile out
  59. >AII goes well until nightfall
  60. >Fucking shit I forgot the flashlight why am I so autistic
  61. >Like an idiot I go back to my house to get one
  62. >Easily make it back even in the dark because I've been out this way a million times
  63. >Grab flashlight and the lantern, then head back outside through the backdoor
  64. >Standing at the edge of the woods is this motherfucker
  65. >Like, I don't even fucking know what it was, certainly not an animal from around here
  66. >Long ass legs, down on all 4s, skinny as shit, long neck, no hair anywhere
  67. >lt's standing right at the start of the path I always use to go inna woods
  68. >and it's looking right at me
  69. >Jesus FUCKING CHRIST that is a big mouth
  70. >slowly back up to the door, not taking my eyes off the thing
  71. >Open it up and go back inside, lock the door, shove a chair in front of it and turn on all the lights
  72. >That night I don't even lay down to go to sleep
  73. >The doc comes anyway, I'm frozen in front of my computer
  74. >"Don't go back."
  75. >Don't go back into the woods for 2 days, leaving all my shit out there
  76. >l grab a couple of buddies to come with me because I'm a pussy
  77. >we get to my campground and there's nothing left but my tom up sleeping bag
  78. >no trace of anything else in the area, no footprints, no markings, nothing but the cotton from my gutted sleeping bag
  80. (But who was doctor?)
  82. Paralysis, doesn't matter if I've been asleep before he shows up.
  84. I never went back to that spot and there's no force on earth that can make me Last story, comin up
  85. >Last week
  86. >Try going urban exploring because I'm a dumbshit
  87. >Had this one place pegged for the last couple of months, posted on /x/ before about it (pic related)
  88. >Wait until nighttime, grab gear, my camera is dead though (picture is about 2 months old, took it when I was out scouting for places)
  89. >This is about half a mile away from my house in the opposite direction of the campground in my previous story, so I figure there's no chance of running into IT.
  90. >The night before the Doc comes to me and tells me to be quiet
  91. >Spend all day wondering what the fuck he meant
  92. >shrug it off and set out for the warehouse
  93. >get inside, loads of old equipment laying around, all rusted to hell and back because the roof is shit and leaks like a horny bitch
  94. >Really deep inside there's this makeshift skate park, ramps and crap made of wood and chunks of concrete
  95. >Really wishing I had my camera right now
  96. >suddenly footsteps
  97. >l duck behind a pile of crap in the corner by one of the doors
  98. >Two guys walk in from the other side of the room dressed in black, talking about I don't know what
  99. >Another guy comes in from the door to my left with a black plastic bag
  100. >He greets the other two coldly then throws the bag at them
  101. >The two open it up, whisper something to each other and throw it back
  102. (cont)
  104. final part
  105. >The guy with the bag says with a heavy Irish accent
  106. >"AII in place for the delivery?"
  107. >One of the two in black just nods, the other has his cellphone out and is typing something
  108. >lrish guy says "It's been a pleasure, gents" then turns on his heels and leaves the way he came
  109. >The two guys in black just stand around for a few minutes, seemingly for no fucking reason whatsoever before leaving
  110. >all this time I'm scared out of my mind, no idea what the fuck just happened
  111. >l wait another half an hour before leaving just to be safe, when I get home I call the cops but they never followup
  112. >Trying to sleep that night was a nightmare, didn't stop Doc
  113. >"You need to stop sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong. I know you aren't trying to, but you simply must put in some effort against it"
  114. >Still haven't bought a new camera so I can go back and take more pictures
  116. And I still don't know what the fuck the Doc is.
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