
Bacon's Milkmare childrens story.

Aug 11th, 2013
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  3. [09:11] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Oh this magazine has a nice story
  4. [09:11] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Lets see
  5. [09:11] Sloppy Seconds (iwtcirbd): i can also read it to him
  6. [09:11] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): This story is about the Milkmare of Trotsdale
  7. [09:12] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Milky Way was a pony that lived in Trotsdale
  8. [09:12] LyraaHeartstrings: Get your tits off of my sons head, sloppy.
  9. [09:12] Sloppy Seconds (iwtcirbd): wanna read the first story skittles?
  10. [09:12] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She was very happy and had a very special talent
  11. [09:13] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): It was so special she got her cutie mark many years after her friends got theirs
  12. [09:13] Lumishy is online.
  13. [09:14] Sloppy Seconds (iwtcirbd): i just begin
  14. [09:14] Skittles (chromaticquickie): I never had a chance to learn to read. There were too many filly fondlers near my home by the wafflehouse.
  15. [09:14] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She was so happy when during puberty her teats became magnitudes larger than everyone elses
  16. [09:14] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): And that she could produce so much milk that it could rival a cow
  17. [09:14] Lumishy passes out
  18. [09:14] Lumishy: *dead*
  19. [09:15] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Many of hew cow friends were so happy for her, since they were the ones that stuck by her
  20. [09:15] Lumishy: I think I'm going to leave, ponies smoking weed and stuff
  21. [09:15] Sloppy Seconds (iwtcirbd): so prude
  22. [09:15] LyraaHeartstrings: I feel like I may become more unemployed by listening to this story.
  23. [09:15] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Do you want some too?
  24. [09:15] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She earned her cutie mark when she filled her 1st bottle of milk
  25. [09:16] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): And from that day she sold her milk to all the mothers and fathers of little kids when they were unfortunately couldn't produce milk for their children
  26. [09:17] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): many of those were once those that bulied her
  27. [09:17] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): They were all very soory
  28. [09:17] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Were they friends after that?
  29. [09:17] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): One day she was delivering her milk, when she made a horrible mistake
  30. [09:17] Mr. Broccoli ( is online.
  31. [09:18] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She forgot to fill the bottles last evening when she was having fun with her new friends, when she was reliving her lost years
  32. [09:19] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Oh no...
  33. [09:19] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She was in the middle of the road between Trotsdale and the little town called Lovestruck
  34. [09:19] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Her large teats were full and engorged
  35. [09:19] Sloppy Seconds (iwtcirbd): i know that feel
  36. [09:19] Hagen Daz (reavz) is online.
  37. [09:20] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): But the presure was overwhelming, she couldn't move her body
  38. [09:20] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Luckily to her relief she found a stranger coming from Lovestruck
  39. [09:21] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She never did discover his name, and his appearance was lost to her in that exiting afternoon
  40. [09:21] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She was paralyzed on the road, when the stranger came to help
  41. [09:21] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Milky said what the problem was, and that she needed his help
  42. [09:22] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She had never had a stranger help milk her before, but as he came closer with an eager expression, she had feelings she hadn't had before
  43. [09:23] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): The stranger got 5 bottles ready, but he wasn't sure that was enouth
  44. [09:23] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): As he began to pull down, complete relief filled Milky
  45. [09:23] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): and So much presure was released, the milk came out like a firehose
  46. [09:24] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Wow
  47. [09:24] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She filled a bottle within 2 seconds, and the second in 4
  48. [09:24] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): The kind stranger quickly grabbed the rest of the empty bottles collected, there were 3 more
  49. [09:25] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): He was sure that there wasn't enouth
  50. [09:25] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): He continued his work, getting exited at Milky sighs of complete pleasure and
  51. [09:26] Sloppy Seconds (iwtcirbd): [lactation intensifies]
  52. [09:26] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): He felt he would need a kilking too after
  53. [09:26] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): milking*
  54. [09:26] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Stallions can be milked too?
  55. [09:26] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Before he new it, one teat was drained, but the other was still about to burst, and he ran out of bottles
  56. [09:26] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Oh yes they can, listen and you can find out
  57. [09:27] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Okay!
  58. [09:27] Sloppy Seconds (iwtcirbd) is eager to hear the rest of the story
  59. [09:27] Raffle Board A (MAIN) 2.0 shouts: Digger Fanshaw has entered the contest: 'Lita's Sim Raffle'.
  60. [09:27] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Anyway he licked up some milk on his hoof, it was sweet and delicious
  61. [09:27] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): He couldn't let it be wasted
  62. [09:28] kalycee is offline.
  63. [09:28] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): He went down, and sucked on Milkys other teat before she could think otherwise
  64. [09:28] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Milky was hopping he was going to do that, she was having the time of her life
  65. [09:28] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Having a milker was so much easier and better
  66. [09:29] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Everything is better with friends!
  67. [09:29] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): As he sucked on the fat teat, it sprayed out harder than the last one
  68. [09:29] Indig0 (shice0) is online.
  69. [09:29] Best Fluttershy (hehecodyhehe) is online.
  70. [09:30] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): It was hard to swallow quickly enouth so it wouldn't spay out his nose!
  71. [09:30] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): spray*
  72. [09:30] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): He was so exited, his penis had exited out of his sheath fully, and stood erect and ready
  73. [09:31] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Milky felt that 1 full teats worth of milk wasn't enough, and decided to help this kind gentlecolt
  74. [09:32] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Is that normal for weiners? I thought mine was acting strange...
  75. [09:32] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She went down and sucked down like it was a giant lolipop
  76. [09:32] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Thats normal Skittles, you're lucky to learn this at such a young age
  77. [09:33] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): You will be well advantaged when you a young fit colt
  78. [09:33] Vampirella Topaz is offline.
  79. [09:33] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Hooray!
  80. [09:33] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): The two ponys were having so much fun, that it didn't take long for the two to finish
  81. [09:34] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): When the last drop left Milkys teat, she came with the stranger, being fully milked out of all places
  82. [09:34] Raffle Board A (MAIN) 2.0 shouts: Blackbeard Sparta has entered the contest: 'Lita's Sim Raffle'.
  83. [09:35] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): The stranger was so exuasted and full, he had to lie down and rest, while Milky went to her duties
  84. [09:35] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She still had a job to do!
  85. [09:35] Urs (ofdiscord) is offline.
  86. [09:36] Raffle Board A (MAIN) 2.0 shouts: Yoko Rae has entered the contest: 'Lita's Sim Raffle'.
  87. [09:36] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): From this day, she now has a milker help her out, it was so much easier and exiting, and she produced so much more than before
  88. [09:37] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): She still has bottle shortages to this day, but luckily she has found many ponys in need that like it fresh
  89. [09:37] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): Either kids or adult ponies!
  90. [09:37] Bacon Supreme (notghostler): The End
  91. [09:37] Skittles (chromaticquickie): Happy end! Yay~
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