

Jun 8th, 2015
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  1. report 1353
  2. Report #1353
  3. Skillset: Music Skill: Composition
  4. Guild: Symphonium Status: Draft
  6. Problem: Currently, the length of a composed song is majorily altered by the bard's charisma. At 18 charisma your song may last 170 seconds, but at 20 charisma your song could easily last 200 seconds. With races being normalised and stats being removed, I'd like to see something included to increase the length of the song.
  8. Solution #1: Have your skill level in your set alter your song length, having a base amount at Master (where you get composition) that rises until you hit Transcendent, where it caps. Everyone would have the same song length except for Champions, who would have it increased by virtue of their leader artefact.
  9. Solution #2: Have your ability with your instrument (MUSIC - INSTRUMENTBOND) increase the length of the song, beginning with a base amount at 0% that increases to a plateau at 100%. Bonding with the instrument will give a bonus to song length that will cap your length with the only exception being the one mentioned in Solution 1.
  10. Solution #3: Add a new skill to Music known as Stamina. Similar to alcohol tolerance, musical stamina will rise with every consecutive IG day you play your instrument, beginning to fall if you go one month or more without playing it at all. You would rise through six ranks: Wandering Traveller --> Humble Prodigy --> Flourishing Artist --> Musical Afficianado --> Celebrated Concertist --> Voice of the Ages. These will take you through variable caps (that increase with your instrument proficiency a la Solution 2) until you max out at level 6 (with bonded instrument). Once more, exception to the champions who still gain from their artefacts. Possibly we could see this buff damage chords in a way similar to achromatic aura, but I am aware this would make the "OP Cantor Damage (tm)" even stronger.
  11. Type MORE to continue reading. (99% shown)
  12. 01:49:18.95|104%h|100%m|99%e|10p|100%en|100%w mBexk-
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