
Memories :D

Feb 7th, 2014
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  1. <Trixiefag> So what are your guys's earliest memories?
  2. <Nope> of what, exactly?
  3. <applefag> of waterskiing of course
  4. <applefag> tell us about the first time you went waterskiing, nope
  5. <Trixiefag> Of anything
  6. <Nope> well
  7. <Trixiefag> your absolute earliest memory, very first one
  8. <Nope> I've never been waterskiing
  9. <Nope> but
  10. <Nope> my first memories EVER
  11. <Nope> uh
  12. <Nope> well
  13. <Nope> shit
  14. <Nope> it's real choppy
  15. <Nehem> I remember walking in a park with my grandma and great grandma
  16. <Nope> I only remember like chunks
  17. <Nope> I remember playing with matchbox cars on my living room floor
  18. <Nope> and legos
  19. <Nope> so many legos...
  20. <Trixiefag> why are your guys's memories so normal
  21. <Trixiefag> Why does mine have to either be drowning in a pool or drowning in shit
  22. <Nope> This makes you nostalgic as fuck --->
  23. <Nope> I remember stepping on a dead bee when I wa like 7
  24. <Nope> breaking a glass table when i was like 5-1/2
  25. <Nope> uh
  26. <Nope> broke my finger in a car door when I was 8
  27. <Nope> that fucking hurt
  28. <ImSleepy> I remember taking my toy car and making it drive over my poop
  29. <Nope> ._.
  30. <Nehem> hue
  31. <applefag> y'all niggas is weird
  32. <ImSleepy> and also remember being in a blizzard
  33. <Trixiefag> Yeah it's weird how my earliest memories were when I was 2, then my memory just completely blanks to 7, it's like my brain was doing a test run and decided 'nah, wait several years'
  34. <ImSleepy> lel
  35. <Nope> I KNOW
  36. <Nope> It's the same 4 me
  37. <Nope> I remember back to kindergarden
  38. <Trixiefag> Because my next memory after those two is my first day of kindergarten, I pushed a kid off his seat for being a year older than me
  39. <Nope> It was like 94
  40. <Trixiefag> and I got sent to the corner
  41. <ImSleepy> Oh shi-
  42. <ImSleepy> Fucking lol
  43. <Nope> I was imitating that black hires
  44. <Nope> haired*
  45. <Nope> girl from the peanuts
  46. <Trixiefag> I remember when I was 8, I got slapped in the forehead by a doorknob while playing hide and seek with this 4 year old girl named madison at my day care, and she got in -so- much trouble, I never saw her after that because I got like 6 stitches in my head, still have the scar
  47. <Nope> saying, "I outta slug you" to some fucking chump who stole my legos
  48. <Nope> and i got put in time out
  49. <Trixiefag> When I got hit, I took like 8 steps back before I fell on my ass like a cartoon, then i felt my warm cheek and saw blood and freaked out
  50. <Trixiefag> lol@nope's memory
  51. <Nope> holy shit so many memories are coming back
  52. * fronkthegronk ( has joined
  53. <fronkthegronk> what's going on now
  54. <Nehem> yo fronk
  55. <Nope> we're talking about our very first memories
  56. <Trixiefag> we're talkin-- yeah
  57. <Nope> earliesst you can remember
  58. <Trixiefag> I'll post my earliest
  59. <applefag> <Trixiefag> I shit in the tub and I watched it float around in the water when I was taking a bath
  60. <Trixiefag> well, alright
  61. <fronkthegronk> playing in the sandbox in kindergarten
  62. <applefag> no worries tf i got ya covered :^)
  63. <Nope> I'll post this whole thing in my pastebin
  64. <Trixiefag> Make a screencap for us too
  65. <Trixiefag> I'd save this convo, lol
  66. <Trixiefag> Rolling a toy truck over shit
  67. ------------------------------------------
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