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design for meh stuff

a guest
Jun 14th, 2016
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  1. Design Questions:
  2. Have you considered combining the home page intro with the "Energy Types and Careers" section so that there's more substantial content on the home page?
  4. What if you used an image on the home page that was more about renewable energy and less about travel or nature? Images like you've used for the "Energy Types and Careers" page do a great job of visually telling the story. You might find something free for use on
  6. Have you considered using content appropriate icons to help break up the text blocks to make it easier to read and understand the content? You might try something like for ideas or to find icons available for use. Remember to credit your sources if you use anything for free.
  8. Have you considered reducing the line length of the "Interview with a renewable/alternative energy proffesional" so that it's easier to read? A good rule of thumb is to target about 70 characters (or letters) per line or less. It's hard to read when the text extends the full width. Also, look for typos and misspellings. You don't want points off for "proffesional", because that's not "professional." ;)
  9. What if you had some small thumbnail images that represent the background images next to the text links (Wind Power, Solar Power, etc.) at the top of the "Energy Types and Careers" section?
  11. On your History timeline, have you considered having one open by default? I'd probably start with first one.
  13. On the about us screen, what if you linked the words "Bibliography" and "Work Log" instead of the "Click here…" text?
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