
mpbttf2 audrey firepower augment

Jan 27th, 2017
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  1. Ligaya spiritedly knocked on her tank's turret, spurring her war machine forward once more. The tank then trained its new 155mm howitzer at the formation of Wraiths. Ligaya barked her commands then held on tightly to the handles by the cupola to brace herself as the heavier gun fired. The shot sailed over the Wraiths and exploded midair, breaking up the formation and incinerating at least six of them. Then, the 25mm chain guns and the two heavy machine guns mounted on the tank unleashed another hail of lead. All the while, Audrey held on to the handles of the turret and watched her Soul Gem closely.
  3. (Magia, Pacem, Bellum Terarrum - Those Fallen, Chapter 2)
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