
SHOTS paordy-ish

Mar 15th, 2012
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  1. >you walk towards the pub and see a stallion stumble out
  2. >"I'm bucked up!"
  3. >you walk in and see it partially full and see some zebras
  4. >Zebra 1:"All of the alcoholics, where you at? Lets go!"
  5. >Zebra 3: "Lets go yeah!"
  6. >Zebra 2: "When I walk in the pub all eyes on me, I'm with the zebra rock crew
  7. All drinks are free"
  8. >Everyone cheers out "all drinks are free"
  9. >Zebra 2: "We like Ciroc, we love Patron"
  10. >Zebra 3: "We came to party rock, everyp0ny it's on!"
  11. >Barley Pop is passing trays of shots, each p0ny gets an entire tray filled with shots and you get one
  12. >Everyone is yelling "Shots shots shots shots shots Shots" repeatedly and soon enough you join them
  13. >Zebra 1: "Everyp0ny!"
  14. >you and everyone are yelling "Shots shots shots shots shots Shots" repeatedly
  15. >again Zebra 1 says "Everyp0ny!"
  16. >Zebra 1: "Let me see you p0nies do it"
  17. >Zebra 2: "The mares love us when we pour shots"
  18. >Zebra 3: "They need an excuse to suck our cocks"
  19. >Zebra 2: "We came to get krunk, how about you?
  20. >Zebra 3: "Bottoms up! Let's go round two!"
  21. >you and everyone is yelling "Shots shots shots shots shots Shots" repeatedly
  22. >Zebra 1: "Everyp0ny!"
  23. >you and everyone are yelling "Shots shots shots shots shots Shots" repeatedly
  24. >again Zebra 1 says "Everyp0ny!"
  25. >the door are loudly shattered as a cloak figure walks in
  26. >everyone is quiet including yourself
  27. >Zecora: Cousins we now must go or else we will miss the show.
  28. >All Zebras groan and say their good byes
  29. >you feel all pumped up but now kinda sad that it was starting to get kicking
  30. >you just realized you met pony versions of LMFAO and Lil Jon
  31. Oh shit
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