
Lokie's Insanity- Chapter 1.

Mar 12th, 2012
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  1. You wake up to a bright shining day. Another day in P0nyville. You have been here for a year now. 407 days to be exact. It has been hard to get used to the change. You still don’t know how you got here. You were driving home from college for the holidays, when you were hit by a freak thunderstorm. The rain pelt down on your beat up old pick-up.
  2. ‘Fuck, it’s really coming down out there.’ You say to yourself. ‘You up to it Rusty?’
  3. Rusty was your bright red chevy. It was bulky and oxidising where the paint chipped, but it was tough as guts. You and Rusty have been through tornados with minimal damage. The rain hit the road, and Rusty bashed through puddles like a total boss. There was a sudden flash and crack. Lightning just hit a metal pole 200 yards ahead of you by the side of the road.
  4. ‘Fuck, that was close.’
  5. You think to yourself you should probably find a place to stop so you don’t get hit, but you miss your little sister, Claire, too much. She is only 3 years younger than you, but she thinks what you have been doing is the best. You grew up fairly poor, your parents couldn’t afford a lot of the luxuries in life. But they gave you the best thing in life, they gave you love and showed you how to care for children (if you ever have kids). You worked hard through your adolesces to buy Rusty and pay for college. You want to be a teacher when your older, so you studied hard in all classes. You weren’t going to show a bad example to Claire. You want her to grow smarter than you. She deserves it.
  7. You plant your foot to the floor, and Rusty growled to life, inching forwards faster and faster. There was another flash of light and a huge BOOOM sound. You don’t remember anything after that. You woke up in on the edge of a brightly lit town, and in the back of your mind you recognise it. Your head hurts more than the time Claire whacked you in the head with the baseball bat, and you sit up. Next to you sat a duffel bag, YOUR duffel bag. You may be able to survive in wherever the fuck you are.
  8. In the backpack you find your hunting knife, a large amount of rope, 3 sets of clothes from college, and a picture of you and Claire, taken last year. Her long black hair blew through the wind as she tackled you when the photo was taken. You were so happy back then, it actually reminds you that you can be happy without your slut of an ex-girlfriend who decided to fuck her psych teacher. The cunt was 74 years old, and had a bad hip.
  10. You gather up your stuff, and head into the town. You hope to find out where you are, and how to get home again. You noticed it immediately, and they noticed you. Colourful p0niess everywhere. It was a society of p0niess. There was a scratching at the back of your mind, screaming for you to remember this stuff, but your mind was still hazy from just waking up. You try to walk silently through town, but then something tackled you. Back on the ground you go!
  11. ‘HI!’ came a cheerful voice. ‘your different.’
  12. “SERIOUSLY MOTHERFUCKER, YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER THIS VOICE” screams voice mind. You open your eyes and find yourself staring into a pair of bright blue eyes. The face pulls back, and you see it’s a bright pink p0ny with hair that looks like cotton candy.
  13. ‘You…You can talk?’ you groan out.
  14. ‘Of course I can talk. I can always talk, ever since I was a filly. Who are you? I’m—‘ she says, before you interrupt her.
  15. ‘Pinkie pie…’
  17. ‘Oh my gosh! You have the same name as me!’ she starts to jump up and down on your chest.
  18. ‘No, wait!’ you say. ‘Pinkie, can you please get off me and let me get up?’
  19. She does as she’s told, and you sit up. You finally realise where the fuck you are, and your brain stops screaming at you. You remember Claire watching “My Little P0ny”, and you watched it with her when you came home. You didn’t find the show interesting, but you did it for Claire. Seems things have stuck.
  20. ‘So, if you’re Pinkie Pie, that must mean I’m in P0nyville.’
  21. ‘uh huh. Yep. But who are you? Are you a weird monkey?’
  22. ‘Okay, My name is Lachlan, but people call me “Lokie”. I’m a human. I….I don’t even know how I got here.’
  23. ‘well that’s silly. You must have walked here.’
  24. ‘Umm…Pinkie? Can you take me to see Twilight Sparkle?’
  25. Her eyes widened. ‘How do you know Twilight? You must be magic.’
  26. ‘Please pinkie. I need help, and she may be the only one to do it.’
  27. Pinkie bounces up and down, saying ‘Okie Dokie Lokie. Hahahaha, get it. Cos your name is Lokie.’
  29. You follow Pinkie down the street to a large oak tree. You recognise it as well. It is the residence of Twilight sparkle, unicorn and student of Celestia. Pinkie knocks on the door, and you hear a voice from the inside.
  30. ‘Come in.’
  31. Pinkie walks in first, and you follow. Twilight, a purple unicorn, sat in the corner, reading 3 books at once. She had piles of books around everywhere.
  32. ‘What can I do for you pinkie?’ She says, not looking up from her reading.
  33. ‘Well I don’t need help. Lokie here does.’
  34. ‘Lokie? Who’s lokie…’ Twilight looks up, and her eyes widen. ‘What is that thing?’
  35. ‘Umm… I prefer not to be called a thing.’ You say. ‘My name is Lokie, and I am a human.’
  36. ‘It….He talks too?’ twilight trots over to you, examining your body.
  37. ‘Yes, and I also kinda…’ you start to get nervous ‘…Know everything about p0nyville.’
  38. ‘What?’
  39. ‘Yeah. Your name is twilight sparkle, student to celestia. You are a unicorn, and you specialize in magic itself. You have an assistant name spike, he is just a baby dragon who you birthed with your magic. You are the Element of Magic, part of the 6 Elements of Harmony. Pinkie is laughter, Rainbow Dash, loyalty; Rarity, Generosity; Fluttershy, Kindness; Applejack, Honesty.’
  41. Twilight is shocked. She looks like she is about to have a heart attack. Over the next few hours, you tell twilight of earth and what it’s like there. You explain that their lives are a TV show, which you watched, hence you knowing everything about the town. She looks at you like you are crazy, but started to believe you. You tell her what happened before you woke up on the edge of town, and asked if it was possible to somehow get home. Twilight said she would try to find a spell, but couldn’t promise anything.
  42. She took you to meet the other p0nies of the town. Everyp0ny was hesitant to day the least, but over the next few months they began to warm up to you. Twilight wasn’t able to find the spell to send you home, and at first you were saddened. You missed Claire, and you missed your mom and dad. You decided if you had to live in this town, you were going to be a productive member. You did odd jobs for the p0niess of the town. You were strong, and could add detail with your fingers hooves cannot. With the money your earned, you were able to build a house just outside of town. It wasn’t a lot, but it was a start.
  44. There were hard times in the town, even after people stopped thinking of you as a monster. Fluttershy and Applejack both took a liking to you, and both of them try everyday to force themselves upon you. Sometimes it was okay, but it got really violent with AJ getting desperate. You always had your bro Rainbow Dash. She kept you in shape, and always helped you when FS or AJ wanted a piece of your sweet man meat.
  45. Rarity designed clothes for you, and Pinkie pie wanted to throw you a party for another reason. Even Celestia accepted you as a friend not a monster. You met with her a week after you arrived. She turned up at Twilights house where you were staying at the time. You kept very polite, and showed her the up most respect. After an hour of questions, she said she would welcome you as a citizen of Equestria. This made you happy, and you accepted her offer after 3 months of trying to find a way home.
  47. All of this brings you to today. You knew what was going to be waiting for you outside. As you walked out the door, you turned to see “MONSTER” painted in big red letters across your house. This had been happening for a month now, and nop0ny knew who was doing it. You thought everyp0ny accepted you for who you are, but you guess you were wrong. You go inside to grab a bucket and sponge to clean it off.
  48. As you finish cleaning the last letter off, you hear soft hoof steps behind you.
  49. ‘Good morning Fluttershy.’ You say, not even turning around.
  50. ‘Hey Lokie….’ She whispered. You turn to see Fluttershy dressed as a cheerleader, complete with pom poms. ‘Umm… rah rah rah, shish boom bah.’ She began, flying around waving her hooves. ‘Rah rah red, take me to your bed.’
  51. You chuckle a bit. ‘No Fluttershy. I don’t have a cheerleader fetish, but that was very amusing.’ She comes to my house everyday to try out a new fetish, and no matter how many times I tell her, I’m not in to p0niess.
  53. Today, you had to run. You promised Miss Cheerilee that you would help her fix the fence in front of the school. You turn up to the school, and Miss Cheerilee is already inside teaching her class, so you decide to get started. The old fence is fairly rotted, and falling it apart. After a few hours, you have the old fence out and the new fence is in the ground. You decide to paint the fence white while you wait for the class to finish. As you finish painting, you notice something out of the corner of your eye. You thought it was applejack, coming out for a try, but you are reminded that she went to Appaloosa to visit Braeburn.
  54. You turn to see a dark blue filly with a light blue mane, a unicorn. She was staring at you from behind a tree. The minute you look at her, she rushes off. You want to follow her, but the school bell rang out. As the students galloped home, you walk inside to talk to Cheerilee.
  55. ‘Oh hey Lokie.’ She greets you with a smile. ‘Already finished the fence?’
  56. ‘Yeah. I also gave it a coat of white paint.’ You reply.
  57. ‘That’s good. I’ll go get your payment.’
  58. She return with a small bag of bits. ‘There you go, 35 bits.’
  59. ‘Thank you. Umm, Cheerilee? Have you noticed a small, dark blue filly running around town?’
  60. She looked at you, confused. ‘No. Why do you ask?’
  61. ‘Oh I swear I saw her staring at me. She might be new to town.’
  62. ‘Is your house still getting vandalised?’ you nod ‘Maybe stay up at watch for someone.’
  63. ‘Thanks Cheerilee. Have a nice day.’
  65. As you walk out, you consider having a booze night with Rainbro. You decide on having a quiet night, and see if you can catch the p0ny who keeps fucking with your house. You spend the night listening to Vinyl Scratches new mix, and drinking down some Apple Cider from your bro Macintosh. At roughly midnight, you turn off all the lights in your house and creep out the back of the house. You set up a small area across from your house, hidden in shrubbery.
  66. It was roughly 3am when it happened. You were falling asleep, and was woken by the sound of a twig being broken. You peer out of the bushes to see a small cloaked creature. It couldn’t be any taller than a filly. You watch as it dropped the can of paint in its mouth and then used magic to lift up the brush. It started to paint “MONSTER” again, as you snuck up behind it.
  68. You grab the little vandal around the scruff of the neck.
  69. ‘Got you now you little—‘ was all you could get out.
  70. The filly spun in your grip and kicked you in the jaw. The kick shifted your bottom jaw to the right, and it really hurt like a bitch. It then kicked you square in the chest with both back hooves. You could feel your ribs crack. This bastard was good. You let go of the vandal to clutch your chest in pain. It sweeped out your legs and you land on the hard cold ground with a thud. It stood on your chest and you final see under its cloak. It was the dark blue unicorn filly you saw today. Up close you could see its golden eyes staring you down.
  71. ‘Get out of this town you monster!’ she said, jumping on your chest. Each jump made you cough up more blood.
  72. Your final sights are of the filly walking towards the edge of the Everfree forest, before you pass out.
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