

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. new GenHelp[][] = {
  2. {"/stats - Displays your character's statistics."},
  3. {"/inventory (/inv) - Shows the inventory of your character, vehicle trunk or nearby safe."},
  4. {"/me - Used to describe your character's actions."},
  5. {"/ame - Same as /me, but doesn't print a message in the chat."},
  6. {"/do - Used to describe actions of anything surrounding your character."},
  7. {"/try - Attempts a certain actaion with a 50% chance of success."},
  8. {"/low - Makes your character speak quietly, making it harder for distant players to hear you."},
  9. {"/shout - Makes your character shout, making it easier for distant players to hear you."},
  10. {"/b - Used to communicate in local OOC chat."},
  11. {"/whisper - Whisper an IC message to someone."},
  12. {"/pm - Send an OOC private message to someone."},
  13. {"/id - Check someone's ID using his/her name."},
  14. {"/clearchat - Clears your chatbox."},
  15. {"/time - Check the IC and OOC time. (requires a watch)"},
  16. {"/accept - Accept and offer."},
  17. {"/wt - Talk over the walkie-talkie."},
  18. {"/setfreq - Set the frequency of your walkie-talkie."},
  19. {"/helpers - Displays all online helpers."},
  20. {"/admins - Displays all online administrators."},
  21. {"/pay - Gives a player a certain ammount of your money."},
  22. {"/cellphone - Displays your cellphone options. (requires a cellphone)"},
  23. {"/togphone - Turns your cellphone on or off."},
  24. {"/describe - Display someone's character description."},
  25. {"/appearance - Set your character's description."},
  26. {"/shake - Offer another player a handshake."},
  27. {"/newspaper - Check the current newspaper advertisments."},
  28. {"/options - Displays various options."},
  29. {"/achievements - Displays all the server's achievements."}
  30. };
  31. //============================================//
  32. new ConHelp[][] = {
  33. {"'N' - Shows the inventory of your character, vehicle trunk or nearby safe."},
  34. {"'Y' - Alternate button. (startup engine, reload weapon and more)"},
  35. {"'H' - Navigation button. (enter houses, open dialogs and more)"},
  36. {"'LMB' - Toggle vehicle lights."}
  37. };
  38. //============================================//
  39. new AnimHelp[][] = {
  40. {"/die, /aim, /angry, /fwalk, /mwalk, /kiss, /bat, /relax,"},
  41. {"/fsit, /msit, /wave, /lay, /crossarms, /rap, /bj, /wankoff,"},
  42. {"/laugh, /gwalk, /drunk, /chairsit, /slapass, /piss, /handsup,"},
  43. {"/crack, /basket, /cockgun, /liftup, /putdown, /hide,"},
  44. {"/gsign, /cpr, /hitch, /injured, /slapped, /gwalk, /deal, /invite1-2,"},
  45. {"/scratch, /bomb, /vomit, /eat, /chat, /strip, /pool, /puton,"},
  46. {"/fucku, /taichi, /cry, /kiss, /carsit, /stretch, /chant, /ghand, /exhausted,"},
  47. {"/carsmoke, /lean, /dance, /sexy, /toss, /hold, /idle,"},
  48. {"/drink, /elbow, /fstance, /gpunch, /dpunch, /airkick, /gkick, /getup, /cuff,"},
  49. {"/celebrate, /eatsit, /dive, /spray, /smoke, /gfunk, /yell, /open,"},
  50. {"/box, /lookout, /follow, /hoodfrisked, /facepalm, /cover, /fixcar,"},
  51. {"/lowrider, /eatgum, /friskanim, /doorkick, /bench, /bar, /stance, /sit."}
  52. };
  53. //============================================//
  54. new VehHelp[][] = {
  55. {"/v spawn - Opens a dialog allowing you to select a vehicle to be spawned."},
  56. {"/v stats - Displays the statistics of your spawned vehicle."},
  57. {"/v despawn - Despawns your spawned vehicle."},
  58. {"/v repair - Opens a dialog which allows you to replace your vehicle's engine, battery or tyre."},
  59. {"/v park - Parks your vehicle at the current position allowing you to spawn and despawn it there."},
  60. {"/v sell - Sells your vehicle to the state. (displays a confirmation window with the ammount you will receive when sold)"},
  61. {"/v sellto - Allows you to sell your vehicle to another player."},
  62. {"/v radio - Opens a dialog where you can adjust your vehicle's radio."},
  63. {"/v find - Displays the area in which your vehicle is in."},
  64. {"/v lock - Locks and unlocks your vehicle."},
  65. {"/v corpse - Removes a corpse from your vehicle."},
  66. {"/v lights - Toggles the lights on and off."},
  67. {"/v breakin - Allows you to break in to a vehicle. (requires a toolkit)"},
  68. {"/v payinsurance - Pays built up insurance fee of your vehicle."},
  69. {"/v trunk - Opens and closes the trunk of your vehicle."},
  70. {"/v bomb - Plants a bomb in a vehicle."},
  71. {"/windows (/wi) - Open or close the windows of your vehicle."},
  72. {"/seatbelt (/sb) - Buckle yourself up."},
  73. {"/helmet - Put on a helmet when riding a motorcycle."},
  74. {"/fill - Fill up your vehicle with fuel when at a gas station."}
  75. };
  76. //============================================//
  77. new HouseHelp[][] = {
  78. {"/house stats - Display the statistics of your house."},
  79. {"/house upgrade - Used to upgrade your house."},
  80. {"/house lock - Lock or unlock your house."},
  81. {"/house sell - Sells your house to the state. (displays a confirmation window with the ammount you will receive when sold)"},
  82. {"/house unrent - Stops you from renting at another house."},
  83. {"/house radio - Opens a dialog where you can adjust your house radio."},
  84. {"/house rentto - Allows you to rent out your house to others."},
  85. {"/house rentfee - Adjust the rent fee that the people renting at your house will have to pay each paycheck."},
  86. {"/house rentlist - Displays the people renting at your house."},
  87. {"/house sellto - Allows you to sell your house to another player."},
  88. {"/house exit - Sets the exit door of your house. (to be used inside of your house)"},
  89. {"/house breakin - Breaks into someone's house when at their door. (requires a toolkit)"},
  90. {"/house plant - Plants an object of your choice for a $250 fee."},
  91. {"/house edit - Edits an already planted object. (it's position, rotation and material)"},
  92. {"/house removeall - Removes all planted objects inside and outside of your house."},
  93. {"/house interior - Change the interior of your house. (free)"},
  94. {"/house bank - Check the ammount of money that is stored in your house safe."},
  95. {"/house deposit - Deposits money into your house safe."},
  96. {"/house withdraw - Withdraws money from your house safe."},
  97. {"/house rights - Give someone the rights to plant and edit objects of your house."},
  98. {"/house backdoor - Plants a back door to your house. (use /ra to request an admin to set a backdoor outside of your property first)"},
  99. {"/house clothing - Change your skin to a previously used one."},
  100. {"/evict - Stop someone from renting at your house."},
  101. {"/safe - Access your own or someone else's house safe."},
  102. {"/doorbell - Ring the doorbell when at the entrance of a house."},
  103. {"/knock - Knock on the door when at the entrance of a house."}
  104. };
  105. //============================================//
  106. new BizHelp[][] = {
  107. {"/biz stats - Display the statistics of your business."},
  108. {"/biz upgrade - Used to upgrade your business."},
  109. {"/biz lock - Locks and unlocks your business."},
  110. {"/biz sell - Sells your business to the state. (displays a confirmation window with the ammount you will receive when sold)"},
  111. {"/biz name - Allows you to change the name of your business."},
  112. {"/biz radio - Opens a dialog where you can adjust your business radio."},
  113. {"/biz slogan - Allows you to change the slogan of your business."},
  114. {"/biz request - Requests a delivery from truckers to deliver products to your business."},
  115. {"/biz cp - Sets the position of your business checkpoint."},
  116. {"/biz sellto - Allows you to sell your business to another player."},
  117. {"/biz exit - Sets the exit door of your business. (to be used inside of your business)"},
  118. {"/biz type - Allows you to change the type of your business."},
  119. {"/biz plant - Plants an object of your choice for a $250 fee."},
  120. {"/biz edit - Edits an already planted object. (it's position, rotation and material)"},
  121. {"/biz removeall - Removes all planted objects inside and outside of your business."},
  122. {"/biz bareswitch - Clears your business to an empty warehouse which allows you to build your own business interior."},
  123. {"/biz bank - Check the ammount of money that is stored in your business safe."},
  124. {"/biz deposit - Deposits money into your business safe."},
  125. {"/biz withdraw - Withdraws money from your business safe."},
  126. {"/biz rights - Give someone the rights to plant and edit objects of your business."},
  127. {"/biz backdoor - Plants a back door to your business. (use /ra to request an admin to set a backdoor outside of your property first)"},
  128. {"/biz autolow - Toggles all messages to be rendered as 'low' to avoid spam."},
  129. {"/biz sprunk - Allows you to place a sprunk machine inside of your business."},
  130. {"/biz actor - Allows you to place an actor (NPC) inside of your business."},
  131. {"/safe - Access your own or someone else's business safe."}
  132. };
  133. //============================================//
  134. new FactHelp[][] = {
  135. {"/factionon - Display the ammount of members online in a certain faction."},
  136. {"/flist - Display the online members of your faction."},
  137. {"/f - Faction chat."},
  138. {"/invite - Invite a player to your faction."},
  139. {"/uninvite - Remove a player from your faction."},
  140. {"/rank - Set your faction member's rank."},
  141. {"/factionrank - Set the name of a rank in your faction."},
  142. {"/factionrankremove - Remove a faction rank."},
  143. {"/factionname - Set the name of your faction.\n"},
  145. {"Government Commands"},
  146. {"/radio - Talk over the faction radio.\n"},
  147. {"/gov - Dispatch a government message to Los Santos.\n"},
  148. {"/towcars - Despawns all unused faction vehicles.\n"},
  149. {"/factionrankbonus - Set the bonus of a rank in your faction."},
  151. {"Non-Government Commands"},
  152. {"/rights - Give or remove your faction member's rights to the warehouse."}
  153. };
  154. //============================================//
  155. new LSPDHelp[][] = {
  156. {"/earpiece - Puts in your ear piece to allow for radio communication."},
  157. {"/tow - Tows a vehicle using the LSPD Tow Truck."},
  158. {"/detain - Detains a suspect into your vehicle."},
  159. {"/m - Talks into your megaphone to send a high range message."},
  160. {"/taser (/ta) - Equips your tazer."},
  161. {"/tackle - Tackles a suspect making him imobile."},
  162. {"/cblock - Places down a roadblock."},
  163. {"/rblock - Removes a roadblock."},
  164. {"/rblockall - Removes all placed roadblocks."},
  165. {"/rblockedit - Edits the position of your closest roadblock."},
  166. {"/showbadge - Shows your badge to a player."},
  167. {"/carsign - Attaches a sign to the back of your LSPD vehicle."},
  168. {"/el - Manages your emergency lights."},
  169. {"/elm - Toggles your vehicle's light flickering."},
  170. {"/handcuff - Handcuffs a suspect."},
  171. {"/uncuff - Uncuffs a suspect."},
  172. {"/drag - Drasg a player."},
  173. {"/take - Confiscates a player's driver's license, weapon license or his inventory items."},
  174. {"/suspect (/su) - Adds a crime to a suspect which will be saved in his criminal record."},
  175. {"/address - Finds the location of a house using a house ID."},
  176. {"/spike - Lays down spike strips."},
  177. {"/breathe - Breathalyzes a player, checking if he/she is intoxicated or not."},
  178. {"/obtainweed - Picks up a marijuana plant."},
  179. {"/impound - Impounds a vehicle."},
  180. {"/bolo - Opens a dialog where you can manage all available BOLOs and create new ones."},
  181. {"/arrest - Arrests a suspect placing him behind bars in LSP."},
  182. {"/policespawn - Spawns a police vehicle at the LSPD Garage."},
  183. {"/boatspawn - Spawns a police boat at Ocean Docks."},
  184. {"/acuspawn - Spawns an unmarked police vehicle at the LSPD Garage."},
  185. {"/dooropen - Opens a door inside of LSPD."},
  186. {"/doorclose - Closes a door inside of LSPD."},
  187. {"/gateopen - Opens an LSPD gate."},
  188. {"/gateclose - Closes an LSPD gate."},
  189. {"/uniform - Opens a menu with a selection of different skins used by the LSPD."},
  190. {"/removetag - Removes a spray tag."},
  191. {"/wireplayer - Puts a wire on a player allowing to listen in on the player's conversations."},
  192. {"/mdc - Allows access to the Mobile Data Computer."},
  193. {"/departments - Allows to communicate over the department radio. (message recieved by LSPD, LSFD and LSG)"},
  194. {"/baitcar - Allows an officer to spawn a baitcar, fully controllable for operations."},
  195. {"/ram - Breaks open a door of a house or a business."}
  196. };
  197. //============================================//
  198. new LSFDHelp[][] = {
  199. {"/duty - Sets your character on-duty allowing you to spawn in a faction vehicle."},
  200. {"/fdduty - Sets your character on-fd-duty allowing you to access the Fire Truck equipment."},
  201. {"/fdlocate - Sets a chackpoint on your minimap showing the latest fire."},
  202. {"/treatplayer - Treats a player's wounds."},
  203. {"/revive - Revives a player."},
  204. {"/tow - Tows a vehicle using the LSFD Tow Truck."},
  205. {"/detain - Detains a player into your vehicle."},
  206. {"/m - Talks into your megaphone to send a high range message."},
  207. {"/tackle - Tackles a player making him imobile."},
  208. {"/cblock - Places down a roadblock."},
  209. {"/rblock - Removes a roadblock."},
  210. {"/rblockall - Removes all placed roadblocks."},
  211. {"/rblockedit - Edits the position of your closest roadblock."},
  212. {"/showbadge - Shows your badge to a player."},
  213. {"/carsign - Attaches a sign to the back of your LSFD vehicle."},
  214. {"/el - Manages your emergency lights."},
  215. {"/elm - Toggles your vehicle's light flickering."},
  216. {"/address - Finds the location of a house using a house ID."},
  217. {"/fdspawn - Spawns an LSFD vehicle at the ASGH garage."},
  218. {"/dooropen - Opens a door inside of ASGH."},
  219. {"/doorclose - Closes a door inside of ASGH."},
  220. {"/gateopen - Opens an LSFD gate."},
  221. {"/gateclose - Closes an LSFD gate."},
  222. {"/uniform - Opens a menu with a selection of different skins used by the LSFD."},
  223. {"/stretcher - Places a player on a stretcher."},
  224. {"/stopsretcher - Removes a player from a stretcher."},
  225. {"/mdc - Allows access to the Mobile Data Computer."},
  226. {"/departments - Allows to communicate over the department radio. (message recieved by LSPD, LSFD and LSG)"},
  227. {"/ram - Breaks open a door of a house or a business."}
  228. };
  229. //============================================//
  230. new LSGHelp[][] = {
  231. {"/earpiece - Puts in your ear piece to allow for radio communication."},
  232. {"/showbadge - Shows your badge to a player."},
  233. {"/carsign - Attaches a sign to the back of your LSG vehicle."},
  234. {"/el - Manages your emergency lights."},
  235. {"/elm - Toggles your vehicle's light flickering."},
  236. {"/govspawn - Spawns an LSG vehicle behind City Hall."},
  237. {"/dooropen - Opens a door inside of City Hall."},
  238. {"/doorclose - Closes a door inside of City Hall."},
  239. {"/uniform - Opens a menu with a selection of different skins used by the LSG."},
  240. {"/locker - Opens the LSG locker inside of City Hall."},
  241. {"/mdc - Allows access to the Mobile Data Computer."},
  242. {"/openbusiness - Opens a locked business."},
  243. {"/closebusiness - Closes an opened business."},
  244. {"/departments - Allows to communicate over the department radio. (message recieved by LSPD, LSFD and LSG)"}
  245. };
  246. //============================================//
  247. new NewsHelp[][] = {
  248. {"/camera - Equips a FOX Enterprise camera located inside of FOX Enterprise HQ."},
  249. {"/newsspawn - Spawns a FOX Enterprise vehicle at the FOX Enterprise HQ."},
  250. {"/live - Offers a player to be broadcasted live across Los Santos."},
  251. {"/announce - Sends an announcement across Los Santos."}
  252. };
  253. new RLSHelp[][] = {
  254. {"/live - Offers a player to be broadcasted live across Los Santos."},
  255. {"/announce - Sends an announcement across Los Santos."},
  256. {"/rlsspawn - Spawns an RLS vehicle at the RLS HQ."}
  257. };
  258. //============================================//
  259. new HelperHelp[][] = {
  260. {"/ht - Sends a message the Helper Chat."},
  261. {"/hduty - Toggles yourself on or off helper duty."},
  262. {"/ha - Sends a message over the Staff Chat."},
  263. {"/setint - Sets a player's interior."},
  264. {"/setvw - Sets a player's virtual world."},
  265. {"/setskin - Sets a player's skin."},
  266. {"/setage - Sets a player's age."},
  267. {"/unfreeze - Unfreezes a player."},
  268. {"/setsex - Sets a player's gender."},
  269. {"/check - Displays a player's statistics."},
  270. {"/accepthelpme (/ahm) - Accepts a pending /helpme request."},
  271. {"/checkad - Checks what an advertisment will look like if approved."},
  272. {"/approvead - Approves a pending advertisment."},
  273. {"/denyad - Denies a pending advertisment."},
  274. {"/hpm - Sends a player a personal message without displaying your character's name."}
  275. };
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