
Comfy Mage 2: Homeward Wrong Warp Boogaloo

Aug 26th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Start Pyromancer, Master Key, remove hood and robe, drop hilt, get shield and axe, kill iron ball hollow, demon with axe/fireball, 200 soul in Asylum, Firelink bonfire, Dex to 10, 200 soul in Burg, At merchant pop soul, buy Lloyd's, Shortbow, 4 Standard arrows, Prompt Swap Key using Orange Sign Soapstone, pop other soul, Prompt Swap Bottomless Box using Throwing Knives, Griggs, get resins, Taurus with resin on axe, (optionalget Drake Sword), send elevator down, Gargoyles with resin on axe, bell, (dupe) bone, buy and attune Homeward level INT to 16, SGS, rescue Logan, get Lightning Spear with Lloyd's, Iron Golem, dupe IG core x2 on elevator, hww from Darkmoon Tomb bonfire, get well Humanities, buy FC, Catalyst, BDR from Griggs, QS buy Soul Spear from Logan with Humanities, bone, dupe IG core 6 times, level 16 ATT, 36 Int, attune Soul Spear x4, equip BDR, O&S bonfire, O&S, lordvessel, warp to Firelink, Logan's dialogue, Attune FC for FC plunge in Blighttown, Quelaag, bell, DoC bonfire, warp to Firelink, put arrows, Quelaag soul in box, place lordvessel with Frampt (don't rest) talk to Frampt to return to surface, dupe arrows, QS sell Quelaag soul 999+98 x2, level 50 Vit, 18 End, 50 ATT, 45 DEX, 99 INT, attune rest of Soul Spears, Fireball and Homeward, take arrows out of box, then warp to Darkmoon Tomb, warp to Firelink and hww, Sen's bonfire, warp to Firelink, hww, head to Parish bonfire and rest, Stray, doll, bone, warp to Darkmoon Tomb, Painted World, get RSS, Priscilla, exit PW, bone, warp to Parish, buy Crest, Shield, 1 arrow if you shot Priscilla, QS buy 999 Pikes, ESM RSS to RTSR, Open forest door, quitout, bonfire, Hydra, Golem, HB from Dusk, bone, Sif, Butterfly, Attune HB, warp to Anor Londo, DLC key from golem, Duke Skip, hww from balcony bonfire, run to DLC portal, Dusk's eq, enter DLC, rest at bonfire, warp to Archives, Equip Crown, Seath, bone, QS buy Crystal Soul Spear, kill Logan, pick up drops, bone, CSS over regular Soul Spear, warp to DLC, Guardian, air roll with FC for Royal Wood Skip (Pyro set, Sorc. Catalyst, TCC, Tower/Caduceus Shield, Pyro flame), buy 2 bombs from Chester, Artorias, Gwyndolin, Goughless Kalameet, Dark Bead, Manus, attune Dark Bead, Firelink bonfire, rest, 4 Kings, Capra with hww, Gaping, Pinwheel and Nito, warp to Daughter of Chaos and rest, FEC, Firesage, Centipede, BoC, bone, Ceaseless, bone, Gwyn, GG!
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