
Survivors Guilt (Force Quit)

Dec 31st, 2012
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  1. >The swarms of changelings were like a black tidal wave, and the sounds they made rang in your ears days after.
  2. >One, just one pony you could carry. In that moment, you remembered everything they all did for you.
  3. >Rarity made you clothing and never once asked for a single bit.
  4. >Twilight taught you about their world through her books that she would lend you.
  5. >Fluttershy always treated you nice, and humored you whenever you wanted somebody to bother.
  6. >Rainbow Dash's rides were always the best, and despite being a stubborn cocky bitch, she had a heart of gold and never let you down.
  7. >Pinkie Pie's laugh was cute, and she always put a smile on your face regardless of how shitty the day was.
  8. >So their eyes the moment you picked up Applejack, that look of betrayal, hopelessness, and fear. Is something that has haunted you.
  9. >But how could you possibly leave Applejack behind, knowing full well she would have died?
  10. >She was always the most dependable and caring pony to you. Her warm smile, cute accent, and southern hospitality won you over in a matter of days.
  11. >"Shucks Anon, we Apples always got an empty seat ready fer another guest." She would say before inviting you in for supper.
  12. > Befriending Applebloom, Big Mac, and Granny, working on the farm, helping with the family reunions, and even being there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on, on those rare occasions.
  13. >It was no surprise you developed feelings for her, though you never confessed. Even though RD kinda knew, and would tease you about it.
  14. >Now you find yourself walking up to the old red barn, to check on Applejack for the 5th time since...the incident.
  15. >Walking in, you clean your shoes as Applebloom walks up to you. Her once big white eyes now have a faint pink in them, she's definitely been crying. "Hey Anon..."
  16. >She says nothing more but simply walks closer and hugs your leg, squeezing tightly.
  18. >Leaning down, you stroke her mane and pick her up. She wraps her hooves around your neck; and stays there as you walk forward into the kitchen.
  19. >Seeing Granny and Big Mac at the table, you slowly pull Applebloom away and set her on a chair, she continues to look down as you walk over and sit on the other side.
  20. “Morning.” You say looking at the both of them “…How’s Applejack?” You ask as you can just feel the atmosphere get more rigid.
  21. >”Not so well.” Granny replies “She’s been hold up in the barn doin Celestia knows what when she aint out in the fields workin till she passes out.”
  22. >You frown and look to the side sad, annoyed, and angry to hear that. “Dun go kickin yerself Anon…Applejack just…she aint all good at handlin loss.” Granny says getting up “Just let her be, but don’t stray to far, she’ll open up when she’s ready.” She comments as she walks away and up some stairs
  23. >”Anon…can ya talk to mah big sis?” Applebloom asks looking up at with tears in her eyes “She always tells me she’s all right, but I know when she’s lyin, and…and I hear her cry every night…till she cant cry no I thought that maybe you coul…
  24. >”Applebloom.” Big Mac says firmly “It aint none of Anon’s business how AJ grieves, just let it be.” He says to her “Now go on up to yer room..get now.”
  25. >Applebloom bites her lips in protest and to stop herself from speaking out, as she angrily gets up and runs upstairs. Hearing her little stomping hoofsteps, she runs down a hall and slams a door.
  26. >Big Mac sighs and buries his hooves in his face, “I’d be lyin if I said I didn’t want ya to speak with AJ…but I think it best if she deals with her own issues first..I..I just wish she wouldn’t drink so much.”
  27. “She drinks?”
  29. >”Like a fish drinks water…”He says hanging his head down, “Sometimes..she gets real violent Anon…she’d never lay a hoof on us…I know that much…but its still a scary sight.”
  30. >You gulp down knowing full well he’s telling you this as both a warning and a vent for himself.
  31. >”I never heard such language…“fuck” and what not…I don’t know what they mean…but I know they aint kind.”
  32. >That one was all you, you groan inside. Getting up, you pat him on the back
  33. “AJ’s a strong girl…I’m sure she’ll dust herself off soon enough.” You say honestly believing that to be true
  34. >He smiles for just a moment before returning to his gloomy demeanor, “I hope so..she’s out in the barn…” He says getting up “If I told you to leave her alone, I know you would still go and find her…so I’m savin ya the trouble..but listen Anon…just be careful.”
  35. >Walking out of the house and over to the barn, you look back at the house and see Applebloom looking down at you from her window, her eyes shift back to the barn as you turn around and continue walking over.
  36. >Swinging open the door, you spot Applejack lying on a pile of hay with several bottles scattered around her.
  37. >Thinking she’s asleep, you walk over but she takes a swig from a bottle, holding it for an abnormal amount of time, she finishes it and throws the bottle at some random direction.
  38. “Applejack.” You say as she stops opening another bottle, “Umm..I’m here to talk to you.”
  39. >Walking over, you plop down in front of her and look into her dark green eyes. Looking away, she sips some of it and sets the bottle next to her.
  40. >She groans in pain and clutches her stomach, before rolling to the side and resting her head on the hay.
  41. "Are you all right?"
  42. >"Tsk" She snorts with a sarcastic laugh
  43. "I meant the pain..are you hurt."
  45. >"Its nuthin." She says curling up as you look at all the bottles
  46. "Your liver must be shit by now."
  47. >”So what if it is…I can give up drinkin anytime I want.” She says before groaning and holding her liver
  48. “Stop doing this to yourself.”
  49. >”…..”
  50. >You reach over and take the bottle away from her, but she bites down on your arm, pulling it back, you inspect the wound and see that she drew blood.
  51. >Tearing up, you grip the bite mark.
  52. “I know your upset…” You say calmly “But what was I supposed to do?” You ask almost to yourself
  53. >”Save somep0nyelse!” She says snapping out of nowhere “Ah didn’t deserve tah be saved! Twilight was Celestia’s student! Rarity has a little sister!”
  54. “So do you.”
  55. >Applejack grits her teeth “Ah know that..and I thank muh lucky stars that I get to see her again…but whut about Sweetie Belle? Whut about Spike? Scootaloo, Angel, the Cakes…what about them? Who do they get to see..”
  56. >Hanging her head and tipping her hat to cover her eyes, you get on your knees and wrap your arms around her.
  57. >With a forceful and sudden jolt, Applejack kicks you away and onto the ground. “Get yer hands away from me!” She snaps “I hate you!” She says crying “I hate you..” She trails off “I never thought I would…but I hate you…”
  58. >Getting up, you wipe away the tears and snot accumulated on your face,
  59. “I wanted to save them all…but I couldn’t do it…”
  60. >”Why did you save me then? I’d rather have died with muh friends together, then live to see their loved ones suffer.”
  61. “….”
  62. >”Well.” She asks bitterly “Why did you save me? You could have easily run away…nop0ny would have held it against you..ah know I wouldn’t have.”
  63. “….”
  64. >She wobbles up and staggers over “Don’t you dare save muh life, and not tell me why ya did it!” She stomps
  66. “Because I care about you.” You say almost in a whisper
  67. >She looks at you with a glare “So ya didn’t care about mah friends?”
  68. “NO!” You shout “I cared about all of you! But I..I could only save one of you…and I..I couldn’t just leave you there…”
  69. >She stands there looking down at the floor thinking for a moment “So..ya like me..right Anon?” She asks as you nod “And I take it that ya chose the one ya loved…”
  70. “….yea.”
  71. >”Tsk” She chuckles “Then I really DO hate you…” She laughs while her voice trembles “That’s why I lived? Ya couldn’t stand the thought of losing the p0ny ya love, so you chose me instead of the others?” She says turning around and lifting her tail “Well go on! This is what you wanted right?!”
  72. “It’s not like that!” You snap walking away from her backside
  73. >”Then what is it?! Did you think ah would find it romantic? That ah would swoon an lift mah tail fer ya? Having a good ol rut over the bodies of mah friends, yeah that sounds like a swell time!”
  74. “You think I don’t care about them!? You think I don’t lay awake at night seeing their faces!? Its killing me inside too! But at least I don’t drink myself into an early grave! You think you’re not killing Applebloom either? Or Big Mac? Or your granny!? You think this behavior is not going unnoticed!? Applebloom herself wanted me to come talk to you, you selfish bitch! But do you care? No, because it’s always about you, you, you. About how YOU survived, YOU only have guilt, but YOU didn’t even think about your own family, and how it’s hurting them!”
  75. >Applejack throws herself onto the hay and clutches the bottle of whiskey “Ah don’t wanta outlive anymore ponies…” She whispers
  77. “Are you fucking serious?”
  78. >Walking over to her, you plop down and look her eye to eye.
  79. >“Anon…just leave me alone…take this if it’ll make you feel better.” She says tossing over the bottle “Ahm done drinkin, that’s the honest truth…but ahm not ready to see you jus yet…now go on home…”
  80. “…You said we’re in a way..this IS my home…I don’t care if you hate me...but I’m not gonna just leave you alone…I’ll stay right here and give you space..but I wont leave you alone.”
  81. >”Family?” She asks to herself and sighs “I’ve lost family and it hurts…now I’ve lost 5 sisters...”
  82. “You still have one..and right now..she needs her big sis more than anybody.”
  83. >Wiping away her tears, she lifts herself up “I’m gonna be square with ya Anon..I really DO hate you right now…but what yer doin takes lots of guts, but if yer willin to still stand by me despite all this…then that makes ya family in mah book…now can ya help me back home?...I really could use some sleep?”
  84. “Sure.” You say helping her up and out the door,
  85. >Walking back to the barn, Applejack glances over to an apple tree as an apple falls off and rolls down. “We all fall when its our time..some jus fall sooner than others.”
  87. >As the sun is blocked out in a cloudy gray, and the sky brings down a frigid rain, you watch the exhaled air turn to a fine white smoke. Walking through the town huddled up for warmth, and to shield you from the biting cold, you approach Twilight’s old tree home and unlock the door.
  88. >Swinging it open, the dark, dull room is illuminated by what little light that bleeds through the clouds. Walking in, you close the door, and look around in the dark, faintly lit room.
  89. >Rubbing yourself for warmth, you take small steps forward as they echo out one by one in the now vacant house. With Twilight gone, Spike decided it best to move to Canterlot, what was really left for him here with both Rarity and Twilight gone?
  90. >As you feel the blood slowly begin to warm and flow more naturally, you loosen grip of yourself and pick up where you left off.
  91. >Heading to the last bookshelf you were on, you begin to remove book after book from the shelf, and place them in one of the many boxes you had set aside.
  92. >Hours later with the windows getting dimmer, and the dark cloudy sky becoming a more sinister looking shade of black, you get up and dust yourself off.
  93. >Twilight had quite the collection of books, but one more day of this, and you can wrap up this painfully task for good.
  94. >At least until its time to start work on Fluttershy’s place.
  96. >In the dark and lightless room, save for the little bits of moonlight, Applejack sits on her bed looking out the window.
  97. >Seeing the rows and rows of dark silhouetted tree’s, she sighs and rests her head on the bed. The only sounds she can hear are the soft little chirps of the bugs outside, and her own deep breathing.
  98. >With each breath, her belly extends before deflating with each might exhale. Her calm paced breathing, gives way to a slow whimper, followed by a stifled wail.
  99. >Clutching her pillow, she buries her head into it and cries.
  101. >Morning follows the next day as you hesitantly awaken, despite the rain coming to an end last night; the cold has yet to take its leave.
  102. >Under the warm sheets, you exhale and get up. Today marks the last day of house clean up for Twilights, no need to drag it on any longer.
  103. >Walking into the empty house yet again, you head over to the spot you last left on. Passing the stairs, the sounds of hoofsteps resonate upstairs.
  104. >Thump, thump, thump
  105. >Each step fills you with anxiety and fear, with your heart racing and breathing becoming more and more sporadic, you swallow any pent up reservations, and walk up the steps.
  106. >With each step you take up, another set of ghost steps move further away, with one last silent prayer, you bolt up the steps and look down the hall.
  107. >A single door is open among the closed ones,
  108. (“Twilight’s room.”)
  109. >Wishing you were somewhere else, you move forward and hesitantly open the door, looking in, you spot Applejack by the place her bed used to be.
  110. >Looking down at the empty spot somberly, with traces of what used to be sorrow on her face; she sighs and looks over at you
  111. >Not saying anything, she gets up and walks past you, as she heads down the hall, you follow behind her.
  112. “How’ve you been?”
  113. >”Fine.” She says quickly walking down the steps
  114. “What are you doing here anyway?”
  115. >”My own reasons, aint none a yer concern.”
  116. >Walking out the door with a slam, you stand in place before going back to cleaning up the last of her stuff.
  117. >Finished up, you walk out of the house for the last time and take one final look before closing the door.
  118. >Taking a glance up at the sky, its still relatively early, perhaps it would be best to go over and start on Fluttershy’s home.
  119. >Approaching her small cottage, you see a gathering of small and large animals, all waiting by her door.
  120. >When they spot you, they all run up and start barking and hollering while pointing towards the door.
  121. “She’s not here.” You say hoping they would understand, walking past them, you open the door and animals all come flooding in.
  122. >They sniff and claw their way all around the home, searching and looking, but you can tell they can’t find what they’re looking for. You know they WONT, find what they’re looking for.
  123. >Passing them, you begin work on removing some of the many knick knacks, and souvenirs she’s amassed while living there.
  124. >”I dun told ya’all tah get back home, Fluttershy aint comin back.” Applejack says barely within earshot as you turn to see her coming inside.
  125. >Locking eyes with you, she looks to the side and turns around,
  126. “You following me now?” You ask as she’s leaving, hearing this she stops and looks back.
  127. >”Just saw the door open…wanted to see if somep0ny was here….what are ya doin?” She asks as you place the stuff into a box you found.
  128. “Packing up their stuff, no point in keeping it around.”
  129. >”What are ya gonna do with it?”
  130. “Probably donate it.”
  131. >”She’d like that…”
  132. >Without another word, she continues forward and out the door, closing it behind her.
  133. >Standing by yourself in the house, a small tear runs down your face as you drop onto your knees and hold back the tears.
  137. Survivors Guilt
  140. Anon, and Applejack slowly close up shop for each of their friends. With each house completed, the two spend more and more time together. Applejack lays into Anon, and dumps all of her resent, guilt, and anger when the two are on break. Anon punishes himself, and takes all of her venting, anger, and depression. The two both wallow in self pity, and depression as they slowly come to terms with it. Later on, Applejack, and Anon visit the graves of their friends, and say their goodbyes. It ends on them hugging, and Anon walking her home. Its never revealed if they hook up or not. Though there was one instance of pity sex.
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