
Sunny Gardens: He's Nothing If Not Thorough

Aug 4th, 2012
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  1. >The day has come at last.
  2. >You gave Lightning a cheese stick and told him and Berry that yes, it was baby time.
  3. >The green light seems to have had an effect on Lightning.
  4. >”Bewwy weady make babehs?” he purrs.
  5. >Berry has been plopped down in the center of the pen with her ass in the air for ten minutes.
  6. >”Bewwy say weady! Say weady a wot!”
  7. >Lightning continues to slink in circles around his mate, nuzzling her happily.
  8. >You just sit and watch, eating your panini.
  9. >”Make Bewwy feew goo' feew.”
  10. >”Wightnin' make huggies now!”
  11. >Berry is getting annoyed, which makes you smile a little.
  12. “I think she's ready, Lightning.”
  13. >He looks up at you and turns up his nose.
  14. >”Wucy no makin' huggies. Wightnin' know wha' doin'.”
  15. >You almost drop your panini.
  16. “Don't you talk back to me!”
  17. >He gulps loudly. “Sowwy, no mean be bad, sowwy...”
  18. >Okay, that was a stronger tone than you meant to use...perhaps a bit of your mother coming out.
  19. >Or Sarah.
  20. >You take a moment to compose yourself.
  21. “I'm sorry. It's okay, go ahead.”
  22. >He mounts up. Slightly embarrassed, you turn away and busy yourself with your laptop.
  23. >That's when you hear it.
  24. >”Eenf!”
  25. >Now, you've heard the eenf before.
  26. >When you worked at that shelter in college, some of the strays would do it, and end up making foals nobody would adopt.
  27. >Those noises, however, were like squeaky toys, short and high-pitched.
  28. >”Eenf! Eenf!”
  29. >This sounds like a fluffy pony Barry White making sweet love.
  30. >You try to ignore it.
  31. >In fact, you take off your cap and look for your headphones to drown out the noise.
  32. >You left them at home.
  33. >For the next half hour, you are subjected to an assault of low, determined, sexy eenf.
  34. >Regular fluffies are done in three minutes, tops.
  35. >Lightning is still going strong.
  36. >You can't help but turn and look at them now.
  37. >The scene nearly makes you do a spit take with the Coke in your mouth.
  38. >Berry looks utterly bored.
  39. >She's batting the red ball between her front hooves.
  40. >”Fwiend haf goo' feew?” Lightning asks.
  41. >”No haf, mo' huggies,” she replies.
  42. >When she sees you looking at her, her face becomes a bit scared.
  43. >You smile at her to reassure her that it's okay.
  44. >Lightning takes this as an approval of his performance, so he hams it up even more.
  45. >”Makin goo' huggies! Bewwy haf da goo' feews!” he coos...interspersed with eenfs.
  46. >Ten minutes later, he's still at it.
  47. >”Bewwy nee' make poopies...”
  48. >”Wai'! Wightnin' haf goo' feew soon!”
  49. >Sarah is going to flip her shit if Walter sold her a dud male.
  50. >Berry forces him to dismount so she can use the bathroom.
  51. >He spends those seconds in a tizzy, running in a circle and looking tremendously impatient.
  52. >Thankfully, you don't get an eyeful of alicorn dong.
  53. >She finishes and comes back, plopping down with her tail up.
  54. >Lightning mounts her in a flash, and the eenfs flow again.
  55. >It's been almost an hour since he started.
  56. >A regular fluffy would have died by now.
  57. >You go back to your laptop, but soon you hear a noise that you have never heard before.
  58. >A long, low 'eeeeee', which quickly becomes a higher pitched tone, then explodes into a warbling 'nnnnnnnnnnnnf!'
  59. >Lightning falls off of Berry, panting with a smile on his face.
  60. >Before you can even get up to check on him, he's out like a light, breathing rhythmically.
  61. >Berry gets to her hooves and walks away.
  62. >”No wike dis. A'ways ge' yikky stickies.”
  63. >You look at her rear end; it is drenched in white.
  64. “Ew...”
  65. >Well, you've got to clean her, so you pick her up and take her to the sinks.
  66. >Erk. She's almost too big to fit in them.
  67. >”Wucy take sticky 'way?”
  68. “I'll do my best...”
  69. >You've washed some nasty fluffy ponies in your time.
  70. >Covered with shit and piss, dirt and blood, all manner of mysterious bodily fluids.
  71. >Never, however, one just drenched in jizz.
  72. >Hell, you don't even know if she got any in her.
  73. >Thinking about how you'd have to determine that makes you gag a little.
  74. >Gotta change the subject.
  75. “If you don't like hugs like this, why don't you tell Lightning?”
  76. >”Wightnin' feew wike big poni when make dese huggies. No wan' make Wightnin' feew bad.”
  77. >Aw, how sweet. She tolerates him, just like most girlfriends.
  78. “You could at least tell him to hurry up.”
  79. >”Is okay. Bewwy wan' make him happy.”
  80. >You smile again, but that fades when you have to scrub her rear. Ew.
  81. >Soon enough, though, it's over, and Berry is once again pink.
  82. >You dry her off with a fluffy towel and put her back with Lightning.
  83. >She cuddles up to him and falls asleep. For his part, he's making a snoring noise.
  84. >They are so cute together!
  85. >You're just about to go back to your laptop when you hear a quiet knock.
  86. >Damn it, you've got the closed sign up. Can't they re–
  87. >Oh. It's Sarah. You let her in.
  88. >She glances over at the sleeping alicorns as she enters.
  89. “Why do you have blood on your cheek?”
  90. >She stops cold, feeling her face.
  91. >”Oh...that. Don't worry about it.”
  92. “Are you okay?”
  93. >”Yeah, I'm fine,” she says, grabbing a tissue out of your box on the desk. “How are they doing?”
  94. >You blush slightly.
  95. “They”
  96. >She waits for you to finish; when you don't, she smirks. “Fucked?”
  97. “Yes, that. It took Lightning almost an hour to 'feel the good feel'.”
  98. >”I didn't know a fluffy could survive an hour of sex.”
  99. >You shrug awkwardly.
  100. “So, what brings you here?”
  101. >”Just seeing how things were getting on.”
  102. “Oh, fine. They're a very cute couple! And so well behaved, too.”
  103. >Sarah nods absently, wiping the blood off her cheek.
  104. “Are you sure you're okay?”
  105. >She pins you down with an odd look.
  106. >”When was the last time you saw Tiffany?”
  107. >You blink at the odd question.
  108. “You know I don't talk to her, she's a lunatic.”
  109. >Sarah tosses the tissue softly into the trash can, and begins to head to the door.
  110. >When she reaches it, she looks back.
  111. >”Maybe I should start following your example.”
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