
Anonymous Tip

May 15th, 2014
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  1. Inspecting the slightly grimy, folded up piece of paper, you discover a small letter written in somewhat clumsy but legible letters. It reads:
  3. "To the esteemed guard captain of Fourcannon Phoenix Down,
  5. I have lately gathered much evidence concerning the head of the clinic, Liven Up, and the allegations that he had attempted to murder a citizen before you yourself came to be part of the guard. The citizen in question was "Silver Tongue", a former council member that was later lynched by then guad captain Dusk Prancer. The truth though, is, that Liven Up had previously to this attempted to poison Silver Tongue with a drink of lethal poison. Liven Up has shamelessly bragged about his disappointemnt in having failed at killing him, the same as he frequently brags about killing former guard Sarge. I think it is in your line of duty to not allow a "doctor" who had fed a patient under his care (As Silver Tongue was at that time) lethal poison. This same "doctor" had also threatened to abort the child of citizen Orange Burst. He has also threatened to murder or grievously harm multiple other citizens. Many citizens purposefully avoid the clinic even when injured simply from intense fear of being poisoned or otherwise harmed by Liven Up. The charges don't end here though. His colleagues of the clinic also report him to be vastly incompetent, demanding and volatile, but rarely speak out except in shielded conditions from fear of being reprimanded by Liven Up. There are also reports of the zebra almost causing the death of councilmember Rain Drop by acting completely insane during a dangerous encounter with monsters. Overall, Mr Down, I have to wonder how you can let a man such as this work in a place that should be a safe havern of healing, and not arrest him for his grievous crimes. I hope you will consider doing better than those that came before you and putting this man where he belongs, in prison, or at least far from the clinic. As a help to your investigations, I suggest interviewing the owner of the Prancing Pony pub, Quicksilver, who was present at some of these events, and can surely tell you more. The rest of the investigation, is up to you, Mr Down.
  8. With kind regards,
  10. Mr G"
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